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Bits and Pieces (Rivers' short fanfics, updated 09/06/18)


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So, yeah... I wanted a place to put my shorter fandom-related frustrations. Not 100-word drabbles, but too short to put in the other section, I think. Plot levels may vary. I'm new and stumbling, so all concrit very much appreciated.

I own nothing of any of the characters featured, however hard I wish...


Title: Motel Showers Suck.
Character: Steve Rogers
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Authors Notes: so it's not very realistic... a girl can dream.

Steve was tired. More tired than he had been for a long time. SHIELD was running him pretty ragged these days, and this mission had been hard. And costly. He tried not to think about what had probably befallen the agents in charge of his communications. Not that he could expect to be everywhere at once.

Still, without them, there was no way of calling for an earlier extraction, despite the successful retrieval of the data and… items, more than a day ahead of schedule. So he had scouted out this backwaters motel, close enough to a highway for him to pass as a backpacker in need of a bed for the night. Well, probably. But he was exhausted enough to take the risk. Even serum-boosted muscles ran out of juice sometime.

And a bed was about all that had been provided. The mattresses had been softer in the army. But there was a bathroom with plumbing that functioned well enough, and a shower that looked as though it might be persuaded to peel off a few layers of grime.

He became less optimistic once he was actually stood beneath the shower head. It didn’t produce a stream so much as a spatter, like undecided rain. He felt brief, tiny circles of warmth burst against his skin, to be immediately replaced by an icy chill as the water seemingly receded into nowhere.

A slight shiver ran through him as his body tried to work out if it was pleasantly warm or horribly cold. Steve thrust his head under the spray to rinse out his hair, and immediately regretted it, staying there only long enough for the bare minimum in hair hygiene. His mother would probably have disapproved.

He tried to shake most of the drips off, but a fair amount of chilled water still formed little rivulets down his face and neck. Ugh.

A light tingle ran up and down his nose, and before he had even really noticed its presence, he realised he was going to-

“Eschoo! hh… eh- esschoo!”

Well. That was something he hadn’t done in a while. Sneezing now felt… different. Something to do with the increase in lung capacity, perhaps. And the muscles. Before, he wouldn’t notice his abs (such as they had been) until prolonged attacks had left them aching and tender. But now he could really feel them clench firmly as;



Good grief, he actually had goosebumps. This was ridiculous. He ran his hands briskly up and down his body, evening out the spread of water as much as he could. It seemed to be working alright, though that might have been due to friction-heat as much as anything else.

There was tickle enough for one more, lingering somewhere at the back of his nose. When it finally began to assert itself, Steve relaxed, laid his head back, and let it slowly take him.

“hh… hh…uh… ech-essshou!”

He shook his head to rid himself of the last of it, then set to rinsing himself down as quickly as he could. At least this was pretty certain to be temporary. If he could come out of the ice after seventy years without so much as a lingering sniffle, he could certainly handle a sub-standard shower.

Not quite trusting the single towel provided by the hotel- though what harm he thought it could do him now he didn’t know- Steve dragged his own from the depths of his holdall and pressed his face to it, smothering the last of the chill into its folds.

At least the bed was warm.

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Ooomg cute shivery naked Steve. :wub: This is very well written! Can't wait to see more from you.

I especially liked this part:

“Eschoo! hh… eh- esschoo!”

Well. That was something he hadn’t done in a while. Sneezing now felt… different. Something to do with the increase in lung capacity, perhaps. And the muscles. Before, he wouldn’t notice his abs (such as they had been) until prolonged attacks had left them aching and tender. But now he could really feel them clench firmly as;



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Steve ASSJCCNTSBK whhy you gotta be so beautiful ;-; Superbly written, delicious morsel! :0

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Oh goodness, I love fics where Steve sneezes for the first time since the serum... And this was an amazing fic. Worn out shivery tired Steeeeve @Q@

You wouldn't happen to take requests, would you?

if so i wouldn't mind awfully seeing a Bucky fic pop up here at all >W>

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Oh goodness, I love fics where Steve sneezes for the first time since the serum... And this was an amazing fic. Worn out shivery tired Steeeeve @Q@

You wouldn't happen to take requests, would you?

if so i wouldn't mind awfully seeing a Bucky fic pop up here at all >W>

I second this! Wouldn't mind more Steve either... whistling.gif

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Aw, thanks guys! blushsmiley.gif

@AnonyMouse Thanks- I couldn't help thinking it must be weird to sneeze in a new kind of body for the first time (runs off to find shapeshifter/bodysnatcher ideas...whistling1.gif ) I'll gladly provide Steve for as long as I can invent flimsy excuses for why it *totally makes sense* for him to be sneezing.

