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Most Overrated Movies.


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HATED Titantic. I usually love historical movies- but I felt like it was sort of over-sentimentialism tripe (Gah- I'm pretentious :D:P). Actually the Only reason I watched it was that one of my best friends :wub: ed Leo and Forced me to watch it. Forrest Gump I *had* had hopes for- but it was Awful. The ONLY good thing for me to come from the movie was the sound-track. lol!

Oh... and "Sleepless in Seatle". :P That Seriously drove me nutty that some guy who supposedly really really loved his wife of Years would find instant love. :P *rolls eyes* I feel like such a cynic :bag:

Oh... and "DiVinci Code". All the nonsense on both sides and it just didn't look like it was deep theologically- just someone trying to make a quick profit off of controversy.

:bag: :bag: - Seriously I shouldn't be allowed in a thread like this. Most of the movies I enjoy the most people are like :huh: (like I want to see "The King's Speech" really badly- and No not Just because of Colin Firth :P )

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I want to see "The King's Speech" really badly- and No not Just because of Colin Firth :P )

I hear that's a good movie! :]

aha, and now back to more overrated movies. Paranormal Activity and Mean Girls.

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Paranormal Activity

Seconded. I thought I was going to watch a horror movie. I think I saw some kind of a home video.

Also Saw. And about every single horror movie they describe as "you-can't-watch-this-alone-you'll-shit-yourself" -type of thing. And even worse; the sequels.

Other st00f on my list: Inception, Matrix, TWILIGHT oh god, Bond films.

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I hesitate to put this on here because 1) it will show just how old I really am and 2) it is a "classic"

I waited for almost two years after it came out for my mom to let me see "Dirty Dancing" - it was HUGELY hyped. Definitely over-rated. Some really fun music- but still...

Oh... and Jim Carrey's "grinch" - I will NOT even deign to capitalize the G - it is Not "The Grinch" :yay: *protectively protects her icon Dr. Seus.*

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Okay, I personally love Titanic, but that's just me. I would say most of the comedies that have come out recently. You know, the Will Ferrell/Seth Rogen/Ben Stiller type comedies. They're just not funny and I don't get why everyone loves them so much.

And also the majority of the movies that win Academy Awards. Yeah, they might be super artistic and have wonderful sound editing or something, but I just never get all the hype.

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I would say most of the comedies that have come out recently. You know, the Will Ferrell/Seth Rogen/Ben Stiller type comedies. They're just not funny and I don't get why everyone loves them so much.

Agreed- I'm more into the old Brit comedies or things like "Leatherheads" w/ Clooney and Zeilweger. More dry.

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(like I want to see "The King's Speech" really badly- and No not Just because of Colin Firth :bleh: )

OT: Ditto. Although I do want to see it because of Colin Firth; as he ages, he's turning from mere eye candy into a really fine actor who is still eye candy.

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(like I want to see "The King's Speech" really badly- and No not Just because of Colin Firth :D )

OT: Ditto. Although I do want to see it because of Colin Firth; as he ages, he's turning from mere eye candy into a really fine actor who is still eye candy.

Agreed. He's gone So far from "Valmont" which I chuckled through watching, and he is Very nice looking. So I get my lovely historical fix And eye-candy. *grins*

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(like I want to see "The King's Speech" really badly- and No not Just because of Colin Firth :wub: )

OT: Ditto. Although I do want to see it because of Colin Firth; as he ages, he's turning from mere eye candy into a really fine actor who is still eye candy.

Yes, yes, see it! It's INCREDIBLE! (Not just because of Colin Firth, but he does make that movie!)

Back on topic, the most overrated movie that I've ever had the misfortune to watch was New Moon, which my housemate forced me to watch last year (strange, because she usually has good taste in movies). Other than that, The Matrix, Star Wars, any of the other Twilight films, I could probably go on if it wasn't past midnight...

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One of the movies I just found so overrated was the Saw movies. Why on Earth would people be interested in seeing something like that? But I'm into the underrated movies. You know, the ones that aren't as famous as they deserve. Like Itty Bitty Titty Committee and the Runaways.

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One of the movies I just found so overrated was the Saw movies. Why on Earth would people be interested in seeing something like that?

Don't know. i guess it's as i said earlier, Sadism has replaced imagination in Horror.

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Okay, this is gonna be quite a list. :D

Stuff other people have mentioned:

Avatar - not bad, but it's essentially just a Pochontas story with blue people and nice visuals. I saw it in 3D, which made it worth seeing, but had i seen it in a 2d theater I would have been sorely disappointed.

Titanic - again, not bad for what it is, but no classic by any stetch of the imagination.

Forrest Gump - :laugh:

Bond Films - Someone kill me now. This guy is nowhere near as suave or good-looking as he thinks he is. Especially not when he's played by Pierce Brosnan. :wacko:

Other stuff:

The later two Pirates of the Caribbean movies. They should have just stopped after the first one. First movie was fun, entertaining, and had half-decent dialouge. The later movies did not.

