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It all starts with a sneeze


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On 6/4/2022 at 7:03 AM, Trynasneeze said:

"Who hasn't been sneezed on before".

I would LOVE TO be sneezed on (by a pretty girl). But yeah, a great start, and I’m dying to see, where this is going. :D

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Vanessa left the room with April's used tissues that she'd scooped up. She had every intention of throwing them out - when she was done with them. 

Vanessa was going to catch this cold. She was determined. 

She dumped the pile of used Kleenex on the kitchen counter right by the trash can. 

There were around 25 of them, all gross and used and scrunched up. 

Vanessa started throwing them out one by one, dabbing her own dry, healthy nose with a few before she tossed them. Many of the tissues were wet, even Vanessa squirmed a little at the cold damp feeling, although for some reason she couldn't stop what she was doing. 

When she got to the last one, she rubbed her nose with it, tossed it, and then rubbed her germy hands all over her face. 

"Thanks", said April as Vanessa reappeared in the living room and sank down onto the couch beside April. SNRRFF, she sniffled wetly, pinching her dripping nose in a fresh unfolded tissue. 

Briana across the room have her own congested nose a small honk in her pink handkerchief. 

April pinched her nose in the Kleenex again. "Hnngh.. KTCHOO!! KTCHOO!!" she sneezed suddenly, failing to stifle. 

SNRRFF, she sniffled wetly, wiping her nose on the wet tissue. She grabbed a fresh one and blew her nose. 

"Uhhh", she moaned. "Do't get too close Vadessa. This cold is so gross".

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Please update this wonderful story and keep up the amazing work but please take your time there’s no rush at all I’m completely addicted to this story 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a great story! Can’t wait to find out what happens next! 

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When Vanessa got up for work the next morning she was disappointed to discover that she was still very healthy. 

Apparently Briana had gone into class that day but April sat on the couch looking miserable. 

"I'b so stuffed up", she told Vanessa. "By dose is just such a bess". 

She wiped her red, runny looking nostrils with a small balled up hanky. SNRRFF, she sniffled wetly. 

"HEHH.."she looked like she was going to sneeze. 

Vanessa came over close. 

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked, 'accidentally' putting herself between April and the box of tissues on the far side of the couch. 

"Got .. sdee ... HEHH.." April stammered, shaking her small hanky open wildly in front of her. 

"HEHHH.. KTCHOO!!" she sneezed wetly, half into hanky, half into hand as she accidentally dropped her handkerchief. 

"Here", Vanessa bent down and grabbed the hanky.

"KTCHOO!! KTCHOO!!" sneezed April again, into her hands but very close to Vanessa's face. She snatched her hanky back from her friend and rubbed her nose vigorously. 

"HEHH KTCHOO!!" she sneezed again. 

"Bless you Ap", Vanessa said sweetly. 

"Cad you pass be those tissues?" April asked desperately as she sniffled wetly at a very runny nose. 

"Sure", Vanessa passed over the box. 

"Gotta go anyway", she said as her hands brushed over April's as he handed her the box. 

"SNRRFFF, see ya", April murmured then drew out two tissues and blew her nose wetly. 

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Please update this wonderful story and keep up the amazing work can you have your character  Donna show up to work extremely contagious and deliberately infect people with her cold/flu please but take your time there’s no rush at all 

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Donna looked like a mess when Vanessa walked into work. 

"What are you doing here?" Vanessa asked blatantly. "You look so sick". 

Donna, a thirty seven year old woman with medium length brown hair, sniffled wetly at her red raw nose and ran the back of her hand across it. 

"I ab so sick", she moaned through her congestion. "I have the flu ad it's kickigg by ass. Pretty sure I'b ruddig a fever right dow". 

"Why aren't you in bed?" Asked Vanessa. 

"Trust be Dessa, I would be if I could be but Abadda couldd't cover be udtil ode o'clock ", she said. "So here I ab whether I like it or not". 