@Awko I'm really glad you liked it. Thanks.

@Daisoku I'll see what I can do about Bucky. I do have an idea, but it may have to wait until I shift a deadline or so, as I'm not sure how long it'd end up...

In the meantime, have a quickie I ran up this evening while procrastinating Actual Proper Work.

Title: Cultural Exchange.

Character: Steve Rogers

Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Authors Notes: I'm totally coming back to this scenario when I have more time because it deserves more than a single unedited drabble.

“You caught an Asgardian virus?”

With only his head poking around the doorframe, it was hard to tell if Tony was mocking or exasperated. Probably a little of both.

“Well, strictly speaking, we don’t know it’s a virus.” Steve jibed back, a slight tremble in his voice giving away the current state of his throat. “Could be any number of…” he trailed off, unable to restrain a spate of soft coughing any longer.

“Yeesh.” Tony made no attempt to come any closer, but his tone had made a distinct shift from snark to actual concern. “Can’t even finish a sentence, huh?”

Steve got his breath back a little, but did little to disprove Stark’s comment with his response.

“I wouldn’t say it’s tha- that… hh-ikshoo!

He caught the sneeze in steepled hands, the sharp motion of his body rumpling the sheets he was perched on. It looked like a lot of force for something with such a restrained sound.

“Gesundheit. I rest my case. I’m going to quarantine your rooms ‘til you’re better.”

Steve smiled at that.

“Thanks for the sympathy.”

“Hey, this is civic responsibility. Containing an alien plague. You should be proud.”

Tony frowned at Steve’s lack of reply, until he noticed the way the Captain’s shoulders had tensed, his hands drifting up to cover his face again.

“hh…ahkishoo! ikshoo! hh- issshew!” This time the whole bedframe shook.

“Well, that sounds like my cue to leave. Stay in your room, try not to die, see you on the other side…” The door closed behind Stark with a firm click.

Steve sniffed gently, still amused by how flustered the situation had made Tony. Besides, it wasn’t as though he had any intention of leaving this room anytime soon. Between his nose, his throat, and the buzzing in his ears, it was a marvel he was still upright.

A change of clothes and an extra blanket later, he wasn’t even that.

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SUPERHUSBANDS what like that's amazing I can feel the fuzzies.

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@Awko Yeah, I needed something light to distract from the swamp that is my dissertation proposal. Thanks!

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@Awko Yeah, I needed something light to distract from the swamp that is my dissertation proposal. Thanks!

You're working on your PhD?! That's crazy, so is my dad! He's actually knee deep in the shitstorm that's dissertation defending.
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hnngh yes! I have been jonesing for Avengers since I finally saw TWS a couple weeks ago. Steeeve~

Also: an Asgardian virus, brilliant! such brain *__*

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lskjgdfhafhhhh that's so clever @W@

I love how concerned yet totally in character Tony is. And Steve's sneezes are just delicious.

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@Awko Yeah, I needed something light to distract from the swamp that is my dissertation proposal. Thanks!

You're working on your PhD?! That's crazy, so is my dad! He's actually knee deep in the shitstorm that's dissertation defending.

Just a lowly Masters student, I'm afraid. But the struggle is real. I'm drowning in a lake of my own tears mixed with printer ink.

Oh, also, thanks serotonin, Daisoku and Slash2347! I'm definitely going to work that Asgardian Virus thing into something longer.Gives me an excuse to mess some supercharged immune systems right up...

While I'm here, have some Tony. It's been final-edited with a hammer at 2am, and I'll hate parts of it by morning, but frankly anything to get it off the drawing board. It's been giving me that half-finished side-eye for a while.

Title: Proving it.

Character: Tony Stark

Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Authors Notes: I figure Tony's the sort of guy who makes a challenge out of little things. I dunno.

Tony Stark had a rule: If it doesn’t come out, it means nothing. Which was why he had been trying to banish this tickle for a good fifteen minutes, steadfastly ignoring the little box of tissues Pepper had left in the workshop that morning. She'd left it as a challenge, he was certain of it. This tickle was persistent, though. Just when he thought he’d shifted it for good, it would come creeping back. But that still didn't make her right.

He was also ignoring the increasing feeling of pressure in his sinuses and a tight, tender feeling in his throat. It meant nothing. At least not- uh oh.


Tony’s breath caught involuntarily, and he scrubbed his nose against his shoulder to try and quell the returning tickle. It retreated obediently, but now the whole side of his face felt hot. Drat.

To top off his annoyance, the itch was tamed for less than a minute before it was sending fresh feelers into his already-abused nose. He tried a brisk sniff to dismiss it, but that seemed to dislodge something important, releasing a much more demanding wave of sensation. He gasped with the force of it, his eyes sliding shut of their own accord.

