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Thanks, I’m glad you liked it. Yeah, the boss I was referring to was Margaret Thatcher. I didn’t want to give her too much of a bad portrayal but, well, she did deserve it…

@Not_Telling and KK

Okay, I’ll post some Japan-starring fics as soon as I can. And please feel free to request, it makes me feel special.


Just wanted to say thank you so, so much for all the supportive comments! They make me feel really happy, and keep me going.

Okay, next up is a request from InuCiel. I borrowed a headcanon about Canada’s sneezes from Hatchimitu’s Tea to write this, so I’ll just say here thanks for letting me use it!

Anyway, here we go.

Someone better

Characters: Prussia, Canada, small mentions of others.

The happy couple waltzed around the field in perfect harmony. Their arms were intertwined like briars; there was blaze of fiery longing in her eyes. And he was smiling. Actually smiling. When she leaned up to kiss him, their lips met for a deep, enduring moment. Hidden away among the bushes, Prussia watched them, wondering why his face felt wet. Since when had it started raining? He glanced up, but there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

'It's because I'm so happy.' he decided, 'I'm happy that I don't have to commit to any stupid relationship on Valentine's Day...'

He stood up, wiping his face on his shirt sleeve, and whistled for Gilbird as he strode away. There was no point staying here, anyway. Just watching the two of them cuddling was giving him a violent urge to kick something.

'But only because it's so sissy.' he told himself, 'Not because...'

He beat the image of himself doing the kissing instead out of his mind. Fuck that four-eyed aristocrat. And fuck that stupid girl too. They could both go to hell as far as he was concerned.

When he passed the dustbin at end of the path, he threw the box of wrapped chocolates which he'd bought just this morning inside with all his might.

Prussia trailed the rest of the way home despondently; Gilbird's fluttering and chirping doing nothing to improve his spirits. He couldn't understand it- what the hell was making him feel so shitty?

'I am Prussia, the awesome Prussia.' he reminded himself, 'And I'm better off alone.'

When he arrived back at their house, he noticed that his brother's Volkswagen was missing from the driveway. Since when had West ever taken time off on Valentine's Day? The answer was waiting for him inside, hastily scrawled on a scrap of paper.

'I have gone to Italy's house and I do not know when I'll return. Make your own lunch for a change.'

Prussia picked up the note and absent-mindedly traced over his brother's words. So, West had finally decided to hook up with that cute little pasta-lover then? Well, that suited him just fine. Another happy couple. Great.

He closed his hand over the note and crushed it into a pulp.

'So much better alone.'


A sudden stab of mixed suprise and arousal almost knocked Prussia off his feet. Excitedly, he snapped his head around, looking for the source of what was possibly the sexiest sneeze he had ever heard in his life.


He felt himself stiffen over inside at the sound of a second release of perfection and closed his eyes contendedly. So wet sounding... so loud... but still with a hint of desperation... he had to find out who that was.

"Gesundheit!" he called out, clearing his throat hastily, "To whoever the hell's there."

"It-it's just be." replied a soft voice, and its owner walked into the kitchen, one hand raised in nervous surrender, "I'b sorry I scared you. I did kdock but... I guess it wasd't loud edough for you to hear..." he trailed off and looked up at Prussia urgently, "You do rebe'ber who I am, dod't you?"

"'Course I do. You're the one who made that am-a-zing maple syrup for me that time. Canada, right?"

The boy nodded and swiped a stray droplet of snot from his nose. "Yeah, that's *snfff* right. It's just... people usually forget bost of the *snnfffff* tibe..."

'He sounds so congested...' Prussia reflected, observing his guest's state of sniffles with an intense, growing pleasure, 'And his voice is so soft and husky too.' He knew all the signs. Young Canada had to be coming down with something. He couldn't help grinning to himself at the thought of all those potential sneezes just waiting inside.

"So, then, what brings you to my house?" he asked, "Other than just wanting to see the awesome me, of course.

Canada made a noise halfway between a giggle and a sniff. "W-well, I just thought that as it's... it's, you kdow, Valentine's Day, I-I'd cobe to-" he frowned suddenly, "Bister Prussia, your eyes look ki'da red. You haved't beed crying, have you?"

"'Course not! The awesome Prussia does not cry." he said, snorting, "Anyway, what was that about Valentine's Day? Have you come to tell me how brilliant you think I am?"

He didn't know if it was just his imagination, but Canada's cheeks seemed to glow over scarlet then. "Um, I-I just cabe to give you *snnnfff snfff* this." from behind his back, he produced something in shaking hands and thrust it at Prussia. It was a bottle, tied together with a ribbon and littered with tiny decorative hearts. But even with the adornments, it was still unmistakeable.

"Maple syrup?"

"Yeah." he smiled shyly, "I rebe'bered how buch you edjoyed the taste last tibe, a'd...well, I hope it's alright."

'Mein Gott, he likes me.' Prussia thought, as he turned the bottle in his hands, 'He likes me, and I had no idea...'

He tore his eyes away from the bottle of deliciousness for one moment. "Alright? Canada, you have just MADE MY DAY!"

Setting the syrup down carefully on the table, he grabbed the boy around the waist from behind, and, in a sudden fit of recklessness, placed a rough kiss on the side of his nose. He judged it as a good thing that Canada squealed in delight.

"Oh, Bister Prussia, I'b so glad you... hehhh g-gl-glad you... heh-heh-hehhhh-"

"You okay?"

Wordlessly, Canada shook his head as his breath started to stutter and hitch. He squirmed to free himself from Prussia's arms, then collapsed forward into a string of sneezes.


As an added bonus, each sneeze forced out a burst of wet spray, causing snot to dribble all over his lip and chin. Prussia watched on in ecstatic fascination. How was it that someone so cute and so quiet could let off such rocketingly-loud sexy sneezes? He hadn't even considered Canada in that way before... up until now.

"Woah, gesundheit, there!" he said, catching himself. While Canada sniffled in post sneeze recovery, he located a box of tissues on the window sill and offered them to him. "Here."

Canada took one, and looked at it uncertainly.

"Go on, blow!" Prussia urged, "It's not going to bite you!"


He raised the tissue and blew; once a slow, snotty-sounding gurgle, the second time more violently, exploding into a congested honk at the end.

"I'b sorry." he said as he wiped his nose on the tissue's crumpled remains, "Ugh, that bust sou'd awful. How e'barrassi'g."

"Nah, it's fine." 'More than fine.' Prussia leaned back against the table, trying to seem causual. "That's some cold you've got yourself there, though. Been... been sneezing much?"

"Y-yeah. Almost *snnnfffff* all the tibe." he rubbed his nose once more, and Prussia noticed for the first time how chapped it was around the edges, "It's baki'g be feel like utter crap."

"Right." his heart was beating so fast in anticipation that it was actually beginning to throb, "Canada, d'you think you could do something for me?"

"Sure. What?"

