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Thank you, thank you!

Title: Puppy

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Dominic Cobb, m.

Spoiler: None.

James thinks a puppy is a very good idea. His friend has a puppy that he loves to play with. Philippa also wants one, since she is lonely without any girl neighbors. They both decide that when the stray terrier shows up they are keeping it.

“Ah-chggst! Eh-Hggst!” Cobb catches the sneezes in his elbow, since he’s cooking, and glares down at the dog. Bubblegum, for that is her name, stares back happily. “Don’t get used to this,” Cobb warns stuffily. “When they’re at school I’m taking you to the shelter.”

Then… he thinks of their tears and, maybe, reconsiders.

Title: Control

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Spoiler: None.

It has always been an issue. As a child, what he could wear. As a teen, where he could go. Now, with Eames, what he can do to please both of them without losing his dignity.

He wonders if that’s where it comes from, this mental block.

Hxggst! Hnngt!” Stifling is painful, but he can’t not do it - especially on this plane, everyone watching him. He thinks he feels their eyes as he takes out a tissue and reluctantly blows his nose.

To be sick… He hates it. He wonders what he did to deserve this lack of control.

Title: Unfair

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. Boarding school AU.

Eames is in the audience. He hadn’t wanted to come, but Arthur had insisted, so he did.

He brought his cold with him.

When Arthur steps up to the podium, notecards in hand, he doesn’t see Eames. But he can hear him. “Eh-higgsh! Heh-gissxh!” The sounds of his sneezes are immediately recognizable.

Arthur feels his palms start to sweat.

Someday, he will look back on this and laugh. Right now all he can do is force himself not to stutter during his speech and pray that, when he goes to shake the headmaster’s hand, his predicament isn’t obvious to crowd.

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Cute, so cute!!! That first one was adorable! And the second was fabulous! And the third was... :D Ah, love. You seem to have an endless supply of inspiration! Can I have some? :innocent: No just kidding. Wouldn't want to detract from your amazingness!!!

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I am so far behind! I promise I'll post a catch-up comment tomorrow, but for now, I just wanted to apologize for being M.I.A. and I want you to know I haven't abandoned you and your drabbles! And you're still fantastic!

More tomorrow, I promise. Expect a comment tomorrow evening (Eastern time) :D


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They are so amazing, I have basically run out of adequate praise words. The Cobb one was the cutest thing :D, I love the idea that he would be allergic to a puppy. :D I love the Control one. You have such a way with writing the pair of them, it's amazing. :D I love your drabbles so, so much.

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I'm so sorry I was later than I said D: Life always gets the best of me and I can never find the time to be alone long enough to be on this forum. I'm so sorry! Don't think I've forgotten about you!

I've missed twelve whole drabbles, so you can expect this to be a long post. :boom: I'm going to start with Relief and work my way down, okay? Also, because there are so many, I'll put the titles above them. (:Ready...set...go!


First of all - yum. Seriously. I absolutely love this. I don't know if I've said it before, (I think I have, but I can't be certain) I absolutely love settings with rain. Love love love. So I liked this one from the get-go. Plus, it has sneezy Arthur, all wet and undressing himself (...though not as much as I would've liked ;D haha) and whatnot. And I love the attention to detail. I love that you included the bit about Eames taking notes left-handed and how Arthur worries his hair product's stained his (probably expensive) shirt. It's the little details like that that really make the characters come to life in your drabbles, and I saw that here. And oh, Eames, reluctant to work. (:


First of all, the images you conjure up in that second sentence are both adorable and pathetic, and they really make me want to give him a hug. Or have Arthur give him a hug. Seriously. Poor Eames. And flu shots hurt! No wonder he doesn't like them. Well, I sense there's a little bit more to that though...not just that it hurts. But he won't talk about it to Arthur? I'm sensing a little tension between my favorite duo. ): Aw.


For the record, I would like to start by saying that this drabble literally made me laugh out loud. I'm not even kidding. It was so amusing. It seems so Arthur to stifle, especially fetish-Arthur, and it amuses me that it's the one thing that would drive Eames up the wall. And he wants to smack him! Haha! I love it so much. This one's adorable and cute and fantastically written, because it's almost as if I can see Eames feeling that way. Good job with this one! (:


This was a very interesting take on the prompt! Poor Arthur; how embarrassing! Both the milk coming out of his nose and Eames' reaction to him not stifling. You really captured an accurate emotional sensation with the line 'but now all he’s feeling is the creeping awkwardness and discomfort bubbling in his stomach. I think all of us know how that feels, don't we? :laugh: And I feel for him in this one, I really do. And Eames; imagine his shock! I'm glad he seemed genuinely apologetic for his reaction in the end. Despite his relentless taunting, I doubt he'd really want to genuinely make our point-man uncomfortable. (:


:D ...that is all.

