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Your Unpopular Ships


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We all have them. Any avid shipper does, at any rate. While we all have those two people, whether they be actors, or fictional characters, or whatever else have you, who we just desperately want to be together. Some are extremely popular---some of the most popular ones I'm aware of are Johnlock from Sherlock, Destiel from Supernatural and I'm sure there are plenty others, but those are just the ones I hear about most often---while some...aren't so popular. It can be so frustrating to have a ship that's super unpopular, or not even popular in the slightest because it seems like you're the only one who ships it.

I personally have a few super unpopular ships. One is the pairing of Sickly Smurf and Hefty Smurf from the Smurfs---I even started on a fanfiction for this site based on it (which, by the way, I should get back to writing for...). Sickly has been in two episodes, while Hefty was in hundreds, but I simply adore the ship because Sickly is--well---sickly, weak, and sniffly, and I just love the thought of big, tough Hefty scooping him up when his Sickly Smurf is starting to feel under the weather and just taking good care of him. I also ship Smurfette and Sickly, though not as much as Hefty.

Another is Clarisse and Silena from Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I've barely seen anything on that ship on tumblr, so I assume it isn't a usual pairing that people like. I just think it could be really adorable, because the two were very close during the last book, and I definitely felt chemistry, but perhaps that's just me.

AND my main, ultimate OTP is the pairing of Captain Hook and Ariel from the Disney films. Call me crazy, but I just adore this ship to the ends of the earth. First of all, Hook is a real gentleman outside of his issues with Peter Pan-- though it's quite understandable when the insufferable little ass has worked effortlessly to drive the poor captain mad over the years. I just picture the crew casting out a net to fish, and Ariel getting tangled up in it. They keep her in a barrel of water, and Hook plans to sell her back in London for a pretty penny, but he soon starts to fall madly for that innocent smile of hers, how she's managed to be so trusting of his whole crew, even if they clearly look like cutthroats, because they say they'll take her back to her home. And

ughhhh well I could go an about it forever! Haha it's always been such a dream of mine to have a fetishy roleplay with those two or something along those lines, but I would feel so scared to write as Hook or Ariel; it's always harder for me to rp real characters ^^; And I have plenty of nsfw thoughts on these two as well, something that will surely go in the 18+ boards once I'm 18 and able to get on.

Anyway, enough about my unpopular ships! What're yours? Hey, this should also totally be a point where we search for others with similar unpopular ships so we can all have a shipping buddy /)u(\

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I think my prime candidate for unpopular ship would have to be Combeferre/Grantaire from the book and musical Les Mis. The most popular pairing in the fandom is Enjolras/Grantaire, and Combeferre is usually paired with Eponine or Courfeyrac. Another one that I love passionately is Captain America/Captain Jack Harkness. I would never have thought about it, but I once saw a photoset on tumblr that got me thinking. It's not so hard for me, I guess, because I'll ship pretty much anything up to and including contradictory ships and polyamorous ships. I just wish there were more fics for the rarer ships.

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Most of my rare ships come from crossovers. Generally I have to write them myself if I want to see them. I've actually written a Steve Rogers/Jack Harkness one and am currently writing Steve Rogers/Will Graham. I've done Freddie Lounds/Frederick Chilton, and I don't understand why that's so rare as it seems quite obvious. Also, for some reason, Sideshow Bob/Harley Quinn makes a lot of sense to me, but I've never been able to write it.

I'm pretty open with most ships. As long as the characters and relationship are written well, then it's easy for me to get into it.

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AND my main, ultimate OTP is the pairing of Captain Hook and Ariel from the Disney films.

*GASP* Ohh, I'd never considered that before!

In a similar vein, I ship Hook and Tiger Lily but I've never really come across anyone else who ships it the way I do. (Tiger Lily, in the novels, being of unknown age...so I imagine her as 19/20-ish).

Another ship of mine that is pretty unpopular is Snape/Hermione. I've read tons of rants (and listened to a few from my friends) about why that ship is wrong/immoral/disgusting/etc. But I can't help it. I'm a sucker for student/teacher relationships where the student is the aggressor. I know in real life a relationship like that would be illegal and morally wrong on the part of the adult, but in fiction my morals tend to go out the door.

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Another ship of mine that is pretty unpopular is Snape/Hermione. I've read tons of rants (and listened to a few from my friends) about why that ship is wrong/immoral/disgusting/etc.

