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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Advertisement (Chapters 8/?)

Not Telling

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Thank you Not Telling!  I don’t have to worry about missing a chapter as I read this every day.  But when there is a new chapter I have established a very particular way to devour it.  Like a decadent box of fine chocolates I only allow myself a little at a time so I can savor every word.  Then when I come back for more I can start at the beginning or a favorite part and enjoy remembering all of the flavors before enjoying a couple of new delights.  By the time I come to the end I feel gluttonously satisfied that I have momentarily had my fill of Nix and Ethan. But thank god the final three letters were TBC….

While every chocolate was delicious this chapter’s champagne truffle for me was 

On 12/15/2023 at 3:56 PM, Not Telling said:

What are you doing to me?" I whisper. It was supposed to be just for my ears a rhetorical contemplation that I would deal with later but from the expression in his eyes I know he heard me.

"Loving you" he answers so sure, so absolute, his tone so earnest it leaves no room for doubt, no need for questions or concerns.

Oh Nix, you really are perfection. But not quite as perfect as Ethan’s intensely beautiful, tender caretaking….yet.  So Ethan has a slight edge in my heart at the moment but I have a feeling Phoenix may just eclipse that. 

Your writing is exquisite-I love the great care you put into your words and characters. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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And I almost forgot- I loved learning more about male vs female self esteem development and I look forward to going down that rabbit hole one evening:)

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i literally have not been able to stop thinking about this story since I first read it- the character building and dynamics is SO GOOD and got me genuinely so invested in Nix and Ethan's relationship aaaaa I love it so much!!!

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@pinkypie Awww shucks!! Thank you for the lovely, heart-warming compliment! I'm just tickled pink that you're enjoying this. (hehe see what I did there. Yes, it's confirmed I'm a dork). It probably comes as no surprise that I have a fondness for stifles and hitching build-ups as well.

@dwaekki❤️ Your comments always serve to make my day. Thank you!! Yes, it was time. I think in my head I had planned it to take a little longer but the circumstances and timing was too perfect. There's always a balance with these things as well and you don't want to keep the obviously destined character apart for longer than necessary otherwise it begins to feel fraught with no reason and tiresome. 

On 12/16/2023 at 3:51 AM, dwaekki said:

Again, I was enamoured by Ethans stifling, it's always SO incredible to read, and it's so interesting how he can't release no matter how badly he needs to, or how strong the sneezes are, even if it hurts him.

So this aspect is actually personally inspired. Like a handful of people in this space I have a bit of a mental block when it comes to sneezing around others. I've also been stifling my sneezes for longer than I can remember and am physically incapable of sneezing without stifling. This holds true even when I'm alone. Though (thankfully) I've never found myself in a situation quite like Ethan's. 🤭

On 12/16/2023 at 3:51 AM, dwaekki said:

I can't WAIT to see more of both of them and maybe experience an even longer rapid fit fron Ethan?! That would KILL me to read.

So I actually had the first half of the next chapter written when I read your comment and I have a feeling you're going to appreciate it based on this comment. 😉❤️

@Dye Yes definitely, love to see characters being all mature and stuff and not letting them pine themselves away to death. haha Ethan's journey on the sneezing front is progressing, but as we know progress isn't always linear. It's a huge deal for him to just be sneezing at all in front of Nix but I am definitely toying with some ideas on how we can possibly get him to sneeze more freely at some point, even if it's just once. 

@secret19 If this happens it'll be extra fun to see how Nix reacts. 

@AntheaHolmes ❤️ Thank you, thank you, thank you for always building me up with your comments! They are monumentally prescriptive in combatting the self-doubt, feelings of inadequacy, and harsh self-critique that inevitably creeps in more often than not. It truly means a lot me that this story is so adored. 

@uwus and lovehaha Totally! Like come on boys don't be so daft, if you just look past your noses, it's so obvious that you're right there with each other in how you feel about each other. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. It truly makes contributing infinitely more worth it. 

@Privatedancer You have far more self-restraint than I do when it comes to reading a story you are committed to. I power through new chapters within minutes and then of course am left wanting for more. Naturally I read, and re-read, re-read again endlessly but only taking in small doses at a time, I couldn't possibly. For how much I can actually limit myself and not over indulge when it comes to actual dessert the same discipline does not carry over to my reading. I admire your ability to do it.

On 12/17/2023 at 9:22 AM, Privatedancer said:

While every chocolate was delicious this chapter’s champagne truffle for me was 

On 12/15/2023 at 4:56 PM, Not Telling said:

What are you doing to me?" I whisper. It was supposed to be just for my ears a rhetorical contemplation that I would deal with later but from the expression in his eyes I know he heard me.

"Loving you" he answers so sure, so absolute, his tone so earnest it leaves no room for doubt, no need for questions or concerns.

So, fun story. This segment I had drafted out whilst writing the second or maybe third chapter, it wasn't meant to be used in that chapter it just was a detour that came to me that I didn't want to lose because I knew I would want to use it later. I'd even briefly supposed it to be part of Phoenix's narrative. But Ethan tapped me on the shoulder and was luck nah uh, this has me written all over it. As things developed more and more I knew he was right. I was just waiting for the right moment to insert it and it all came together in this harmonious evolving of events in the last chapter. So yeah all that to say I'm so glad that you appreciated it, I've had it keyed up for a while just waiting to be incorporated. 

I'm definitely interested to see if Phoenix does in fact eclipse Ethan with this chapter. You'll have to let me know! (Please). 

@Lunaconner ❤️ That means so much to me, thank you! I never would have thought that this is the place this story would be when I started it. I'm so glad that it's meant something to people and that you're enjoying! 

@VaguelyK *Blush* Thank you so much! Nix and Ethan definitely wormed their way into my head as well. They just wouldn't be denied which is no skin off my back, they've been such a delight to write and get in the head-space for. I'm just stunned and grateful that other people feel the same. I hope that you continue to enjoy. 😉


Hi friends! Happy Winter Solstice! Hope all y'all are well and find yourselves not too stressed as we reach the end of 2023. As always, thank you so much for your kind words, fantastic comments, and of course for reading. It's been both astounding and humbling to see how this story has taken off. I can't express enough that each of your comments are everything to me!

Please enjoy this next installment. As a heads up, I will do my best, but I am not certain if I will manage to post on this story again prior to the New Year. In which case, I hope everyone has a wonderful remaining Dec (Merry Christmas for those that celebrate) and Happy New Year! ❤️ 


Chapter 6: Ethan

When I wake up in the morning it's to a pounding headache and a persistent burning in my clogged nose. Nix's arms are still wrapped tightly around me, my body pinned to his, locking us face to face. That same peaceful expression that I’d observed earlier is on his face. Nix is radiant even in sleep.

I rub viciously at my nose. Fuck! I really need to sneeze. I’m not going to be able to extricate myself from his hold, not without disturbing him, and I’m not going to be able to hold back. Shit! Shit! Shit! My anxiety is sky-rocketing. Whatever barriers I’d broken through yesterday seem to all be thrown back up. Why is this so damn hard for me? It’s just a fucking sneeze, everyone does it!

The best I can do is sneak my hand up to my face as I let out an inaudible sneeze, a barely there puff of air as I recover from the contraction.

Nix stirs and the urge returns, a small tickle starting deep in my sinuses, the burn intensifies and a breathy, squeaky sounding sneeze escapes me.


Nix's eyes blink open slowly. He rubs them before focusing on me. “Mmm, morning baby." He says in a rough morning voice that is just all kinds of sexy.

But instead of being able to respond with words I release a set of 4 rapid fire sneezes into his shoulder. They tumble out of me in such manner that it’s almost as if they're bulls behind a gate fighting for position to be the first to escape when the gate opens, trampling over each other as they are released from the barricade.  

NgghhT! Hh'Ktschh! Hhh'GghhXT! NnGKXT!

His hand plays up and down my back comfortingly. “Bless you sweetie. How are you feeling?"

"Ugh my nose and my head, it's throbbing, other than that I’m fine.”

"I'll get you some medicine" He kisses my forehead before slipping out of bed.

In the short time it takes him to come back to the bed, the sneezing is a constant, and I am helpless to stop it, my body jerking forward every few minutes with rapid sets of sneezes, that come at me so fast I’m barely able to catch my breath before the next one.

Nix frowns. "E, are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fffii-fine-“  

hhh'ghhKT Heh-NGXTchhhhh-







"Oh, baby."

He sits behind me rubbing circles into my back and placing gentle kisses on my shoulder and neck.

"I got you some medicine and water, let's get these in you and see if that helps."

"Tthhann-Hhh'GgXTT-you" I manage.

He waits patiently for me to finish and recover, before helping me take the medication and drink the water. I lean back against his chest, my breathing labored, as my breath grows increasingly erratic, giving way to another fit, I groan in protest.

'NGK! Hh'gkschhh! Hh'KGXt! Hhh'ggKtsch! Hheh'GgnngH! Hh'hmmmmp’KXxxT!

"Ohhh God!" I wheeze. Panting heavily attempting to recover from that dizzying fit.

"Easy baby, breathe for me." Nix says running his hands up and down my arms. "That's it, deep breaths. I'm right here."


I sneeze once more before I'm finally able to catch my breath. My body going limp, exhausted. 

He holds up a tissue to my nose "Blow for me baby, we don't want you getting too congested that's only going to make it worse."

I comply blowing into the tissue.

"That's it." He enthuses. He places a soft kiss to my cheek and strokes up and down my arm. I curl into him lying on my side, nestled between his legs, my head on his fantastically hardened muscles of his torso. He continues to trail his fingers up and down my arm in a meditatively relaxing and comforting way. 

The medicine finally kicks in and the relentless sneezing leaving behind sniffles in their wake, but at least I'm able to string together full sentences again.

Nix, ever the caring soul dedicates himself to ensuring that every moment of my illness is met with comfort and love, bringing me a bowl of hot oatmeal and fruit from the hotel complimentary breakfast, holding up tissues to my nose when I get too stuffy, making me tea when I begin coughing, when I start shivering he gets me extra blankets, he massages my back when I complain that I feel stiff, and does all manner of things that he thinks will make me feel better. I'm especially in favor of him cuddling me, forget luxury pillows when you have Phoenix Hathaway to lie on.  

Eventually I let my eyes drift shut, lulled into peaceful tranquility by the rise and fall of Nix's chest and his heartbeat beneath my ear. The rest of the morning passes with only partial lucidity as I slip in and out of slumber. When I come to for the fourth or maybe it's the fifth time, Nix's fingers are gently brushing through my hair. I tilt my head back to look at him. His expression is warm and affectionate.

"Hey sweetie." He leans in and gives me a soft kiss.

"Mmmm" I hum contentedly, leaning into his touch. He tenderly sweeps my bangs to the side of my forehead.

"How are you feeling? You've been asleep for a while now, it's past noon, are you hungry?"

"Yeah. Lunch sounds good."

"Okay I'll heat us up some leftovers." He places a sweet kiss on the crown of my head before slipping out from behind me.

When he comes back I prop myself up against the headboard and multiple pillows. Nix does the same, our legs are outstretched in front of us, my foot resting on his ankle. I'm halfway through the meal when I feel the tickling sensation beginning deep within my nose. I know it's pointless to try and fight it, but it's too ingrained in me to cease my sneezes when I'm in the presence of others and so I still find myself holding my breath, forcefully pinching my nose shut or aggressively pushing up on the tip of my nose to minimize the prickly tickles buzzing in my nose. The efforts are proving futile, despite my actions my breath is growing ragged and I know I should submit but I just can't seem to get my body to obey, the instinct to prevent myself from sneezing too strong.

Nix notices, pausing mid-bite, setting aside his dish, then mine, picking up a bottle from the bed-side table and opening it. I'm desperately close to sneezing, but in between blinks I recognize that what Nix has in his hand is the hotel lotion. I dare not talk because that's going to send me over the already precarious edge. But if I could, I’d ask him what on earth he's doing.

As if he senses my unspoken question he squeezes my hand “I’ve got you baby,” he says.  In between my eyes fluttering shut I see that he rubs a little bit of lotion around the opening of his nostrils and I realize what he’s doing. He's making himself sneeze so I might feel more comfortable sneezing myself. The effect is practically instantaneous labored breathing becoming rapid and I can feel his body tensing next to mine, readying himself for the convulsive action. 


As a third sneeze tumbles out of him I lose my own battle unable resist anymore.

Heh-NGTchh! Hh'NGGT'Ssht! Ngghh’HKXTchh! Hhh'Ktssh Hh'GGShXT!

Even if I wanted to I couldn't have even tried to silence these sneezes, they're far too forceful, my punishment for trying to stave them off so long, unremittingly showing me who's actually in charge.

NnngXT! Hh-NNGhKTschhh-Hh 'NGKxxT! Heh'NGXXcht Hehh'KKsSHt! Hh'GGKsShXT Hh'Hhh'ESHXT!

"B-bless y-yoouuu, baby." Nix gets out through a series of his own sneezes.

I recover before he does and watch enchanted as he continues to double over as the sneezes escape his body.


"You’re a lunatic you know that?" I say fondly when the fit ends.

He grins. "Just trying to make you more comfortable E. You shouldn't fight your sneezes like that. They need to come out, you're only going to hurt yourself."

"Old habits are hard to break."

"I know sweetie, which is why I don't mind inducing my own fit if it helps you not feel so self-conscious about sneezing."

God, this man, he's so fucking considerate, so selfless, so caring, finding all these innovative ways to give to me. Overwhelmed and unable to express it all with words I reach for him pulling him into me and attacking his lips. He releases a single breath of surprise at my advance but after a moment melts into the kiss, his hands coming to cradle my face. I kiss him hungrily and deeply, putting every bit of emotion I feel for him into the kiss, trying to express what I can't say, trying to convey the sincere gratitude I have towards him. He seems to understand, by the way he wraps his arms around me, pulling me impossibly close.

"Love you" he says. It comes out on a sigh against my lips. I swallow the words, tasting them, letting them dissolve into me, filling me up, sinking into my fibers, embedding into my marrow.

"I love you too Nix" I murmur.

We resume our meal. We're quiet as we eat, it’s not uncomfortable, but companionable, a warm silence between two people who can exist in each other’s company without words and feel perfectly at ease, absorbing each other’s presence without the discomfited need to say anything.

I'm just finishing up when I feel the urge to sneeze again, the sensation burning low in my nostrils, fierce and impossible to ignore, quickly demanding my undivided attention.

"N-nix-" I begin shaking my head vigorously, pressing my index finger under my nostrils to halt the sneeze.

Nix takes off his shirt pressing it into my face while straddling me from behind, pulling me close so my back is pressed against his chest, his other hand reaches for mine and I let him interlace our fingers, his hand giving a gentle squeeze.

"Baby, please don't hold back, just let them happen." He whispers into my ear. "You can do it. I know you can, it's okay."

I want to, I'm dying to release the sneeze that is building within me. I know I'm safe with Nix and the lengths he’s going to in an effort to minimize my discomfort are not lost on me- intentionally situating himself where he can still support me but that he isn’t looking at my face, giving me something to hide my face in, touching me to distract me from the imminent sneezes, but there's still that voice in the back of my head saying, no, this is not something that I should do, not in front of someone, not even with Nix.

The mind is a curious thing because it matters not to my brain that I've already sneezed in front of Nix and ergo should feel fine with it, it doesn't seem to mean anything that Nix finds enjoyment from my sneezing and so I should be eager to do so in front of him, to not deny him, it's inconsequential that nothing bad has come out of sneezing while he's around, it's trivial that I literally just sneezed in front of him. That was then and this is now, and right now my brain isn't thinking rationally or registering anything beyond the building panic and instinct to fight against the sneeze because I'm in the presence of another.

"I ccc-caan't-I ccc-can't." I say shaking my head violently, my nostrils flaring, a desperate whimper escaping me.

"Yes, you can. I know you can do this. I've got you baby, just let go."

The tickle is running all up and down my nose burning through my nasal passages, it's like someone's lit a match inside my nose. Nix's hand tightens around mine. His shirt is still pressed to my face, and his lips are at my ear whispering words of encouragement. He nips gently at my earlobe his lips trailing down the side of my neck. His breath hot against my skin.

My mouth opens on a gasp but in the loss of focus and opening up my airways like that, the sneeze seizes the opportunity to burst free and my face pitches forward into the cloth of Nix's shirt.

Hheh’Nngt! Hh'gktchh!

I barely have time to draw breath before the next one, the urge only having increased exponentially, the burn intensifying, and then the flood gates open.

Hhe’NNKt'SH Hhh'NGT’Shhhh! Hhh'NGXXKXT! Hh’Nggt Hh'GgK'SHiU Hh'GXK-SSh! Hhh'GGTSH'Shhhhh

Nix continues to talk to me throughout the fit whispering into my ear and placing kisses all along my neck and shoulder. Actions to make the rush of sneezes pummeling through me more tolerable.

"Bless you sweetie. That's it. You'll feel better when they're all out."

Hhh'Hhh’Nggg'SHH! Hhh’NnGgkshH!

"Bless you baby. That's right. Just like that."

Hh’Ggk! Hh’NGX-tSHh

I've never sneezed so much in one sitting my life. They’re hitting me so fast and furious that I can’t get even get a full inhale between sneezes. The breathe of air immediately giving way to the next sneeze. They’re tumbling out of me like dominos as one is still falling the other begins. I have no time to breath, much less feel aghast over the fact that I’m sneezing in front of another person. The urge has completely gripped me, my body hijacked by the impulse, holding me captive and I am forced to submit to an endless string of sneezes, all battling to come out all at once.


Those last three come out of me with a violent almost hiccup like sound and I’m starting to get dizzy from the endless barrage of sneezes, black dots dancing before my eyes from the lack of oxygen.

Hh’kscht! Hh'tkschh! Hh’kch! NnGK!  Hh’mmmp’Tksssch! HhEh…Hh’hkpshhht-ch!

It feels like it will never end. My body lurches forward as yet more sneezes tear out of me. Each one, while still moderately suppressed more pronounced than the previous, the ending especially escaping me with cut off little chu sounds after a brief pause. I feel the pressure against my ribs as the contraction grips my diaphragm, the force of each release that I wrestle to strangle, pulls all oxygen from my lungs, and I’m desperate to refill them, but there is no opportunity. I'm totally under siege.

Nix, being the intuit that he is, seems to understand that lavishing me with concerned commentary right now would make things worse for me, instead he just offers me his steady calm presence, placing gentle kisses all along my upper back and neck and down and around my shoulders. Intermittently squeezing my hand, the thumb of his hand that's locked with mine gently rubbing over my own, letting me know he’s here but not making it about the intensely frenetic fit I find myself caught in.

Finally, the onslaught of sneezes ends, the tickling sensation in my nose satisfied for the time being. My body sags against Nix as I take a series of shaky breathes attempting to re-set. He removes his shirt from my face letting it fall to the floor wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"Bless you E. You did so good sweetie. So good in fact that I think that deserves a little something on my part." He pulls me down so I’m lying totally horizontal, he tucks himself in next to me his knee nestling between my legs. He reaches for the lotion bottle bringing it to his face with a hearty sniff. Continuing to sniff until his nose twitches and his breath hitches.


He sneezes uncovered towards my chest. There’s no accompanying spray but the explosive breath hits the skin of my neck, immediately goosebumps erupt. I groan, a shiver working its way through me. The image before me is too delicious and enticing not to react to.

His eyes flutter open and he gives me a playful wink before bringing the lotion bottle back up to his nostrils. He takes a deeper whiff this time, his chest heaving.

Heh….HH'EsssSCHHIIUEWw...EeeSSSsss'TttChiew…Hh'HH'shhCHHHiiuEW… Hh'HesSHhhCH'Iu

Oh fuck! Nix and his gloriously sensitive nose! Each sneeze is accompanied by a shudder from his body that I feel reverberate through me. Holy fuck, it shouldn't be so easy to get me to lose my mind but a sneezing Phoenix Hathaway will do it every single time. Take a shirtless sneezing Phoenix Hathaway pressed against me and, well, all higher brain functioning is lost. There's a head in the game but it isn't the one on my shoulders. Nix's breathless gasps, the way his body goes taut and his muscles clench through the release, how the force of his sneezes ripples through his whole body makes me almost feral in my desire. Just to prove my point my lower body acting on its own accord ruts against him desperately seeking friction.