Forced to drop his project for the time being, Tony recalled his hands to clamp his rebellious nostrils shut. He could feel them squirming beneath his grip, but thought for a moment he might have a chance of regaining control. His body seemed to have other ideas, though.

“HhnnXtsh! Oh cr- cr…”

Only irritated by the half-stifled explosion, Tony’s nose seemed to decide that the only way to get relief was to simply take over the whole body until it was done. Control was no longer a viable option. It was all Tony could do to twist to one side as he sneezed uncovered towards the floor.


The force of the sneeze almost flung him off his stool, but wow, it felt good. It hadn’t half opened the floodgates in his nose, though. With a sigh of surrender, he reached for a tissue to stem the flow. He tried to move the box as little as possible, out of habit, but Pepper would know. She always knew. Ah well. Just one more circuit board, then he’d go find some juice or something. It put her in a better mood if he at least pretended to be looking after himself.

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572... that's almost a drabble, right? Right?
Oh well, in the interests of adding another fandom to the mix, here it is anyway.

Title: Spices
Character: Cecil Palmer
Fandom: Welcome to Night Vale
Authors Notes: I know people in Night Vale do sneeze, but for the purposes of my twisted brain and this story, let's say Cecil's always been the exception to the rule...

“What’s that?”

It was Carlos’s turn to cook dinner, so Cecil wasn’t exactly surprised to find the scientist in front of the stove, stirring a large pot of something. He didn’t recognise the smell, though. Carlos half-turned to smile at him, and Cecil was gratified to see that he was wearing the cute apron. The one with the tassels.

“Oh hi Cecil. I found some spices I brought from home when I was packing up my books, and I thought I’d make a curry.”

He turned back to the stove, still talking.

“I couldn’t find any fresh chillies, so I used the dried flakes. I’m quite surprised no-one in Night Vale grows them, considering how much they like the sun.”

“Well, you know, the farmers here choose their own crops, and most of them grow. You get a different vegetable every few weeks, sometimes.” Cecil curled his arms around Carlos from behind, resting his chin on the shorter man’s shoulder. “I can suggest it, if you’d like.”

“No, no.” Carlos smiled. “Let’s not start down that road. In this town, I dread to think what would end up happening.”


They stayed comfortably entwined for a minute or two, until Cecil sniffed and tensed slightly.

“My nose feels weird.”

He took one arm from Carlos’ waist and rubbed inquiringly at the offending appendage. Judging from the face he pulled, it hadn’t helped.

“Weird how?” Carlos stopped stirring for the moment. Cecil’s squirming against his back was getting distracting, anyway.

“It’s all… tingly.”

Carlos turned to look at his boyfriend. His flaring nostrils and slowly weakening expression made for a very easy diagnosis.

“Cecil, you just need to sneeze. It’s okay.”

“I don’t- hhuh…hh! Carlos, what do I do?”

He seemed genuinely frightened. Carlos sighed.

“Just cover your mouth and let it happen. It’s not harmful, I promise.”


Cecil clamped his hands over his mouth so tightly that you might believe he was trying to change the shape of his teeth.

Deciding that this clearly required a more active intervention on his part, Carlos pulled a clean handkerchief from his pocket.

“No, no Cecil. Like this.” He took his boyfriend’s hands away from his face and gently covered Cecil’s mouth and nose himself.

“I don’t un-understahhn…” Cecil’s whole face was screwed up with the effort of resisting the strange feeling that had come over him. Carlos just shifted the hanky encouragingly.

“Let it happen, Cecil. You’ll feel better.”

“Bu-b… hh! hh’iessSHEUE!”

Cecil’s nose made the decision for him, the reflex sending his head down into Carlos’ waiting palm. He gasped, eyes wide.”

“What was that?”

“You sneezed, love. Everyone does it.”

“I don’t.”

Well, that was a question for later…

“You’re probably just not used to the smell of spices.” Carlos guessed. “You need to go again?” he added. Cecil’s nostril’s looked distinctly unplacated.

“I think… yeah, okay.” Cecil took the handkerchief from Carlos and gingerly held it to his own face.

“Like this?” His voice warped on the words, and he looked to Carlos for reassurance.

“Yes. That’s just right.” Carlos stepped to the side and put a comforting hand on Cecil’s back. “Your body knows how, okay?”

“mm… hh…huhhh…” Cecil was obviously making a real effort to relax. Carlos started making little circles with his hand.

“It’s no- oh. Eh- hh’tshhiEW!”

“There. That wasn’t so bad, huh?”

“Suppose not.” Cecil sniffled.

“Now blow.”


“Oh for the love of Mendeleev.”

