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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chanel Does Drabbles (various Fandoms And Original) Updated January 31


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Just wanted to let you know that I look forwards to your updates of this thread with great anticipation. Loved the latest Downton ficlet :D

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“Let’s pretend that never happened,” she said. Anna smiled and kept brushing her hair.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, mylady.”

Fantastic. I love it!

Thank you! biggrin.png

Just wanted to let you know that I look forwards to your updates of this thread with great anticipation. Loved the latest Downton ficlet biggrin.png

Thank you! I plan on writing more Downton, so... keep reading. wink.png

That was absolutely brilliant and perfect. smile.png

Aww, thank you so much!! biggrin.png

Prompts: Compliment + flowers

Fandom: CSI: New York (early season 4)

Stella Bonasera shook her head a little at the note on her windshield wiper. It simply read “Take a chance”, scribbled onto a treasure map, complete with an X and all. Drew was really starting to annoy her with his extravagant presents, and she didn’t quite trust his intentions, but she had to admit that this was rather intriguing. She knew she shouldn’t, of course, but at heart she was a natural born explorer.

After following the map, she ended up in a private greenhouse on the rooftop of a New York skyscraper. Shaking her head again, she turned to leave. This was not her style at all. Also, there was something growing in this garden that already started to bother her allergies. They may have been dormant in winter, but she could tell right away that this wasn't just a random tickle or the beginning of a cold. There was a prickling, teasing need to sneeze building inside her elegant nostrils and she would prefer to get out of here before the tickle turned into an actual allergy attack.

“And where do you think you’re going, pretty one?” a voice said behind her back. She turned around and faced her persistent admirer.

“Well, the treasure wasn’t quite my thing, so I’m headed home...” she said, but she smiled as she did. He did get some bonus point for boldness.

“Even if you can say no to the treasure, which by the way is me, can you really say no to a glass of Dom Perignon?”

Stella rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling.

“I have to admit I’ve always been curious if the expensive stuff really is better than the cheaper,” she said and he laughed as he handed her a glass.

“For the mere purpose of exploration then,” he said, his eyes twinkling. He clinked his own glass against hers. Stella however was sidetracked by the increasing burning inside her sinuses. It felt like she was heading for a true, allergic sneezing fit. Somewhere in this little greenhouse was something that really set fire to her sensitive nasal membranes.

“You are so beautiful,” Drew said. “Apart from all your other qualities, of course.”

Stella didn’t answer. Partly because she didn’t know what to say, but mostly because her nose was tickling so bad she had to fight of a sneeze. Disappointed at her lack of response, Drew decided to push matters a little further. He reached out a hand and stroke his finger down the bridge of her nose.

“Mostly it’s your pretty nose,” he began, doubtlessly gearing up for further compliments, but the touch was everything it took to push her over the edge.

AaayISSCHoo!” She had no chance to cover or even turn away, and so the sudden sneeze sprayed his hand and arm. He pulled back, more in surprise than disgust, and stared at her.

“Bless…” he began, but Stella interrupted him with another, much more powerful sneeze:


“…you. Wow, not just a pretty nose but quite a forceful one,” he teased. Stella put the champagne glass on a shelf and then rubbed the body part in question with both hands, sniffling.

“I’m so sorry Drew, there’s something in there that I’m… ah… ahh… AH-yESCHHuhh! Allergic to.”

She glared at her soaked hands in dismay, then did the only thing she could think of; wipe them off on her slacks. She would have given a lot to be able to stifle, but she was completely incapable of stifling her sneezes no matter how hard she tried. She simply had to let them out.

“I have to go. Sorry,” she said, wrestling with another sneeze and losing the battle just as she went back out into the cool winter air. She threw her arm up and sneezed a violent double into the sleeve of her black coat;


Drew shrugged and gulped down his own champagne in one long swallow as he watched her leave.

“Still a pretty nose. But more than a little rebellious.”

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  • 1 month later...

Fandom: Criminal Minds

Prompts: pills + image


“Are you going to admit it anytime soon?” JJ asked, grinning broadly. Derek Morgan gave her a watery-eyed glare.

“Admit what?”

“That your allergies are acting up.”

“I don’t have any allergies,” he lied and sniffed wetly, then rubbed his itchy nose. “I just had to sneeze.”

“Mm-hmm. You know, maybe I would buy it if this didn’t happen every single year around the same time. You’re a sniffly, sneezy mess for weeks, and I bet you’re not even willing to admit it to yourself, so you go unmedicated. Am I right?”

“You’re right that I am unmedicated because I have no allergies,” he growled. “Huh-ERSHUH! ESSCCHUH!”

“Or because admitting to them would ruin your macho image?” she teased. “Come on Derek, if you want to pretend you’re not allergic, at least take some antihistamines so you’re not blatantly displaying all the symptoms.”

She pulled out a chart of pills from her pocket and handed it over. “Look at me,” she said. “I was about as much of a mess this morning as you are right now, and I still would be if it wasn’t for these. I swear they’re magic in pill form.”

He stared at her for almost half a minute, trying to see any signs of an allergic response. Maybe her eyes were a little bit bloodshot, but nothing that was obvious at first sight.

“Are you kidding me?” he said and sniffed again. His voice was thick with congestion, and still he felt like his nose just wouldn’t stop running.

“Nope. Just take it, you’ll feel much better. And you’ll be able to keep your macho image up.”

He chuckled and picked up the antihistamines. “Alright. Thank you, JJ.”

“You’re welcome.”


Fandom: Big Love, set during season 4 at the Blackfoot Casino.

Prompts: no prompts, it just came as it was.


Barb ran her knuckles under her rosy nostrils, trying to quell the itch in her nose before it turned into a sneeze. Another sneeze. She had been struggling with the need to sneeze all day, and it didn’t seem to go away.

Ugh, no, it’s no use, I have to…

“NnkTSChew! Nkkt-SSCHew! AISSHHEW!”

She sniffed and reached for a tissue. As she quietly blew her nose, Tommy came inside her office with a bunch of papers. He stopped and gave her a funny glance.

“What?” She didn’t really snap at him; lately she had come to realise that he wasn’t at all the degrading woman-hater she had first believed he was. But there was impatience in her voice and it was there because she didn’t want him to see her in a vulnerable state. She didn’t trust him quite that much, not yet.

