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Things you "should" like, but don't


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Yaaaay! But I'm younger. I HATE SHOPPING. And everyone's like, "Oh, one day you will," and I'm just like;



I would rather shop for video games than clothes. lel

Me too xD

(I need Uprising)

(Also your signature is awesome xD)

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But BACON, 100% dislike. The smell, the taste, the texture, the grease. Ew. A lot of people are in shock when I tell them I don't like bacon because it's "ssoo good!" I always respond with, " Yea but I'm the best friend you could ever have. If there was a plate of bacon between us, that plate is all yours because I'll have none of it." Haha


I'll eat it every once in a while, like if it's in a sauce or chopped in a salad (though I do try to eat around it). But I dont just cook it to eat it. Yuck.

Glad I'm not the only person who detested Glee too and I like musicals too, it just...no.

Being an anime fan I dont like a lot of popular anime thats out, Naruto, Bleach, DBZ (and all it's sequels), SAO, One Piece. Actually One Piece I have no issues with it's just too damn long. My biggest pet peeve is when I say I like anime and automatically get "You watch Naruto/Bleach?" it's like no, I don't. If thats your style great, I know a lot of people who still like those but I did it for a while and got bored I moved on to better anime, IMHO.

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Yaaaay! But I'm younger. I HATE SHOPPING. And everyone's like, "Oh, one day you will," and I'm just like;



I would rather shop for video games than clothes. lel

Me too xD

(I need Uprising)

(Also your signature is awesome xD)

Ha,thanks :)

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I hate shopping too, I detest buying clothes unless it's a funky t-shirt. I do like shopping for my kids though. Oh and another one I thought of since it's that time of year....I hate pumpkin spice anything...

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But BACON, 100% dislike. The smell, the taste, the texture, the grease. Ew. A lot of people are in shock when I tell them I don't like bacon because it's "ssoo good!" I always respond with, " Yea but I'm the best friend you could ever have. If there was a plate of bacon between us, that plate is all yours because I'll have none of it." Haha


I'll eat it every once in a while, like if it's in a sauce or chopped in a salad (though I do try to eat around it). But I dont just cook it to eat it. Yuck.

Glad I'm not the only person who detested Glee too and I like musicals too, it just...no.

Being an anime fan I dont like a lot of popular anime thats out, Naruto, Bleach, DBZ (and all it's sequels), SAO, One Piece. Actually One Piece I have no issues with it's just too damn long. My biggest pet peeve is when I say I like anime and automatically get "You watch Naruto/Bleach?" it's like no, I don't. If thats your style great, I know a lot of people who still like those but I did it for a while and got bored I moved on to better anime, IMHO.

oh gosh, im glad im not the only one. haha

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As an avid listener of heavy metal, I'm "supposed" to like Anthrax and Megadeth as the other two bands of the thrash big 4, but I just.... don't :P

Slayer and Metallica (pre 1991) I listen to all the time, but I can't name a single song from Anthrax/Megadeth that I like :o

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  • 1 month later...

Bringing this back because reasons.

I really really REALLY dislike the whole "working to achieve a goal" concept. I don't like having to do it, I don't like doing it. I don't particularly like achieving any kind of goal. It doesn't make me feel good about myself. The most it'll do is make me think "huh, I wonder what people will say when they hear I did this". I tell people I want to do things, because apparently everybody should, right? But deep down . . . nah.

I'M NOT ALONE!!!!!!!! Seriously, we do goal setting units in school like EVERY YEAR, and I loathe them. Like, with a passion.

More stuff-

-Bananas. I love banana flavored stuff, but not bananas. Same goes for cherries.

-Makeup. I loved the idea of makeup as I kid, and I even had a little makeup kit I was constantly using, but now I hardly even use nail polish.

-Volleyball. Most sports I'm okay with. But volleyball...volleyball can die.

And, if this was a thread for things we shouldn't like but do, I would totally say 1D. I have no idea why I like them, I am the biggest tomboy. I shouldn't like them. But I do.

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- Homestuck. I have just never been able to get into it, although some of the concepts and ideas (like the quadrants) sound totally awesome and right up my alley. I'm also a huge webcomics nerd, and I love genre stuff like fantasy and sci-fi. Maybe eventually I will manage to read through it, but multiple attempts have made my eyes glaze over.

- Steampunk. I am significantly less anti-steampunk since I started reading Girl Genius about four years ago, but for the most part I think it looks corny and overdone. I have a special beef with steampunk because friends assume that I'd be into it because I am a fangirl of the ACTUAL Industrial Revolution, and I am fascinated with heavy industry/manufacturing stuff. I like coke batteries and integrated steel mills, not fake gears glued on tophats, dammit!