Prussia swallowed hard. He knew he was pushing his luck but, what the hell, when was the next time he was going to get the opportunity again?

"D'you think you could... sneeze for me? Please?"

"Wh-what?" his worn eyes widened in shock, "But, would't that be... really gross?"

Prussia shook his head fiercely. "Not for me it's not. For me it's like... the hottest thing ever. Especially with you."

Once again, Canada's cheeks flared up with a blush that Prussia doubted had anything to do with his illness. "Well, id that case... I guess I could try..."

He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply a few times, making a squelchy, bubbily noise.

"No luck?"

"I-I dod't thidk so..." he tried again, his nostrils clearly twitching with the effort, "I'be sorry, it's just dot cobbi'g."

"Don't worry, I've got a better idea." Prussia slipped himself off the table and took his guest by the hand, "It worked before when I kissed you on the nose, right? So if I did it again..."

Canada bobbed his head forward eagerly, and Prussia planted his lips forcefully on the bridge of his nose. His nostrils gave a fiendish jerk of irritation. Spurred on, Prussia continued down his nose, kissing and kissing as passionately as he could until he reached the very tip. By now, Canada's cute little nostrils had gone into an attack of twitchiness, and his breath became stilted.

"Bister heh Prussia, I th-thiiii-think you've hehh d-done… hehhh-hehhhhhh-hehhhhhhhh-"

Quickly, Prussia pulled him in against his body so that the boy's head rested against his shoulder. Canada struggled again to get loose, but he held him firmly.

"I've got you, I've got you." he whispered hotly, "Now just let it out!"

Thankfully, Canada was very quick to obey.

"HUTCHUUUUHHHHH!!!!! HIIIIIKISHHHHIIIIIIII!!!!" his body shuddered and flailed, while his breath faltered in preparation for more, "HISHHHISHHHOOOOOOO!!!!! HEEEKKKKKSHIIIIIIIHHHH!!!!"

He finished off with a few harsh sniffles, before looking up, a little nervously.

"There, I-I hope that was okay for you."

Prussia let out a slow, careful sigh. "Yeah, it was." Canada's sneezes had been so loud he practically had earache now, but it was such a good earache. And he could feel the wet spray sliding deliciously down the back of his neck, "It was... fucking perfect."

He was so hard that he wanted badly to take Canada and do him right there and then across the table. Giving himself a shake he made himself fight down the urge.

'He's still got a cold.' he reminded himself, 'And who better to look after him than the awesome me?'

Prussia let go of him and grinned. "Shit, thanks for that. Now... how about you just sit down here, and I'll make you some soup?"

"Seriously? I can *snnnffff* stay here? In your house?"

"'Course you can. I will take care of you." he placed a thumb under Canada's nose, wiping away a glob of snot, "We might even be able to have some fun later, if you're feeling up to it."

Canada smiled guiltily as he helped him into a chair. "Mr Prussia... thank you. Nobody else noticed I was sick. Nobody at all."

"Just goes to show how awesome I am, then!" Prussia leaned down and kissed his charge once more on the forehead, "Now, I think it's about time you stopped calling me 'Mr', don't you?"

Blankets wrapped around his body tightly, Prussia shivered. He didn't feel awesome any more. Not even in the slightest. His head pounded like it was caving in, his throat was sore and scratchy and he his nose hadn't stopped running all fucking morning.

Prussia tensed as he felt another tell-tale tickle in his nose, and let it overwhelm him.

"Heh-hehhh... HEKISHEEEEYOOOOOO!!!!" dazed, he rubbed the bridge of his cold-battered nose, "Ah, fuck..."

So far, he'd refrained from letting anyone know about his condition, but two days in to what must be the most awful cold known to man, he realised he no longer had a choice. And there was one person he could think of who could make it all better...

Groaning, he reached for his phone and dialled Canada's number.

'C'mon, c'mon pick up!' he urged as he held it to his ear, 'I need you right now.'

He only had to wait until the third ring before the phone clicked into recognition. The soft sound of his new boyfriend's voice awaited him down the line.

"Hello, Canada here."

"Hey, it's be!" he fought down a rising cough and his chest heaved with the effort, "Your awesobe Prussia!"

"Prussia! I-I haven't heard from you for two days... I was starting to worry a little..."

"Yeah, with good reasod too." he said croakily, "You see, as awesobe as I truly ab, it turds out that eved I can get ill sobetibes."

"You're sick?" Canada's voice sounded so concerned that it was actually quite touching, "Awww, I bet that sucks, eh? You didn't catch it off me did you?"

"Thidk I bust have *snnfff* dode." there was a very slight itch crawling at the tip of Prussia's nose, but he ignored it, "Guess I should't have let you sdeeze od be, but I still dod't regret it."

Canada sighed. "Do you want me to-"

"W-wait a *heh* bidute... *hehhh-hehhhhhh-*" The tickle had intensified very suddenly to the point where it was agony for him. Desperately, he sniffed rapidly, trying to coax out what he knew he needed.

"Hehhhh-hehhhhhh... HWAKSHUUUUUUEEEEEE!!!!! HEYASH-YASH-YASHHHHHOOOOOOOO!!!!!" he sniffled and wiped his nose, "Ugh, there we *snnnfffff* go. Beid Gott, that was satisfyi'g!"

"Bless you, Prussia!" Canada squeaked, "You know, your sneezes sound really... really interesting."

Prussia extracted a tissue from the pocket of his jeans.

"Yeah, well, it's awesobe to be differedt." assuming his boyfriend wouldn't mind the noise, he blew his nose as hard as he could with one hand, "Ah, that's better. But anyway, colds are shit when it's me who's got them. Especially since I'm alone." He coughed pathetically, hoping he would catch his drift.

"Alright then," Canada said, "Just hold on, I'll be on my way."

"Thanks, Can."said Prussia in the most loving-sounding voice he could manage, "Oh, and make sure you bring plenty of maple syrup! The stuff you gave me has already run out."

"Okay! See you soon!"

With that, the line fell dead. Shoving his phone back into his pocket, Prussia grinned in spite of how stuffy his nose felt. Canada was on his way. Canada would make him feel awesome again. Prussia blew his nose with another powerful honk and checked his watch. 10 AM, It was weird to think it, but it had been about a week ago now that he'd been on his way to buy the box of chocolates that the then-object-of-his-desires would never receive. And thank Gott that they hadn't too.

Because in Canada, he'd found someone better. (End)

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Okay, one: AWWWWWWW wittle Prussia and Canada so kawaii!!!

Two: Yay Chocolate Turnip! I love you! Yay Japan! Yayyyyy!!!!

My heart throbs for Japan!!!! And, of course, all of my other babies: America, England, Germany, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Link (from Legend of Zelda), gingers, Sousuke Sagura...

Oh geez. What is wrong with me? :P

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Okay, one: AWWWWWWW wittle Prussia and Canada so kawaii!!!

Two: Yay Chocolate Turnip! I love you! Yay Japan! Yayyyyy!!!!