Nix nips at my ear. "That's it baby, take what you need."

Oh my god it's positively sinful and hazardous to us mere mortals, such as myself, how sexy he is. His words have me whimpering and when he returns the lotion to his appendage taking in the tickly scent with a lingering whiff, and sneezes again pressed into my neck the air hitting the oh so erogenous spot, I moan so loudly that if I was in a less lust filled state of mind I might be concerned that it was loud enough for the wall adjacent occupants to hear.


"Mmmm" He moans as the last sneeze fades away which definitely isn’t doing anything for my aroused state, say for doubling it. He's breathing heavily, his face flushed and I can't help myself, I need his lips on me now! He's caught off guard for a split second by my, admittedly aggressive claim of his mouth, but he readily responds, his lips molding to mine as his hands come to cup either side of my face. God! I love when he does that, it turns me into a puddle, seriously I am no longer a fully formed corporeal being. I am a pool of desire, an ocean of contentment, a sea of love and he has come to wade in my waters.

I'm not sure what is more intoxicating, his lips, his tongue, the taste of him, or the feeling of his fingers grazing along my cheeks and playing in my hair, the sensation of his thumbs rubbing gently against the sensitive spot where my jaw connects with my neck. I'm lost to him, lost to the feeling of his lips against mine, the warmth and weight of his hands on my face. I never want him to stop kissing me, holding me. The rolling boil of lust I was feeling while he was sneezing is dialed down to a simmering more subdued, steady desire. Still hot but less frenzied and urgent. The intensity of the kiss morphs from one of ravenous desperate hunger to something akin to a five course meal designed to be savored and experienced to the fullest extent, it's slower, deeper, full of emotion, a kiss that's saying I'm here, I'm yours, I'm not going anywhere.

"Ethan" he breathes my name it's both pleading and demanding. I pull back meeting his gaze and I'm immediately drawn into the burnt umber depths. Ablaze with such a passionate fire and love. It's the kind of gaze that unravels me and leaves me stripped bare.

"Phoenix" I reply with equal reverence, his name a benediction. Shakespeare was wrong to question what's in a name, because as I hear the sound of my name from his lips and his off mine I know it's everything. An acknowledgement, a declaration, a promise, a commitment, a sentiment, a lifetime, and nothing could be more relevant then the sound of my name coming out of his mouth.

He takes my hand bringing it to his lips and kisses the inside of my wrist. His lips trailing along the inside of my arm as he begins a journey of kisses up to my collarbone, my neck, and then down the middle of my chest and abs, peppering the whole surface of my stomach with the lightest touches. The kisses are so soft and gentle, barely there, but they leave a searing heat that ignites and spreads through me, the warmth reaching deep inside my core and spreading all the way through my body. With a final kiss, he tucks me back into the bed, bringing me another dose of medication and is clearing up our plates from lunch when his phone rings.

"I'm just going to take this outside baby. You rest up." He says before throwing on a shirt and stepping out of the room.

When he returns I'm half awake, half asleep. Nix settles down next to me and I welcome him with a kiss. His hand slowly and sweetly strokes up and down my arm. I let myself fall into his embrace, let myself succumb to the sensations his touch is providing me.

"So who was on the phone?"

"So glad that you asked. Come with me." He says standing up from the bed holding out his hand.

"Where are we going?" I ask taking it and following him.

"You'll see" he says with a secretive grin. He leads me out of the room and into the elevator going up to the top floor. He leads me down a hallway until we arrive at a room which he swipes open with a key. I give him a curious look he smiles at me sweetly and pulls me inside.

I gasp taking in the sight. It's a penthouse suite and it's massive. There's a living room with a giant sectional couch and a huge TV. He leads me through the living room to a bedroom which connects to an ensuite bathroom with marble floors, a glass shower, and in the center a Jacuzzi spa tub that seems to be half the size of a small swimming pool. He goes over to the facet and turns it on before turning back to me with a shy smile.

"So I figured since we find ourselves here longer than originally expected and with you now under the weather some luxury was needed. When I went down to get breakfast today I spoke with the front desk and it just so happened that this suite was available to check-in to today. I booked it for the duration of our stay. That phone call was the front desk telling me that the room was ready and we could check-in early.”

"Nix." I start but I don't know what else to say at a loss for words over the kindness and thoughtfulness he's shown.

“You mentioned feeling a little cooped up yesterday and while I think it would be unwise to go gallivanting about while you’re ill I wanted to at least give you a view of the city. There’s a lovely balcony that overlooks the River Thames and it’ll give us both some fresh air without exerting too much energy. But the real selling point was the spa. There’s this Jacuzzi tub and a sauna that I think will help soothe your aching muscles and maybe clear up some of the congestion. What do you think, care to join me?"

I'm still so taken aback that he did this. The suite is gorgeous and he's right, the spa would be the perfect cure for the achy tension in my body.

"Nix, I-you didn't- this is too much, and-"

"Don't worry I took it out of your paycheck." He interjects with a mirthful teasing grin.

"Ha ha." I say rolling my eyes but I can't hide the smile that forms.

“Just consider it a gift as our first official trip as a couple.”

I shake my head in disbelief and amusement. "I don't even know how to respond to that."

He smiles stepping close dipping his head towards my lips. "How about you strip down and get in the tub?" He whispers before gently tugging on my lower lip with his teeth.

I moan softly, "I can do that."

I reach for the hem of my shirt and lift it up over my head tossing it aside. Nix's hands are on my hips, his mouth pressing a kiss to my cheek, his nose brushing against my neck.

"I'm just going to go pack-up out of the other room and bring everything over. I'll be right back."


I shuck the rest of my clothing before sliding into the tub, the warm water enveloping me, and relaxing me instantly. Some minutes later I hear Nix return and within seconds he’s discarded his clothes and he's joining me in the tub. He slips into the water behind me, his legs on either side of me and his arms wrap around me, pulling me back to his chest. I lean into him and his arms tighten around me.

"Comfortable?" He asks.

"Extremely." I sigh.

"Good." He presses his lips to my shoulder. "Now for the real fun."

I tilt my head back at him, inquisitive, when I see him uncapping a bottle of eucalyptus mint bubble bath.

He turns the facet on again while he dumps a wealthy portion under the running water, suds immediately forming.

"This should help clear up some of your congestion I think, and it has the added benefit of mm-mmaakking mm-mmeeeeHHeehH snn-ssneeeze-" He chokes out the scent already assaulting his sinuses. He buries his face into my back.

Heh'HESssshhiiiEwww... Heh'HSH'IuuuEWww...Hheh...Hhuh…HhhEH'SssSsSS'TttChiuuw..HhehEH...HhEhh'TtSSsTChiuuwwHeh'hhhHEsssSTCHuiew

The water in the tub sloshes with every explosion, his body jutting up against me. The sound echoing off the walls.

"Fuck" I mutter under my breath as he expels another violent explosion against my skin.



I have to see him, I re-orient myself so I'm facing him, sitting on his lap, my legs splayed on either side of his thighs. He reaches up and scratches his nose with his knuckle before letting his hand fall into the water. His countenance is one of sneezy desperation. It's a look I will never tire of seeing on him.


Eventually as the bubbles begin to dissipate and the scent disperses, Nix's fit begins to taper off, with only a stray sneeze escaping here or there. After 10 minutes or so the reaction has completely receded.

"Oh Nix, I’ve mentioned that you’re a complete lunatic haven’t I? A sweet heavenly one, but a lunatic nonetheless." I say in between deep kisses so he knows that I don’t mean it as an insult.

"You may have said so once or twice" he replies with a sheepish smile. "I don't see him complaining." He adds pointedly looking down.

I roll my eyes, "yeah well he's always RSVPing to parties he wasn't invited to."

Nix smiles mischievously. "Hmmm well I see no reason why he shouldn't be invited to this party nor why he shouldn't imbibe in the libations."

He slides his hand along my inner thigh his fingers teasingly playing higher and higher, causing me to let out a small involuntary whimper, my nails dragging gently across the skin of his chest, leaving white marks before they fade returning to his olive skin tone.  

He stretches his other arm to reach for the drain pulling it letting the water level sink down before he turns on the hot water reaching for the bubble bath again. "Consider this a cordial invite." He whispers into my ear his tongue darting out to lick the water droplets dripping down my neck.

I moan, my body giving a shudder before my weight collapses into him. He pours the contents of the bottle into the tub the herbal menthol scent permeating throughout the air. Nix's nose begins to twitch and he sniffles several times in quick succession before a volley of sneezes erupt from him.


I watch unblinkingly transfixed, feeling his chest and abs flex and expand with each eruption. My hands come up to rest on the ledge of the tub on either side of him as the force of his sneezes rocks us both.

HhEh….HHEH…Hhh’Ssss'TtChhHIiUEW...Hhh'Hh'HesS'SHhhiEW...HHh'HessSTtChuEW... Estchhhew...Hheh'EssSHhiiEW...Hhuh…Hhe…Heh’EsSSsTChiEW

I'm enthralled and beguiled by this unbelievable sexy man in front of me, with the ember brown eyes that hold the warmth of a thousand suns, the heat and passion of a million gases, and love of a billion cupid arrows.

In between fits his eyes flutter open meeting mine. "Enjoying the show baby?" He asks his voice husky and thick.

"I have the best seat in the whole house."

He chuckles. "Mmm I haven't even taken you backstage yet for the VIP experience."

My mouth goes dry at the insinuation, a whimper escaping as he falls forward with another set of sneezes.

Heh'HHESsS’TcHhiEW...Hhh'HheEHhh'EssSTChew...Heee’EStchuuuu.. Heh’EssssTChew

I'm so riveted that I miss the telltale signs of my own impending sneeze until the last second.


I grapple for control over the sneeze but having been unprepared, I only manage to stifle part of it. It ends with an ear popping strangled squeak and a tiny audible suffix escapes. I'm ready for the sneezes that follow however, indicating themselves with a singular stammering hitching breath, I compress them to a more overall stifled sound.

Hhh'NNggGKT! Hp’NKSCHT! Hhh'GGnxCh! Heh'GGKtsshH! Nh’HGKT! NGXTCH!

But as they continue they become harder and harder to wrangle in.

Hh'KSHhXT! Hhh'ESHHhXXT! Hh'NnGggKT! Hhh'HGGnxTCh Hh....hheh . . .Hih-NNGGTSCHEHH-uh!

My body jerks forward with each ejection of air, my nose is tickling and burning, and no matter how much I try, or want to stop, I can't. My control has been obliterated. I'm only passingly aware that Nix's own sneezes have stopped, the awareness has the familiar dread over my sneezing settling in. But before I can even try and rein the fit in or even have the wherewithal to hide, Nix's lips press to mine swallowing my next sneeze.


I freeze in surprise, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events. I know I adore Nix sneezing while we're kissing, it's besotting and intimate but, while he mentioned being excited by my sneezes I wasn't sure to what it extent it applied. I definitely hadn't fathomed that he wouldn't be scandalized by my sneezing while kissing.

"Mmm bless you baby" he whispers pulling back slightly bringing my face to his shoulder running his fingers through my hair. He takes the lead and I happily acquiesce letting him take the reins, trusting him implicitly. I give myself over to the sensation relinquishing the last remaining bit of self-consciousness I have.

Hh’tsch! Hh’nnnggGKXt! Hh...nnh....hh’KTSCH! Nnh’ektsch! Hk’Tschiih! NgKt!

The sneezes come freely now, no longer held back by my inhibitions. I allow myself to succumb to the urge, as the next sneeze builds, my chest expands with a frame shuddering heave.

H'hh’NKGht-shh! Ehh…hgxt-schh! Hehh'Gkxxxt! Hehh'GGKsXXXcht'!

It's freeing in a way I never knew it could be, to feel safe enough with another to just let go, and I can’t deny that I am a little addicted to the attention he gives me when I sneeze, something I normally abhor, but coming from him it feels special like he implicitly understands that I’m giving him something that I don’t give to anyone else, that for me it's an ultimate sign of trust and he's treasuring it like the gift it really is.

"God, Ethan" he murmurs against my ear. His fingers combing through my hair. "Love you like this." He purrs.

The admission spurns me on, makes me feel bold and confident and as I sneeze again I turn my face into his neck whereas before I had been directing them over his shoulder.

Hh'GGK'TSCH-uu! Hh’NGG-scht'! Heh'KKTch! Hehh'GxxxKscht! Hh'nnNGgh--tsch!

"Fuck" he moans his tone low and sensuous his body shivers beneath me and he arches his hips upwards.

I sneeze 3 more times before the fit wanes. Nix's fingers are still combing through my hair and his other hand is stroking up and down my back. He turns pressing a soft kiss to my forehead, and another to my temple.

"Welcome to the stage baby." He quips.

I huff a laugh into his neck. "Just as a supporting act, you're the headlining lead."

He pulls back so we're looking at each other. He cups my jaw "No way, I'm nothing without my headlining co-star."

He leans in and presses a soft kiss to my lips, then another, and another, and another. Each one increasing in intensity and fervency. His arms wrap around me and he stands up bringing me with him and I’m grateful for his firm grip on me, otherwise my knees certainly would have buckled beneath me, weak from his touch, attention, and his very presence.

We step out of the tub, drying each other off and then make our way into the bedroom. He guides me down onto the bed, his hand on the small of my back. He follows me down and he's kissing me again and I surrender to him, my lips part willingly and he's drinking me in, tasting every corner, claiming me. There is no hesitation as our mouths move together, a rhythm known only to us. I could live here in this moment, in his touch, the softness of his lips for eternity. A throaty rumble vibrates in his throat I answer with a gasping moan. A composition of our pleasure, a duet of need, a concerto of love.

With each passing moment, the room is filled with the soft symphony of our breathing, our moans and sighs, the gentle rustling of the bedsheets, and the sweet melodies of our pleasure.


Edited by Not Telling
Formatting changes. Removed additional, unnecessary spacing
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  • Not Telling changed the title to The Advertisement (Chapters 6/?)

@Not Telling This is PERFECTION!! I have no other words for it. Your story is getting better and better! Very chapter is a masterpiece of its own and I just adore Nix' and Ethan's sneezing. I love how they find comfort in eachother. Gorgeous couple!  Also Nix' self induced fit in the hot tub, gosh....so hot. I also love how he helps Ethan so much with his sneezing problem. So perfect together! 

Thanks so much for this new chapter. 

Happy holidays. 

Edited by AntheaHolmes
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ETHAN?! You've answered all of my prayers, I was expecting him to be sneezy but not THIS sneezy!! I'm melting 😭😭 The way he struggles to stifle even though he inevitably will out of habit/ not being able to NOT stifle is so incredible, and the intimacy he feels about it with Nix is so so special. The way you describe his mental block is so interesting to me, and I loved the desperation and burning need to sneeze, although his body somehow wouldn't let him. I'm so glad Ethans relaxed a bit now, I'd love to see if he'd ever sneeze in public, but that's not a requirement neither am I expecting him to. I can only imagine the panic (and potentially tears) that would follow, although Nix's ability to comfort and being able to read the pure fluff that comes from him to Ethan afterwards would make it all worth it for everyone. Thank you for this incredible chapter, you really know how to make dreams come true hahaha

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Like I said. So totally perfect for one another. It’s undeniable with how gentle they are with each other, so in tune even only having been together for technically only like three (?) days. Sweet boys. And the sneezes are always a giant plus. 

great work as always. I hunger for their story. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

God they are literally the PERFECT couple <33333 they both know each other so so well and they're so soft!!!! I'd read this even without the sneezing, but that's still one of the best parts of it!! another amazing chapter tysm!!!!

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Oh man 😍😍😍😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🔥🔥🔥

I have no words, only emojis and *chef's kiss* 🤤🤤🤤

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Ethan’s sneezes though….

You have literally granted all my wishes. ❤️ 

These chapters are FIRE THO 🔥 

You’re doing amazing and I will wait as long as needed for more of these awesome chapters. 👏🤩

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Can't wait for an update. This is by far the story I re-read the most!!! It's phenomenal! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@AntheaHolmes GAH! Your comments always warm my heart. I never expected this to become what it was when I started writing but seeing Nix and Ethan flourish is really special and basically getting to live vicariously through them is deeply satisfying. haha

@dwaekki 🤭 Oh yes a desperately sneezy Ethan just had to be done, and with the interplay of his mental block it makes for good fetish fodder. I'm happy that you enjoyed reading that. Based on your comment, I think you'll also find a bit in the next chapter rewarding. 😉 You and I are on very similar wavelengths when it comes to what we desire and want to see from our characters. 

@uwus and love They really are the ultimate couple. I think with 18 months of working so closely together, and while they both tried to remain strictly professional when you're spending so much time in the presence of one person you inevitably learn things about each other, that combined with their empathy and compassion it lent to the ease of them progressing into a seamless romantic relationship. I'm so glad that you enjoy them. 

@VaguelyK I've discovered that I despise contemporary romance novels/stories that have undue amount of conflict It makes me all grumpy and annoyed at the characters and it's just so emotionally harrowing. I don't want endless bickering, and conflict with no purpose mucking up my romance stories, there's enough of that to go around in real life thank you very much, a book is supposed to be my escape from all of that. So this story is my gift to all of us that just want some indulgent fluff. Haha I'm glad that it appeals to you. 

@Catsgotyourtounge Thank you!!

@ichixshiro14 *bows* Thank you! Thank you! 😉

@Autumn Just call me Jeanie. Haha 😉 Joking aside, I'm so glad that this story pleases you and it fulfills your wishes. Thank you for your kind patience, I guess as long as I needed was slightly over a month, which was far too long, and I am sorry about that, but thank you so much for bearing with me. 


Hi friends! I hope the new year is treating everyone well. Things got a bit chaotic for me and my free time that I could devote to writing was extremely limited. I deeply apologize for the extended wait. With my current schedule, my updates will probably be less frequent than previously but I will do my best to not have it be a month between posts. I've been eager to get back to these boys, they're my greatest and cheapest stress reliever. Haha Please enjoy this next chapter.


Chapter 7: Phoenix

Ethan's illness had one more day of completely laying him out, but after that he was on an upswing. We spent the remainder of the week in our own little bubble of bliss, memories I won’t soon be forgetting. In the days that had followed, in taking care of Ethan, nursing him back to health, and doing whatever I could to ease his disconcertion with sneezing I had come to realize more than I ever had, that the simple act of taking care of someone you love could be the most profound expression of affection, and through it existed a titanium strong bond that fortified what it meant to truly be together.

His companionship and attention had been the most potent medicine for me, mending not just my physical ailment but lifting my spirits and healing my soul and I hoped that I had done the same for Ethan while he was battling his own illness.

Now at the airport about to board our flight back to New York I'm not prepared to leave our fortress of utopia. The thought of stepping outside of our cocoon, leaving behind this little world we had created, is giving me post-holiday lassitude and blues, but as Ethan wraps his arms around me pulling me against him while we stand in line waiting to board our flight I remind myself that it wasn't over just yet, we have a 8 plus hour plane ride ahead of us and I’m not going to allow this spell between us to be broken until we have landed and deplaned at JFK.

Once we’re on the plane and situated in our seats, I take his hand in mine while he lifts the arm rest between us and lays his head into the crook of my shoulder. I press a kiss to his temple as the flight attendant goes through the pre-flight safety instructions. When the plane takes off, Ethan turns his head and kisses the underside of my jaw. I feel the sizzle flare just underneath my skin over the gesture and I give a small contented hum.

"This past week was perfect." Ethan murmurs, his breath ghosting against my skin.

"You're perfect." I whisper.

"No you're perfect."

"Nope, you are."

"Uh huh, that's you."

"It's you."

"Definitely you."

"Oh my god we're ridiculous" he groans.

I chuckle "Nay, we're just a couple of saps in love."

His pretty blues peek up at me, he’s wearing a fond smile, his expression serene and dreamy. "We are. I'm okay with it though."

I chuckle again pressing a feather light kiss into his lips "Me too."

He nestles back into me, his body growing heavier against me and I think possibly he's fallen asleep when I feel his body stiffen against mine. I glance down at him, and his face is contorted with itchy pre-sneeze anxiety and that tells me all I need to know.

