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Sneeze Fetish Forum

100 Drabbles 100 Words


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On 4/1/2016 at 0:39 AM, SexyGodlikeHair said:

Ahh, so cute!! And of course Angie would find time, in the middle of sweeping broken glass, to sense Peggy's discomfort and check on her. Too sweet.

The same can be said for Kara, who would be a superhero even without her powers, bc that girl is too good. Awesome additions!

Angie and Kara are both literal human sunshine and I just really love them. Thank you!

On 4/2/2016 at 5:52 AM, Bruyere said:

:clapping: Yes, hello! I'm here for this. Patsy and Delia are my favourites.

I love the Supergirl one. I completely fell behind with this show but I love Kara being super enthusiastic about getting a roommate.

I literally just finished Call the Midwife today and I can't believe I have to wait until Christmas for more, so yes, expect lots of that (especially Patsy and Delia!) because wrting is my coping mechanism lol. And thanks! :D

On 4/7/2016 at 8:04 PM, batmansgirl said:


Hey! I'm totally flattered that you would ask, but I'm usually not really into male sneezing, plus I'm not really a huge Winn fan, so I don't think I'd be able to do him justice, you know? This thread is kind of just a "when inspiration strikes" kind of thing and I don't feel like I could really write anything well if I'm not inspired by it. But thanks for the request, I really am flattered by it! It's just a little too far outside of my comfort zone.

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And I'm back with 3 new drabbles! I just caught up with the show 'Call the Midwife' and I am completely hooked, so naturally my first instinct was to write about it. :proud: You can probably expect to see a lot more for this show from me going forward.

Allergic – Desperation - Cat - Summer - Itch - Light - Hands - Fever - Finally Alone - Worried - Broody - Loud - Grass - Genetics - Control - Dinner for Three - Doctor  Dust - Feather - Anticipation - Bed - Drugs - First Time - Headache - Handkerchief - Dog - Garden - Hoarse - Kink - Scent - Hold Back - Double - Harsh - Smoke - Making Dinner - Impatience - Incense - Horses – Pillow - Suffer - Nervous - Stare - Contagious - Relief - Temperature - Terrible - Wool - Tissues - Tease - Quarrel - Lonely - Snuggle - Asleep - Waiting - Frost - Rest - Flu - Phone Call - Apologize - Sore - Accent - Fur - Haze - Spices - Under the Weather - Stifle - Frustrated - Caught in the Act - Attack - Listless - Pressure - Muffled - Annoy - Humiliated - Disproportionate - Bath - Spring - Message - Headcold - Clinic - Confess - Tears - Dream - Polite - Sniff - Shower - Induce - Jealousy - Pills - Interrupt - Chill - Office - Remedy - Weird - Soft - Purr  Honey - Defeat - Smother – Gratitude

Prompt: clinic
Fandom: Call the Midwife (Patsy Mount)

“And just where exactly do you think you’re going?”

Patsy spun around at the sound of Trixie’s voice.

“To clinic,” Patsy said.

“You most certainly are not,” Trixie said. “You’re not going anywhere with that nasty cold of yours.”

“I was just going to help organize supplies and…” Patsy trailed off as the tickle in her nose started to swell and she sneezed into the crook of her elbow. “Heh-chieu!

“God bless you,” Trixie said, already holding out her handkerchief which Patsy accepted with a brief nod of thanks. “Now get to bed. I’ll send Delia up with some tea.”


Prompt: headcold
Fandom: Call the Midwife (Patsy Mount)

“You’re awake,” Delia said when she opened the door to find Patsy sitting up in bed, flipping through one of Trixie’s fashion magazines.

“Indeed,” Patsy said. “Is that cake?”

“It is.” Delia set a mug of tea and a plate of cake on the nightstand before sitting down on Trixie’s bed. “Courtesy of Sister Monica Joan. She was so concerned when Trixie said you were ill that she went right to the tin and cut you a slice. She says it’s the best thing for a headcold.


“Give her my thanks?” Patsy asked before stifling a sneeze into her handkerchief.


Prompt: doctor
Fandom: Call the Midwife (Patsy Mount)

“You’ve still got that fever,” Delia murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Patsy’s flushed brow. “If it’s still there in the morning, I’m sending for Doctor.”

