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I'm so glad I noticed this post before I had to leave! Totally made my day exponentially better. :mellow: I don't have time for a long comment now, but expect one this evening! :laugh:

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:drool: This was a very, very, very good post. (: You're incredible, you know that?

I really like Tattoo. It was an interesting (and sexy, might I add) take on the prompt. I like that it wasn't like, a legitimate tattoo, because I think the idea of artist!Eames (or at least, Eames with artistic capabilities) is fantastic. And Eames painting on a naked Arthur? Oh, I love it. Your descriptions in this were mindblowing too; my favorite line of all was After all, the stimulation is making Arthur rosy once more, turning his delicate winter landscape to spring. That is an absolutely beautiful metaphor. I love it. This was brilliantly written. Absolutely gorgeous.

Oh, no! Rage! :drool: This one makes me very sad. On both ends. On the one hand, I can see how Eames might think that Arthur was only using him, and let's face it, that hurts. It hurts bad. But conversely, I feel so bad for Arthur because that's one of the worst flaws about the fetish; people can very easily misunderstand it. It makes me really sad. Eames is angry, and has the right to be, because he doesn't understand. But Arthur's not horribly bad. ...they should kiss and make up. ): I don't like it when they're fighting. You did a really good job keeping them in character even though it was a serious argument though. It was wonderfully written, even if it's really sad. ):

The perfect way to get me in a better mood after reading such an upsetting one like Rage (which still, is really good, it's just not happy) is one like this. If I knew how to whistle, I would totally wolf-whistle after reading this one. I mean, hot damn! Eames is naked and Arthur's sneezy in a sexy induced sort of way and dear god he sneezed into the sheets? That is so unbelievably, inconceivably hot! :omg: I'll be adding it to my kink list too. Really, this one's just aldskjfhalskdfhasdk fantastic. I'm not even lying. You've outdone yourself. But you do every time. :D

Two more posts? I'm so excited for you! You're so close to finishing the challenge! Though, I must admit, I'll be sad once it's all over.

However, I'm so glad I was here to read my way through your journey from your first drabbles until now. They're all brilliant. <3

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Thank you so much! But you don't really need to be sad. I'm working on the two longer fics, and I'm definitely going to find another prompt table. Otherwise, how will I keep myself busy?

Title: Attitude

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. Boarding school AU.

They tell him that Eames has adjustment issues; that he misbehaves at the Academy because he wants attention. The cheap cigarettes he’s always nipping out to buy and the faded jeans certainly seem to point that way, but Arthur knows better.

“How are you?” he asks, dropping his bag onto Eames’s bed. Eames shrugs, his nose buried in his Philosophy textbook, black reading glasses shoved up his nose. Every few seconds he sniffs liquidly.

“You should take something,” Arthur sighs.

“Hehg-isshx! Ah… Can’t,” Eames sighs. “Meds make me fall asleep in class.” He has to maintain his 3.8, after all.

Title: Heartless

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Spoiler: None. Boarding school AU.

“I noticed,” Eames begins, “that you didn’t send me a valentine. I feel I must point out that I sent you several. And chocolates.” He leans against the wall, nonchalant.

“Yes, and?” Arthur, curled in bed, pulls the sheet up to shield his face. “Eh-hnngst! Hnggst! I can’t go to the dance with you, James.”

“Heaven forbid!” Eames cries. “Of all the notions. I certainly wouldn’t drag you out for something so silly.”

“Then why are you here?” Talking to Eames is making his head throb. He tries to focus.

“I’m getting in.” And Eames proceeds to do just that.

Title: Grudge

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. Sneeze torture!

“This… is mean,” Eames mutters. He pulls at the cords binding his wrists.

“No struggling,” Arthur orders, climbing gracefully astride his lover. Eames is naked, but Arthur has not undressed. His only concession to being on the bed is his lack of shoes. Eames hisses at the friction of Arthur’s pants against his hips. “Now. Say you’re sorry.”

“Ah, darling-,” Eames starts to protest. He stops when Arthur waves the feather at him. “What are you-?” Arthur brushes the plume delicately against Eames’s nose and he can’t help but sneeze. “Hekksh!”

“I can wait all night,” Arthur says calmly. “Well?”


