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It's funny because I've been complaining about my sexuality for like...three years now? And I'm still not sure entirely. yay.gif

I don't like most labels, though I'm starting to figure that kind of stuff out. I used to identify as pansexual with a more straight preference, but the whole

"do-it-yourself" label doesn't feel quite right. Heteroflexibility (a variant on bi-curiosity/bisexuality where the attraction is chiefly straight with minimal homosexual attraction) seems to fit more closely to the point.

I also find myself fitting on the asexual/aromantic scale, but not completely-- so I guess demiromantic/demisexual comes pretty close to where I seem to stand.

Heteroflexible demiromantic. There you have it.


also, for me, I find the female body way more astetically pleasing than the male form but I've only ever had romantic feels toward men so far and that's who I see myself falling in love with as of right now so I'm a little confused about what that means. but of course, I'm still young so I really don't need to worry about this. tonguesmiley.gif *sigh* can anyone relate to this?

I can totally relate to that, only in reverse. The people I find myself aesthetically drawn to are almost always male bodied, but all the people I've dated have been women and I think I tend to find it easier to become emotionally close to women. I'm not really sure who I see myself ending up with, but I definitely have the same kind of weird split between who I find aesthetically appealing and who I find myself actually dating.

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Man, sexuality can be confusing as shit. I feel relatively lucky in that my needs are simple, and fairly straight-forward.

I mean, come on. Boobs.

You said it Mash. I'm getting a headache just trying to explain my own!!

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I identify currently as bi-romantic asexual, which means that I would gladly enter a relationship with someone of either gender (and I am currently dating a male), but I would not [want to] have sex with either gender. I believe it is due to my age that I don't find sex appealing, so I think in future years my preference will change.

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It's funny because I've been complaining about my sexuality for like...three years now? And I'm still not sure entirely. yay.gif

I don't like most labels, though I'm starting to figure that kind of stuff out. I used to identify as pansexual with a more straight preference, but the whole

"do-it-yourself" label doesn't feel quite right. Heteroflexibility (a variant on bi-curiosity/bisexuality where the attraction is chiefly straight with minimal homosexual attraction) seems to fit more closely to the point.

I also find myself fitting on the asexual/aromantic scale, but not completely-- so I guess demiromantic/demisexual comes pretty close to where I seem to stand.

Heteroflexible demiromantic. There you have it.


also, for me, I find the female body way more astetically pleasing than the male form but I've only ever had romantic feels toward men so far and that's who I see myself falling in love with as of right now so I'm a little confused about what that means. but of course, I'm still young so I really don't need to worry about this. tonguesmiley.gif *sigh* can anyone relate to this?

Maybe heteroromantic homosexual? I doubt this would be a common orientation, but I'm sure it exists :)

I can relate, though. I occasionally find males attractive, but I can rarely imagine a relationship with another male (though I'm open to the possibility :)).

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Whoa. Sexuality is so complex, isn't it? I'm heterosexual. Some women I may find attractive, but I can't ever imagine being into one romanticly, or even remotely having a crush on one. :/ sorry

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Whoa. Sexuality is so complex, isn't it? I'm heterosexual. Some women I may find attractive, but I can't ever imagine being into one romanticly, or even remotely having a crush on one. :/ sorry

Why are you apologizing? There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a heterosexual cisgender individual :)

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also, for me, I find the female body way more astetically pleasing than the male form but I've only ever had romantic feels toward men so far and that's who I see myself falling in love with as of right now so I'm a little confused about what that means. but of course, I'm still young so I really don't need to worry about this. tonguesmiley.gif *sigh* can anyone relate to this?

Maybe heteroromantic homosexual? I doubt this would be a common orientation, but I'm sure it exists :)

yeh I agree with the heteromantic part. and I really like using that terminology. It makes orientation a little less cut and dry.

but see, the thing with me is, I believe it is possible that the reason I find women more astectially pleasing than men is because I am one myself so I am less grossed out and can appreciate a body that that is less foreign to me, ya catch my drift? but I really can't see myself having sex with either as of right now so asexuality is a big possibility for me and may be what I wind up identifying as.

heteromantic asexual....maybe? *shrugs*

the only thing I confuse myself with is females. I am able to appreciate the way a womens body looks but I've never thought "hey I wanna tap that". I've only thought "wow she is so pretty. can I just stare at you." or "I wish I looked like that"

I've never had a crush on a girl like the way I have with a guy. I've only ever had girl crushes, meaning that I am infatuated with them but not on a romantic level. but still, sometimes my obsessive brain takes the reigns and I wind up immensely confusing myself and insisting on finding out all the answers about myself when in reality, I don't need a label, especially at my hormonal age that I am currently at.

sorry for this ramble. sometimes it's nice to work through stuff via writing. :P

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I certainly didn't pretend to try and understand sexuality at your age. I imagine it would be like trying to learn Calculus in an intro to Algebra class.