Eh-tschu!” Patsy didn’t even have the energy to stifle the sneeze; she just turned away from Delia in an attempt to keep from spraying her.

“God bless you,” Delia said. “It’s a good thing Trixie took my room, isn’t it? This way we don’t risk her getting sick too.”

“And there’s no one to see us sharing one bed,” Patsy murmured, snuggling just a little bit closer to Delia as her eyes slipped shut.

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Aww, these were very sweet. I've never heard of this show, but now I'm compelled to check it out. If cake is good for a headcold - sign me up! :P

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On 4/13/2016 at 6:30 AM, Evilduckling108 said:

I literally just finished Call the Midwife today and I can't believe I have to wait until Christmas for more, so yes, expect lots of that (especially Patsy and Delia!)

I am so upset that it's already finished! What am I supposed to do with my Sunday nights now?

On 4/13/2016 at 6:38 AM, Evilduckling108 said:

“You most certainly are not,” Trixie said. “You’re not going anywhere with that nasty cold of yours.”

Trixie Patsy showdowns are always fun but I'm glad Trixie won on this one.

On 4/13/2016 at 6:38 AM, Evilduckling108 said:

She was so concerned when Trixie said you were ill that she went right to the tin and cut you a slice. She says it’s the best thing for a headcold.

Aw, this is lovely. and i might have put some (!) thought into what sort of cake would be best for a cold. Probably Christmas or fruit cake for the booze?! :D

On 4/13/2016 at 6:38 AM, Evilduckling108 said:

“You’ve still got that fever,” Delia murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Patsy’s flushed brow.


On 4/13/2016 at 6:38 AM, Evilduckling108 said:

“It’s a good thing Trixie took my room, isn’t it? This way we don’t risk her getting sick too.”

“And there’s no one to see us sharing one bed,” Patsy murmured, snuggling just a little bit closer to Delia as her eyes slipped shut.

Yes <3 Lovely.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/13/2016 at 3:22 AM, AnonyMeows said:

Aww, these were very sweet. I've never heard of this show, but now I'm compelled to check it out. If cake is good for a headcold - sign me up! :P

It's really a great show and the first 4 seasons are up on Netflix (if you're in the US. I'm not sure about anywhere else) and I found the 5th season online somewhere, but I can't remember where. Really packs an emotional punch, but I thought it was totally worth it!! And thank you!

@Bruyere I'm so glad you like them! I'm counting the days until Christmas to get more! (And also maybe working on a few more little stories to tide myself over in the meantime...)

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Only 2 today, but the entire month of May is going to be crazy busy, so I figured I'd post what I have just in case I can't get much else done in the next couple of weeks. 

Allergic – Desperation - Cat - Summer - Itch - Light - Hands - Fever - Finally Alone - Worried - Broody - Loud - Grass - Genetics - Control - Dinner for Three -Doctor  Dust - Feather - Anticipation - Bed - Drugs - First Time - Headache - Handkerchief - Dog - Garden - Hoarse - Kink - Scent - Hold Back - Double - Harsh - Smoke - Making Dinner - Impatience - Incense - Horses – Pillow - Suffer - Nervous - Stare - Contagious - Relief - Temperature - Terrible - Wool - Tissues - Tease - Quarrel - Lonely - Snuggle - Asleep - Waiting - Frost - Rest - Flu - Phone Call - Apologize - Sore - Accent - Fur - Haze - Spices - Under the Weather - Stifle - Frustrated - Caught in the Act - Attack - Listless - Pressure - Muffled - Annoy - Humiliated - Disproportionate - Bath - Spring - Message - Headcold - Clinic - Confess - Tears - Dream - Polite - Sniff - Shower - Induce - Jealousy - Pills - Interrupt - Chill - Office - Remedy - Weird - Soft - Purr  Honey - Defeat - Smother – Gratitude

Prompt: making dinner
Fandom: DCEU (

Lois Lane


“Bless you,” Diana said.

“Thanks,” Lois said, grabbing a paper towel and blowing her nose into it as she straightened back up and went back to making dinner. “I hate white pepper. It always makes me sneeze for some reason.”

“Hmm,” Diana hummed.

Suddenly, Lois rounded on her with a questioning look on her face. “Can you sneeze?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Nothing, it’s just…I’ve never heard Clark sneeze and I thought it was a Krypton thing, but now I’m just kind of wondering if all superheroes are like that.”