“Are you okay?” he asked, very carefully. They had only recently began to get along and the brittle trust that had formed could easily break. Neither wanted to be responsible for that, Tommy perhaps even less than her. Almost against his will, he admired this woman, who was rather insecure and still had decided to shoulder this responsibility, with no previous knowledge of either casino, running a business or the reservation. She did her best, and she failed more often than she succeeded, and people attacked her from all directions… and yet she kept showing up, kept trying, kept improving. She was vulnerable, but she was strong.

“Yes, why wouldn‘t I be?”

But her nose chose that moment to decide it could not endure the itch without taking action, and she pressed her wrist against it and gave in to its demands.

“Heh-nkktSCH! NNXTh! Oh… ahh-nkTSHHew!”

Tommy put the papers down on her desk and watched her closely.

“Because you’ve been sneezing since you got here?”

Barb gave him a feeble smile and wiped away the allergic tears that clung to her eyelashes.

“No, I haven’t. I have been sneezing since I woke up.”

“Even more reason for concern, then.”

“It’s nothing, really, just allergies.”


She nodded and inhaled sharply to release a messy “EH-igTSSCHHew!” into her sleeve. She glared at the wet spot on her blazer with so much disgust and contempt, it made Tommy chuckle.

“Bless you. Do you need to go home early?”

Barb thought about butting heads with Nicki, evading Margene’s impulsive concern, the sound level when the kids came home from school, how annoyed (and annoying) Bill had been lately… and shook her head.

“Honestly, I’d rather be here.”

He chuckled again.

“I suppose it’s a tad easier to close the door behind you and have some privacy here, huh?” he said. “Is there anything you need? Do you have any medication you can take?”

Barb laughed out loud.

“That sounded dangerously close to the ‘don’t you have any pills to take?’ insult you delivered a few weeks ago.”

Tommy laughed too and shrugged a little.

“It did, didn’t it? I’m sorry about that. But you really were annoying back then.”

“So were you.”

Their eyes met over the desk and they both smiled, thinking nearly the same thought unbeknownst to each other.

If I wasn’t already married…

If she wasn’t already married…


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While I haven't seen any of these TV shows/ and or films, I loved these little stories:)

Great work, Chanel_no5:)

Thank you very much! biggrin.png

Yeah, well… I still have such a crush on this character it’s not even funny. I miss her so much I can’t bring myself to watch the latest season (after she left) yet. cry.gif So I needed to do this. Sorry for being pathetic and fangirl over the unpopular ones, but I can't help it. heh.gif

Fandom: Criminal Minds

Prompts: mess + tickle

Blake had felt a slight tickle in the back of her nose for at least an hour, but it wasn’t strong enough to make her sneeze. Nor was it faint enough to go away if she rubbed her nose. It had been annoying, but not embarrassing, until now, as they got into the car. When she opened her mouth to say something to JJ, she sneezed instead. She just barely recognised the sensation in time to get her hands up in front of her mouth and nose, and it was lucky she did, because it might very well have been the messiest sneeze that ever escaped her.


JJ jumped at the sudden noise and began to laugh. “Oh my God, Alex!” she said and shook her head. “Bless you! Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” Blake groaned and kept her hands cupped in front of her face to hide her messy appearance from her colleague. She had absolutely no idea how to get out of this with at least a little bit of dignity intact. She turned away from JJ and tried to wipe the mess off her face, but the only thing that led to was getting it all over her hands instead. And she refused, just refused, to wipe it off on her clothes. Kids did that. Not grown women. Certainly not FBI agents. Definitely not FBI agents who also held a doctor’s degree in linguistics.

The question was, what the hell could she do about the situation?

JJ had been watching her from the corner of her eye, knowing perfectly well how much Blake hated to be seen in any kind of vulnerable or embarrassing state. But it was clear to her that this was one humiliating situation Blake wasn’t able to solve on her own, so JJ promptly reached past her, opened the glove compartment and took out an opened pack of tissues. She peeled out several sheets and handed them over to the desperately sniffling woman next to her.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you. Don’t look at me,” Blake pleaded as she began to clean herself up. JJ obediently looked out the window until Blake was done.

“God, you really scared me,” JJ said, grinning, as she started the car.

“I scared myself,” Blake muttered and took a careful breath through her nose. At least the sneeze had done its job - the tickle was finally gone.


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So, this will be the last drabble for a while, as I won't post stories for public viewing indefinitely. Thank you for reading and for your support! :D

Fandom: Criminal Minds

Prompts: audience + mist

Garcia wasn’t much of a perfume girl; neither the light floral type of perfume favoured by JJ, or the heavier, spicy type of perfume that Blake liked to wear. Garcia only used body mist. Usually those fragrances were very light, as they were watered down into almost nothing, but this new one she had bought was something else entirely.

It was… potent, to say the least.

She had sprayed on some just before heading for the roundtable discussion, and on her way there, she had battled an increasingly more intense tickle in her nose. To her immense embarrassment, the teasing sneeze stayed unbuilt until the very moment she entered the conference room. She had merely stepped inside when she instead of greeting her colleagues and friends, she snapped forward with a forceful double.


Reid startled and spilled some coffee. JJ grinned - more at Reid‘s frantic attempt to wipe up the spilled coffee than at Garcia‘s sudden sneezes. Blake and Rossi looked concerned. Morgan’s head turned;

“You okay baby girl?”

Hotch settled for a simple, neutral “Bless you.”

“Thank you.” She refused to let them see how embarrassed she was. The need to sneeze hadn’t been soothed by those sneezes however; it had merely been a taste of what was coming. She pinched her nose for a moment, hoping it would keep calm.

“I’m very sorry about that, because this case is really nothing to sneeze at. The…” she fell silent and tried not to give in to the next sneeze, but it was simply too persistent, her nose too itchy. She tried to suppress the sneeze but it wasn't going to allow such treatment.

Heh-nikTSSHH! I’m so sorry,” she mumbled and took a deep breath before continuing. But she didn‘t get far before she had to sneeze again, and she put her arm up in front of her face and let loose with another double, muffled this time, but quite powerful.

“Garcia, are you okay?” Hotch said in a low voice laced with concern. “Do you need a minute?”

