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Lousy Coffee || Bridges Burning (comic)


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Hi, I'm gonna do the comic thing again. Sixteen pages, this time around. It's an illustrated part of an RP I had with @Garnet many moons ago, with characters I've posted here before (Sanjit/Tege who are Garnet's/mine). Things are a bit in medias res, so I did a summary that I recommend you read if you want to understand anything (don't worry – it's short and has pictures). No action until end game, but hopefully the wait will be worth it...?

Anyway! Summary:
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3

And comic:
Page 1Page 2

Edited by Nova
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You do the MOST sinful things with the beautiful noses you draw, I swear. I noticed those red-tinged nostrils from panel 1 and my goodness....that palm to the nose and then the tissue on page 2 are just gorgeous. I cannot wait to see what else you spoil us with! 

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Oh. My. God. I love your comics so much! Oh my gooood I can't wait for moooore! :inlove:

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MY GOD HOW I NEEDED THIS!!!  That last panel on page 2 is AMAZING!!!  Plus Tiege :heart:  Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

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@Nova is back! :)

The summary was fun to read. Thanks for making the effort to sum the story up for us in such a wonderful way! :)

Your pictures are amazing as always. You spoil us all! Really looking forward to see where this is going. 

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*explodes*  Nova, how wonderful!  I'm so happy to see another of your comics!  Your art is so expressive and every page is an absolute treat, sneeziness or no.  But I am already loving the detail in the expression, hands, and nose. <3 

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Aaaa you have posted this and now I will finally compose myself to flail, in public, where everyone can see and know my delight. So! Nova. My precious beautiful fashionable tol Swedish angel. This is so great. I love your fetish comics (and fetish art... and art in general) so much, and have for so long, that if you went back in time to two-years-ago me and told her there'd be a sixteen part comic co-starring one of my brain children, I'd have... I don't know. Cackled? Because that's so surreal. But here I am continuously elated and flattered by your passion and talent and I'm gonna stop there before I get way too feels-y. But you feel me, man. It's good stuff.

Anyway, the summary! So fucking cute. I die. Your tiny!Tege doodles are my fav, and I can't think of any image that better personifies her than that crying umbrella pose. Super clever to include a little introductory thing too. I probably would have just word vomit summarized and it would not have made any sense, but amg! Pictures! We should catalog the whole universe like this the next time someone on tumblr asks wtf their story is. (Answer: train wreck). Tiny monster!Tege is also adorable, FYI. 

And now pages!

First: Be prepared to hear this on essentially every fucking page but I love your hands. They're so good. They're good dressed up in Sanjit's copious jewelry, especially, and are at least as erotic as those damned good mouths and noses. Unf. I mentioned this on Skype but I really love how you chose to do the background in simple block shapes and semi-greyscale, it highlights the two characters and yet perfectly conveys the pawn shop background. It's the kind of thing that I would never dare attempt because rectangles! Glass cases! Perspective! Scary! But you make it look so effortless. Also also, mmMMGHH girl that nose shading. UGH. It's too early to be this horn. Also also also, Tege is so sweet in basically this whole comic, but I feel I might as well say it here. With her big baggy coat and done-up hair. Ugh.

Second: All of these sniffles? Should fucking be illegal. I mean, I'm glad they're not, but lord. Serve me up that cold-stricken misery on a plate. That third panel face rub is divine, and the nose squish, help. You draw the curvature of his nose so appealingly, I love how pronounced yet soft it is. Also, remember the thing? About the hands? Amplified times ten when they are holding tissues so YOU STOP IT (don't).  

Anyway gird your loins for more of THIS dumb nonsense with every page you post :zippy:

Edited by Garnet
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Welcome back, Nova, and your fabulous artwork.  I must say that despite your explanatory pictures I am still somewhat confused as to what is going on, but do I by any chance see a rare depiction of a fumbling for a hankie?   Miraculous!  I was unaware that anyone else was obsessed with such things.  But then, the same applies to male evening dress, so you never can tell.

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Thank you all for such nice comments <3 It's always nice to know you're doing the noses right...

(Also, Garnet, I cry ;o;)


I realized if I upload often I can post the last pages on Christmas Eve. So, here are more pages with Sanjit being somewhat of a grumpy douche but also a little right + Tege crying becuase she always cries.

Page 1Page 2
Page 3Page 4 (both new!)

Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 )

Edited by Nova
Updated links.
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God that first and second panel, the layering of the folds on the handkerchief, just gorgeous. Also forgot to mention earlier I adore the jewelry he wears, so detailed.  Love these two!

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Yay, more pages!  I've been staring at page 4 for a little while now.  I love panels 2-3.  Sanjit's emotions really come through.  He looks so vulnerable in panel 2, but you can see in is eyes that he's thinking deeply, and then the transition is so lovely.  Nova, this is so amazing already!

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Like seriously OMG!

A Nova comic!?? Of Sanjit/Tege??? For the holidays??? This! Icanteven!! No sleep for me till Christmas Eve!

Edited by snuffles
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Hello I am back for Flail Part II: Electric Boogaloo. Let's begin!

Third: Sanjit you are such a dick. Like, for real. At least you look good while you're stomping all over her little heart. Can I just say how delighted people seem just with general malaise and nose-touching in lieu of actual sneeze, because these things are also very much doing it for me. All those gratuitous nostril shapes, especially the ones showing a glimmer of leftover wetness? Go to jail. Ugh. Additionally, and non fetish-related, the hair is super good. I love the weight and drape of Sanjit's and I love the blocky, broken shading on Tege's that gives it that appropriate texture. Details!

