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3 minutes ago, SoulSong22 said:

A) Being shrunk down to optimal size for being trapped inside someone's nose (friend, SO, stranger, whatever you prefer) and making them sneeze

I'd rather be the one inside the nose, getting to see the reaction from the inside. Assuming it was safe of course.

a} Somebody in a situation where they're exposed to an allergen slowly developing symptoms (twitchy nose, sniffling, nose rubbing, and eventually up to sneezing) the longer they're exposed

- or -

b} Someone immediately bursting out in a huge sneezing fit the moment they come in contact with the allergen

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The first one, so long as it didn't take too long since I only have so much patience.

A) Have an SO whose allergies only happen a few weeks a year but gets a cold at least once a month

B} Have an SO who gets a cold only once or twice a year but has year-round allergies

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Hmmm, hard to say. I don't really have a strong preference for one cause over the other, although I guess I like allergies a little better. On the other hand, the fact that the colds are once a month means that they're special and something to look forward to. Once a month only could mean less sneezing overall, though. Unless the allergy SO habitually takes medicine for it, which they probably would if their allergies are that bad...

...I guess I'll say option A. I could go either way though.


Your (hypothetical, if necessary) crush's allergies get set off by an unthinking friend. Would you rather it be because the friend:

a} Forgot and hugged them while wearing a sweater/shirt covered in car hair?

- or -

b} Accidentally left a window open when the pollen count was miles high?


EDIT: By the way, is there any rule about putting more than two options in? Nobody seems to have done it...

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Definitely A. I love sneezing, and A is basically my dream, or at least one of them concerning romance.

When your SO is sneezy, their nose----

A) flares and twitches like crazy

B} turns bright red and sniffles a lot bc it runs profusely

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A. Flares and twitches like crazy :wub: lots of nose rubbing and face rubbing and wrinkling, too. 


a. SO/crush who's embarrassed about sneezing and always tries to stifle or apologizes, but sneezes ALL THE TIME 

b. SO/crush who's so comfortable sneezing around you they'll sneeze right into your  neck or talk about how much they've had to sneeze all day, but doesn't actually sneeze that often

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A. Oh yes please!


You're on a lecture. Can be school if you're that age, or a conference type of lecture if you're working. Doesn't matter. Someone attractive will have ongoing sneezing fits throughout it. Would you rather it's :

A. the person holding the lecture


B. Someone in the crowd.


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Definitely, A. I'll have an excuse to keep staring at them as they sneeze without giving myself away.

Would you rather live in a world where...

A. Sneeze fetish is the norm, but colds and allergies don't exist.

B. Every single human gets sneezy colds and allergies all the time, but you are the only person with the fetish.


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I'd pick A. Most of my enjoyment of the fetish comes from art and stories created by the community, not witnessing sneezes in real life. I'd hate too lose that, and I'd love to see what ~seven billion fetishists could come up with, even if they can't use colds or allergies as fic material. Besides, I suspect that an endless barrage of sneezes, while a lot of fun at first, would eventually be desensitizing. Also, if everyone is sneezing all the time that includes my parents...

B would probably be more fun to visit though.


You're watching someone attractive of your preferred gender, and they're showing sings that they might sneeze soon (nostril flaring, nose rubbing, etc). Would you prefer that...

A. They seem distracted, unaware of the sneeze building in their nose. They won't notice it until it bursts out.

B. They're clearly aware of the tickle, trying to urge it out, hold it back, or just fumbling for a tissue.

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That's a hard one. On one hand I love the struggle and desperation of B bc those aspects are huge parts of my personal fetish, but with A they wouldn't be looking around to make sure no one's watching and I'd be more likely to stare and watch the whole thing play out without getting caught. So I think I'd go with A.

Someone you find attractive is about to sneeze, would you rather they be...

A) within five feet of you so you'll see it play out in detail, but they're likely to catch you staring

B} at least twenty feet away from you so they're unlikely to catch you staring, but you won't be privy to as much detail (nostril flaring, eye tearing/fluttering, possible spray, etc.)

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I'll take option A. Most sneezes only last a few seconds, and looking at someone's face for that length of time really isn't THAT unusual. Especially if they've drawn attention to themselves somehow by, for example, making a sneezy face or dropping out of conversation.

And if it is a super long 30+ second buildup to the sneeze... I think it's worth it... :dribble:


With would you prefer:

a} Somebody is exposed to something they THINK is an allergen to but is really harmless, and they start sneezing from force of suggestion.

b} Somebody has an allergic reaction but has no idea why they're sneezing because they don't know they're allergic or don't know the allergen is there.

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Going with B. If they don't know what it is they're allergic too, it'll likely take longer for them to get far enough away from it so the sneeze will stop, and thus more sneezes ? Plus it would be fun to watch them stumbling and sneezing around trying to find whatever it is they're allergic too. ?

You're on a date with someone you're super attracted to and the feeling seems to be mutual. Then all of a sudden, your date starts sneezing uncontrollably. Would you rather it's because...

A) The perfume/cologne you're wearing is setting off their allergies

B} You're date apparently has a bad cold but they didn't want to cancel the date because of it

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I'll take the cold. I really like the 'allergic to perfume/cologne' scenario in fiction, but I think it would be kinda awkward in real life. It'd be one thing if it were a few mild sneezes, but I think I'd feel bad for doing what you described accidentally, even if I also found it attractive.