XD No, just kidding. But seriously, something about this one struck me as extremely hot in a whoa-what-amazing-circumstances sort of way. It almost seems like Eames knows about his fetish in this one; hence why he's apologizing. And I really kind of like that. Because I think Eames would be totally accepting of it. But anyway. This was hot. Eames sneezing and both of them being all confined and unable to move and all that just...:D Poor Arthur, though. Such torment he's subjected to! Don't we know how that goes. XD I love it though. Very, very nice.


Woohoo! If I thought that last one was hot, this is like an encore performance! Okay, so Eames totally has to know about the fetish in these two. If not, those are some pretty fantastic unanticipated circumstances. XD I love it though. I love how Eames made it up to him! I love the dynamic between the two in this one too. It was wonderful. An excellent sequel to the above drabble!


First of all, this was the hottest one yet, and it was all concentrated in one paragraph at the beginning. :o Whoa, baby, that was hot. I reread it like six times. I love how you had him talking right before he was about to sneeze...:D That's my favorite favorite thing in the world and it was so unimaginably hot. Like, I can't even emphasize it enough. And Arthur's reaction! I'm not quite sure which is better. It's all just so fantastically wonderful and I think I'm getting just as much enjoyment out of allergic!Eames as Arthur is. :D Seriously. You wrote this so well.


I could totally see this one and The End happening in the same night, to be honest, and I almost really like that about it, because it's like getting to see both sides of that situation. And Eames is just curious, but Arthur, being the shy, guarded person that he is won't explain it. It's really interesting; Eames' ability to realize it's much more than a sneeze to Arthur intrigued me, just because it shows how in tune to his counterpart he is. And I'm really glad this didn't turn out to be the prequel to the end of their relationship, because that would just be way too sad D:


Oh my goodness. There's a lot of really hot ones in here, aren't there? Feels like someone turned up the thermostat...but this one's amusing and hot at the same time, which I think makes me like it even more. Eames' amusement is what entertains me the most. He's just like "Really? One sneeze?" and Arthur's all :D and it's just cute and hilarious and hot all at the same time. And it's just wonderful, really. Again, I like the take on the prompt. Because most people would take it the whole "Character A is all sick and sniffly and pathetic" which, while it isn't bad, isn't as original as this. Love it! <3


Aw, Dom! And a puppy! I find this one so ridiculously adorable. I love how Philippa and James wanted to keep the dog, because let's face it, kids are totally that way. And Dom wants to get rid of it until he realizes how devastated his kids would be and then starts to reconsider. That's so sweet and endearing and alsdkjfhsdfajh. <3 I love it. And I love how it's ones like this that prove you're good at writing all of the characters in Inception, not just Arthur and Eames. That just means that you're an absolutely, undeniably fantastic writer. :D


I totally said somewhere way up there in this post that stifling is so Arthur, and I absolutely love how you made a whole drabble that embodies and explains that. He really does seem like the kind of person that would have personal control issues, hence why he always looks so neat and orderly and everything, so I can imagine that something that removes all of your control, like sneezing, would be highly uncomfortable to him. Obviously it is. And the way you've written his discomfort (and paranoia at everyone looking at him) on the plane is so realistic. So in character too. (: It's wonderful. (Oh, and, intentional or not -- I totally get that he would especially be uncomfortable being sick on a plane, because then everyone else who's on the plane is mad at you because air is recirculated and then they get sick, etc. XD Very good choice of setting.)


Hooray for fetish-Arthur and AU fics! Seriously! I love this one. I love everything about this one. Especially because of the way you wrote the characters; they're always so in character that it's so easy to see them picked up and dropped into another universe, because you still keep them essentially the same people. A lot of people have a really hard time with AU because they totally change their characters in the process, but you did excellent with it! In a way, though, in this one, Arthur totally brought the torture upon himself by insisting that Eames, despite having a cold, still come and hear him speak, right? But his reaction totally made me giggle. And no, not just that reaction, but the whole focusing-to-make-sure-he-doesn't-eff-it-up reaction. Again, that's so totally Arthur. Loved it. :D

