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"Im on a _______kick."


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You know when you get hooked on a certain food or snack, even tv show. Lets share what "kicks" we have right now. Lets see how it turns out :)

Food: Im on a Hersey Cookies and Cream candy bar and Flamin Hot Funyons kick. My current go-to snack.

Tv show: Im on a Dinosaurs kick. I was obsessed with the show as a little kid and im even more obsessed as an adult. Love all the adult humor. ;)

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Currently I am hooked up on Rio fruit mints, Werthers caramel candies and "The Crystal Maze".

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I'm on a salad kick right now. In my favourite salad to make I use chicken, couscous, avocado, ruccola, mango, almonds, lime juice and olive oil, and it is absolutely divine. :dribble:

That, and apples. I'm never off my apple kick. (I totally just wrote that as 'apple kink' at first :rofl:)

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Oh I get on "kicks" on a regular basis. Usually several at once, and I have to pursue it until I get tired of it...or I'll never be able to stop thinking about it!

Right now, I'm on a mission for all things pumpkin-flavored. There are a lot more pumpkin things available this year than last year. I had pumpkin pancakes this morning, and this evening I plan to have pumpkin frozen yogurt topped with pumpkin pie pieces.

Since last summer, I am constantly searching for the perfect Cherry Limeade. Sonic's is my absolute favorite, but I don't live close enough to one. I've since made a small list of places that offer this beverage...both alcoholic and non. I want to try to serve it at the wedding, so now I need to find a caterer who understands my sad obsession.

I was on a crochet/yarn kick but I believe that's now starting to wind down. (har har)

I'm mildly interested in what else I can mod podge. I have two unfinished wooden birdhouses, but I really want to use mod podge to do some halloween decorating.

I'm on an exercise kick, but I think that's mostly because it's cold in the apartment, and warm at the gym. :lol:

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Also my boyfriend and I have been watching a lot of "The Office" and "X-Files." Like, literally everyday.

As for food, I gotta agree with VoOs about the salads. I was on a green smoothie kick for a while but I got lazy and stopped blending the shit up. Romaine with a little balsamic vinegar and some lima beans and tuna, mm mm mm.

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Apple donuts, washed down with ice cold Red Bull. That's the only thing that really gets my palate happy nowadays. :lol: I'm glad caffeine doesn't make me active, all it does is making my heart beat slightly faster.

Also I'm on a Stephen King kick, but I'm always on that one... :D

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I'm on a crochet kick. It goes on and off, but I'm finding that I enjoy it a lot more when the weather's getting colder. It's really good for keeping me busy, too, and over the past year since I started, I sometimes stay up way later than is acceptable for my current lifestyle just because it's so relaxing.

For food...well, I'm kind of on an unhealthy food kick. ^^; Not that that's all that new, but a lot of my things lately are related to the weather patterns, and every fall I end up eating more than my fair share of junk food. xD Except lately I'm kind of getting back into PB&J.

And John Green. Except I'm obsessed with him all the time, so maybe that doesn't count. :lol:

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Apple donuts, washed down with ice cold Red Bull. That's the only thing that really gets my palate happy nowadays. heh.gif I'm glad caffeine doesn't make me active, all it does is making my heart beat slightly faster.

Also I'm on a Stephen King kick, but I'm always on that one... biggrin.png

Omg I guess I am too actually. I just started reading the full version of "The Stand" with all these extra pages and content added back in. As terrifying as it is so far I'm hooked.

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Oh I get on "kicks" on a regular basis. Usually several at once, and I have to pursue it until I get tired of it...or I'll never be able to stop thinking about it!

Yes! I have to eat it until i get disgusted by it. Im not over mine yet and its been a couple months. Usually i get sick of it pretty quick, last one was Panda Express. That one took a few weeks then the thought of it made me want to vomit. Lol

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...and pizza kick. I've had more pizza the past two weeks than I've had in two years before that. ^_^

Omg I guess I am too actually. I just started reading the full version of "The Stand" with all these extra pages and content added back in. As terrifying as it is so far I'm hooked.

Oh my God, the full version is fantastic! You get to know the characters so much better and things actually make sense in a way I didn't think the edited version did. Very fucking amazing story. Have fun! ;)

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Thanks! :D

Came back to add that I'm on a nearly two-year-long Metalocalypse kick and counting. I go through phases of "kicks" (or obsessions more like it).

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  • 1 month later...

ohh jeez lemme get out my list...

I'm on a huge peppermint kick right now, both the scent and the taste. Maybe it's because I love Christmas and the eating peppermint makes my stomach feel better, I dunno. Just love peppermint.

And bandanas, believe it or not. At camp, everyone wore bandanas as headbands, and they've come back into style at school. Got some super cute ones while Black Friday shopping smile.png

Chap Stick. I am ridiculous about my chap stick and I know I am. And they just came out with peppermint/candy cane chap stick. Took me forever to hunt it down at Wal-Mart, but I found it smile.png

Hoodies. I love them. My entire wardrobe constists of hoodies, oversized t-shirts, and Nike shorts. And neon-colored socks that never match. That's all I wear.

Coffee and tea, but I always love that....but lately I've been swirling a candy cane in there...yesss...

There are a lot more (cough cough Justin Bieber cough) but they'd be too long to list smile.png

Edited by purpleninja
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  • 4 weeks later...
:lol: I'm on a hug kick. I've been hugged more times in the past 24 hours than I had in many years before that. And now I feel like hugging everyone. :hug:
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  • 10 months later...

Well I'd say I'm on a "Witch Doctor" kick right now (it's a comic), which kind of sucks because the fandom is non-existent!

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Cappuccino and mandarins. I've been actually more or less living off these for the past two months. :lol:

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I'm on a brie cheese kick - I buy a new wedge of it every time I'm down by the grocery store. I'm a college kid with no knives, so I eat it mouse-style, which doubly ensures no one else can have any.

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