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Sneeze Fetish Forum

It all starts with a sneeze


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Three days ago, Naomi had sneezed. She'd come in to class, despite the fact that she was coming down with a cold. 

Her throat was sore, her nose was sniffly, congestion was beginning. 

And on her way to her desk, she'd been battling with the same tickle that had been flirting with her nose since the day before. A tickle that had not yet blossomed into a sneeze. 

Her three friends, April, Briana, and Claire, had been gathered chatting, right by her desk. 

Their teacher had been talking to them as well as she walked by. 

Snrrff, Naomi had sniffled as she approached her desk, her hands full of books. 

Barely a second later the nose tickle had swelled up, passing the point of no return and as much as she had tried to suppress it, a sudden violent sneeze had rippled it's way through her body,


spraying her teacher and her three best friends with extremely contagious cold germs. 

"Bless you", had said Briana and April in unison. None of her friends looked at all concerned. 

"Cover your sneezes, young lady", her teacher had said as she walked off. 

"Oh god, snrrff, I'mb so sorry", Naomi said to them. 

"Who cares", laughed Briana. "Who hasn't been sneezed on before". 

"But I'mb gettig sick", Naomi worried as she out her books down. Snrff

"I'm sure we'll be fine", April laughed. 

"I damn well hope so", murmured Claire. 

Throughout the rest of the day however, Naomi's cold had gotten worse. That turned out to be the first sneeze of many, and her nose had gotten very runny. With no tissues or hanky on her, she'd spent much of the afternoon sniffling and wiping her nose on her sleeve. 

And today she was back to class after having spent the last two days at home, sneezing and sniffling and blowing her nose. 

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Wonderful start I definitely want to read more of this amazing story keep up the great work but please take your time there’s no rush at all 

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The day after being sneezed on, none of the girls had really felt any different. However yesterday had been a different story. 

"Oh god my throat's sore today", April said as she popped a lozenge into her mouth. Snff snff

"Yeah mbinde's gettingg scratchy too", Briana replied. 

"I guess we must be catching Naomi's cold", April said. Snrrff. "I'm getting a really sniffly nose this morning as well". 

"Yeah I'm startidg to feel kidda stuffy". 

"Where's the teacher today?" April asked as a substitute walked in. 

"Apparently she's feeling quite under the weather today", the substitute replied. "Came down with something last night from what I hear". 

"Oh dear, this cold is spreading to everyone", April exclaimed, sniffling lightly. 

"AHHHSHOO!!" sneezed Claire suddenly from behind them. 

Briana and April turned around suddenly, Claire still had both hands over her mouth. 

"Bless you", Briana said. "You gettigg sick as well?"

"I hope not", Claire said. "But I've been sneezing so much since last night. I thought it was the dust at the library where I was working on my assignment but then I got home and it kept happening".  

Snrrff snrrff, sniffled April. "I guess Naomi gave us all her cold. I wonder how she's feeling anyway". 

"Well she sedt mbe a photo last ndight", said Briana. "She looked pretty sick. All red ndose add tired lookigg". 

"Poor thing", said April, pressing the back of her hand against her sniffly nostrils. 

"Damn Naomi, giving everyone her cold", muttered Claire. She sniffled a little too. 


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This is amazing. Very happy to read your new story. The beginning is intriguing and I look forward to continuing.

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This story is absolutely wonderful I’m definitely hooked on it already please update soon and keep up the amazing work but please take your time there’s no rush at all 

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15 hours ago, Trynasneeze said:

Barely a second later the nose tickle had swelled up, passing the point of no return and as much as she had tried to suppress it, a sudden violent sneeze had rippled it's way through her body,

Really like the turn of phrase 'rippled it's way through her body' to describe a released sneeze :) 

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After they had finished with all their classes for the day, Claire parted ways with Briana and April and went to the library again to work on her assignment. 

She settled down into one of the desks there and began to write her paper. 

Snrrff, she sniffled a little as her nose began to run. 

Claire really hated catching colds, with all the sniffling and sneezing and snot to deal with. It just got in the way of getting stuff done. 

A large tickle shot up the back of her sinuses. She clapped both hands suddenly over her mouth and nose. 