Diana just chuckled and raised an eyebrow in challenge.


Prompt: humiliated
Fandom: Agent Carter (Peggy Carter)

Peggy was not going to sneeze.

She was standing in the back of the conference room, a file in her hands and a tickle in her nose from the cloud of cologne that was wafting off the men around her. Thompson was rattling off the details of the newest case, but Peggy was so focused on keeping her breathing steady that she wasn’t hearing a word he was saying.

It was all in vain, though, as she finally sneezed.


“The hell was that?” Thompson asked.

Peggy flushed bright red from humiliation as she pressed her handkerchief to her nose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FIVE new drabbles all at once?! Yup, you read that right. All five are Agent Carter because I'm not really over it getting cancelled just yet.

Allergic – Desperation - Cat - Summer - Itch - Light - Hands - Fever - Finally Alone - Worried - Broody - Loud - Grass - Genetics - Control - Dinner for Three -Doctor  Dust - Feather - Anticipation - Bed - Drugs - First Time - Headache - Handkerchief - Dog - Garden - Hoarse - Kink - Scent - Hold Back - Double - Harsh - Smoke - Making Dinner - Impatience - Incense - Horses – Pillow - Suffer - Nervous - Stare - Contagious - Relief - Temperature - Terrible - Wool - Tissues - Tease - Quarrel - Lonely - Snuggle - Asleep - Waiting - Frost - Rest - Flu - Phone Call - Apologize - Sore - Accent - Fur - Haze - Spices - Under the Weather - Stifle - Frustrated - Caught in the Act - Attack - Listless - Pressure - Muffled - Annoy - Humiliated - Disproportionate - Bath - Spring - Message - Headcold - Clinic - Confess - Tears - Dream - Polite - Sniff - Shower - Induce - Jealousy - Pills - Interrupt - Chill - Office - Remedy - Weird - Soft - Purr  Honey - Defeat - Smother – Gratitude


Prompt: confess
Fandom: Agent Carter (Peggy Carter)


“Okay, come on,” Angie said. “That’s the fifth time you’ve sneezed in five minutes. What’s going on?”

“You’ve been keeping count?” Peggy asked.

“Yes. They’re cute. Now confess. What’s wrong?”

Peggy sighed and rested her elbows on the automat counter. “I think I may be allergic to your new perfume.”

“Oh God, English, I’m sorry. I’ll wash it off as soon as we get home. I—"

“No, no, it smells nice,” Peggy said. “I can deal with it.” Then she paused and fixed Angie with a strange look. “Did you say that you thought my sneezes were cute?”


Prompt: kink
Fandom: Agent Carter (Peggy Carter)

Angie flushed and started tapping her nails nervously against the counter.

“Um, maybe this is something we could…talk about at home?” she asked.

“There’s no one else h-h-HEH-shu! Excuse me,” Peggy said, pressing her handkerchief against her nose.

“Alright, fine,” Angie said. “I just…I kind of have a…a kink for it. Sneezing I mean. I think it’s cute in general, but yours are my favorites and I didn’t want to tell you because I know it’s really weird, but I—“

Peggy just leaned over the counter and cut her off with a kiss that gave Angie her unspoken answer.


Prompt: nervous
Fandom: Agent Carter (Peggy Carter)

“Are you sure about this?” Angie asked.

“Of course,” Peggy replied. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, absently twisting a loose thread from the duvet cover around her finger. “I mean, I’m a little bit nervous I suppose, but I’m ready.”

“You make sure you tell me if you want me to stop, okay? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

Peggy just nodded and Angie grabbed her bottle of perfume. She squirted a few pumps and the effect was instantaneous. Peggy’s eyes fluttered closed and her breath hitched as she snapped forward with a massive sneeze.


Prompt: attack
Fandom: Agent Carter (Peggy Carter)

Huh-CHISHuu! Huh-ESHchiu! HEH-shieu!

Peggy flushed as the sudden attack ripped through her. “Excuse me,” she mumbled. She grabbed her handkerchief to catch another pair of tickly sneezes. “Wait, should I not do that or should I—“

“It’s fine,” Angie said. She set the bottle of perfume back on the bureau and sat down on the bed next to Peggy, rubbing small circles between her shoulder blades. “Are you okay?”

