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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hachimitsu Tea's Hetalia thread (M)

Hachimitsu Tea

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(I don't know if it's okay to suggest things or not but, uh... if it's something you'd enjoy drawing yourself, I would love to see a bit more allergic Germany, maybe in a desperately-needing-to-sneeze-but-not-being-able-to scenario? Yeah, basically I just want to stare some more at your deliciously rendered pre-sneeze expressions. blush.png )

Sure, I could do that ^w^ Were you thinking like stuck sneezes or that he's in a situation where he needs to be quiet/is too embarrassed to let them out kind of thing? Let me know if you have any pairing preference as well :)

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(I don't know if it's okay to suggest things or not but, uh... if it's something you'd enjoy drawing yourself, I would love to see a bit more allergic Germany, maybe in a desperately-needing-to-sneeze-but-not-being-able-to scenario? Yeah, basically I just want to stare some more at your deliciously rendered pre-sneeze expressions. blush.png )

Sure, I could do that ^w^ Were you thinking like stuck sneezes or that he's in a situation where he needs to be quiet/is too embarrassed to let them out kind of thing? Let me know if you have any pairing preference as well smile.png

Oh, um, I'm a sucker for itchiness/nose-rubbing/torturous build-ups, so something with him not being able to sneeze when he really needs to would be heavenly. :blushing: I don't really have a pairing preference, but maybe Feliciano could help him out in the end, Ludwig being all embarrassed about it? Gah, it's been a while since I was active in the fandom, but my love for Ludwig and his adorably easily-flustered self has never left me. :wub:

You really are the sweetest for doing all these requests for people, by the way. It's extremely generous of you. :notworthy:

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surprise.gif Oh......My.......Lord......THIS WAS PERFECT! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH biggrinsmiley.gif THANK YOU THANK YOU! the ending drawing was so cute! laugh.png Hugs for you, you genius artist! group.gifworshippy.gif
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, this is amazing! You really nail each character. I'm so glad you posted because this made me really happy. :D

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Damn, there is so much allergic goodness in this thread. dribble.gif The way you draw expressions is just fabulous. Very, very, very nice. <3 <3 <3

(I don't know if it's okay to suggest things or not but, uh... if it's something you'd enjoy drawing yourself, I would love to see a bit more allergic Germany, maybe in a desperately-needing-to-sneeze-but-not-being-able-to scenario? Yeah, basically I just want to stare some more at your deliciously rendered pre-sneeze expressions. blush.png )

Sorry for the wait! Hope this is what you were looking for: http://imgur.com/KggFBMc

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Damn, there is so much allergic goodness in this thread. dribble.gif The way you draw expressions is just fabulous. Very, very, very nice. <3 <3 <3

(I don't know if it's okay to suggest things or not but, uh... if it's something you'd enjoy drawing yourself, I would love to see a bit more allergic Germany, maybe in a desperately-needing-to-sneeze-but-not-being-able-to scenario? Yeah, basically I just want to stare some more at your deliciously rendered pre-sneeze expressions. blush.png )

Sorry for the wait! Hope this is what you were looking for: http://imgur.com/KggFBMc


Oh dear... that was... uh... :blink:

That... that comic pushes so many of my buttons I don't even know where to begin. :shy:Jeezus. From the suit (<3!) to the embarrassment to the desperation... I think I need to stick my head in a bucket of cold water. :sweatdrop:

The poor darling. :wub: I almost feel bad for enjoying his misery, but only almost. :twisted:

But wow. Seriously: wow. Thank you so, so much, Hashimitsu, you are a star. :blush:

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That was...


I haven't shipped GerIta in the past, but now I'm a die-hard for it.

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Oh. My. Word. surprise.gif So much sneezy goodness, my face is stuck in a smiley happy world! biggrinsmiley.gif

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Oh my goodness, Tea! That was so precious!! I saw it first thing this morning before work, and it's been on my mind all day long!!! I absolutely loved this, the way Ludwig was so embarrassed and the way that Feli always knows just what to say to make him feel a little bit better about the situation. The way you write Feli's blessings always get me :blushsmiley: and I'm suck a huge sucker for kisses interrupted by sneezes! Great job once again, and welcome back!

