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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Role Reversal - (23 Parts)


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oooh yes this is fantastically stupendiferously incredamazingly...<insert highly positive adjective of choice here>

;) awww too cute!!

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Ok, wow. First of all, I am so sorry for leaving you all hanging for so long ;) . I've had a bit of a crazy week that had involved me having little to no computer or internet access, and not much time to think about this story at all! I wanted to thank you all for keeping reading and encouraging me to keep writing because it's made it a lot easier to come back to after the past week...and I hope you can all keep reading and giving feedback because it really means a lot to me! :) I love writing this story so much because I can come back here to all your lovely comments, so thank you!

So, here's a pretty long part to make up for the wait!


I blinked myself awake, feeling groggy with sleep but not tired. I must have fallen asleep without meaning to...I squinted at the clock hanging over the couch – midday! I gasped and looked over at Edward, who still held me in his arms and was looking at my expression with an amused smile on his face.

'I was asleep for twelve hours?' I demanded.

He nodded, seeming unconcerned. 'You needed the rest,' he told me, picking up on my dismay.

'But I'm supposed to be looking after you all,' I protested.

Edward shook his head, speaking in his firm but calm voice. 'Bella, you've been run off your feet looking after my family. No-one is going to begrudge you a little rest.'

I bit my lip. I had been exhausted. 'Has anything happened?' I asked him.

'Nothing abnormal,' he assured me. 'Though I was surprised at how deep your sleep was. I was sure I had woken you a few times.'

I looked up at him. 'Woken me? How?'

He opened his mouth to answer, but instead of speaking, it hung open as his nose wrinkled. 'With my...huhhh...sn...huhhhESSSHHHH! ESCCHHH! Excuse be. By sdneezig...' His face wrinkled in disgust at his congested voice and reached over to blow his nose forcefully into another hanky.

I smiled, brushing his face with my palm. Unfortunately, this seemed to set off his tickly nose again, since his face scrunched up again. 'Huhhhh...ESSCHCHH! ESSHHHOOO! ESSSHHHHOOOO! ASSSSSHH!' He tried to muffle the harsh sneezes into his arm, bending strongly at his waist.

I rubbed his back as he straightened with a sigh. 'I should probably check on the others,' I said.

His face twitched, quick twist of emotion I couldn't identify. 'What's wrong?' I asked.

He looked away, shrugging, his expression vulnerable. 'It's silly. But...I don't want you to leave.'

My heart nearly melting, I snuggled in closer to him. 'Maybe just a bit longer, then,' I murmured.

He smiled. I closed my eyes peacefully, but opened them again when I heard his breathing close by. I looked up to see his face hovering near mine, and smiled as he reached down to place his lips on my own. I wrapped my arms around him, my heart racing in that way only Edward could provoke.

Suddenly, he stiffened and tried to pull away. I couldn't untangle my arms fast enough, though, and his face contorted desperately. 'HEESSHHH! HEESSSSHH!!' he sneezed strongly over his shoulder, harsh and desperate. I'd untangled myself by now, and sat a short distance away from him, waiting. He turned back to face me.

'I'm sorry, Bella,' he apologised. I opened my mouth to tell him not to be stupid when suddenly, out of nowhere, he snapped over again. 'HAAEEESSSH!!' he sneezed openly and desperately, some of the spray reaching my lap. He looked up at me in horror.

'Oh, Bella, I'm so sorry,' he said.

'Edward, it's fine.'

'It just took me completely by surprise, I had no warning...I'm sorry.'

I smiled. 'Edward, if you don't stop apologising, I'll give you something to be sorry about.'

He looked at me hesitantly, and then his face split into that crooked grin I loved so much. 'Thank you, Bella,' he said quietly.

I pulled myself away from him reluctantly. 'I'll just go up and make sure the others are okay,' I said, keeping a warm hand on his arm.

He smiled at me, silently reassuring me that he was okay, and I moved away from him and walked briskly up the stairs.

I knocked on Alice and Jasper's door, and Jasper's voice, only slightly croaky, called quietly back to me.