“Mmhm,” Peggy hummed. She stifled another sneeze and leaned into the touch. “That feels l-lov-EHchu! Excuse me. I don’t quite like sneezing this much, but anything to make you happy.”


Prompt: snuggle
Fandom: Agent Carter (Peggy Carter)

After a few minutes, the perfume started to dissipate and Peggy’s sneezes began to grow fewer and farther apart. Her nose was red and her eyes were watery and when she spoke, there was still a hint of congestion in her voice that dulled the consonants in her accent. They were snuggled in bed together, Angie curled around Peggy, her fingers combing gently through Peggy’s hair.


“Bless you,” Angie said. “I guess there was an extra one left in there for me?”

“So it would seem,” Peggy said with a smile.

“I love you, English.”

“I love you too.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I reckon I've seen enough of Agent Carter season 2 to re-enter this thread (not that I was expecting major spoilers, but I was being risk-averse). Sooo...

"Making dinner" is super cute.

"humiliated" made me feel simultaneously really sorry for Peggy and very attracted to her, so I'm having an internal conflict.

"confess"- conflict solved! Attraction wins. Also both of them being considerate of the other and thinking the other one's just adorable? :heart:

"kink"- All the love for this:

On 15/05/2016 at 9:06 PM, Evilduckling108 said:

“There’s no one else h-h-HEH-shu! Excuse me,” Peggy said, pressing her handkerchief against her nose.

I am weak for interrupting sentences with sneezes, and this is a particularly fine example of the breed. *stares at it for a while* ahem. Where was I? Oh yes.

"nervous"- I'm blushing like there's no tomorrow.

"attack"- blushing continues.

"snuggle"- blushing dissolves into a haze of warm fuzzies. I like these fuzzies.

These are lovely! Sorry it took me so long to get to them!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love love love! Peggy Carter is bae and inducing perfume allergies? Yassss! Delicious. Ugh, can't get enough. You've inspired me! :)


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On 5/16/2016 at 6:45 AM, curlyq9393 said:




LOL I'm glad you liked it! :D:D:D

@RiversD No worries! I'm so glad you liked them! Your little reviews are always awesome, so I'm more than willing to wait for them lol

On 6/16/2016 at 3:10 AM, The Kneezle said:

Love love love! Peggy Carter is bae and inducing perfume allergies? Yassss! Delicious. Ugh, can't get enough. You've inspired me! :)


Thanks! ^_^ It's always nice to find more Peggy fans on here. (Makes it feel less like I'm screaming into the void when I post my excessive amounts of Peggy drabbles on here lol) Glad to have inspired you! :D

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I'm finally on summer break and my goal is to finish off this list within the next two and a half months before I head off to college, so I'm going to try to be posting on here more often.

Allergic – Desperation - Cat - Summer - Itch - Light - Hands - Fever - Finally Alone - Worried - Broody - Loud - Grass - Genetics - Control - Dinner for Three -Doctor  Dust - Feather - Anticipation - Bed - Drugs - First Time - Headache - Handkerchief - Dog - Garden - Hoarse - Kink - Scent - Hold Back - Double - Harsh - Smoke - Making Dinner - Impatience - Incense - Horses – Pillow - Suffer - Nervous - Stare - Contagious - Relief - Temperature - Terrible - Wool - Tissues - Tease - Quarrel - Lonely - Snuggle - Asleep - Waiting - Frost - Rest - Flu - Phone Call - Apologize - Sore - Accent - Fur - Haze - Spices - Under the Weather - Stifle - Frustrated - Caught in the Act - Attack - Listless - Pressure - Muffled - Annoy - Humiliated - Disproportionate - Bath - Spring - Message - Headcold - Clinic - Confess - Tears - Dream - Polite - Sniff - Shower - Induce - Jealousy - Pills - Interrupt - Chill - Office - Remedy - Weird - Soft - Purr  Honey - Defeat - Smother – Gratitude


Prompt: drugs
Fandom: MCU (Natasha Romanoff)

When Natasha woke up, she was vaguely aware that she was in a quinjet. She was more aware, though, that she felt absolutely horrible.

Huh-ESHu! The sneeze exploded out of her before she had time to process it.

“Bless you.”

Natasha blinked and looked up to find Sharon Carter studying from the opposite side of the quinjet.


“Drugs,” Sharon said simply. “You were drugged. It compromised your immune system. It should wear off pretty soon though.”