Okay, so that's all twelve, I believe, and I'm finally caught up. I'm so sorry it took so long to do this! I promise never to be MIA so long again. You really are a fantastic writer though, and I'm so excited that the longfic has progress! Hooray :D

Seriously, in case you didn't know, I love you. You're amazing. <3


Loved every single one of these. And I look forward to reading more! :D

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Oh, Jazz, I love you so much! <3 Seriously, while you squee about my drabbles, I squee about your comments! I can't believe you take the time to wiote such thorough responses to each one, even with your real-life work in the way. Thank you! I am intensely flattered! Though I love everyone responding to these, you really inspire me to continue. Without your awesome feedback, I probably wouldn't have gotten as far as I have (and the longfic wouldn't exist at all! ;D) and I'm so grateful!

Thank you! Please don't worry about being MIA; I should apologize for distracting you. XD

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Oh, Jazz, I love you so much! <3 Seriously, while you squee about my drabbles, I squee about your comments! I can't believe you take the time to wiote such thorough responses to each one, even with your real-life work in the way. Thank you! I am intensely flattered! Though I love everyone responding to these, you really inspire me to continue. Without your awesome feedback, I probably wouldn't have gotten as far as I have (and the longfic wouldn't exist at all! ;D) and I'm so grateful!

Thank you! Please don't worry about being MIA; I should apologize for distracting you. XD

Trust me, don't apologize for distracting me :D It's totally the best distraction in the world!

I'm really glad I can inspire you to continue. (: The way I see it, I'm so grateful for your drabbles, because you're the only one who writes Inception and you write it so well. It's like, my own personal crack and it deserves all the accolades I can give it. (: I just want you to know that people on this board appreciate you! I know I do. :D

EDIT: and I'm totally pumped at the idea of the longfic, by the way :D

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Lol, the longfic will be awesome if I ever get it written. :D

Title: Blanket

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. To me, Eames's first name is James. Dunno if I've said that here before.

Falling, impact, pain and gravity, and they end up in a deep deposit of golden-brown leaves, cushioning and covering them. Arthur, stunned, takes a minute to breathe. He checks and re-checks his Glock. “That was fun,” he mutters, listening to himself rustle. “James?”

“’M all right, darling,” gasps the Brit, brushing foliage out of his face and scowling when it accomplishes nothing. “Just a little bruised, is all…” He pauses for a moment. “Heh…Eh-ghissh!”

“You’re allergic to leaves?” Arthur deadpans, loading his gun.

Eames sneezes again, desperately, and sighs. “No, Arthur. Look down. …We’re sitting on a blanket of ragweed.”

Title: Sports

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. Boarding school AU. Is it the same one? Hell if I know. I just write them.

Arthur runs. He flows down the track like a liquid leopard, muscles contracting and springing away in a pattern that entices all who watch. It seems primal. It is as close to expressive as Arthur gets.

Eames watches every practice, every meet, from the library. He is sitting, as usual, in the corner by the window, his Calculus book before him. His notebook is to the side, filled page by page with notes, equations, doodles, phone numbers… Buildings and faces.

Eames wants to run next to Arthur. Instead, he plucks another tissue from the box and curses biology once again.

Title: Hospital

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None.

“…What are you doing?” Arthur asks, and Eames realizes that these past minutes the man must have been staring right at him.

“I’m trying not- heh, not to snee- ih, sneeze,” he manages, squinting.

“…Why?” Arthur sounds so incredulous. Eames frowns.

Weh- well, we’re in hospital.” He covers his nose. He can feel it coming.

“So this is a good place to sneeze, isn’t it?” Arthur raises an eyebrow. “Go on, you look ridiculous.”

“I d- don’t want to make thih- things worse,” mumbles Eames before giving in. “Heh-giishxx! Heh-kissxh!”

Arthur just shakes his head. “God bless you, Mr. Eames.”


Eames torture this time. Some other random personal-canon facts: Eames is a freakin' good artist. He's also left handed, but he writes right-handed because he went to Catholic school as a boy and the nuns forced him to. He's also really smart (which is actual canon...). Library! So there!

I also love Arthur. :3 Try saying 'liquid leopard' five times fast.

Also, 'in hospital' is not a typo, it's Brit-speak.

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Oh my goodness! A whole post full of wonderfully amazing Eames goodness! :D I love it!

