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The Cold Chronicles


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Part 17:

"Ha Ashoo, Hhhh Aaaaa Ash Hoo!" Lexi's head was spinning.

"That's it - you're staying in bed today" her girlfriend, Jade, said.

"But I cad't He Ashoo!" sneezed Lexi.

"What you can't do is go through two minutes without sneezing" said Jade. "You can barely even stand up".

"If I dod't go to work" Lexi started.

"Don't use your boss as an excuse" Jade cut her off. "He should know that it's better to give you a sick day than having you sneeze all over his customers".

"He doesd't *sniffle* care about that" Lexi said before coughing.

"Looks like he doesn't care too much about his employees either" said Jade.

"Which is why if I dod't go to work sood I'll get Hu Ashoo! fired" said Lexi.

"Not if I have anything to say about it" said Jade. "But first - wait here". She went to the bathroom and returned with a thermometer.

"Really?' Lexi said and sniffled.

"I'm pretty sure you're running a fever" said Jade. "If you are then you are most definitely not going to work".

"Add if I dod't have a fever?" asked Lexi.

"Let's find out, shall we?" Jade said before sticking the thermometer in Lexi's mouth.

"Hold it!" Jade called when she saw the expression on Lexi's face. "Wait...... O.K. now" she said when she pulled the thermometer out of her girlfriend's mouth.

"Hua Eshoo!" Lexi unleashed the sneeze that she has been fighting to hold back.

"Yup, you have a fever alright" said Jade. "You're staying home and I'm gonna go to the store".

"You're what?!" Lexi called.

"That's right - your boss and I are going to have a little chat and when we're done you're gonna get as many sick days as you need" said Jade.

Lexi tried to protest but Jade already left the bedroom. Soon, Lexi heard her girlfriend leaving the apartment. All she could do was grab some tissues, give her nose some much needed blows and hope that Jade doesn't get her fired.


"He Eshoo! Do He A Shoo! This is dot E Shoo! happedig. I ab dot He Shoo! gettig Eshoo, Ha Eshoo! sick" Isabella told herself through a fit of sneezes.

"Oh yeah, Ha A Tshoo! clearly dot sick" said Stella.

"I'b dot goig dowd without a fight Hie Eshoo! If I cad just stop He Eshoo! sdeezig I'll be fide Ha Eshoo, E Shoo!" sneezed Isabella.

"You better ackdowledge the fact that your fight isd't about avoidig the He Tshoo! cold but about gettig over it" said Stella.

"Dode of this would've happeded I you were all bore careful with your He Shoo, Hi Esh Shoo! sdeezes" said Isabella.

"Just wait 'till the other girls get here" said Stella. "Dow that you're just as sick as the rest of us this should be Hea Tshoo! fud".

"Ha Ishoo, Ishoo!" Nurse Hathaway walked into the clinic, sneezing into a tissue. "Good bordig" she said. "Isabella, you better stay away frob be today because I caught the cold that's beed goig aroudd the clidic add you're the odly receptiodist who's still healthy.

"Hai Eshoo, He He Eshoo, Eshoo!" Isabella's nose proved Nurse Hathaway wrong.

"As you cad see *sniffle* we are officially a clidic of sick receptiodists today Ha E Tshoo!" sneezed Stella.

"Oh by" said Nurse Hathaway. "This beads Dahlia add Doctor Buckley are the odly odes Ha I Shoo, I Shoo! still healthy id all of the clidic".

"Let's hope they sobehow badage to stay that way" Isabella said before blowing her nose.

Stella was hoping for something different entirely.


Jade's conversation with Lexi's boss wasn't easy. He was a stubborn and unpleasant man but she, while not unpleasant, was just as stubborn. Eventually, he agreed to let Lexi have as many sick days as she needs to get better. Satisfied, Jade left the store and headed back home to nurse her sick girlfriend.

"Ha A Tshoo!" a loud sneeze bent her double in the middle of the street.

After recovering from the sneeze, Jade continued to walk without thinking too much about it. She had a sick girlfriend back home and that's the only thing she was thinking about. No time to think about a single sneeze with a sneezing, coughing and feverish Lexi waiting for her to take care of her.

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I'd like to take a moment to thank the people who have been commenting on this thread and encouraging me to continue writing. You're awesome and I'm glad you enjoy it. I'll admit - it's pretty fun to write this. In this part I'll continue expending the story to new characters.

Part 18:

"I wish I had someone who would stick up for me like that" Giana thought as she watched Jade walk out of the store. Despite the fact that she managed to take a sick day the previous day, Giana didn't feel like she was anywhere near getting over her cold. In fact, she felt pretty bad.

"Hu Eshoo!" she sneezed and groaned. Her red and itchy nose was giving her a hard time and she wished she could have more sick days like Jade got for Lexi. Alas, with Lexi out sick for the next few days, it seemed like she was doomed to continue working through her monstrous cold.

"Hi, can I pay for theses?" Giana looked up from the tissue she was busy destroying with her gurgling nose blows and saw a girl standing in front of her counter.

"Of course. I'll rud theb through add pack theb" Giana said before handling the girl's items.

"Thank you. Have a nice day" the girl smiled at Giana after paying for the items.

"Thadks. Have a dice day too" Giana replied.

"Hue Ashoo, Hue E Shoo! *sniffle* I dod't thidk this day is godda be very dice though" Giana said to herself after the girl left the store.


"Haaaa Tshooooo!" Jade has been sniffling all the way back to the apartment she shared with Lexi and just as she was about to enter she let out a loud sneeze.

"Hey babe. I'b hobe" Jade called as she walked through the door. There was no reply. She went up to the bedroom and found Lexi asleep. Not wanting to wake her girlfriend, she quietly went back down to the kitchen, where she unpacked the stuff she bought at the store and started making soup.

"*sniffle*" Jade rubbed the back of her hand against her nose, which started to run as she was making the soup. She grabbed a paper towel and gave her nose a light blow. Was she catching Lexi's cold? It didn't matter. Lexi was sick and Jade needed to take care of her.

"Hashoo, Ha Ashoo!" a couple of sneezes coming from upstairs informed Jade that her girlfriend was awake.

"Babe, your back" the sniffling Lexi said as she entered the kitchen.

"Yeah, did't wadt to wake you" said Jade, upset that congestion was already noticeable in her voice.

"How did it go? Ab I Hu Ashoo! fired?" asked Lexi.

"Of course dot" Jade replied. "Id fact, you cad take as bady sick days as you deed, just like I said would happed".

"Really? That's great!" said Lexi. "Wait, what's up with your voice, babe? Are you"

"He Ea Tshoooooo!" a big sneeze snuck up on Jade and Lexi's question was answered.

"Oh babe I got you sick!" called Lexi. "I'b so Ha Ashoo!" sorry"!

"Dod't be" said Jade. "I'b alright. It's you we should be worried about".


Dana left the store and headed back home where her boyfriend, Greg, was waiting for her. They have been dating for almost two years now and they formed some kind of a routine. One thing they did almost every week was to have pizza night at her place. She went to the store to pick up some stuff for pizza night, but not the pizza itself, which they would order when night falls. Dana found this routine somewhat comforting, but when she got back home this routine was shattered by an unpleasant surprise. Greg told her that he had been thinking about their relationship and decided that he wants to break up. Dana was shocked and she asked Greg what made him want to break up. Greg said that for some time he felt that they have been growing apart and that it would be best to end their relationship now rather than drag it out. This breakup came out of the blue for Dana, but Greg was sincere and she realized his decision was final. Greg wished her all the best and left, leaving her alone with the stuff she bought for pizza night but without her pizza night partner. Dana was pretty sad and she felt tears building up her eyes and her nose starting to run. She wiped her nose and dried her eyes and then decided the best thing to do would be to have pizza night after all, just without Greg. After all, pizza was a good comfort food.


"Eshoo, Hie Eshoo, He E Shoo!" Isabella sneezed as she walked into her apartment that evening.

"Don't tell me you brought a cold home from work again" said Brie, who was one of the three girls with whom Isabella shared the apartment.

"I'b fightig the begiddidg of a cold *sniffle* but I'b godda He Ashoo, Eshoo, Heshoo, Ha Eshoo! wid" said Isabella.

"Yeah right" said Brie. "I just hope you won't get us all sick again, like you did last year".

"Last year everyode add their bothers had colds, eved be" Isabella said and sniffled.

"I'll let the others know you're sick" said Brie.