'Come in,' he said.

I pushed open the door and smiled at the sight. Jasper was curled protectively around Alice, one marble hand resting gently on her forehead and the other stroking her arm. She breathed in and out, deeply and peacefully, thought I could hear the building congestion that would soon wake her up.

'How are you both?' I whispered.

Jasper shrugged, careful not to disturb the sleeping Alice. 'I'm actually feeling a lot better,' he told me.

I nodded, smiling. 'That's great – Carlisle's recovering, too, I hoped you'd be the same. It's still best to take it easy though, if Edward's experience is anything to go by.'

Jasper winced. 'How is he?'

'Still unwell, but he'll be alright,' I told him, knowing Edward would be unhappy if I made a big deal of his illness.

Jasper nodded. Alice stirred in his arms and he lovingly brushed away the hair that fell into her face. 'And the rest of my family?' he asked, looking up.

I smiled. It was sometimes easy to see Jasper as an outsider in the family, but he did truly care for all of them in the same way I, or any of them, cared for each other. 'I'm just going around to check on them all again, but they're all doing fine,' I told him. 'How's Alice?'

He looked down again, eyes tender. 'She's feverish, confused. She's dreaming, and they're vivid...her visions are...fading and it's bothering her...'

I bit my lip sympathetically at the look on his face. Of course, Jasper would feel Alice's stress and worry as though it were his own. 'This flu seems to play havoc with all your powers, though,' I soothed. 'I wouldn't worry.'

He nodded. 'That's what I've been telling her.'

'Is there anything else you two need?' I asked him gently.

He shook his head. 'We're alright,' he said, and looked down at Alice with love shining from his eyes. 'We've got everything we need right here.'

I smiled, made him promise to call me if they needed anything, and left. I crossed to Rosalie and Emmett's room, and pushed open the door after knocking softly.

Rosalie shifted as I walked in, turning to face me. Behind her, Emmett lay deep in sleep, snoring gently.

'Hey, Rose,' I said.

'Hey,' she greeted me back.

'I was just checking to see you're all okay...'

She smiled wryly. 'I don't know whether “okay” is the appropriate word, there,' she commented.

I looked at her curiously.

'I have to say, I'm glad right now that my human memories are so unclear, for the most part,' she elaborated. 'Feeling this awful...and to think it happens to humans all the time!'

I smiled. 'It does kind of suck,' I said sympathetically.

She nodded. 'I just can't get rid of this itchy feeling in my nose!'

I paused, pondering an earlier theory of mine. 'Look up at a bright light,' I suggested.

Rosalie looked at me curiously, but to her credit she followed my instructions without questioning me. Immediately, her breath began to hitch.

'Huhhhhhh,' she breathed, 'TCHEW! TCHEW!' She sneezed her perfect, delicate double, muffling the sound into her hand and turning away from Emmett as she did so. Interesting, I thought. So vampires were photic when they were sick...?

'Ahh,' she sighed, rubbing at her nose. 'It's gone!'

I smiled and she grinned back, though lying against the pillow her eyes were dropping shut against their will already.

'I'll leave you to sleep,' I said quietly. All the response I got was a vague murmur and I left the room smiling.

Finally, I pushed open Carlisle and Esme's door.

'Hello, Bella,' they both greeted me as I entered.

'Hi,' I replied.

'Come to check how we are?' asked Carlisle, and I nodded.

Esme smiled at me. 'It's very c....huhhhh....ISSHHH! Excuse me, considerate of you Bel...ISSHHH! Bella, thank you.'

I shook my head. 'Not a problem at all. So how are you both feeling?'

Carlisle shifted slightly in the bed. 'I'm feeling much better, back to my old self again,' he told me, and looking at the alertness in his eyes I believed him. 'If it will take some of the strain off I'd be happy to help you in looking after my family, Bella. You've done a wonderful job so far but you do deserve a rest.'

I smiled. 'Thank you, Carlisle. That would be great, if you're up to it.'

He nodded, and I turned my gaze on Esme. 'And how are you?'