Natasha was about to respond when she sneezed again. When she looked up, Sharon just offered a tissue and a sympathetic smile.  


Prompt: soft
Fandom: Orphan Black (Delphine Cormier)

“Are you okay?” Cosima asked, pushing herself up against the armrest of the couch as Delphine suddenly sat back and buried her face in her elbow. She held up her finger as her eyes fluttered closed and her breath hitched once, twice, three times before…


“Gesundheit,” Cosima said. “You okay?”

Delphine sniffed and nodded. “Your sweater,” she said. “It’s so soft. It tickles.”

“Want me to take it off then?” Cosima asked, her lips twitching in a mischievous challenge.

Delphine raised one eyebrow suggestively, but then quickly turned to stifle a second sneeze into her elbow. “I think yes.”

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Ah, adorable!!!! Delphine is too adorable--NAtasha too, but Delphine was a surprising and fantastic addition. I'm torn; while I love your updates, I don't want this thread to end!! :confused:

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Sweater sneezes!!! :wub: And I always love me some Romanoff.

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Oh my gosh, yes! Natasha is wonderful. I hope to see more of her :D Maybe with Clint snarking at her, lol. But Sharon is a beauty, too. Also, Delphim and Cosima!!!! <3 I'm so looking forward to the rest of this list.

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On 5/1/2016 at 6:32 AM, Evilduckling108 said:

Diana just chuckled and raised an eyebrow in challenge.

Best challenge.


On 6/20/2016 at 7:45 PM, Evilduckling108 said:

Natasha was about to respond when she sneezed again. When she looked up, Sharon just offered a tissue and a sympathetic smile.  

Aww,  poor natasha. I'm glad that she's got Sharon there to keep an eye on her though.

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On 6/20/2016 at 7:34 PM, SexyGodlikeHair said:

Ah, adorable!!!! Delphine is too adorable--NAtasha too, but Delphine was a surprising and fantastic addition. I'm torn; while I love your updates, I don't want this thread to end!! :confused:

Thanks! Ever since the Orphan Black finale I've kind of been a little more obsessed with Delphine than usual, so she might be popping back up here at some point. And don't worry, this thread is still going to be active for a good while. I just want to get this particular list finished so it's not hanging over my head when I start college in September. Once I get settled, though, I've already got another list saved that I can start on...

On 6/20/2016 at 7:53 PM, AnonyMeows said:

Sweater sneezes!!! :wub: And I always love me some Romanoff.

Thank you!! Natasha's one of my favorites, I don't know why it even took me this long to start writing her.

On 6/26/2016 at 3:15 AM, The Kneezle said:

Oh my gosh, yes! Natasha is wonderful. I hope to see more of her :D Maybe with Clint snarking at her, lol. But Sharon is a beauty, too. Also, Delphim and Cosima!!!! <3 I'm so looking forward to the rest of this list.

More Natasha is a definite, I just have to find the right prompts for her, but she'll be back for sure. And thank you!!

@Bruyere Thanks! Sharon's one of my faves, so I just had to work her in lol.

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Got a few more drabbles for you all and I'm kind of on a roll so there might be even more coming later today.

Allergic – Desperation - Cat - Summer - Itch - Light - Hands - Fever - Finally Alone - Worried - Broody - Loud - Grass - Genetics - Control - Dinner for Three -Doctor  Dust - Feather - Anticipation - Bed - Drugs - First Time - Headache - Handkerchief - Dog - Garden - Hoarse - Kink - Scent - Hold Back - Double - Harsh - Smoke - Making Dinner - Impatience - Incense - Horses – Pillow - Suffer - Nervous - Stare - Contagious - Relief - Temperature - Terrible - Wool - Tissues - Tease - Quarrel - Lonely - Snuggle - Asleep - Waiting - Frost - Rest - Flu - Phone Call - Apologize - Sore - Accent - Fur - Haze - Spices - Under the Weather - Stifle - Frustrated - Caught in the Act - Attack - Listless - Pressure - Muffled - Annoy - Humiliated - Disproportionate - Bath - Spring - Message - Headcold - Clinic - Confess - Tears - Dream - Polite - Sniff - Shower - Induce - Jealousy - Pills - Interrupt - Chill - Office - Remedy - Weird - Soft - Purr  Honey - Defeat - Smother – Gratitude


Prompt: flu
Fandom: Captain America: The First Avenger (Peggy Carter)

The worst thing about the camp with so many men crammed into such a small space was that illness ran rampant. The most recent strain was a particularly nasty flu virus that had knocked Peggy flat on her back for last two days.