"You dod't have to" said Isabella "I'll get better id do tibe".

"Sure you will" Brie said, clearly not believing a word of it. "Just try not to give us your cold".

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Celebrating my 800th(!!!!!!!!) post with another part:

Part 19:

"He Pchioo! Oh by *sniffle* I'b gettig really tired of He Heae Pchioo! sdeezig" Gabriella told Ella. The two of them were starting to close the clinic for the day.

"Tell be aba.... Ha...... Ha Eshoo, Ashoo, Hei Ashoo! about it" said Ella.

Just then Nurse Jenkins appeared. It seemed that she was about to call it a day, but then she saw the two receptionists blowing their noses and looking miserable.

"Why don't you girls go home?" Nurse Jenkins suggested. "I can take care of what's left to do here".

"Are you sure? Heai Pchiooooo!" sneezed Gabriella.

"You're both sick with the cold that's been making its way through the clinic" said Nurse Jenkins. "Poor Nurse Hathaway has been sniffling the whole day and Doctor Ross still won't admit that she's sick, not to mention all the receptionists have colds. You two have had this cold for days and it would be best if you get over it before anyone else falls sick or I don't know how long we'll be able to keep this clinic running".

Sniffling, coughing and sneezing, Ella and Gabriella thanked Nurse Jenkins and went home.


"Ha A Shoo, E Shoo, Ha Ashoo! God, I'b such a bess" said Lexi. She was in bed, with the sniffling Jade nursing her.

"Dod't worry *sniffle* it wod't be lodg before we get you back up od your feet Heaaaaaa Tshooooooooo!" sneezed Jade.

"I wodder how lodg will it be before ode of those Ashoo! sdeezes kdock you off of *cough cough* yours" said Lexi.

"Very fuddy" Jade said and sniffled. "I'b dot the ode who has a fever though".

"That's *cough cough* true Ha Eshoo, He Ashoo, Hu Ashoo!" sneezed Lexi.

"Poor sick babe" said Jade. "At leat you wod't bidd if I occasiodally Haaaa Tshooooo! sdeeze all over you".


"Ptishoo, Ha Ha TshiShoo!" Ella walked into the apartment and found Sasha sneezing into a tissue.

"How was your *cough cough* day, Sasha?" asked Ella.

"I cad't believe how bad by cold got today Hai Tshoo!" sneezed Sasha. "I've beed TshiShoo, Ha Pti Shoo! sdeezig dodstop".

"At least you're dot *cough cough* coughig od top of your A Shoo, He Shoo, Hashoo! sdeezig" said Ella.

"Do *sniffle* but if by dose keeps ruddig I'b afraid I'b godda Ha TshiShoo! drowd id sdot" said Sasha.

"Good thidg you bought bore tissues thed" said Ella. "Speakig of which - cad I have ode? The box I took to work is all out".

"Of course. Take as bady as you deed" Sasha said and they both blew their noses.


"It's not very far" Maya's boss told her. "Those people always order the same every week".

Still, it was the first time Maya has ever made a delivery to that address. She got on her scooter and hoped she won't run into unexpected traffic. Her boss would be angry if she gets there late because then she would have to charge less for the pizza. The sky were dark and she was in a hurry, so she didn't notice the ominous clouds. When she was about halfway to her destination pouring rain started to fall. By the time Maya arrived at the address she was given she was drenched with cold water, but all she cared about was keeping the pizza warm. At least she wasn't late.

"Poor thig, you're soakig wet!" called the girl who opened the door.

"Don't worry - you're pizza is fine" Maya said through chattering teeth.

"Dever bidd that. Cobe id. Dry yourself up" said the girl. Maya was too wet and cold to refuse.

"So, were you gonna eat this whole pizza by yourself or are you having friends over?" Maya asked after she dried herself with a towel as much as she could.

"Well, I was supposed to have pizza dight with by....... boyfriedd, but he broke up with be today" said the girl.

"Oh....... I'm sorry" said Maya. "Is that why your voice sounds like that? Have you been crying"?

"Actually, I thidk I'b Hi Tshoo! cobig dowd with a cold" the girl replied.

"That sucks" said Maya. "If it weren't for your generous offer I probably would've been back out there in the rain right now, catching a cold of my own".

"Why dod't you stay here udtil the raid stops thed?" the girl suggested. "I cad't eat this whole pizza by byself adyway".

"But what am I supposed to tell my boss?" asked Maya.

"Tell hib you got stuck because of the raid add cad't bake ady bore deliveries todight" the girl said. "Technically, you wod't be Itshoo! lyig".

"You know what? I'm not getting paid enough to make deliveries in a rainstorm worth it" said Maya. "Thank you for you offer. I think I'll take it".

"You're welcobe" said the girl.

"I'm Maya, by the way".

"Dice to beet you, Baya" said the girl. "I'b Ha I Tshoo! Dada".

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Part 20:

Maya and Dana spent some time eating the pizza and watching a movie. Dana was beginning to sneeze more and more often and was blowing her nose regularly. For a while, Maya thought she managed to avoid getting sick, but then the sniffles started. When Maya's sniffles became more and more frequent Dana noticed them.

"Oh do Hi Itshoo! Ab I I Tshoo! givig you by Tshioo! cold already *sniffle* Baya?" asked Dana.

"Ha Eshoo!" Maya replied Dana's question with a sneeze. Dana wanted to bless her, but then Maya sneezed again: "E Shoo"!

"I'b really Hi Tshoo!" sorry" said Dana. "Baybe it wasd't such a good idea for you to Ha Itshoo! stay here after all".

"It's O.K. He Eshoo!" sneezed Maya. "Betweed your cold add be beig out id the raid add probably catchig a A Shoo! cold adyway *sniffle* I'd rather catch by cold sittig here add havig pizza with you, Dada".

"That's really Aa Tshioo! dice of you to say" said Dana.

"Looks like I'b takig a Eshoo! sick day toborrow" said Maya. "Cad't go aroudd sdeezig all over people's pizzas".

"You're bore thad welcobe to take your sick day here I Tshoo! if you wadt to" said Dana.

"Thadks Hea Ashoo! Ugh! I'b He Eshoo! sdeezig so buch it's probably dot a good idea for be to drive by scooter adywhere adyway" said Maya.


"Ha Ha Tshoo! Oh by *sniffle* looks like I'b catchig a terrible Haa Tshoo! cold" a girl told Stella. The girl came to the clinic that morning wanting to see a doctor and Stella was happy that she came to her counter.

"There's a lot of that goig aroudd lately He Tshoo!" sneezed Stella. "If you could please wait a few A Tshoo! bidutes, Doctor Ross will see you sood".

"Ho Eshoo! Well, you have a cold alright" Doctor Ross told the girl after quickly checking her.

"I guess I'b dot the odly ode Ha Tshoo!" sneezed the girl.

"It is the Hu Ashoo! seasod" said Doctor Ross. "All of our receptiodists add ode of our durses have Ho A Shoo! colds as well".

"What about Ha IshTshoo! you?" asked the girl.

"Be? Do, thadkfully I dod't have a cold, although by dose keeps botherig be these past few days Ho Eshoo!" sneezed Doctor Ross. The girl didn't even bother to argue with her. She let the doctor give her a prescription for cold medicine and was on her way.


"He Tshoo, Hie Tshoo! Are you sure you *sniffle* dod't have a fever, Bary?" Nurse Jenkins asked her fellow nurse.

"I dod't thidk so, Dahlia" Nurse Hathaway replied. "Ha Ishoo, Ishoo, Hi Ishoo, I Shoo, Ai Shoo! If odly I could just stop sdeezig so buch".

"Do be a favor add take your tebperature, will you? Hae Tshoo!" sneezed nurse Jenkins.

"Alright, if it'll bake you feel better" said Nurse Hathaway. "You should start takig care of your owd cold though".

"Oh I kdow" said Nurse Jenkins. "Is there a sidgle wobad id this clidic who doesd't have a He Atshoo! cold"?

"Doctor Buckley *sniffle* I thidk" said Nurse Hathaway.

"Lucky her" said Nurse Jenkins. She took the thermometer from Nurse Hathaway when she was done taking her temperature, but then her nose tickled again and she had to turn her head away to avoid sneezing all over it: "Heaie Tshoo! What a horrible cold".

"Ode of the worst odes I've ever caught He I Shoo, Hi Shoo, Hi Ishoo, A Ish Shoo, Ha Ha Ishoo!" sneezed Nurse Hathaway. "It bight eved be worse thad the ode we had last year. If you ask be - it would take a miracle for Doctor Buckley dot to catch this.

