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What does your nose look like? I'll show you mine if you will show me yours!


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I can't believe that I'm doing this :laugh:

Anyone who knows me knows that I really hate my nose :laugh: OK that has to be a record for the use of the word knows (nose) in one sentance :lmfao:

But since I have been really trying to be more open about my fetish in this community I thought I would really push the envelope and post a few pictures of my honker :rolleyes: I'm not doing this so people will tell me my nose is just fine, it's something I have to learn to love. I'm just doing this to prove to myself that I can and not die from embaressment.

If anyone wants to join me then I say "show us your noses" :rolleyes:



Edited by Daphine
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Oh, wait this is where I'm supposed to put my nose, not show off my jeep :lmfao: I just changed it's oil :laugh:

Ok, seriously, I hate my nose, but I'm putting it in here to, so...um.... I present to you my nose :rolleyes:





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I personally think my nose is really rosy.


This was when I was about to sneeze.

My nose is not that purdy. o_o


Edited by Tubas
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See so far everyone has a cute nose except me :innocent: Go's off to watch "Nip / Tuck" just to get some idea's :)

Your nose is cute, too :evil:

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Nice pair of ummm....eyes..........ahem :) Ummmm.......the Jeep I mean............ :unsure: Ummm........was that something shiny? :cry: erm.....umm.......errr............**fades into distance KNOWING that could have been put MUCH better** :evil:

PS Ah yes, as I thought, a Grand Cherokee. Nice :innocent:

PPS I can't contain my curiosity any longer: Did you change the oil yourself? :laugh::unsure:

Edited by Lynne
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For a nose that I think is the cutest:


Guess who's nose it is... :cry:


Yeah, it's Gaara's nose :evil: WOW I feel really funny about posting this *hides* I never liked anyones nose before. For some reason I really L :unsure: VE Gaara's nose... The funny thing is just about everyone on the show Naruto has the same nose, but I only like Gaara's nose :unsure:

I still wonder why, I only like Gaara's nose... I never liked any of my other crushes' (cartoon or not) noses... I'm really wierd...

Nice pair of ummm....eyes..........ahem :innocent: Ummmm.......the Jeep I mean............ :laugh: Ummm........was that something shiny? :) erm.....umm.......errr............**fades into distance KNOWING that could have been put MUCH better** :whistling:

Nick, thanks, some people have told me I have creepy eyes, so this was much better put... and yes the jeep was something shiny :blushing:

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:cry: Dude! You have GORGEOUS eyes! :evil: And a nice jeep LOL!

I have to agree :innocent: You have very pretty eye's, they are like beyond blue. That also reminds me, I really have to wash my car :)

Edited by Lynne
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This is the wildest idea. :innocent: I have to have in. And for the record Daphine, I would be proud to be seen with your nose any day!!!


Hope it's ok to bring my little friend along with me.

And, ya know, this isn't the first body part I would have picked for this game. :evil:

Edited by Joel
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This is the wildest idea. :) I have to have in. And for the record Daphine, I would be proud to be seen with your nose any day!!!


Hope it's ok to bring my little friend along with me.

And, ya know, this isn't the first body part I would have picked for this game. :innocent:

Joel, is that a stegosaurus on your nose, or are you just happy to see me?


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Omg this is a lot more embarassing than I thought it would be...


I hate my nose. From some angles, it looks like a...a...uh...nevermind.

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Daphine, GS-coyote Shy Obsession, and tubas, i think all of you have sexy noses :innocent:

I will try to get some pics of mine within the next dy or 2 to share with you :evil:

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Daphine, GS-coyote Shy Obsession, and tubas, i think all of you have sexy noses :innocent:

I will try to get some pics of mine within the next dy or 2 to share with you :evil:

Aw, shucks. Thank you! You just made me feel a little better about this ol' nose of mine.

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All of the girls, that have shown us their noses, have beautiful noses. Especially Daphine, who from what we can see of her face in the first pic has one of the sexiest nose + eyes + lips combination I have seen in a while -- and I hate to brake it to her but her nose I would say is not as big as she thinks it is and that she shouldn't worry about a thing. None of the girls should, they are great.

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Haha, I might have to post in here with a pic as soon as I get one! I have an Asian nose... kinda wide and flat :P

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Well, now we're having some fun! Lovely noses, everyone. I tried to post a picture of mine, but I seem to be technologically challenged when it comes to posting photos. Any advice?

Edited by shy guy
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Daphine, GS-coyote Shy Obsession, and tubas, i think all of you have sexy noses :lol:

I will try to get some pics of mine within the next dy or 2 to share with you :P

Aw, shucks. Thank you! You just made me feel a little better about this ol' nose of mine.

you're quite welcome :drool: glad i could make you feel better!

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All of the girls, that have shown us their noses, have beautiful noses. Especially Daphine, who from what we can see of her face in the first pic has one of the sexiest nose + eyes + lips combination I have seen in a while -- and I hate to brake it to her but her nose I would say is not as big as she thinks it is and that she shouldn't worry about a thing. None of the girls should, they are great.

I really don't know what to say except thank you :P Like I said I didn't post this so people will complement my nose, it just has always been a part of my body that I have had an issue with.

O'h, and thank you for what you said about my eye's exspecialy since I hate myself in glasses (boy am I a mess :lol: )

O'h and King_of_the_ruins, thank you also :drool:

Edited by Daphine
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Daphine, GS-coyote Shy Obsession, and tubas, i think all of you have sexy noses :lol:

I will try to get some pics of mine within the next dy or 2 to share with you :blushing:

All of the girls, that have shown us their noses, have beautiful noses. Especially Daphine, who from what we can see of her face in the first pic has one of the sexiest nose + eyes + lips combination I have seen in a while -- and I hate to brake it to her but her nose I would say is not as big as she thinks it is and that she shouldn't worry about a thing. None of the girls should, they are great.


Aww, thanks.

This means alot to me. :wub:

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What a lovely collection of noses; I could stare at them for hours...and hours; it's almost as if I had a related fetish.

Really, Daphine, I don't know why you think yours is too big; it's straight and sneezy, like a good nose should be.

[ican't master the technology at present, but my nose does appear only slightly disguised in my profile pic.]

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This thread is really making me consider developing an extension of my main fetish into a secondary nose fetish :blushing: (which I didn't really have before) this is so much fun to look at! aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'll try to get around to taking a picture of my nose just for this :wub: *purrs around at noses*

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Oh, wait this is where I'm supposed to put my nose, not show off my jeep :blushing: I just changed it's oil :yes:

Ok, seriously, I hate my nose, but I'm putting it in here to, so...um.... I present to you my nose :cryhappy:





ok, as far as face go, yours would have to be the most beautiful that i have ever seen!!!!!!! And you shouldn't hate you nose, its right on par with your eyes which, i have to agree with everyone, are the bluest and deepest eyes that i have ever seen!

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