"AHHHSHOO!!" she sneezed loudly. Snrrff snrrff. Damn, her nose was getting runny. That was annoying. 



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Another wonderful update please continue I’m really enjoying this story and keep up the amazing work but please take your time there’s no rush at all 

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Briana was meant to have a training that night for the field hockey team she was in. However such a stuffy nose had rendered it hard to breathe efficiently and she had gone home early. 

April was already home, she was showing their other roommate, Vanessa, the presentation she'd been working on for her psych class. 

Snrrff, she sniffled wetly as Briana entered the room. 

"How was your training, Bri?" She asked as she dabbed her nose with the back of her hand. 

"Ndot good. I had to go hobe early coz mby ndose is gettigg too stuffy", Briana replied. 

Snrrff, April sniffled again. "Yeah I get that. I swear we were doing so many upside down poses in yoga tonight and my nose was running so bad. I had to keep sniffling through each downward facing dog". 

"You guys better not get me sick", commented Vanessa. "I hate catching colds". 

"It's ndot a cold", Briana complained. "I just have a blocked nose...and a sore throat". 

Snrf snff snff, sniffled April three times fast as her nose started to run again. "Sounds like a cold to me". 

The sniffly blonde girl then pushed the back of her hand over her nose and mouth. 

"Kshoo!!" she sneezed suddenly. 

Veronica sat back in her seat and made a protective cross sign with her fingers. 

"Bless you". 

"Snrrfff snrrff, thanks", April replied. "Well I know I've got a cold at the very least". 

And she went off to blow her nose. 

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Vanessa, as it happened though, did not hate catching colds. 

For some reason unknown to her, she found them wierdly fascinating, enjoying being near cold sufferers, although she herself had not had a cold in several years. 

So as the night wore on, and April especially became obviously more unwell, Vanessa hung around Briana and April very closely. 

Around 7.30pm Briana sneezed for the first time. She was sitting in an armchair congestedly breathing through her stuffy nose. She sipped a hot lemon drink she'd made for her throat before spraying her nose with a decongestant. 

Something about her decongestant spray didn't agree with her nose however, and after a minute spent pulling faces as she tried to suppress the tickle in her head, her breath hitched wildly and she brought up one arm, sneezing a single deep "H'KHOO!!" into her elbow. 

She gave her nose a small congested snort. 

Vanessa looked over her way. 

"Bless you, Bri", she said. 

April, who was sitting beside Vanessa on the couch, sniffled wetly at her own nose. It was swiftly becoming runnier as the night wore on. 

Whatever had made Briana sneeze was affecting April's nose as well though. She began to rub it with her first. 

"You okay?" Asked Vanessa. 

Snrrfff, April sniffled. "I'mb godda sneeze". 

She pressed her nose against the back of her wrist and tried to holdback as much as she could. 

"Ktchoo!!" She sneezed wetly. 

Vanessa reached over and rubbed her roommate's back for a second. 

"Bless you sweetie", she said to her. 

"Ugh, snrrfff snrrfff", April sniffled. "I feel yuck". 

She quickly tugged a small white/blue floral hanky from her sweater sleeve and blew her runny nose lightly. 

"Just rest up, both of you", said Vanessa, caringly. "And keep your sneezes to yourselves. I don't wanna get sick". 

"I'b dot sick", moaned Briana. "I'mb just a little udder the weather". 

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This story is absolutely wonderful each update gets more amazing every part please continue  as soon as you can but please take your time there’s no rush at all 

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After staying home battling her constant sneezing and drippy nose for two days, Naomi was ready to return to college. 

Her cold wasn't over, but she'd at least stopped sneezing as much and her dripping nose had begun to dry up. She was still kind of stuffy and had a bit of a sniffle, but she was on the mend. 

Her boyfriend, Cameron, with whom she lived, however was not. He'd stayed home caring for Naomi all day the first day she was off, when she had a fever and her nose was a snotty mess, he'd brought her medicine and a box of the soft aloe tissues to replace the toilet paper she'd been using to blow her nose. 

Yesterday he'd woken up congested with a sore throat, by the end of the day he couldn't stop sniffling, and this morning it was real: he had a full blown head cold. 

