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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chanel Does Drabbles (various Fandoms And Original) Updated January 31


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12 hours ago, AnonyMouse said:

Can't tell if she just doesn't want to deal with it or if she is genuinely concerned for Barb... maybe a bit of both?

I'd like to think it was actual concern we saw there, but she would NEVER admit that, would she? :lol: It was such a sudden, violent reaction I think even Nicki realised it wasn't played up for pity, epecially if they weren't at odds with each other prior to Barb's little, uh, cologne encounter. :wub: 

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Prompt: Oblivious
Fandom: Big Love
Note: Ah, well, here's yet another Big Love drabble, because I wanted to. ^_^ 


The first wife sighed, took a tissue from the box on the counter, and brought it up to her face as her breath started hitching. Nicki turned towards her at the sound of the soft gasps, raising her eyebrows.

“Oh come on, Barb, really? Again?!” she said, not quite annoyed and not quite concerned, but a little bit of both.

AaIISHHhoo! Apparehhh-heh-ESSHHHEW! Apparently,” Barb replied and blew her nose softly before lowering the tissue again. “I think I’m allergic to something,” she mused.

“Now what makes you think that?” Nicki said and rolled her eyes. “You’ve only sneezed about two dozen times since this morning, completely normal.”

“Two dozen doesn’t cut it,” Margene pitched in. “I think she managed to cram in one dozen in a single minute alone, earlier when we got back from the store.”

Barb glared at her.

“Alright!” she said. “I’m positive I’m allergic to something, then. Happy now?”

Margene laughed a little while Nicki gave another one of her patented eyerolls.

“I have no idea what it is, though,” Barb continued. “I don’t have allergies in the fall.”

“So, maybe it’s a cold?” Margene said.

“If it’s a cold I hope you’ll be gracious enough to keep away from the food, thanks,” Nicki snapped.

“No, it’s not a cold, that feels different. It’s … heh… hehnkTSHHew! IhhktSHH! Definitely aah-allerghhHaaISSHHHew! Allergies.”

She groaned and blew her nose again.

“No, this isn’t working, I’m going upstairs to see if I have any meds left.”

She headed up the stairs, sneezing several times in the process and muttered something about her ‘darn nose’ and its ‘overactive imagination’.

Margene looked after her as she left, shaking her head.

“I wonder what’s setting her off.”

Nicki was just about to shrug and return to the counter when something crawled out from under the couch and padded across the floor towards them, greeting them with a quiet “meow”.

Nicki stared at the cat and then at Margene, who looked equally surprised.


“So that’s why!”

“Let’s not tell her, or she’s going to complain for days about how it could have gotten in, and before we know it we have to keep all doors closed at all times.”

“Okay,” Margene agreed and bent down to sweep the cat up in her arms. She headed out the front door in a hurry just as Barb came back downstairs.

“Where did Margie go?” she asked and rubbed her eyes. Weirdly enough it seemed like everything itched even worse now… but of course it took a while before the meds kicked in.

“Uh…” Nicki put the breadbasket onto the table. “She had to run over to the neighbours with some of their stuff.”

“Okay,” Barb said and rubbed her hand underneath her sore nose. “Ugh, I wonder what’s causing this. AaISSHHew!”

“You may never find out,” Nicki shrugged. “Better not fret over it.”

“You’re right,” Barb exhaled. “It’s probably just a freak allergy attack.”

“Probably," Nicki said and quickly put her foot down on a lone whisker on the floor to hide it from the other wife's sight. "I mean, what else could it be?"



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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I'm gonna try writing drabbles the length of exactly 100 words again, just for the heck of it. I've got three longer fics in progress but apparently I wanted to do drabbles today. Because nobody (including myself) can tell me what to do! :lol: 


Prompt: Regret
Fandom: Original
Note: This poor OC hasn't gotten much of a break lately... nor will she in the future, I think.


What Angela hadn’t considered when picking Hawaii as the destination for her vacation, was the fact that she had never been there before, and that she was normally allergic to air in general.

That was something she’d rapidly come to regret, she realised as she stepped off the plane and almost immediately felt that tell-tale tickle in the back of her throat.

“Aw, no!” she muttered as she remembered that the car she had rented for her time here was a convertible. Everything would already be covered in pollen.

The unapologetic tickle reached her nose.

HahnnTSHHhoo! And so it begins...”


Prompt: Bliss
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Note: Reid's lecture here is actually true. I'm not sure if I should be horrified or amused.


JJ stepped out of the SUV.

“Mm, don’t you guys love the smell of freshly cut grass?”

“Actually,” Reid said, “what we perceive as a pleasant smell, is in fact an organic distress call.”

“Really?” Morgan said. “What does grass expect will come to its rescue?”

Reid opened his mouth to respond, realised he didn’t have an answer, and closed it again. JJ sighed.

“You have a knack for ruining nice things, Spence. There’s something called ‘ignorance is bliss’.”

“Sorry, but it’s true. It does send a distress call when it’s in presumable agony.”


“So does Blake,” Morgan joked.



Prompt: Book
Fandom: Original


Sandy wasn’t sure if the theatre was dusty, or if it was the perfume worn by the woman in front of her, or a combination of both, but her nose was on fire and for the past fifteen minutes she had been struggling with all her might to hold back an allergy attack.

Keep control, she told herself, unaware of anything going on at the silver screen. You’re not going to sneeze. Mind over matter.

Oh, useless!

“Hhehh… hehhh… NGTSHH! NnKKTTh! HeptSChghh!”

“Okay, here we go,” her date mumbled. “Let’s get you out of here. The book is better anyway.”


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Oh, that last one was so cute! Her date is resigned immediately to the fact that this is going to be a protracted attack, and they've got to get her out of here. Says something about Sandy!

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