“It’s, uh, I think I might be allergic to my new body mist.” She cringed as she spoke; it was embarrassing enough to lose control with the whole team as an audience, but the worst part was doing so in front of Hotch. The man who was always, always in complete and perfect control.

“Body mist?” The concept was new to him.

“It’s like perfume, only watered down…” she dug through her purse and got the spray bottle out. “This one.”

Hotch examined it and took a sniff. “It’s not very strong...”

He then turned away from the rest of the team as a sudden but desperate urge to sneeze claimed domination over his sinuses.


“No,” Garcia agreed, smiling a little upon seeing her controlled boss lose it just like that. “It’s not. But clearly strong enough.”

Hotch sniffed. “Wash that off and throw away the bottle. Roundtable can wait ten minutes.”


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  • 2 months later...

Latest drabble turned into story, can be found in Fanfiction section. tonguesmiley.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm on one of those writing binges where I have several Word documents open at once, writing a little bit here and a little bit there. I take my victories where I can find them, okay? :P Hope you like these little display of silliness. ;)

Prompts: misery + unforeseen
Fandom: Big Love

Barb rubbed her itchy eyes with the back of her hand and sniffled miserably. It was the same thing every spring, one day she’d be fine and the next she’d be reduced to an allergic mess. Eyes watering and swollen, nose burning and running, and she was either sneezing or needing to.


She dropped the keys as her entire body jerked forward with the violent sneeze, and had to bend down and pick them up. Leaning forward made her nose run even more than before, and she felt like she had hit an all-time low. She straightened up and pinched her nose with one hand while unlocking the door with the other. She couldn’t wait to escape the pollen-laden spring air, even if the damage had already been done.


Nor was she alone in the house.

Damnit Nicki, today of all days, do you have to be here?

“Bless you,” Nicki’s voice came from the couch. “Allergies already?”

“Ugh, don’t mention it,” she groaned and went into the kitchen, steeling herself for the inevitable argument with the younger woman. Nicki was skilled at finding weaknesses and attacking when you were least prepared to defend yourself, and she seemed to take personal pleasure in making life difficult for the first wife.

But Nicki was curled up on the couch, looking pretty lousy herself, face almost ashen.

“You okay?” Barb asked, her own misery momentarily forgotten.

“Just cramps,” Nicki muttered and her face looked strained. There was nothing ‘just’ about her cramps, Barb knew that. That was pretty much the only time she honestly felt sorry for the other wife. She grabbed a tissue and pressed it against her nose.

“AISSCHEW! ISSCHHH! Want to switch places?”

Nicki did her best to offer a feeble smile. It looked more like a grimace, but at least it was an attempt.

“I’d do anything to get rid of this, you know that,” she replied hoarsely. Barb collapsed on the couch next to her.

“I know, sweetie.”

She gently stroke Nicki’s arm.

“Where are the kids?”

“Margene and Sarah took them to the park. They just left five minutes before you dragged your allergic face though the door.”

“Oh thank God,” Barb sighed, leaned her head back against the pillows and let out a watery sniffle.

“For once I agree with you,” Nicki said. and squirmed. “Ow…”

“Where’s your heating pad?”

“I couldn’t find it."

“Oh.” Barb really didn’t want to move, but one glance at Nicki’s sweaty face told her that no matter how bad she felt herself, Nicki felt worse. She sighed. Sometimes the price of being a decent person was high. “You can borrow mine.”

"Thank you Barb. I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you..."

The corners of Barb's mouth twitched slightly.

"It's that bad, huh?"

Nicki nodded. The twitch turned into a quick smile.

"Okay. I'll go get it."


Prompts: painting + struggle
Fandom: Cinderella 2015

“Actually, this is a very good angle for you. Great nostrils,” the artist said from his newly-acquired position on the floor. Kit rolled his eyes when suddenly said nostrils began to widen with an unmistakably goal in sight - he was going to sneeze. It was probably the dust on top of the canvas that caused this increasingly irritating tickle inside his poor nose.


He brought a hand up to his nose to rub it and hopefully fight off the sneeze before it could overpower him, but the artist immediately snapped;

“Don’t move!” A quick glance at the King made him add “Your Highness,” but Kit knew perfectly well that was just for show. He forced himself to lower his hand, but it twitched in defiance, challenging him to keep it down. That was a challenge he knew he would fail, given how the tickle spread from those ’great’ nostrils throughout his nose.


“Just like that, Your Highness! Hold it right there…!”

Kit held his breath, struggling to keep his features still, but the urge to sneeze was growing steadily. His eyelids closed. His nostrils widened as his mouth opened and his breath began to hitch in desperation.

“Hhehhh… ehhh….”

The tickle was now a full-blown itch and there was simply nothing he could do to fight it anymore. He burst forward with a harsh, spraying


The artist blinked.

“Some nostrils,” he muttered under his breath and shook his head in dismay. Kit didn’t care. At least he had gotten the tickle out of them.


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Honestly obsessed with your Criminal Minds drabbles! Now that I've got my own thread I'm constantly looking at these for inspiration! Please please please write some more!

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Honestly obsessed with your Criminal Minds drabbles! Now that I've got my own thread I'm constantly looking at these for inspiration! Please please please write some more!


Aww, thank you! Will do! ;)

Here goes, a triple of drabbles... hope you'll like these too. :yay:

Prompts: medication + neglect

Fandom: Criminal Minds


JJ took a deep, shuddering breath and sneezed a fourth time, praying she’d stop before anyone started interrogating her about the reason. Already the team were starting to give her glances, and as much as they showed honest concern, it was still embarrassing. She had completely neglected to take her allergy medication this morning as they left the hotel, and her allergic reaction to the pollen-laden spring air didn’t wait.

”Bless you,” Hotch said after a short pause. ”You okay?”

”I’m fine,” she lied and sniffed. This only seemed to make the burning sensation inside her nasal passages worse, but she had also neglected to bring tissues. She knew this was going to shape up to a really bad day, but there was very little she could do about it right now.

”You don’t look fine,” Reid objected. ”Is it your allergies again? Because you might need to get something stronger than the over the counter brands for it…”

”I’m fine, Spence!” she cut him off and had to bring her arm up to her face and sneeze into her sleeve again. ”Isscheew! Hah-ESSCHH!

Hotch looked at the rest of the team.