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Hey buddy! You don't have to, but do you think you can work with a sick!Romano? Appreciate it lovely :D

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Hey buddy! You don't have to, but do you think you can work with a sick!Romano? Appreciate it lovely biggrin.png

Can do! Do you mind Spamano, or do you prefer a different/no pairing? Let me know if there are any other specifics you'd like to see.

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Hey buddy! You don't have to, but do you think you can work with a sick!Romano? Appreciate it lovely biggrin.png

Can do! Do you mind Spamano, or do you prefer a different/no pairing? Let me know if there are any other specifics you'd like to see.

Spamano please!

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I already had this one half-way done when Awko made her request, so I'll start that next. I was kind of in a GerIta mood this week so have another one with them, featuring pre-cold!Italy. I suppose I should warn for the fact that they shower together, but it's not sexual and they're only shown from chest up.


My new head!canon for Italy is that he's normally moderately sneezy when he's not sick, and his regular sneezes come in singles, with the occasional double. He doesn't have any allergies in particular, but moving from dark surroundings to very bright ones, as well as sudden, unexpected arousal has been known to set him off. When he's got a cold, however, his sneezes come in fits with enough time to draw breath between each one. Sick or well, his sneezes are soft, fully voiced (by which I mean even sounds like "sh" that are usually made only with the breath have actual voice in his case), and sound almost conversational. If Germany hears Italy sneezing from a distance so that the sound isn't completely clear, he sometimes mistakes a sneezing fit for Italy talking to himself ^^;

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Whoah, interesting headcanon. I like it, and I like the comic~ nice work!

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Oh my goodness I love this headcanon so much! *rolls* and TEA, THIS COMIC. OH MY GOSH. It.. My feels, and... GHHHH

the ninth panel was just ASDF because Italy's face! And oh my gosh the way Germany was just thinking to himself! I love it, it hit my feels the way he realized in the end that he loved Italy, and Italy's eyes OPEN, and ohhhhhh he looks so cute and GAHHH.

Favorite scene is the one with Italy hugging onto Germany and smiling with his eyes open.

Oh my gosh this was so great. I've been holding back comments out of fear but THIS WAS JUST TOO GREAT. AND GERITA IS PERF.


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OH MY GOD TEA!!!! That headcanon is beyond perfect! And goodness, I'm speechless when it comes to that comic! I adore every single thing about it! My heart melted when Germany told Italy that he would always come for him whenever he was needed. I'm such a sucker for comfort!Gerita, and thank you for making such an amazing comic for all of us! (And for making my work day a million times better!)

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Awwwwww so precious! Your drawings always put a smile on my face. biggrinsmiley.gif

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I would love to see some PrussiaxAustria! Your art is incredible!!

What a coincidence: I was just thinking I'd like to do one with them! I had a scenario in mind involving allergic Prussia, but if you have any other/additional preferences, just let me know. I'll get to it as soon as I finish the Spamano one smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

omg these are adorable!! and I'm really looking forward to the Prussia/Austria one! keep up the amazing work! ^^

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Hey buddy! You don't have to, but do you think you can work with a sick!Romano? Appreciate it lovely biggrin.png

Here you go~ http://imgur.com/r79MYwi

My head!canon for Romano is that he's pretty sneezy even on normal days, and he has fairly mild hay fever (it doesn't bother him much unless he basically has his nose shoved into a flower or something like that) but there are some perfumes that set him off like crazy. His normal sneezes usually come in doubles or triples, but like Italy, illness or allergies produce fits. They're on the slightly quiet side of medium volume, come pretty rapidly, and tend to end in consonant sounds. When he really gets into a good, strong fit, each sneeze is preceded by a sharp gasp. Also like Italy, sudden arousal gets him going and having his curl yanked can send him into a rapid-fire sneeze attack which he secretly enjoys quite a bit.

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