But isn't Snape/Harry one of the bigger ships in HP? Wouldn't that have the same student/teacher-type relationship as Snape/Hermione, or am I missing something?

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I ship HodgexJace from the Mortal Instruments. I haven't seen the movie, but it's plausible from the book's point of view. I also ship ClaryxIsabelle from the Mortal Instruments. And HansxKristof from Frozen. And I'm a Sherstrade shipper.

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Another ship of mine that is pretty unpopular is Snape/Hermione. I've read tons of rants (and listened to a few from my friends) about why that ship is wrong/immoral/disgusting/etc.

But isn't Snape/Harry one of the bigger ships in HP? Wouldn't that have the same student/teacher-type relationship as Snape/Hermione, or am I missing something?

I feel like there's some sort of weird sexism thing going on with this, but I can't quite work out what it is.

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HansxHans << the douche is only shippable with himself. (Frozen heh)

DracoxHarry<< although we can have imagination and internet fanficition. it could never be, because they are sworn ennemies.

I know it's not unpopular.. but Phan<3 omf. Phan<3 I live for phan<3 otp otp. Phil+Dan<3(youtubers.)

KristoffxSven.(beastialiety?(idk how to spell that word).. but idk.. Kristoff and his reindeer are cute)

Jalec, JacexAlec (The Mortal Instruments)

.. hum can't think of others.

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I shipped Cuddy/ Wilson with House which was *really* unpopular, as the two BIGGEST ships (and they seemed to fight between each other a decent amount) were House/Wilson and House/Cuddy. There was just *something* to me (at least in the early seasons) that made Wilson/ Cuddy irresistible to me. I *could* see House/Cuddy/Wilson or Wilson/Amber/House - and normally I'm never into more than 2.

Another pairing that I liked which I know that I'd get hate for is Ten/Martha (don't hurt me tonguesmiley.gif ). I just really liked her character (although the moping for the Doctor- not as much). I'm not a huge fan of Rose (sorry bag.gif ) and just would have rather seen Ten/Martha.

Oh... and unpopular as well... Aragorn and Eowyn. Eowyn kicked SOO much more arse than Arwen, and I felt like (in the books in particular) that there was a connection. Faramir/Eowyn just seemed- meh. And seriously- if Liv Tyler didn't have connections and all that they wouldn't have had her in the movies as much because she is *barely* in the books. *pout over*

< hides from potential stonings. bag.gif

ETA: Probably NO ONE will know this fandom but the vlog series with modernized version of Jane Eyre called "The Autobiography of Jane Eyre" (link here) - I am MAJORLY shipping Simon (a representation of St. John from the book) with Jane. I KNOW that it doesn't go that way, but he is SOOOOO adorkable, and they just have this "thing" I think. It is still in production- and I don't EVER want her to go back to Rochester- never, ever, ever. :P:P

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One of my favorite pairings isn't unpopular in the sense that people don't like it; it's just unpopular in the sense that it's not a very big ship so it's REALLY hard to find stories/art/what have you for the pairing - Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price (two of the scientists) from NBC's Hannibal. They are supporting characters, not really leads, so it's understandable, but I just think they'd make such a great couple and the presence of this particular ship is sadly small.

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I think my prime candidate for unpopular ship would have to be Combeferre/Grantaire from the book and musical Les Mis. The most popular pairing in the fandom is Enjolras/Grantaire, and Combeferre is usually paired with Eponine or Courfeyrac.

This entire description is exactly what I was going to put!!!

I'm a huge sucker for Enjolras/Grantaire and Combeferre/Courfeyrac. Even though these aren't really unpopular, the feels are just so unreal. Some people ship Enjolras/Eponine, but I just don't see it. (By the way I don't know how to put the accent over the 'e').

I ship Elder Price and Elder Mckinley from The Book of Mormon. A lot of people don't see it, but I feel like the way Elder Mckinley, or Connor, looks at Elder Price, or Kevin, in such a romantic way.

I used to be a hard core shipper of Merry and Pippin from The Lord of the Rings. Now that I look back on that, I find it kind of weird because they're cousins. Yet again, so many people ship Sam and Dean from Supernatural and they're brothers...so I guess it's pretty normal.