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oh my goodness gracious Tony and his pride and guhsfgksfjgfjg

Also, of course education comes first, so focus on that!




so confused and adorable oh my life <3

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I loved these.

This line in particular:

When it finally began to assert itself, Steve relaxed, laid his head back, and let it slowly take him.

Wow! So hot. blowup.gif

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I loved these.

This line in particular:

When it finally began to assert itself, Steve relaxed, laid his head back, and let it slowly take him.

Wow! So hot. blowup.gif

I am also a huge fan of this particular sentence.

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On 20/05/2014 at 6:36 PM, Bruyere said:

I loved these.

This line in particular:

When it finally began to assert itself, Steve relaxed, laid his head back, and let it slowly take him.

Wow! So hot. blowup.gif

Thanks! That one went through about five different iterations while I was writing it, so I'm glad the final version worked okay.

I really need to start proofreading these better. There are some typos and mislaid apostrophes back there that are going to haunt me... (she says as she posts another one she wrote this morning. Sigh)


Edit: (I have deleted the drabble which used to be here because I did some maths and realised that at the time of events I referenced in it, the characters would have been around 12. Basically, I wrote it without realising that the passage of time as it relates to human beings was a thing I should take into account and am retrospectively horrified at myself. Sorry.)

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Harry and Draco are so precious, having to walk through the halls with nothing to wipe their noses.

By the way, I LOVE THESE. Your spellings are so fitting, seriously, I'm almost at a loss for words because I think they're so great. The first one with Captain America in the shower was so hot; clearly, we share a dream. I just pictured it really well and could practically hear the sound echoing in the shower and wow okay wow you're great

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@cupkake Thanks so much! I'm paranoid about my spellings (I can never quite make them match what's in my head), so it's good to know I'm not completely failing. *blows kisses in your direction*

Some additional Potterverse, and a Pokemon one, because my brain threw it in my direction and I went with it.

Title: Identical

Character: Fred & George Weasley

Fandom: Harry Potter

Authors Notes: I don't even know.


“Morning, Fred. Bless.”


“Morning, George.”

“Lavender’s perfume?” Ginny asked.

“mm-hmm.” George gave his nose a quick rub. The twins weren’t desperately allergic to perfumes, just a little sensitive, but the irritation tended to linger.

“It’s quite fun when you two are sneezy.”

Both twins shot their sister an aggrieved look. She shrugged.

“I mean, it’s the only sure-fire way to tell you two apart.”

“Oh yeah?” Fred seemed amused. “How can you be sure we don’t switch now and then?”

“Please. You couldn’t stifle them to save your life.”

Whatever Fred’s retort was going to be, it was forgotten as his expression hazed over once more. Ginny raised her eyebrows at him, challenging, and he did his best.

“hh…hnghhsshEW! … ow.”

Ginny doubled over the table with laughter. Fred winced and turned incredulously to his brother.

“how do you do that?”

George just shook his head, mock-stern.

“Honestly. I am disappointed, Fred. Sorely disappointed.”

Title: Time to Delegate

Character: Prof. Oak

Fandom: Pokemon

Authors Notes:... yeah.

“These road closures are becoming really quite bothersome.”

Prof Oak rubbed fitfully at his rheumy eyes as he entered his lab. One of his researchers, May, followed him, weighed down by a stack of folders. She set them down on her desk and retrieved a clean handkerchief for Oak.

“I’m sure Celadon wouldn’t have been so insistent that you come personally if they had known how much the long grasses affect you.”

“hetCHOO! Perhaps not. Still, while the roads are closed I’m going to send aides for anything non vi-vi-” he gave the bridge of his nose a sharp pinch- “vital from now on. They like to get out.”

“Unlike you, it seems.”

He took the handkerchief with a nod of thanks.

“There’s a good r-reason I don’t usually- h-hhETCHOU! usually go looking for pokemon myself nowadays.” He sighed. “Not that I wouldn’t love to, of course.”

“I’m sorry, professor. It must be awful for someone with your interests to be so…” she trailed off, but Oak was unable to respond just yet. He brought the handkerchief to his face again, resigned to his fate.

“HIEtchoo! h‘choo! Ah..ah… ETCHOO!” He cleared his nose discreetly, then smiled back at her.

“It’s a curse. But then, no life is without its hardships! I’ve been very lucky in my circumstances.”

“I suppose so. Still, I’m sorry.”

“T-th- HETchoo! Thank you, May.”

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Haha, I know twins who sneeze like total opposites! Cx That was a cute fail!stifle!

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Ah! Fred and George! And NIGHT VALE OMFG! That was gorgeous!

“Oh for the love of Mendeleev.”

That was my favorite part. I laughed harder that I should have.

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