”We’re ready to get the profile,” he said, and they began rising from their chairs. So did JJ, all the while with her face shielded by her arm. She had no idea how she was going to get through this without sneezing her head off, but she sure would try.

Hotch put his hand on her shoulder and stopped her from following the rest of the team.

”Not you. You go and find some antihistamines.”


”No buts. Go on.”

She nodded. She really couldn’t fight her nose’s behaviour for much longer without some help anyway.


Prompts: Weapon + circus

Fandom: Criminal Minds

Blake's allergies had acted up on a number of bad occasions before, but this was definitely the worst. By far. Pointing a gun at an unsub while battling an increasing need to sneeze was bad enough. When said unsub pointed a gun right back at you, that was worse.

God only knew what the culprit was; dust, the wood chips on the ground, animal fur - for all she knew she might even have an allergy to giraffes of all things - or all of the above. Or something completely different. What she did know for certain was that her eyes watered, her nose burned, and that she was going to sneeze any second now.

”Drop the weapon,” she called out, and could hear the breathlessness in her own voice. It wasn’t quite a hitch, but it was not far from it. If anyone had told her just an hour ago that she would soon be aiming her weapon at an armed clown, while trying her best not to sneeze, she would have laughed out loud.

Yeah, not so amusing right now. Where the hell were the others? Did they get stomped on by the elephants or what?

Her allergic nose felt like it was on fire. She couldn’t rub it; both her hands were occupied holding the gun, and she was afraid that sniffing would make matters worse. Her breath hitched and she felt her eyes trying to close.

The unsub began to grin.

”I think you should drop the weapon, Madam FBI,” he said in a voice that sounded oddly educated coming from a man in a clown suit with full makeup. ”Even if you normally shoot like Annie Oakley, I doubt you can hold the aim while sneezing.”

Blake tried to hold her breath to keep the sneeze from coming, but it had already reached the point of no return. The itch invading her nostrils was just too strong to fight.

”Heehhh… aYESSHHO!”

Her body jerked, rendering her aim useless, and the unsub took advantage of it and fired his own gun. But as her head bobbed forward and slightly to the side with the sneeze, the bullet missed by mere inches - she could actually feel it brush against her ponytail - and mere seconds later, another shot rang out, hitting the unsub right in the chest.

”You okay Blake?” Rossi asked from next to her.

”Fine,” she sniffled and holstered her gun quickly so she could get a hand up to her face and rub her itchy nose. ”What took you so long?”

”I’ll tell you when we get back, but involves Morgan and a big pile of elephant shit.”

Blake let out a laugh and cut herself off by sneezing again.


”Salud. Let’s get you out of here before your allergies go completely nuts.”

She couldn’t argue with that. Only…

”How do you know it’s allergies?”

He gave her a patient look.

”Alex, on your way here you must have passed at least six horses. I’ve seen what those animals do to you before.”

”Oh. Right. I didn’t see them.”

”When in doubt, follow your nose.”

She merely rolled her eyes in response. There really was nothing else to say on the matter.


Prompts: Science + powerless

Fandom: Divergent


The sneeze that had been evading her for most part of the day, building up to disappointment time and time again, finally decided to come out. Like all Jeanine's sneezes, it was wet beyond belief, which was the main reason she never tried to cover. She wasn’t going to soak either her hands or clothes with the spray, and carrying tissues or a handkerchief was impractical.

Now, she would be the first to admit that this was a most unhygienic sneezing habit, and she would call anyone else out on it… especially since someone else’s germs were to blame for giving her this damn cold in the first place… but if Jeanine infected anyone, it was acceptable. What wasn’t acceptable was anyone infecting Jeanine.

Now, the exposure had been inevitable, to be honest. One of the divergents she had killed had obviously had a bad head cold, and had managed to pass it on to her before she killed him. There was some kind of poetic justice in that, probably, but it infuriated her to think about it.

Her pinkish nostrils widened as the tickle returned, and she turned away from the touchpad she was holding, letting out another messy, harsh sneeze:


After all the progress science has made, it was hard to believe there was still no cure for the common cold, but facts spoke for themselves. She was powerless. All she could do was suffer through it, the way people had done for thousands of years. There was probably some poetic justice in that, too.

reason for edit: wrong spelling. :bag:

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  • 1 month later...

Hello people. I drabbled again.

Fandom: Criminal Minds
Prompts: Fit + speakers

This was what happened when Penelope Garcia was bored. She would even resort to cleaning up her work space! When hours had gone by with nobody from the team asking for her magic computer powers, she ended up dusting the screens, but that turned out to be a not so great idea once it was set in motion.

There was more dust than she had expected, and of the fine, dry kind that swirled around in the air and found its way into your nose, where it would tickle and tease until it coaxed a sneeze out of you.


Unfortunately, it didn’t always stop with one. Garcia usually had a rather resilient nose, but dust had a tendency to set her off quite spectacularly from time to time. And, given the persistent tickle spreading throughout her nasal passages, this was going to be one of those times.

“IsSSCHEW! Heh-ekTSCHhoo!”

She rubbed her knuckles against her itchy nose and sniffed, but it didn’t help. Another sneeze was already building.

“Hehh… ehhh…”

And as if on cue, the phone rang. She stifled the next sneeze against her arm and sniffed as she reached for the speaker button.

“Speak and be heard, oh fighters of c-crime…” her breath hitched and she had to smother another sneeze into her sleeve. “AhhmnTSCHew!”

“Bless you, Garcia. Are you okay?”

Oh, of course it had to be Hotch, the Bossman himself.

“Fine. What kind of magic may I dazzle you with, sir?”

She struggled to keep delivering her usual sass, because she knew Hotch would easily see right through her, but the urge to sneeze again was already building inside her nasal passages.

“See if you can find anything on the victims’ social media pages that connects them,” he began, and Garcia nodded to herself as she tapped the keyboard. Her nose tingled. She needed to sneeze again and hoped Hotch would hang up to spare her from sneezing over the speakers, but he decided to stay on the line.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked.

“I’m… ehh… hehh…. NITSCHeew! I’m fine, I just got some dust in my nose,” she admitted, feeling her cheeks burn in embarrassment. Hotch’s silence told her he expected her to elaborate. “I did some dusting,” she said in a choked voice as she tried to keep the next outburst bottled up. “I’ll get back to you as soon as I have something,” she said and ended the call, just in time to avoid sneezing repeatedly into the microphone. She raised an arm up to her face and let loose with a heavy, half-stifled rapid-fire fit.