Do you prefer:

A. Round or teardrop showed nostrils?


B. Long, thin nostrils?

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I like A because, obviously, you'll get bigger nostril flares. But I kind of have a soft spot for B because I just think these types of nostrils look so adorable when they're red and irritated. Especially on a sneezy person with good sneezes! :blushing: It's a tough choice...I guess I'll go with A because nostril flares always make a good visual, no matter the sneeze.

Would you prefer...

A. Witness a long, amazing sneeze fit from a random attractive person.(without getting caught)

B. Watch the person of your choice sneeze once, but with a really long build-up. (Pre-sneeze face and hitching breath included ;))

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B! B, B, B, B! Bibbibibibibibibi! Ahem. I'd go with B because I really want to know what their sneeze is like. ^_^ 


Would you rather see someone having a sneezing fit from

A) drinking alcohol


B ) an allergy to Christmas tree (or other holiday-related decoration if you don't celebrate Christmas).



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B, bc I find I enjoy build up more than the actual sneeze. Like in fiction, I don't like stories where the person just sneezes, even if it's a lot. I need a description of the hitching and the progression of the tickle and the effects on the nostrils and deep inside the nasal cavity :drool:

A) Big reactive nose, but small or easily stifled sneezes

B} Small non-reactive nose,  but explosive sneezes

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SORRY, didn't see chanel's post. My answer to her is A since alcohol is a year-round thing.

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(@SoulSong22: Uh, can I ask what you mean by reactive? Do you mean sensitive, as in sneezes easily? Or is it supposed to mean that it visibly reacts, like with twitching and flaring and stuff?)

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(@Kiaory: Both, I guess, but mostly the second part. At least, that what I had in mind. There's a better word for it, but I can't remember what it is right now.)

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The small, non-reactive nose with big sneezes. Honestly I could go either way on this one, since I really like twitches and nostril flares and I'm not super picky about giant sneezes. However, I kinda think that little nose are cute, and a good pre-sneeze face comes from a lot of stuff other than the nose. Actually, that's not a bad topic for a question in the first place. Would you rather:

A} See a sneeze where the person's nose scrunches up, flares, turned pink, twitches, and generally put on a huge show, but the rest of their face remained whatever non sneezy expression they had at the time until the explosion. 

B} See a sneeze where their nose remains largely immobile but their eyelids flutter, the eyes glaze over, the eyebrows crinkle and arch, the lips quiver, the mouth hangs open, and whatever other pre-sneeze stuff you like happens.

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A, I have a serious thing for nose action, as I like to call it. Like for a video, I could be easily satisfied with a video where I can only see the nose, so long as it very visibly reacts to the tickles. All that other stuff in B, I could take it or leave it.

Your SO knows and happily indulges in your fetish, and they take you on an allergy date. Which would you prefer?

A) The pet store where you both can play and cuddle up with kitties and puppies whose dander your SO is quite allergic to and so they nose nuzzle the pets (if you're into that sort of visual).

B} A meadow full of wild flowers whose pollen your SO is quite allergic to, where you can lounge about while they pick and sniff the flowers (if you're into that sort of visual).

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Definitely B. Not sure why, there's just something about the image of a million tickly little yellow spoors drifting into someone's nostrils... :drool: 

It might be the fact that I mentally associate pollen and flowers with sneezing general, whereas with animals it's more sort of a 'oh, yeah, people can be allergic to that too, I guess.'


Some attractive of your preferred gender's nose in being tickle by a few loose strands of hair, and it looks like a sneeze could result. Would you prefer:

a} It's a wisp of their own hair that's blown or drifted in from of their face, and worked it's way under their nose.

b} They're currently in the middle of a hug or other embrace, and the other person's hair is becoming a little too ticklish...

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First of all,

58 minutes ago, Kiaory said:

Not sure why, there's just something about the image of a million tickly little yellow spoors driving into someone's nostrils... :drool: 

You read my frickin mind.

As for your question,

That's hard.... I guess A. Then I can entertain the fantasy of using their hair to induce them, hee heehee hee hee. :twisted:

IT'S SPRING CLEANING DAY, YAY!!! To brighten your menial chore day, your SO has a surprise allergic fit. Would you rather it's caused by the

A) dust from dusting 

B} fumes from the cleaners (lysol, pine sol, etc.)

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Hmmmm... either would be hot, really. I guess I'll take the dust sneezes. 


This one's kind of abstract, so just assume it involves you favorite cause. Would prefer:

A. The sneezer's nose is irritated so incredibly badly that they couldn't possibly do anything BUT sneeze. If it's pepper they just suck their nose in a pile and snorted, if it's feathers they've got six twirling around their sinuses, etc.

B. The sneezer's nose is tickled just barely enough to push them over the edge and make them sneezing. By a single solitary grain of pollen, for example.

Assume that either way you see the same number of sneezes.

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Oh dear god, this is another thing of mine, absolutely A. I can't even talk about it bc now I can't stop thinking about it gaaaaah :blushing:

A) being induced by your least favorite irritant or in your least favorite way, but having truly satisfying sneezes

B} being induced by your favorite irritant or in your favorite way, but the sneezes aren't very satisfying at all


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