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Things you "should" like, but don't


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This is kind of an odd one; but when I was in high school a Bass Pro Shop was built and opened it's doors during my senior year. I remember everyone at school freaking the f*** out about it all goddamm year! People acted like it was the greatest thing to happen to the town since sliced bread. It wasn't even just people who had those interests. Many of the "popular" students on the social ladder shopped there for the clothes as if the were the latest trends from Ralph Lauren! There were couples who ate at the store's restaurant on Homecoming Night.

I just did not (and still don't) understand all the hype was about. It's not that I don't like the place and I often find a lot of great quality products when I do need to shop there. I firmly believe my hunting/fishing/outdoor-loving town needs a store like this! I don't get why people are OBSESSED with it.

Yea, it was bad. And it followed me into college when non-native students were introduced to it. Dear God it never ends!

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I really really REALLY dislike the whole "working to achieve a goal" concept. I don't like having to do it, I don't like doing it. I don't particularly like achieving any kind of goal. It doesn't make me feel good about myself. The most it'll do is make me think "huh, I wonder what people will say when they hear I did this". I tell people I want to do things, because apparently everybody should, right? But deep down . . . nah.

This is probably not normal and waaay too heavy for the topic, but it was the most fitting to "things you SHOULD like but don't". :lol:

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Overrated books that get turned into movies and literally EVERYONE (especially young teens) is obsessed with them for, like, months. For example, Divergent, TFIOS, The Maze Runner, etc (although i do like the maze runner but that's probably only 'cause dylan o'brien's in it)

(I sound like a hipster. Whatever)

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I really dislike Disney shows movies or stories. Especially the movies. There just so overated and stupid. Sorry for all the Disney fans, I have never understood the hype. I also don't like watching movies. My attention span just doesn't last that long. Can anyone else relate?

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I absolutely hate when a book gets turned into a movie a it's DIFFERENT! Like in Percy Jackson the movies are kinda right until Sea of Monsters is almost COMPLETELY messed up and I just hate it. I've read the whole series (finished book 5 today) and I love the books, but not the movies because THEY'RE. NOT. RIGHT.

And I hate trends, like hashtags. I only use them I have to. I hate being fashionable, and it feels like because I'm a girl I have to like shopping, and clothes shopping, but I HATE it.

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Growing up perceived by my family and friends as a Boy, there were a lot of things people assumed of me. It wasn't until I started to separate myself from those things and express my actual tastes and interests before anyone even picked up that I might not grow up to become the manliest of men. Or a guy at all. I've never once spoken a word about my orientation to my family. It is more of an unspoken mutual understanding. I think the nailpolish and clothing choices that gave it away. C;

That being said, things trending lately kinda get under my skin:

- Minecraft was recently featured [yet again this E3] using Microsoft's new Hololens peripheral, making Augmented Reality Holograms a thing of the Present as apposed to the perceived Science Fiction they once were before recent developments. What is the christening landmark public display of this technology? Minecraft. Minecraft on your breakfast table, I guess. Or your bathroom wall while you're on the loo. Because there needed to be more ways to play the same game everyone has been playing endlessly for the past countless insufferable years.

- Star Wars. New movies. Never really cared as much as everyone else about the films we already had.

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I hate being fashionable, and it feels like because I'm a girl I have to like shopping, and clothes shopping, but I HATE it.

We could be twins :D

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Yaaaay! But I'm younger. I HATE SHOPPING. And everyone's like, "Oh, one day you will," and I'm just like;



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Every person who has shown any romantic interest in me so far in my life. bleh.gif

:rofl: I had a really good giggle at this. SAME HERE, VoOs :lol:

4. Benjamin Franklin (sorry if that makes me a terrible American but the guy creeps me out)

This is hilarious! What a random thing :lol: Admittedly, he lived a very strange life.

The Simpsons!

It feels like virtually everyone who is a fan of various TV shows includes The Simpsons in their list of favourites......

You're not alone. I never ever liked The Simpsons. I wasn't allowed to watch it as a kid and then I could never get into it later.

For me…I like the majority of the Marvel Comics Universe, but Daredevil didn't hook me despite me enjoying the lead actor. It spent too much time on the bad guys and gang members and elaborate fights, and that's always the least interesting bit for me. I gave up halfway through.

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Breaking Bad was a show I never much liked. I didn't much care for any of the characters (minus Saul..) as I found them all pretty unlike-able - which is quite important for me; being able to invest into a character. And just generally, I found it quite slow and over-laboured. Which is a bit odd because I tend to just soak up any highly-rated/top quality TV series. Better Call Saul is actually quite amazing, so I have that at least.