She gave a small smile. 'As well as can be expected, I suppose.' She looked up at her husband, love in her eyes. 'Carlisle is looking after me very well.'

I smiled at them both. 'It certainly sounds like it,' I said. 'And neither of you need anything?'

They shook their heads. 'Well, I should get back to Edward, I promised I wouldn't be long.' Esme smiled. 'You'll call if you need anything?'

They both nodded, and I shut the door and hurried downstairs to Edward, who pulled me back into his arms, holding me close to his warmth.

'Carlisle and Jasper are feeling better,' I told him. 'Alice and Emmett were asleep, and Esme and Rose are still in the early stages...'

I turned to look at him, but his face was deep in thought, a slight hint of worry creasing his forehead. I felt him stiffen next to me, the slightest tensing of muscle.

'Edward?' I asked. He shook his head and said nothing, his expression unreadable. I waited patiently, hoping he would speak whatever was on his mind. A few times, he opened his mouth, only to shut it again, before eventually, he took a deep breath and spoke.

'What if...' he said, and trailed off.

'What if?' I prompted him.

'Never mind,' he said, shaking his head.

'Edward, what if what?'

'Bella...what if I...never get better?' he asked, sounding suddenly vulnerable.

'Oh, Edward,' I said, brushing my hand soothingly over his forehead. 'Of course you'll get better.'

'But what if I don't? Carlisle's better, Jasper's better, but I...still feel terrible, weak. What if I'm stuck like this?'

'Edward, you're only still sick because you kept pushing yourself at the beginning. The others gave themselves time to recover...and Alice's vision saw you recover, remember?'

He shrugged. 'Her visions...can change.'

I shook my head. 'Edward, you're going to get better from this. I know it feels awful, but it's the flu! Millions of humans recover from it every year. You're not going to be any different.'

He still looked worried, but nodded, looking at least slightly reassured.

I pulled him close to me and kissed his forehead, my other hand rubbing circles on his back. 'Sleep, Edward,' I whispered. 'Sleep and heal.'


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Oh My God!!!! *screams and collapses on the floor* (when waking) I Love This ! You're a great writer and deserve every comment you get. Good Job and Keep Up the Good Work!

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AHHHHHHHHHHHH SO worth the wait!!

...but how dare they get better?? now there will be less lovely sneezes!!

you deserve a big :):wub::hug:

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Sadly enough, I only just started Twilight today...o.O I'm halfway through and I just want to say that I love your writing style, it fits really well with the book, and now that I have a vague idea of the characters your work of art comes across even better than it was before (is that possible...?)

keep up the good amazing totally :twisted: work!! (pretty please!!)

Now back to the book for me... :)

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I am still loving this story! You portray the characters so well, and the story could not be better. I can't wait to read more!

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Hey, everyone! First of all, thank you all so much for the wonderful feedback, it means the world to me! :)

Sorry for the delays again, I'm having a bit of trouble with writer's block this week, and I've been insanely busy too which doesn't help! I should also warn you all that I'm going away for a week or so on Tuesday and won't have internet access - hopefully I will manage to get more story up by then but if I don't and then I disappear for a week, that's why!

Anyway, I've been in a bit of a weird mood today and felt like trying something new...hope you don't mind :) . It's an exercise I sometimes do to get inside my characters' heads, writing from their POV – I wasn't going to post it originally but I figured it wouldn't exactly hurt to see what you guys think. It'll only be for this part and then back to the normal Bella-narrative...

So, here we go...


Edward's Point of View


It should not surprise me, how foreign it is to feel human again. And yet it does; the weakness, the vulnerability, is a shock to the system. I have not felt anything like this in a century.

The dependency, too, was frightening at first. I had forgotten how to be dependent on anyone, ever; the instinct for protection in me, especially towards Bella, is almost unbearably strong. But somehow, it is nice to be cared for. Nice to need, as well as be needed.

Somehow, being ill like this, the time passes strangely, in surges and lulls. My Bella is with me again, now, and although my eyes are closed, her warmth next to me is an inexpressible comfort. My fingers run up and down the soft, warm skin on her arm, and I breathe in her familiar scent that I so long ago learned to resist.

