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Voice Meme!


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Alright, people, who's brave enough to share the sound of their voice? tonguesmiley.gif

If you are, make a recording of yourself answering these questions:

1) What's your name and/or screen name?

2) How old are you?

3) Where are you from? Are you living there right now?

4) What's the time?

5) Is it cold where you are?

6) What are you wearing?

7) What was the last thing you listened to?

8) What was the last thing you ate?

9) What was the last thing you watched on TV?

10) What's your favourite TV show? Why?

11) Quick! Find a book, or something with text on it! Flip to a random page and read some of it! GO!

12) What was the last movie you saw? How was it?

13) Do YOU think you have an accent? Talk about that.

I think a couple of members on the red forum did a meme similar to this one a few years back, and I would love to see hear some more participants. It's such a fun thing to know what people sound like. Voices, and accents, are wonderful things. <3

Anyway, here's mine: http://www.mediafire...b4hcrmy8ea6knwg

Complete with Swidish äccent and all. cool.png (I apologize for the buzzing background noise, my mic is kinda crap)

Edited by VoOs
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Ah! VoOs! I love your accent. It's so pretty. :wub:

Aww, thank you. <3

And you! I was grinning like a dork through your entire recording. Your voice is incredibly cute. :blushing:

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Okay, well, here's mine: http://www.mediafire.com/?2o1qjakd4bb4gcq

I'm sorry, it's long and I started babbling and going a bit off-topic from the questions on many occasions... and I probably sound like a chipmunk or something. My parakeets also decided to put their opinions in as well, so forgive me if their loud chirping gets irritating.

Also a quick note: when I said what I ate, there's a part that might sound like "like a cat" or something, but I said "I like KitKats" (those chocolatey wafer... cookie-like things), just thought I'd make things clear.

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I'd really love to encourage those of you overseas (and with accents) to participate in this!

I haven't been able to listen to everybody's (IT issues) but Spoo, just wanted to say, you have a really lovely voice and accent :)

If I had more IT skills (and a little more courage :P ) I could be tempted to do one......

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And you! I was grinning like a dork through your entire recording. Your voice is incredibly cute. blushing.gif

Ohjeez, really? I think I sound really obnoxious most of the time. heh.gif But thank you. heart.gif

I haven't been able to listen to everybody's (IT issues) but Spoo, just wanted to say, you have a really lovely voice and accent smile.pngIf I had more IT skills (and a little more courage tonguesmiley.gif ) I could be tempted to do one......

I have to say, Joal, it's a bit strange hearing that I have an accent. But thank you very much. smile.png I would love to hear your voice. I'm sure your accent is awesome!

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I'd really love to encourage those of you overseas (and with accents) to participate in this!

I haven't been able to listen to everybody's (IT issues) but Spoo, just wanted to say, you have a really lovely voice and accent smile.png

If I had more IT skills (and a little more courage tonguesmiley.gif ) I could be tempted to do one......

That's why I haven't listened/made one yet. I might be able to do a YouTube video and just point my camera at the wall while I talk to spare everyone from having to look at me. :laugh:

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I really wanna do this! I sound dumb, and I don't know how to do any sort of voice recording on my computer. ^^; Maybe sometime when I'm all alone in my house (which is rarely), I'll get around to playing with it?

Anyway, I like hearing you guys' voices! I love these sorts of things. :3

randomgirl7, it's a weird coincidence that Foster's was on today, I watched it, and I haven't seen it for years. I dunno. I guess that struck me as a little bit funny. heh.gif

Edited by ElementsofGray
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I have to say, Joal, it's a bit strange hearing that I have an accent. But thank you very much. I would love to hear your voice. I'm sure your accent is awesome!

You're welcome Spoo :)

I guess we all think we don't have an accent, but my British accent will sound like an accent to you - so therefore vice versa too!

And thank you too, I would feel under pressure now! lol

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This is a cool idea! biggrin.png Soooo... here goes silly!

*looks at new member title*


I can finally use the phrase "Oh my God" with a clean conscience!

(It's so lovely to listen to all of you! I can't stop smiling. <3 Oh, and I hope we'll get to hear some guys soon too. biggrin.png )

Edited by VoOs
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Oh my gosh!! SOOOO cute!! I absolutely *adore* actually getting to Hear people talk about stuff that like. I get all excited and grinning getting to hear the natural inflections and intonations, and when people are talking about things that they like- there is just this *something* in their voice that I LOVE!!

I particularly like hearing voices that I don't normally get to hear. So, VoOs and pig- thanks SO much! <3 <3 (very glad that you felt comfortable enough recording not in native language) And reading in Finnish... wub.png (I had no clue but sounded nice).

Thanks VoOs so much! Very fun. Oh... and the "non-techie people" .... I'm Hugely clueless w/ that stuff but... just go to vocaroo.com-(thanks Merodi) It is Very, Very easy, and youdon't have to download anything to the computer. So.... no excuses. tonguesmiley.gifwink.png

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Oh my gosh!! SOOOO cute!! I absolutely *adore* actually getting to Hear people talk about stuff that like. I get all excited and grinning getting to hear the natural inflections and intonations, and when people are talking about things that they like- there is just this *something* in their voice that I LOVE!!

I particularly like hearing voices that I don't normally get to hear. So, VoOs and pig- thanks SO much! <3 <3 (very glad that you felt comfortable enough recording not in native language) And reading in Finnish... wub.png (I had no clue but sounded nice).

Thanks VoOs so much! Very fun. Oh... and the "non-techie people" .... I'm Hugely clueless w/ that stuff but... just go to vacaroo.com-(thanks Merodi) It is Very, Very easy, and youdon't have to download anything to the computer. So.... no excuses. tonguesmiley.gifwink.png

no prob- but its vocaroo :P

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This is a cool idea! biggrin.png Soooo... here goes silly!

That's cool, pig! I don't know if I've ever heard Finnish before but I don't think it sounds completely unlike

. Though I think Finnish sounds more "smooth".

Now, as much as I enjoy being in a room full of lovely ladies talking away to me I guess I really should contribute a little. If I get a moment alone soon I MIGHT have a go at recording something. I don't want to promise anything!

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Awwww!!! :wub: Yay Joal! Such a good sport. *grins*

*does not have huge grin on face.... :angel: *

And I was *Shocked* when you revealed your favourite show. ;)

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Okay, well, I may have chickened out of the questions a bit... but... I did do question 11. So uhm... yes... cookies for those who guess which book it is before the obvious hint? bag.gif

Have at thee... :bleh:


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^^ Hope this works!

Am I the first guy? Anyway, nobody likes hearing their own voice but fair's fair, everyone else is doing it........

I've never heard a Yorkshire accent before, so hearing your voice was amazing! The way you articulate certain words is very interesting. biggrin.png Thanks for doing this, Joal!

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I've never heard a Yorkshire accent before, so hearing your voice was amazing! The way you articulate certain words is very interesting. Thanks for doing this, Joal!

You're welcome Spoo!

Interesting good, or interesting bad? :P *wonders which words*

I was probably a bit stilted compared to my "natural" voice because it's a slightly artificial situation. But I'm glad I did it anyway!

And not a pun in sight..... :o

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