So, I don't know if I told you, but you have an amazing way of compressing these things into a hundred words while still making them detailed. Like, the first sentence of the first one, it's like, summing up that the two of them have fallen from somewhere into a pile of leaves, but you add so many details in so few words and it's so incredible and difficult for me to wrap my mind around how you do it. Also, I like Eames' first name as James. That's one of my two favorites. That and Sean. (I've read it as Sean and James both a few times on ff.net and loved both :o) But because you've written it as James, it's probably going to be my top favorite. :D And I love Eames' bluntness at the end with “No, Arthur. Look down. …We’re sitting on a blanket of ragweed.” Totally made me laugh. XD I loved it.

And like I said before, I love your boarding school AU. Almost as much as I like the Inception universe. I just find it so entrancing. And I could totally see the scenario you've set up. Skinny as he is, I could totally see Arthur as a runner. Very good choice. And Eames, watching him from afar. I kind of like that. It's a change of pace from his usual abrasive nature. :D I could see him as intelligent and artistic though. Totally seems the type, even if he is usually loud and overly flirtatious. The last line made me laugh too. (:

So, I'm not even going to lie. I really like the anticipation of the sneeze that comes with the last one. I'm a sucker for build-ups and trying not to sneeze and talking while trying not to sneeze so that whole thing was just :D for me. It was amazing. At least he was courteous, trying not to sneeze in a hospital. I get his reasoning; they don't like people spreading their germs in there and give you death glares if you do. XD Unless you're being treated. So I understand his side. XD And Arthur's just like "You look ridiculous." XD haha! He would be. Anyway. I really liked this one. It might just be one of my favorites. :boom: Love the way you write the dynamic between them. Seriously.

Oh, and I can't say liquid leopard five times fast. D: I tried. Doesn't work.

I love your drabbles so much :laugh: You're full of amayzuhzingness. Seriously. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. (:

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Oh. Wow. I can't even... Give me a minute... Okay. That was just amazing!!!! AHHH! How do you do it?? Your writing is just so absolutely fabulous. It's actually ridiculous. I love it. You are amazing.

Blanket was so great! I love how in character the dialogue was and everything! It was so detailed and it made me feel like I was there! I wish I was! Seeing that man sneeze?! And Arthur's little "You're allergic to leaves?" That seriously made me laugh out loud. And I like the image of sneezing desperately. And Eames' first name being James? And Arthur calling him by his first name? GAH! These make me sooo happy! :D

Sports was gorgeous. I can totally picture all of it. Arthur-- graceful, flowy, athletic, HOT Arthur! And Eames that poor sexy Brit. I love both of them. It makes perfect sense that this would be how it's set up. Arthur being amazing while he practices and Eames watching him with his books and notebooks. Curse biology. You are amazing.

Hospital was magnificent! I lovelvelove Eames trying not to sneeze in a hospital! I can picture his facial expression, and him realizing Arthur has been staring at him for the past few minutes! It was adorable. And it made me smile (and squeal).

You are amazing. (Have I said this yet?) It makes me want to write an Inception fic! I'll wait for your longfic instead. I really can't wait for this. I love you. Lol. Thanks.

P.S. You are amazing (last time, though you deserve more.)

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Ahhhhh, more torture? Lovelovelove it.

And that phrase, "liquid leopard" was sooooo amazing. I have to say it's one of my favorite phrases you've used

... amongst other more evil things you do to these characters. :D

Can I say I love it?

ALSO. Just thinking about the long-fic is amazing, silly.

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Whee! I am having such a good time writing these. When I get done... Will you mind if I go and find another prompt table? XD

They're all boarding school AU this time, though not necessarily in the same continuity.

Title: Secret

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Spoiler: None.

Arthur likes to sneeze. Eames thinks it’s all rather funny. Sometimes he catches the younger boy sitting under the bleachers in their spot and playing with a bottle of cheap perfume. He sprays the air or his wrist and takes a hit like it’s a drug. He always looks very serious.

“You’re strange,” Eames confides to him one day, his arms around Arthur’s waist, his face in Arthur’s hair. Arthur looks affronted for a second before his eyes go glassy.

“Ih-chxxst!” He sniffs. “No, I’m not.” He tries to pry Eames away, but not very hard or for very long.

Title: Don't

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Spoiler: None. Warnings for violence and non-con. Uh, yeah. This is how it shouldn't be.

Arthur’s back scrapes against brick and he feels a pang of fear somewhere deep in his stomach. “Ih-chssht! Ihhxxst! Hxxst! James!” he gasps, putting his hands up and finding only his assailant’s chest. “What- No! No, stop… Ih-hggxst!” He can’t seem to breathe; he can’t say anything. He doesn’t want… this. Miles sprays the bottle again, and Arthur starts to get asthmatic. It’s hurting him, and still he reacts to it. Someone takes his wrists and someone else takes his groin and he cries out as his hypersensitive body betrays him.

