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Obsessed, you're right. We're ridiculously spoiled. Spoiled rotten. But I love it (:

Fetish Arthur. :wub: Is it as absolutely wonderful to write as it is to read? Because really, it's fantastic to read on so many levels. I also really like the way this one's set up. The relationship between Ariadne and Arthur, and Ariadne's cattiness and defense of Eames. Poor Eames. And Arthur's a little liar. Germaphobe? Pfft. Yeah right. :XD: It's adorable nonetheless though. One of my favorites so far; ironically, too, because it's one without any sneezing. You make fantastic drabbles either way. :wub:

...I totally did that with my dolls as a kid. Never stuffed animals, but my barbies? Let me tell you. They had horrible immune systems! Haha. I love how lighthearted this one is, and it perfectly fulfills the prompt. It's adorable. And I'm sure we've all had our Emily moments in the past, haven't we? Loved it, because I could definitely relate.

I'm not completely familiar with the Deathnote fandom, but as I've said before, this is a very well done drabble. I'm in love with the spellings (much like Obsessed). I also loved this line : Matt’s incessant sniffing was making Mello want to put a bullet through the boy’s head. I totally get that. Makes me want to put a bullet through someone's head sometimes too. But...other times...:lol:

Lovely update. (: And I'm looking forward to your full fic in the future. :lmao:

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YAY!!!! More Death note ;) iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou(etcetcetc)

Fabulous drabbles, and yeah i did that with stuffed animals too!! :D

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Awww, thanks guys. :D I do have great fun writing all of these, so I'm glad you like them like you do!

Related topic: I am currently in the market for plot ideas for my Inception sneezfic. I'm only really good at planning out the relationship side of things, so I've got the interaction between Arthur and Eames planned, but I also get super bored just writing relationship sap. I need them to be running a job at the same time.

PLEASE, if you have any suggestions, that would be great. Otherwise, all you're ever gonna get are drabbles that sort of form a story. ;)

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That stuffed animal one is probably the cutest (and most accurate) fic ever.... Makes me a little embarrassed to read it, even still. And that's how you know it's good.

Edited to say: So... I went back because I had to read all of your Inception fics! I couldn't figure out who you were drabbling for until I checked the cast list again. Oops. Eagerly awaiting more! Sorry I'm not into all the anime stuff. But! That "Similarities" one was really sweet.

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I'm spoiling you again. ;) You guys are making me like sneezy Arthur too much. I need to write more about Eames... XD

Title: Purple

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Spoiler: None.

“I hate your shirt,” says Arthur, shivering. “What could possibly have possessed you?” He leans back against the stone bridge, watching the rain, and pulls the lavender paisley tighter around his soaked shoulders.

“I’m obviously trying out for the new series of that television programme you always watch. Whatsit, What Not to Wear?” Eames folds his arms across his tattoos and half-shrugs. “If you ask me, that Kelly guy could stand to learn a few things about shirts.”

Arthur lets out a surprised bark of laughter before pitching forward with a sneeze, and then Eames starts to laugh at him.

Title: Cry

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: None.

Spoiler: None. I totally stole this idea from an excellent fill on the kink meme, so... Yeah. XD

“…Are you okay?” asks Arthur, because Eames is on his steps, weeping. It is ten, the neighborhood is quiet, and Arthur is nervous as fuck. He’s never seen Eames like this. “Eames?”

“They’re going to put him down,” says Eames, choking on a quiet sob that sounds more like a moan. “Falstaff.” He pulls out a ruined handkerchief and scrubs his face futilely.

Arthur remembers a sunny day in a park when he watched Eames wrestle with his dog for hours, laughing.

He lets Eames hug him even though they’ve never had – he hasn’t wanted – until now – anything between them.

Title: Breath

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m

Spoiler: None. Eames/Arthur

He wakes to warmth on his neck and he knows that Arthur has stayed over, which is good, because it is still blizzarding outside. Another exhale leaves his skin slightly damp and Eames smiles. “Wake up, darling,” he coaxes, running a hand through Arthur’s loose hair. “Before someone realizes you actually sleep in.”