It doesn't seem like the urge has overpowered him and he fights against it for several minutes, but then I see it, the lapse in control, where the compulsion to sneeze over-rides all his efforts and it goes from a possibility to an imminent assurance. Despite all his resistance, he's going to sneeze.

He whimpers so softly that I'm sure only my ears pick up on it, but it hits me right in the solar plexus. I'm sure this is the worst possible case scenario for Ethan, not only needing to sneeze in public, but in an enclosed space where he can't escape, and he'll be in the presence of everyone around him for the duration of the flight. I make haste to remove the in-flight blanket from its packaging and drape it over Ethan so his head is out of view. He presses into me as much as the plane seats allow and I wrap my arm around his shoulders.

"It's okay baby." I whisper in his ear. "I've got you." With Ethan's lingering congestion and the cabin pressure I'm not sure that he's going to be capable of stifling to the extent that he usually would, I'm sure he's concluded the same which is only amplifying his dread.

"Itt's ss-soo ppp-powerful." He stammers and I hear the strain and panic in his voice. I can feel the tension and effort he's exerting in trying to hold back and it pains me knowing how much it's causing him discomfort.

I pull him closer to me and press a kiss to his temple. "Then don't fight it baby. Just let go, you're okay."

He burrows his head into my chest. "I-I don't wa-want anyone to-"

I use my arm that's around him to stroke up and down his shoulder and bicep soothingly, giving his hand a squeeze and running my thumb over his knuckles with my other. "Don't worry about that, no one can see you, it's just you and me. You can let go." But with how tense his body is and the minimal inhalation I can feel from his body he's still stubbornly fighting his body's need.

"Oh sweetie" I murmur. Acting quickly I turn away slightly so prying eyes won't see and stroke my nose with my fingernail from bridge to tip. On especially sensitive days, the slightest touch like that will cause a fit to surface, but with the extra medication I took this morning knowing how much planes affect my sinuses, I've been miraculously, largely sneeze fit free, with only a handful escaping me in sparse increments throughout the morning. Under normal circumstances I would revel in the reprieve my nose is giving me, especially on a confined flight, but right now, witnessing Ethan struggle against me, I am begging my nose to act up. I attempt to induce a fit with this method for a few more strokes, but my coaxing is doing little to encourage a sneeze.

Ethan is trembling beside me, making whimpering sounds, that, while barely perceptible I can tell indicate how on the verge he is of being compelled to give up and give in. He's brought his hand to his nose and he's pinching it aggressively, still valiantly trying to hold off the approaching fit.

Fuck! Of course the one time I need my nose to react, it chooses to behave itself. I'm going to need something stronger but my options are fairly limited and I'm not sure what else I can do that wouldn't draw unwanted attention. My memory clicks, recalling that I had packed the remaining bubble bath from the penthouse, thinking that with Ethan I could never have too many things around to make me sneeze and since my luggage had never managed to be found, our return journey only included my carry-on.

After going through security I hadn't bothered to put my toiletries bag back in my carry-on but shoved it in my computer bag instead. Once we made it to our gate I had meant to put it back in its rightful place but had forgotten and now was glad for the oversight. I hook the strap of my bag on my foot pulling the bag towards me. Hastily, I rummage for the bottle, once in hand I turn away uncapping the bottle and take a large inhale. The scent fills my nostrils and the familiar prickle immediately descends down the inner walls of my nostrils. For good measure I take another strong inhale, getting my nose as close to the opening as possible. I squeeze the bottle gently to send puffs of the scent up my nose which results in a little of the gel escaping, which I promptly rub into the opening of my nostril. And that does it, the tickle amplifies giving way to a fully actualized sneezy tickle and my nose responds.


Given my own hang-ups about sneezing in public, especially confined places, I'm not fully releasing the sneezes but hope it's enough to give Ethan security to do the same.

Ethan's body relaxes a fraction, his hand dropping from his nose, pressing his face into my chest, his body shudders and a tiny squeak escapes indicating that he's giving himself over, and if I know anything, after holding back for so long, the urge building and building during that time, that probably isn't going to be the only sneeze. Sure enough his body jolts into me again this time the sound a little more pronounced, though still more successfully stifled than I can usually manage.


I squeeze his hand reassuringly while taking another sniff of the bubble bath to renew my own sneezing to mask what is sure to be more coming from Ethan.


While I'm sneezing Ethan fully submits to his own need.

NnngggHH!! Hh'NnngXT!! Hhh'nnGKxT!! NnGKxXT! Ehh...Eh'KTSshh!! Hh'GGnnGHTXXK!! Hh-NNGhKT!!

Even distracted from my own continuing sneezes I can tell that each of Ethan’s sneezes are becoming passingly more and more forceful, incrementally more and more of the sneeze commanding itself out of Ethan, distinct syllables of the sneeze now perceptible, with only the middle part truly stifled

Hh’mmmmmP'TXtCH! Hhh'Hhh'MmmpTT'shhh Hih-NNGKTX'SCH-uh! EhhH'MMPTT'SssH-u!

I feel bad admitting that I'm more than a little bit infatuated with Ethan's less contained sneezes. Maybe my interest is intensified by the fact that he does have such measured control over them and so the growing loss of control indicated by the sound and strength of each release escaping him and vulnerability therein is especially appealing. Either way the thought flickers across my mind that I would very much like to witness him sneeze completely unfettered and unrestrained. I quickly release that thought, my guilt extending.

Gradually his fit tapers off while I still have a few sneezes left in me from the bubble bath I’d continued to sniff to ensure I was sneezing the entire time Ethan was.

HhEh'ESsSXTCh-ew...Heh'Gxx'KXxT-Chew... Hh'HH'ESssXX'shh-iuuh.

“Bless you” Ethan supplies in a hushed tone, giving my hand a gentle squeeze and runs his thumb across my knuckles. His soft gaze meets mine

"Thank you." He adds and I hear the sincerity and utter gratitude in his tone. "You didn't have to do that, what if that irritated your nose so much that you're bothered the rest of the flight."

"Then I'll just be sneezing the rest of the flight. E, sweetie, you know I'll do anything for you. Yes, it's true I don't especially like experiencing endless fits on an airplane but what I can't stand even more than that is seeing you discomfited and agonized. Besides, I don't think that was enough to send my disagreeable nose into too much of a tizzy."

"I think we've just unlocked a new #relationship goal. Finding someone who will put your comfort and security above their own."

I quietly laugh "You are all my relationship goals and then some E."

"Mine too Nix."


I linger at the baggage carousel while we wait for Ethan's suitcase even though I have no real reason too. We had spent nearly a week and a half in constant company of each other and yet I’m still not ready to part from him but I’m not really sure my play here. It’s been too long since my last relationship but I’m fairly certain after spending what could, by all accounts qualify as a quasi-holiday, that you’re supposed to want some separation time once you’re back. Ethan probably wants to get home and get settled and enjoy some time alone before we both return to work in a few days.

But the way he’s holding my hand and resting his head on my shoulder while we wait, so casually affectionate and carefree in a way that feels like we’re well seasoned in taking trips together as a couple, I can’t help but envision that instead of two separate homes we have to go to from here, that there’s just one. It's not that I haven't wanted to share my life with someone like that, it's just that it hasn't been a forefront desire. Even when I was with Andrew I hadn't felt quite this same pull as I do with Ethan. Yep, Ethan continues to bring out uncharacteristic firsts for me.

As the buzzer at our carousel sounds and the conveyer belt starts moving, I feel the emptiness that's taken root in the pit of my stomach expand. How absurd is it that I’m not ready to say goodbye when we'd had days together. It's not as if this goodbye will have a long duration, I’m going to see him at the office. With that thought my stomach sinks even lower.

That’s just it, everything between us is about to change, maybe Ethan won’t put up quite the professional walls between us that existed before but our dynamic by nature of our jobs is sure to change, and we’re going to have to factor in being around other people at the office, and the images that we’ll have to maintain. Will how we’ll have to conduct ourselves at work put a strain on our relationship outside of work? I don’t suspect so, we seemed to navigate that aspect just fine at the beginning of our trip while we were playing boyfriends while also preparing for the summit and attending to work matters, but that was in a new environment under unusual circumstances, who’s to say that holds when we’re back at home-base? Will he want to distance himself because of our work relationship?

Either way, I just want to hold onto the last remnants of what we'd had in London for a while longer before we have to navigate our relationship in "real" life. What do I do? What should I do? Do I invite him back to my place? Would he say yes? Should I let him go home for tonight just to get his feet underneath him again and then ask if he wants to come over tomorrow? Or maybe it's better to spend the evening before work separated and tonight is really my last chance to spend with him before we return to our daily lives.

I catch sight of his bag fall onto the conveyer belt and it begins circling towards us. I have to make a decision soon, but I balk at saying anything, I haven’t ever been so clingy in my life, and that unsettles me a little. It's good, healthy, to have a life outside of your partner, so why was it I don't want to separate from Ethan at all? How have I done such a complete 180, going from a man who's perfectly content with his independence and not seeking a relationship, to this?

I’m so deep in the forest of my thoughts that I hadn't registered that the man who had parked himself next to me was doused in odorous cologne and product that's been assaulting my olfactory senses for the past several minutes, until I fall prey to a pummeling fit that I'm only marginally able to reign in.


I double over, my chest and abs straining as my diaphragm constricts.

Hh'XsCSHhiew..HhEH-XxxKTch.. Hhh'KKXxxT-Chiew....Heh'XxxxTSHiu....EHH'xxTTTch--uu...HhhEhh'MmmmmppTtXXKtchh...Heh'hGxx'KsCHuh... Heh'hGxx'Kscht-Chiew

Oh hell! This is turning into an intense fit and I know I won't be able to maintain stifling them for long. Unlike Ethan, my control over my sneezes is limited, and eventually, inevitably, despite my best efforts, they escape me and I'm vastly losing control over this fit.

Ethan’s hand comes to rest on my lower back. “Come on honey, let’s get you out of here.” He leads me away from the thick permeating scent while all I can do is continue to release the barrage of explosions, chained to the will of my nose and how quickly it can release the irritant.

Heh'KKXXT-CHIew... Hhh'XxxxTss'Chieww...Hh'GxxkSTsCHiuu..Hh'HhhXxx'SCHIEWWWW...Hhh'XxxxxSTssh-HhuhhTCHKSSH.

I'm only vaguely aware that Ethan has lead me into a private family bathroom, the sneezes having overpowered my cognition. Once inside, he locks the door behind us.


“There you go handsome, let it out.” He encourages.

Hh'Heh'HHh'SstchhhIIiuu...Hh'HhEhh'EsSsSttChiew...Hh'EH'ssST'Chiiiewww....Heh'HEssSHhiiuew... Heh'HEshh'sSTCHhhiewww

My breath is coming in short shallow pants, each exhale releasing the fierce explosions of air. My eyes are watering and and my entire body jerks with the force that is exerted from my sneezes. I’ve always had a particularly strong reaction to colognes and perfumes, throwing me into endless fittish frenzies. 


With a final explosive sneeze that rocks through my entire body, the fit finally comes to a close and I sag into Ethan.

"Bless you Nix."

He sounds more out of breath than I do and before I fully register what's happening he hauls me into him and then forcefully pushes my back into the wall, pinning his body to mine, my body making an echoing thud upon contact,. I make a shocked sound that's half inhalation, half groan. Encased by his body I feel the full extent of his arousal. His lips fervently meet mine. The kiss is urgent, frantic, a little rough, and a whole lot demanding. His hands are fisted into my shirt, his grip tight, like he's afraid if he doesn't hold onto me I'll slip through his fingers. It seems to mirror everything I'm feeling and communicates what I haven't been able to say.

My mind is reeling from the passionate display, but when Ethan's tongue brushes against the seam of my lips, seeking entrance, I get with the program and my mouth opens to him. Instinctively my arms circle around him deepening the kiss. He moans into it, the vibration traveling from his mouth to mine, the sensation rippling down my body, making my blood run hot through my veins. Desperate for friction I thrust up into him.

He moans again, his fingers digging into my shoulders, the sharp sting sending a jolt of pleasure to my groin.

"God Ethan" I pant out.

"You are so fucking sexy Phoenix Hathaway. I can't- I need - want you" he gasps out between kisses, his breath hot and ragged.

My hands drop to his hips, pulling him harder against me. "You have me." I assure him my voice dropping low, and raspy.

"You have no idea what you do to me Nix, what having you sneeze like that around me does to me."

If it was anything like what he does to me, than I know. "Then show me" I challenge.


"Up to you, I just never took you for someone who didn't finish what you started." I taunt.

His eyes darken and a sexy growl rumbles in his throat, the air crackles and sparks with our combined passion. "Oh darlin' I always finish what I start."

He crashes his lips against mine, his fingers working on my zipper, while his lips trail down the column of my neck. He bites and sucks his way down to my collar bone and his teeth sink into the muscle. I gasp in surprise and pleasure. He drops to his knees, and Jesus Christ I can't believe this is happening. I mean I'm in an airport restroom for goodness sake, well on my way to busting a nut like some kind of hormonal teenager and not a middle aged man. I've never experienced such an unrelenting carnal need and desire.

I cry out, uncaring that that the walls probably aren't thick enough to mask my sounds. My hands thread into his hair, not directing, just needing an anchor. His hands grab at the back of my thighs. My back arches and my head hits the wall with a small thwack. I don't care, pain and pleasure mingle. He's doing amazing things with his mouth and hands and the sensation is beyond euphoric. An announcement is made over the airport speakers and I hear the bustle of commotion just outside the door reminding me that we're in a public space and damn if that doesn't amplify my ardor.

Who the hell am I? I didn't even do something like this when I was a hormonal teenager, yet here I am, as a middle-aged man participating in a steamy session in a restroom in a very public space. While it’s a private restroom, the chance of someone trying the handle is still very real, and the possibility of someone waiting just outside the door to come in after us, knowing what we're doing as we exit has my lust reaching critical mass. The risk, the danger, and the thrill, all adding to the ecstasy of the moment. I've never considered myself an exhibitionist but this is definitely working for me.

My hands tighten in his hair. "E-ethan" I gasp. "Please baby, I can't, please."

Understanding he adjusts slightly and I'm done for.

After my legs stop shaking, my breath returns to my lungs, and I'm no longer seeing stars, he stands his eyes alight, lips swollen and pink, a cocky smirk gracing his face that I quickly kiss off whirling him around into the wall. For all his showing of dominance just now his body goes immediately pliant, melting against me, readily accepting my tongue in his mouth. I never knew it could be like this, a see-saw of push and pull, leading and following, giving and taking, controlling and submitting, demure and diamond-strong. Together we are in equilibrium.

I pull back to see his blue eyes glazed and hazy, a soft smile playing at his lips and all my yearning and desires that I was thinking prior to my allergy fit resurface. That, combined with my satiated brain, I can’t stop myself from asking "Come home with me?"

I watch the words register in his eyes and then his face breaks into a tentative but no less dazzling hopeful smile "You'd want me to?"

"Baby, I don't ever want to be parted from you it seems and maybe that's not natural, maybe I should want time apart, but all I want is to be near you. The thought of having to say goodbye, even if it's just for a night after we exit the airport doors is suffocating. I wanted to ask you while we were waiting for your luggage earlier but I thought it wasn't what I was supposed to do, I thought asking you to stay with me would be stifling for you. I'm sure you have things you have to take care of and would prefer to sp-"

He silences me with his mouth. "Screw the societal dating expectations and rules and what you are or aren't supposed to do, all that matters is what's right for us. In case it isn't painfully obvious, I have no desire to be parted from you either. My answer is absolutely."

I press a chaste kiss to his lips clasping my hand in his leading us to the door. "Then let's go."


We detour on the way to pick up take-out and then we arrive at my high rise condominium. It’s a large spacious condo with a large foyer that leads to the living/dining room that opens to the kitchen. The floor to ceiling windows offer a breathtaking view of Manhattan. The loft is modernly designed, with the color pallet consisting mostly of cream that contrasts nicely with some Ansel Adams photos I have framed and hanging on the wall. A beige sectional sofa with a chaise attached sits against the wall adjacent to the window. There's a modern granite 2 tier stone coffee table with the bottom tier illuminated by an LED light and an 85" flat screen TV mounted on the wall, a book shelf sits on one side of the couch while a lamp end table sits on the other. The kitchen has a bar top island separating it from the living room with 3 stools that are tucked under.

Being in a luxurious hotel room is one thing, but this, this is my home, and Ethan being here makes our relationship all the more real and tangible. I can't deny the nerves that are buzzing inside of me, wondering if he'll like it, wondering if it's to his taste. I've chosen the décor for me, not really considering someone else's opinion, but it matters to me what Ethan thinks.

Truthfully I would have invited him over sooner, the occasion we're he's had to assist me pulling in extra late night hours I would have been happy to have him over so we could work from the comfort of my home which was preferable to me given how many things and places can set off my allergies, but given that Ethan had always maintained a professional line I had assumed inviting him into my home would have made him uncomfortable so I hadn't asked, requesting to meet in neutral spaces, not always the office depending upon the hour. Though come to think of it, my being less sneezy probably would have been more comfortable for him. Then again we might not be here if it wasn't for my agonized nose always acting up. 

I watch off to the side as Ethan scans the space, taking it all in. "Wow! Your home is incredible, and the view is spectacular! Next time we're burning the midnight oil, please tell me we can do it from here."

I give an internal sigh of relief, chuckling at his comment. "I was just thinking about that actually. You know any other time I would have gladly invited you, but I wasn't sure how you would perceive that, if it would cross a professional line for you and I respected your boundaries."

I give an internal sigh of relief, chuckling at his comment. "I'm glad you like it, the view was certainly a selling point. I was just thinking about that actually. You know any other time I would have gladly invited you, but I wasn't sure how you would perceive that, if it would cross a professional line for you and I respected your boundaries."

"Yes, well clearly I was wrong, so wrong not to want to cross professional lines with you." He says with a wry grin and I laugh.

"Well, we're here now. Here we can put your stuff in my room, and if you have any laundry that you want to start you’re welcome to do a load or two." I beckon him down the hall to the primary bedroom. There's a second bedroom for guests, that admittedly doesn't get much use.

"Trying to get me in your bed already?" He quips.

I turn back to him raising my eyebrow. "And if I was?"

He gives me a flirty look. "I'd say good luck getting me out. So maybe we hold off on that and get some food in us before we begin satisfying other cravings."

I laugh "Fair enough." I place his belongings next to the bed and head back into the living room. He trails behind me.

We take residence on the couch, divvying up the takeout and dig in. We don't say much, though both of our gazes never leave each other for long. 

Once the meal is finished I gather the containers and dispose of them before settling back into the chaise portion of the couch, gesturing for Ethan to lie beside me, he eagerly scrambles to get to me, nuzzling into my chest with a happy sigh.

"I'm glad that you invited me over. It feels nice to be with you in a more real setting. I'll always appreciate London for bringing us together but it was a bit of a dream, but being here with you like this, offers a more honest glimpse of what our life could look like."

"And, do you look what you see?"

"More than I can possibly say. Nix, being with you is everything. You know I was kind of worried about being back. We were kind of living a fantasy while we were in London and I thought maybe our dynamic would shift when we returned and were hit with reality. I was dreading it if I'm honest, but everything with you feels so easy and so natural and that easy hasn't changed even though we're back. I think no matter what setting we find ourselves in it will always feel this way."

I give a hum of acknowledgment "I think that does bring up an important topic we need to talk about."

"You mean about how we're going to address being together with our work situation."

I smile "Yes, exactly."

"What do you want to do?"

"As my PA I think the optics are slightly favorable, I don't think a perception of favoritism or quid pro quo is as prominent in your position, and doesn't quite present a conflict of interest that might exist if you were in a different role in the company. That said it's still a delicate matter as there is a power difference between us and for transparency sake I think we should at least disclose to Allison that we're together." Allison is Firebird's HR executive. 

"Firebird doesn't have an official disclosure policy written in it's employee handbook, nor is there anything written that prohibits workplace romance but because of our positions I think it would be smart to be upfront about it with her."

He nods "I agree, that would be best."

"Okay, I'll set up a meeting with her tomorrow for Wednesday when we're back in the office."

He gives a simple nod "See, that's so natural and easy with you. I don't know if I've ever felt this at ease and secure with another person. It's almost scary how right it feels with you but at the same time it's not, because I feel assured that you're right there with me, I trust you, I trust us."

