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Love Letters

The Dude

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Dear campers,

You don't know how deeply all of you have impacted my heart. You accepted me for things I'd get bullied at school for. You showed me my way of loving is perfect too. You made me have hope when there was none in my life. I felt whole again. I could be myself. You made me comfortable in myself. And when I returned home, the pain of rejection from my parents was very small because I kept you in my heart. I'm not different. I'm special. I'm not hopeless. I have hope because of you.

Thanks for changing my life.



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To everybody helping out during the horrible wildfire in Sweden,

you are amazing. This is the kind of society I want. People helping each other out not for profit but for the sake of solidarity. You restore my faith in humanity.

Thank you. :heart:


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Dear BF,

I couldn't ask for a better partner in crime. You put up with my madness and you're much kinder to me than I deserve. Thank you, sweetheart. :heart:



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Dear Fancy Suit Man,

Thank you for letting me lay my head on your shoulder. It was comfortable. Also, thank you for talking to me until 5 AM and not kicking me out of your hotel room :P Thank you for being the first to truly care that I stopped doing bad things to myself. You almost made me cry when you hugged me... Thank you for cuddling with me and for realizing how much I needed a friend like you. Thank you for letting me sleep on you on the way home. Thank you for staying in my life this entire time. I love you more than words can describe for that. I'm going to miss you so much. Good luck pursuing your dreams. You will always be the most fascinating man I've ever met.



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Dear friend

When I seen what happened to u I got really concerned. It really shook me to the core to where I had an emotial breakdown worrying about u . I wanted to be there with u so I could take care of u cause I know u were gonna have a rough night & the next day wasn't gonna be any better. I just hope r ok. Just be thankful u have friends & someone special who cares about u :)

Love u forever,



I hope u had the time of ur life

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Dear Sexy Silver Fox,

Thank you for sharing your face with the internet. You are so gorgeous it hurts. Also, your wife sure is one lucky woman. ;):heart:


A silly fangirl

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear universe,

I love love. And I want it now. What I really want is the whole enjoying each other's company without having to speak. I enjoyed sitting next to her reading, while she was working. Companionable silence. A pet sleeping on the floor between us.

I WANT THAT! With her or someone else, but that's what I fucking want, so go on and BRING IT TO ME!

/Me and my lonely heart.

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Dear trainer,

It makes me sad to hear the things you said behind my back when I've fought peer pressure to support you for so long. I never understood what happened with C and despite all physical evidence still didn't quite believe it. So I stood by you. I like the how you work with R. Now I'm having second thoughts. We're moving at the end of the year and maybe that's why you are acting this way. It makes me sad because I thought we could depart peacefully. Whatever comes about I intend to act responsibly and respectfully and hope we can coexist as professionals in the future.

Your client

Dear Supporters,

For all of you have stood behind me and my horse on this Epic Journey, Thank You! It means the world to me, to know that I have people who truly care about and believe in and support me. We wouldn't be where we are without you! You are truly the best!


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I realize I don't do this nearly enough...so consider it a pre-September resolution...

Brother 1,

Thanks kid, for being you. For being my best friend. I'd go on and on, because you know I could, but then I'd start to cry. And if you were reading this, you'd give me that 'really, Nola, why are you such a girl?' look. Yeah, so it's only cool when you do it. Whatev. I still love you, anyways, regardless of your double standards. Haha.

Love, the only sister you'll ever have...parts wise, baby bro and his hairspray don't count!

Dearest Sammy,

I didn't know I was capable of this much love until you. Yes, you are a dog and I'm a cat person by default and choice. But, thanks for being that one dog who snuck in. :heart:

Love, the one that gives you baths and cleans your ears...

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Back again, the resolution is holding strong... :)

My darling Kit Kat,

Thanks for getting stuck in my tree. Thanks for dealing with my restless leg syndrome at night. I love you more than I should, probably, but it's far too late to fix that! :heart: :heart: ...expect me to squeeze you next I see you!


your non-furry mama

Brola3 (or Baby Brola),

I can't believe you're technically a grown up. You grew up good, kid - and gosh, aren't you the looker, too? ;) Thank heavens, you're also smart, and kind and caring (when you want to be). Some of your music will always make me cringe, but I promise *I* will never tell you to turn it down or off. ;) Though, I do miss that little boy who enjoyed Michael Bolton...

Love, your sister...(you are the only one who thinks I'm the only girl in the fam.) Or, as you call me, Mom 2.0.


Thanks for being my white knight, my protector, my true 'big' brother. Though you most certainly are not older and wiser ;) I'm so glad I took the time to get close to you, and I'm so glad you let me. You're the weirdest kid I know, but it works for you. And I will always love you, even if you never switch from Republican to Democrat!

Love, your only sister, truly. Though, I know, the others sometimes make us wonder...

My Italian Kitty,

I realized that everyone else got one, and you didn't! Thank you for being so damned cuddly, whether I want you to be or not. I love your big head and your big paws. Maybe someday, you play your cards right, mama will buy you a gold chain to wear around your neck...and by playing your cards right, I totally mean to stop scratching at that bottom step!