My heart throbs for Japan!!!! And, of course, all of my other babies: America, England, Germany, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Link (from Legend of Zelda), gingers, Sousuke Sagura...

Oh geez. What is wrong with me? tonguesmiley.gif

Though I have to say Link is number one of all my fandom lusts. :D

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I love you so much! This is even more awesome than I thought was possible! Prussia was awesome and Canada was fantastic! Thank you very, VERY much!!!!!

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oh jEEZ ////////

fetishist prussia aaaaahhh///

nose kissing and mess and omfg hhhh

such a nice drabble *//v//*

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Thanks to everyone again for supporting this thread! I love getting feedback, whether positive or constructive, so I’m very grateful to everyone who reads these. Now, sorry about delaying the Japan drabbles (they’ll be up very soon, I promise), but two days ago (October 26th) it was Austria’s national day. Given how much I love to see him tortured, I thought I’d do a little something to celebrate. I’ve always imagined Hungary to have the fetish for some reason, and I quite enjoyed writing fetishist Prussia last time, so this idea came to me a few days ago. I hope the characters aren’t too OOC.


Characters: Hungary, Austria, Prussia.

Hungary hurried down the road as fast as she could, her face the picture of determination. When she'd heard this morning that Austria was suffering from a cold, her first and only thought had been to come and see him immediately. Knowing her ex-husband, it was surprising that he hadn't already phoned up Germany to freeload off his economy, but as far as she knew, he was completely alone. And she intended to take full advantage of that arrangement. Her heart gave a leap at the thought of nursing her aristocrat; wrapping him in blankets, spooning soup into his mouth, perhaps even hearing a delicious sneeze here and there...

She was so absorbed in her fantasies that she didn't even notice the other person walking in the opposite direction until she bumped right into him.

"Sorry." she muttered, rubbing her arm. Then, she looked up, and caught the flash of silver hair. Anger flared up inside her. "You! What do you think you're doing here?!"

"Isn't it obvious?" said Prussia, "I heard from West that Specs was ill, so I've come here in all my awesomeness to take care of him."

Her stomach tightened with irritation. "Don't call him that stupid name! And you can't take care of him anyway. That's my job."

"Oh come on, girl, I think we know I love colds just as much as you do. Especially when they're from that sexy aristocrat." he gazed into the distance, his eyes gleaming with a kind of malicious pleasure, "Gott, I can't wait to start coaxing the sneezes out of him... feel his warm snot covering my hands..."

Hungary folded her arms. "You're disgusting! I won't be surprised if he sends you away the moment he opens the door."

He shrugged in that infuriatingly nonchalant way he had. "Whatever. Now, if you don't mind getting out of my way..." He pushed her aside lazily and strolled down Austria's drive, chuckling to himself. Hungary ran to catch him up.

"Don't you think I'm giving up that easily. Mr Austria is mine and you know it!"

He flashed her a toothy grin. "Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we?"

Austria's house was too grand and old-fashioned to have a doorbell, so instead Hungary reached up and rapped on the ornate brass knocker. From deep within the house, the sound of delicate coughing resonated. Prussia grabbed the knocker and banged it more urgently.

"C'mon, you stupid aristocrat, answer the door!" he banged again. "I know you're in there!"

Hungary pulled his sleeve away. "Stop pressurising him!"

There were a few moments more, then the door made a clicking sound and swung open slowly, revealing none other than the love of her life. Hungary gave a sharp intake of breath. It had been such a long while since they'd been formally living together that she couldn't remember the last time she'd seen Austria in such a gorgeous state of vulnerability. His glasses were lopsided; his dark hair, usually brushed into such an elegant style, was tousled and tangled; his forehead was damp with beads of feverish sweat. But his nose was the best of all- deep red at the tip and chapped all over with the unmistakeable sign of excessive rubbing. Already, her heart was thudding with anticipation.

As Austria looked over his visitors, his expression changed into one of mild surprise.

"Ah, Hudgary! A'd- a'd Prussia too." he gave a pronounced sniffle, "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Prussia stepped forward arrogantly.

"When the awesome me hears that his Specs is ill, he comes over right away to take care of him."

"Me too!" Hungary said, finding her voice, "I actually heard about it first from Italy and- and... I thought you must be feeling really miserable all on your own."

Austria sniffed again, louder this time, and frowned. "There was really *snff* do deed. Aside frob this *snffff* this little sdiffle, I ab feeli'g perfectly fide."

"Yeah right!" Prussia snorted, "I can hear that congestion in your voice from here."

"Please, Mr Austria, let me look after you." Hungary said, "I'll make you feel so much better, I promise."

"Well, I heh- hardly thidk that I hehhh deed looki'g aft-aaaft-aaaaft- heh-hehhh-hehhh-"

Hungary felt her heart stop as Austria's face glazed over with twitchiness. Hurriedly, he dug into the pocket of his waistcoat, pulling out a crumpled, lace-edged handkerchief just in time to bury his face inside.

"Epshhoooo! Hiriii-SHEW! EtchIIIEEEW!!!"

The volume of his sneezes muffled beautifully against the fabric, sending convulsions of arousal squirming inside her. Was there anyone who sneezed as sexily as he did?

"Egészségedre!" she chanced, once she was certain there were no more to come. Beside her, she felt Prussia's body stiffen with similar satisfaction.

"Yeah, gesundheit."

None the wiser, Austria dabbed carefully at his streaming nose. "P-please excuse be."

Prussia was the first to recover, quickly stepping inside Austria's house and looping his arm around Austria's shoulder. "Well, that's settled then, the awesome Prussia is coming in!"

"And me!" Hungary shoved off Prussia's arm, replacing it with hers, "You should sit down, Mr Austria, or you'll just feel worse."

"Please stop worryi'g, Hudgary, it's odly a-"

"Yeah, you're burning up like crazy!" Prussia said, putting a hand to Austria's forehead, "Come on, let's take you somewhere more comfortable."

Austria sighed stuffily. "Very well. I see deither ob you are to be dissuaded."

As a compromise, she and Prussia helped him walk between them, half-leading, half-carrying the aristocrat through his house. By now, Austria had decided to comply willingly to the care, which Prussia seemed to be enjoying more than he should have been. Far more than he should have been. He held his arm around Austria's waist, while they walked, his hand creeping dangerously close to his backside. Watching it made Hungary feel a violent urge for her frying pan.

"I'm warning you, Prussia," she hissed at him behind Austria's back, "One wrong move and you're dead."

He only laughed in response. "I thought you liked guy-on-guy, Hungary?"

"What was *snff* was that, you two?"

"Nothing, nothing!"

Glaring at her rival, she opened the door to Austria's cosy music room. Prussia took advantage of her absence to carry him the rest of the way over to the sofa beside the grand piano.

"There ya go, Specs," he said, "Now lie down, I'll play you something."

Austria raised his eyebrows. "Please dot adother of those ridiculous rock pieces, Prussia."

"Awww, why not?"