She took a deep breath and sneezed again, completely unrestrained.


That seemed to do the trick. She sniffed, shook her head and went back to work.


Fandom: CSI: New York
Prompts: park + evidence

Central Park in May would be a beautiful sight - if you could actually see anything. Detective Jo Danville was so allergic to pollen she felt her eyes swell shut nearly the moment she stepped out of the car. Incredibly enough, she could still feel the scent of flowers and grass, but she knew that was only a harbinger of further misery.

Her allergies were just vicious, and she was pretty sure she had forgotten to take her allergy medication this morning. That had to be the case, otherwise the pollen count must be off the charts for her to react like this. There was a throbbing, painful tingle in the back of her nose, and it was spreading down her throat and further into her sinuses. There was not a chance she would be able to soldier through this without Mac noticing, she thought and pinched the bridge of her nose. It didn’t help at all; the itch was located far too deep within.

She cleared her irritated throat as she walked up to Mac.

“What have we got?” she said, carefully articulating the words. He looked up from examining the body and did a double take.

“I’m not sure,” he said and she winced when she realised it was her reaction he spoke of. “It’s either a pretty severe allergic reaction, or you pepper sprayed yourself on the way here.”

Jo raised a hand up to her nose, pressing her knuckles against her nostrils as if trying to push back the sneeze that was threatening to burst forward.

I’m not going to sneeze in front of Mac. Not. Gonna. Happen.

“And considering the scene; a sunny, breezy day, Central Park with its trees and grass and flowers, in the middle of late spring pollen season…”

Does he have to say all those words? I swear to God it’s just making my nose itch even worse.

“Eeh-iKSCHH! Ah-ESCHoo!”

“… yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s allergies.”

"That is just circumstancial evidence," she objected.

"Well, am I wrong?"

Jo sighed and searched her pockets for a tissue.


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Fandom: Criminal Minds

Prompts: none

“Huh-gnxth! Hah-mnTSChkk! NnTSChhoo!”

“Bless you. Again. You‘re coming down with something, aren‘t you?”

“Just allergies. I’b okay.”

“Did you know that one in five of all Americans suffer from allergies? Many also experience cross-reactivity, for example someone who’s allergic to birch pollen might get an itchy throat when eating an apple, or sneezing while peeling apples or potatoes? That’s due to similarities in the proteins between the pollen and the food. About 25 % of hayfever sufferers in the Northern latitudes are allergic to birch pollen, however an estimated 90 % of hayfever sufferers are allergic to some kind of grass pollen. The global warming has increased the pollen season world wide…”

Emily turned to Morgan and gave him a miserable glance.

“Could you please shut hib up?”

Morgan chuckled and patted Reid's shoulder.

“Reid. Touchy subject, man.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, so I'm trying to get back into writing for fun. It... well, works so and so. :lol: But hey, at least there's something, right?? :P

Fandom: Downton Abbey

Prompts: love + leave

Cora dreads the outdoors luncheons, and for a very good reason; her hayfever is worse this summer than it has ever been before. While she is skilled in the practice of holding her sneezes back, and - if she has to let them out - in keeping them relatively quiet and ladylike, they are relentless once they start coming. She is so congested it’s a miracle she can even smell the grass, but she can. In fact, it’s so strong it’s overwhelming and makes her nose itch something terrible.

She discreetly takes out a handkerchief and folds it once, then turns away from the table, puts the soft cloth to her rosy nose and begins to sneeze.

“Nnktshh! Ktsschh! MnntSCHhew! Ktsschew! Isschhew! HEH-yISSCHew!”

The last sneeze is quite powerful, and it’s also rather messy. She is very grateful that she has the handkerchief up in front of her face so nobody can see how miserable and unappealing she really looks.

Robert’s hand gently brushes against her shoulder.

“Are you alright, my darling?” he whispers. As much as Cora wants to tell him she’s fine, she can’t lie. The incessant sneezing is a bit too obvious to lie about, is it not? She sighs and wipes her nose.

“No, it’s…” she once more presses the handkerchief to her nose and mouth and captures another rapid fit into the increasingly wet cloth. “Heh... heh-nktSSChh! Tsshiew! KtSSHH! Ah-HAH-gtSSCHHiew! Excuse me. It‘s quite bad today,” she admits, still with the handkerchief in front of her face, still anticipating more sneezes. Allergic tears trickle down her cheek and Robert wipes them off with the back of his hand.

“Bless you. You should go inside.”

“And face the wrath of your mother? No, thank you,” Cora replies before quickly turning away from the table again. Bent over the handkerchief she lets out a harshly restrained but very ticklish fit that seems to go on forever. Her poor nose doesn’t feel a bit relieved afterwards, it’s so itchy she’s almost afraid of trying to breathe for fear of upsetting it further.

Robert has had enough of letting her suffer through it and do nothing. He stands up and says;

“I’d like all of you to stay and enjoy the luncheon for as long as you wish. Cora is unwell and I will accompany her back to the house. Thank you all for your company.”

He ignores his mother’s sharp glare, and offers his arm to his sneezy, miserable wife, who takes it with great relief and gratitude.

They leave the table and head back to the house, and during the walk, Robert hands her his own handkerchief.

“I doubt yours is of much use any longer,” he says. Cora accepts it gratefully and wipes at her watery eyes and then at her wet, itchy nostrils.

“You always were my knight in shining armour,” she murmurs.

“And I intend to keep it that way,” he replies, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. He’s rewarded with a brief, sweet smile before she has to succumb to yet another allergic fit. The darn grass is making her a complete wreck today… but it could be worse. She could still be stuck at the table in the midst of the flourishing green grass, if it wasn’t for her loving husband.


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So sweet! I've not seen any of Downton Abbey. (I know, heresy.) But I didn't need to in order to appreciate this lovely story.

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  • 2 months later...

I am currently in the midst of writing something I've never actually tried my hand on before, and I sort of panicked about what I was doing so I had to pause and do what I normally do. Criminal Minds ladies with allergies. ^_^ My personal favourite, and the one I know a whole bunch of other people have as their favourite... ;)


Prompt: glasses + endure
Fandom: Criminal Minds

“Morning, Blake.“

She muttered something in response, sniffled thickly and cleared her throat.