"I'm guessing that's a not?" Vanessa asked cheekily. She stepped closer to this germ factory of a boss she had right now. 

Donna made as if to sneeze, then stopped and gave her nose another long sniff. 

"Of course it's a dot", she replied. "There ared't eved ady tissues left id this place ad by dose is ruddy as hell". 

She then put up a hand, far from her face, in a half assed attempt to cover the sneeze that she could feel brewing in her sinuses. She didn't turn though,

"HAAESHOO!!" she sneezed violently, spraying cold germs directly towards Vanessa, who really didn't seem to mind and if anything, breathed a bit deeper for the next two minutes. 

"Bless you, Don", Vanessa replied. "I see why you needed those tissues". 

Donna tugged a well used men's handkerchief from her pants pocket and blew her nose like a gurgly foghorn. 

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Sorry for the late reply I absolutely loved the chapter please add more purposeful contagion if you can please update this wonderful story and keep up the amazing work but take your time there’s no rush at all 

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One o'clock rolled around almost too quickly. Up until then, Vanessa had worked annoyingly close to her sneezing, snotty, germ factory of a boss, who really, was far too unwell to even notice. 

Almost the second that Amanda walked in the door, Donna scooped up her things, sneezed suddenly and wetly one last time and left. 

Amanda looked tired. 

"Sucks you had to come in on your day off", Vanessa quipped. 

"Tell me about it", Amanda replied. "I've had such a busy morning and to top it all off my throat is so sore."

Vanessa's eyes lit up. 

"I hope you're not catching what Donna has", she lied. She inched closer to Amanda. 

"I damn well hope not, but I'm not optimistic", Amanda said. "I've been working with her for the last three days as she got sicker and sicker, and I'm really not feeling too good". 

A few minutes later Amanda sneezed. 

She put her fist up to her nose, "ISHOO!!" She sniffed a little. 

"Bless you", Vanessa said. 


At 1.45 Amanda had sneezed again. "Ughh", she'd moaned as she rubbed her nose and given another little sniff. 

It was now 2.27. Vanessa looked up just in time to see Amanda suddenly cup both hands over her mouth and nose. 

"ISHOO!!" she sneezed loudly. SNRRFF

"Ughhh, I hate getting sick", Amanda said to Vanessa, as she rubbed her nose on her fingertips and sniffed again. 

"Are you sick?" Vanessa asked, innocently. 

"Well if I'm not", Amanda replied. "I will be by tonight. I'm coming down with something gross. Better keep your distance". 

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Another wonderful update please update soon and keep up the amazing work but take your time though there’s no rush at all 

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I cannot wait for more of this! These are amazing! 


Cheers, Drea

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As they were tidying up the store and getting ready to leave, Amanda sniffled and wiped her nose on her fingers. 

Not looking up from the cash she was counting, she pressed the back of her hand, which was clutching a few $5 notes, to her nose and sneezed. 


"Bless you Amanda", Vanessa said to her from not far away. 

"SNRRFF, for the hundredth timbe", Amanda said sarcastically. She was starting to sound a bit congested. Her nose was runny and full and she was sniffling at it a lot. 

"You gonna be okay getting home?" Asked Vanessa. "It's pretty cold out there". 

Amanda sniffled again and wiped her nose on her hand. 

"I'll be find", she said. "I just cad't wait to get hombe and blow mby ndose and go to bed. SNRRFF". 


Vanessa got home half an hour later. 

Her roommates were both in the living room, and both obviously run down with their colds. 

"How are you guys feeling?" She asked. 

"By dose is so sore", April replied as she dabbed at it with a cumpled tissue. Used tissues lay all around her. 

"Aww babes", Vanessa replied. "It looks real red and raw". 

"I've beed dod-stop blowig it all day", April said. "I've used like bost of a box of tissues id ode day". 

"HEHHKSHOO!! HEHHKSHOO!!" sneezed Briana suddenly. SNRRRFFF. 