"I have said it already; that is dot true busic."

Hungary sat down on the piano stall. "How about I play you something instead?"

One of her composers, Liszt, had taught her a little about the piano once... if only she could remember how to play that piece...

"You?" Prussia snorted, "What would you know about music?"

"A lot more than you do at any rate!"

"Er, Hungary, P-Prussia?"

Austria's face was tightening and tensing again, and he rubbed at his nose irritably.

"Do either of you heh hab a ha'- haaa'- ha'dkerchief I could borrow? Bide is hehhh already sobewhat wet."

There was a scramble of movement as both Hungary and Prussia rummaged into their pockets and hurried to his side with their offered objects.

"Take one of these tissues, Specs."

"No, use this, Mr Austria."

Before Austria could react, Prussia darted forwards and swiped Hungary's handkerchief from her hand.

"Kesesese, what the hell is this supposed to be!"

"Give it back, Prussia!" she demanded, "You know he's not going to take your stupid Kleenex packet."

"It's so small and embroidered! Are you seriously offering it to Specs to sneeze into?"

Hungary ground her teeth in rage. "As it happens, it-it was a... a present from Austria's boss to thank me for defending Silesia during the war." she decided against telling him that she'd been carrying it around with her as a lucky charm ever since, "The war against you, that is!"

"Oh please, you can't be still going on about-"


Cursing herself, Hungary shot her head back instantly, in unison with Prussia's, to her beloved nobleman. Once again, he was in a state of distress, trying futilely to fight off another upcoming tickle; tensing as it extended his power over him.

"Attttchhhhh... Atch'CHOOOOOO!!!!"

His attempt at a stifle ended in noisy failure, making Hungary's insides melt.


"Mein Gott, gesundheit, Specs!"

"Excuse be," he adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat awkwardly, "Alright, I thidk that is edough argui'g dow. Hudgary, I would dever dreab ob usi'g sobethi'g so delicate for such a crude purpose. And Prussia, if you thidk I will ever resort to cobbod tissues, thed you are sorely bistaked."

Prussia scowled like a grumpy toddler. "It's about time you started living in the 21st Century! Besides, if you're so desperate for a fucking handkerchief, just use the thing around your neck."

Austria sighed impatiently. "As I have told you before, this is a jabot; the ultibate sigd of a disti'guished aristocrat. But, doh batter, I shall just have to retrive adother ha'dkerchief of by owd frob by bedroob."

Shakily, he attempted to stand, but Hungary caught his arm and pushed him firmly back onto the sofa.

"Don't move; I'll get it for you. And perhaps something for your fever too." she added, noticing the heat glowing from his cheeks.

A slow, annoying grin began to spread over Prussia's face. "Not if I get there first. Catch me if you can, girl."

Laughing, he ran off, leaving Hungary to follow in hot pursuit.

"You little-!"

Two minutes later, Hungary sped downstairs again with a fresh stack of Austria's handkerchiefs and a warm, glowing feeling inside. Discovering them in the top drawer of his closet, just where they always had been, was like digging up a beautiful memory from their past together. She recalled how, when they'd been married, Austria had never failed to put a clean handkerchief in his pocket each morning... God, that habit had been such a turn-on for her!

'He hasn't changed.' she thought, 'Not one bit.' That made her smile.

When Hungary returned to the music room, she was enraged to see that Prussia was already there, kneeling down by Austria's side. A bowl of cold water rested on the floor next to him, and he ran a damp flannel across her aristocrat's face, clearly relishing every second. Looking daggers at him, she perched herself on the sofa's arm and set the stack down beside Austria.

"Here you are. Now, would you like something to eat or drink, Mr Austria?"

He looked up with beseeching eyes. "Sobe- *koff koffff*- sobe sachertorte would be lovely."

She tapped the bridge of his nose playfully. "No cake until you're feeling better. I was thinking more along the lines of goulash?"

"Stop bossing him around! Specs can have his sachertorte if he wants to." Prussia lay down the flannel and stood up, "I'm gonna get some for him."

Hungary shrugged. "Fine then, go."

Prussia glanced at her suspiciously, clearly unaccustomed to being allowed to go without a challange. When she didn't respond, he started to walk out of the room uncertainly.

"Could you bri'g be sobe tea as well?" Austria called after him.

Prussia paused by the door and winked. "Anything for you, my young master." he blew him a quick kiss and disappeared, cackling to himself. Hungary couldn't help smirking. With *him* out of the way, it was her and Austria alone now. Just as she'd imagined.

Retrieving the discarded flannel, she continued where Prussia had left off, dabbing at his forehead while she stroked his cheek tenderly with her other hand. His temperature remained sky-high as before, and she could still hear the congested sniffles labouring his breathing, but he seemed calmer now; more relaxed under her care. Gradually, she coaxed off his glasses and began to untie the constricting jabot. Austria opened a wary violet eye.

"Hudgary, I apolagise. I did dot wadt for you to see be id such a state of... dishevellbedt."

"Shhhh, shhhh-" she soothed, "There's no need to say anything. Just relax."

She moved down to his waistcoat, carefully undoing the buttons. The shirt underneath was drenched in a layer of sweat, and he broke out into a fit of violent shivering when she touched it.

'Oh jeepers, he's so adorable.' she thought as she watched him squirm in discomfort, 'So delicately, inexpressibly adorable.'

"Ehh-ehhhhhh... Etsh'CHHHYUUUUU!!!!" his head jolted forward in a stuffy explosion of spray, helpless to the force of his sneeze. Hungary's stomach flipped over in desire.

"E-Egészségedre." she took his hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.

"Thadk you." he fumbled for a clean handkerchief from the top of the pile and attempted to stem the flow of steaming mucus as discreetly as he could. Hungary watched his struggle with a kind of erotic obsession, listening to his pronounced and increasingly desperate snorts and sniffs.

"Mr Austria," her heart fluttered with nerves, "W-why don't you just try... blowing your nose?"

He shot her with a look of stubborn haughtiness. "Absolutely dot. To do such a vulgar thi'g id frodt of hehh-hehhh you would dot hehhhhhh be v-very... galladt. I w-would fe-fee-feeeel... hehhhh- Hae'TSCHHHHIIEEEWWW!!!!"

"Egérszségedre. Here," she snatched the handkerchief from his grip and held it over his nose, "Blow. For me."

Given how uptight Austria usually was about this sort of thing, she wasn't expecting him to obey at all. But to her surprise, he closed his eyes and heaved out a sharp breath through his nose, producing a strained honking sound. The handkerchief under her hand filled with sudden warmth. Hungary fought to control her pleasure.

"Good, n-now try it again. Harder."

He blew once, twice more, each honk louder and deeper than the last. By the time he had finished, his whole face was enflamed a deep crimson, and he turned away in embarrassment while Hungary wiped his nose.

"I hope you are satisfied with that." he said stiffly, "Though it was not truly something you should have seen."