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Part 21:

"He Tshoo!" sneezed Stella. She knew she was right about the middle of her cold - the point from which she probably won't get worse, but not yet the stage when she starts feeling better. Blowing her red nose into a tissue, she felt pretty pleased with the way this cold spread through the clinic.

"Ha Ishoo, Hi Ishoo, Ishoo, Hi Shoo, Shoo, Hai Shoo!" went nurse Hathaway. Despite the hour being pretty early in the morning and her being almost unable to stop sneezing, she was already at the clinic.

"Baybe you should Haaa Pchiooo! go hobe *sniffle* Durse Hathaway" Gabriella suggested.

"With pretty buch the edtire clidic sick, we deed those who cad work to do so as buch as they cad" said Nurse Hathaway.

"He Eshoo, Eshoo, He He Shoo, Ha Eshoo! Dod't worry *sniffle* I'll be over this cold sood add thed I could work bore hours" said Isabella.

"I dod't A Ishoo, Hi Ishoo, Iiiii Shooo! thidk so, dear" said Nurse Hathaway.

"Why dot? Hea Eshoo, Haaaa Eshoo, Esh Hoo, He Ha Eshoo!" sneezed Isabella.

"Because you're clearly odly at the begiddig of your cold add judgig by the state of the rest of us it's odly godda get worse" Nurse Hathaway replied.

"Yeah Hea Pchioooo! Ella was the first ode to catch this cold add she isd't *sniffle* feelig ady better yet" said Gabriella.

"Ha E Tshoo! *sniffle* It's probably gooda be a while before we all get this cold out of our doses" said Stella.


"Ha Ha Ashoo, Aaaa Shoo, Hu Ashoo! Hey babe *sniffle* could you *cough cough* cobe here for a secodd please?" asked Lexi.

"Sure babe Haaaaa Tshoooooo!" sneezed Jade. "Is there sobethig you deed"?

"Yes *cough cough* I *sniffle* deed you" Lexi replied.

"What do you Hea Tshoooo! bead? I'b right here by your side" said Jade.

"Dot exactly Ha Ashoo, He Ashoo!" sneezed Lexi.

"I'b dot followig you, babe" said Jade. "Is this the *sniffle* fever talkig"?

"It's dot the fever" said Lexi. "I wadt you to be here id bed, dext to be".

"Ubbbbb...... babe, I dod't thidk this is the Haa Tshooo! right tibe" said Jade.

"I did't bead it like that, silly" said Lexi. "What I beadt is that you're sick add you deed to rest id bed, just like be".

"But if I rest id bed thed who will Heaaaaaaaaaaaa Tshooooooooooo! take care of you"? asked Jade.

"You cad't take care of be whed you're albost fallig over frob the force of your owd Hu Ashoo, Ashoo, Ha Ashoo! sdeezes" said Lexi. "Stop beig stubbord add get idto bed. I dod't wadt you to *cough cough* develop a fever as well".

"*cough* Fide, but the bobedt I start feelig better I'll go right back to takig care of you" said Jade.

"Do you wadt a tissue? I was godda blow by dose adyway" said Lexi.

"Well *sniffle* I bight as well" said Jade. Lexi handed her a tissue and they both blew their noses.


"He Hie Tshoo! Oh I'b sorry, dear - I sdeezed all over you" Nurse Jenkins told the patient she was currently attending to. "The good dews is that the treatbedt we gave you for your bigraide seebs to be workig well".

"I'm glad to hear that" said the patient. "So what should I do now"?

"Keep takig your bedicide add try to avoid ady excessive pressure od your head, such as Ha Haie Tshoo, He He Tshoo! sidus pressure" said Nurse Jenkins.

"You mean - like the one I might get if I catch a cold?" asked the patient.

"Yes, that's a good exabple for that kidd of pressure" Nurse Jenkins replied after wetly blowing her nose.

"Huh, then I guess I better stay away from this clinic for a while" said the patient. "It's seems that everyone in here has an awful cold".


"Ha Ha He I Shoo, Hei Shoo! Oh I'b godda kill you, Isabella. I cad't believe I *sniffle* caught your cold so fast" Katie, one of Isabella's three roommates, told her that evening. Isabella got back to the apartment after a long day of working sick only to find more sickness back home.

"You cad't be sure you got it frob be Ha E Shooo, Esh Shoo, Hesh, He Eshoo!" sneezed Isabella. "There are bady *sniffle* sick people aroudd, you kdow".

"But you're the odly sick persod who just happed to be by roobbate" said Katie. "You got be Hai Shoo! sick id the worst possible tibe ever".

"Is there such a thig as a good tibe to be sick id?" Isabella wondered.

"Do *sniffle* but I have a job idterview cobig up add I cad't be Ha He Ishoo! sdeezig all over the place" said Katie.

"Well *sniffle* I'b sure you'll be able to get over you cold by thed" said Isabella. "I kdow I'll be gettig over bide sood Ha Hea Eshoo, E Shoo, Heshoo, He Eshoo"!

"Let's just hope you dod't get the rest of the apartbedt sick before that" Katie said before blowing her nose.

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Part 22:

A rainstorm has been raging all morning and when Doctor Buckley entered the clinic she was soaking wet.

"Well, this has been a lees than ideal way to start my day" she informed Nurse Jenkins and Doctor Ross.

"Dod't you have ad Heae Tshoo! ubbrella?" asked Nurse Jenkins.

"I did, but the second I got out of my car it was blown away" Doctor Buckley replied.

"Thed you better chadge out of your wet clothes or you're boudd to catch the cold that's goig aroudd Hie Tshoo, He He He Tshoo!" sneezed Nurse Jenkins.

"It's a good thing that I always keep some spare clothes in my office then" said Doctor Buckley. "I stepped in a puddle and now my socks are all wet".

"Ho Ashoo!" Doctor Ross let out another one of her booming sneezes.

"Still not dealing with your cold, huh Janet?" said Doctor Buckley.

"Would you give it a Hua Eshoo! rest, Elizabeth? I do dot have a Ho Aaa Shooooo! cold" insisted Doctor Ross.

"That stubbornness of yours is going to end with your cold getting even worse than it already is" Doctor Buckley said before finally going to her office to change clothes.


"Haaaa Haaaa Ha EshShooooo!" Maya's nose exploded with a huge sneeze. She was still in Dana's apartment and when she opened her eyes she was surprised to find a tissue pressed against her reddening nose.

"Ubbbb... what did you do that for?" Maya asked from behind the tissue.

"I just thought you bight wadt to Hi Tshoo! blow your dose" Dana replied.

"You thought right *sniffle* but I cad do it byself" said Maya.

"Sorry, Baya Hi Hi Tshoo! I just wadted to help Iiii Tshoo!" sneezed Dana.

"That's O.K. *snifle* Dada, thadks Hea Eshoo! Ugh! I'b sorry about by earth shatterig sdeezes" Maya said before giving a gurgling nose blow into the tissue.

"Dod't worry about that" Dana said and sniffled. "They have gotted pretty big though, haved't they"?

"Well *sniffle* dot everyode cad have cute, tidy sdeezes like yours He Ashoo!" sneezed Maya.

"Wait, you thidk by sdeezes are Aaa Tshioo! cute?" asked Dana.

"They suit you is all I'b sayig" Maya replied.

"Does that bead you thidk I'b"

"HeaAaaaaash Shoooooooooooo!" Maya interrupted Dana's question with a massive sneeze. "Excuse be" she said. "You were sayig"?

"Dever bidd" said Dana.


"Hua Pchooo, He Haaa Pchiiii, Ha Esh Pchooo! Oh I'b sorry" said the patient sitting in front of Doctor Buckley. "Ever sidce I got this cold I just cad't seeb to stop He Pchooo! sdeezig. By dose just wod't give be a rest".

"You seem to have caught that awful cold that's been going around" Doctor Buckley told her.

"The ode that everyode id this clidic seebs to have but you? Hai Pchoooo!" sneezed that patient.

"That's the one" said Doctor Buckley.

"How did you badage dot to get sick?" asked the patient.

"I was careful, and somewhat lucky I guess" Doctor Buckley replied.

"Good for you" the patient said before taking a tissue out of her purse and destroying it with a wet nose blow. "This bight just be the worst cold I've ever had because I dod't ofted go to see a doctor over a Hea Pchooo, E Pchi! cold Ei Pchoooooo"!

