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Puppy Love - Complete (8 Parts)


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TODD! Why!? I know that he killed your sister and all, but WHY would you betray Cam like this!?

:laugh: Ohhh, but in all seriousness, I'm SO freaking happy that you updated! I just about peed myself when I saw an update. :lol: Ohhh, Cam's phone sneezes are so adorable. >< And Nyssa, being all protective and whatnot. I really like her, she seems to have Cam's back. I love her for that.

And ohhh, I just LOVE when the puppy whimpers after Cam's sneezes in the beginning. It completely made me melt.

Wheeeew, but, as you know, I'm hopelessly in love with this. :hug: You're an amazing writer, and I can't wait to read more! I'm loving how this is developing, with all the twists and sneezes and turns and whatnot. So, all in all, LOVE!

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Oh Beth, back to cause more trouble?? Haha xD

Don't you ever apologize for the length! >:lol: I am absolutely thrilled every time you update! I've also read your stuff outside of the forum, and um... Can I call dibs on being your freaky fangirl?

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:laugh: You updated! Finally! :laugh: I thought you had died! :laugh: I love this chapter! Wish it was longer but I wish all of your stories were longer! :blushing: I reallly like Nyssa but I cant really pronounce her name! :D Oh well! And I hate Beth! ALOT! :wub: This is what I want to do to her! :hug: So, anyway GREAT CHAPTER! And :) for Cam again, because I figure he'll need it for the next chapter! :blushing: Update soon! :lol:

BYE! :)

P.S. Oh, and I believe this story deserves a :blushing: but then again, so do all your stories! :D


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Whyyyyyyyy? You idiot! That wasn't supposed to happen! GrRrr! Im really annoyingly busy too so I can't write long. Great writing horrible Beth cute cam. Bye!

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ARRGGH! Darn my socks why did Beth have to come in right then!!!!?? :gah: AAAAAAAaaaaanyway, the scene with Cam and the puppy was all to adorable! Still not liking Todd that much (if at all) but, oh well :D BTW, I think this part had just the right amount to satisfy the readers, but leave them hungering for more :drool: Especially with those last couple lines!! Yowzaa!! :laugh: Wonderfull!!

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Awww the puppy!! BAD BETH! poor tod is so confused and Cam is just sick and stuck in the middle. Awww this story is so addictive!

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Scion - OHHHHHHH! You can't leave it like that! UGH.. love the update, but I want to read MORE, as is true with ALL of your stories.

Goodness...Beth..she has GREAT timing, doesn't she? WOW.

A little off topic.. I hope the beta reader has GOOD things to say about your manuscript, or at least constructive stuff. something. :D

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ahhh an update^^

hm beth timing is REALLY bad! :drool:

announcing herself as todd´s girlfriend...*eyebrow raising*

i wonder what will happen next :D


please more :laugh:

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An update! Yes<3 Cams freaking adorabe, I love how he thinks its embarassing to sneeze in front of Cameron, ;) And how he like buries his head in the dog to cough.. yeah I'm weird but I think thats such a cute little touch . :) Thank you so much for writitng my request :blushing: Its perfect :)

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So sorry, guys!!! My business has interfered with Cam and Todd. But thank you all! LOVE AND HUGS!

This part is short, but I couldn't go another day without updating!


Part Six:

Cam felt the world shift; he dug his fingers into the puppy’s fur to keep from sliding off into outer-space. “What?”

Todd shook his head fiercely. “No! She’s not my girlfriend. We just--we…” He paused, frowning, as if wondering why he was explaining himself to Cam. “She’s not.”

Beth’s face darkened. “Liar! If I’m not your girlfriend, why do I have a key to your place? Why did we--”

“STOP TALKING!” Todd roared, glaring at her. “Cam, she does not have a key. I forgot to lock the door. My mistake.”

Hope sparked as Cam stared into Todd’s eyes. He nodded. “Okay. I believe you. Thank you.”

Todd’s tense features relaxed, his expression becoming almost…soft. “Cam,” he said.

Cam coaxed a smile to his lips. “Todd.”

Beth pressed a hand to her mouth, her tears speckling her dark lashes. “Why--why does this always happen to me? What’s wrong with me? Am I really that awful?”

“Yeah, Beth. You kind of a--ahhhre,” Cam told her, his throat protesting when he tried to swallow. “Huh’Ksshhchh!