She rubbed her nose vigorously. She threw her elbow in front of her face once again,


"Bless you sweetie", Vanessa said. "Your cold sounds bad as well". 

Briana sniffed weakly at a blocked nose that was beginning to run visibly. 

"What cold?" She said defensively. "I'b a little udder the weather but I do dot catch colds. I've just come dowd with a... Hahh.. a little.. uhhh... A little sobethig". 

Her voice tapered off and she pushed her hand against her leaking nose, holding back another sneeze. When it didn't work, she quickly covered her nose and mouth with both hands. 


Briana grabbed a small dark blue hanky from her lap and blew her nose wetly. 

"Whad?" She snapped at Vanessa who was still looking at her. 

"You can't tell me you don't have a cold", Vanessa said cheekily, as close to Briana as she could be, the girl was clearly dripping with cold germs. 

"I dod't have a cold", Briana said again, pressing her wet crumpled hanky to her nose as she sniffled again. "But I do deed a dew hardly. Get out of by way". 

She dashed out of the room. 

"KTCHOO!! KTCHOO!!" April sneezed suddenly. She pulled her hands away revealing a very runny nose. 

Vanessa dashed over. 

"Aww babes", she grabbed a tissue from the box beside April and passed it to her friend. 

"Thagks", April said as she put the tissue to her nose. "She does so have a cold by the way. A gross, sdotty, sdeezy cold like bide". 

She blew her nose, then wiped it with her tissue. She winced a little. 

"I'll give you something to help the chapped nose", said Vanessa. "I'll be right back". 


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Vanessa dashed to her bedroom almost colliding with Briana who was walking back to the living room carrying a fresh hanky in one hand and a nasal decongestant spray in the other. 

Vanessa herself returned a moment later with a small tub of vaseline. 

"What's that for?" Asked April, lowering the damp tissue she was using to dab her running nose. 

"For your nose, sweetie", Vanessa with a cheeky smile. She was doing it to help her friend but she would also appreciate the opportunity to be up close to April's cold germs. 

"Ughhhh, by dose is so blocked", Briana moaned as she sniffled thickly. She took the cap off her decongestant. "This crap better work". 

"Isn't it meant for unblocking your nose?" Vanessa asked her. 

"Supposedly", she replied. "But I've had bixed results. Ad I just hate the feelig". 

"Sit still", Vanessa said as she got some vaseline on the end of her finger. April looked uncomfortable. 

"Wod't it stigg?" She asked apprehensively. 

"Sweetie, it's moisturiser", Vanessa said. 

Across the room, Briana stuck her decongestant into her left nostril and sprayed once, eyes shut. 

"Ahhh", she said. "This feels wierd". 

SNRRFF, she sniffled thickly. She sprayed that side again. 

Quickly her expression changed. She dropped the spray, then used both hands to cover her face with her fresh, clean hanky. 


"UGH! This stuff bakes be sdeeze as well", she groaned. 

"Bless you", Vanessa called halfheartedly, concentrating hard on April's bright red nostrils. 

She made contact and carefully smeared the vaseline around the red rims. April's nose wiggled. 

"Hold still, babes", she said. 

"I'b tryig.." April said. 

Vanessa continued to moisturise her friends nostrils and upper lip. 


April inhaled sharply. 

Vanessa looked up as her friend's eyes snapped shut.

"KTCHOO!!" April sneezed straight into Vanessa's face, which was barely six inches from her own. 

"Bless you" , she said, not moving away. 

"Snrrff, I'b so sorry", April stammered, breath hitching. 

Vanessa put her finger underneath April's nostrils as the second sneeze burst out. 


"Bless you again".

"Snnrrfff, oh do, gross, I'b sorry, I'b godda get you sick". 

Vanessa grabbed up one of April's used tissues to wipe her finger which had been sprayed on by the sneeze. 

"Don't worry about it", she quipped. "I'll be fine". 

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