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Part 23:

Though she was still very much in the midst of her cold, Stella knew that it won't last forever. The thought was both pleasant and unpleasant. She didn't particularly enjoy her own sneezing, coughing and snotty nose, even though it made her blend well with everyone around her at the clinic these days. Then again, her sneezes and coughs were a sure bet to pass on her cold to others, which meant she will get to enjoy the sights and sounds of more sick women. Stella knew that she had to make the best of her cold while she still has it.

"I thidk I'll take off a little early today" she told her fellow receptionists. "Will you be O.K. with closig dowd for today"?

The other receptionists, tough every bit as sick as her, didn't have a problem with that. Sniffling and coughing, Stella left the clinic, but she didn't go home. She thought where would be a good place for her to go to spread her cold and decided that the mall would be an ideal choice. Wandering through the mall, a crumpled tissue in her hand, she stopped in front of a small electronics store, where she noticed an attractive young woman behind the counter.

"Hello *sniffle* I thidk I have a *cough cough* probleb with by phode" Stella told the woman as she approached her. "Could you please take a look at it for be"?

"Sure thing" said the young woman.

"Great. Thadk Tshoo!" Stella let out a not very unexpected sneeze towards the woman.

"Gesundheit" the woman told her.

"Thadks" Stella said and sniffled. "Sorry about that. Just a little sobethig id by dose".

"Well, I didn't find anything wrong with your phone" the woman said after she checked Stella's phone. "Can you tell me what the problem was"?

"It sobetibes gets stuck or really slow for do reasod *sniffle* you kdow what I bead? Baybe I should just replace it" said Stella.

"Maybe you should" said the woman. "We have a wide variety of phones here. Would you like me to show you some"?

"Do thadks" said Stella. "I just wa Tshoo! wadted to bake sure there's dothig wrodg with it, but if I do decide to buy a dew phode I'll be sure to cobe back here".

"Alright. Have a good evening then" said the young woman.

Stella left the store and headed back home. As much as she enjoyed going around and spreading her cold, she was sick and she needed to rest.


"Hiiiiiiii Tshoooo! Oh this cold is *sniffle* terrible, Baya" said Dana. "I'b sorry that you have to see be as this sdotty bess".

"It doesd't bother be *sniffle* especially sidce I bight be ad eved sdottier bess thad you, Dada HeAaaaaShhhhhhooooooooo!" sneezed Maya.

"Bless you" said Dana. "Of course - the fact that you also got sick is what I'b bost sorry about".

"You dod't He Ashoo, Heshoo! have to be" said Baya. "Like I told you - after beig caught id the freezig raid I probably would've gotted sick adyway".

"I wish the first tibe we bet each other was'dt right after I had a breakup, whed I was about to have a pizza dight all by byself add whed we're both so Hi Tshoo! sick" said Dana. "Udder differedt circubstadces, beetig you could've beed really fud".

"So I'b dot fud to be aroudd whed I'b sick add Ha EshShoooooo! sdeezig? Is that what you're sayig"? asked Maya.

"What? Do *sniffle of course dot" Dana replied, sounding alarmed.

"Relax - I'b just bessig with you" said Maya. "Obviously, it would've beed buch better to beet each other without this ridiculous cold Ha Ha Eshoo! but I'b still glad I bet you. Dow, if you'll excuse be - I'b godda blow by sdotty dose".

"Be Haa Tshioo! too" said Dana and they both did.

Edited by Likesn
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Part 24:

"Ha Ha Hea Tshoo!" Doctor Elizabeth Buckley walked into her house with a big sneeze.

"Whoa! Bless you" her wife, Marilyn, told her. "Looks like you brought a big cold back home from work again".

"Well *sniffle* with the edtire clidic staff sick, I guess it was odly a batter of tibe" said Elizabeth.

"Your famous immunity system wasn't enough to protect you from this clinic cold?" asked Marilyn.

"It was, udtil I got all wet frob the raid this bordig He Hea Tshoo!" sneezed Elizabeth. "By socks got wet add by feet were cold all day. Also, I got He He Tshoo! sdeezed od by a sick patiedt add everyode id the clidic were Ha E Tshoo! sdeezig add coughig all day lodg. It's do wodder I'b sick".

"Why don't you go change into something more comfortable and I'll make you a cup of tea?" Marilyn suggested.

"Thadk you, Barilyd *sniffle* I'd like that a lot" said Elizabeth.

Once Elizabeth changed into her warm, comfortable home clothes, she sat in the living room and Marilyn brought her tea.

"So, does that mean Janet is also sick?" asked Marilyn.

"As sick as ode cad be, but she wod't adbit it, stubbord as she is" Elizabeth replied.

"Maybe you shouldn't go to work tomorrow" said Marilyn. "This looks like the beginning of a nasty cold".

"I'll badage" said Elizabeth. "Besides, everyode else id the clidic is already Ha Hea Tshoo! sick".


"Ha Ishoo, He Ishoo!" Katie's nose wouldn't give her a break. Her makeup was already pretty much ruined, but it was too late to go back home. All she wanted to do was to crawl back into bed, but she worked very hard to get this interview so she had to show up.

Priscilla Carter, the boss of the office Katie wanted to work in, was the woman she had to impress. Katie heard that Priscilla was a tough boss but also a fair one. She just hoped she would manage not to embarrass herself with the cold she had.

"Good morning. Please - have a sit" Priscilla told Katie when she entered her office. Katie sniffled as quietly as she could before sitting down.

"Thadk you for agreeidg to beet with be. I've heard a lot of good thigs about this office" Katie said, hoping the congestion in her voice wasn't as clear as she though it was.

"I'll admit - you have a pretty good resume for someone your age and"

"Haaa Ishoo!" a sneeze took Katie completely by surprise. She was mortified - not only did she interrupt Priscilla's sentence, she also failed to cover her sneeze.

"I'b so sorry! I dod't kdow what cabe over be" said Katie.

"Do you have a cold?" asked Priscilla.

"It's just a sdeeze" said Katie.

"You shouldn't lie on a job interview, Katie" said Priscilla.

"Yes *sniffle* I thidk I'b cobig dowd with a cold" said Katie. "Are you bad at be for cobig"?

"Not at all. I can see that working here is important to you" Priscilla replied. "Tell me - how did you catch your cold"?

"I have a roobbate who works id a bedical clidic" Katie replied. "She caught a cold at work add I He He Ishoo! caught it frob her".

"Interesting" said Priscilla. "So, is your roommate sick at home while you decided to go to a job interview"?

"Do, she's dot at hobe. She wedt to work today. Cad I have a tissue please?" asked Katie.

"Of course. Here you go" Priscilla replied, handing Katie a tissue from a box on her table.

"Thadk you" Katie said before wetly blowing her nose.

"My oh my" said Priscilla. "You mean to tell me your roommate went to work with a cold this bad"?

"She did, but why do you ask?" asked Katie.

"I've recently taken an interest in health etiquette in the work place" Priscilla replied. "I think it's important for a work place in order to deal with work during cold and flu season. Come to think of it - I could use you as a case study".

"Hai Shoo! *sniffle* I'b sorry, but I dod't udderstadd" said Katie.

"If a worker shows up to work sick, it's best if I can learn their routine, so that I can learn how to minimize them getting other workers sick" said Priscilla. "How about I'll give you this job and you'll start tomorrow? All you'll have to do is to describe your work routine to me while you're sick. It would be really helpful".

"Well *sniffle* I guess I cad do that" said Katie.

"Excellent" said Priscilla. "Why don't you go back home and rest and I'll see you tomorrow"?

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Part 25:

"Ho Eshoo, Hu Ashooo, Ho AshHooo!" Elizabeth couldn't remember if she ever saw Janet sneeze more than one time, yet when she walked into the clinic that morning the first thing she saw was Janet unleashing three hurricane like sneezes in a row.

"I told you you'd get worse, did't I, Jadet? Add dow I caught your horrible cold Hea Tshoo!" sneezed Elizabeth.

"It's dot by cold that you caught" Janet said before giving her nose a honking blow.

"So you fidally adbit you have a Ha He Tshoo! cold?" asked Elizabeth.

"I did dot say I have cold Ho Ashooo! All I said was that whoever gave you this cold is dot Heo AshHooo! be" Janet replied.

You're lucky I'b Ha Heaaaaa Tshoooo! too sick to keep arguig with you" said Elizabeth.

