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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Love Letters

The Dude

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This is another cool thing they have over on El Rojo. If I remember correctly, it came about as a way to pH-balance the "Dear Jerk" thread.

You know the format, but in case not, I'll kick it off:

Dear So-and-So,

I don't care what anyone says... you're pretty cool, you know that? :dead: It was me who ate the last two of your Life Cereal bars out of the cabinet this morning. Don't worry, I've got your back.

Hug me, little buddy!!!

-The Dude

see how that works? B)

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Dear Beverly Callard

I love what your exercise videos have done for my bum,

Thank you


Dear Grey Wool Dress

Normally I hate clothes but there's something wonderful about the way you hug my figure in all the right places.

Love you


Dear Me,

I love the way you're becoming so vain and don't even care,



Acceptable your Dudeness?

Oh and Dude,

I love the fact that you're here.



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Dear Hubby

I :boom:O:):laugh: you!

I probably do not tell you as often as I should how great I think you are.

You are supportive, and helpful, and you put up with me ( :dead: )

I wish that I could make work less stressful for you.

Love you Muchly!!

Dear "Soul Sister"

LOVE you! :laugh: I love that when we talk, I feel like we are talking heart to heart and that we just really understand each other.

I cannot even tell you how often you are in my thoughts, and I wish that you didn't live so far away B).

Giving you TONS and TONS of hugs.



This may be full of sap, but I love you both VERY much. Even though you drive me up and down walls sometimes, you are honestly two of the Absolute BEST things that have been given to me in my life. I love seeing you grow up, I love it when you finally "Get" something that I feel like I've been trying to teach you forever. I love the pure, spontaneous gestures of love.

Your sappy mama

Dear Sister

You are my sister-in-law technically, but you have become much more than that. I am so thankful that we have gotten so close over the past year or so.


your Sis

One more... then I'm done... I Swear :boom:

Dear forum friends,

You are Very Very dear to me. Several of you have been my friends for Ages. I know that I do not express it nearly enough, but your friendship, thoughts, support, laughter, and sharing your lives with me- means SO much to me.

All the Very Very best!

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Dear twinkeh,

You're awesome and I love you to piecies and you know that already, but I'm telling you anyway. Neve cease being awesome.

-Your twinkeh

Dear parental units,

You really are the best parents in the world and you always have been. Nothing will ever change that.

-Your daughter

and I've gotta do it too:

Dear forumites,

The forum wouldn't be the same without all of you! So don't stop coming back. This place is great because of the people.

-Fellow forumite

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Dear SO,

Yes, we are kindred spirits. I love cooking for you, love biking and skiing with you, and everything else. Let's face it, I'm stuck on you.

- Your SO

Dear son,

I know you're all cool and that, and I'm really uncool right now and embarrass the heck out of you, but I love you anyway.

- Your mom

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Dear Facebook Buddy,

I'm really sorry I unfriended you. In retrospect I probably acted impulsively, but there's only so much of getting my heart tap-danced on I can stand before it comes down to that. Guess what: I don't mind if you yell at me, cuss me out or tell me to perform promiscuous acts with a dachshund, as long as you are genuinely trying to communicate. But becoming cold and unresponsive, then writing a bunch of vague hurtful crap is the quickest way to get shown the exit, regardless of the situation.

I sincerely hope our paths sync up again later down the road, when you are a bit older and have stopped playing these games. Until then, I ain't mad at ya. :)


Mr. Facepalm


Vet-- :D

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Dear Brother and Wife:

You're very self-centered people and you have hurt me in the past. I will NEVER travel with you again. Ever.

However, I am extremely grateful that we share common interests, and that we can occasionally actually enjoy hanging out :) I like going for sushi with you, I like cooking with you, and I like playing trivia games with you (and I promise not to laugh at your pronunciation, SIL... I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, I mispronounce things all the time and find it hilarious when I do it!). And I looooooooove getting baby time :) I like going to see geeky comic book movies with you, and I like that you're not embarrassed by me. I like that you take me as I am and don't try to change me. I like that SIL loves how random I am, and I like your appreciation for my creativity.

You have your moments, but I'm sure I do as well. I'm glad that we've become friends.

~ me

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Dear Son,

This last year has been overall an absolute nightmare and you've been the direct reason why. I'm hoping and praying that this new year will bring you a new found maturity you've been sorely lacking. As well as a desire to do better for yourself; to want more out of life than what you've been settling for. You're 19 today and no matter what, you are my son and I love you dearly. That's obvious because if I didn't, I wouldn't get so upset and sick inside when I see you getting into trouble and making bad decisions in your life.