He sat up in bed, wearing only a pair of dark grey boxer briefs and sniffled. 

SNRRFFF. "HETCHUMPF!!" he sneezed wetly into the blanket. 

"Babe", Naomi said. "Do you wandt mbe to stay here ad look after you?"

"SNRRFFF, I'll be fide babe", he said. "Go to class". 

He tore off a strip of a toilet paper from the roll beside the bed and blew his nose. 



Let me know if you guys like this small male sneezing component. If you don't I can make this the only part that is not female

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Personally I’m not a fan of male sneezing it’s just not my preference I prefer more messy  female sneezing 

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Great story so far I absolutely love it! Would love to see Vanessa trying her hardest to catch their cold so they could all share it together 😋

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Naomi walked into class that morning and sat down between Briana and April. 

SNRF, she sniffed at her own nose which had gotten a little bit stuffy on the walk into class. 

"Hey guys, I'mb back", she said. 

"Snrff snrrff, welcombe back", sniffled April, less enthusiastically than normal, trying to keep her nose from running. She sucked on a throat lozenge. 

"Oh ndo", Naomi exclaimed, seeing April wipe her nose with a small floral hanky she clutched in one hand. "Did I get you sick?" 

"Yeah, seembs like it", April said, as sweetly as she could while coming down with a messy head cold. 

"H'KHOO!! H'KHOO!!" sneezed Briana into her elbow. 

SNRKK, she sniffled congestedly. 

Naomi looked at Briana. Her eyes looked tired, her mouth was slightly open so she could breathe through it, she had a cold. 

"Ndot you too", Naomi said to Briana. "I'mb so sorry for gettig you guys sick". 

Briana turned to Naomi. 

"I. Dod't. Get. Sick." She said seriously, struggling to get the words out clearly with such congested sinuses. "By dose is jus actigg up". 

"H'KHOO!!" she sneezed again. SNRRKK

She pulled a small serviette out of her hoody pocket and gave her nose a sharp congested blow. 

Naomi and April looked over at her, unconvinced. 

"I'b fide", she snapped. "I just can't breathe through by dose". Her voice sounded a little croaky. 

Their teacher walked in and put her bag down on the desk before beginning the lecture. 

She looked like she certainly had been under the weather yesterday. She looked tired, her face was pale, her nostrils were ringed red, as were Naomi's, and she was dressed up extra warm.

"Hey guys", she said as she pulled off her coat, hat, scarf and gloves, revealing a dark grey turtleneck sweater. "SNRRFF, sorry I'b a little udder the weather today". 

She gave Naomi an accusing look as she pressed the back of her fingers against her nose, which was beginning to run. 


She looked as though she was about to sneeze. The 38 year old lecturer of sophomore English kept her fist pressed hard up against her red nose, covering both nose and fist with her other hand as well for extra protection. 

"HAAHHHSHOO!!" She sneezed wetly. 


She turned away, fist still to running nose, whipping a plain white men's handkerchief out of her sleeve with the other hand. 

Still turned away from the class, she covered mouth and nose with the crumpled hanky using both hands. 

"HUHSHOO!! HEHHHH... UHHSHOO!!" she sneezed again, both sneezes sounding very wet. She blew her nose wetly into the soft cotton before turning back to her students. 

"I'b so sorry to do that id frodt of everyode", she said, loosely folding the crumpled handkerchief and shoving it back up her sleeve. "Dow let's try get sobe work dode". 

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Hehe, this is a very fun story and I'm enjoying each new part!  It's so much fun to see all of this come from a single poorly-timed sneeze!  This kind of escalating scenario is one of my favorites.

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Another wonderful update  please continue this amazing story and I can’t wait to read the next part please take your time though there’s no rush at all 

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"Where's Claire today?" Asked Naomi. 

"Snrrff snrrff, probably at home with the sambe cold we've got", replied April dully.

"Yeah she's sick", Briana confirmed. "She sedt be a bessage this bordigg". 

Her stuffiness was awful, her voice was getting a little croaky, and when she attempted to breathe in through her nose, her congested snorts indicated she was getting a bit snotty now as well. 