I would have said The Walking Dead (as I love zombie flicks) as the first time I watched it, I wasn't much paying attention to it. But then I watched it again recently and I just kinda breezed through them! Exact same thing happened with Game of Thrones. So I guess I should learn appreciate that my initial opinion could easily change if watched again at a different time. Not Breaking Bad though. I watched 4 seasons, couldn't do it, then watched all 5 a year later (I have some friends who would obsess over it and basically forced me into it).

It's all right, just I didn't get the hype. It had its moments anyway and Gus was a brilliant villain.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh wow I have A LOT of these haha!

- Supernatural/Doctor Who/Sherlock. The grand trifecta of fandoms -- all three shows of which I absolutely cannot stand lol

- Star Wars AND Indiana Jones. Actually kind of just Harrison Ford. Is there a movie where he doesn't play a gigantic macho jerk?

- All 'real life style' crime/serial killer shows. Hannibal works for me because it's quite far removed from the realm of real life believably imo. I can't stand Dexter though, and anything like CSI or criminal minds is just not my jam. And on that note...

- ALL hospital shows. Something about this setting really irks me. I have really tried with Scrubs because the humor style is right up my ally, but then a patient death happens and I just can't anymore.

- The zombie craze. I keep expecting everyone to just get over it, but it just seems to be getting bigger and more inane. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE monsters, horror, Halloween, all of that, and old zombie stuff is great, but let's not beat a dead horse here people (AHAHA get it? I'm a riot.)

- Harry Potter is tough for me because I have a lot of love for the first books, and J.K Rowling is one of my personal creative heroes. BUT I absolutely abhor the seventh book (and omg don't even get me started on the epilogue!) Also, as soon as all the main teenage characters starting pairing up I pretty much lost all interest in reading about them, although I could read about all the professors for like a straight century.

- Role Playing (like the d and d type). This dislike is completely at odds with my personality because I love theater/acting, I love being creative and making up new characters, and also I am a huge nerd. But in practice (and maybe it's just the group I was playing with) I found it extremely tedious and slow-going. A normal session is like 6 hours long (ugh!), and I get soooo bored when it's not my turn...

- most English major stuff (critical analysis, literary magazines, *deep, grimacing breath* ...poetry) This is obviously a personal taste thing -- I absolutely have nothing against English majors. In fact, I actually minored in English lit, served as an editor for my college's literary magazine, was even employed as a writing specialist for its writing help center. The main thing I discovered was that the deeper I became entrenched in literature academia, the more my own creative inspiration became stifled and skewed and bland, which was absolutely 100% not okay. Also I find that most of the literature you read in crit analysis classes tends to be extremely pedantic, pretentious, and ego-serving. Give me a neat sci fi or fantasy book any day of the week over that bologna (again, personal tastes!!!)

- and, last but not least: COLLEGE. The stupidest $40,000 I ever spent. (who's bitter? not meeee... :teehee: )

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Oh I just remembered one because I was forced to watch it today. Batman. Just no. And the Walking Dead, an even bigger no.

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Star Wars is a big one for me. People I know of all ages are absolutely in love with it, and for me it's just... alright. It doesn't seem especially interesting or original to me and I don't know, it just never caught my attention. I watched the movies and that was it for me.

About 90% of all of today's mainstream/popular TV. I cannot stand pretty much all of it. Family Guy, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, AHS, Gossip Girl (I did read the books though), Pretty Little Liars (again with the books), OUAT, How I Met Your Mother, etc.

The Marauder's Era. Nothing against Lupin, James or Sirus. Just not interested in them.

Boba/ milk tea. I don't know if it's a big thing outside of California, but here almost everyone is obsessed with boba. I think it's pretty gross! The tapioca balls are not my thing at all, and I don't really like the tea that you have with it either.

Cake. I don't like it.

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Erm let's see:

- Even though I kind of like fashion, I HATE shopping. It's so stressful! If I could hire someone to buy my clothes for me that would be great!

- Puppies and/or babies...nope....and I hate when people tell me that I will someday. Nope.

- Harry Potter, even though I grew up in that generation I just never got into it.

- Oranges, coconuts, and pina coladas.

- Parades, I think they're boring.

- As a Mexican-American, everyone (including friends and family) always expects me to be really into my Mexican culture and listen/dance to Mexican music and all that. To be honest, I'm just really not into that culture. I don't like the music very much, and I don't get the dances. Frankly, the only Mexican thing I like is the food.

- Firework shows. I mean they're cool, but they can get boring after a while. Especially when they keep using the same fireworks over and over again.

- Modern rap and hip hop. I have nothing against that culture, by the way. I appreciate the oldies (Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, etc), but I just can't stand the modern stuff. (Examples: Kendrick Lamar and Silento's "Watch Me"). I guess I'm just not into that genre anymore like I did when I was a teen.

- Batman, Superman, and Spiderman. I do like the Avengers though.

Man, I didn't think I would dislike so many things. I hope I don't sound like a hipster because I'm not.