“I’ve never seen you in glasses before,” Rossi continued.

Blake sighed.

“Yeah, I actually hate wearing them, but I can’t wear my contacts right now…” she cupped her hands in front of her face and half-stifled a congested sneeze. “NgtSCHkk! ‘scuse me. Ugh, I’m so allergic.”


Blake had to bite her tongue not to give a sarcastic reply - Rossi hadn’t deserved that.

“Yeah,” she said. “The pollen count’s off the charts today… huh-nkTSCHH-huh!”

She took out a fresh tissue from her pocket and brought it up to her nose as her eyes slowly closed behind her glasses. Hot allergic tears trickled down her cheeks and dripped onto her blouse as her head bobbed forward with a horribly itchy triple.

“NngKKTT! NKTTsh! Hehnnktggh!”

“Salud. Do you take anything for it?”

“I can’t. The only stuff that works makes me so drowsy I can’t stay awake.”

“That sounds awful.”

“It doesn’t last long though. But I won’t be much good on the field while it does,” she said, turned away from him and gave her nose a quick but forceful blow, let out a nasal half-stifle into the Kleenex and then kept blowing. “I’b really sorry,” she said and rubbed her nose as soon as she lowered the tissue, then had to get the Kleenex back up to her face to catch a violently suppressed, horribly tickly fit that rendered her breathless.

“Nkktth! NkkttSCh! MnktSHH! EeeIISSHHHnggh!”

Rossi chuckled a little as he offered her his handkerchief.

“You’re sneezing so much your glasses fog up.”

“Thanks, I’ve noticed,” she groaned and wiped her nose with the crumpled tissue, ignoring his offered handkerchief altogether, as he suspected she would. Blake didn‘t like accepting help unless it was absolutely necessary.

“Ugh, it’s so annoying.”

As Hotch walked by he only gave her one brief glance and said;

“You should go home, Blake. Take whatever meds you have that work, and get some sleep.”

The last thing Blake wanted was to admit that she needed to take him up on this, but her nose was just too impossible to deal with.

“Would that be okay?“ Blake asked, almost as if she was pleading. “I mean, I could stay and do p-paperwork… hehengtXghh!”

“No, take today off. The pollen count is supposed to be lower tomorrow, and it’s going to rain, so try and come in tomorrow if you’re feeling better.”

Blake gratefully gathered her belongings and headed for the door, all the time struggling with the urge to let out a full, satisfying sneeze in response to the constant tickle, but she didn’t want to sneeze that loudly in public.

Her breath was constantly hitching all the way to the elevator, she kept fighting to hold back the oncoming attack, when suddenly…

“Morning Alex.”

Erin Strauss came out of her office, carrying a cup of coffee. Ah, Strauss, the last person on Earth that Blake wanted to see her in this condition.

“Hi, Erin,” she said and sniffled. She didn’t want to blow her nose in front of her boss, but her poor nose was streaming and she had to do something about it.

“Right,” Strauss said and nodded. “It’s pollen season. Hence the glasses.”

Alex tried her hardest, but she could no longer hold back the oncoming outburst.

“EEYISCHEW! AaakTSSCHhew! HehmptSCHah!”

“…and the sneezing,” Strauss added with a smirk. “Go home, Alex, I remember what you’re like when nature gets the upper hand.”

Blake would have preferred to deliver a snarky retort, but she was too out of breath.

Strauss’s smirk softened into a smile. “Bless you, Alex. Feel better.”

And then, just as Blake was about to escape into the elevator - which thankfully was empty - Strauss murmured;

“You look really good in glasses, it’s a shame you only wear them when you’re feeling like this.”

Against her will, Blake smiled. She had missed Erin’s sweet side.

Then she had to sneeze again.


Prompts: dog + dominate
Fandom: Criminal Minds

“You think two ladies in pantsuits is gonna scare me?” the big, burly, unkempt man asked in disbelief.

“Not at all,” Blake replied. “We just wanna ask you a few questions.”

She had to speak up to make herself heard over the sound of the barking dogs. It wasn’t a kennel, legal or illegal, but the man certainly believed that big watchdogs would scare off anyone. Unlucky for him, Blake had grown up with dogs and could tell from one look that these certainly fitted the description “his bark is worse than his bite.”

JJ, however had moved away from the dogs and brought a hand up to her face as if for protection.

“What is it that you want to know?”

JJ’s entire body was tense, and while Blake watched her from the corner of her eye, the blonde suddenly jerked forward with a series of harshly stifled sneezes. She regained her posture but only for a few moments, until another fit overpowered her, these sneezes were a bit louder.

“Nkkthh! Nkktth! Ngtsh! Tssshh! Tscchew! IktSCHEw!”

“Did you see this man any time between Friday and Sunday?”

“Never seen him before in my life.”

“Are you sure? Look again.”

She was trying to stay focused on the man before her, but JJ’s suppressed and increasingly more violent sneezing fits were starting to worry her. While the man was in the middle of a rant about how he paid his taxes and didn‘t appreciate being harassed by the feds, JJ turned to her colleague, and her thick, raspy, congested voice revealed just how awful she felt.

“I have to get out of here.”

Blake was horrified at the sight - in just a few minutes, JJ’s eyes had nearly swelled shut, her nose was dark pink around the nostrils and practically dripping.

“Oh my God. It’s the dogs, isn’t it?”

JJ nodded and put her arm up in front of her mouth and twitching, burning nose, and let loose with another fit, one so strong she was unable to keep stifling. One desperate, wet, breathless sneeze after another misted the fabric of her coat, and she couldn’t decide what itched the most; her eyes, her throat, or her nose. She couldn’t see where she was going, as she blindly tried to make her way back to the SUV, where she hoped she had some tissues. She could hear Blake say something to the man they had meant to interview, and then her colleague caught up with her and grabbed her arm.

“No, not that way, JJ.”

Blake gently redirected her back onto the path and towards their car.

“Wow, why didn’t you just tell me you were allergic to dogs? You could’ve waited in the car,” she said. JJ struggled to reply, but her body was too caught up in this twister of allergy-induced sneeze attacks and she could only get a couple of gasps out between each sneeze, actually speaking was impossible.