I press a kiss to the top of his head. "I feel the same."

One second his lying against me and the next he's straddling my lap. "So are you going to take me to your bedroom now?"

I laugh wrapping my arms around him.

"What? I haven't had dessert yet, and I have just over a day left to get as much of that -" he gestures at my person "as possible before we're back in the office and I'm forced to behave myself."

I laugh again shaking my head "You're insatiable."

He rolls his hips leaning in close to nibble on my ear "Are you actually objecting?"

 A small noise of pleasure escapes me before I even have the chance to reign it in. "Obviously not."

"Good." He says succinctly "So are you-" He yelps as I grab hold of him him and stand up his legs quickly linking around my waist locking him in place. I press a hard kiss to his lips as I carry him to my room throwing him down on the bed and crawling on top of him.

"Now about those other cravings..." I leave the sentence unfinished as I remove both of our shirts diving for his lips.

We spend the rest of the night satisfying our cravings and when we finally exhaust ourselves and fall asleep, limbs entangled, I know I'm not even close to being full of him.


The following morning I slowly blink awake to Ethan's stunning eyes on me. I reach out tracing my thumb along his cheekbone. He turns his head pressing a kiss to my palm.

"Morning baby." I whisper.

"Hey handsome."

"You been up long?"

"No, I was just-" He pauses scarlet coloring his cheeks "No."

"What are you thinking about?"

His flush deepens "I-it's nothing."

"It's okay sweetie you can tell me."

"I was wondering, well fantasizing really about what it would be like to umm wake you up with a sneezing fit."


He hides his face. "I mean I would never do that, make you sneeze without your consent and God what is wrong with me!?" He sounds utterly mortified with himself.

"Hey hey." I pull him closer and lift his chin. "There's nothing wrong with you, your desires are perfectly natural, and fantasies are totally normal and perfectly acceptable, nay encouraged. Now, tell me what would you do, how would you get me to sneeze?"


He's back to the inarticulacy he had that first night that started this whole thing, when he found out I was the one who had responded to his advertisement. I confess I kind of love it when he gets all speechlessly flustered. I drag him close to me kissing the shell of his year before whispering "Describe your fantasy to me baby."

"O-okay. I-uh-you'd be asleep obviously because that's um the fantasy and I'd - God this sounds so wrong, like borderline assault."

I stroke his cheek. "Ethan baby, you’re just describing something you’ve thought about and we’re having a discussion about it, that’s no-where near close to assault. Don't censor yourself, I'm not judging you, your desire is valid, just talk to me, tell me your fantasy. Tell me, how would you get me to sneeze?"

"Um I'd -" He hesitates still looking conflicted.

I cup his face. "Baby, I want to hear. I might not always be able to deliver on your fantasies but I always want to hear about them. Please tell me."

He takes a breath and then releases it slowly. "Okay, well I'd want it to be natural, like it would be if I didn't wake you up and your nose woke you up instead." He pauses hesitating again.

I squeeze his arm. "Go on."

"So, I'd spray some cologne into the air close to you before snuggling next to you to watch everything unfold. You'd inhale in your sleep and your nose would twitch with a slight flare of your nostrils and I'd know that the irritant was effecting you. Gradually your breathing would speed up as the irritant took hold and your nose would crinkle adorably as the sneeze grew inside you. Eventually you wouldn't be able to fight the urge any longer and your breath would catch and I'd watch the moment the sneeze fully forms, the way your eyes squeeze shut and the muscles in your face scrunch up and your mouth would fall open and then it would come, the initial silent stutter that precedes the forceful explosive sneeze."

I listen, rapt, as Ethan describes the scenario. He's always had a way with words. It's part of what makes him an exceptional and invaluable PA, and why the duties I assign him operate outside the wheelhouse of a standard executive personal assistant.

"Your body would relax, your eyes remaining closed until another sneeze hits you and then your eyes would slowly blink open, but you'd be disoriented still in that in between state of being fully awake and still asleep and so you wouldn't be prepared for the next sneeze, sneezing uncovered, possibly even on me. You'd wake more with each sneeze and things would develop from there, probably resulting in me ravishing you senseless, and uhhh yeah, that’s yeah, that’s it." He finishes his description "But again I wouldn't ever make you sneeze without your consent. That would be wrong and I wouldn’t violate"

I silence him with a kiss. "Tell you what, we can develop a code system that indicates pre-consent for that type of scenario."

"Iyou don't think that that kind of fantasy makes me some kind of sexual abuser or something?"

"Inherently, no, not at all. As long as we pre-establish consent beforehand there is nothing wrong with it. Waking someone up through some kind of sexual physical act or sexually related act is pretty common, as far as I’m aware, and for the record, definitely something I’m on board with, waking up to you jumping me sounds hot and very pleasant."

He gives me a shy smile "So what's our code system going to be?"

"How about if I leave out a cologne bottle of perfume on the nightstand before we go to bed at night that'll indicate my consent to waking up to an allergy fit the next morning. It doesn't mean that it has to happen, just that if you were inclined and it were to happen I wouldn’t be opposed."

"You wouldn't want to verbally consent the night prior?"

"I kind of like not specifically planning for it, I like the idea of not knowing that it’s a definite thing that will happen, and that I might not be fully expecting it, and being taken by surprise in the moment when it does, because, my dear Ethan, I have a feeling I will be leaving that cologne bottle out more often than not. You're not the only insatiable one among us."

He groans "Quick, can you fall back asleep."

I chuckle, pulling him on top of me, kissing him thoroughly, before rolling him onto his back and peppering kisses all over his neck and collar bone. "Or....we could find a different fantasy to fulfill given that I'm awake."

"Yeah?" He whispers.

"Yeah, for instance, that night at the four seasons when I asked you what your ultimate sneeze fantasy was you had responded that I hadn't signed up for your ultimate fantasy. But I believe now as your official boyfriend I am in a unique position to fulfil that and I was wondering what it was."

His cheeks turn all ruddy and he buries his face into my neck.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready. I'd just love to know whenever you are ready."

"No, no, I want to tell you. I guess it's not so much as one thing as maybe a collection of things."


"Really it just involves explicit play, nothing outlandish, I don't think, basically I'd like someone to sneeze while I'm inside them or vice versa, or during oral giving or receiving. I'd especially love it if it was unexpected, like if we weren't playing with sneezing at all beforehand and you happened to sneeze while any of that was happening."

I nod my acknowledgment. "Would you want it to be completely unexpected for the both of us, or if I were to induce myself without you knowing?"

"Both, but I think the former would be like my cream of the crop ultimate fantasy."

Honestly, given how sensitive my nose is it was an almost assured reality that fantasy would come to life especially on a day where my nose is relentless and I've had a lot of exposure to allergens. In fact, it happened a time or two with Andrew, though of course his reaction was one of repulsion and it had immediately killed the mood. "Either of those can certainly be arranged, what else, what would you want right now?"

"Right now, I just want to snuggle into you and have you sneeze against me, using me as your tissue."

"Easy enough, we can use that infamous cologne to get a fit going." I go to retrieve it from the bathroom when Ethan halts my advancement.

"Well, um actually I was kind of hoping that maybe we could try something different?" His eyes glance up at me in earnest.

"Okay, what do you have in mind?"

"Let me just- one second-" He crawls off the bed towards his carry-on before returning with a tiny vile with a blue cap. He hands it to me. “I forgot that I had packed this to possibly use with the person that responded to my advertisement, but you were so prepared it wasn’t needed.”

"Chinnkni?" I read.

"It's an herbal snuff powder that's used as a decongestant in Unani medicine practice but for us sneeze lovers it's used as a method for inducing. You inhale the powder into each nostril, it has a strong menthol scent and in most cases coaxes out a least a few sneezes. It's not always the most reliable, reactions are variable from person to person, I've also observed that it seems to lose its potency after it's been opened but it is the best resource on the market for producing a sneezing fit for those that aren't afflicted with allergies, and it seems to produce remarkable results with those that do have sensitive noses. This bottle is brand new and I've been curious what your reaction to it would be."

"Okay." I uncap the vile taking a sniff. A sharp medicinal menthol scent assaults my senses and I quickly close the vile, tingles cascading down my nose. "Wow, that's pungent, I definitely thi-thhi-"


He grins at me "Bless you. You were saying?"

I return his grin with a wink. "I don't think we'll have a problem with it not working on me."

"So you're willing to try it?"

I shrug "I don't see why not."

I uncap the bottle and pour a small amount of the powder into my palm, pinching some between my thumb and pointer finger lightly sniffing some into each nostril. My nose immediately burns, prickly tingles erupt all up and down my nose, overwhelmingly growing, my entire face reacts to it contorting and scrunching up against the invasion in my nose, my eyes already tearing up. It’s unlike any other irritant I’ve ever encountered.

"Ohh-Ii-Ii cc-ccan ffee-HhEHH-feel it, itt's ll-llike-"


The first sneeze is stronger than I was expecting and I pitch forward into Ethan. His hands come to wrap around me securing me in place so I remain there, nestling my face into his bare chest, which pulls a sexy sound from him but I don’t have time to react to it already releasing the next sneeze.


Holy fuck! These are so intense. My eyes are now streaming with tears. The fit dizzyingly powerful, the sneezes ripping through me with a force I hadn't been anticipating and don't think I've ever quite felt it's equal.

"Oh my God Nix!" Ethan moans, he's panting like he's running for the gold medal of the 800 meter dash. His body is trembling beneath mine, his fingers digging into my flesh. I'll never tire of this, Ethan's visceral and incredibly responsive reaction to just my sneezing alone.

"Oh-Oh God! It tti-tttiicckles sooo-"


"-so much."

Ethan moans loudly cursing as he does so.


The initial overwhelming urge is subsiding, and I manage to catch my breath from the break in the onslaught of sneezes, though the menthol scent still consumes my nose suggesting that more sneezes are likely but they aren’t as ready to be released.

With the slight break in sneezes I'm able to get a good look at Ethan. He looks, well he looks like we've already gone ten rounds in the sack. His pupils are blown, his face flushed, hair mussed, chest heaving.

"Fuck, baby, look at you. Yy-yyou're goo-HeeH-"


"gg-gg -Heeh- orgeous

EH'HEsSst'CHieww...HhhhHEh...Hhuuh..HhH..HHaah'ASSTCHEW! HhEHh...HhhEhh...Hhh....HhEesss'SstCHIEUWw

A fresh wave hits but it takes longer for the sneeze to peak, my breath laboring and hitching multiple times with powerful sucks of air before the sneeze comes.

Ethan whimpers "Need—need you closer." He pleads.

I pull him onto my lap, orienting his legs so they wrap around my waist, our bodies flush. "This alright?" My voice is as wrecked as his.

"Perfect." He answers breathlessly.

I pepper kisses along the column of his throat, his head automatically tilts back to give me full access. I reach his Adam's apple and my breath hitches.


Uncontrollable tremors course through him as I sneeze against his sensitive skin, his fingers clenching and unclenching into my bicep, his nails leaving behind faint crescent indents.

I sniff, my nose feeling pretty liquidy. I reach for a tissue from the box on the night stand. Grimacing as I look at the result in the tissue after blowing my nose. Grains of the powder intermingled within the clear liquid.

Blowing my nose though seems to have moved some of the powder that remains in my nose and a renewed fit hits me.


"Jesus." I groan.

Ethan's head is thrown back in supreme ecstasy. Seemingly unaware that he's doing so, he's begun to rock against my in a steady rhythm. Good Lord, I could watch him like this infinitely. Unfortunately, I'm forced to shut my eyes as another sneeze builds, but the all consuming power of the powder has gradually diminished and the lingering effect just teases me, my breath growing ragged with the preparatory inhalations but no final release.





"Ohh cc-ccommmee—EEHHH—on." I groan. I hate that sensation of being on the verge of sneezing, but the sensation recedes right on the edge not giving you the satisfaction of release, so your left hanging in this anticipatory balance where every taut fiber of your being is primed and desperate to find relief but is unable to do so.


"It's rri-rriiighht tthhe—EEHH—there I ffee-ffeel it."

When another build-up ends with the same non-result Ethan interjects "Maybe I can help?"

"Please" I croak.

He tilts my head leaning towards my face and gently blows up my nostril. I instantly feel the tickle shift and that's the tipping point and the stuck sneezes rush out of me.


That seems to be the last of it, I give my nose another blow wiping away the last of the tears from my eyes pulling back to fully appraise Ethan.

Jesus, his entire neck, chest, and torso is wearing clear evidence of my explosions into him. I wince reaching for another tissue. "Sorry." I say as I wipe him down.

He chuckles "Have I given you any reason to think I'm at all bothered?"

"Well, no, but it was a bit messier than usual, and you mentioned not being a particular fan of uhhh shall we say gross sneezes."

His eyes soften "I think when you're literally shoving powder designed to make you expel everything in your nose, it's bound to get a little wet. Besides, I said I don't like snotty sneezes, a little misting spray, like with yours is sexy. At least in this setting. I love feeling your sneezes on me. Trust me, Nix when I say that everything, EVERYTHING, about your sneezes endlessly turns me on. At this point, there is nothing you could do that would put me out or turn me off."

"So the results were as you had hoped?" I don’t ask to be coy, I want to please him and give him everything he's ever dreamed about and more and need his assured approval.

In a swift motion he unhooks his legs from behind me and pushes me horizontal to the bed pressing against me so there is no mistaking his body's response to me. Reactively my hips buck up into him.

He leans down his lips hovering over mine, "does that answer your question?" His voice is a husky whisper.

I chuckle "I'd say it does."

"Good. Don't ever doubt how much I enjoy you Nix. You're a wet dream personified, a fantasy come to life, a romance novel incarnate, and most importantly you're everything I could ever want." With that he seals his lips over mine.

I pull him closer, wrapping my arms around him, breathing solely through my nose the lingering of scent of menthol in my nose becomes apparent and irritating, my nose crinkles slightly and a couple more sneezes to escape, muffled by Ethan's mouth.


"Mmm bless you handsome" he murmurs into my lips as he continues to kiss me. After a few moments he comes to rest beside me.

"Thank you." He says softly.

"Oh E, it's truly my pleasure. I don't think you understand what a gratifying treat it is for me to grant you such satisfaction."

"Well, on that note, I know your discovery about how you feel about sneezes, well at least mine, is still new, but is there anything you'd like to try with me? I’d like to be able to fulfill you the same way."

At the blush that floods my cheeks and the way I worry my bottom lip he gasps

"Oh my gosh! There is!"

Damn my body for being so obvious. "No—it's nothing."

He cups my chin stroking my cheek. "You don't have to be embarrassed or ashamed."

"I—I'm not. It's—well I'm not sure it's a fair request given how difficult it is for you to sneeze in front of people and what you've mentioned about not being able to fully sneeze around others."

Understanding graces his features. "You want me to sneeze unstifled?"

I scrape my bottom lip across my teeth giving a hesitant nod. "I've noticed it a few times now when you have a major attack your sneezes became less and less suppressed from the force and I—I liked that.”

He sort of chuckles. “Yeah, that cold did quite the number on me, I don’t usually sneeze so much in one stint, it definitely becomes a bit harder to control them when they’re coming at me like that.” He throws me a seductive look his fingers tracing the lines of muscle across my arms and chest. “You liked that though? My being so overwhelmed from the force that they nearly took over, that they hit me so fast and strong that I couldn't prevent at least part of the sneeze from escaping?"

A shudder ripples through me, arousal and lust clouding my mind, my body already hyper-sensitive from his reaction to my own sneezing.

I nod “It made me wonder what your sneezes might sound like if you let them out. But I know it's not something that you like doing, or even can do and I wouldn't ever ask you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable. It's just a curiosity. I'm intrigued about the possibility I think it'd be hot, but I wouldn't ask that of you."

"Well, I don't know if it's possible, like you said its psychologically really hard for me to let go and give myself permission to fully sneeze without attempting to stifle and I don't know how to break down that barrier. But I'm willing to try."


"Nix, honey, you've indulged me and my whims at every turn. I'd like to be able to give you the same or at least attempt to give you the same. I don't know how much success I'll have but I want to give it a go, for you, now hand me that chhinkni bottle and let's see what we can get out of me."

I kiss him and retrieve the bottle. Pouring a bit of the powder onto the tip of my pointer finger and bring the digit to his nose.

He gives a delicate sniff, his nose scrunching, and a low gasp falls from his mouth. He quickly sniffs the rest up his other nostril. He experimentally sniffs a few more times to work the powder into his nose. For a few minutes it doesn't look like it's going to do anything but then his nose twitches, his chest heaving with labored breathes.

"I think it’s coming.” He pauses tilting his head back, his mouth open as he takes a couple of deep experimental breathes.

“Oh yeah- it's I can ff-ffeel it growing. It's li-like a slow burn in my-no-nose—“


"Fuck! S-sso-ssoorry"

HhH'XXXKTCH!!..... Hh’ktsch!...Hh’NGHKT!

The fit settles down and he blinks up at me, tears on his lashes, giving his eyes the effect of looking like a field of flowers in the fresh morning dew. "Ugh sorry."

I kiss his lips. "It's okay baby. I know it's hard. I still see you sneeze either way, so it's not any real loss for me."

"I'm going to try again, this time hold my hands."

"You're sure."

He gives a decisive nod. "I won't be able to force myself to sneeze if I can use my hands to aid stifling. Without the use of my hands the sneeze might overwhelm me enough to not be able to stifle, especially when the sneezes are the result of sniffing a fresh vile of chhinkni powder."

I'm hesitant to agree, but I have to trust that Ethan knows his own limits. "Okay baby, but if at any point you want me to let go you either tell me or squeeze my hand three times in succession."

He nods "I will, but you have to promise me you won't pull back unless I give you the single. I'll probably struggle and resist against you as the sneeze comes but I don't want you to let go unless I say so."

I agree, knowing this is going to be hard on both of us. He sniffs another generous dose of the powder and then grips my hands.

It takes even longer this time for the sneeze to build but I recognize the strain in his body as it comes to fruition, his hands squeeze mine and his entire face contorts, the muscles in his jaw tighten, his neck cords, his face turns red and his eyes water. As he had warned, he tries to yank out of my hands but as promised I hold on even if reluctantly and though it pains me to do so.

I hate that I brought this up, he only just made a break through being able to sneeze around me at all and I'm already mentioning that I want to see him sneeze unstifled. I shouldn't have mentioned it. Seeing him struggle isn't fun for me and I can't imagine it's fun for him.

I go for distracting him, drawing him out of the unpleasantness of focusing on the pending sneezes. Maintaining hand contact I gently lay him down onto the bed following suit and then orient ourselves so we're both lying on our sides and pull him into me. Trailing kisses down his neck. "You're so sexy Ethan. You look so hot like this."

He makes a pleasured sound, a small shiver running through him as he reaches for me. Some of the tension leaving his body. Now we're talking.

"That's it baby, just let go, I got you. Sneeze for me."

His breath hitches in shorter more frequent bursts and I know he's close.

I continue to kiss him, nipping at the pulse point of his neck and sucking his earlobe between my teeth.

His eyes squeeze shut on one last shuttering breath.

HhHE'HGGNXTCh! HekptTSHHh--uh!! Hih’NNGKTX'SCH-uu!

I can feel his entire body joggle against me with each sneeze, his hands reflexively squeezing mine as his body jerks forward. I'm so lost in the sensation, drowning in pleasure. Now that my eyes have been opened I can't believe I never saw the beauty and sexual appeal that lies in the act of sneezing. The raw forced vulnerability that inherently lives in the moment before and during a sneeze is erotic in a way I can't explain. And how Ethan sneezes, it's art in motion, it's a staccato melody, his sounds, expressions, and the way he sneezes is a thing of beauty.

"Oh my god E, you're so-so I can't-fuck" There's so much more I want to say but my brain lacks the capacity to formulate my jumbled thoughts into a coherent sentence.


That last sneeze seems to end it. His shoulders droop as he relaxes, his breaths evening out.

I pass him a tissue ""Bless you baby. Are you okay?"

He nods, dabbing his eyes and blowing his nose. "I'm just sorry I couldn't do it. That I can't give you what you want." He mumbles into me.