One step at a time, guys. No need to understand all of the mysteries of the universe before you can drive.

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I certainly didn't pretend to try and understand sexuality at your age. I imagine it would be like trying to learn Calculus in an intro to Algebra class.

One step at a time, guys. No need to understand all of the mysteries of the universe before you can drive.

*nods* yeah I try to keep telling myself that

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"Hella confusing" is actually an exact word-for-word descriptor I frequently use for matters of sexuality and gender.

I'm a cisgender woman. At least that part is pretty certain (though I do enjoy dressing in drag). I have only had relationships with men before, and assumed I was straight for awhile, but have recently started to identify as asexual somewhat publicly, over the last year or so. I may be closer to demisexual, but I have also recently felt aromantic (which I didn't while I was in the previous relationships) in addition, which seems to mean asexual in general, I guess. It's hard to say whether aromantic is a phase for me and I'm generally demisexual heteroromantic, or if it will be a permanent asexual dealio. It has made me more comfortable and confident to "come out" as asexual rather than plain straight, so I've mostly been sticking with that. That and it's a lot simpler to just say asexual (not that most people even know what it is, but it's less explanation than demisexual or gray A, for example, even though they may be more accurate). I have never wanted to have actual sex with anyone, but back in the day, I had enjoyed making out and cuddling and stuff, which can have a somewhat sexual component, and I could get more in the mood with the fetish involved, so it's pretty hard to define.

On a non-personal note, this thread is a pretty beautiful thing. It's really neat to see how much variety we have here (hello other asexuals! I'm always really curious about whether asexuality is a result of the fetish monopolizing our sexual desires, but that's for another thread) and how everyone seems to be mostly accepting and willing to learn about the things they don't know about or opinions they disagree with. Identification and labeling can really turn a discussion into a fight quite often, because it's such a sensitive topic, but there has been so much open-mindedness and respect here. Just reminds me once more that this forum is a miraculous bastion of good people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

gahhhh sexuality is hella confusing am I right?

I agree!

For me, to myself I'm bisexual. To the rest of the world I'm hetero. I'm attracted to both men and women. However I have only ever been with one person who happens to be male so most people only know me as hetero.

This shit is confusing!

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I'm heterosexual. But there have been a few years during my youth (from the age of 15 to 18) which I would call bisexual because I had a crush on a boy three times. I never told someone about that, I wondered about what was going on with me. Now in hindsight I don't have a problem with that at all. Well, I'll never tell these three guys (or someone who knows them), but I don't feel bad about that. And I still think that they were quite cute guys. ;)

Since then I've been heterosexual. Yes, I still meet men I find attractive, but there aren't any feelings of a sexual nature towards them any more.

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  • 1 month later...

Heterosexual in real life. But, I do appreciate the beauty of some women, not in a sexual way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a very complicated question.

I haven't managed to label my sexuality quite yet and I'm honestly not even trying. I've never been in a "real" relationship so I can't say but I know that I've been attracted to someone in the sense that I want to kiss them and hug them and hold their hand and fall asleep with them but I've never been sexually attracted to another person. Not to say I'm never turned on - because I am - but I wouldn't want to actually have sex. I don't know if that makes me asexual or what but I know I'd want a romantic relationship with a guy. I don't think I would want one with a woman.

Sexuality is a funny thing, huh?

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I'd say I'm practically hetero. I have enjoyed sex with other women, and had a romantic interest in a woman a couple of times, but my everyday life is just so heterosexual. heh.gif My fetish is the same way too - and the older I get, the straighter my fetish gets.

This topic though made me remember the fact that that when it really comes down to it, whatever junk the man has doesn't interest me that much. The maleness that floats my romantic and sexual boat is completely elsewhere. Also, the women I have been attracted to have had a very masculine way of carrying themselves, and sometimes I wonder if they have just possessed this something that says "Male! Sexy!" to me despite of being cis women. So yes, in that sense my attraction is very dependent on the binary, and once again very straight - even when attracted to a woman, I am attracted to the maleness I perceive in them. But then again the men I'm attracted to are never very masculine, but with an air of androgyny.

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I'm gay! Whoo! Not very interesting anymore. I did just come out to my parents a few days ago, after being out to everyone else for two years. It was awkward, but they took it well.

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I'm either asexual or bisexual, I'm just not sure, but I identify as asexual at the moment.

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I'm gay! Whoo! Not very interesting anymore. I did just come out to my parents a few days ago, after being out to everyone else for two years. It was awkward, but they took it well.

Do you identify as gay or lesbian? Or either? (Just curious...a lot of homosexual females have a preference, so I thought I'd ask :))

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