Nnnnnnnn.... One post to go!

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Cannot wait for the longfics!

And sooo incredibly happy you'll be starting another prompt list. Otherwise what would we do??? Except maybe hound you.... day and night. So, good thing you have your own motivation and you don't need us....

*has baseball bat ready just in case*

**Has feathers and perfume ready also just in case**


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Whoa, I'm so sorry I haven't commented on the last few! I've been missing out on reading them regularly thanks to school. But YAY, thanks to that I had so many to catch up on, it was fun! :drool: Amazing as always and I'm extremely excited for the long-fic as well :drool:.

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Oh my god? That was... :drool: This face fits what I'm feeling perfectly. I am loving this stuff soooo much! Your writing gives me this tingly awestruck feeling where my fingers go numb for a second and I'm smiling hugely and my stomach is doing this happy dance and it feels exciting to breathe (Is that weird? Just a little? Okay.)... Wow. Just wow.

I really liked Attitude! I love picturing Eames with those reading glasses. They're perfect. This whole thing was like a scene from the movie... kind of. I am still amazed that you can take a 3-hour movie and manage to fit the characters personalities so wonderfully! I can understand that kind of thing if it was a book, but not one movie. It's crazy. You have talent. Seriously. This drabble fit.

Awww Eames sent Arthur valentines and chocolates while he was sick in bed! That's so sweet! Lol, I loved this! Poor Arthur, all sick on Valentines day! Luckily Eames is there to make it better :drool: Cuuuuute!

And, whew! Grudge... that was hot. I like the image of Arthur fully dressed and shoe-less, standing on the bed torturing a naked Eames with a feather. It makes me blush and squeal and grin. I might have mentioned this before, but your sneeze-spellings are spot-on. They are perfect and complete the image of these gorgeous men sneezing. Really, you are great.

Oh, LYK. One more post?! How can that be right? I can't believe it's been a hundred already. It's crazy! But, you are fabulous, magnificent, amazing, superb, marvelous, terrific, excellent, awesome, wonderful, brilliant... Thank you so much!!!!!!

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Only one????

But that's just not fair!!!!

Please, find another thread and do more!!!

Look up W. I. N.'s drabble thread, after like 7-8 pages (I think anyway, could be more :drool:, there is another hundred to do!!!

Just in case you fancied another challenge :)

Thank you!!!

These were amazing!!!!!

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Okay, first of all I would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who read this far, or anyone who read even some of my drabbles, especially to Jazz, obsessed, and Zwee (and I'm forgetting many others) who have stuck with me and have given me terribly flatering comments almost every step of the way. Without you, I would never have finished this, out of sheer apathy if nothing else. I am truly grateful for all of your kind words! (I don't think I've ever had so many people confess their love to me! ;D)

That said, here are the last four drabbles! Altogether, I wrote 102 of them! (The original list was misnumbered and contained 101, plus Worship version 2). That's 24 pages of goodness! Wow! *pats self on the back* And I'll be writing even more! What am I, crazy? XD

Title: Solitude

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Spoiler: None.

Arthur places his hands on either side of the sink and stares at his reflection, noting his messy hair, his sunken eyes, his chapped nose. He sniffs ineffectually and carefully exhales, trying not to cough as his breath hitches on phlegm. When he sneezes, it is too hard to stifle; it hurts too much. He just lets it go as unselfconsciously as he can into his handkerchief. “Eg-hesssch!”

“Gesundteit!” chirps a man coming out of a stall behind him. “That sounds nasty.” He starts washing his hands in the next sink over, whistling.

Arthur wishes very much to be alone.

Title: Magic

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None.

“It’s weird, you know?” says Eames. Of course Arthur does not. He has no idea what Eames is talking about. “You,” Eames clarifies. “It’s like you have a switch.”

“A switch?” Arthur glances over to raise an eyebrow at Eames. “What do you mean?”

“I shall demonstrate.” Eames smirks and Arthur’s not sure he likes where this is going. He knows he doesn’t when Eames lays a hand on his thigh, quite close to his-

Mr. Eames.”

“Right.” Eames moves. “But this…” Without warning he pitches forward. “Eh-gissh!” It’s real or an excellent fake and Arthur flushes. “…Flips the switch.”