“Sorry,” she eventually managed to say, and this breathless apology had to cover everything from the fact that she hadn’t informed her fellow agent about this beforehand, to the fact that she had to leave while speaking to a possible witness, to the fact that her colleague had to literally lead her back to the car… and to the fact that she had just managed to sneeze all over said colleague while getting into the car.

“Don’t worry about it,” Blake said and wiped some spray off the side of her neck with one hand before reaching into the glove compartment and grabbing a handful of tissues. “Here you go.”

“NntsSHEW! TiissCHEW Itssschhew! Oh my G-goh… aaaIISSHH!”

It was as if her nose had been stuffed with tiny needles. JJ knew she was allergic to dogs, but she was usually well-prepared for those moments when she was going to run into them. She had no idea how she could have forgotten to take an antihistamine before going on this assignment, it had just slipped her mind.

She was bent over the handful of tissues, either sneezing or on the verge to it, and she felt like an idiot. A miserable, messy, itchy idiot with very swollen, very watery eyes.

“JJ, do you need to see a doctor, or does an allergy pill cut it?” Blake sounded hesitant when she reached the end of the sentence.

“I’ll be fide,” JJ replied thickly and as if speaking alone set off another storm of histamine inside her upset nasal passages, she launched into another rapid fit. Blake debated with herself and then shook her head.

“Nope. I‘ve never seen a reaction that violent and sudden before, I‘m taking you to the ER.”

JJ would have argued if she had been able to speak, but her nose seemed to have forgotten how not to sneeze. It wasn’t that she had trouble breathing, she just… didn’t have time to draw a full breath between the sneezes. It was ridiculous, but she was currently completely dominated by her allergic reaction. It was the worst allergy attack she had ever experienced, and of course it would happen in front of the one colleague who had never seen her in a similar condition before.

“I just deed… huh… huhISSHH! ISSCHHEW! I just deed bore tissues… aeISSHH!”

“I’m really sorry, but those were all I could find,” Blake said and frantically searched her own pockets. “I don’t have any on me either.” She sounded genuinely apologetic, and JJ sighed and pressed the soaked-through ones against her drippy nose. This was going to be one miserable ride, that’s one thing she knew for sure.

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Oh my gosh, I have shivers! You're so good! I love love love all your drabbles, but I love that you tortured JJ in this one. You write Blake and JJ so well, and your writing is just fantastic in general. Amazing update-I love it, as always!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you, my dear! :heart:


Okay, and now for something else. I've had a writer's block going on for a week which pisses me off, but tonight I managed to squeeze a little drabble past it.


Fandom: Rizzoli & Isles

Prompts: pillow + feathers




The raspy, throaty outburst rouses Jane Rizzoli from a deep sleep, and that does not make her happy.


“Goddamnit Maura,” she hisses and falls back against the pillows. “Can you like not sneeze right in my ear when I’m sleeping?”


“It’s not good to hold in sneezes. You could actually pop an eardrum if you’re unlucky,” Doctor Maura Isles objects.


“Yeah, I think you popped my eardrum instead, that‘s much better,” Jane mutters, but Maura isn’t listening. She’s sitting up in bed with a distracted, annoyed look on her face; eyes half-closed, nostrils flaring, mouth slightly open. Jane has just closed her own eyes and is trying to chase down sleep again, when Maura snaps forward with another sneeze.




“Maura…” Jane groans. “Please stop doing that.”


“I c-cah… hah… Hhh-ISSHHuhh! Can’t help it. It‘s a reflex; an automatic response…”


“Gee, I know what a sneeze is. What’s wrong?”


“Nothing is wrong; it’s the body’s natural way of expelling irritants from the nasal passages…”


“You know what I mean. You don’t usually sneeze this much.” Jane frowns and zeroes in on her lover, noticing the pink blush around her normally pale nostrils, and a slight swelling around her eyelids. “Maura?”


“I have a theory.”


“A theory? Okay, hit me.”


“Hit you?” Maura looks confused. Jane rolls her eyes. She keeps forgetting how literal the other woman is.


“Tell me about your theory,” Jane clarifies and tries not to show her impatience.


“Based on the symptoms; runny, it-tSCHh-y nose…” Maura sniffs delicately before continuing; “as well as watery and itchy eyes, a slight irritation to the palate…”


“Yeah, you’re sneezing, your nose itches, quite obvious, what’s your diagnosis?”


“Allergies. However, I have yet to detect the allergen. I have stayed over at your place many times and I’ve never been allergic to anything here before. Though I probably would if I had allergies to dust…” she ponders.


“Hey!” Jane snaps and swats her on the shoulder. “I need to sleep, so if you’re not getting to the point and then shutting up within ten seconds, I’m going to have to smother you with this pillow!”


Maura looks like she wants to scream eureka.




“The pillows! You’ve switched your usual pillows for down pillows haven’t you?”


“Um, yeah, I know you complain about synthetic materials, so…”


“That explains it. I’m allergic to feathers.”


Jane sighs.


“I’m assuming you want me to go and get the old ones back from the closet?”


Maura smiles her most disarming smile, the one that makes Jane forgive all her annoying traits in a heartbeat.


“Yes please.”


As Jane gets out of bed, Maura sneezes again, twice in a row this time.


“Bless you.”


“Do you know where that expression originates from?” Maura asks. She sounds almost giddy, and Jane wonders why. When her allergies act up, she’s a grumpy bitch.


“Don’t know, and don’t care!” Jane shouts over her shoulder and hurries out of the bedroom before Maura catches her breath enough to inform her anyway.

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Rizzoli and Isles :D this was delightful. 

“Do you know where that expression originates from?” Maura asks. She sounds almost giddy, and Jane wonders why. When her allergies act up, she’s a grumpy bitch.

“Don’t know, and don’t care!” Jane shouts over her shoulder and hurries out of the bedroom before Maura catches her breath enough to inform her anyway.

Hee! that is jane down to a t.

And i really liked the Criminal Minds one with Blake and Strauss as well. I love the way you write those two interacting.