She was grateful for the rest, of course, but by the afternoon of the second day, she was ready to scream from boredom.

Enter Steve who rapped lightly on her door just after dark. Peggy stifled a sneeze as she sat up against the wall and smiled at him, more than a little grateful for the company.


Prompt: horses
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (Emma Swan)

The stables on the edge of town were big and bright and smelled like hay and horses.

Unfortunately, they were also wreaking havoc with Emma’s allergies.

“Ma, are you okay?” Henry asked. “You look like you’re about to cry.”

“M’fine, kid,” Emma insisted. “This is important to your mom.”

As if on cue, though, Regina spun around in the aisle with her hands on her hips. “But not important enough for you to suffer,” she said.

“Regina, I—“

“No, we’re going home,” Regina said, already leading the way. “You can take some allergy medication and we’ll try again tomorrow.”


Prompt: contagious
Fandom: Captain America: The First Avenger (Peggy Carter)

Russia in the winter was colder than anything Peggy had ever experienced in her entire life. Not that she could really feel it anymore thanks to the fever she knew was probably a little too high for comfort.

After she had missed dinner by the fire, Steve had poked his head in through the flap of her tent with a plate of food and a half-full bottle of bourbon in his hands.

“Careful, captain,” Peggy rasped. “I might sti-st-EH-shu! still be contagious.”

Steve just smiled at her. “Well let’s just say that’s a risk I’m more than willing to take.”

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Ahh, seconded! I love the idea of Steve always seeking her out when she's sick and miserable (I mean, not exclusively then, but you know what I mean...) It's sweet, and they are both cutie-patooties, so there.

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On 7/2/2016 at 2:45 PM, AnonyMeows said:

I love the Peggy ones!

Thank you!! (I love the Peggy ones too, hence why there's so many of them lol)

On 7/2/2016 at 7:00 PM, RiversD said:

Ahh, seconded! I love the idea of Steve always seeking her out when she's sick and miserable (I mean, not exclusively then, but you know what I mean...) It's sweet, and they are both cutie-patooties, so there.

Thanks! I don't know why but I've kind of been smacked upside the head with Steve/Peggy feels recently, so yeah, there's a lot and they're both cute little sweethearts and I love them.

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Allergic – Desperation - Cat - Summer - Itch - Light - Hands - Fever - Finally Alone - Worried - Broody - Loud - Grass - Genetics - Control - Dinner for Three -Doctor  Dust - Feather - Anticipation - Bed - Drugs - First Time - Headache - Handkerchief - Dog - Garden - Hoarse - Kink - Scent - Hold Back - Double - Harsh - Smoke - Making Dinner - Impatience - Incense - Horses – Pillow - Suffer - Nervous - Stare - Contagious - Relief - Temperature - Terrible - Wool - Tissues - Tease - Quarrel - Lonely - Snuggle - Asleep - Waiting - Frost - Rest - Flu - Phone Call - Apologize - Sore - Accent - Fur - Haze - Spices - Under the Weather - Stifle - Frustrated - Caught in the Act - Attack - Listless - Pressure - Muffled - Annoy - Humiliated - Disproportionate - Bath - Spring - Message - Headcold - Clinic - Confess - Tears - Dream - Polite - Sniff - Shower - Induce - Jealousy - Pills - Interrupt - Chill - Office - Remedy - Weird - Soft - Purr  Honey - Defeat - Smother – Gratitude

Prompt: garden
Fandom: MCU/Iron Man 2 (Natasha Romanoff)

Natasha wasn’t sure why on earth Tony Stark needed to have an open-air tropical garden in the middle of Stark Industries, but she was sure that she absolutely hated it.

She pinched her nose as she felt the familiar tickle start to creep into it and she snapped forward with a trio of near-silent sneezes.

“Are you okay?”

Natasha felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Pepper standing behind her with a sympathetic smile and a tissue in her hand.

“Fine, thanks,” Natasha said.

“Good.” Pepper looked up at the brightly-colored tropical plants. “This should really go.”