Fourth: BOY THAT FIRST PANEL. How beautifully atmospheric. Again, I can't get over all the seemingly simplistic little choices you make that somehow perfectly convey the setting I was imagining. The neon tubing and the bars over the window are perfect. Also, this really does feel like a dreary winter evening, looking in from the cold. It's so nice that you were able to post this around the holidays because it goes well with the weather. Third panel is also super nice, I love that perspective. Not just for nose porn reasons, although those are very nice as well ouo

And I think we've already passed what I've seen of the completed color versions. I only remember the ink from here on out and that was a while ago, so now I'm as excited as if I'm seeing these for the first time. :bounce:

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You are a beautiful heavenly art swan descending from above to gift us with a sixteen page comic of these two dumb sweet idiots I love so dearly. Even as a flailing fangirl/bystander, Bridges Burning still occupies a very special place in my heart, and, as discussed, I am overcome with all kinds of messy nostalgia feels rn. The (very nice omg) fetish-specific content is only the cherry on top of a delicious emotions sundae, which I'm so happy to be devouring a second time, in beautiful candy-for-the-eyes Nova comic form. It is Christmas come early truly, and you are a very generous Santa. And also the best-best-best-best-best forever and ever and ever, no arguing. It's a true, true fact. Deal with it. :heart:

First Page: SO MUCH WHERE DO I START? Okay, so first, the color palette you've set up here is so, sooo nice -- they all feel so rich, but not loud, and pop against each other in a way that is so ineffably appealing and makes me think magic was involved somehow. Especially with Sanjit's outfit and bracelets and rings. Where did he get them??? I want them. Also, that red nose is pure murder, I am dead one page one, along with everyone else. His bitter, surly 'tude makes it all the more potent, of course. I love how him looking at the bag like it just killed his best friend. Saltier than a salt bagel, I love it! And there's Tege, with her pretty hair and lipstick and sad, grey eyes, I just want to hug her! Aaagh stop it! It's so unfair already!

Second Page: Hoo boy. All those sniffs and shiver-sighs O__O Yup. You know what you're doin' alright. Aside from the A+ good content of this page, you do this really clever trick with panels where you place part of the figure outside the lines -- Tege in panel 3, in this case. It's a really elegant storytelling technique which I might have talked about before, but still really admire, so you get to hear about it a second time :) Also, Sanjit's pants are amazing, how did I not notice that pattern before? And again, back that A+ content: that last panel is downright obscene, how dare you. I could describe what that combination of hands and nose and tissue are doing to me in greater detail, but this is not the adult section, so I will refrain. 

Third Page: First two panels are mmm. Let's just say very good. Especially that nose in panel 2 jesus. It is a perfect visual rendering of the sniff sound I imagine Sanjit is making, which is xxx rated I'm sure. The background colors are, again, adding a depth that is hard to describe, but I love it. And, ahhh, everyone's so watery-eyed now! Ohh, my poor heart! It cannot take!

Fourth Page: I agree with Garnet about that top panel adding an extra special something to the atmosphere. There's something desolate about neon lights, always, and it really adds a lot to this lonely winter setting. Something about Tege just standing there in her heels makes me extra sad. Her posture reads uncomfortable and awkward in such a lovely, subtle way, it's so well done. And I really like the fancy writing of Sanjit's deeeep breath. You can, like feel the haughtiness of it. So, so good :heart::heart:

I cannot believe we are only four pages in, and you have already managed to kill me in so many ways. I'm still so in love with this verse and these two precious dumbs who are both just trying so hard over here don't you see??? Can't wait for the next installment! Forever fangirl always <333 



Edited by meepsy
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Wow, already two new pages! They are great again. There is something about "grumpy sick men" that I really like.

Also @Garnet and @meepsy - I love to read your comments. You guys always say things so much better (and more detailed) than I could. :thumbsup2:

(btw - I have no idea why that @-thing doesn't work for me :( )

Edited by hedgehog
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This is incomprehensible levels of amazing.  I want to leave a better comment but what can I say that would do this justice?  

That very last panel on page 2, omg 

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*screams of Sanjit-and-Tege love from the distance*

I love these two and I love your art of them.

That nose is a thing of beauty and I am amazed by the consistency in your drawing given how many panels it's in for us to drool over.

Also, the sheer number of little details you've included, like Sanjit's jewellery and all the hair (not that you were going to draw them bald, but that's some well-drawn hair) are seriously impressive.

Adding love for the summary as well because that was super cute and made me additionally sad while reading these panels.

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Ahhhhhhh! Nova Art!!!! Of my favorite demon and half demon. Oh Tege! :( hun.....And Sanjit!! come on!! But you are beautiful tho.

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Here's me being lazy and too tired to reply to everyone again (though I've read every comment at least twice!), but I'm so glad we all agree that Sanjit is a beauty in all his jewellery =u= Thank you aaaall... <3 

So, more pages, and some explanation to these: Sanjit is saying what he's saying because Tege asked him a lot of things about rakshasa before this, and he answered as if he was talking to a human. When he found out she was half-raksahsa, he felt a little tricked, and Tege tried to explain afterwards that she asked all those things because she doesn't know anything, since she practically grew up alone, without anyone to show her those ropes. Hence the "Shitty not knowing an integral part, yada yada" on page 6. 

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Page 3Page 4
Page 5Page 6 (both new!)

Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 )

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Ahh, this comic is soooo good! Also, Tege is too precious for this world! 

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Oh oh Tege :( Gosh I feel like I'm just going to repeat myself but you portray non verbal emotion so well. You can just see it on her face and body and it aches your heart. 

 Love the subtle redness around his nose...hhhhnnnnngggg

Edited by Kaze wo Hiku
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