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Anyone with Piercings or Tattoos?


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I was just wondering if any of you have a piercing or more or tattos. And would you get more? I have eight piercings in my ears. So four on each ear and a tattoo on my shoulder of an Ankh. I got it last when I turned twenty-one. I would love to get another ear piercing. Maybe on of those chain ones that go in the top and bottom of ur ears. Id like that!! :D Yeah!! :rockon:

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Both my ear lobes are pierced and stretched. That's all I have at the moment, but there are various other things I keep meaning to get including an industrial, tats, and possibly a septum piercing. Yeah, I know, the last one is a real love or hate piercing :laugh:

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Both my ear lobes are pierced and stretched. That's all I have at the moment, but there are various other things I keep meaning to get including an industrial, tats, and possibly a septum piercing. Yeah, I know, the last one is a real love or hate piercing :laugh:

Oh! Thats too cool! I've seen people with stretched ear lobes. Does it hurt when they do it? O.O

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Both my ear lobes are pierced and stretched. That's all I have at the moment, but there are various other things I keep meaning to get including an industrial, tats, and possibly a septum piercing. Yeah, I know, the last one is a real love or hate piercing laughing.gif

Oh! Thats too cool! I've seen people with stretched ear lobes. Does it hurt when they do it? O.O

Depends how long you wait between sizes. If you do it too quickly, yes, it hurts a whole bunch. If you wait a good six months or so, so that the tissue has a chance to fully heal and recover it's elasticity then it barely hurts at all. And I've done all my stretching myself, although I believe most piercing places will do it for you.

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I've got 3 tattoos on my right arm, 3 tattoos on left arm and one on my right thigh. Me and my sister make tattoos ourselves, not exactly professional quality, but i must say my sister has talent. I have made 2 tattoos to my sister and i dont think those look too bad either, atleast my sister never complained about them and she seems to like them.

I love tattoos, you can pretty much tell what i like by looking at them, so it can also be like conversation starter.

I'll probably get more when i find something worth it. I dont take tattoos by some impulse, I think about them first then i decide if I want them to travel with me forever.

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I dont think anyone should take tattoos by impulse, because those really wont leave you, unless you remove them with laser surgery and that will be expencive. Piercings arent that bad because they will heal after you take the it off.

I used to have Snake bites(2 rings on lower lip) and tongue piercing, but when i got my fist christmas job I had to remove the snake bites and those healed and the holes were shut, so i dont have them anymore and I accidentally ate the tongue piercing.

I want to have my snake bites back, but i'm pretty sure i would have to take them off again when working, so I'll just stick with tattoos, atleast you can hide them.

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I have 7 piercings on one ear, my nose pierced, and my monroe pierced. I have a tattoo of a bird cage with 2 birds flying out of it in memory of my sister, who I lost to suicide and my grandpa who passed from lung cancer.

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I have 7 piercings on one ear, my nose pierced, and my monroe pierced. I have a tattoo of a bird cage with 2 birds flying out of it in memory of my sister, who I lost to suicide and my grandpa who passed from lung cancer.

Thats so awesome! And im sorry for the lost of ur sister and grandfather. :hug:

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I've got six piercings in total. ^_^ Two on each lobe, my left helix, and my right tragus. Hoping for more piercings and a tattoo in 2014!

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I've got six piercings in total. ^_^ Two on each lobe, my left helix, and my right tragus. Hoping for more piercings and a tattoo in 2014!

I second that Spoo!

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Id like either , lip piercing ( either spider or snake bites) , eyebrow or nose(just a small ring) . I'm not sure x3 . As for tattoos I'd like an Anchor or "stay strong". But not really going to get anything nao. For the moment being.

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Id like either , lip piercing ( either spider or snake bites) , eyebrow or nose(just a small ring) . I'm not sure x3 . As for tattoos I'd like an Anchor or "stay strong". But not really going to get anything nao. For the moment being.

Cool! Ive wanted to try a lip piercing

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I have a nose piercing, my ears (I used to have 3 holes in one ear and 2 in the other, but I've let them close up so I just have the standard lobe piercings now), and I have a tattoo on my left arm above the crease of my elbow. It's a text block quote that I thought about for 3 years before I did it. I've got another I plan to get eventually! Perhaps this year :)

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I have nine piercings- three in my left earlobe, two in my right, a kind of screwed up cartlidge in my left ear (it used to be an industrial but I took out the bar and only the bottom hole stayed open) left ear tragus, right ear rook, and nose.

And a collection of tattoos- a line from Lewis Caroll's poem "Jabberwocky" on my left ribs, the chemistry symbol for an equilibrium reaction on my finger, seven little stars in various places, and a feather with a hidden meaning :P

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I have 17 piercings. I used to have 19 but took 2 out.

In my right ear:

2 lobe piercings, one half way up, one at the top, 2 inner helix, one conch and one tragus.

In my left ear:

3 lobe piercings, one half way up, one at the top and a double rook.

I have my labret (middle lip) and tongue done too.

I used to have my right nostril and left nipple pierced, but those are the 2 I took out.


I have a pretty huge fairy on my back - it's a full body profile of her resting her arms on her knees.

I have a daffodil on my foot with 2 petals floating away with my grandad's initials underneath - the daffodil represents my grandad and the 2 petals represent his 2 brothers that passed away before he did.

I also have the silhouettes of 7 bats on my right theigh. No reason behind it. I just like bats :P

Edited by PuddinPop
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No piercings for me as of now, and I really don't have any interest in getting them anytime soon. But I do have a black tribal tattoo on my upper right shoulder.

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My left earlobe. Yes, only the left one. :P I had the right one pierced as well, but I took the earring out due to the small wound which formed by the hole and never put it back again.

I'm planning on getting it fixed sometime soon. And I'm probably going to get another piercing on my left earlobe, since it's included in the price. :lol:

I don't think my mother would let me get anything more drastic then that. (she used to pick my clothes until I was twelve. I think I've explained myself)

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My left earlobe. Yes, only the left one. :P I had the right one pierced as well, but I took the earring out due to the small wound which formed by the hole and never put it back again.

I'm planning on getting it fixed sometime soon. And I'm probably going to get another piercing on my left earlobe, since it's included in the price. :lol:

I don't think my mother would let me get anything more drastic then that. (she used to pick my clothes until I was twelve. I think I've explained myself)

Oh i understand that...it took me twenty one years to get my first tatoo and the bottoms of my ears were pierced at a young age...But it was until high school and college where i got more ear piercings.

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i have normal ear peircings, and thats it. i do have one tatoo, and its of a little turquoise dragon with its body wrapping around a giant white rose. i got this one on my left ankle about two years ago

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I have tattoos all up and down my arms (not quite sleeves though), as well as most of my back and the top of my feet. I also have my earlobes pierced at I think a 4 gauge (can't remember, I had them done ages ago at a 0, but then I let them shrink up) and I have my septum at a 2. I used to have a lot more facial piercings but I had to remove them because they were catching on shit and hurting me. I want more tattoos, but I can't really be arsed to get any at the moment. Don't really want any more piercings; I've thought about getting my nips done but I'm afraid of them getting tugged on by my very rowdy dog, haha.

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