Love, your favorite lap

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Universe,

This is what I call an awesome Friday night. Aurora-wine and various episodes of Big Bang Theory, Fringe and X-files.

Some may say I'm pathetic. I say they're wrong. This is life. ^_^



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Friends made of awesomesauce,

I don't deserve y'all. :cryhappy: I can't tell you how special and important you are. Thank you for being there. For listening to my dorky ramblings. And especially for really being there (some of you *especially* so) through this whole ridiculously crazy summer/ into fall.

I love you SOOO much!!


Your bouncy otter

Friend made of awesome,

Thanks for the support, the geeking, the :lol: the :naughty: and everything in between. New experiences and creating and just way too much fun.

Fellow Potential Mischief Maker :ninja:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear grandma,

I love you and I'll miss you. Thank you for being my second mom. Thank you for raising me all these years. Thank you for loving me so much. Thank you for being there for all of us, even until the end. You brightened up the room, you were the reason our family stuck together. I loved the way you always used to talk to me about your childhood in hour long conversations. I loved the way you used to sit in your special spot outside and I loved it when you called me by your special nickname. I'll miss you. And I love you so much and you'll live on with me forever.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear immune system,

thank you sooo much for fighting the nasty cold germs that you've been exposed to so much! I try to help you by sleeping as much as possible, drinking lots of water and taking Vitamin C, but in the end, it's still you doing the work, so thanks!

I thought that I was going to get sick every day for at least a week, but you've surprised me by fighting off those stupid germs and keeping me healthy! Keep up the good work, please!

Oh, and also, I know you have to put up with a lot at the moment, because you are also confronted with all kinds of pathogens, like Cholera and rabies and Typhus, so great work at remembering what those bitches look like, too! It may be hard, but it's what makes you stronger!

Don't give in! I love it when you stay strong like this!

Love, your owner (who often gets mad at you, but is pretty satisfied at the moment)

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  • 1 month later...

Dear Bad Little Boy,

You're not so bad.

I shouldn't have made assumptions, sorry.

Am I really easier to talk to than all those girls you've fooled around with?

Do you really, truly "like me a lot?"

Why don't you want anyone to know that you're weird? Although, I can relate. Though I guess I must've come off as pretty weird if I'm "less weird than you thought."

Thanks for being nice about the fact that I don't know a lot about music even though it's your passion.

Thanks for asking to see my paintings even though you don't know anything about art.

Thanks for talking with me all night and answering all my rediculously straightforward questions even though they were a little insulting. Again, I shouldn't have made assumptions about what kind of guy you are.

Thanks for being cool about everything I tell you.

Thanks for wearing boxer briefs instead of boxers.

Thanks for being the little spoon most of the time even though you're a foot taller.

Thanks for kissing my head. And my arm. And my back.

I'm sorry I don't quite trust you, you've just been with so many girls, how can I be sure I'm actually different to you?

Dear self,

Don't go loving this boy.

Sincerely, Good Little Girl

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Dear life,

Thanks for putting such amazing people into my world. Family, friends, friends who become family. Thanks for giving me such amazing opportunities. I am truly blessed. I pledge to do my best to return positive energy to those around me in big and small ways whenever I can.


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To a friend:

Thanks for adopting me for a day. Your family was so unbelievably welcoming, I was a little startled. They laughed at my stupid jokes and hugged me when I left like I belonged there. Frankly, just witnessing the way you all interacted and cared about each other was truly remarkable.

So, yeah. Thanks for that.

xo Vagrant Rex

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Dear Friend,

Thank you for stepping up. Thank you for listening to me talk about my work and ask you incessant questions about nonsense I don't understand so that I have my facts straight when I write. Thank you for making me laugh so hard that I couldn't breathe. Thank you for making fun of things just to make me laugh that hard. And thank you for reminding me that I do, in fact, have that one person I can always go to who will listen, no matter how absolutely retarded things are. I can't believe I known you almost 20 years and you're still by my side. Not everyone is that lucky.


Your Very Humbled and Grateful Friend

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Dear horses,

thanks for being gentle with me when I took you outside this morning. I'm really not well, and I expected some of you to be your usual jumpy, pulling selves which would hurt my back even further. But you were all kind and obedient. Thanks sweeties. Luv ya.


Dear horse of mine,

You're my sweetheart, lady. You know that. And yes, there is candy in the pocket of my jacket. As always. :heart:



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Dear pizza, thanks for always being there for me <3 -Deathy Dear boyfriend, thanks for making me feel extra special and thanks for the cuddles xox,-gratefulhuman<3

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Dear mind,

Thanks for staying calm, clear, and collective in the face of recent arguments. You had a ton to say but decided it best not to get involved. Good call! :P




Dear internet,

I love you soooo much and thanks for giving me a fun and interesting creative outlet!




Dear Me,

I love you. You are truly an amazing little peace loving chick! :heart::D

Love forever and always,

Me, Myself, and I

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear whoever posted online how to get rid of DigiHelp,

THANK YOU SO MUCH I thought I would never be able to go online on this computer again!


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