"Ha Ishoo, Ishoo, He Ishoo, Ish, Hi Ishoo!" Nurse Hathaway then appeared, sneezing her head off into a handkerchief.

"Bless you, Bary" Elizabeth told her.

"Thadk you, Doctor Buckley" said Mary. "Is that codgestiod I hear id your voice"?

"Sadly, it Ha A Tshoo! is" Elizabeth replied. "Did ady of the others happed to get over her cold by ady chadce"?

"Dot that I I Shoo, Ha Ishoo, Ha He Ishoo! kdow of" Mary replied before blowing her nose.

"Thed we're officially a He Ha Hea Tshoo! sick clidic today" said Elizabeth.


"Hai Shoo, He He Ishoo, Hei Shoo!" Katie almost dropped her keys when she was about to enter the apartment. She didn't think her cold could get so much worse, especially not that fast, but by the time she got back home from her interview that's exactly what happened.

"Ha Yeshoo, Yei Shoo!" the sound of two sneezes welcomed Katie as she walked into the apartment. It took her a moment to realize that they weren't Isabella's sneezes. She walked into the living room and while she did find a very sick Isabella sitting there, sitting next to her was Brie, who appeared to have caught the cold as well.

"Looks like your cold took dowd adother roobbate, huh Isabella?" said Katie.

"It bight've Ha Eshoo! beed Haa Shoo, Eshoo! your He He Eshoo! cold gerbs that He Ashoo! did it" Isabella said in between sneezes.

"That's dot very Haa Ishoo! likely, sidce you've beed speddig bore tibe He Ishoo! sdeezig aroudd the apartbedt thad be" said Katie.

"Ye Eshoo! Face it *sniffle* Isabella - first you gave your cold to Katie add dow you Ha Ha Yeshoo! gave it to be" said Brie. "It's just like last year all over agaid".

"Why is it that whedever ode of you catch a cold I'b always the ode to blabe? Hea Eshoo, Esh, Heshoo, E Shoo, Ha He Eshoo!" sneezed Isabella.

"Because you're the ode who always Ei Shoo! brig hobe colds frob the clidic where you work" Katie replied.

"Dot odly that- you always thidk you cad get over your colds id do tibe but you always edd up givig us those cold before you fidally do Hi Yeshoo, HaaYei Shoo!" sneezed Brie. She then took a tissue from the box on the table and blew her nose.

I guess it wod't be lodg before the whole apartbedt is Hei Shoo! sick" said Katie.

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How about one big sickness galore in the clinic before we really start moving on to other locations, characters and plots?

Part 26:

Shelly never liked going to the clinic. She was a huge germaphobe, so going to a place where there was a big chance of being around sick people wasn't exactly her favorite thing in the whole wide world. Still, being the germaphobe that she was, she always wanted to be sure that she's in perfect health, so she never missed her routine check ups at the clinic. She always made sure to schedule her appointments at the clinic for the early morning hours, when there were fewer people. When she arrived at the clinic she was happy to find out that only the staff was there. She started walking towards Ella's counter, but then she noticed Ella's bright red nose.

"Ha Eshoo, Eshoo, Hai Eshoo!" Ella sneezed into a tissue. "I hope I'b startig to get over by cold, but I'b dot sure" she told Gabriella.

"Good for you Heai Pchiooooo!" sneezed Gabriella. "Hopefully I'll get over this cold sood byself. I'b so tired of Hia Pchioooooooo! sdeezig".

"Eip Choo, Hip Choo, Haaaap Choooo! If I dod't get over this cold sood it's godda kill be" Bella said before sneezing again: "Hiap Choo, Hap Choo, He Hep Choooo"!

"Dod't be so Haa Tshoo! drabatic" said Stella. "it's just a He Tshoo! cold".

"I still cad't believe I'b dot over by cold yet He He Eshoo, Hea Shooo, A Eshoo, Heshoo, Heaaa Eshoo!" sneezed Isabella.

Shelly was mortified as she watched all five receptionists blow their snotty noses. Why did they all have to be sick the day she had an appointment? Knowing that she had to talk to one of them, she walked to Stella's counter, since Stella seemed the less sneezy one of the bunch. Obviously, Shelly had no idea what a mistake she made, deciding to choose the receptionists who was just waiting for a chance to spread her cold.

"Ha Tshoo! Good bordig" Stella told Shelly. She pretended to at least try to cover her sneeze, but Shelly could still see some of the mist in the air.

"I'm here for my routine check up" said Shelly.

"I see" said Stella. "Doctor Buckley is supposed to be exabidig you, but she hasd't arrived yet. Would you liked to be exabided by Doctor Ross idstead"?

"Sure. I don't mind" Shelly said, anxious to leave the clinic as soon as possible.

"Thed go right ahead. She's id her He He He Tshoo! office" said Stella.

Quickly putting as much distance as she could between her and Stella, who was blowing her nose, Shelly headed towards Doctor Ross' office.

"Ho Eshoo! Cobe id" was the reply after Shelly knocked on Doctor Ross' door.

"Hello? Did sobeode kdock od by door Hu EshHoo, Ho Ashoooo!" sneezed Doctor Ross. Shelly turned and bolted towards the nurses' station. She hoped one of the nurses could examine her so she could leave this germ-infested clinic. However, just before she reached the nurses' station she heard a conversation that made her stop dead in her tracks.

"Ha Ishoo, I Shoo, Hi Ishoo, Ishoo, Ai Shoo! *sniffle* Dahlia, have you seed by haddkerchief?" asked Mary.

"Sorry, Bary Hie Tshoo!" sneezed Dahlia. "The odly haddkerchief I see is bide add really deed it byself Heai Tshoo"!

"Shelly? Is that you?" Shelly turned around to find Doctor Buckley.

"Oh, hello there, Doctor Buckley" said Shelly.

"I'b sorry I'b late. Caught a bit of a cold Hea Tshoo!" sneezed Doctor Buckley. "It's beed goig aroudd the clidic, I'b afraid. Did Jadet exabide you already"?

"Ho Ashoo!" Doctor Ross bellowed from her office.

"What? Oh yes. I seem to be in perfect health" Shelly lied.

"That's good" said Doctor Buckley. "I hate to say this, but you better get out of here sood if you wadt to Ha E Tshoo, He He Tshoo! stay that way".

And that is exactly what Shelly did.

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Shelly is screeewed. The parts where Stella deliberately tries to get people sick are the best, especially with description like how she "covers" her sneeze. I am curious to see these other locations/plots/characters!

Edited by Scandinavius
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Part 27:

Devin was pleased. Her nose has been running since the moment she woke up that morning and she was sniffling constantly. No doubt she was catching whatever the young woman who came to her store the previous day had. The young woman came to the store about a problem with her phone, but as far as Devin could tell there was nothing wrong with the phone. If anything, the young woman should've been more worried about the bug that she had, rather than a possible bug in her phone. It's been a very long time since Devin has seen such a nasty case of a cold. This suited her perfectly. She had been waiting to catch a decent cold for a long time. Devin didn't like being sick, especially when she was living alone and had no one to take care of her. The reason she wanted to catch a cold was because it was the best way she could think of to get revenge on the girls who worked at the lingerie store at the mall, not too far from the store where Devin worked. Working at an electronics store was fine for a while, but Devin was tired of some of the people who came to the store, especially men who tried to hit on her. Worse than those were the men who had a problem with the fact that a young woman was working at an electronics store. They always assumed they knew more about her job than her. Devon thought that if she had to deal with one more man who speaks to her as if she was a little girl who just happened to wander into the store she would scream. The lingerie store was the perfect place for her to work - it was still a retail job, which was something she was good at, but there will be no men to bother her. She tried applying for a job at the lingerie store, but the girls there were really rude to her and "suggested" that she should keep working at the electronics store. They acted like a closed little club and Devin found that infuriating.

"Haa Tshoo!" Devin sprayed the mirror with a sneeze. Oh yes, a cold was definitely settling comfortably in her nose.

She got ready to go to work. Her plan was to get to the mall early, before the brats at the lingerie store open up. She knew she will probably never be able to get a job at the lingerie store, but she hoped that if she gets the girls there sick enough some of them might get fired for working sick. At the very least, she thought, they would suffer as they work with a snotty cold for a couple of days. She knew she would have to work with a cold of her own, but the girls at lingerie store had so much more to lose. As a matter of fact - if men coming to the store won't hit on her because they'll be alarmed by her sneezes and sniffles, she could count that as a win.