'Oh I am.' she thought, 'More than you could ever know.' It had been such a long time since she'd seen him truly let go like that... she'd forgotten how wonderful it was...

"Your sinuses must be clearer now at least." she said, shrugging guiltily.

Austria sniffed. "A little clearer perhaps. Hungary... thank you."

She felt herself blush. "You're welcome."

"Not only for this. Thank you for coming to take care of me this time and every time." he flashed her a smile; something he rarely did, "You have always been there for me, and I appreciate it."

He took her vacant hand into his and kissed it gently. Hungary's heart was beating so hard that it was a wonder it hadn't exploded yet.

"Mr Austria, I-"

"NO WAY!!!!"

Hungary turned to see Prussia standing in the doorway; a teacup and a plate of sachertorte in either hand and an expression of horror on his face. Placing the tea and cake on the floor, he ran over and forced their hands apart.

“Get off him, girl, Specs belongs to me!”

Austria hastily sat up and put his glasses back on. “I do not remember the last time I ever belonged to anybody, Prussia.” he cleared his throat, “Now, about that sachertorte…?”

“Oh- oh yeah.”

Together, he and Hungary went over to retrieve the food and drink by the door. While he bent to pick the plate up, Hungary whispered gleefully in his ear.

“I told you Mr Austria likes me best!”

“Wh-whatever, girl.”


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THIS WAS SO PRECIOUSSSSSS!!!!! I loved your Roderich and the banter between Gil and Elizaveta was hilarious! Great job, this is definitely one of my favorites!

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Bwa ha ha ha! Dueling fetishists! That was amazing and so IC! Although I generally prefer PruAus, that was a very sweet moment between Austria and Hungary. It's amazing when typically uptight characters are finally able to let go a little in front of the one they love ^w^

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This is lovely! And very in character!! The competition between Prussia and Hungary was spot on! This is defiantly one of your bests!

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ahh!! what a great drabble idea omg

fetishist hungary aaahh fetishist hetalia characters are all great omfggg

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Wow… I wasn’t actually expecting anyone to like that last fic; thanks guys :D! I know it was a bit cheeky of me to use AusHun considering the fact that they aren’t very popular in fanon, but I’m glad you enjoyed it. As promised, here is a Japan fic for KK and Not_Telling. I thought I’d write about the Axis to incorporate both ItPan and GerPan, but if it’s not want you wanted, I’m really sorry and I can do separate ones if you’d prefer that. Be warned, it is a little messy.

The present

Characters: Japan, Italy, Germany.

“Good morning, Germany-kun.” the Axis training ground was almost deserted when Japan arrived, glowing radiantly with the first sunshine of Spring, “It is a beautiful morning for training.”

Germany turned at the sound of his voice. “Oh, hello Japan. Ja, I suppose it is.”

Distracted, he pulled a pocket-watch from his uniform and tutted.

“Ah, is something the matter?”

“No, it is just Italy again.” he slipped the watch back into his pocket and sighed impatiently, “I asked him to come half an hour early today and he is still not here!”

“Well, I’m sure he is just-“

"Jaaaapaaaan! Gerrrmannnny!"

Skipping over the training ground in his usual cheeriness was none other than Italy, holding objects that looked suspiciously like wrapped bouquets in either hand.

Germany made an exasperated noise in the back of his throat. "Speak of the devil... I wonder what he's been up to now... ITALY!" he said sharply as their ally arrived by their side, "You're late once again!"

"Ve, sorry Germany." Italy brushed the hair out of his eyes and smiled, "But I've got a little surprise for you two today that I know you're going to love!"

Japan raised his eyebrows. "A present? That is very kind of you, Italy-kun."

"Alright then," Germany said, folding his arms, "What is this surprise?"

"Well, I just thought that, as we've been friends for a while now, I'd buy some flowers for everyone to celebrate our alliance and show that we'll be best friends forever! I've got a lily," he pointed to the explosive white flower sticking out of the buttonhole of his uniform, "And these cornflowers are for Germany,"

He thrust one of the bouquets at their leader. Germany caught it eyed the bunch of small blue flowers with interest.

"Hmmm, these aren't half bad actually."

"See, I knew they'd be your type of flowers." Italy giggled and held out the final bouquet to Japan, "And Japan, these are for you!"

Smiling, Japan reached out a hand to accept the present, then stopped in his tracks as he recognised the flowers underneath the wrapping paper. His heart flopped over like a dead fish. 'Please no, Italy.' he thought, 'Not them.'

"Italy... what are those?"

"Whaaat? Don't you recognise them?" Italy said, "They're cherry blossoms, of course! I read today that you really like them."

'If only he knew...' Already, Japan's nose was itching and twinging maddeningly as if somebody had set light to the tip. 'Did I forget to tell him I was allergic?' His eyes began to glaze over with reactive tears. It must have slipped his mind somehow...

"Er, Japan?" Italy cocked his head to one side, "Is anything wrong?"

Japan gave his nose a quick and completely futile rub. "N-no, of course not."

It had only just occurred to him how rude he was being, standing here and saying nothing. Allergic or not, it would be very impolite to refuse a present that Italy had specially bought for him. He accepted the bouquet warily and held it as far away from his nose as possible.

"Th-thank you Italy-kun." the pain in his nose deepened suddenly in intensity and he screwed up his face in attempt to supress it, "These are keeehhhhh v-very beautiful indeed."

"Yay, I'm so glad you like them! And they smell so beautiful too." completely unaware of his ally's struggle, he pushed the flowers up to Japan's face, directly under his nose, "Go on, smell them properly!"

"I-Italy I'm not keehhh-keehhhh su-suuurrre that is a g-good kehhhhh-"

He knew his protests were all in vain. The unbearable scent of the cherry blossom wafted into his nose, ambushing him with an urge that was impossible to fight; impossible to resist. Desperately, he let the flowers fall from his hand, but it was already too late.

"K'AAASHHHHHIII!!!!" the first sneeze was so intense that this body bent over double with the force, "K'YUSHHHHUM!!! KSCHHHHOOOO!!!"

"S-salute, Japan! What's wrong?"


Japan heard his friends' concerned voices, yet they sounded so distant, as if separated by an allergy-induced veil. His eyes were stinging and spilling over with tears; dribbley snot oozed down to his lip; his nose burned and burned ceaselessly.

"Kehhhhhh... KESCHHHIIIIII!!! K'ETCHHHIYUUUUU!!!" helpless, Japan felt himself collapse to his knees as the fit overpowered him. His breath hitched and stuttered as another huge sneeze built inside his nose. "Kehh-kehhhh-keeehhhhhhh.... KY'ACHHIIIIYYYUM!!!"

The last release was more violent than ever, bursting out with a storm of wet, mucusy spray. Breathless and dazed, Japan sprawled on the floor sniffing away the last of the allergen furiously.

"Good grief, Japan, gesundheit!"

"Salute! Salute!"