Todd watched as Cam’s eyebrows lifted, the boy’s top lip crinkling up with his nose. Cam blinked several times as if trying to prevent the oncoming sneeze, then let his hand float up toward his face, giving in. “Uh’ISHtchieew!

There was a knock at the door, and Todd jumped. Shit! He’d completely forgotten about his sister. He’d told her to come over so he could present her with the puppy.

“Who is that?” Beth demanded, wiping her eyes and passing Cam a look of utter hatred.

“Like that’s any of your business,” Todd scoffed. “We hooked up once. Get over it already.”

Cam’s eyes bugged. “Todd?”

Wincing, Todd shrugged. “People change,” is all he said. Then he went to answer the door.

His sister--the living one--was way too pretty for her own good. Mostly, Todd tried not to think about it--in an attempt to stay sane…or, keep what sanity he had left.

“Hey,” Kali said brightly as he opened the door. She flashed a smile, her walnut eyes alive with an energy he hadn’t felt in a long, long time. Her hair was short and spiky, a dark shade of blond, and only accentuated her sharp cheekbones, long neck, and little pointed chin.

“Um. Uh. Hi.” He peered over his shoulder to where Cam was petting the puppy’s floppy ears. “Yeah…I guess you have to come in.”

She arched a brow. “Have to? Well, gee. I feel so welcome!”

“Oh. Oh. No. Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.” He reached for her arm to tug her inside. “Just--come in.”

“Todd?” Beth called, folding her arms across her chest as Kali followed Todd into the living room. “Are you going to explain this, or what? Oh no, wait. Let me guess. I’m not worthy of an explanation, right? ‘Cause I’m just a stupid slut?”

Todd was about to reply, but his attention was caught by Kali. She was staring at Cam, her eyes molten with rage.

“Todd,” she rasped shakily. “What is he doing here?”

Cam went white, but seemed unable to look away from her intense gaze. The spell was broken a moment later by Cam’s nose. He managed to jerk his stare from hers, gasping out a trio of squishy-sounding sneezes. “Heh’yISHhhuh! ItssChieew! Esh’chxshh!” He dragged a weary hand across his face, now refusing to meet Kali’s eyes.

His sister rounded on him. “Well? What the hell is this, Todd?”

“Um.” He dug through the cobwebs of his mind, searching for an appropriate reply and coming up with nothing but dust. “Cam…got locked out of his car. I told him he could--”

“STAY HERE!?!” she shrieked. She took a deep breath, smoothing her hands back through her hair. “Okay. Fine. This is all…fine. I won’t make a scene. Just…tell me why I’m here.”

“Well…” Todd’s eyes roamed to the puppy, which was curled up in Cam’s lap; Cam was clutching onto the little dog like the thought of being separated from it was the worst thing he could imagine. Todd’s words clogged in his throat.

How could he take the pup away from Cam now? With him looking so goddamned lonely and pathetic and sick? Even considering it made him feel nauseous.

“I’m sorry,” he said to Kali. “I messed up. I meant to say come tomorrow. Not…er…tonight. Sorry.”

Her brows cranked up. “Oh, really?”

He nodded.

“You sure?” She looked skeptical.

“Yeah, I’m sure. I’m an idiot. Sorry.”

She shrugged. “Fine. Then what about…?” She directed a glare at Cam, who cringed, curling protectively around the puppy as he shook with a silent sneeze.

“I’ll handle it,” he said firmly, heart clenching.

She shrugged again. “Whatever. I’ll see you later.” And she hurried out, tossing one final death-glare at Cam.

When the door slammed behind her, Todd turned to Beth. “Leave. Now.”

“Like I want to stay here with you gay losers,” she scoffed, hoisting her purse up onto her shoulder and flouncing out after Kali.


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Beth's a bitch! Me no likey Beth! Boo! But Cam and Todd are so cute!

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Beth = Hate!

She's only been in one part, but I flipping hate her already. :laugh:

Ohhh, Cam's such a cutie...I love how Beth and Kali are all "What's he doing here!?" and he's just laying there, cuddling the puppy. :laugh: And the whole "The spell was broken by Cam's nose" line...I loved that. No idea why, but that line made my heart turn to goo. :wub: Ahh, well, this whole story makes my heart go goo! I loves you soooo bad for this!