"Ha Ha Tshoo!" Devin let out an uncovered sneeze right in front of the closed lingerie store. She knew it won't be long before the girls working there arrive, so she had to be quick. Looking up at the bright fluorescent lights, she felt a strong tickle in her nose. "He A Tshoo, Tshoo!" two sneezes on the handle of the store's door. She heard footsteps approaching and knew she should go before anyone sees her, but the tickle in her nose wasn't quite done.

"Ha E Tshoo!" she turned her head to the side and sneezed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Devin opened her eyes and saw Lara, one of the girls who worked at the lingerie store. Fortunately for Devin, when Lara approached her it was clear that she was unknowingly walking right into the mist of Devin's sneeze.

"I'b just staddig here" said Devin. "It's dot agaidst the law, you kdow".

"Do you think that by standing in front of the store like a weirdo you'll somehow magically get a job here?" Lara teased her. "We told you already - we don't need anymore workers. Why don't you run along back to the electronics store"?

"Dod't straid yourself beig so dice Aa Tshoo!" Devin sneezed towards Lara without covering.

"Gross!!" Lara called. "Manners much? What, are you sick"?

"Do *sniffle* just aller Tshoo! allergies" Devin lied.

"Pfffft.... whatever" said Lara. "You better go ahead to the electronics store before I call the mall security and tell them you're harassing me.

"Sheesh, have a dice day too" said Devin.


"He A Tshoo!" sneezed Elizabeth. It was early in the evening and she was lying on the couch in her home.

"Gesundheit" Marilyn said as she walked into the living room with a mug of tea for Elizabeth. "You are one sick doctor today, aren't you"?

"You cad He He Tshoo! say that agaid" Elizabeth said before blowing her nose. "Thadks for the tea".

"Anytime" said Marilyn.

"Fuddy you should say that, because this is bost defiditely dot the last tibe I'b goig to wadt tea" said Elizabeth.

"You'll get whatever you need to get over this horrible cold" said Marilyn. "I'm here for you and you know that".

"I love you so buch, Barilyd" Elizabeth said before bursting into a fit of coughing.

"And I love you too, but maybe you should rest your voice for a little while" Marilyn suggested. "I don't want you to lose it".

"Dorbally, this is whed I would tell you dot to worry, but with this cold adythig cad happed" said Elizabeth.

"Must be some cold if you're so easy to persuade" Marilyn said with a soft smile.

"It's ode of the worst colds I've ever caught, add I work at a bedical clidic Hea Tshoo!" sneezed Elizabeth. "Which is all the bore reasod why I dod't wadt you to catch it".

"Well, if I do catch it - I'm pretty sure there's a doctor somewhere near here" Marilyn joked.

"Very Ha He Tshoooo! fuddy" said Elizabeth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 28:

When Dana entered the living room, while blowing her nose into the a tissue, she found Maya doing the same.

"You dod't soudd too good" Dana told her.

"Deither do you HeaaaaaaashShoooooooo!" sneezed Maya. While Dana's nose blows were quite soft, Maya's were almost as loud as her sneezes.

"Bless you" said Dana. "Poor Baya".

"Yup *sniffle* that's be" said Maya.

"I dod't thidk I've ever seed sobeode with a cold this bad Hi Tshoo!" sneezed Dana.

"Baybe you should try lookig id the birror thed" Maya teased.

"Very fuddy" said Dana. "It's dot by sdeezes that bake the house shake though".

"That was a low blow, Dada" said Maya. "Speakig of which" she said before destroying another tissue with a gurgling honk.

"Your dose blows are startig to scare be" said Dana.

"Would you stop it? I kdow I have earth shatterig sdeezes add dose blows that soudd like a foghord, but it would be dice if you dod't give be a hard tibe about. If I'b bakig you udcobfortable, just say the word add I'll leave".

"I'b sorry" said Dana. "I did't bead to offedd  you Ha I Tshoo"!

"Bless you" said Maya. "Seriously though - baybe we both deed sobe tibe alode to deal with our colds".

"Actually *sniffle* I thidk it'll be better if we help each other deal with this cold" said Dana. "Here, let be try sobethig" she said before sitting on the couch next to Maya. she took a tissue from the box on the table and brought it up to Maya's nose.

"What are you doig? He EaaaashHooo!" Maya asked before sneezing loudly towards Dana. "Sorry about that" she said.

"Dod't worry about it - I'b already sick adyway" said Dana. "Dow, I wadt you to blow your dose".

"I'b a big girl, you kdow" said Maya. "I cad blow by owd dose".

"Would you just try it? For be?" asked Dana.

"O.K." said Maya. She then blew her nose into the tissue in Dana's hand.

"Dow, did't that feel better?" asked Dana.

"You kdow what? It actually did" Maya replied.

"See? We cad help each other feel better" said Dana.


"He Yi Shoo, Yei Shoo!" sneezed Brie.

"I see you caught the cold that Isabella and Katie have" said Jill, the only roommate who was still healthy.

"Yeah *sniffle* it's a dasty thig" Brie replied.

"Well, at least you don't have to go to work like they do" said Jill. "I still can't believe they let Katie go to work with a cold, not to mention Isabella".

"I dod't see how that's by probleb Hi Yei Shoo!" sneezed Brie.

"So, how are you spending your sick day?" asked Jill.

"I'b buyig this dew dress odlide" Brie replied before wetly blowing her nose.

"Good for you to be prepared for summer" Jill said when she looked at the dress Brie was buying.

"What are you talkig about? I'b godda wear this dress very sood" said Brie.

"You can't be serious" said Jill. "This dress is short and most definitely not warm. It's clearly a summer dress. Besides, what do you need that dress for? The only place you'll be going anytime soon is the doctor's office.

"Shut up" said Brie. "There's a big party id a few days add everyode who's worth sobethig is godda be there. Do way I'b goig to Ha EiYish Shoo! biss it. I just hope this dress I'b buyig gets delivered here id tibe for the party".

"Don't tell me you're planning to go to a party with a cold like you have and wearing THAT dress" said Jill.

"What's the probleb? Ha Yeshoo!" sneezed Brie.

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Part 29:

When Katie arrived at her new workplace she was nervous. True, her new boss did ask her to come to work even though she had a horrible cold, but she didn't think the people working with her would like the fact that the new girl will be sneezing and blowing her nose all day. Then again, Priscilla, her boss, said she wanted to use Katie's cold as a case study, so she hoped she might've told the other workers about that.

"Hei Shoo, Ha Ishoo, He I Shoo!" Katie sneezed just before entering the building. She knew it won't be easy to work with such a bad cold.

"There you are, Katie" Priscilla said when she noticed her. "I have my first assignment for you - could you please take those to Annabel in H.R.?" she asked before practically dropping a stack of files into Katie's hands.

"Oh *sniffle* yes, of course, Biss Carter" said Katie.

"You can call me Priscilla. No need to be so formal" her boss said before going back to her office.

Katie hurried to H.R., hoping her nose won't run all over her face by the time she gets there.

"Excuse be, are you Addabel?" she asked the woman who was sitting behind a desk in H.R.

"Yes, and who might you be?" asked Annabel.

"I'b Katie. This is by first day here" Katie replied.

"Well then - welcome aboard, Katie" said Annabel. "I assume all those files you're carrying are a 'gift' to me from Priscilla"?

"That's right" Katie said and sniffled.

"What a great way to start my day" Annabel said, sounding anything but happy. "Here - you can put them on my desk".

Katie put the files down on Annabel's desk when suddenly she had to sneeze. The sneeze was so sudden she couldn't bring her hands to her face fast enough to cover it: "Ha He Ishoo"! Before she could apologize to Annabel for sneezing all over her desk, she had to sneeze again: "Hei Shoo"!

"Ummm.... do you mind not sneezing on me like that? What, are you sick?" asked Annabel.

"I'b really sorry about that" said Katie. "I have a cold, but Priscilla asked be to cobe to work adyway".

"That's just like her" Annabel said, sounding annoyed. "Anyway, if you have to sneeze on someone - better her than me, alright"?


"Haa Tshoo!" Devin sneezed for what felt like the hundredth time that morning. Her sneezes were doing a good job of driving potential customers away, which was good for her because she didn't really feel like dealing with people while she had this cold.