I also ship Peter Pan from Disney's Peter Pan and Alice from Disney's Alice in Wonderland. I also like Peter Pan and Ariel from Disney's The Little Mermaid. My last Disney ship is Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Clopin from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Lastly, I ship Aaron Tveit and George Blagden. George has said that they never really interacted a lot so he can admire him from a far, just like Grantaire. I find that so adorable! (George is a huge Enjolras/Grantaire shipper).

Now some people may think of these ships as popular, so oops, but I think some of them are unpopular.

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One of my favorite pairings isn't unpopular in the sense that people don't like it; it's just unpopular in the sense that it's not a very big ship so it's REALLY hard to find stories/art/what have you for the pairing - Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price (two of the scientists) from NBC's Hannibal. They are supporting characters, not really leads, so it's understandable, but I just think they'd make such a great couple and the presence of this particular ship is sadly small.

I don't know if I would seek out art or fanfic of that pairing but I can very easily see it being shippable. I really love the chemistry of the whole forensics team. I'll make a note to throw it in my to-do list of Hannibal prompts.

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One of my favorite pairings isn't unpopular in the sense that people don't like it; it's just unpopular in the sense that it's not a very big ship so it's REALLY hard to find stories/art/what have you for the pairing - Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price (two of the scientists) from NBC's Hannibal. They are supporting characters, not really leads, so it's understandable, but I just think they'd make such a great couple and the presence of this particular ship is sadly small.

I don't know if I would seek out art or fanfic of that pairing but I can very easily see it being shippable. I really love the chemistry of the whole forensics team. I'll make a note to throw it in my to-do list of Hannibal prompts.


It was one of those pairings that snuck up on me, you know? Just kind of out of nowhere I could suddenly SO easily see them being a great couple. I look forward to any stories you might do with them!

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Does anyone here ship MollyxIrene from Sherlock?

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Marshall LeexPrince Gumball

It's adventure time ! :D

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Another ship of mine that is pretty unpopular is Snape/Hermione. I've read tons of rants (and listened to a few from my friends) about why that ship is wrong/immoral/disgusting/etc.

But isn't Snape/Harry one of the bigger ships in HP? Wouldn't that have the same student/teacher-type relationship as Snape/Hermione, or am I missing something?

I feel like there's some sort of weird sexism thing going on with this, but I can't quite work out what it is.

That's always been my feeling, because yeah Snape/Harry is really big. But I can't even breathe a word about Snape/Hermione without at least one person getting huffy at me.

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Greg Lestrade/Loki Laufeyson. Jim Moriarty/Tony Stark. Lion!Moriarty/Scar. Molly Hooper/Jim Moriarty. (Wow I just realized i apparently REALLY like shipping moriarty, whoa :lol: )

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Though Stony/Superhusbands is my Avengers OTP, I have a bit of a thing for Cyberhusbands. That is, Tony x JARVIS. Yep.

Um... this is gonna seem a bit weird (well, weirder) but I kind of shp Perry x Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb?

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Um... this is gonna seem a bit weird (well, weirder) but I kind of shp Perry x Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb?

This is gonna seem even weirder... But so do I and my brother!

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I think the Scharnhorst was a really unpopular ship; it even sounds sinister.

Scharnhorst sounds like.... Dr. Scharnhorst, why are you lubing your hands up to elbow? This is sinister....

I don't understand why Titanic is such a popular ship, despite sinking so soon. I don't have ships, sadly, not popular ones or unpopular ones.

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I don't understand why Titanic is such a popular ship, despite sinking so soon. I don't have ships, sadly, not popular ones or unpopular ones.


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Something that intrigues me is this extreme aversion to shipping cousins. Does anyone know where it comes from originally, or whether it exists anywhere outside the US? And since we're all getting so offended, it is clearly islamophobic too...

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It's generally a bad idea for first cousins to reproduce, in terms of genetics and inbreeding, and the moral taboo has grown out of that. Personally I don't really have a moral issue with cousin shipping, I mean, for starters it's fictional, and even in reality the only legitimate concern is if they're intending to have children. Depending on the situation it could certainly be weird, I absolutely would not want to date any of my first cousins, but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with in a moral sense.

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I want to add a ship to my list: Beastboy and Raven from Teen Titans! Not really sure if this ship is popular or not, but it's one of my favorites! I was sad that their friendship was never taken to the next level.

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