I will continue to be there for you as much as I can. As much as it's mentally safe for me, but as you tend to remind me ever so often, you're a legal adult now. I don't have much control over you anymore. All I can do is hope to god that you turn things around. I know you have the ability to do so, you just have to find the desire and then the drive.

Happy birthday, Jake.

Love always,


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Dear Facebook Buddy,

I'm so glad we're cool again. Those 48 hours were hell for me. I drank a fifth of Mylanta by myself.

Life's too short to let a silly misunderstanding gum up an otherwise good friendship, mmmkay?

still in your corner,


P.S. I don't mind eating crow every once in a while. It tastes like chicken.

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Dear L,

I'm glad we're friends again. I've missed talking to you. More than I'll ever admit, actually. :cold:




Dear -

I'm very glad you responded. I'm even more glad you're feeling so much better. And it will be wonderful to have you back, even if you won't take on any responsibilites ever again. I've missed you. Things haven't been the same without you.



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Dear R,

Haven't seen you this stressed out in a while and you have every right to be. All I can do is listen, since there's little advice on your situation, and I hope that will be enough. I'm always here when you need someone to talk.

-your friend

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Dear you know who,

I miss ya, and you know it. I miss the days where we ate biscuits in class, fell asleep at our desks, singing at the top of our lungs songs noone had even heard of (even through i was in the middle of french :thumbsup:) Telling eachother secrets, poke wars, childish namecalling, random hugging, and chatting about our favourite pokemon.

That was 2 years ago. You've changed. Completely.

You have no idea how much i loved you.


that girl.. x

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To my love :thumbsup:

It's Valentine's Day, but I feel mushy and affectionate towards you no matter what day it is. You're cute and funny and perfect for me.

I love being the one you come to when you're sad and need hugs. I love being the person you can't wait to share good news with. I love the sound of your voice right after you wake up. I love it when you think your hair looks dumb. I love it when you get excited about things and ramble enthusiastically. You always make me laugh, even when you're not trying. Remember that time you got a tick on your leg and freaked out a little? :nob: Sorry I laughed. You were just so adorable! I could go on forever about the things you do that I love, but I'll save it for when I see you. I'll just say this one last thing for now. I really love the way you make me feel so beautiful. I still haven't quite figured out what it is you see in me, but you definitely make me believe that I'm the sexiest woman in room. At least in your eyes, which is all that matters to me.

It seems like no matter what is going on in our lives, none of it matters if we don't have each other. Yes, we occasionally misunderstand each other and bicker about stupid things. I don't know about you, but it doesn't take me long to start missing you and not even care about the stupidity that sent us to our separate corners. We're too close to stay apart. I know your deepest secrets and you know mine. What we have is rare and special. Sometimes even I have to stop and marvel at the beauty of us.

I love you forever! :eat:

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Across a gulf of years and miles, a young and confused boy sits on the edge of the world, staring at a picture.

The picture shows a smiling woman, not much older than himself - her cheeks are slightly flushed, and she's smiling the slightly-embarrassed smile of someone caught in an honest expression of joy. The boy thinks to himself that it's odd that we - people, that is - should be the most embarrassed when our real feelings show through. Why shouldn't it be more embarrassing to be caught faking our emotional responses like they were playing parts on a stage?

The boy shrugs, and holds the picture against his chest. He can feel warmth from the fires below him baking into the soles of his feet, and he sighs. Where had it all gone wrong? He didn't know, and at this late hour, he could not for a second bring himself to care. This species of pink-skinned, hairless apes he belonged to had finally pushed too much, scraped too deep, bored too far - pick your metaphor. It was all crumbling to pieces around his feet. He didn't care. He just wanted her with him.

The efreet hung in the air in front of him, face unchanging, sparks still dancing in its red-glowing eyes. When it spoke again, its voice sounded like the whine of metal on a lathe.

"Have you decided, human? I will not wait forever."

The boy looked down at the picture again. Her smiling face. Her bright, dancing eyes. Her radiant smile, the one that seemed to light up anywhere she showed it. God, how he had loved her. How he still loved her.

The boy looked past the picture, past the efreet hanging there, suspended in the air. Down, down down to the fiery ruins of the great metropolis below him. There had been a time when he might have thought differently. There had been a time when he might have made the choice to save the world or die trying. There had been a time when he'd cared so deeply about all living things, that he might have...

The boy laughed. It was absurd, wasn't it? But here he was. The world had moved on, as a long-ago author had put it. The world had moved on, and yet he was still here, still alive, still breathing. He didn't care for the fate of the world; he just wanted her.

"The duck seeks only bread."

"What is it? What does that mean, human?"

The efreet was confused. Its inner fire shifted and scuttered, almost appearing to die for a moment in its confusion. Then it flared up, angrily, as it spoke again.