I run a hand through his hair. "Sweetie, you gave me just what I wanted- you exposed, and unraveled, and at the complete whim of your sneezes. You did so so well too, I know that can't have been easy. You're working against years of conditioning, you aren't going to will it away in one morning."

He pouts and I have to hide my smile, because it's kind of adorable. "I really want to be able to do this for you, after everything you've done for me and I can't even deliver on such a small simple request."

"Baby, that's just it, it's not a small request for you, it goes against every instinct you have, for all intents and purposes you've sneezed like this your entire life, to suddenly not stifle when you've programmed yourself to sneeze that way for years is a monumental challenge. If you want to continue working on it together I'd love to help, if you'd rather not that's also perfectly okay. We operate within your own comfort and your own boundaries, I'm not asking you to change those and I never will. I promise you're not disappointing me. This is enough, more than enough, it's really fucking hot if I'm perfectly honest.

"You really enjoyed it?

"Jesus, Ethan, feeling your body jerk against me every time you sneezed was heaven, that alone would be enough, but the way your face contorts and your desperate hitches, and the sound of your sneezes. Yeah, consider me fully bought in and a converted sneeze enthusiast."

"I'm really not letting you down?"

Mirroring his move from earlier I roll him onto the bed so I'm on top of him ensuring that my reaction is pressed firmly against his thigh. "Does that answer your question?" I mimic.

He laughs. "I'd say it does."


After a few moments of silence he says a little shyly "I would like to work on it though. One day I'll be able to surprise you with a full unhindered sneeze attack."

I smile at him. "And I'll be ready to explore that with you when the day comes. I'm excited to explore that and so much more with you."

He responds with a tender kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too."

We lose ourselves in murmured sweet nothings, tender caresses, and languid kisses. Morning fades to afternoon, which turns to evening, and all too soon I’m dropping Ethan off at his place so he can prepare for work tomorrow.

We exchange one final lingering kiss before we part. "See you tomorrow E."

"See you tomorrow Nix."

I watch him walk up his walkway and disappear behind his door before driving away. And so begins our re-entry back to ordinary life as a couple. 


Edited by Not Telling
Revised a couple paragraphs
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  • Not Telling changed the title to The Advertisement (Chapters 7/?)
40 minutes ago, Not Telling said:

@AntheaHolmes GAH! Your comments always warm my heart. I never expected this to become what it was when I started writing but seeing Nix and Ethan flourish is really special and basically getting to live vicariously through them is deeply satisfying. haha

@dwaekki 🤭 Oh yes a desperately sneezy Ethan just had to be done, and with the interplay of his mental block it makes for good fetish fodder. I'm happy that you enjoyed reading that. Based on your comment, I think you'll also find a bit in the next chapter rewarding. 😉 You and I are on very similar wavelengths when it comes to what we desire and want to see from our characters. 

@uwus and love They really are the ultimate couple. I think with 18 months of working so closely together, and while they both tried to remain strictly professional when you're spending so much time in the presence of one person you inevitably learn things about each other, that combined with their empathy and compassion it lent to the ease of them progressing into a seamless romantic relationship. I'm so glad that you enjoy them. 

@VaguelyK I've discovered that I despise contemporary romance novels/stories that have undue amount of conflict It makes me all grumpy and annoyed at the characters and it's just so emotionally harrowing. I don't want endless bickering, and conflict with no purpose mucking up my romance stories, there's enough of that to go around in real life thank you very much, a book is supposed to be my escape from all of that. So this story is my gift to all of us that just want some indulgent fluff. Haha I'm glad that it appeals to you. 

@Catsgotyourtounge Thank you!!

@ichixshiro14 *bows* Thank you! Thank you! 😉

@Autumn Just call me Jeanie. Haha 😉 Joking aside, I'm so glad that this story pleases you and it fulfills your wishes. Thank you for your kind patience, I guess as long as I needed was slightly over a month, which was far too long, and I am sorry about that, but thank you so much for bearing with me. 


Hi friends! I hope the new year is treating everyone well. Things got a bit chaotic for me and my free time that I could devote to writing was extremely limited. I deeply apologize for the extended wait. With my current schedule, my updates will probably be less frequent than previously but I will do my best to not have it be a month between posts. I've been eager to get back to these boys, they're my greatest and cheapest stress reliever. Haha Please enjoy this next chapter.


Chapter 7: Phoenix

Ethan's illness had one more day of completely laying him out, but after that he was on an upswing. We spent the remainder of the week in our own little bubble of bliss, memories I won’t soon be forgetting. In the days that had followed, in taking care of Ethan, nursing him back to health, and doing whatever I could to ease his disconcertion with sneezing I had come to realize more than I ever had, that the simple act of taking care of someone you love could be the most profound expression of affection, and through it existed a titanium strong bond that fortified what it meant to truly be together.

His companionship and attention had been the most potent medicine for me, mending not just my physical ailment but lifting my spirits and healing my soul and I hoped that I had done the same for Ethan while he was battling his own illness.

Now at the airport about to board our flight back to New York I'm not prepared to leave our fortress of utopia. The thought of stepping outside of our cocoon, leaving behind this little world we had created, is giving me post-holiday lassitude and blues, but as Ethan wraps his arms around me pulling me against him while we stand in line waiting to board our flight I remind myself that it wasn't over just yet, we have a 8 plus hour plane ride ahead of us and I’m not going to allow this spell between us to be broken until we have landed and deplaned at JFK.

Once we’re on the plane and situated in our seats, I take his hand in mine while he lifts the arm rest between us and lays his head into the crook of my shoulder. I press a kiss to his temple as the flight attendant goes through the pre-flight safety instructions. When the plane takes off, Ethan turns his head and kisses the underside of my jaw. I feel the sizzle flare just underneath my skin over the gesture and I give a small contented hum.

"This past week was perfect." Ethan murmurs, his breath ghosting against my skin.

"You're perfect." I whisper.

"No you're perfect."

"Nope, you are."

"Uh huh, that's you."

"It's you."

"Definitely you."

"Oh my god we're ridiculous" he groans.

I chuckle "Nay, we're just a couple of saps in love."

His pretty blues peek up at me, he’s wearing a fond smile, his expression serene and dreamy. "We are. I'm okay with it though."

I chuckle again pressing a feather light kiss into his lips "Me too."

He nestles back into me, his body growing heavier against me and I think possibly he's fallen asleep when I feel his body stiffen against mine. I glance down at him, and his face is contorted with itchy pre-sneeze anxiety and that tells me all I need to know.

It doesn't seem like the urge has overpowered him and he fights against it for several minutes, but then I see it, the lapse in control, where the compulsion to sneeze over-rides all his efforts and it goes from a possibility to an imminent assurance. Despite all his resistance, he's going to sneeze.

He whimpers so softly that I'm sure only my ears pick up on it, but it hits me right in the solar plexus. I'm sure this is the worst possible case scenario for Ethan, not only needing to sneeze in public, but in an enclosed space where he can't escape, and he'll be in the presence of everyone around him for the duration of the flight. I make haste to remove the in-flight blanket from its packaging and drape it over Ethan so his head is out of view. He presses into me as much as the plane seats allow and I wrap my arm around his shoulders.

"It's okay baby." I whisper in his ear. "I've got you." With Ethan's lingering congestion and the cabin pressure I'm not sure that he's going to be capable of stifling to the extent that he usually would, I'm sure he's concluded the same which is only amplifying his dread.

"Itt's ss-soo ppp-powerful." He stammers and I hear the strain and panic in his voice. I can feel the tension and effort he's exerting in trying to hold back and it pains me knowing how much it's causing him discomfort.

I pull him closer to me and press a kiss to his temple. "Then don't fight it baby. Just let go, you're okay."

He burrows his head into my chest. "I-I don't wa-want anyone to-"

I use my arm that's around him to stroke up and down his shoulder and bicep soothingly, giving his hand a squeeze and running my thumb over his knuckles with my other. "Don't worry about that, no one can see you, it's just you and me. You can let go." But with how tense his body is and the minimal inhalation I can feel from his body he's still stubbornly fighting his body's need.

"Oh sweetie" I murmur. Acting quickly I turn away slightly so prying eyes won't see and stroke my nose with my fingernail from bridge to tip. On especially sensitive days, the slightest touch like that will cause a fit to surface, but with the extra medication I took this morning knowing how much planes affect my sinuses, I've been miraculously, largely sneeze fit free, with only a handful escaping me in sparse increments throughout the morning. Under normal circumstances I would revel in the reprieve my nose is giving me, especially on a confined flight, but right now, witnessing Ethan struggle against me, I am begging my nose to act up. I attempt to induce a fit with this method for a few more strokes, but my coaxing is doing little to encourage a sneeze.

Ethan is trembling beside me, making whimpering sounds, that, while barely perceptible I can tell indicate how on the verge he is of being compelled to give up and give in. He's brought his hand to his nose and he's pinching it aggressively, still valiantly trying to hold off the approaching fit.

Fuck! Of course the one time I need my nose to react, it chooses to behave itself. I'm going to need something stronger but my options are fairly limited and I'm not sure what else I can do that wouldn't draw unwanted attention. My memory clicks, recalling that I had packed the remaining bubble bath from the penthouse, thinking that with Ethan I could never have too many things around to make me sneeze and since my luggage had never managed to be found, our return journey only included my carry-on.

After going through security I hadn't bothered to put my toiletries bag back in my carry-on but shoved it in my computer bag instead. Once we made it to our gate I had meant to put it back in its rightful place but had forgotten and now was glad for the oversight. I hook the strap of my bag on my foot pulling the bag towards me. Hastily, I rummage for the bottle, once in hand I turn away uncapping the bottle and take a large inhale. The scent fills my nostrils and the familiar prickle immediately descends down the inner walls of my nostrils. For good measure I take another strong inhale, getting my nose as close to the opening as possible. I squeeze the bottle gently to send puffs of the scent up my nose which results in a little of the gel escaping, which I promptly rub into the opening of my nostril. And that does it, the tickle amplifies giving way to a fully actualized sneezy tickle and my nose responds.


Given my own hang-ups about sneezing in public, especially confined places, I'm not fully releasing the sneezes but hope it's enough to give Ethan security to do the same.

Ethan's body relaxes a fraction, his hand dropping from his nose, pressing his face into my chest, his body shudders and a tiny squeak escapes indicating that he's giving himself over, and if I know anything, after holding back for so long, the urge building and building during that time, that probably isn't going to be the only sneeze. Sure enough his body jolts into me again this time the sound a little more pronounced, though still more successfully stifled than I can usually manage.


I squeeze his hand reassuringly while taking another sniff of the bubble bath to renew my own sneezing to mask what is sure to be more coming from Ethan.


While I'm sneezing Ethan fully submits to his own need.

NnngggHH!! Hh'NnngXT!! Hhh'nnGKxT!! NnGKxXT! Ehh...Eh'KTSshh!! Hh'GGnnGHTXXK!! Hh-NNGhKTSSShhh!!

Even distracted from my own continuing sneezes I can tell that each of Ethan’s sneezes are becoming passingly more and more forceful, incrementally more and more of the sneeze commanding itself out of Ethan, distinct syllables of the sneeze now perceptible, with only the middle part truly stifled

Hh’mmmmmP'Cch! Hhh'Hhh'MmmpTT'shhh Hih-NNGKTX'SCH-uh! EhhH'MMPTT'SH-u!

I feel bad admitting that I'm more than a little bit infatuated with Ethan's less contained sneezes. Maybe my interest is intensified by the fact that he does have such measured control over them and so the growing loss of control indicated by the sound and strength of each release escaping him and vulnerability therein is especially appealing. Either way the thought flickers across my mind that I would very much like to witness him sneeze completely unfettered and unrestrained. I quickly release that thought, my guilt extending.

Gradually his fit tapers off while I still have a few sneezes left in me from the bubble bath I’d continued to sniff to ensure I was sneezing the entire time Ethan was.

HhEh'ESsSXTCh-ew...Heh'Gxx'KXxT-Chew... Hh'HH'ESssXX'shh-iuuh.

“Bless you” Ethan supplies in a hushed tone, giving my hand a gentle squeeze and runs his thumb across my knuckles. His soft gaze meets mine

"Thank you." He adds and I hear the sincerity and utter gratitude in his tone. "You didn't have to do that, what if that irritated your nose so much that you're bothered the rest of the flight."

"Then I'll just be sneezing the rest of the flight. E, sweetie, you know I'll do anything for you. Yes, it's true I don't especially like experiencing endless fits on an airplane but what I can't stand even more than that is seeing you discomfited and agonized. Besides, I don't think that was enough to send my disagreeable nose into too much of a tizzy."

"I think we've just unlocked a new #relationship goal. Finding someone who will put your comfort and security above their own."

I quietly laugh "You are all my relationship goals and then some E."

"Mine too Nix."


I linger at the baggage carousel while we wait for Ethan's suitcase even though I have no real reason too. We had spent nearly a week and a half in constant company of each other and yet I’m still not ready to part from him but I’m not really sure my play here. It’s been too long since my last relationship but I’m fairly certain after spending what could, by all accounts qualify as a quasi-holiday, that you’re supposed to want some separation time once you’re back. Ethan probably wants to get home and get settled and enjoy some time alone before we both return to work in a few days.

But the way he’s holding my hand and resting his head on my shoulder while we wait, so casually affectionate and carefree in a way that feels like we’re well seasoned in taking trips together as a couple, I can’t help but envision that instead of two separate homes we have to go to from here, that there’s just one. It's not that I haven't wanted to share my life with someone like that, it's just that it hasn't been a forefront desire. Even when I was with Andrew I hadn't felt quite this same pull as I do with Ethan. Yep, Ethan continues to bring out uncharacteristic firsts for me.

As the buzzer at our carousel sounds and the conveyer belt starts moving, I feel the emptiness that's taken root in the pit of my stomach expand. How absurd is it that I’m not ready to say goodbye when we'd had days together. It's not as if this goodbye will have a long duration, I’m going to see him at the office. With that thought my stomach sinks even lower.

That’s just it, everything between us is about to change, maybe Ethan won’t put up quite the professional walls between us that existed before but our dynamic by nature of our jobs is sure to change, and we’re going to have to factor in being around other people at the office, and the images that we’ll have to maintain. Will how we’ll have to conduct ourselves at work put a strain on our relationship outside of work? Will he want to distance himself because of our work relationship. I don’t suspect so, we seemed to navigate that aspect just fine at the beginning of our trip while we were playing boyfriends while also preparing for the summit and attending to work matters, but that was in a new environment under unusual circumstances, who’s to say that holds when we’re back at home-base? 

Either way, I just want to hold onto the last remnants of what we'd had in London for a while longer before we have to navigate our relationship in "real" life. What do I do? What should I do? Do I invite him back to my place? Would he say yes? Should I let him go home for tonight just to get his feet underneath him again and then ask if he wants to come over tomorrow? Or maybe it's better to spend the evening before work separated and tonight is really my last chance to spend with him before we return to our daily lives.

I catch sight of his bag fall onto the conveyer belt and begins circling towards us. I have to make a decision soon, but I balk at saying anything, I haven’t ever been so clingy in my life, and that unsettles me a little. It's good, healthy, to have a life outside of your partner, so why was it I don't want to separate from Ethan at all? How have I done such a complete 180, going from a man who's perfectly content with his independence and not seeking a relationship, to this?

I’m so deep in the forest of my thoughts that I hadn't registered that the man who had parked himself next to me was doused in odorous cologne and product that's been assaulting my olfactory senses for the past several minutes, until I fall prey to a pummeling fit that I'm only marginally able to reign in.


I double over, my chest and abs straining as my diaphragm constricts.

Hh'XsCSHhiew..HhEH-XxxKTch.. Hhh'KKXxxT-Chiew....Heh'XxxxTSHiu....EHH'xxTTTch--uu...HhhEhh'MmmmmppTtXXKtchh-ii...Heh'hGxx'KsCHuh... Heh'hGxx'Kscht-Chiew

Oh hell! This is turning into an intense fit and I know I won't be able to maintain stifling them for long. Unlike Ethan, my control over my sneezes is limited, and eventually, inevitably, despite my best efforts, they escape me and I'm vastly losing control over this fit.

Ethan’s hand comes to rest on my lower back. “Come on honey, let’s get you out of here.” He leads me away from the thick permeating scent while all I can do is continue to release the barrage of explosions, chained to the will of my nose and how quickly it can release the irritant.

Heh'KKXXT-CHIew... Hhh'XxxxTss'Chieww...Hh'GxxkSTsCHiuu..Hh'HhhXxx'SCHIEWWWW...Hhh'XxxxxSTssh-HhuhhTCHKSSH.

I'm only vaguely aware that Ethan has lead me into a private family bathroom, the sneezes having overpowered my cognition. Once inside, he locks the door behind us.


“There you go handsome, let it out.” He encourages.

Hh'Heh'HHh'SstchhhIIiuu...Hh'HhEhh'EsSsSttChiew...Hh'EH'ssST'Chiiiewww....Heh'HEssSHhiiuew... Heh'HEshh'sSTCHhhiewww

My breath is coming in short shallow pants, each exhale releasing the fierce explosions of air. My eyes are watering and and my entire body jerks with the force that is exerted from my sneezes. I’ve always had a particularly strong reaction to colognes and perfumes, throwing me into endless fittish frenzies. 


With a final explosive sneeze that rocks through my entire body, the fit finally comes to a close and I sag into Ethan.

"Bless you Nix."

He sounds more out of breath than I do and before I fully register what's happening he hauls me into him and then forcefully pushes my back into the wall, pinning his body to mine, my body making an echoing thud upon contact,. I hear myself make a shocked sound that's half inhalation, half groan. Encased by his body I feel the full extent of his arousal. His lips fervently meet mine. The kiss is urgent, frantic, a little rough, and a whole lot demanding. His hands are fisted into my shirt, his grip tight, like he's afraid if he doesn't hold onto me I'll slip through his fingers. It seems to mirror everything I'm feeling and communicates what I haven't been able to say.

My mind is reeling from the passionate display, but when Ethan's tongue brushes against the seam of my lips, seeking entrance, I get with the program and my mouth opens to him. Instinctively my arms circle around him deepening the kiss. He moans into the kiss, the vibration traveling from his mouth to mine, the sensation rippling down my body, making my blood run hot through my veins. Desperate for friction I thrust up into him.

He moans again, his fingers digging into my shoulders, the sharp sting sending a jolt of pleasure to my groin.

"God Ethan" I pant out.

"You are so fucking sexy Phoenix Hathaway. I can't- I need - want you" he gasps out between kisses, his breath hot and ragged.

My hands drop to his hips, pulling him harder against me. "You have me." I assure him my voice dropping low, and raspy.

"You have no idea what you do to me Nix, what having you sneeze like that around me does to me."

If it was anything like what he does to me, than I know. "Then show me" I challenge.


"Up to you, I just never took you for someone who didn't finish what you started." I taunt.

His eyes darken and a sexy growl rumbles in his throat, the air crackles and sparks with our combined passion. "Oh darlin' I always finish what I start."

He crashes his lips against mine, his fingers working on my zipper, while his lips trail down the column of my neck. He bites and sucks his way down to my collar bone and his teeth sink into the muscle. I gasp in surprise and pleasure. He drops to his knees, and Jesus Christ I can't believe this is happening. I mean I'm in an airport restroom for goodness sake well on my way to busting a nut like some kind of hormonal teenager and not a middle aged man. I've never experienced such an unrelenting carnal need and desire.

I cry out, uncaring that that the walls probably aren't thick enough to mask my sounds. My hands thread into his hair, not directing, just needing an anchor. His hands grab at the back of my thighs. My back arches and my head hits the wall with a small thwack. I don't care, pain and pleasure mingle. He's doing amazing things with his mouth and hands and the sensation is beyond euphoric. An announcement is made over the airport speakers and I hear the bustle of commotion just outside the door reminding me that we're in a public space and damn if that doesn't amplify my ardor.

Who the hell am I? I didn't even do something like this when I was a hormonal teenager, yet here I am, as a middle-aged man participating in a steamy session in a restroom in a very public space. While it’s a private restroom, the chance of someone trying the handle is still very real, and the possibility of someone waiting just outside the door to come in after us, knowing what we're doing as we exit has my lust reaching critical mass. The risk, the danger, and the thrill, all adding to the ecstasy of the moment. I had never considered myself an exhibitionist but this is definitely working for me.