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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone. I haven’t been on much lately and I probably won’t be on much ahead, given how insane life is right now, and unfortunately not in a good or very productive way. BUT. I got a couple of hours to myself today and squeezed out a few drabbles because I go crazy if I can’t write. The longer fics I’m working on will unfortunately be put on hold. Trades however are priority, so those of you who wait for trade fics, I am working on them. Those take time because I do want to make yours justice. :D

Okay, from now on this drabble thread is based on Sophie83540’s prompts, which you can find here:

Prompt: Insomnia
Fandom: Rose Red
Note: I kind of wanted to see more about the relationship between Joyce and Steve, and while this doesn’t exactly cover much ground, well… :P


Steve awoke in the middle of the night and first wasn’t sure what had woken him up. He reached for Joyce, but she wasn’t there.

“Dee?” he said.


There was silence and then another muffled sneeze from the other side of the wall. Steve got out of bed and padded out to the living room of her small two-room-apartment. Joyce was on the couch, wearing one of his shirts, reading a file. Probably the Wheaton girl’s file, she had almost read that one to pieces already. If the girl hadn’t been no more than 15 he might have had a reason to be jealous. Joyce kept one hand clasped over her nose and mouth, clearly waiting for another sneeze. He watched as her eyes closed behind her reading glasses, her head tilted slightly backwards before snapping forward with one more “HmmpSSHHoo!”. This one sounded wetter and more tired than the previous.

“Hey you,” he said, and she turned in his direction, still with her hand covering half her face.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you uptSSCHoo!”

“I don’t think you did, I think I woke up because the bed was empty. You okay?”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d get some work done. HaTSCHoo! Oh God,” she muttered, took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes.  

“Are you coming down with something?” he asked as he sat down next to her. He had to move some of her papers to do it, and she normally didn’t take kindly to that, but this time her nose was clearly distracting her.

EeeptSSHHew! No, it’s allergies. Sometimes I start to sneeze like this and I just can’t stop. I’m not sure what sets me off, but something definitely does,” she said and gave her nose a quick blow, only to sneeze again. “MptSH!”

“Come on Dee, let’s go back to bed.”

“I can’t sleep, and if I lay there sneezing every few seconds, neither will you.”

“It‘s okay. Tomorrow is Saturday so we can stay in bed all day if we want to.”

She gave the files and folders a longing glance, but then seemed to shed her workaholic coat.

“You’re right.”

He smiled and took her by the hand, and she followed him back to bed.


Prompt: Clingy
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Note: Normally I don’t like Blake’s husband, but I kind of decided to bless their marriage, so to speak. In a small drabble. Also, this is probably the only drabble I’ve written that actually is 100 words. ^_^


“You know what?” James said, sounding rather amused as he nudged his wife, who was half-lying on the couch with her head resting on his shoulder.

“What?” Alex asked.

“You’re clingy when you’re ill.”

“I’m not clingy.”

“You are clingy,” he insisted, laughing a little.

Alex hid her face into his shirt and sneezed.

Hntxh! Hmpxchoo! HaeSSCHew! Ugh.”

“See, you don’t even let go to sneeze, you just sneeze all over me,” he pointed out, still laughing. Alex groaned.

“I hate it when you’re fine and I’m miserable.”

“It’s just a cold. Also, I’m probably going to catch it too.”


Prompt: Candle
Fandom: Last Man Standing
Note: I know Vanessa did sneeze in one episode, but those were so poorly faked (A for effort, D minus for execution), I do my best to block out that it even happened. :yay:


“Forty dollar candle?!” Mike shouted. “You did not just pay forty dollars for a candle!”

“You bought a tank,” Vanessa said, articulating the words very, very clearly as if speaking to a child. “And for some reason I have yet to figure out, I did not divorce you, so news flash, you‘re going to put up with my candle whether you like it or not.”

She lit the candle and sat down on the couch, sipping her Chardonnay.

“What‘s that smell?” Mike asked a couple of minutes later.

“It’s scented.”

“It’s like being inside a soapbox.”

“Better inside it than on top of it, like you always are,” she shot back, but she couldn’t resist smiling. However, the smile didn’t last, as the most annoying tickle grew in the back of her nose. She turned away from the wine and sneezed. The tickle intensified rather than calming down, and she had to sneeze again. And again.

Tsshhew! Ahh-tISSCHEW! Huh… aktSSHEW!”

“Aaaand plot twist, she is allergic to it,” Mike muttered and turned up the sound of the TV so he could hear the game over his wife’s increasing allergy fit.


Prompt: Movie
Fandom: Rizzoli & Isles
Note: I never shipped book version Jane and Maura, but TV show version? Hell yeah. While this one isn’t going places with said pairing, that’s how I saw it when I wrote it. But you can always see them as friends if you prefer. ;)


“Movie night? Awesome. A bunch of subtitled French movies about frustrated artists with lousy love lives, not so awesome.”

“Oh come on Jane, it won’t kill you to get some culture.”

“What if it does, will you take responsibility?”

“Stop it,” Maura said, grinning. “Besides, if the subtitles bother you, I can make a simultaneous verbal translation if you like.”

“Don’t you dare.”

Maura sighed.

“What kind of movie do you want to watch, then?”

“Hmm, Evil Dead? Dawn of the dead, that’s a classic.”

“Something less… gory, perhaps?”

“You’re an M.E, how can gore gross you out?”

“It doesn’t, but don’t you ever want a break from reality?”

“Zombies are reality to you?”

“You know what I mean. We see death every day, but let’s face it, how often do we see romance and elegance?”

“Maura,” Jane began, then snapped forward with a sudden sneeze. “HuhtSHHO!”

“Bless you! Are you alright?”

“That was one sneeze, I’m not dying.”

“You’re going on the defence very quickly, are you sure you’re okay?”

“I sneezed once! Huh… aptSSHOO!”

“Twice. That’s a pattern with you. Are you coming down with something, or is it just pollen?”

“Oh my God, if I go so far as to say we can watch a Meryl Streep movie, will you stop harassing me about my sneezing?”

Maura chuckled.

“Okay, fine, I will.”

There was a pause, during which Jane’s wet sniffling became very apparent.

“It’s allergies, isn’t it?”




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3 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Okay, from now on this drabble thread is based on Sophie83540’s prompts, which you can find here:

:cry: You are so kind. I wanted my prompts to have a home and now they do. Besides this, your drabbles are always wonderful and I enjoy reading them. :heart:

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Aw, I love the Jane/Maura cutenes!! That is totally how Jane would sneeze, it's absolutely perfect...and Jane? With seasonal AND dog allergies? Promising ;)


well written as always!! :)

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