His lover blinks awake, bleary. “’Morning,” Arthur rasps, and Eames’s notices that his breathing is hoarse. Arthur blinks sleepily. “Ih-hngst!” He sneezes against Eames’s bare shoulder and Eames can feel the droplets.

“Bless you,” says Eames, simply drying himself with the sheet while Arthur turns scarlet. “Coffee?”

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You write them SO perfectly ;). *melts* I have to say I love the cry one best, just because I often prefer crying to sneezing. The others are amazing too though :bleh:.

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You never, ever ever disappoint, do you? You're like a drabble-writing machine and quite frankly, I'm blown away by your consistently fantastic skills.

Oh dear god, purple paisley? Just the thought of that makes me cringe. And yet...it's so ridiculously Eames. I could just imagine Arthur watching "What Not to Wear" too, because he's so put-together with all his suits and the like, and Eames...well, Eames just isn't. :XD: But that's what makes him adorable. And for the record, I really, really love this setting. Something about the rain, I just love.

Oh my god, that one was so sad. ): Poor Eames. I feel so incredibly bad for him. ): You just want to hug him and cuddle with him and make him smile after that one. ...or at least, I do. Seriously. <3 You packed so much emotion into a hundred words, I'm astounded.

And that last one...


Favorite of the post, most definitely. Everything about that situation was just so :drool:. Not even kidding. From the fact that it was snowing to the fact that it was morning to the fact that Arthur was all sleepy and stuff. It was absolutely adorable and cute and sexy all at once to me. I could picture it so well. And he was like embarrassed about it but Eames didn't even seem to care at all. I love it. (:

Better yet, I love you. :laugh: You're amayzuhzing.

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I aim to please. I am also particularly fond of the last one there. XD But I bet I have an even better one~ Warning: some sexual suggestion in these, but nothing explicit.

Title: Fall

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. Arthur finally gets to enjoy his fetish!

Arthur had always loved autumn. In the first place, the trees in the park near his apartment building were always particularly colorful and he frequently meditated on the view from his window when he was working from home. In the second place, the weather became cooler and he had less of a problem pulling off the expensive, tailored, layered look that he preferred. He fixed his tie and glanced to Eames, who had gone to smoke on the fire escape before they went out.

“Heh-gissh!” Eames sneezed suddenly.

Arthur smiled secretly. In the third place, Eames was allergic to ragweed.

Title: Muffle

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Spoiler: ...And then Arthur gets to hate it again! No spoilers. I love this one.

“Heh- heh-chuh! Hngst!” Arthur covers his mouth with one hand to try and contain the sound, eyes watering. “Hnngstt!”

“Bless,” murmurs Eames, also jammed in the cabinet. His eyes are warm but he’s a little busy looking out the crack in the door to see if anyone is coming. He rechecks his gun. “Dust?”

“Yes,” sighs Arthur. “Heh-chxxt!” He hopes its dark enough to hide his flush. He’s getting a little-

Eames’s knee is between Arthur’s legs. The Brit smiles briefly before cocking his weapon. “We’ll have to take care of that later,” he drawls, and Arthur wants to die.

Title: Tissue

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Ariadne, f. OMG, it's a girl, what. o__o

Spoiler: None. Inducing.

Ariadne waits until her parents are out to lock herself in her bedroom; it is safe now. She takes a moment to breathe and draws a clean white Kleenex from the box beside her. With practiced fingers she teases the corner into a point, applying spit to make it stiffer. It goes in with practiced ease.

One second, another. “Ih… Ih-hixxt! Chissh! Chssh!” The sneezes always seem to come in groups. “Ih-hggst! Ih-hggt!” She loves them.

She sniffs and feels growing congestion. She likes that, too. With one hand she twists another tissue. With the other, she sees to herself.

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Oh, sweet jesus. Arthur and Eames and Ariadne all in one whole post? Forgive me, I think I've just died and gone to fetish heaven.