My hands tighten in his hair. "E-ethan" I gasp. "Please baby, I can't, please."

Understanding he adjusts slightly and I'm done for.

After my legs stop shaking, my breath returns to my lungs, and I'm no longer seeing stars, he stands his eyes alight, lips swollen and pink, a cocky smirk gracing his face that I quickly kiss off whirling him around into the wall. For all his showing of dominance just now his body goes immediately pliant, melting against me, readily accepting my tongue in his mouth. I never knew it could be like this, a see-saw of push and pull, leading and following, giving and taking, controlling and submitting, demure and diamond-strong. Together we are in equilibrium.

I pull back to see his blue eyes glazed and hazy, a soft smile playing at his lips and all my yearning and desires that I was thinking prior to my allergy fit resurface. That, combined with my satiated brain, I can’t stop myself from asking "Come home with me?"

I watch the words register in his eyes and then his face breaks into a tentative but no less dazzling hopeful smile "You'd want me to?"

"Baby, I don't ever want to be parted from you it seems and maybe that's not natural, maybe I should want time apart, but all I want is to be near you. The thought of having to say goodbye, even if it's just for a night after we exit the airport doors is suffocating. I wanted to ask you while we were waiting for your luggage earlier but I thought it wasn't what I was supposed to do, I thought asking you to stay with me would be stifling for you. I'm sure you have things you have to take care of and would prefer to sp-"

He silences me with his mouth. "Screw the societal dating expectations and rules and what you are or aren't supposed to do, all that matters is what's right for us. In case it isn't painfully obvious, I have no desire to be parted from you either. My answer is absolutely."

I press a chaste kiss to his lips clasping my hand in his leading us to the door. "Then let's go."


We detour on the way to pick up take-out and then we arrive at my high rise condominium. It’s a large spacious condo with a large foyer that leads to the living/dining room that opens to the kitchen. The floor to ceiling windows offer a breathtaking view of Manhattan. The loft is modernly designed, with the color pallet consisting mostly of cream that contrasts nicely with some Ansel Adams photos I have framed and hanging on the wall. A beige sectional sofa with a chaise attached sits against the wall adjacent to the window. There's a modern granite 2 tier stone coffee table with the bottom tier illuminated by an LED light and an 85" flat screen TV mounted on the wall, a book shelf sits on one side of the couch while a lamp end table sits on the other. The kitchen has a bar top island separating it from the living room with 5 stools that are tucked under.

Being in a luxurious hotel room is one thing, but this, this is my home, and Ethan being here makes our relationship all the more real and tangible. I can't deny the nerves that are buzzing inside of me, wondering if he'll like it, wondering if it's to his taste. I had chosen the décor for me, not really considering someone else's opinion, but it matters to me what Ethan thinks.


He scans the space, taking it all in. "Wow Phoenix. Your home is incredible, and the view, this is spectacular!"

I smile in relief. "I'm glad you like it, the view was certainly a selling point. Here we can put your stuff in my room, and if you have any laundry that you want to start you’re welcome to do a load or two." I beckon him down the hall to the primary bedroom. There's a second bedroom for guests, that admittedly doesn't get much use.

"Trying to get me in your bed already?" He quips.

I turn back to him raising my eyebrow. "And if I was?"

He gives me a flirty look. "I'd say good luck getting me out. So maybe we hold off on that and get some food in us before we begin satisfying other cravings."

I laugh "Fair enough." I place his belongings next to the bed and head back into the living room. He trails behind me.

We take residence on the couch, divvying up the takeout and dig in. We eat quietly, though both of our gazes never leave each other for long. 

Once the meal is finished I gather the containers and dispose of them before settling back into the chaise portion of the couch, gesturing for Ethan to lie beside me, he eagerly scrambles to get to me, nuzzling into my chest with a happy sigh.

"I'm glad that you invited me over. It feels nice to be with you in a more real setting. I'll always appreciate London for bringing us together but it was a bit of a dream, but being here with you like this, offers a more honest glimpse of what our life could look like."

"And, do you look what you see?"

"More than I can possibly say. Nix, being with you is everything. You know I was kind of worried about being back. We were kind of living a fantasy while we were in London and I thought maybe our dynamic would shift when we returned and were hit with reality. I was dreading it if I'm honest, but everything with you feels so easy and so natural and that easy hasn't changed even though we're back. I think no matter what setting we find ourselves in it will always feel this way."

I give a hum of acknowledgment "I think that does bring up an important topic we need to talk about."

"You mean about how we're going to address being together with our work situation."

I smile "Yes, exactly."

"What do you want to do?"

"As my PA I think the optics are slightly favorable, I don't think a perception of favoritism or quid pro quo is as prominent in your position, and doesn't quite present a conflict of interest that might exist if you were in a different role in the company. That said it's still a delicate matter as there is a power difference between us and for transparency sake I think we should at least disclose to Allison that we're together." Allison was Firebird's HR executive. 

"Firebird doesn't have an official disclosure policy written in it's employee handbook, nor is there anything written that prohibits workplace romance but because of our positions I think it would be smart to be upfront about it with her."

He nods "I agree, that would be best."

"Okay, I'll set up a meeting with her tomorrow for Wednesday when we're back in the office."

He gives a simple nod "See, that's so natural and easy with you. I don't know if I've ever felt this at ease and secure with another person. It's almost scary how right it feels with you but at the same time it's not, because I feel assured that you're right there with me, I trust you, I trust us."

I press a kiss to the top of his head. "I feel the same."

One second his lying against me and the next he's straddling my lap. "So are you going to take me to your bedroom now?"

I laugh wrapping my arms around him.

"What? I haven't had dessert yet, and I have just over a day left to get as much of that -" he gestures at my person "as possible before we're back in the office and I'm forced to behave myself."

I laugh again shaking my head "You're insatiable."

He rolls his hips leaning in close to nibble on my ear "Are you actually objecting?"

 A small noise of pleasure escapes me before I even have the chance to reign it in. "Obviously not."

"Good." He says succinctly "So are you-" He yelps as I grab hold of him him and stand up his legs quickly linking around my waist locking him in place. I press a hard kiss to his lips as I carry him to my room throwing him down on the bed and crawling on top of him.

"Now about those other cravings..." I leave the sentence unfinished as I remove both of our shirts diving for his lips.

We spend the rest of the night satiating our cravings and when we finally exhaust ourselves and fall asleep, limbs entangled, I know I'm not even close to being full of him.


The following morning I slowly blink awake to Ethan's stunning eyes on me. I reach out tracing my thumb along his cheekbone. He turns his head pressing a kiss to my palm.

"Morning baby." I whisper.

"Hey handsome."

"You been up long?"

"No, I was just-" He pauses scarlet coloring his cheeks "No."

"What are you thinking about?"

His flush deepens "I-it's nothing."

"It's okay sweetie you can tell me."

"I was wondering, well fantasizing really about what it would be like to umm wake you up with a sneezing fit."


He hides his face. "I mean I would never do that, make you sneeze without your consent and God what is wrong with me!?" He sounds utterly mortified with himself.

"Hey hey." I pull him closer and lift his chin. "There's nothing wrong with you, your desires are perfectly natural, and fantasies are totally normal and perfectly acceptable, nay encouraged. Now, tell me what would you do, how would you get me to sneeze?"


He's back to the inarticulacy he had that first night that started this whole thing, when he found out I was the one who had responded to his advertisement. I confess I kind of love it when he gets all speechlessly flustered. I drag him close to me kissing the shell of his year before whispering "Describe your fantasy to me baby."

"O-okay. I-uh-you'd be asleep obviously because that's um the fantasy and I'd - God this sounds so wrong, like borderline assault."

I stroke his cheek. "Ethan baby, you’re just describing something you’ve thought about and we’re having a discussion about it, that’s no-where near close to assault. Don't censor yourself, I'm not judging you, your desire is valid, just talk to me, tell me your fantasy. Tell me, how would you get me to sneeze?"

"Um I'd -" He hesitates still looking conflicted.

I cup his face. "Baby, I want to hear. I might not always be able to deliver on your fantasies but I always want to hear about them. Please tell me."

He takes a breath and then releases it slowly. "Okay, well I'd want it to be natural, like it would be if I didn't wake you up and your nose woke you up instead." He pauses hesitating again.

I squeeze his arm. "Go on."

"So, I'd spray some cologne into the air close to you before snuggling next to you to watch everything unfold. You'd inhale in your sleep and your nose would twitch with a slight flare of your nostrils and I'd know that the irritant was effecting you. Gradually your breathing would speed up as the irritant took hold and your nose would crinkle adorably as the sneeze grew inside you. Eventually you wouldn't be able to fight the urge any longer and your breath would catch and I'd watch the moment the sneeze fully forms, the way your eyes squeeze shut and the muscles in your face scrunch up and your mouth would fall open and then it would come, the initial silent stutter that precedes the forceful explosive sneeze."

I listen, rapt, as Ethan describes the scenario.

"Your body would relax, your eyes remaining closed until another sneeze hits you and then your eyes would slowly blink open, but you'd be disoriented still in that in between state of being fully awake and still asleep and so you wouldn't be prepared for the next sneeze, sneezing uncovered, possibly even on me. You'd wake more with each sneeze and things would develop from there, probably resulting in me ravishing you senseless, and uhhh yeah, that’s yeah, that’s it." He finishes his description "But again I wouldn't ever make you sneeze without your consent. That would be wrong and I wouldn’t violate"

I silence him with a kiss. "Tell you what, we can develop a code system that indicates pre-consent for that type of scenario."

"Iyou don't think that that kind of fantasy makes me some kind of sexual abuser or something?"

"Inherently, no, not at all. As long as we pre-establish consent beforehand there is nothing wrong with it. Waking someone up through some kind of sexual physical act or sexually related act is pretty common, as far as I’m aware, and for the record, definitely something I’m on board with, waking up to you jumping me sounds hot and very pleasant."

He gives me a shy smile "So what's our code system going to be?"

"How about if I leave out a cologne bottle of perfume on the nightstand before we go to bed at night that'll indicate my consent to waking up to an allergy fit the next morning. It doesn't mean that it has to happen, just that if you were inclined and it were to happen I wouldn’t be opposed."

"You wouldn't want to verbally consent the night prior?"

"I kind of like not planning for it explicitly, I like the idea of not knowing that it’s a definite thing that will happen, and that I might not be fully expecting it, and being taken by surprise in the moment when it does, because, my dear Ethan, I have a feeling I will be leaving that cologne bottle out more often than not. You're not the only insatiable one among us."

He groans "Quick, can you fall back asleep."

I chuckle, pulling him on top of me, kissing him thoroughly, before rolling him onto his back and peppering kisses all over his neck and collar bone. "Or....we could find a different fantasy to fulfill given that I'm awake."

"Yeah?" He whispers.

"Yeah, for instance, that night at the four seasons when I asked you what your ultimate sneeze fantasy was you had responded that I hadn't signed up for your ultimate fantasy. But I believe now as your official boyfriend I am in a unique position to fulfil that and I was wondering what it was."

His cheeks turn all ruddy and he buries his face into my neck.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready. I'd just love to know whenever you are ready."

"No, no, I want to tell you. I guess it's not so much as one thing as maybe a collection of things."


"Really it just involves explicit play, nothing outlandish, I don't think, basically I'd like someone to sneeze while I'm inside them or vice versa, or during oral giving or receiving. I'd especially love it if it was unexpected, like if we weren't playing with sneezing at all beforehand and you happened to sneeze while any of that was happening."

I nod my acknowledgment. "Would you want it to be completely unexpected for the both of us, or if I were to induce myself without you knowing?"

"Both, but I think the former would be like my cream of the crop ultimate fantasy."

Honestly, given how sensitive my nose is it was an almost assured reality that fantasy would come to life especially on a day where my nose is relentless and I've had a lot of exposure to allergens. In fact, it happened a time or two with Andrew, though of course his reaction was one of repulsion and it had immediately killed the mood. "Either of those can be certainly arranged, what else, what would you want right now?"

"Right now, I just want to snuggle into you and have you sneeze against me, using me as your tissue."

"Easy enough, we can use that infamous cologne to get a fit going." I go to retrieve it from the bathroom when Ethan halts my advancement.

"Well, um actually I was kind of hoping that maybe we could try something different?" His eyes glance up at me in earnest.

"Okay, what do you have in mind?"

"Let me just- one second-" He crawls off the bed towards his carry-on before returning with a tiny vile with a blue cap. He hands it to me. “I forgot that I had packed this to possibly use with the person that responded to my advertisement, but you were so prepared it wasn’t needed.”

"Chinnkni?" I read.

"It's an herbal snuff powder that's used as a decongestant in Unani medicine practice but for us sneeze lovers it's used as a method for inducing. You inhale the powder into each nostril, it has a strong menthol scent and in most cases coaxes out a least a few sneezes. It's not always the most reliable, reactions are variable from person to person, I've also observed that it seems to lose its potency after it's been opened but it is the best resource on the market for producing a sneezing fit for those that aren't afflicted with allergies, and it seems to produce remarkable results with those that do have sensitive noses. This bottle is brand new and I've been curious what your reaction to it would be."

"Okay." I uncap the vile taking a sniff. A sharp medicinal menthol scent assaults my nose and I quickly close the vile, tingles cascading down my nose. "Wow, that's pungent, I definitely thi-thhi-"


He grins at me "Bless you. You were saying?"

I return his grin with a wink. "I don't think we'll have a problem with it not working on me."

"So you're willing to try it?"

I shrug "I don't see why not."

I uncap the bottle and pour a small amount of the powder into my palm, pinching some between my thumb and pointer finger lightly sniffing some into each nostril. My nose immediately burns, prickly tingles erupt all up and down my nose, overwhelmingly growing, my entire face reacts to it contorting and scrunching up against the invasion in my nose, my eyes already tearing up. It’s unlike any other irritant I’ve ever encountered.

"Ohh-Ii-Ii cc-ccan ffee-HhEHH-feel it, itt's ll-llike-"


The first sneeze is stronger than I was expecting and I pitch forward into Ethan. His hands come to wrap around me securing me in place so I remain there, nestling my face into his bare chest, which pulls a sexy sound from him but I don’t have time to react to it already releasing the next sneeze.


Holy fuck! These are so intense. My eyes are now streaming with tears. The fit dizzyingly powerful, the sneezes ripping through me with a force I hadn't been anticipating and don't think I've ever quite felt it's equal.

"Oh my God Nix!" Ethan moans, he's panting like he's running for the gold medal of the 800 meter dash. His body is trembling beneath mine, his fingers digging into my flesh. I'll never tire of this, Ethan's visceral and incredibly responsive reaction to just my sneezing alone.

"Oh-Oh God! It tti-tttiicckles sooo-"


"-so much."

Ethan moans loudly cursing as he does so.


The initial overwhelming urge is subsiding, and I manage to catch my breath from the break in the onslaught of sneezes, though the menthol scent still consumes my nose suggesting that more sneezes are likely but they aren’t as ready to be released.

With the slight break in sneezes I'm able to get a good look at Ethan. He looks, well he looks like we've already gone ten rounds in the sack. His pupils are blown, his face flushed, hair mussed, chest heaving.

"Fuck, baby, look at you. Yy-yyou're goo-HeeH-"


"gg-gg -Heeh- orgeous

EH'HEsSst'CHieww...HhhhHEh...Hhuuh..HhH..HHaah'ASSTCHEW! HhEHh...HhhEhh...Hhh....HhEesss'SstCHIEUWw

The fit has renewed with a fresh wave but it takes longer for the sneeze to peak, my breath laboring and hitching multiple times with powerful sucks of air before the sneeze comes.

Ethan whimpers "Need—need you closer." He pleads.

I pull him onto my lap, orienting his legs so they wrap around my waist, our bodies flush. "This alright?" My voice is as wrecked as his.

"Perfect." He answers breathlessly.

I pepper kisses along the column of his throat, his head automatically tilts back to give me full access. I reach his Adam's apple and my breath hitches.


Uncontrollable tremors course through him as I sneeze against his sensitive skin, his fingers clenching and unclenching into my bicep, his nails leaving behind faint crescent indents.

I sniff, my nose feeling pretty liquidy. I reach for a tissue from the box on the night stand. Grimacing as I look at the result in the tissue after blowing my nose. Grains of the powder intermingled within the clear liquid.

Blowing my nose though seems to have shifted some of the powder that remains in my nose and a renewed fit hits me.


"Jesus." I groan.

Ethan's head is thrown back in supreme ecstasy. Seemingly unaware that he's doing so, he's begun to rock against my in a steady rhythm. Good Lord, I could watch him like this infinitely. Unfortunately, I'm forced to shut my eyes as another sneeze builds, but the all consuming power of the powder has gradually diminished and the lingering effect just teases me, my breath growing ragged with the preparatory inhalations but no final release.





"Ohh cc-ccommmee—EEHHH—on." I groan. I hate that sensation of being on the verge of sneezing, but the sensation recedes right on the edge not giving you the satisfaction of release, so your left hanging in this anticipatory balance where every taut fiber of your being is primed and desperate to find relief but is unable to do so.


"It's rri-rriiighht tthhe—EEHH—there I ffee-ffeel it."

When another build-up ends with the same non-result Ethan interjects "Maybe I can help?"

"Please" I croak.

He tilts my head leaning towards my face and gently blows up my nostril. I instantly feel the tickle shift and that's the tipping point and the stuck sneezes rush out of me.


That seems to be the last of it, I give my nose another blow wiping away the last of the tears from my eyes pulling back to fully appraise Ethan.

Jesus, his entire neck, chest, and torso is wearing clear evidence of my explosions into him. I wince reaching for another tissue. "Sorry." I say as I wipe him down.

He chuckles "Have I given you any reason to think I'm at all bothered?"

"Well, no, but it was a bit messier than usual, and you mentioned not being a particular fan of uhhh shall we say gross sneezes."

His eyes soften "I think when you're literally shoving powder designed to make you expel everything in your nose, it's bound to get a little wet. Besides, I said I don't like snotty sneezes, a little misting spray, like with yours is sexy. At least in this setting. I love feeling your sneezes on me. Trust me, Nix when I say that everything, EVERYTHING, about your sneezes endlessly turns me on. At this point, there is nothing you could do that would put me out or turn me off."

"So the results were as you had hoped?" I don’t ask to be coy, I want to please him and give him everything he's ever dreamed about and more and need his assured approval.

In a swift motion he unhooks his legs from behind me and pushes me horizontal to the bed pressing against me so there is no mistaking his body's response to me. Reactively my hips buck up into him.

He leans down his lips hovering over mine, "does that answer your question?" His voice is a husky whisper.

I chuckle "I'd say it does."

"Good. Don't ever doubt how much I enjoy you Nix. You're a wet dream personified, a fantasy come to life, a romance novel incarnate, and most importantly you're everything I could ever want." With that he seals his lips over mine.

I pull him closer, wrapping my arms around him, breathing solely through my nose the lingering of scent of menthol in my nose becomes apparent and irritating, my nose crinkles slightly and a couple more sneezes to escape, muffled by Ethan's mouth.


"Mmm bless you handsome" he murmurs into my lips as he continues to kiss me. After a few moments he comes to rest beside me.

"Thank you." He says softly.

"Oh E, it's truly my pleasure. I don't think you understand what a gratifying treat it is for me to grant you such satisfaction."

"Well, on that note, I know your discovery about how you feel about sneezes, well at least mine, is still new, but is there anything you'd like to try with me? I’d like to be able to fulfill you the same way."

At the blush that floods my cheeks and the way I worry my bottom lip he gasps

"Oh my gosh! There is."

Damn my body for being so obvious. "No—it's nothing."

He cups my chin stroking my cheek. "You don't have to be embarrassed or ashamed."

"I—I'm not. It's—well I'm not sure it's a fair request given how difficult it is for you to sneeze in front of people and what you've mentioned about not being able to fully sneeze around others."

Understanding graces his features. "You want me to sneeze unstifled?"

I scrape my bottom lip across my teeth giving a hesitant nod. "I've noticed it a few times now when you have a major attack your sneezes became less and less suppressed from the force and I—I liked that.”