So often the cause of desire and passionate love, Bella's presence fills me with peace, and I drift, the blackness behind my eyelids enveloping me in a way I thought I had lost long ago...

And I dream.

My dreams are strange and varied; some full of too-bright colour and swirling images, some so vividly real that the emotion of them thrums through my body. I dream of my family, surrounding me...of years of loneliness, of not knowing what I did not have...of terror, and insurmountable odds...and most of all, I dream of my Bella.

Bella. Her face sings to me even in unconsciousness, loving, caring, tender and fragile, and so many times I must protect her and save her but there are too many dangers and my sight is clouded and I can't...I cannot...

'Save her.'

I wake up, and the words are on my lips without my even consciously speaking them aloud. I open my eyes to see my Bella, as beautiful as ever, gazing down at me with concern creasing that perfect, delicate skin of hers. Bella, safe, healthy, her warm hand in mine...

And again I drift.

I wake with a tickle in my sinuses, but I am too tired to open my eyes or to do anything but will it away. But my nose has other ideas, and I only just have time to pull up my hands and twist away from the body lying next to mine before I am wrenched forward with a powerful: ESSSHHHH! ESSHHHH! ESSSHHHEEWWW!

My body shakes with the impact of these sneezes and I feel the wetness of them on my hands, feel Bella press a fresh handkerchief into my hands as she has done so often before. I feel one final tickle emerging – HEEEHHESSSCHHHEW! - before I bury my nose in the clean, white cloth, and blow, the feeling mercifully relieved.

The next time I open my eyes I am shivering with cold, shaking uncontrollably, and I feel Bella's warmth next to me, a new blanket tucked around me, and for some time it is enough to stop the shaking. But soon I am shivering again, though I can feel sweat beading on my forehead.

I feel the comforting presence of my love leaving my side, pulling away from me and though I have no strength to pull her back I am frozen inside with the loss; I am shaking now with fear instead of cold.

'Bella,' I manage to croak, feeble and pathetic and hating the vulnerability, but before my fear descends into panic there are hurried footsteps and she is once again beside me, a cool cloth sponging my forehead and a delicate arm encircling my shoulders.

For a while, confusion reigns. I sleep and wake and the two states become intertwined, until I can no longer tell the memories from unconsciousness. I remember Bella's face, concerned but full of love...a warm hand, held tight in mine...murmuring voices and low chatter...hearing my name called, but being too far into sleep to respond...

Eventually, things grow clearer again, and the things I remember I know are real. Snatches of conversation, moving footsteps...the concerned voice of my father, his cool, marble hand on my forehead – a shock when I am so used to Bella's warm skin. 'The fever's breaking...' - voices that are now relieved, happy. I squeeze the hand in mine, and she squeezes back.

'Edward?' asks her soft voice, and though she has told me so many times that it is my voice which resembles a God's, at the moment her voice is a choir of angels all on its own.

My eyelids flutter open, taking in her beautiful face, etched with tiredness and a glowing happiness that exactly mirrors what I feel upon seeing her face. 'Bella,' I whisper, and as ever, her name is not a question or a statement but an expression of perfection.

She smiles, smoothing my hair from my face. 'Good morning, Edward,' she says. 'It's been a long night.'


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YOU ARE AMAZING! ooo, i love this story! You're doing great and keep up the work! Also, everyone gets writers block so i fee l for you.

thanks for such an amazing piece! :)

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ZOMG!! Do you know what you just DID to my BRAIN?? And my carpet...I just melted all over it :)


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:) OMG!!! That was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:laugh: Please write more! That was amazing! I personally think that Bella should get it. But yeah, it's up to you.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I must beg... BEG DO YOU HEAR ME??... for that last part from Bella's point of view AND (I'm so demanding) another chapter!! I've just seen the movie - haven't gotten hold of the books yet - and am in the depths of desperate longing (for lack of other sources) for Edward-based illness and fragility... YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE!! (God, I feel pathetic. Please, validate my existence and mad desires by granting my request??)