April tugged her small hanky from the end of her sleeve, using her other hand to fan her face a little as her breath hitched awkwardly. 

"Hehhuhh.. I'mb..hehh.. guhdda..huhh.. huhh.. gudda sdeeze", she stammered. 

She quickly pushed her crumpled hanky to her nose with both hands. 

"Ktchoo!!" She sneezed wetly. "Huhh huhh.. Ktchoo!!"

She blew her nose wetly, rubbing the end of it a few times with her semi folded up hanky before pushing it back up her sleeve.

"Ugh, I'mb ndot well", she said to herself more than anyone. "I'mb startig to get really stuffy". 

"Bless you, Apes", Naomi offered as solace. 

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I absolutely loved this part please update soon and keep up the amazing work but please take your time lastly I completely adore all of your sneezy characters in this story

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Vanessa, as she would claim, was not "smart" like her two roommates who went to college. She was not a student in fact. 

Vanessa worked part time in a shoe store in the mall. Most days she worked 12-6pm, when they shut, but because today was Thursday, the night they stayed open late, her shift was 4-9pm. 

Throughout the day, while Briana and April were at college, Vanessa puttered around the house killing time, still wondering if she was going to catch April's and Briana's head cold. The thought filled her with nervous energy. 

She hadn't had a cold in a lot of years. As a 20 year old now, this would be her first time catching a cold as an adult. She couldn't even remember what having a cold felt like. 

Obviously she'd seen her siblings and friends and parents and others around her all catch colds. They always looked so run down. But was sneezing and coughing a bunch, and dealing with a runny nose all that hard?

Vanessa didn't get allergies either but obviously she sneezed from time to time, some things made her cough at times, and she got a bit sniffly when she cried or it was cold out or she ate a spicy meal. And none of those things really seemed enough to warrant the level of misery she saw in others. 

The thought excited her. She was kind of nervous to catch one. But if she could she would. It was about time she had one, just to see what all the fuss was about. 


When Vanessa arrived at work that day, Amanda, the assistant manager, was there as per usual (she worked 12-9 on a Thursday). But normally Donna, the manager, would finish at 4 when Vanessa started. 

"Where's Donna?" Vanessa asked Amanda. 

"Gone home three hours ago", replied Amanda. "She's got a horrible flu or something, and she used up all the tissues here then said she'd have to go home. Her nose was a mess". 

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Another wonderful part please update soon and keep up the amazing work but please take your time there’s no rush at all I can’t wait to read about who gets sick next I’m completely hooked on this story 

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"How are you girls feeling?" Vanessa asked when she got home from her late shift. 

Both April and Briana were in the living room working on assignments on their laptops. 

"I'mb- snrrff- dot well, snrrff", said April as she rubbed the end of her runny nose with a small floral hanky. She was trying to battle a persistent sneezy tickle in her nose at the same time. "That's for sure". 

"HEHKSHOO!!" sneezed Briana wetly into a small pink hanky she had beside her. 

SNRRFFF, she sniffled congestedly before giving her nose a small blow in her hanky. 

"I bust be startig to cobe dowd with sobethig after all", Briana admitted halfheartedly. "Our teacher was sdeezig dear be all day with- SNRFF- what seebs like a real bad head cold. But I'b dot really sick". 

"Yeah- hehhh- yeah right", April stammered through her hitching breath. She seized wildly at a soft, aloe-infused Kleenex from a box beside her that she'd picked up on the way home. 

"Hehh.. KTCHOO!! KTCHOO!!" she sneezed, culminating in a wet nose blow into her tissue. 

She eyed up Vanessa, who was looking at her blow her nose. 

"By dose is so ruddy", she explained. "I had to buy sobe tissues od the way hobe. I would have used so bady hadkies otherwise ad I'b really dot feelig like doig a load of lauddry right dow". 

"You poor thing", Vanessa commented, rubbing April's shoulder as she got very close. 

She scooped up the two dozen used tissues on the couch beside April. 

"Let me get rid of these for you", she said. "You just take it easy". 

"Eww gross", croaked Briana, sniffling congestedly as she wiped her own nose again. 

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