The boy chuckled, and looked down again at the picture. Last time pays for all, my love. I'm sorry.

"One day you'll understand. You know what is in my heart. Make it so."

The efreet screeched like an overamped electric motor and then winked out of existence. A moment later, so did the boy.


Down in the flaming ruins, at that same moment, a young girl raised her head skyward. She saw a man and a woman floating in the sky, appearing to be suspended in front of the moon. They were looking deeply into each others' eyes with an expression of pure love etched there as if with acid. There is a love that might burn down the whole world, the girl thought to herself absently before turning back to her meager supper.

Seconds later, the bombs exploded. The world was consumed in silent white fire, and the boy simply held his woman and laughed, because for once - for ALL! - they were happy.

(I love you.)

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Dear VH1 Classic,

Thank you for being such an awesome channel to see me through the night. I haven't had to change the channel in 5 hours. Very impressive.

Classically yours,


Dear SFF,

Thank you for being so cool. Seriously, this forum is boss. :kisscheek:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear fella,

I love you :blink: You have been incredibly supportive and wonderful lately, even though I've been bitchy. Thank you for continuing to show me you care, and for putting up with my crap when you don't have to. I am very grateful that I have you in my life.

~ me

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Dear Friends,

I've been going through a particularly rough patch these past few months, and it's because of wonderful people like you that I haven't given up on life. Between losing my dog, some yucky health complications, and then having that awful surgery, sometimes little things seem like too much to handle. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. You're the reason I got through it.

Sneesee, thank you for always checking on me and making me feel like someone is looking out for me.

Nicole, for always having a dirty joke at the ready just when I need to smile.

TYS, for spending the day with me playing video games and doing an awesome job of keeping my mind off heavier things.

H, even though you don't post anymore, I can still count on you to keep my spirits high while we laugh at certain clueless individuals who shall remain nameless.

tma, for calling the day before my surgery to remind me that everything is going to be fine.

Ouroboros, for understanding what it's like even though I make gurgly noises in place of actual words.

Dawnie, for always being there to listen.

Sneezles, for being a total sweetheart, a shoulder to cry on and vice versa.

And to anyone else who has been especially sweet to me lately. I'm trying to remember everyone, but I'm all emotional AND flying high on percocet. You should try it some time. It's pretty wild. :) I just want you all to know how happy I am to have you all as friends.

So much love,

me :)

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Dear cats,

You're a total pain in the ass. You're annoying, immature and always in the way. You steal food out of my mouth. You scratch the wallpapers. You mess with everything. You're spoiled out of your whiskers.

I love you more than anything in the universe. Please don't ever change.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear self,

You're cool. You're smart. And you did well today.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear career,

You're a tough nut to crack.

And at one point you nearly sent me screaming to the loony bin.

During your most demanding times you make me that tired I can't eat and that exhausted that I sometimes want to cry.

You demand my all for half the year and stop me seeing friends and family and having interests.

Working with you destroys my feet with a contact dermatitis that seems to have no prevention.

But you know what?

I never feel more alive than when I'm mucking around just doing my thing with you. Your smell, your feel.....your dynamic nature....that's what I love about you.

I love you with a savage, almost animal intensity that makes me think it's all worth it.

I can't imagine my life without you.

Please say I can be yours forever.


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Dear Girlfriends,

I love you more than words can say. I'm eternally glad we made last weekend happen. My only wish is that we had more time together. You are all so wonderful, and I just wanted you to know how much I love you!!


Sneesee :unsure:

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Dear Uni Work,

I know you're really overdue already and that was with the extended deadlines- twice. I'm sorry. It's not that I don't care about you, I really do want to pass 3rd year, and I think about you all the time. You're just too intimidating. Thanks to your threatening tone of voice and the way you loom over me like that, brandishing penalties for lateness in your hand like a knife, I've run away from you. I'm too scared to even check my email in case a lecturer has spotted my run-and-hide tactic and has tried to contact me. I don't know even know if my original excuse for extending the deadline still holds. My head was pretty messed up. I thought I was on the verge of coming out to my family, that's a pretty big deal, and I was feeling all antisocial and sad and stuff. Well, I haven't come out and I'm not freaking out about it anymore. I am still avoiding most human contact and spending pretty much all my time in my room asleep or writing fetish stories, so that's a bit weird I guess. I will come back to you, I think we could be great together, maybe even get some 17/20 scores, but I just don't feel like it quite yet.

Still thinking of you



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Dear self,

You're cool. You're smart. And you did well today.




Dear Chanel,

You totally hit the nail on the head with this one. I totally grinned from ear to ear when I read that. Good for you! :omg: Keep up that kind of thinking, because it's 100% accurate.


Me :twisted:

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