Thanks so much for the marvelous update! :)

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I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR CHARACTERS. They are all so unique and interact so well and I love the way you describe their features... it's so perfect! Also, THE DRAMA and the situations and everything, and pixie-looking Beth turning out to be a total B-word... yeeesss, it's so intense and creative and real and AWWW TODD AND CAM and sdjfhlsdjfhasd I just... I loooovveee them...

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You know what? I kinda feel sorry for Beth. I no longer want to kill her with a metal folding chair. It's your fault! :angry: All your characters are just too damn lovable! ;) OH! And I just want to say you're AWESOME! Why?, you ask. Well, it's obvious! Because you're so freaking awesome! Anyway, awesome chapter!

Cam+Puppy= :wub::jawdrop::laugh::):wub::mf_dribble::)

You are now the ruler of sneeze fiction! :) I am not worthy of you, oh great one! :notworthy: Thank god for smilies! They express what words just can't! Update soon! :laugh:

BYE! :bleh:

P.S. Have you ever watched the show Supernatural? Because if you have you should write a fanfic for it! If not then you should watch it! In fact, I just might force you to! :twisted: It's an awsome show! OH! And I believe this chaper is worthy of another :jerry: ! Good luck with your work stuff (and I'm only saying that so you can hurry up and finish so you can update quicker). >:D ALSO, (yep, I know, LONG comment) Are you going to make a story for Beth? Because, I really don't want her to end up as a bitch. I'd like it if she met someone who toned her down. Kinda like Tassi and Carter. At the end Tassi wasn't such a bitch anymore. That's what I want for Beth. She seems like she's been through ALOT! Thanks for reading my LONG, RAMBLING comment! I just love your stories SO much! Did you know that you can only post a limited number of smilies? God! I had to remove SO many! :laugh:

BYE! Again. :bleh:

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wooow heavy update and yet another person who is involved^^ :)

i want to :) beth, she is a BAD person! :laugh:

cam=a sneezy mess i want to cuddle and save from every harm!!!! :wub::laugh:

please more! :)

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What? What? What? What? What? What again? What? What? What? GrRrrr! WomAn !!!!!!!! I don't like this. Todd should kick they're asses for treating cam like that. Although I guess he still has to forgive him. Can he do that now please? Please? I long for it. I long for the mushiness. Because I know Todd cares, even if he's in denial. He has to care. My senses tell me so. And the annoying bird outside my window speaks the same. And it wont shut up. Gaaaaaahhhhhhjjj! Mrph. Hey it's a puppy. Cute puppy. Tehe. Love you. Bye!

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Aww, I knoww why is Puppy love now!! Its so cute how Todd is with Cam now. I love this story so much. Thanks for the update!

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Aa, I got to admit this is pretty addicting! :laugh: Cam is so sick and lovely and and and... interesting! As is Todd (well, not sick, obviously). And their relationship. And once again I have hard time understanding why some character acts the way they do, but that's just good.

Ahh, I don't really have words to describe how great this is and how badly I'd like to just keep reading... Thank you, Scion, for posting all your amazing fiction on this forum. *gives a virtual hug after asking permission to do so (not, if you don't want to! D: )*

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OMG, Todd and Cam!! I've been waiting for these guys ever since the first time Cam showed up! (he's an interesting lil cutie) This is sooooo good! Awesome, I'm gone for two weeks and I get back to find a finished story and another really great one with plenty of chapters already up! Yay! :laugh: Scion, you are amazing and I LOVE your writing! Thank you so much for sharing it with us on this forum!

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Aw, this is so cute! I've never read any of your stories before, but I love your characters so much, especially Cam! I'll have to check out some of your other stories soon! In the meantime, I look forward to more updates!

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YAAAAYYY!!!! HE LET CAM KEEP DA PUPPY!!! (well, for now at least B) ) Oooohmyfliibbertygibbbit!!! Take that Beth!! :laugh: Kay NOW i'm starting to like Todd, just a teeeency bit, but I guess it will grow. But like 99.9% of my love is still being lavished on Cam!!!! Pooooor baby!!! :unsure: The suspense! And Todds sister!?!!? :jawdrop: Holy autobots....that was just sooo heavy!!! I LIKE IT!!!!! :twisted::twisted::twisted: BTW, I know how you feel on the whole 'This place being a safe haven' thing. I hope you continue posting because you're stories are greatly appreciated by me and a whoooole lot of others on this site. :drool: Lovely installment Scion. Just lovely... :)

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