Two movies people told me to watch that I thought were horribly dated - the old Sabrina with Audrey Hepburn, and Meet Me in St. Louis with Judy Garland. At least the latter was somewhat amusing, albeit not always intentionally.

Borat - Too disgusting for me to even finish. I had hoped the humor would be a bit raunchy and uncomfortable, but watchable. Nope. Too much stupid humor.

Juno - okay, this was actually pretty good, but the way people went on, you'd think it was the most amazing movie ever made. Going in with such high expectations, there was no way I could be anything but let down.

I think many musicals are over-hyped, although it could just be me. I love about 50% of all musicals and hate the other 50% with equal passion. Some I hated were:

Repo - The Genetic Opera (although that was probably not that popular to begin with, my friends likely just have weird taste :bleh:). Interesting idea, but it wound up just being grotesque, bizzare, and overwrought. Not to mention the songs drove me nuts.

Sweeny Todd - We get it, Tim Burton. Was that river of fake blood REALLY necessary? Also, Johnny Depp? You still have your Jack Sparrow accent.

Moulin Rouge - Thanks for telling us how the story would end in the first minute of the movie, Ewan McGregor! Not that it wasn't a cliche storyline to begin with. Also - too many bright, gaudy colors. Song choices were bizzare to say the least - "Like a Virgin"? "The Sound of Music"? :innocent:

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - WTF? :laugh: Guess I just couldn't see the appeal.

Oh! One more - How could I forget Transformers? :laugh:

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I haven't seen a bunch of the movies listed here, but I definitely agree with some of them.

Borat? Not nearly as funny as I was expecting.

Avatar had great special effects, and I do like the message of the plot, but... still. Originality for the win, please??

Rocky Horror Picture Show: The only thing I like about this movie is the song "Time Warp." I tried to like the rest. I tried. But the second time I saw it, I had to leave 15 minutes in because the idiot behind me wouldn't stop screaming. I honestly don't understand those people.

The second Pirates of the Caribbean movie: Sucked. I don't even remember if I've seen the third one; the second was so bad that I don't even care. Holy crap.

Forrest Gump: Okay, so I only saw the last 10 minutes, but they were bad enough that I never want to see it in its entirety.

To add to the list:

Elf. Please don't hit me, I'm not the Grinch. But I honestly don't understand why everyone loves Buddy so much. He's not funny enough to quote.

Finding Nemo: Once again, don't hit me. It was cute, and I did like it... but the HYPE was totally unnecessary. Every teen I know loved it to death and needed to see it over and over and over. I could live with once or twice. Really.

Hot Rod: Overall, it was okay. But I hate the "cool beans" thing. Stupid. Beyond words. :laugh:

300: Could just be that I'm not a fan of ancient-war movies. It was well done. Okay. But whatever... not much different from any other movie of the genre.

Jesus Christ Superstar: I think I've seen both versions. I don't like musicals much, and the songs in this one especially drove me up the wall.

Meet The Parents: I hear that both of the sequels are horrible, but I don't need to see them, because the first one was stupid and uncomfortable enough.

I think I'll stop now. I'm having too much fun complaining. Woops. :laugh:

ETA: Oh, I will definitely get stoned with coconuts for this one. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I liked it just fine, but the endless quoting and re-watching it religiously? I don't get it.

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ETA: Oh, I will definitely get stoned with coconuts for this one. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I liked it just fine, but the endless quoting and re-watching it religiously? I don't get it.


Just teasing... I don't re-watch Anything religiously- but I have seen it Far too often- and I like to quote both Python and Princess Bride. Either because I have a weird sense of humour or because they are two of the only movies that I love that I seem to find other people who love and can quote. Or both.

NEE!! *ducks and runs* :flee:

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...or because they are two of the only movies that I love that I seem to find other people who love and can quote.

Huh, that's a good point. :laugh: I vote we start a revolution! Start quoting awesome little-known movies and overthrow the overrated ones! :D

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Start quoting awesome little-known movies and overthrow the overrated ones! :)

I just quote everything I love, whether or not anyone else gets it.

(That said, my mother and I have each seen "The Big Chill" enough times now that pretty much every line from that has become a quote, especially if we're together.)

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I don't want to see the Twilight films, even though a girl I worked with kept raving about them. Teenage vampires just don't attract me.

I'm not going to be popular for this, but I love the Saw films! I'm not generally into horror, particularly with lots of blood, but these really got to me.

Having said that, I did see Child's Play because several people told me it was worth watching...it was a load of total nonsense, and revolting with it!! :)

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Sweeny Todd - We get it, Tim Burton. Was that river of fake blood REALLY necessary? Also, Johnny Depp? You still have your Jack Sparrow accent.