Arthur and I have a love of Autumn in common; however, I have to be honest when I say his reasons are far, far better than mine. :laugh: I'm absolutely loving fetish-Arthur and his secretiveness. And it's good that every once in a while he can fully appreciate the fetish :boom: I know I appreciate his fetish. :XD: Know what else I appreciate? Allergic Eames. <3 It's wonderful. Really, I love the whole mood of this one; very content, very happy. It makes me smile. (:

Okay, this one's totally my favorite out of all of them, just saying (even though Arthur hates his fetish again :P). There's something very undeniably sexy about a sneezy Arthur all up in close quarters with Eames. Like, honestly, I've reread that drabble a few times. It's naughty :blush: but in a really, really good way. I'm in love with it. And Eames, somehow he can manage to be suave and hot and teasing all at the same with that last line. He's amazing. The whole drabble's amazing. Totally my new favorite. :D

And :o A girl? I'm pretty stoked about this, because I totally love Ariadne. And the situation you've put her in is kinda hot too, just saying. Someone was in a naughty mood, eh? ;P But really, I like it. The way she waits until her parents leave and locks herself in? I know how she feels. :XD: This seems quite fetishy. And I rather like it. If only Arthur and Eames weren't so perfect for each other, Arthur might be interested in that. :XD:

These were all fantastic, and I thank you so much for supplying us all with wonderful Inception fics :D I know we all love them! <3

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eep! Omigod omigod omigod! So much wonderful sexy yummy fantastically written goodness for me to read! Sometimes I'm surprised this forum has no subscription fee, with the goodness I get out of it from awesome writers like you! When I first clicked the link to respond to this, the little thread preview under the reply box had another set of drabbles that weren't there before, because you are just so prolific! Your drabbles have me in such an explodey mode, I can't even explain it. When I was reading these, I had to press a fist to my mouth to hold in a squeak or a giggle or something else gleeful, loud, and high pitched. In summary, you really push my buttons in a good way.  :drool: An entire story of ArthuryEamesy sneeziness might just explode me on the spot. Are you looking specifically for job ideas or just general plot ideas? I bet I could come up with something, if you like. Anything to help out my favorite drabblist!

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AMAZING. I am mostly speechless. Your way with characterization is just... astounding. Perfect. The second one is..........

Far too spectacular for words.

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You guys are all so good to me! Seriously, writing these would not be half so much fun if you all didn't like them so much.

In summary, you really push my buttons in a good way.  :drool: An entire story of ArthuryEamesy sneeziness might just explode me on the spot. Are you looking specifically for job ideas or just general plot ideas? I bet I could come up with something, if you like. Anything to help out my favorite drabblist!

I'm glad! Right now all I have for the fic is the progression of Arthur's feelings. I have some small moments picked out that I can see vividly. Other than that... zip. If you have an idea for a plot, by all means PM me. I have trouble coming up with realistic action scenarios because I am not a BAMF, lol. XD

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You guys aren't going to get bored if I just keep writing Inception, are you? Let me know if I get repetitive.

Title: Midnight

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None.

Arthur gets out of bed and pulls on sweatpants before leaving the bedroom, softly padding across the hallway toward the living room. It is dark, but he can still make out the shapes of furniture, looming blacker than the surroundings. He wonders if his lover is still awake.

“Heh-nng! Heh-nhg!” The sound comes from the shadow of the couch.

Arthur frowns. “You shouldn’t do that,” he tells Eames sternly, climbing onto the sofa beside him.

“Did I wake you?” Eames sounds exhausted. He makes room for Arthur to lean on his shoulder.

“I’m glad you did. Now go to sleep.”

Title: Promise

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Spoiler: None.

Eames growls again, quiet and pointed; genuinely pissed off.

“Yes, I promise!” cries Yusuf, running his hands across the glassware on his desk. He keeps it as a wall between himself and the forger. “It wasn’t my fault the bottle broke…”

“It was your fault for buying it,” snaps Eames. He glares at Yusuf for a moment, but the silence is broken by the sounds of Arthur having a breathless sneezing fit in the background.

Eames turns to assist the man, pulling out a checkered handkerchief.

Yusuf sighs. “How was I supposed to know Arthur was allergic to Dior cologne?”

Title: Sweat

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: None.

Spoiler: None.

Arthur’s forehead beads with it, and it runs down his back in rivulets. He grits his teeth and resists the urge to wipe it away. His fingers clench instead around the neck of an almost-empty bottle of vodka. “Cobb. Please,” he grinds out.