He felt a pair of warm arms around him, pulling him into a much-needed hug. Blinking away the blurriness in his eyes, he found himself huddled against Italy's chest; the tears and snot from his face running onto his ally's uniform. Germany too was kneeling beside him, a hand placed protective on his shoulder.

"Are you okay, Japan?"

"Y-yes, thank you." realising how undignified he must look, he ran a sleeve across his messy face, blushing, "I just had... an allergy attack, that is all."

Germany sighed. "Italy, you dumnkompf! Trust you to buy flowers that make Japan sneeze."

"Waaah, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, Japan!" Italy cried, sounding almost close to tears, "I wouldn't have bought them if I'd known, I promise."

"It is alright, Italy-kun, I know you didn't m-mean to… m-mean t-to..." the smell of the cherry blossom hit him again so suddenly that there wasn't even enough time to turn his head away in time "KEYASHIEEEEEYUUUU!!!"

He sneezed straight into Italy's chest, covering it with another layer of snot and spray.

"Gesundheit! Here." a large, folded handkerchief was pressed into his hand; one of Germany's. Japan quickly scrubbed down Italy's uniform, then buried his face into the glorious fabric and blew his nose. The itchy pain searing his nose seemed to lessen slightly.

"Thank you, Germany-san." he said as he wiped his face, "Italy-kun, I am sorry for sneezing on you."

"No problem, Japan, it doesn't bother me." Italy squeezed him tightly and kissed him on the forehead, "I was so worried when you collapsed, I thought you might die!"

Japan chucked in spite of himself. "It is only allergies, Italy-kun, n-nothing to be kehhhhh af-afrai-afraid... K'UCHHHHIIIIII!!!" He closed his eyes sneezed once more into Germany's handkerchief; the scent of the cherry blossoms still very potent about the air.

"Excuse me."

"Salute again!"

"Ja, gesundheit. Well then, that settles it. Come on."

Before he knew what was happen, Japan felt himself being lifted. He opened his eyes to find that Germany had hefted him over his shoulder and was carrying him across the training ground. Horrified, he flailed around, struggling to get down.

"Germany-kun, what are you doing? You invade my personal space!"

"Ja, ja, it is only for a moment." he turned his head and called back their ally, "Italy, we will resume training inside today."

"Ve, that sounds like a good idea!" Italy ran to catch up, and took Japan by the hand, "I'm so sorry, Japan. I can do something to make it up to you, I promise!"

Japan sniffled once more and smiled. "Just promise me you will never try to buy me present ever again."


I’m sorry for putting another handkerchief scene in! I’ve really got to stop doing that… I’ll post the next fic (AmeriPan) by the end of the week hopefully.

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^^ Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Okay, this is just a little heads up to say that I don’t think I’ll be posting much this month because I’ve started a serious (i.e. non-fetishy) writing project which is going surprisingly well. That and school. I know I have the AmeriPan to do (don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about it) which I’ll do as soon as I possibly can. It’s right on top of my to-do list wink.png. I’m really sorry about the delay!

On another note, given the very positive reaction my fics have received (thanks everyone biggrin.png) I thought it might be a good opportunity to leave this open for requests that I’ll be able to start thinking about and start. Please feel free to ask for stuff, but if you do, there are probably some things to bear in mind.

  1. It might take me a while to complete. Again, I’m sorry.
  2. For the record, my favourite character is England/Britain and the parings I ship are AusHun, GerIta (and HRE X Chibitalia), FrUK, SuFin, SwissLiech, LietPol, Spamano and RoChu, so I’d probably feel most comfortable writing about those. HOWEVER, I’m totally open to writing other pairings, opposing pairings, brother/parent/family fics, friendship fics, rivals fics; pretty much anything. The only romantic pairings I don’t think I’d be able to do are PruHun and Franada, only because I don’t think I’d be able to write convincing romance for them (I’m sorry if they're anyone’s OTPs). But I could write non-romantic fics for them.
  3. Because my main fetishes are nose-blowing and handkerchiefs, these tend to pop up quite a lot in my fics *blushes*. If there’s anything you specifically don’t want, feel free to say. Likewise, if there’s anything you specifically do want, please let me know biggrin.png.
  4. However long they do take me to do, I promise I will finish every single request given to me as soon as possible. Unless of course I die. I think I can probably be let off then.

Okay, sorry for that massively-long explanation! I’m looking forward to see the requests!

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YAY! You're alive! :D oh my gosh! I have never read it, and so having it with this wonderful fetish theme would be wonderful...*deep breath* RoChu! :D please? That'd be great, oh gosh! Everything you make is amazing! *spins* that's all I have. XD I've never made a request before. XD and oh gosh, don't worry man! Everyone has a life! We all get it. X) take your time. Glad to see you're okay, and congrats on the writing project bringing success! :D

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I may have been stalking this thread for the last hour, and everything on it is simply gorgeous :D, your SuFin and USUK ones in particular practically made me explode. If you are looking for requests would you be able to do something with England (anything at all with anyone at all)? Of course completely no pressure and only if you want to! Thank you for such amazing drabble goodness :)

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Ah, you requesters have good taste indeed! @ Maus_17 Yeah, there does seem to be a sad lack of fetish-y RoChu, but I’d love to be the first one to fix that, so I can definitely do that request. I already have a scenario in mind ;). @ FairyDust Of course I can write some more England! He’s my favourite! Hmmm… anything with anyone eh? Does this mean I can write FrUK? Or would you prefer USUK? (I’d rather do the one you prefer; I aim to please ;) ) Really glad to hear that you’re enjoying my drabbles, by the way, it means the world to hear people say that.

Okay, now I’m aware of how terribly late this is, but I finally have Not_Telling’s Ameripan drabble ready! Here it is.


Characters: Japan, America.

America tilted the legs of his chair back casually, gulping down his milkshake in contentment. He'd just known that today was going to be perfect, and so far, it was totally living up to his expectations. Being so far apart, the times when he and Japan got to visit each other were few and far between, so it was a rare privilege to be able to host his friend today. So far, he'd taken him out on the most awesome New York tour imaginable, and was now rounding the morning off with a visit to his favourite diner. Bliss. However, there was just one problem...

"Hey, Japan, dude?" America said between slurps, "Why don't you just take that dumb mask thingy off?"

Even behind the cloth obscuring his face, Japan's cheeks deepened into an embarrassed blush. "I do dot think so, Aberica-kud."

"Come on! You've been wearing it all freakin' day! I haven't even seen your face properly yet."

"For that, I apolagise, but you are still forgetti'g that I have a cold." he gave a watery sniffle as if to emphasise the point, "It would be very rude to spread by gerbs around your coudtry."

"Ah, you don't need to worry 'bout that! Everyone does that all the time in my place." he set his milkshake down and frowned, "Besides, people are starting to stare."

"I would st-still kehhh prefer d-dot to... d-d-dot t-to... kehh-kehhh-keeeehhhhhhhh-" a horrified expression crossed over Japan's face as his breath began to hitch over. America watched on in mild curiosity as his friend pinched the bridge of his nose desperately over his mask in attempt to supress his obvious nasal discomfort. That looked like it hurt.