:laugh: *punches sneezedreamer J/k :jump:

But "Sweeney Todd" was the shit! One of my favorite movies EVER! I agree with you about "Borat", though: disgusting! :D It only had a couple of funny parts, but the rest was crap.

On a similar note, I also hate these dumb comedies that have way too much dirty humor. "Napoleon Dynamite", "Harold and Kumar", "The 40-Year-Old Virgin", etc.

"Twilight"- so bad, I couldn't even watch it to make fun of it. lol I quit reading the book after Edward sparkled in the sunlight, but I couldn't even get up to that part in the movie.

"50 First Dates" and "Groundhog Day" because they dealt with the same problem over and over and over and over and over...

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I don't want to see the Twilight films, even though a girl I worked with kept raving about them. Teenage vampires just don't attract me.

I'm not going to be popular for this, but I love the Saw films! I'm not generally into horror, particularly with lots of blood, but these really got to me.

Having said that, I did see Child's Play because several people told me it was worth watching...it was a load of total nonsense, and revolting with it!! :yuck:

I like the Saw movies, too...at least the first 3. I had some mixed feelings about Saw IV, hated Saw V, and have yet to see Saw VI or VII. But anyway, yeah, I know there are some plot holes here and there, and these aren't exactly cinematic masterpieces or anything, and they're not really scary (but then I can't think of any movies that outright scare me anyway :P ) I actually do like the plots of the movies, the sense of mystery surrounding them, and seeing what ends up happening next. I like Jigsaw's character and find him interesting and I like the whole idea of the traps, and how the people are faced with the choice of either mutilating themselves or doing something else that's horrible, or die, and seeing what they'd do. I know a lot of people brush these movies off as being stupid torture porn, but I really don't think they are. The first Saw movie isn't even that gorey. :P

Back on topic: For recent movies, I didn't think Avatar was that good. I can deal with shit that isn't entirely original and I can enjoy black-and-white morality if it's done well, and I guess the special effects are fine. Unobtanium? Well, whatever, I suck at naming stuff, too. Maybe if I had seen it in 3D instead of renting it on my Xbox 360 my opinion would be a bit higher. James Cameron spends 12 years making this thing, you'd think they would have written it better, and had better characters who actually made sense. I mean, I look at the first two Terminator movies, and Aliens, and I know James Cameron is capable of better. But whatever, Avatar is pretty much there to demonstrate this hot new movie technology and what we can do with it, and that's about it.

I didn't think the Star Trek 2009 movie was the greatest thing ever made, but it was okay.

I haven't seen either Transformers movie in their entirety, but I've seen enough. :rolleyes:

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The Social Network.

Kick Ass.


Toy Story 3.

Shutter Island.

The Lovely Bones.



Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Alice in Wonderland.

Iron Man 2.

Clash of the Titans.



*sniffs* I can already smell the mob of angry fangirls coming for me. :laugh:

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Iron Man 2


*sniffs* I can already smell the mob of angry fangirls coming for me. ;)

Nah. :rolleyes: I mean, I'm a huge Iron Man fan, though admittedly a neophyte: I fell in love two years ago when I saw the first movie (I was more of an X-Men and Spiderman girl growing up). And, as I've mentioned in other threads, when I saw "Sherlock Holmes" last winter, I fell HARD for Robert Downey, Jr. Put those things together, and I'll happily admit that I saw "Iron Man 2" in theaters something like eight times. HOWEVER. I will also be the first to admit that not only was "Iron Man 2" really not that good overall, let alone compared to the brilliance that was the first one, I honestly wouldn't recommend it to anyone who was a fan of either the comic 'verse or the first movie. It was too much of a standard shoot-em-up, only with pulsars and arc reactors instead of guns and bombs. The character evolvement was not only much more minimal than it should have been, considering the various subplots, but I felt that what there was of it was badly done: directly opposed to what we already knew of the characters, and/or badly expressed (in terms of motives, body language, etc.). And I'm sorry, but any movie meant to appeal to people over the age of 8 really shouldn't need to rely on that many potty jokes, and any movie meant to appeal to people over the age of 13 (which one presumes "Iron Man 2" did, considering the first movie's demographic) shouldn't need that many sex jokes. Together, it was like being in a frat house without anyone around to yell "Toga!" So, yeah...really not planning on coming after you for that one. :bawl:

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The Social Network.

Kick Ass.


Toy Story 3.

Shutter Island.

The Lovely Bones.



Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Alice in Wonderland.

Iron Man 2.

Clash of the Titans.



*sniffs* I can already smell the mob of angry fangirls coming for me. ;)

Minus Social Network (which I love <3), I totally agree. Especially about Twilight and Inception. I hate Twilight, and while Inception is cool, I just don't understand why people like it *so* *much*.

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