“I’m working as fast as I can,” says the man, and he pulls the needle through Arthur’s side again, closing the bullet-track that ruined Arthur’s new suit with blood. His grips the needle carefully; he has done this before, not for Arthur.

The bottle is now empty. “Cobb.”

“I’m tying it shut,” declares the extractor. “Don’t sneeze.”

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Us? Bored of Inception? Preposterous! ...at least, to me. (: I'm definitely not bored, and there's so much diversity between your drabbles (even for the same fandom) that it never gets repetitive. (:

Something about suit-and-tie Arthur in sweatpants makes me smile. It's like a reminder that he's actually a person and not just some machine designed for extraction, you know? The whole set-up of this one's adorable. I love the obvious-but-not-in-your-face affection between the two of them in it. Poor Eames is exhausted, and he's worried about waking Arthur. And the two of them on the couch together in the middle of the night. :) It's so sweet and cute and just wonderful.

I'm rather fond of this next one too, just because I'm a sucker for allergies and fits. And the way Eames is mad that something Yusuf did caused the reaction to Arthur that it did...oh, I could just see it in my head. :XD: Yusuf seems very in character, I think, and I like that you included the whole table full of glassware, because when they were in Mumbasa (or however it's spelled -- not quite sure) I noticed all the bottles and whatnot in his workspace. For some reason it really stood out. Anyway, I loved this one. And I second what obsessed said; I want some Dior cologne. :laugh:

However, I think the last one is my favorite of this post. And I say that simply because it's one of the most interesting ways to take that prompt word, and it's something I personally wouldn't have considered in a million years. It's original though and it works fantastically; you did a wonderful job with it. I cringed at the thought of the needle piercing his side when the bullet track was being closed up. D: It just sounds painful. And Arthur's empty bottle is leading me to believe that it was. Ouch. ):

You're still absolutely, wonderfully, positively fantastic! Thank you for spoiling us! (:

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Oh good. Thank you all!

Title: Suspicion

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur and Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. Isn't this a great idea, though? XD

On Tuesday Arthur comes into work with a head cold, wearing casual clothes and carrying a blue box of tissues under his arm. He deals with illness the same way he deals with everything else: neatly. He refuses to touch his coworkers or use the PASIV. Ariadne amuses herself by counting his sneezes. Cobb sends him home in the early afternoon after he observes Arthur staring into space once too often.

Eames cannot concentrate either and leaves soon after.

On Friday, Eames comes into work with a head cold. Arthur tuts at him. Ariadne is confused, but also, somehow, justified…

Title: Disagreement

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Dominic Cobb, m.

Spoiler: For the end of the movie.

“Dad, James won’t leave me alone!”

“Nuh-uh, Philippa started it!”

The two Cobb children careened into the kitchen, still mussed from sleep. Dom blinked and wearily checked the clock. They had just woken up and already they were fighting. He sighed. He was too tired for this.

Les enfants,” he said levelly. “Can you please go three hours withou- with- Heggsh!” He caught the sneeze in his elbow, looked up to see that his kids were staring worriedly at him.

“Are you sick, Daddy?”

“We’ll make breakfast!”

They ran and started to take out dishes. Cobb smiled; peace at last.

Title: Sore

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Spoiler: None. More Eames toture. :P

“Heggh! Heh-heggsh! Nnrgh…” Eames’s eyes are squeezed shut and his hands would be on his head if Arthur wasn’t holding them down with his embrace. “Darling,” he pants. “Where’s the- Hegghh! Bloody Nora!” He trembles.

“The car’s almost here,” says Arthur, looking at the quiet phone beside him. “Cobb said he was on 85th.” He examines the blood matting Eames’s hair and frowns. Eames must not have been feeling well if he let a simple mugger take him down… “How’s your head?”

“Splitting,” Eames manages before sneezing harshly again. He makes another small noise of pain. “I hate Central Park.”

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The ones with tortured Eames are probably my favorite for some reason, even though I'm such a Joseph Gordon-Levitt fangirl :). And I kinda love the Cobb one too. Adorable :P.

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