"Dude, if you've gotta sneeze, just sneeze. I don't mind."

Japan shook his head stubbonly.

"Doh, t-that... keeehhhhhh w-w-would kehhhhh... b-b-be..." Finally, he gave in and his head jerked forwards as a very wet-sounding sneeze muffled against the inside of his mask. "Kyuuuuu'sshhooo!!!"

"God bless! You really needed that one, huh?"

"Excuse be." Japan re-adjusted his mask, giving a watery sniffle, "That was dot very polite."

"I told you before, don't worry about it." America laughed, "Anyways, I think our food's here now."

At that moment, the waitress came to bring over their hamburger orders; a small for Japan, and an extra-large for America. Just the way he liked it. Eagerly, he squirted ketchup all over the plate before picking up his burger and taking the most enormous bite he could manage. On the other side of the table, Japan picked up a single French fry uncertainly, and pushed it underneath his mask to eat. He looked so ridiculously-hilarious that America nearly choked on his mouthful.

"What the heck are you doing, dude? You've gotta take your mask off to eat at least!"

"Aberica-kud..." Japan sighed stuffily and eyed the size of his meal, "I kdow it would be bore codviediedt, but I ab still dot sure..."

"Whaddya mean, you're not sure?"

"I do dot wadt t-to kehh idfect y-you... kehhhh-kehhhhh..."

For the second time that day, Japan's breath jerked and heaved, while his eyes screwed up tightly; clearly fighting hard to contain another bought of tickliness. Seizing his chance, America leaned across the table and yanked down Japan's mask so that it hung around his neck instead.

"Go on, let 'em all out."

"Amer-Ameri...c-caaaahhhhh... keehhhhh-" nose twitching, Japan struggled to pull the mask back up over his exposed face, but the itch in his nose seemed to have developed to the point where it was overpowering him.

"Kushhhuumm!!! K'atCHIIIIIII!!!!!"

Without his mask, he was forced to sneeze without restraint, sending a film of spray shooting into the air between them. "Kehhhhh... K'EEEESHOOOOOO!!!!"

"Bless ya!" said America with a grin.

"T-thank you America-kun." a string of sticky snot dribbled out of his nose and he dabbed it with his sleeve, "But I do not understand. I sneezed very rudely then, why isn't everyone staring?"

"You're in America now, remember? You can sneeze however the hell you like.” he grinned “So, you gonna keep that mask off now?"

"Maybe... just for the meal. America-kun, could you please pass me the salt?"


America reached over to get it and his hand knocked accidently against the pepper in the process. Before he could catch it, the pot toppled straight over, bursting open and spilling its contents everywhere.

"Awww crap!"

The entire tablecloth was coated in pepper, covering their napkins, their cutlery, even their food. Clearing that up was going to take forever. Sighing, America began to collect the grains up into a little plie.

"Well, I guess I can just-"

"America-san, stop!" Japan cried. Looking up, America saw that he had already repositioned the mask back over his nose and mouth.

"Hey, why've you got-" his sentence came to an abrupt halt as he suddenly realised just why, "ASHHHIOOO!!!"

America's sneezes rarely gave him much warning, but this one was especially violent. It rocketed out of his nose like a cannon fire, racking his whole body with the force.

"Bless you, America-kun."

"Th-thank ahhhhh... thank y-y-you ahhhh-ahhhhh-"

Deep within his nasal passages, he could feel the sharpness of the peppery burn, spreading uncontrollably down his nose like wildfire.


His head pitched forward forcefully, almost slamming down onto the table. His whole face was a blur of pain and he could feel his glasses slipping slowly off the bridge of his nose. As snot crawled over his upper lip, he attempted forlornly to sniffle it back up. Big mistake, he realised a second later, as he was ambushed by another noseful of pepper.

"Ahhh-ahhhh-ahhhhhhhh... AHHHHSCHHOOO!!! H'ACHHHIEWWW!!! Ahhhh- aHHHHH..."

All of a sudden, America felt a strange tightness against his nose and mouth, instantly cutting off his air supply. The urge to sneeze began to lessen and lessen, until it died inside of him. Through steaming eyes, America looked up to see Japan behind him, carefully attaching a spare germ-prevention mask around the back of his head.

"Bless you." he tied the strings into a careful knot, then knelt down to help him sweep up the pepper, "I think it would be best if you kept that on for a little while."

"Yeah, I guess so..." America said, and his breath clouded against the inside of the mask. As stuffy as it was, though, all traces of the peppery had been eradicated. Maybe those masks weren't so bad after all. "Just until we finish cleaning."


I hope this is okay for you; I know you had to wait a while. Unless I get any bouts of random inspiration, I should be fulfilling the RoChu fic next :D. Until then, since I only have two requests, please feel free to keep adding more, everyone.

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That was...


AWESOME! SO CUTE! ADORABLE! And...totally a similar idea to something I did in one of my drabbles :D It was a Fruits Basket drabble, and Yuki was wearing a mask, but anyway...


Ahem... at least in my opinion...

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*Reads Not_telling’s drabble thread.* Oh, sorry, I didn’t realise you’d written something like that already! I got the idea for the mask from one of KK’s headcanons; I was going to say thanks to her for letting me use it. Still, I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Anyway, it turns out that I did get a random bout of inspiration, so I decided to write down this Spamano fic before the idea left me. The RoChu will be up next, I swear it.


Characters: Romano, Spain

"Uhhh--huhhh... hihhhhhh..." for what felt like the thousandth time that day, Romano tilted his head back and opened his mouth in preparation. Irritation spasmed down his nose, and his breath began to shudder. "Hhuhhhh--huughhhhh--ghhhhahhh... ... damn it!" he muttered as the sneeze died inside him. It had been so fucking painful all day, with this stupid tickle in his nose going absolutely nowhere. What the hell had happened to his ability to sneeze all of a sudden? He swiped a finger back and forth over his nostrils savagely, and the itch deepened once again at his touch.

"Huhh--huhhhhh-hiaaahhhhhh--- C-come on!" he sniffed little breaths through his nose desperately in attempt to coax the sneeze out, "C-c-come ohhhhuhhhhh--uhhhh--haaaaahhhhhh... ... DAMN IT!"

"Romano? Is something the matter?"

Spain was standing in the doorway, just back from his afternoon of harvesting. A basket of ripe tomatoes was clutched under his arm, and his eyes were wide with concern. Romano nearly jumped out of his skin.

"What the fuck, bastard?! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry. I did call out but you can't have heard me." setting the basket down, he came to snuggle up next to him on the sofa, ruffling his hair affectionately, "Now, tell me what's bothering my adorable little tomato today."

"Don't touch my hair, y-you j-j-jerruhhhhhh--huhhhhh--" Romano closed his eyes, and let the potential sneeze wash over him, urging it, willing it to come, "Hiiihhhhh--haaaahhhhhhh... ... NOT AGAIN!"