Prompt: weird
Fandom: MCU (Natasha Romanoff)

Natasha stumbled back as Clint landed a punch to her nose. They were only sparring and she hadn’t let him get enough power to break it, but paused long enough for Clint to stop and frown at her.

“What’s wrong?”

Natasha pinched the bridge of her nose between two fingers and held up her other hand.


Her head snapped forward and she had to put her free hand on the wall to steady herself. “I think I’m good now.”

“Weird,” Clint said, but then shrugged. “You want to go for round two?”

“As long as you can keep up.”


Prompt: smoke
Fandom: Captain America: The First Avenger (Peggy Carter)

“Carter, you keep pacing like that, you’re gonna carve a hole in the dirt,” Bucky said as he shuffled a deck of cards.

Peggy reluctantly stopped pacing and sat down on the log next to him. The wind picked up and she was hit squarely in the face with a puff of smoke.


“Bless you,” Bucky said. He passed her a half-empty bottle of bourbon after taking a long swig from it. “I’m worried about them too you know.”

Peggy just took a drink and sighed as she watched the sparks from the fire leap higher into the night.

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Allergic – Desperation - Cat - Summer - Itch - Light - Hands - Fever - Finally Alone - Worried - Broody - Loud - Grass - Genetics - Control - Dinner for Three -Doctor  Dust - Feather - Anticipation - Bed - Drugs - First Time - Headache - Handkerchief - Dog - Garden - Hoarse - Kink - Scent - Hold Back - Double - Harsh - Smoke - Making Dinner - Impatience - Incense - Horses – Pillow - Suffer - Nervous - Stare - Contagious - Relief - Temperature - Terrible - Wool - Tissues - Tease - Quarrel - Lonely - Snuggle - Asleep - Waiting - Frost - Rest - Flu - Phone Call - Apologize - Sore - Accent - Fur - Haze - Spices - Under the Weather - Stifle - Frustrated - Caught in the Act - Attack - Listless - Pressure - Muffled - Annoy - Humiliated - Disproportionate - Bath - Spring - Message - Headcold - Clinic - Confess - Tears - Dream - Polite - Sniff - Shower - Induce - Jealousy - Pills - Interrupt - Chill - Office - Remedy - Weird - Soft - Purr  Honey - Defeat - Smother – Gratitude


Prompt: fur
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Natasha Romanoff)

“Clint, if your stupid dog doesn’t stop leaving his fur all over my clothes, I swear, I’ll—“

Natasha was cut off as she pitched forward with a sudden stifled eshchu!

Clint poked his head into the living room. “What are you planning? I didn’t catch that last part.” He tried not to laugh as Natasha glared at him. “Besides, it might help if you were actually wearing clothes that were yours instead of stealing mine,” he said, nodding at the oversized sweatshirt she was wearing.

Natasha just rolled her eyes as she pressed a tissue to her itchy nose.


Prompt: suffer
Fandom: Agent Carter (Peggy Carter)

“You hungry?”

Peggy startled and practically fell off her stool at the counter at the sound of Angie’s voice.

“N-no, Angie, I think I’m alright, I jus—ju—EH-shu!

“Bless you,” Angie said.

Peggy flushed and reached for a napkin to wipe her nose. When she looked up again, Angie was sliding a folded handkerchief across the counter.

“You take this home and get some rest. I’ll be there as soon as my shift’s over.”

“You really don’t have to do that,” Peggy said.

Angie just met Peggy’s eyes and smiled sympathetically. “You don’t get to suffer alone anymore, English.”

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Natashaaaa my bb girl. Her wearing Clint's clothes is beyond precious - not sure why in all my years of writing Clintasha I never thought to have her do that! She is allergic to Lucky in my headcanon but tolerates him for Clint's sake so it was nice to see that reflected in someone else's work. 

And poor English hehe. So sweet.

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On 7/10/2016 at 10:53 AM, AnonyMeows said:

Natashaaaa my bb girl. Her wearing Clint's clothes is beyond precious - not sure why in all my years of writing Clintasha I never thought to have her do that! She is allergic to Lucky in my headcanon but tolerates him for Clint's sake so it was nice to see that reflected in someone else's work. 

And poor English hehe. So sweet.

Oh yeah, in all of my headcanons, she's a serial clothes-stealer. It's like her highest form of trust when she takes someone's clothes and wears them around. Thank you!! :D

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