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I, copycat that I am, must also beg you to continue. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE etc etc continue!!! ARGH THE SUSPENSE!! It's killing me :)


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Wow, thanks so so so much guys!! Your comments are wonderful to come back to after the nice holiday I've had, and thanks too for your patience while I've been away. :bleh:

I wasn't really planning on rewriting that last chapter since I'm not fantastic at rewrites, but it was requested and I thought, why not...so here goes! Hope you enjoy!


I lay peacefully beside Edward, listening to his slow and deep breathing. At times, I could tell he was dreaming. His face would relax in serene happiness, and my heart thrilled to hear my name on his lips. Or, other times, his expression was scrunched against some unseen danger, and he mumbled incoherently, his muscles twitching.

I wrapped myself around him, and soothed him through the bad dreams, revelled in being able to watch his expression during the good ones. I lay there for what must have been hours, but somehow it didn't seem long at all. I could have stayed with Edward for days, years...

After a few peaceful hours of dreamless sleep, he began turning restlessly again. 'Bella, no...please, please, I'm so sorry, I can't...'

Carefully, I wrapped my arm around his waist, my other hand rubbing his shoulder. I hated to see him so confused and frightened, and it was hard to know what to do.

'Save her!' He jolted awake, eyes flying open.

'Shh, Edward. It's okay, you've been asleep...I'm here...' I said, bending over him over him to gage his expression. He seemed soothed, eyes dropping shut again, and soon his breathing was slow once again.

I must have dropped off to sleep, too, because I woke up a few hours later to the sounds of hitched and desperate breaths...

I opened my eyes and felt Edward jerk away from me and turn to the side, hands cupped quickly over his nose: ESSSHHHH! ESSHHHH! ESSSHHHEEWWW! - violent sneezes that wracked his entire body, sounding wet and full of congestion. I reached over to the bench and pressed a handkerchief into his hands.

He barely had time to nod his thanks before another sneeze caught him by surprise – HEEEHHESSSCHHHEW! - spraying only half-covered in the air, powerful and wet. I watched him bury his nose into the handkerchief I'd handed him and blow thickly until he could breathe again.

He fell back on the pillow again, exhausted, and I took the handkerchief from his hand as he dropped off to sleep again. This time, his sleep seemed undisturbed by dreams, but physically his condition was changing. His skin on mine felt warmer, and after a while I could feel him shivering lightly beneath me. I moved my body closer to his in an attempt to warm him.

It wasn't enough, though, because he was still shivering, more and more violently. Concerned, I grabbed a blanket from what had been Carlisle's bed and wrapped it around the two of us. The shivering quietened for a while, but soon it was back with a vengeance and when I placed a careful hand on his forehead, it burned beneath mine.

My heart sped up with worry, and I bit my lip. 'Carlisle?' I called softly, knowing that, recovered, his vampire senses would allow him to hear me even from upstairs.

He was in the room in a matter of seconds. 'What's wrong, Bella?' he asked gently.

I looked down at my love. 'It's Edward...I think his fever's getting worse.'

His forehead creased with concern, Carlisle moved toward me and placed a hand on Edward's forehead. He hissed with surprise.

'You're right – he's burning,' he said softly. 'The fever's too high.'

He had stopped shivering, and when I looked down his forehead was beaded with sweat. 'Should we be trying to bring his temperature down?' I asked Carlisle, drawing from my experience of human fevers. The doctor nodded, silent with concern.

I extracted myself from where I was wrapped around Edward's body, and crossed quickly to the kitchen to wet a cloth with cool water, before I heard a sound that almost stopped my heart.

'Bella,' croaked Edward, sounding horribly weak and vulnerable.

I ran back to the couch, and put an arm around his shoulder without pressing my body heat too close to his. My other hand carefully sponged his forehead, and I looked up at Carlisle for confirmation that I was doing the right thing. He nodded, his mind far away.

'Shh, Edward, I'm here,' I muttered as he moved restlessly beneath me, unsoothed. The pallor of his face terrified me, paler than I'd ever seen him. His skin burned next to mine.