Spain offered him a sympathetic little smile. "Aww, having trouble sneezing, Romano?"

"It's been like this the entire fucking day. I don't even have a cold, it's just this little bastard of an itch that won't come out." he looked over to see the cheekiest of grins forming on Spain's face. "Wha- why are you smiling, asshole? And where are you going?" he added furiously as Spain leapt to his feet.

"Just wait there. I'll find the perfect thing for you, I promise." he gave another foolish grin and walked out of the room. "Be back in a minute."

Romano could hear his footsteps pounding up the stairs, and his stomach curled in anger. How dare Spain leave him now? How dare he leave him when he needed him so muc-

"Huhhhhh--hhyhhhhh..." another bout of breathlessness overwhelmed him, just as futile and aggravating as before. Fucking itch...

Five minutes later, Spain re-emerged back in the room, carrying an assortment of items. "Alright, ready!"

Romano glared at him with folded arms. "You took your time!"

"Si, I was just getting everything together." instead of sitting beside him again, Spain knelt down on the floor in front of the sofa and gazed up earnestly. "You see, I was thinking, as your sneezes don't seem to be coming, that I could help you trick them out a little."

"Fine." Romano sighed and turned away, "Just hurry up and get on with it."

Nodding cheerfully, Spain picked up the first item; an electric torch. "Well, I thought this might work- you never know, you might have a reaction to the light." He flicked the switch on, and shone it straight in Romano's eyes. With a cry, Romano put up a hand to shield himself as the harsh shine blinded him.

"What sort of shit are you trying to pull on me? Turn it off now, it's burning my eyes out."

Spain lowered the torch disappointedly. "Clearly not photosensitive, then. Never mind, we'll try this next." He held up a tiny, sealed bottle. "I bought this new cologne last week, and it said in the shop that it's supposed to be really powerful. I was saving it for a special occasion, but..." he shrugged, "This is more important."

"That looks expensive, damnit." Romano said, eying the bottle in suspicion, "Don't tell me you've been spending all your money on bullshit like th- aghhhhh!"

He recoiled back as a couple of careful squirts blasted him in the nose. Spain had been right; the cologne was powerful. The scent was so fierce that it made him cough and choke as he breathed it in, yet it did nothing to provoke the situation in his nose. Absolutely nothin-


Outraged, he jerked his head up at the sound. Spain's eyes watering, his face screwing up and his nostrils flaring under the strain of his twitching nose.

"Kst'schhhuuuu!!! Itx'shiiiuuuuuu!!!"

Each sneeze was drawn out and incredibly satisfying-sounding, releasing a burst of allergic sneeze spray. Romano's insides tightened with jealousy.

"Stop it, bastard! It's me who's supposed to be sneezing, not you!"

Spain smiled sheepishly, wiping his damp eyes and runny nose on the back of his hand. "Lo siento, I j-just did't realise it heeehhhh was g-goin'g to be this- Het'schhhhuuuuu!!!"

Rolling his eyes, Romano reached over for the tissue box on the side table. "Trust you to buy cologne you're allergic to, you dumbass."

"I kdow, I kdow," Spain plucked a couple from the top and turned away to blow his nose with a very wet honk, "I don't think I'll be *snff* using it again in a hurry! My poor nose... it feels like it's on fire."

"More importantly, what about my poor nose?" Romano said huffily, "Your shitty attempts haven't made it any better, you know."

Sniffling away the last of the cologne, Spain crumpled the tissue into his pocket. "Well, I'm not sure what else to do. You don't have hay fever so we can't use flowers, and I don't know any other methods. Unless..." he looked up with a half-hopeful, half guilty little smile, "Unless you'll let me stroke it out for you."

"Fat chance, bastard."

Spain held up his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, it was only a suggestion!"

"Well I've had enough of your dumb suggestions for one day." He reclined back on the sofa, pinching the tip of his nose. The itch there was even worse than before, if possible, stringing hard enough to make his eyes water. Perhaps he'd just have to occupy himself with something else until it went away again.

"Pass me one of those tomatoes." he said, holding out a hand, "I'm hungry, damnit!"

"Of course," Spain chose a ripe-red tomato from the basket and tossed it over, "I picked the plumpest ones I could today- just for you."

"Good." Catching the fruit, Romano yanked off its stalk and threw it aside before sinking his teeth into the skin. The luscious taste filled his mouth; the juices dribbling down his chin as he munched. Spain always did have the best tomatoes in his country, he thought, though of course he'd never admit it to that cocky bastard’s face.

"Hey Romano, wait a minute." Spain was crouching down again in front of the sofa, holding up his discarded tomato stalk like it was a precious treasure, "I've just had an idea!"

"Great, another dumbass plan." he swallowed his mouthful and took another bite, "What is it then?"

"Close your eyes and hold still. I'm going to try putting this in your nose."

Romano spluttered in indignation, spraying tomato seeds all over Spain's face. "You're going to what?"

"Roma, it might help!" He tried to take Romano by the hand, but he wriggled it away.

"Fuck off, you jerk."

"Just try it. Please, Romano?"

He was gazing at him in that way again, boring his deep green eyes into his own. Heat rose in Romano's cheeks.

"Alright. Do it then."

Leaning forwards, Spain poked the stalk gently up Romano's left nostril, wriggling it back and forth against the inside of his nose. The sensation was tantalising, pushing his enduring tickle further and further until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Hhhh--uhhhhhhhh--hhiiiaahhhhh---" once again, his breath started to stutter, and he knew that this time it was for real, "Huuhhhhh... ...HUH'TCHHOOO!!!"

Finally, the sneeze shot out, tilting his whole body forwards with the effort. Spain hastily removed the stalk from his nose and caught him in his arms.

"Hooray, it worked! Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, b-ahhhh-astard, I'b f-f-fi- N'UTCHHHIIIIH!!!" once he'd started, he couldn't stop; a whole day's worth of sneezes rocketing out all at once, "HII'TCHIUUUUH!!! ITSH'UUUUUH!!! HHSCHIIIITCHIII!!!"

Spain held him while they racked his body, rubbing his back soothingly. When they eventually subsided, they broke apart and he smiled.

"Salute! I hope that's better for you now."

"Yeah, it's better." the relief was enormous, actually, like a window thrown open in a stuffy room, "Though that's got nothing to do with you."

Spain laughed and ruffled his hair again. "Oh, Romano, I wish you could see your curl right now! It's gone into the most adorable little heart shape."

"W-what?! No it isn't!" furious, he closed his fist over the end, trying to rush it back into shape. Damn curl! Trust that thing to give away his true feelings...

Laughing all the more playfully, Spain got to his feet and held out his hands to help Romano up. "Come on, let's go upstairs. You can give me a very special thank you present for being so kind and helping you out, si?"

Romano stood up, blushing. "I hate you, you bastard."

"Your curl says otherwise, Romano."


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