"Tshoo!" Devin looked up from the tissue she was blowing her nose into and saw a woman standing in front of the store. As bad as Devin's cold was, or was beginning to be, this woman looked sicker. The impression of a bad cold was increased when the woman sneezed again: "Tshoo, Tshoo, Ei Khoo"! The woman's sneezes were very loud and they ended with a high pitched sound. It was almost as if she was screaming. "Tshoo, E Khoo, Tshoo!" the woman sneezed again.

"Bless you" Devin told her.

"Oh *sniffle* thadk you" said the woman.

"Is there sobethig I cad help you with?" asked Devin.

"What? Oh do, sorry" the woman replied. "I just stopped here because I heard you sdeeze add thed I had to sdeeze byself. There's sobethig cobfortig about the fact that I'b dot the odly ode dealig with a bad cold, so whed I heard sobeode else sdeezig for a chadge I had to turd add look".

"How could you tell I have a cold frob just ode sdeeze?" Devin asked.

"As sobeode who's dealig with a cad cold, I kdow what it soudds like" the woman replied.

"So there's dothig id this store you deed? Ha He Tshoo!" sneezed Devin.

"Bless you" said the woman. "Actually, I was lookig for a place to buy clothes. Buyig clothes always bakes be feel good, so that's why I cabe to the ball today".

"Well *sniffle* if you're lookig to buy lidgerie, there's a good store dot too far frob here" said Devin.

"Hbbbb....... I could use sobe dew lidgerie, dow that I thidk about it. Thadk you" the woman said before she started walking towards the lingerie store.

Devin heard the woman blowing her nose loudly as she walked away from the store.

"Excellent" she thought. "The more germs in the lingerie store the better".

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Part 30:

"Ha Tshi!" Lin felt like crap. Her nose was runny, her throat was itching and she felt the early signs of a growing headache. She had been feeling off since the previous morning, but she didn't think much of it until this woman came to the lingerie store where Lin worked. The woman was clearly sick with some nasty bug and she didn't really bother covering her sneezes, some of which ended up hitting Lin. While Lin was not surprised to find out she was sick, she was pretty irritated. She didn't like being sick to begin with, and at the store where she worked nobody really cared about how anyone else feels. It was all fine when all four women working there could be snarky together and make fun of other people, but Lin knew that if she takes a sick day, especially because of a cold, her co-workers would think of her as lazy.

"Ha He Tshi!" she let out another sharp sneeze, followed by a thick sniffle. There was no choice - she needed to get ready for work.

"What's with you today?" Lara asked her when she came to the store. There was no concern in Lara's voice, only contempt.

"Jeez, good bordig to you too" Lin said in a tired voice. She had absolutely zero tolerance for Lara's attitude today.

"Your voice sounds funny" said Lara. "Are you sick"?

"Do Ha A Tshi!" sneezed Lin. "It's just this supid stuff they put id the air spray id the ball".

"Really? I didn't notice anything different about the air spray" said Lara.

"Ha Ei Tshioo, Haa Tshi! It's drivig by dose crazy" said Lin.

At that moment Donna, Lara and Lin's co-worker, walked into the store.

"What's up with her?" Donna asked Lara and gestured with her head towards the sniffling Lin.

"Says there's some new stuff in the air spray that's making her sneeze" Lara replied.

"I didn't notice anything new" said Donna.

"Neither did I" said Lara.

"She sounds like the woman who was here yesterday, the one who was sneezing all over the place" said Donna.

"Well, she better not have caught what that woman had" said Lara. "I don't want any more germs in this store".

"I never get sick, so I don't really care" said Donna. "Someone who does get sick is that girl from the electronics store. I forgot her name. Maybe she got a visit from the sneezing woman because I just passed by that store and she looked sick, not that I care".

"It's just like that pathetic girl to get sick" said Lara.

"Hei Tshi! Ugh! I'b goig to the bathroob so I cad get this stuff out of by dose" said Lin.

"Gross" said Lara.


"Hea Tshoo!" Elizabeth sneezed into a tissue. She was in bed. Her cold got so bad that she had to stay home sick.

"Poor dear" Marilyn said as she walked into the bedroom. "I brought you tea".

"Thadk you" Elizabeth said before blowing her nose into the tissue. While she did, Marilyn placed the mug of tea on the nightstand.

"Hhhh He Tsha!" Marilyn raised a hand to her mouth and nose and sneezed into it.

"Oh do, Barilyd! You caught by He Tshoo! cold" said Elizabeth.

"Who, be? Do, I'b fide" Marilyn said and sniffled.

"You dod't soudd fide to be, dear" said Elizabeth.

"It was just a Ha E Tsha!" Marilyn sneezed again.

"Just a sdeeze? Yeah, that's exactly how by cold started" Elizabeth said as Marilyn sniffled again. "Here - take ode of by Ha He Tshoooo! tissues".

"Thadk you" Marilyn said before taking the tissue from Elizabeth's hand. "I guess I deeded that".

"I'b really sorry I got you He Hea Tshoooo! sick" said Elizabeth.

"Dod't be" said Marilyn.

"You deed to rest, so your cold wod't get as bad as bide" said Elizabeth.

"Well thed if I ab gettig sick at leat dow I cad rest id bed dext to you without you worryig about be catchig your cold Ha He Tsha!" Marilyn said and sneezed. She then got into bed next to her wife before they both blew their noses.

Edited by Likesn
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Part 31:

"He Ha Tshoo!" Elizabeth sneezed into a tissue held by Marilyn. Both the doctor and her wife were in bed with terrible colds. While Marilyn's cold was getting worse fast it was still no match for Elizabeth's, who now had a cough and was running a fever on top of her runny nose.

"He Hea Tshoo, E Tsha!" While still holding a tissue to her wife's nose with her left hand, Marilyn used her right hand to bring a tissue to her own nose and sneeze twice into it. Her sneezes had become more frequent and her nose was running constantly, but she was way less sick than Elizabeth.

"Ohhhh, this is ridiculous" Elizabeth groaned. "I cad't believe how bad a sibple cold cad get".

"I *sniffle* I thidk I'b *sniffle* startig to see what you bead for by.... He Tsha! for byself" said Marilyn.

"We better hope your cold wod't *cough cough* get as bad as bide, though it's *cough* pretty bad already" said Elizabeth.

"You're the Ha Ha Tsha! doctor" said Marilyn. "What do you *sniffle* thidk I should do"?

"Just try to get sobe rest Ha He Atshoo!" sneezed Elizabeth. "There isd't buch more we cad do at this poidt" she added before blowing her nose.

"How's your head *sniffle* dear?" Marilyn asked before blowing her own nose.

"Codgested beyodd belief" replied Elizabeth. "It's really dot helpig with the fever".

"I'b godda go to the kitched add bake you a cold cobpress to help break your fever" said Marilyn. "Hae Tsha!" she sneezed when she got out of bed.

"You should get back idto bed before you'll develop a fever of your Hea Tshoo! owd" Elizabeth said before bursting into a fit of coughing.

"Dod't worry, I wod't be lodg" said Marylin. She went to the kitchen and returned a little while later with a cold compress for Elizabeth.

"He He Tshoo!" Elizabeth sneezed as Marylin tried to put the compress on her forehead.

"Well that's dot godda He Tsha! do ady good" said Marylin.

"I'b sorry, Barylid. You kdow I cad't really help it" said Elizabeth.

"You add be both" Marylin said and sniffled.


"Ha Ishoo!" Katie sneezed into her hand on her way back to Priscilla's office. She hoped no one noticed that, since she was already afraid her cold was drawing too much attention. Quickly, she pulled a tissue from the pack in her purse and blew her nose.

"Hello, Katie. Did you give Annabel the files I gave you?" Priscilla asked when Katie entered her office.

"Yes Biss Ca... I bead Priscilla" Katie replied.

"Very good" said Priscilla. "Now - for the first day or two here, I want you to work alongside Alexandra. She's relatively new here, but she knows her way around and I want her to teach you the basics. I want you to stay by her side unless I call for you, is that understood"?

"Of Hai Shoo! of course" said Katie. "She probably wod't be happy to have a sick persod by her side though".

"That is irrelevant" said Priscilla. "You just do what I tell you and so will Alexandra. And remember - at the end of the day you must come here and report to me about your work routine so I can analyze it".

"Is there adythig specific you wadt be to focus od whed I report to you?" asked Katie.

"Anything that might have an effect on the health of other people working in your environment" Priscilla replied.

"Hei Shoo, Ei Shoo! Excuse be" said Katie. "I guess you bead stuff like that".