I watched Carlisle's face for an answer, but he didn't speak and eventually it was too much. 'Carlisle, is he okay?' I asked, trying to keep the fear from my voice.

He blinked, refocussing as he looked at me seriously. 'He's very ill,' he said gently. 'But Alice saw him get through this, and I have no doubt that he will.'

'Is there anything I can do?'

Carlisle shook his head. 'Not really. He will be very confused...his fever will disorientate him and he will feel truly unwell...you are probably the only thing that will comfort him now. Keep him close.'

I nodded, looking down at Edward with concern. I rubbed my finger over the back of his hand, which I held tightly in mine.

Over the next few hours, Edward slept fitfully, and I could tell his dreams were vivid and often frightening. He cried out in agony, in pain, in fear, in panic, tossing and turning and reaching for things that weren't there. It was almost unbearable to see him in such a state but I stayed by his side the entire time, soothing him when I could.

He coughed dryly in his sleep and a few times, even sneezed harshly, though he didn't seem to wake. After a while, his sleep became more peaceful, and though I kept his hand tight in mine I began to relax.

Carlisle, too, seemed to allow some of the tension to drain from his stance, shifting slightly on the couch where he had sat with me for the past few hours. Looking out the window, I realised it was the middle of the night already – no wonder I was so exhausted.

I looked up at Carlisle. 'So how are the others?' I asked, hoping he wouldn't think I was heartless for not focussing entirely on Edward. Now more than ever, I needed a distraction, and my every sense was tuned to any changes in his condition regardless.

Fortunately, he seemed to understand perfectly, and smiled gently at me. 'Thanks to your ministrations, much better. Jasper seems entirely recovered, and Alice and Rosalie were both sleeping peacefully. Emmett's symptoms have almost cleared up – though his complaining certainly has not,' he smiled, 'and Esme is almost as well as I am.'

I looked up in surprise. 'But she was one of the last to get sick!'

He nodded. 'It is curious, I admit. Esme tells me she had a very strong immune system as a human and I am beginning to wonder whether it is something we carry on when we...take this life...' He looked off into the distance again, obviously pondering this new information.

I looked down at Edward, so peaceful now in his dreamless sleep. Had he been sick this long because of a weak immune system that he'd somehow carried across into his vampire existence? I wondered whether that meant he would get sick again more easily. He would not like that thought...

I placed my hand on his forehead and was relieved to find it much cooler than it had been before. 'Carlisle, I think his temperature's gone down!' I said excitedly.

Carlisle reached across to check, and smiled. 'You're right. The fever's breaking.'

'Oh, thank goodness,' I sighed. I hadn't realised how tense I'd been until that moment, but my entire body seemed to unknot itself.

I felt a sudden pressure on my hand and looked down at Edward, his face still serene. 'Edward?' I asked gently.

His eyes fluttered open, and he looked at me so intensely I almost looked away. 'Bella,' he whispered, in a voice that made my heart flutter.

'Good morning, Edward,' I smiled, brushing the hair from his tired and disoriented-looking face. 'It's been a long night.'


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Quite frankly, I love this story. I've yet to comment it, and for that, I apologize.

It was lovely reading a story, though, where all of them got sick.

I must admit, though, that Jasper was my favorite. :laugh:

And as others have told you, the part about his power going out of control when he sneezed was absolutely...well, nothing explains it better than this : :laugh:

You've got an excellent style, and I love how each character was different in how they reacted to being ill.

You kept true to the characters' personalities, and I loved it. (:

You're an excellent writer and I look forward to reading more.

Oh, and by the way, thank you. (: You're who inspired me to write a Jasper fic. And though it's nowhere near as good as yours, I thought I should tell you that you and this wonderful story of yours had inspired me.

You're my favorite author on this site.

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Sigh!! :laugh: Faints!! :laugh: Absolute perfection! Who could hope to equal or top this? How could it possibly get any better?! I can die happy now. I'm just SO UPSET it's over!! :laugh:

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