He can’t even scream when they push him down.

Title: Dirty

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. Warning for sex. This is how it should be. ^^;

Friction and skin and heat and oh God. Arthur curls his fingers in the coverlet because he needs something to hold on to. This isn’t his first, but it’s the best, and Eames is sucking on his throat. He moans.

All right, darling? Eames doesn’t slow but pushes harder and faster and his parents’ bedroom seems to go away for a while. He can feel it, feel it-

Eames goes solid and immovable and groans, then starts and pitches forward, and Arthur can feel the damp on the junction of his neck and his ear and then he feels everything.


So... I don't usually write about rape. I feel like, while it's a terrible and traumatic event, it's often used too freely by fandom to get cheap drama. Still, I was fascinated by Arthur being turned on without wanting it and this sort of came out.

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Wow. I have to say, I'm loving the boarding school setting more and more. These three are a perfect mix of everything imaginable. :rolleyes: I don't know what I would do without your fabulous writing.

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I certainly wouldn't mind if you went to another prompt table! :) In fact, I'd probably encourage it, because I love reading these so much. You update so fast too! It's really rather fantastic. You keep up with them so well. ^_^

Hooray for the AU! I absolutely love these AU fics, just so you know. This whole boarding school concept is amazing and hot at the same time. ^_^

As far as the first drabble, Secret, is concerned - haha! Eames thinks it's all rather funny. That line made me literally laugh out loud. You have a knack for doing that, don't you? :P I just thought the bluntness was hilarious. And plus, Eames totally would think it was funny. Amusing, to say the least. And "You're strange" made me laugh too. I swear, I just love Eames' reaction to it all. Poor Arthur. He's not strange. (: No stranger than us at least. I loved this one bunches. It amused me, and I could totally see it all in my head. :o

Oh my god. D: Poor, sweet Arthur! Why would anybody ever want to do that to him? It's horrible and manipulative and cruel and wrong and just...poor Arthur. ): I seriously wanted to cry when I read this. For only being 100 words, it was so vivid and full of emotion and heart-wrenching. He needs some serious snuggles now. ): And he's calling out for Eames. D: Where is Eames? Oh, this makes me so sad. But it was so beautifully written. And an interesting concept too.

Even though I still have some residual sadness from the last drabble, this one's helping. This is totally how it's supposed to be. Sexy and consentual and seductive and between Arthur and Eames and nobody else. And you wrote it so well. It was hot and sensual and detailed and so fantastic I don't even have enough words to praise it. But it's definitely a spirit lifter after that last one. And then he feels everything. That bit was so powerful in so many ways. I love it. It's brilliant.

You're brilliant. Absolutely, positively, wonderfully brilliant. And I need to invest in a thesaurus so I don't become repetetive in telling you how brilliant you are. :P

Love it! :D

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You never fail to make my day!

Title: Idiot

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. Boarding school AU. The song is Never Forget You by the Noisettes.

“Watcha’ drinkin’? Rum or whiskey? Now won’t you have a… Double with me?” The words float up through the cold night air and linger at Arthur’s open window. He closes his eyes and sighs, not without humor.

“He’s back,” remarks Arthur’s roommate, only half amused. He looks up from his homework and out at the night. “You have to say something this time.”

“You’re my joy…. Always remember me!” croons Eames from below. Then he sneezes. It’s January.

Arthur gets up and goes to the window. “Put a cork in it!” he shouts down, laughing. He slides the window shut.

Worship has been removed for adult content. Sorry about that! I feel silly putting one drabble in the adult forum, so I'll be writing a replacement to go up with the next post. :innocent:

Title: Weather

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Spoiler: None. Messiness.

“You shouldn’t have come.” His voice breaks and goes on the last word and Arthur has to clear his throat before continuing. “I don’t need help. You,” and he frowns fiercely, “You could have died.” Outside the door everything is white.

“Perhaps,” says Eames, scraping ice and snow off his collar so he can reach his parka’s zipper. “But I was worried.”

“It’s only a cold,” Arthur protests hoarsely. “I’m fi- fih- Eh-hggsxt! Hnngxst!” He catches the sneezes in cupped hands and then, mortified, can’t lower them. He flushes over his fever.

Eames just smiles. “Let’s get you to bed.”

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And you write so well. These are really nice, especialy liked Weather (and Worship). :wub:

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