"Exactly" said Priscilla. "Now go on and find Alexandra. I want the two of you to get as much work done before you're done for the day".

Katie left the office, wiping her nose with a tissue. Priscilla watched her with satisfaction. Katie was exactly the person Priscilla wanted in her firm at the moment. Cold and flu season was Priscilla Carter's favorite time of the year, especially since she became the boss. Whenever there was a nasty bug going around, one that made people sneeze their heads off, Priscilla just couldn't wait for it to make its way to one of her workers. A woman with a bad head cold was a delightful sight to Priscilla's eyes. She was even willing to be the one who brings her cold to work. Priscilla didn't mind being sick herself, even if she much preferred to see other women sick. Since she was the boss, no one ever dared criticize her if she came to work sick, even if she was sneezing all over the place and getting others sick. This year, Priscilla felt very fortunate when Katie came to the interview with a cold. Not only could Priscilla now unleash the sick Katie amongst her unsuspecting workers, she would get reports from Katie and thus she would be able to control the spreading of the cold and direct it to people she wanted to see catch it, people like young Alexandra. On top of that, Priscilla had another plan for Katie's cold. An old rival of Priscilla, since they went to college together, was now a boss of another firm. Priscilla remembered just how much her rival hated being sick and looking weak in front of other people and her plan was to get her rival sick so that she would be embarrassed in front of her workers. If this meant she would have to catch Katie's cold, that's a risk Priscilla was willing to take.

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Part 32:

On the second day of her cold Lin felt worse. Her nose was running all the time but no matter how much she blew it she was still really congested as well. The frequent sneezes did nothing to help the state of her nose and on top of that her headache was only growing stronger. After working at the store with her worsening cold throughout the previous day, the last thing Lin wanted was to go to another day at work, and yet that is exactly what she did.

"Ha A Tshoo!" the sound of a sneeze nearby made Lin stop on her way to the store and look for its source. As it turned out, the sneezer was the girl at the electronics store. Lin didn't think it was possible, but that girl looked even sicker than her.

"Yes Bister Ward, I cad work a double shift today" the girl said and sniffled. She was on the phone with her boss, as it seemed.

"Haa Tshoo!" the girl sneezed. "What? Do *sniffle* I'b dot sick. It's just sobe dust id the air, that's all. Yes, I'll clead the store before the cliedts cobe".

Lin almost felt bad for the girl, but only just almost.

"He Ha Tshoo!" the girl sneezed again, right after she finished talking to her boss.

"Ha A Tshi!" sneezed Lin. She then realized she was just standing there and looking at the girl, so she hurried on her way to the lingerie store.

"He Tshi!" she sneezed again when she entered the store.

"Let me guess - the new air spray is still driving your nose crazy?" Lara asked her, clearly not believing this story.

"Yeah, that's right" Lin said before pulling a tissue from her purse and blowing her nose.

"HurrrreShoo!" a loud, messy sneeze startled Lin. The sneezer turned out to be Donna.

"Then it must be getting into Donna's nose too" said Lara, her voice just as skeptical as before. "You two better keep your germs away from me".

"What gerbs? I'b dot sick. I dever get HurrrrShoo! sick" said Donna.

"Clearly Hai Tshoo, Hae Tshi!" sneezed Lin.


"Hu Choo!" Yep, Shelly Knew she was doomed. There was no denying  it - she has caught a cold. A very bad cold by the way it looked and was beginning to feel. This was not surprising at all considering the time she spent at the clinic the other day, where it seemed like every single one of the staff had a cold for Shelly to catch.

"Hatsh Choo!" another sneeze, messier than the previous one. She was definitely sick. Whenever Shelly witnessed someone sneezing the way she was doing right now, that's exactly the kind of person she knew to stay away from, being the huge germaphobe that she was. Shelly worked as a T.A. at the university and was thus surrounded by students. If she saw a student sneezing as she walk through the corridors of the university, her first instinct was to turn and walk at the opposite direction to that student. Unfortunately, most of the times that wasn't an option. She usually just kept walking, trying her best not to breath when she passed someone who sneezed.

"Hua TshChoo! Oh Bad, I hate beig sick" she said to no one in particular. It was morning and she was still at home, but she knew she would have to go to the university soon. Exam period was only a few days away and that was the busiest time for a T.A. like Shelly. Many students were going to need her help, as well as the professor, who had to write and later go over the exams of those students.

"HiYash TshChoohoo"! Well, it looked like this exam period Shelly was going to be the person people wouldn't want to be around. She didn't like being contagious almost as much as she didn't like being around people who were, but there was no way she could stay at home until she was better. There was too much work to be done.

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So many places, so many people getting sick in various ways from the clinic, wonderful! I'm particularly interested in Priscilla's plotting to use Katie, something about it being so intentional just makes it even better.

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4 hours ago, Scandinavius said:

So many places, so many people getting sick in various ways from the clinic, wonderful! I'm particularly interested in Priscilla's plotting to use Katie, something about it being so intentional just makes it even better.

Yay thanks! I'm on a roll with this thread lately so here's another part. You already kinda answered the question I was going to ask, but I'd like to hear from others as well: What's the future contagion plot you're looking forward most to?

Part 33:

Katie sniffled furiously as she looked for Alexandra. She found the young woman sitting by her desk, which was covered with stacks of papers.

"Hai Ishoo!" Katie's sneeze made Alexandra look up from the papers she was busy going over.

"Yes? How can I help you?" asked Alexandra.

"By dabe is *sniffle* Katie add Priscilla sedt be to you" Katie replied. "I'b dew here add she wadts the two of us to work together".

"So Priscilla want me to show you around?" asked Alexandra.

"Yes, pretty buch" Katie replied.

"Well, you can start by going over the papers over there" Alexandra said, pointing at a stack of papers on the edge of the desk.

"Sure, I cad do that" said Katie.

"Good" said Alexandra. "Grab a chair and let's get to it".

Katie grabbed a chair and was about to sit down when "Heai Shooooo!" she sneezed so hard she blew away the papers she was supposed to go over.

"Be careful, will you? It took me almost two hours to organize all the papers I have to go over" said Alexandra.

"I'b sorry" Katie said and sniffled. "I have a bit of a cold".

"Yeah, I'd say that's pretty obvious" said Alexandra.

"He Ishoo! Oh gosh, excuse be" said Katie.

"Does Priscilla know you're sick?" asked Alexandra.

"She does" replied Katie.

"I heard people say that she lets people come to work sick all the time, but I didn't think it was true" said Alexandra.

"It's by first day here add I wadt to bake a good ibpressiod on Priscilla, so I'll do whatever she asks be to" said Katie.

"Don't worry - I know what it's like to be the new girl" Alexandra said with a softer tone. "I promise I'll do what I can to help you".

"Thadk you very Aaai Shoo! buch" said Katie.


"Hue Choo!" Shelly sneezed on her way to campus. Her apartment was not very far, but the cold in her head made the way seem longer. She was on her way to see Professor Sophia Hopkins, who was in charge of the class where Shelly worked. The two of them were scheduled to meet and go over the upcoming tests.

"Hue PtsheShoo! Owwww..... by head" was what Shelly heard from inside the professor's office. For a moment, Shelly thought about just walking away, but then she sniffled and remembered that she was already sick. Besides, she already knocked on the office door before she heard the professor sneeze.

"Cobe id" the professor called from inside.

Shelly opened the door and walked into the office while Professor Hopkins blew her nose. When she saw the sick professor, Shelly suddenly remembered she once saw her coming out of the same clinic she used to visit. It was very possible that the professor has caught the cold that was going around in that clinic, the same cold that Shelly caught during her latest visit there.

"Hello Shelly" said the professor. "I'b sorry *sniffle I'b a little sick today".

"Be too, Professor Hopkids Hae TshChoo!" sneezed Shelly.

"Bless you, Shelly" said the professor. "I guess dode of us has had buch luck with stayig Heish Ptshoo! healthy lately".

"Do *sniffle* I guess dot" said Shelly.

"I just badaged to get over by seasodal bigraide add dow the sidus pressure frob this cold is killig be" the professor said before blowing her nose again.

"I'b sorry to hear that" said Shelly.

"Well *sniffle* at least I wod't have to worry about givig you by HuaEipsh Tshoo! cold" said the professor. "Lets get started with the tests thed".

"Hu Yish Choo! Yes Professor Hopkids" said Shelly. It was hard to believe, but the professor's sneezes were just as messy as Shelly's if not more.

Edited by Likesn
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