He sort of chuckles. “Yeah, that cold did quite the number on me, I don’t usually sneeze so much in one stint, it definitely becomes a bit harder to control them when they’re coming at me like that.” He throws me a seductive look his fingers tracing the lines of muscle across my arms and chest. “You liked that though? My being so overwhelmed from the force that they nearly took over, that they hit me so fast and strong that I couldn't prevent at least part of the sneeze from escaping?"

A shudder ripples through me, arousal and lust clouding my mind, my body already hyper-sensitive from his reaction to my own sneezing.

I nod “It made me wonder what your sneezes might sound like if you let them out. But I know it's not something that you like doing, or even can do and I wouldn't ever ask you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable. It's just a curiosity. I'm intrigued about the possibility I think it'd be hot, but I wouldn't ask that of you."

"Well, I don't know if it's possible, like you said its psychologically really hard for me to let go and give myself permission to fully sneeze without attempting to stifle and I don't know how to break down that barrier. But I'm willing to try."


"Nix, honey, you've indulged me and my whims at every turn. I'd like to be able to give you the same or at least attempt to give you the same. I don't know how much success I'll have but I want to give it a go, for you, now hand me that chhinkni bottle and let's see what we can get out of me."

I kiss him and retrieve the bottle. Pouring a bit of the powder onto the tip of my pointer finger and bring the digit to his nose.

He gives a delicate sniff, his nose scrunching, and a low gasp falls from his mouth. He quickly sniffs the rest up his other nostril. He experimentally sniffs a few more times to work the powder into his nose. For a few minutes it doesn't look like it's going to do anything but then his nose twitches, his chest heaving with labored breathes.

"I think it’s coming.” He pauses tilting his head back, his mouth open as he takes a couple of deep experimental breathes.

“Oh yeah- it's I can ff-ffeel it growing. It's li-like a slow burn in my-no-nose—“


"Fuck! S-sso-ssoorry"

HhH'XXXKTCH!!..... Hh’ktsch!...Hh’NGHKT!

The fit settles down and he blinks up at me, tears on his lashes, giving his eyes the effect of looking like a field of flowers in the fresh morning dew. "Ugh sorry."

I kiss his lips. "It's okay baby. I know it's hard. I still see you sneeze either way, so it's not any real loss for me."

"I'm going to try again, this time hold my hands."

"You're sure."

He gives a decisive nod. "I won't be able to force myself to sneeze if I can use my hands to aid stifling. Without the use of my hands the sneeze might overwhelm me enough to not be able to stifle, especially when the sneezes are the result of sniffing a fresh vile of chhinkni powder."

I'm hesitant to agree, but I have to trust that Ethan knows his own limits. "Okay baby, but if at any point you want me to let go you either tell me or squeeze my hand three times in succession."

He nods "I will, but you have to promise me you won't pull back unless I give you the single. I'll probably struggle and resist against you as the sneeze comes but I don't want you to let go unless I say so."

I agree, knowing this is going to be hard on both of us. He sniffs another generous dose of the powder and then grips my hands.

It takes even longer this time for the sneeze to build but I recognize the strain in his body as it comes to fruition, his hands squeeze mine and his entire face contorts, the muscles in his jaw tighten, his neck cords, his face turns red and his eyes water. As he had warned, he tries to yank out of my hands but as promised I hold on even if reluctantly and though it pains me to do so.

I hate that I brought this up, he only just made a break through being able to sneeze around me at all and I'm already mentioning that I want to see him sneeze unstifled. I shouldn't have mentioned it. Seeing him struggle isn't fun for me and I can't imagine it's fun for him.

I go for distracting him, drawing him out of the unpleasantness of focusing on the pending sneezes. Maintaining hand contact I gently lay him down onto the bed following suit and then orient ourselves so we're both lying on our sides and pull him into me. Trailing kisses down his neck. "You're so sexy Ethan. You look so hot like this."

He makes a pleasured sound, a small shiver running through him as he reaches for me. Some of the tension leaving his body. Now we're talking.

"That's it baby, just let go, I got you. Sneeze for me."

His breath hitches in shorter more frequent bursts and I know he's close.

I continue to kiss him, nipping at the pulse point of his neck and sucking his earlobe between my teeth.

His eyes squeeze shut on one last shuttering breath.


I can feel his entire body joggle against me with each sneeze, his hands reflexively squeezing mine as his body jerks forward. I'm so lost in the sensation, drowning in pleasure. Now that my eyes have been opened I can't believe I never saw the beauty and sexual appeal that lies in the act of sneezing. The raw forced vulnerability that inherently lives in the moment before and during a sneeze is erotic in a way I can't explain. And how Ethan sneezes, it's art in motion, it's a staccacto melody, his sounds, expressions, and the way he sneezes is a thing of beauty.

"Oh my god E, you're so-so I can't-fuck" There's so much more I want to say but my brain lacks the capacity to formulate my jumbled thoughts into a coherent sentence.


That last sneeze seems to end it. His shoulders droop as he relaxes, his breaths evening out.

I pass him a tissue ""Bless you baby. Are you okay?"

He nods, dabbing his eyes and blowing his nose. "I'm just sorry I couldn't do it. That I can't give you what you want." He mumbles into me.

I run a hand through his hair. "Sweetie, you gave me just what I wanted- you exposed, and unraveled, and at the complete whim of your sneezes. You did so so well too, I know that can't have been easy. You're working against years of conditioning, you aren't going to will it away in one morning."

He pouts and I have to hide my smile, because it's kind of adorable. "I really want to be able to do this for you, after everything you've done for me and I can't even deliver on such a small simple request."

"Baby, that's just it, it's not a small request for you, it goes against every instinct you have, for all intents and purposes you've sneezed like this your entire life, to suddenly not stifle when you've programmed yourself to sneeze that way for years is a monumental challenge. If you want to continue working on it together I'd love to help, if you'd rather not that's also perfectly okay. We operate within your own comfort and your own boundaries, I'm not asking you to change those and I never will. I promise you're not disappointing me. This is enough, more than enough, it's really fucking hot if I'm perfectly honest.

"You really enjoyed it?

"Jesus, Ethan, feeling your body jerk against me every time you sneezed was heaven, that alone would be enough, but the way your face contorts and your desperate hitches, and the sound of your sneezes. Yeah, consider me fully bought in."

"I'm really not letting you down?"

Mirroring his move from earlier I roll him onto the bed so I'm on top of him ensuring that my reaction is pressed firmly against his thigh. "Does that answer your question?" I mimic.

He laughs. "I'd say it does."


After a few moments of silence he says a little shyly "I would like to work on it though. One day I'll be able to surprise you with a full unhindered sneeze attack."

I smile at him. "And I'll be ready to explore that with you when the day comes. I'm excited to explore that and so much more with you."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We lose ourselves in murmured sweet nothings, tender caresses, and languid kisses. Morning fades to afternoon, which turns to evening, and all too soon I’m dropping Ethan off at his place so he can prepare for work tomorrow.

We exchange one final lingering kiss before we part. "See you tomorrow E."

"See you tomorrow Nix."

I watch him walk up his walkway and disappear behind his door before driving away. And so begins our re-entry back to ordinary life as a couple. 


Oh my, Oh my!!! I'm so very happy! Driving to work with a new chapter to read. Gosh. It's getting better and better. I live for cute domestic love and Nix's sneezes are sexy as always. Ethan and Nix are just so perfect together. Love to see them next time in a work related situation as a couple. So cute!!! Like two puppies (which Nix is allergic to) Oh his allergy and chilli (sorry for mispronouncing) sneezes are to die for. But also Ethan trying his best for Nix is so adorable! Love that! 

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You're back!!! This is all I've been waiting for 😭. Safe to say I was NOT disappointed- Ethan's fits are exhilarating to read every time and Phoenix's comfort is something else ❤️. I can't wait to see where you take this next, especially in terms of their work and new parts of their relationship, I'm so excited to see more vulnerable moments like on the plane as well as just pure fluffy love. Thank you for this amazing chapter, can't wait for much, much more!

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2 hours ago, AntheaHolmes said:

Oh my, Oh my!!! I'm so very happy! Driving to work with a new chapter to read. Gosh. It's getting better and better. I live for cute domestic love and Nix's sneezes are sexy as always. Ethan and Nix are just so perfect together. Love to see them next time in a work related situation as a couple. So cute!!! Like two puppies (which Nix are allergic to) Oh his allergy and chikni (sorry for mispronouncing) sneezes are to die for. But also Ethan trying his best for Nix is so adorable! Love that! 

I'm so sorry, you must be getting tired of me commenting so much but I forgot to mention that I'm head over heals for all the feels they have for each other. The bathroom scene at the airport is so incredibly sexy and also the care and love. The way Ethan helps Nix with his allergies while Nix is also giving Ethan what he wants/needs....it's everything! The comfort they find in eachother after having trouble finding love and understanding.... it's almost too much! I would love more sneezes from Ethan as well as more allergy sneezes from Nix caused by dogs or cats - first because I suffer from them as well and second because theirs always a pet near when I'm in the subway or on my way in the city. Even at malls. 

Much love and thanks again for this AMAZING new chapter! 

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Oh man.  OH MAN!!  You just keep upping the hotness factor with these 2!  Can they get more perfect?!  Nope.  Not possible.  Phoenix, hun, you are an absolute dream come to LIFE!  Ever chapter is like a story within a story, there is so much amazing content, and I STILL can't get enough!

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Yes. I wish I had more insightful things to say. But yes. So tired, but waking up to this? This is top tier. Wonderful job. I wait patiently for their next story. (Honestly it intrigues me to find out how they’ll manage this at work) 

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I absolutely love this story and read it daily.  I am very curious how the relationship will evolve outside of the London bubble and back at work.  I think in the short term the workplace dynamic could be a lot of fun but I worry about the specific role Ethan holds.  It feels like he has so much more potential and has maybe stayed in this role to be near Phoenix. They will definitely have to face challenges in how others perceive them even if not outwardly but I think they can both handle it. I would love to see Derek come and work with them so he can finally leave Andrew!

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I'm not even sorry for commenting so often on this beautifully written and amazingly sneezy story! It's really one of my favourites and I'm so so happy that you brought Nix and Ethan to live! They are so cute, sweet, caring, loving and adorable together. I try to find more words but it's just so fantastic and phenomenal. I would love to "see" them grow old together... it's weird, I know but both are so very perfect! I can't wait to finally see them together as a couple at their workplace. The dynamic will be interesting! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh my, just last night I dreamt about Nix and Ethan...yeah, they followed me into my dreams and just this morning I had to re-read again because this story and these two lovebirds are too good to be true. Well, they aren't, sadly but I love thinking about all the possibilities of situations "we" could have with them. 

Sorry, I try not to sound like a stalker or anything but Nix and Ethan are just so damn amazing and I can't wait for a new chapter! Just yesterday when I hit the gym I thought about Nix and his dust allergies and how he would try to fight them through his workout. 

Okay, sorry. I'll behave. Much love. 

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@AntheaHolmes Hi lovely! I can't tell you how much your comments mean to me. They give me and this story such life and worth. I am so humbly grateful for your engagement and writing such detailed comments. They put the biggest smile on my face whenever I read them. Definitely, definitely not tired whatsoever from your comments, nor do you sound like a stalker, and you are welcome to unapologetically misbehave all over this thread anytime. 🤭 😉Let me tell you, all your comments are fuel! It is everything to me that this story is so beloved. So truly, thank you! ❤️ I do have a special treat in store for you to show my appreciation, based on your request, it's drafted and I had meant to include it in this upcoming chapter, but it ultimately wound up not working out to incorporate here, but I promise it's coming.  

On 2/19/2024 at 5:27 AM, AntheaHolmes said:

Oh my, just last night I dreamt about Nix and Ethan...yeah, they followed me into my dreams

This warms my heart to no end. These two have taken up permanent residence in my head and I frequently go to bed brainstorming new fantasies for our love-birds. I'm tickled that they follow you too. I'm with you, Phoenix and Ethan can just live among us indefinitely. Haha

@dwaekki ❤️ Thank *you* so much for your wonderful comments. Ethan's sneezes give me a little bit of trouble, because I want them to be "perfect" and I really want to create the visual, and convey the auditory experience. So, admittedly, I probably spend far too long agonizing over both how I describe them and how I spell them - where to bold, when to bold, if they should be punctuated and where, etc, etc. Overthinker? Who me? The fact that they please you though balances it all out. Haha Actually, full disclosure, I do that with Phoenix's sneezes too. Maybe not quite to the extent as I do with Ethan's but I mean this is a "fetish" story after all, the sneezes are kind of a central element, and a large component of the enjoyment factor. They have to be exemplary by golly! 

@funbusej So, I did not initially see the last chapter getting quite so spicy but as I began writing, Phoenix and Ethan led me down that path, and who am I, as a mere custodian of their story, to thwart their trajectory. Ultimately, they tell me where they want to go. I'm so glad that you're enjoying! Thank you, as always for your sweet and amazing comments!

@uwus and love Hehe I am so glad this was available to help wake you up. Thank you for the amazing compliment! Definitely, playing around with their dynamic at work now that they're official has so many possibilities and opportunities. I entertained, and in some ways am still entertaining multiple scenarios. I trust in good time Ethan and Phoenix will let me know what they feel is right. 

@Privatedancer I'm so glad that you are enjoying! Now having to include their work relationship in the mix definitely shakes things up and there are countless ways they can navigate that layer. Ethan does have a wealth of talent, but he seems perfectly satisfied in his role and I don't think the career he's pursuing and the decisions he's making to remain in his role are are in anyway related to his feelings towards or his desire to be near Phoenix. Ethan is not the kind of employee who would stunt his own career development and/or career goals in favor of being near someone else. From his position he's afforded a lot of opportunity that he wouldn't have at a different company and he's given responsibilities that extend beyond a traditional PA and so I don't see he's under-utilized. Beyond that, he works in an environment that has positive culture and for a boss that contributes to the positive culture, and that truly values his employees, when he knows that isn't something that is ubiquitous throughout the corporate realm. These are the factors that motivate him to stay. 

@nyeee Awww thank you! 


Hello forum friends! Hope this finds everyone well! It sounds like the general consensus is that everyone is interested to see how our two lovebirds will handle the overlay of their work dynamic and personal relationship. This chapter sets some of that up, but will continue to unfold in successive chapters. In the mean time, I am so excited to present to you the next chapter. I relished in writing this next installment, and I hope that y'all enjoy it as much as I do. Thank you for reading and giving this story wings.  ❤️ And now without any further adieu....


Chapter 8: Ethan

I hadn't thought I would be but as Nix and I head towards Allison's office preparing to tell her we're together I feel nervous. The flutters in my stomach and the thumping in my heart grows.

"It's going to be alright" Nix whispers into my ear reassuringly before stepping away from me leaving a respectable distance between us. For all my talk about wanting remain a professional and respecting boundaries while we're at work, I'll admit that the loss of his body heat leaves me wanting and I yearn to close that distance.

"Good morning Phoenix and Ethan" Allison usher's us into her office closing the door behind her.

"Good morning Allison, how are Mo and the kids?" A typical response from Nix, always invested in the life and well-being of his employees.

They continue to chat amicably for several minutes, while I grow uncharacteristically more and more anxious about this whole exchange. Finally when it feels like I’m sweating bullets Allison leads the conversation down to business.

“So, what is that you would like to discuss today?”

Nix looks to me. We had agreed that I should be the person to disclose our relationship to make it clear that it’s consensual and that it isn’t related to some power dynamic or that Nix coerced me into it by using his position.

“We wanted to advise that Phoenix and I are in a relationship. A romantic relationship.” I add, not that I really needed to provide the clarifier, but wanting to ensure that there is no confusion.

"I see" she looks between the two of us.

"I verified our current policies and there is not currently any rule against interoffice dating. That said, we recognize the sensitivity that this can present and out of professional courtesy we wanted to disclose to you though we do not plan on announcing our relationship to anyone outside this room and you can feel secure that we're committed to maintaining professional boundaries and ensuring that this does not interfere with our jobs or our work." Nix details.

"Thank you both for your transparency. Though we do not a required disclosure policy in place, provided the nature of you’re working relationship, I am grateful that you have brought this to my attention. Please understand this is a precautionary step, as my position is responsible for making sure that the organization is protected from any possible liabilities I will be putting together and need you both to sign a love contract that attests that they you are in a consensual relationship, there will be no preferential treatment, and both of you will hold the organization harmless if the relationship dissolves.”

“That seems reasonable.” I respond. Nix nods in agreement.

“Good I will get that drafted and send you both a copy of the paperwork either later today or tomorrow to sign.”

We conclude the meeting and make our exit. Once we're safely tucked in the confines of the elevator and alone I sag against the wall, a wave of relief flooding through me.

Nix winks at me. "See, that wasn't so bad."

"I was worried she would forbid it, or try to prevent us from continuing our relationship."

"Of course Allison's first priority is going to be protecting the company, which she is upholding by having us sign a contract releasing the company of any liability if our relationship fails. That conversation may have been more involved and required further investigation and discussion around how to proceed if I was a department manager leading a team of people because there is potential for greater impact on the company with perception of favoritism and what-not, but ultimately she can't legislate love, particularly when there is no instituted policy against it. I also think she can appreciate that we're both adults who are capable of deciding what's right for ourselves but we're also professional enough to not allow our personal relationship to interfere with our working one. She is now also aware so she can ensure that remains the case."

I nod "I'm still relieved."

He squeezes my arm and gives me a warm smile. "Me too.”

The remainder of the morning resumes business as usual, with nothing out of the ordinary. It isn't until in the afternoon when Nix calls me into his office to make some rearrangements with his schedule to accommodate a last minute requested emergency meeting with a client that the first reminder presents itself of how difficult it's going to be to remain professional around Nix at work.

"Okay, so my schedule is a little inflexible this afternoon but I think if we slotted something during my commute to Opticon I can maybe at least assuage their concerns in the short term to set up a formal on-site meeting to review possibly tomorrow." Nix muses looking at his calendar. "What magic can you work to arrange for a 2 hour block in my schedule tomorrow?"

"Well your first official meeting isn't scheduled -" I begin to reply but I'm distracted by Nix's nose twitching.

He sniffles, his nose crinkling adorably.

"Sorry, I've got a bit of a tickle" He informs me apologetically before turning away and expelling 3 gloriously delicious sounding sneezes.


I have to bite my lip to prevent myself from grinning like a fool, or worse moaning. And I thought I had a difficult time restraining myself around him prior to us levelling up our relationship. Now, it's like my self-control and discipline are nonexistent and my physical reaction, well let's just say that in just over a week of sneezy indulgence, I would put Pavlov's dogs to shame.

"Bless you Mr. Hathaway" I murmur reverting to the title I've always used in the office to address him, in supreme effort to mentally reinforce our professional boundary.

He sniffs. "Thanks" He answers a little bashful, color tinting his cheeks but I don't miss the slight furtive smile that touches his lips that indicates he knows exactly what those sneezes did to me and that I'm not fooling him at all by using his surname to address him.

Damn him. I resume my previous aborted sentence, determined to get through this interaction "Your first meeting is at 9:30 tomorrow but RPMX begins their first shift at 6AM you could offer a 7AM 1 hour meeting. That gives you some leeway if it runs over, means you won't have to reschedule anything already on the books, and shows your dedication to the client."

"That's perfect."

"Done." I reply immediately blocking that time out on his calendar.

"Okay, now about the debt restructuring meeting tomorrow for InterSect, can you please ask the analyst team for an update?"

"Already did, they said they would have all current documents sent to you this afternoon, you should have it after you return from your 2 o clock."

"You're always so on top of it." He smiles gratefully, his brilliant gaze holding mine, and my body instinctively leans closer.

"That's my job." I manage to reply, though my voice comes out a little more strained than I intended.

"Well, you're exceptionally good at it." his tone dropping just a touch lower. Nix has always made complimentary comments like this to me, and anyone he works with. Verbal reminders that they are appreciated and valued and recognized for their efforts but now when he says those things it feels intimate.  

"Phoenix" I caution, but it comes out breathy and wanting.

"Ethan" he counters, his voice equally filled with longing.

There's a moment, a pregnant pause where neither of us moves, the air electric.

He breaks first, shaking his head. "Well with that unexpected call I'll be making, I need to pull some things together. Thank you Ethan."