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I can recall being on a trip in a van with a bunch of high school girls and the radio station was pop and a lot of the songs that played made me wish I could turn the music playing through my own earphones up even louder :lol: I don't necessarily dislike a lot of it, I just don't like it.

The Divergent series (I got SO BORED reading the second book, didn't make it to the end), or some of the more popular dystopian series in general.

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- Charles Dickens' novels. This probably makes me seem really snobby or something, but I really dislike his writing style. To me, it just seems terribly overwritten and dry, and the characters are less actual human beings and more simply symbols, and that really frustrates me. Maybe part of my hatred stems from having to study 'Great Expectations' in English Literature AS level with a teacher who was adamant it was the best work of literature to ever exist.

- Romance, at least when it concerns me. It's weird, because I'm into romantic stuff, and I think other people's relationships are really sweet. But I have a strangely hostile reaction to anyone who attempts to be romantic in any way with me. :lol: I cannot stand it. I'm not sure why exactly, but I'm sure it's a character flaw. :bleh:

- Being someone's 'girlfriend'. The idea that someone might have some sort of claim over me, and be able to talk about me as 'theirs' in any way is the worst thing I can imagine! Clearly I have some issues with relationships. :laugh:

- Tomato ketchup. Why anyone would want to eat that honestly astounds me! Everyone I've told I don't like it seems to think I'm really weird though. :lol:

- Similarly, Coke. It's so sugary and blah.

ETA because this one just occurred to me: Lardy cake. Oh my gosh. It's very particular to the area of England I live in, so supposedly that means I should love it, but I despise it. It's essentially a ton of sugar and lard stuck together.

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Yaaaay! But I'm younger. I HATE SHOPPING. And everyone's like, "Oh, one day you will," and I'm just like;



I would rather shop for video games than clothes. lel
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Agatha Christie novels. I've seen a documentary about her and she seemed like a very interesting person, and I love a good mystery novel. But her style of writing bores me to the point of tears.

Youth. Seriously, what is this obsession with being young about anyway? What's so wrong with a bit of character, life experience and signs of a life well lived? Some of the most interesting people I've met are over 80. I get the health part, but there are young people with horrible health issues as well, and there is my mother's aunt who's 92 and in way better shape than I am.

OH, and a reverse thing; something I shouldn't like, but do: I actually like going to the dentist. I love that damn chair, it's so comfortable, and I have actually fallen asleep there on numerous occasions. I'm serious.

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I feel like an asshole for this, but I absolutely loathe the show Supernatural (I only feel like a dick because I read so much Supernatural fanfic). Like. Anytime there's a new Supernatural fic on the forum, I'm pumped. I love it. I have a dozen fuckin bookmarked on my computer, but every time I try to watch the show I can't get through 5 minutes. Like, I'm sorry but those men cannot act to save their lives. Are they beautiful? Yes. Absolutely. And they seem like pretty cool people. But that show is truly awful. I don't think I've ever gotten through a full episode.

There are plenty of books I wish I liked, and have really tried to like, that I just can't, too. Like Catch 22. Amazing premise, great writing style. Can't get into it. Also, the Game of Thrones books. I read the first one, and I enjoyed it, and then I just could not get through the rest of them. Maybe someday, haha.

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ETA because this one just occurred to me: Lardy cake. Oh my gosh. It's very particular to the area of England I live in, so supposedly that means I should love it, but I despise it. It's essentially a ton of sugar and lard stuck together.

Spot the southerner :)

I've had lardy cake once, and rather guiltily, loved it! Then again, I love things like Eccles cakes, Dundee cake, black bun, etc...any sort of amalgamation of fat, sugar and dried fruit. I compete in loads of athletic events, and a bit of Soreen or Eccles cake beforehand sorts me right out :sport:

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Haha I supposed that mine would be Harry Potter , Hunger Games . Those are the books or movies I would like to try however lack of the motivation, i just cant read the whole series without starting from the first one! Also another chinese novel called紅樓夢, that was a highly praised one but just cant finish it.

Next try would be star wars haha

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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't hate me for this but I didn't like Shrek.... I believe it might have been because everyone lived it and kept quoting it. So when I saw it so much later than most people, I had these grandiose expectations but many of the funny scenes had been ruined. Sucks to since supposedly I "should" like it according to most people who find this information put :P Random but for some reason I have over the years really upset people with this news. Not a huge deal if you ask me...

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When couples feed each other at a restaurant, idk why, it makes my stomach turn. Maybe it's my jealousy that they found someone to be with and resentment that I'll be single for a long time lol.

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- Tomato ketchup. Why anyone would want to eat that honestly astounds me! Everyone I've told I don't like it seems to think I'm really weird though.

Blech, add ketchup to my list, too. Ketchup and ranch dressing. So nasty. :sick:

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