Title: City

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. I think I have a sleeping kink, too. :drool:

“I thought you’d like it,” Arthur says, collecting his suitcase from the belt. “New York isn’t South Carolina, after all.” They have returned from a trip to visit with Arthur’s parents on the farm. Eames spent most of it doped on allergy meds (and having a lot of fun with his affectionate lover, but still).

“I can’t escape,” sighs Eames, whose eyes are still red. “Central Park.”

“Surely that doesn’t affect the whole city?” Arthur hails a cab.

“Smog,” counters the forger, and sneezes.

“Bless,” remarks Arthur, and he lets Eames nap on him all the way to their hotel.

Title: Hypocrite

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Spoiler: None.

Arthur leans back in his bath and turns a page of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He is almost done with “The Speckled Band” when he hears the door opening and the steps of Eames’s boots. “Welcome back!”

Merci, darling!” Eames calls back. He dopplers as he comes closer. “Feeling better?”


“Hey!” says Eames, now in the room. “Didn’t you yell at me for reading in here last week?”

“You weren’t sick,” Arthur sniffs.

“And what if you sneeze?”

“I won’t,” says Arthur. Not a minute later Eames saves the book from drowning when he proves himself a liar.


So there you have it! Fear not, for this is not the end. I'm in the middle of writing the boarding school AU and the longfic, plus I'll be starting another prompt table not too far in the future. Right now I'm occupied with a little project Spoo and I have been talking about, a few drabbles for a red nine, and I have some goodies planned relating to Inception if I can find the time.

Until next time then, darlings! ;3

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I'm really sad it's over, but it's been amazing the whole way. Thank you for gracing us with these drabbles!

Can't wait to see all you've got planned next.

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Oh, wow. These were too sweet! And, yay! I got a special mention. Wow! 102 of them?! That seems like so many! There are quite a lot, actually. But these made me so happy! My heart always did that little leap whenever it saw "LYK's Drabble Thread" Alrighty. Now onto more Arthur and Eames sneezy goodness.

Solitude. I love how you can capture the exact feeling of being sick in like two sentences. It's crazy! :D Poor Arthur. I completely understand because I feel kind of like I want to hide and be alone whenever I'm sick because I can be as contagious and gross as I want without people being there to blame me for catching my stupid cold anyway. Lol. You write Arthur perfectly.

Magic. This was hilarious to me! The short sentences in comparison with the long ones makes the writing flow, but I'm not even here to talk about your completely fabuous writing. The content was amazing! I love how you manage to create the scene and even leave out a few choice words but still get your message across in a humorous way! And Eames is right. It's like a switch. It's like magic! :)

City. This one was super cute! Aww... Eames meeting Arthur's parents? And of course his allergies thrown in to make it more interesting! I think sleeping is cute, especially picturing Eames all sleepy from allergies, napping on Arthur's shoulder. How do you come up with drabbles that go with the titles so well? They're all perfect!

Hypocrite. I think this one was my favorite. Reading in the bath is a pretty dangerous practice, but I've managed it safely a few times. I love that this is just a sweet little coming home scene, but Arthur just happens to be in the bath (hot) with a cold (even better) and Eames casually throwing out the little "Feeling better?" which is one of my favorite parts, I don't know why! And how he declares that reading in the bath is okay if you're sick, then promptly sneezes and almost soaks the book, against Eames' warnings. These were so adorable!!

Thank you so much! You are great. Don't ever forget it. *hug* *sniffle* They're over! :drool: Okay. I'm done now...

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Ohgosh! Is it really over already? Congratulations on finishing! That's quite a feat!

Not a minute later Eames saves the book from drowning when he proves himself a liar.

:bleh: Tee hee. Love that last line.

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  • 5 months later...


I've never even seen Inception, but I like drabbles, and I saw that there were 13 WHOLE PAGES OF DRABBLES and I just read them all in this one huge, wonderful, brilliant glut of fantasticness and brilliance. And now I'm sitting here with goosebumps and giggling like a lunatic because they're all so cute, and so meltingly hot, that I don't think I'll be a functional human being for a stupidly long time now. Thank you, so so much.

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  • 1 year later...


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