"My pleasure" I reply leaving his office taking his statement as the dismissal it is.

Once back at my desk I try to refocus and maintain any semblance professionalism but the image of Phoenix sneezing plays on loop in my head. The rest of the afternoon is a constant game of mental whack-a-mole trying to push the images and the sound out of my mind but they keep resurfacing. Jesus, it was just three sneezes, not anything to write home about, nothing that should be this monumentally distracting. But as I once again recall the scene to my mind, picture the sexy way his face falls as the pre-sneeze look takes over his visage, the hitchy build-upy breaths, and the delicious sound of his release, my mind scoffs, yeah keep telling yourself that Ethan.

Ugh, who would have thought that my ability to remain professional would be sorely diminished after having Phoenix in all the ways I desire, as opposed to when he was just my boss? If I thought I was tested before I have another think coming. I wonder how I can use practiced and adapt at working through exercises in futility as a marketable career asset.

As I'm gathering my items to leave for the evening Nix stops by my desk.

"Come over tonight?" He's speaking barely above a whisper to avoid being overheard by any prying ears, but I can hear the supplication in his voice and see the plea in his eyes echoing my own desperation. If he wants me over there is no way I'm going to deny either of us the pleasure.

I nod matching his tone I reply "I'd like that."

"I'll text you when I get home."

"Do you need me to stay and assist you at all?"

He gives me a gracious smile "There's no need. You've put in your time, thank you for all that you organized today. I'm just wrapping up a few things, I shouldn't be too much longer."

I nod, and gather the rest of my items and leave the office, anxiously awaiting his text.


As soon as Nix lets me into his apartment he pins me to door kissing me fervently. I melt into him, helpless against the tide of want that rushes through me, making my knees go weak as I zealously respond to the kiss.

"Missed you." He murmurs against my lips.

"It's been a long day huh."

He gives me a rueful smile, his fingers carding through my hair. "Sooooo long" He bemoans. "How did we ever manage before?"

I chuckle. "I was literally thinking the exact same thing earlier today."

"Well then let's not waste the time we have now." His lips descend back down to mine.

I sigh into his mouth. "Sounds good to me."

"In which case, I was thinking that I could take you on a proper date tonight. We sort of skipped over that step and I thought it might be nice to actually go out together."

"Yeah, you going to wine and dine me Mr. Hathaway?"

He laughs lightly "something like that."

"Well then, show me your dating prowess and impress me."

He gives me a devilish smirk "Oh, you'll be more than impressed baby cakes, by the time the night is through you'll be begging for it."

"Promises, promises."

He leans in close his breath ghosting over my ear "Now, now, you ought to know by now, I don't make empty promises." He nips at the lobe of my ear, when my body responds with a visible shiver he pulls back with a generally unaffected air, and smug smile, that should be annoying but is oh so hot.

I can't even wrangle the brain capacity to respond with a quippy remark. Round one goes to Phoenix Hathaway. Damn him!

He is silent about where we're going but when we pull into the parking lot of the botanical gardens I know I'm in trouble.

At my slack-jawed, wide-eyed, flushed expression he raises an eyebrow, a slightly smirky tug on his lips "Problem?" He's far too suave and smooth and infuriatingly unstirred. It’s so irresistible, so frustratingly sexy. Once again, damn him!

"You don't play fair Mr. Hathaway." I grumble.

That damn tantalizing smirk widens "All is fair sweets." And with that he exits the vehicle with a cocky swagger that is not, I repeat, not alluring in the slightest. Yep, he's got my number for sure. I take a steading breath following him to the entrance.

We've barely made it passed the admissions entry and I'm already buzzing with anticipatory excitement. He leads me right of the admissions entrance towards the "Fragrance Garden" It's not the largest garden in the center, but it is unique in that it is filled with incredibly fragrant plants with the intention of visitors to touch and smell as they walk around the garden. Oh holy hell, he's determined to torture me. He sets off towards the flowers, giving me a sly look as he bends down inhaling the first pot.

“Mmmm, that smells quite nice, strong though.” I don’t hear anything in his voice that would indicate a building sneeze, say for a few small involuntary sniffles the irritant at the very least causing his membrane to produce excess fluid. It begins, barely perceptible at first, mere whispers of discomfort, with a subtle twitch of his nose, followed by flaring nostrils. Then on a steady inhale his breath gives the faintest catch, an unmistakable harbinger of the pending fit that is sure to unleash itself upon him. His mouth parts on another gasp, the rise and fall of his chest stuttering. The urge going from latent to imminent.

“Oh–Oh dear thAAAHt’s rrrreally ti-tickly–“

His voice is now strained, not quite over-ridden by the oncoming sneeze but vastly approaching so. His body fighting a tumultuous battle against his autonomic functioning. The inevitable sneeze presenting itself in the uncontrollable distinguishable intake of breath that escapes while he’s talking.

His eyebrows pinch together and he takes a series of deep rapid inhales each more shaky and desperate from the last, his respiratory system preparing for the impending onslaught, his entire being ensnared with the insistent, prickling need. No longer a question of if he will sneeze, but when.  

He pulls out a blue cotton handkerchief from his back jean pocket holding it up to his face. That clever bastard came prepared and why do I find it so flipping hot?

I am utterly transfixed and enthralled with the display. His chest heaves, each inhalation dragging him deeper into the turbulent current of the sneeze’s grasp. His head tilts back as if to create space for the eruption. His muscles cord in his neck, his pectoral muscles strained against his shirt, every sinew stretched to its limit.

This carries on for what feels like an eternity, the sneeze right on the brink, closer and closer with every breath.

Finally, a single, moderately stifled sneeze escapes him. Not overtly loud but forceful ending with a high squeak followed by a recovering sigh.


There’s maybe a 10 second pause and then another sneeze, equal in sound quality of the first, preceded by 3 rapid build-up breaths that start small, with barely any vowel sound and grow in length, each becoming more distinct. The last breath hangs suspended in the air for a couple of seconds before the eventual eruption.


He rights himself his expression still sexily sneezy but he hasn’t quite broken into a full blown fit and for a brief fleeting moment he’s free from the suffocating grip over his senses.

“I can feel it gg-ggGOOing ddeeeper” He struggles to get out.

“Iiit’s gggrow-HEH-growing oh-oh yyeeah hEEEREH it cc-cc-HEH-comes-“


This time there is only a 3-5 second pause before the next sneeze barrels out of him.


“Oh God, excuse me” He rushes to get out before another hits him.


Jesus, I am not going to last this fit as a fully formed corporeal being. I’m just going to melt into a puddle of libidinous goo at his feet. This is the most erotic display of sneezing I've ever seen. The things this gorgeous man does to me, for me. I need to touch him, be near him.

As if hearing my thoughts, he extends his free-hand the other still holding his handkerchief poised at the ready over his face. I immediately latch onto it, our fingers interlacing.

On a hitching breath he announces "GG-Gggonna snneeEHze-"


With hardly room for a breath another comes.



The sneezes come fast and furious now. As one sneeze subsides the next surges forth, a relentless barrage that has him folding in on himself. His muscles no longer undulating between tensed and relaxed in between sneezes, but static in contraction as the convulsive explosions relentlessly seize him.

I pull him off to the side setting him on a cement bench in an effort to get him as removed as possible from the allergen. I recognize that this probably does very little in reality, given that the pollen is embedded deep within the walls of his nasal passages, brushing incessantly against the membrane assaulting his senses until the irritant has been released.

Eventually, the fit ebbs, reverting to long seconds between each sneeze and finally ends after one particularly harsh-


The sneeze catapults him forward before rebounding him back like a spring. I halt his momentum into the wall wrapping my arm around him which sends him falling into me at an angle.

He gives a sort of embarrassed chuckle “excuse me, sorry.”

“Bless you, you complete loon."

He gives me a cheeky smile. "You were expecting to be wined and dined but what about teased and sneezed?" He waggles his eyebrows suggestively.

I snort a laugh. "You are something else Phoenix Hathaway."

"But I'm your something else."

"Aye, that you are." I place a fond kiss on his cheek.

"So, shall I see what the next one does to me?”

I give an overly dramatic and exaggerated long-suffering sigh "If you must."

He laughs "Tell me you're not enjoying this."

"We both know I can't if I don't want to make a liar out of myself."

"That's what I thought." He snarks before moving on to the next arrangement, planting his nose in the center of the bulb and inhaling deeply. Unlike the last fit that built slowly, taking minutes to fully actualize, the effect from this round takes mere seconds, his nose already hyper-active and sensitive from the previously inhaled allergens, and he's promptly doubled over with an all-consuming rapid fit that reaches upwards of 30 sneezes in a manner of minutes.

We continue our stroll through the garden, and with every inhale of the plants that occupy the space, Phoenix becomes more and more unraveled, the fits escalating in severity and intensity. As one sneeze erupts there’s another lurking just beneath the surface already building before the first is finished, bursting forth with vigor as the previous ends giving a the effect that the sneeze is just one long continuous string of itself, that sounds deliciously congested.  


The stacked tumbling sneezes transform into a teasing hitching harsh release.


His entire body convulses, causing him to stagger blindly before I pull him back to chest against me to steady him as he continues to sneeze, the force of the spasms echoing through my own body.

HHh'HH'EHHHHXSshieuuu...HHH'ESsSssSCHhiew..Hhhhhhh..Ehh...HHHh'EtSHchiew.... EeSSsshiew... Hihh'HHHH'ESS'shieWw..EehsSSSTChiu...HAa..Hhh'T-TSssCHEW!!...HHH'EsSshieuuU!!

"God" he murmurs blowing his nose into the cloth.

“Bless you. Are you okay honey? Maybe we should take a break?” I’m warring between my own inexorable horniness and my concern over his seemingly unabating fit.

“I'm fff-Ine” he gets out through a shaky breath his voice straining against the building force of the next sneezes.

Hh'HEtCHiew..Hh'ESSShiew...Hhh'ESchiew... Hhh'Essschiew...Hhh'ESS'Schiew...AaTSchiew...HhEH...Hhhiih...'EssTchuew... Hha...Hh'HEH'Ssschiuew…Hh'HEH'EssSssTCHU-Chiew…HEH’ESsTCHu

He rubs his nose with his knuckle, a sniffle accompanying the action.


This last sneeze tears through him like a bolt of lightning, leaving his body tremoring from its power, but that at least seems to be the end of it. He sags limply into me, leaving me to hold the majority share of his weight. I press a gentle kiss to his forehead.

When he rises, the aftermath of the allergic fit is etched on his countenance with striking clarity. Every facet of his appearance bears witness to the ordeal he just weathered- the sensitive skin around his nose is mottled with irritated patches of red. His eyes are puffy and watery, twin orbs haloed by dark circles. Dampness clinging to his eyelashes. Tracks of tears stain his cheeks. His nose sporadically twitching in residual agitation. His hair, previously meticulously styled, now lays disheveled and unkempt, a tangled mass of strands tousled by the violent convulsions that wracked his body. Loose tendrils have fallen unruly across his forehead. The weary slump in his posture. All a testament to the toll exacted by this prolonged bout of allergic induced sneezed.

What I see when I look at him is an un-marred gorgeous vitality. His glistening eyes, lend them an ethereal luminescence. The sunken dark hallows that surround his eyes just serves to accentuate the flaming intensity of his gaze. The tousled state of his hair imbues his appearance with an untamed debauched allure calling to mind bedding activities. It adds depth and texture to his already captivating appearance. It’s beauty found in vulnerability, attractiveness born out of imperfection and he couldn’t look more appealing, more dreamy.

I brush aside his wayward hair, my hand lingering along his cheek. “Bless you handsome.”

"Maybe we should head to the canteen before going into any of the other gardens." He concedes.

I’m already leading him to the exit. An unexpected wayward sneeze tumbles from him. Although pointed downwards it hits my arm almost full-on.


It's more explosive than wet, the gust of air caressing my exposed skin causing it to goosepimple, the fine hair raising.

"Sorry, excuse me" He mumbles sheepishly.

Goodness, this guy, he's pure perfection I tell ya. My chuckle is full of tenderness. "You've really done a number on yourself haven't you honey."

The corner of his mouth quirks up. "Worth it."

I shake my head, he's incorrigible, but I can't contain my own dopey grin.

The canteen is fairly quiet, the majority of patrons choosing to visit during the peak operating hours and it's a relief to not have to navigate the throngs of people and the crowds. I also have a feeling Nix intentionally chose to come here during the week so he wouldn't make such a spectacle of himself sneezing, as he would say on the weekend, when the Gardens are at maximum capacity.

We enjoy our meal with companionable chatter, and light banter. Within 20 minutes he looks fairly recovered. He pulls up a digital copy of the center map. "Where to next?"

I lean over his shoulder to survey the map. "Oh look! The cherry walk is in peak bloom! I've always wanted to see it but never gotten around to it. Can we?"

He smiles, his eyes warm and affectionate and of course him being the giving and indulgent person that he is answers "Whatever you want baby."

“It’ll probably wreak havoc on your already stimulated nose are you su—“  

Nix shushes my protest and then says again kindly but with a firmness that leaves no room for debate “Whatever you want baby.”

I know we were joking around previously, but I really am impressed beyond measure. The botanical gardens are romantic, leisurely recreational, educational, and then there is the added benefit of aggravating Phoenix's allergies. It couldn't be a more perfectly tailored date for me.

I gasp as we enter the lawn and approach the meandering path that is shrouded in gracefully arching boughs of cherry trees laden with floral treasures. In the wake of spring's renewal, ephemeral life blooms from winter's slumber, each tree stands as a sentinel of spring adorned with clusters of blossoms that surround us and create an entire hallowed corridor ablaze with vibrant hues of millions of flowers.

A light breeze rustles through the branches, the blossoms sway in harmonious union, their sweet perfume mingling in the air like a whispered promise of renewal. Trills of birds can be heard from the branches over-head, nature’s orchestra of sound, color, and fragrance that enraptures the senses. A natural cathedral where patrons come to worship at the altar of beauty.

"It's stunning" I murmur, not wanting the natural solemnity of the fleeting splendor to be disturbed by my speaking. I entwine my fingers in Nix's as we continue through the verdant canopy of flowers.

"It really is." He concurs his voice laced with the same veneration as mine along with a breathlessness that doesn't require me to see him reaching for his hankie again to know what will soon follow.


Contrary to the fragrance garden where we were somehow able to peruse the scene in solitude this attraction has a number of other visiting patrons. Given the expanse of the esplanade thankfully there is some separation from the other guests and no one seems to be alerted to Nix’s predicament. Even so, I wrap my arms around him pulling him against me shielding him as best as I can.

He turns his face into the crook of my neck his breath hot against my skin as his body shudders from the force of the allergic fit.


The sneezes are muffled against my skin but the shaky inhales are increasing in volume and intensity, a vestigial of the contained sneeze.


He's passed the point where he is able to wrestle any control over his sneezes and as much as I adore him like this, I work quickly to lead us out of the pathway and into the open lawn some distance away from the offending trees in hopes of calming down his reaction. Finding a secluded area I sit us down pulling him against me, cradling his face to my chest. I stroke his back soothingly, murmuring words of reassurance and little endearments as he continues to sneeze.

HhEh..Hhh'HhEh'PTSshieuu...HeH..Hhuuuh..hhEh'HEh..Hhh'Hhh'HhhEsSHhhhiEew... HhEH'EESSsTChiew...Hihhh'EsTshiew...HheH..Ehhh..Hhh'Hheh'Hhuh'Hh'EESSshiew...HhhEH..Hhiih..Hhhuuh...HhhEH'ESsTchuu...HhEH..HhEEH..Hhuh..Hhh'Hh'EEhHEDSssCHIew

There’s a certain enticing gorgeousness in the way he surrenders to his sneezing and my own arousal mounts in tandem with Nix’s prolonged fit, reaching cosmic level. Desire over-riding my higher brain functioning. The sight of him all sneeze ridden igniting something primal in me. Blinding me with a haze of lust. I trace the contours of his back reveling in the sensation of his taut muscles, tensed in preparation for the powerful expulsion of air. I am eternally thankful that I am wearing tight fighting underwear and pants because at this rate, detumescence is not in my future.

The increment between sneezes steadily increases, taken up by extended build-ups that occupy him for 10-20 seconds making the resulting outcome a bit dramatic and so beddable and irresistibly sexy.


Another sneeze teases its way to the surface, with long-drawn out inhales, prolonging the exquisite torment of his allergy-induced paroxysm.



The cycle continues seemingly unabating as his sinuses work to expel the itchy allergens from him.

My own body is tremoring in my restraint, resisting the compulsion to possess him completely but with each passing sneeze the threads of my composure are fraying.

Having regained some of his attentiveness with the length between sneezes he notices the barely contained desire that's flooded my very essence. His lips curl into a knowing grin and he huffs a sort of laugh. It's not a braying, teeth showing kind of laugh. It's a bit gruff, coming from the back of his throat, barely breaching his nearly closed lips and Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, if it isn't hot as fuck. He runs his nose up the side of my neck pausing at my ear.

"What d-did I-HeEH I tell you abo-aboutTT HAAaH being impressed mmm?" His voice is husky, sneeze rough, and perfect. I am helpless to prevent the shivery thrill that zips down my spine.


Explodes into my neck, completely forgetting myself, I moan arching slightly into him.

There's that same sexy laugh again. "Liked that did you?"

Oh sweet heavenly gates, I am a fiddle and he is the bow and he’s playing me expertly. I only manage a whimper in response.

He buries his face back in my neck, his breath hitting the sensitive flesh and the teasing shuddering inhales resume. The irrepressible need is now a tangible force within me. What little remains of my restraint and self-control is going to crumble like sandcastles in a tsunami if he presses one more sneeze into me.


"Fuck!" I cry out my body vibrating like a live wire, currents of lust thrumming through me.

Another one of those frustratingly sexy chuckles. "Not here sweetness."

“Nix. Please. Oh God.” I moan breathlessly, beyond the point of stringing together comprehensive sentences. This is too much. This is everything. I want it to end. I never want it stop.


Finally, for both our sakes the fit wanes the final sneeze echoes through the air, leaving him panting and exhausted.

"Bless you." I hope he catches my meaning. That the statement goes beyond being just a response to his sneezing, but is an expression of gratitude, a declaration of how I feel about his existence, and is a wish I am bestowing upon him.

I feel the upturn of his lips on my skin as he murmurs a soft "Thank you."

I tilt his chin forcing him to look at me. "No, Nix, thank you.” I emphasize the pronoun.

A breeze rustles through the evening air, sending a flurry of loose petals across the lawn.


"Come on honey, let's get you out of here before you're triggered again."

He nods and we hastily make our way to his car.

In the time it takes for us to get back to Nix's place, the depletion from the excursion seems to settle into him. Weariness hangs over him like a shroud. He's slouched in on himself like he lacks the strength to hold himself up, burdened by the invisible weight of exhaustion. His forehead creased with visible lines of his tiredness. His eyelids droopy, a dull glaze resides in his eyes, the corners of his mouth down-turned with fatigue.

The second we step through the door and I begin leading us to his bedroom, the last remaining strength he was clinging onto drains from him. His movements languid and sluggish like he's swimming through mud. He leans heavily into me, becoming a dead-weight. I practically have to carry him to the bedroom.

"Let's get you out of these clothes and into something more comfortable okay honey."

He offers a weak nod and allows me to undress him.

After stripping him down, I guide him to the bed. He falls gracelessly into the plush comforter, his eyes fluttering closed.

I quickly change out of my own clothes and join him in the bed, gently manipulating him so he's under the covers, and his head is pillowed against my chest. My arms encircle him protectively, holding him securely.

"Mm'sorry" he mumbles.

I card my fingers through his hair looking down at him. "For what?"

"Leaving you with blue balls." He's completely serious, bleeding sincerity and it's so ridiculous that I give a singular burst of laughter.

“Oh my god, Nix, you loveable idiot, my balls, will survive just fine. This was a date of dreams, made all the more perfect by the fact that now I get to fall asleep with you in my arms. I have everything I need. But you, mister, need rest. Your body is pooped after what you put it through today, and I definitely won't have you apologizing for it.”

A contented hum falls from his lips, his breathing deepens, and within moments he drifts off.

If this is what awaits me after work every day, I know we’re going to be just fine.


Edited by Not Telling
Grammatical error
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