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SPN comic (M, Sam)


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Thanks 27jj! Pretty much spent my weekend working on the page showing what Dean got up to once they split up. So here it is


Not as happy with this as with some of the other pages. It has more action and I found it kind of difficult to get proportions right and stuff. But this is all really good practice for me.

heart.gifheart.gifheart.gifheart.gifheart.gif AH-MA-ZING!


And that sounds like a good idea. We will have to collaborate sometime smile.png

Would love to collaborate sometime! Maybe you could write and I could draw? sounds fun to me! Might focus on finishing this one first though. I was naively hoping to get it done before I start back at uni but there is just no way!

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Thanks Nola

It was interesting looking through them again, I think my style of drawing kind of developed as I went along. Thanks so much for your encouragement, I never would have made this comic without you

Aw. shucks. I'm flattered. :wub:

As for page 11 - the background detail is amazing, as always. I feel like I'm always drawn to one thing in particular in every scene, and I'm definitely drawn to the ragged curtain and the exposed wood. I understand what you mean by proportions, but I must say they way you draw Dean sitting on the floor makes him look so tall and I love that! Also, one last thing - that end scene where the lady dissolves - it is so pretty. I'm so stoked to see what happens next!

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heart.gifheart.gifheart.gifheart.gifheart.gif AH-MA-ZING!


And that sounds like a good idea. We will have to collaborate sometime smile.png

Would love to collaborate sometime! Maybe you could write and I could draw? sounds fun to me! Might focus on finishing this one first though. I was naively hoping to get it done before I start back at uni but there is just no way!

Most definitely! Please do PM me on ideas whenever you want :)

Yes, do take your time on this one first. Don't take in more than you can chew. These are phenomenal! :D

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My lord! The sweet dear can get two words out :lmfao: Sammy, go to bed! Dean, you get some too!

Amazing detail, just completely in love :heart:

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MY...........GOD........ THAT LAST PANEL! You captured Dean so perfectly!!!!!!!!!

Mmmmnnnngggggggggggg.........!!! :boom:

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I love the scene where Dean and Bobby are watching bad daytime TV!

OMG, mine too! Gosh, I really miss Bobby sometimes!

Also, as Pyrus says, excellent job on the last panel there.....I know I already fan-girled about it, but EYE CRINKLES... *swoon*

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Thanks Pyrus! I really like how Dean is so blunt about explaining crazy stuff to people, Sam is usually really patient and kind but Dean is either a jerk or just blatantly lies. So I kind of wanted to make Sam unable to explain cos he's sneezing to much so Dean had to.

And Nola I miss Bobby too! And Kevin!

Anyway here is the next page


Hopefully you can still make out what Sam is trying to say, I may have gone a bit nuts with the congested voice, but I love congested pronunciation, I think it's so cute!

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Sammy looks so miserable!!!!!! I love it! Im flailing! roll2.gif

And did I read that right? Cas? Is there going to be a Cas here????? teehee.gif

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Another day another page, I know I'm really pumping these out now but tomorrow I start back at uni and will have to slow down. I am able to get them done a lot faster though than when I first started, partly because now I have a big collection of picture files of screen captures and images from google entitled things like " Dean looking up", "Sam pre-sneeze face" and so on. And partly because I'm getting better at using photoshop.

and yes Pyrus Cas will be in the next page I promise! Can't wait to draw him!

Also just wanted to say I think the third panel is my best Sam yet! If I do say so myself...


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Oh oh oh oh! :bounce: Cas is coming, Cas is coming!!!! Yay yay yay! The third and fifth definitely made my day :D

Sam just can't seem to stop, im in love :rofl:

Please do take your time with your art, education comes first :)

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Thanks HarryPotterGeek I'm glad you found itturned.gif.

Just wondering if the story makes sence to you guys? I ask because there is a person on deviant art who follows my comic, they say they really enjoy it but have no idea what is going on. I don't think they watch supernatural. I just want to make sure, it's hard for me to judge because I'm creating it I know what is happening.

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I'm not in the fandom at all but I think I'm following your story just fine. And even then, since you're drawing this specifically for SPN, it will be a given that there are certain nuances people who don't follow SPN won't get, in which case they should probably check it out for themselves. :P Your art is amazingly detailed and I love the amount of work you put into each background and expression. I'm glad I hopped on this today so I got read all the pages in one go! Even if it means that I need to wait for new ones now.

As for the person who follows your comic on dA, it sounds like they just need to do a little bit of research so they can properly enjoy your story!

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I'm not in the fandom at all but I think I'm following your story just fine. And even then, since you're drawing this specifically for SPN, it will be a given that there are certain nuances people who don't follow SPN won't get, in which case they should probably check it out for themselves. tonguesmiley.gif Your art is amazingly detailed and I love the amount of work you put into each background and expression. I'm glad I hopped on this today so I got read all the pages in one go! Even if it means that I need to wait for new ones now.

As for the person who follows your comic on dA, it sounds like they just need to do a little bit of research so they can properly enjoy your story!

Thanks for the feedback! Good to know. w00t.gif

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OH.........MY..............GOD. *squealing fangirl moment*

the second I saw you say Cas I had to take a deep breath before clicking. CAS YOU ADORABLE LITTLE TREE HUGGER. I love the setting you put him in. All peacy and and and asdfghjkl GAH! I think I died.....yep, totally died. stretcher.gif

Oh but wait, if Cas heals Sam, then no more sneezies. :(

So can't wait to see what you draw next! Im bouncing in my chair :D

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How am I just finding this gem this is amazing???? Like they're all in character and funny and I love this~ <3

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