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-Makeup. I loved the idea of makeup as I kid, and I even had a little makeup kit I was constantly using, but now I hardly even use nail polish.

Hate makeup, barely wear it. I only paint my toes, not my nails.

Adventure Time - Ok I like weird, I really do and I've TRIED to watch this but I just can't. I don't know why it just doesn't click with me. Only thing I've ever liked was the Bacon Pancakes part but only after it was remixed with New York State of Mind XD. I like weird but AT is a little too weird.

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Ehhh... The closest thing that I can think of for this is actually sourdough bread? I love all types of bread except sourdough??? Idk I just need my bread to be sweet XP

As for Supernatural, I'd probably really love it if I watched it, and that's kinda what I'm afraid of :lol:

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Now I've, tried, I've watched so much of it and really tried to like it, but. I dislike Monty Python, I just don't really find it funny, I mean it's very cleverly written and has a lot of merit, but I'm just not captivated by it.

Also, cucumber.

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Also, cucumber.

The complete randomness of the "also, cucumber." made me laugh harder than it should've. :lol: Just end every post on the forum with "also, cucumber."

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Now I've, tried, I've watched so much of it and really tried to like it, but. I dislike Monty Python, I just don't really find it funny, I mean it's very cleverly written and has a lot of merit, but I'm just not captivated by it.

:o KILL THE HEATHEN!!!! :pyth:

I mean... that's alright... you are allowed to have a wrong different opinion. ;):P **cheeky grin**

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- Homestuck. I have just never been able to get into it, although some of the concepts and ideas (like the quadrants) sound totally awesome and right up my alley. I'm also a huge webcomics nerd, and I love genre stuff like fantasy and sci-fi. Maybe eventually I will manage to read through it, but multiple attempts have made my eyes glaze over.

- Steampunk. I am significantly less anti-steampunk since I started reading Girl Genius about four years ago, but for the most part I think it looks corny and overdone. I have a special beef with steampunk because friends assume that I'd be into it because I am a fangirl of the ACTUAL Industrial Revolution, and I am fascinated with heavy industry/manufacturing stuff. I like coke batteries and integrated steel mills, not fake gears glued on tophats, dammit!

So with you on the steampunk. I used to like it a lot, but once you've seen the first fifty quasi-Victorian outfits with random gears glued all over them, it gets a bit old. :/ Plus the internet seems to have collectively decided that octopuses (and cephalopods in general) are associated with steampunk for some reason? Which is annoying as heck because I don't wanna see that shit when I'm browsing tumblr or wherever to look at pretty pics of freaky sea creatures.

(Girl Genius is fab though. I read a bit of it but the art style throws me off a little; I keep meaning to get back into it someday :))

As for me:

-Cassandra Clare's books. My friends keep recommending them to me, but after reading about all the fandom wank she stirred up back in the days, I just can't bring myself to read them.

-The Phoenix Wright live-action movie. I love the games SO much, but I couldn't finish the movie; it just took too long to get good, I guess?

-Popcorn. It just tastes like hot buttered farts as far as I'm concerned.

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-Popcorn. It just tastes like hot buttered farts as far as I'm concerned.

THANK YOU! Finally somebody found the words to accurately describe why I don't like popcorn! :cryhappy:

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-Popcorn. It just tastes like hot buttered farts as far as I'm concerned.

THANK YOU! Finally somebody found the words to accurately describe why I don't like popcorn! :cryhappy:

:lol: It's not just me!

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House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Red Sox (I'm from MA and simply do not care), college football in the South, and skinny jeans on guys!!!!

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Hunger Games, Ranch Dressing, popular books, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Fall Out Boy, cheese (i don't hate it, i'm just not a huge fan), pizza (same as cheese), The Fault in Our Stars, Star Wars, sci-fi genres, Downton Abbey, reality TV, cashews, makeup(except eyeliner), Indian songs, dancing, and movies (my parents and their friends and relatives mainly expect me to like this since I'm Indian American), running(I want to like it but I can't), leggings under shorts, uggs, eating full meals(I would much rather eat 5-6 small meals per day than breakfast, lunch and dinner), sitting down to eat(except when hanging out with friends), summer and spring, English class, extremely colorful clothing(I prefer black and darker shades), the brand Burberry, group projects(there are exceptions to this), lipstick, hanging out in big groups(i will do this occasionally but i prefer hanging out one on one or in a small group with a max of 4), people who use slang too often, mainstream American/British/Korean singers and rappers

Oh my goodness, I hate a lot of things XD

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SuperWhoLock. I just can't get into any of those series, despite how popular they are. I find some of the actors in those shows attractive, but that's it...I've never been able to like Supernatural, Dr. Who and Sherlock all that much.

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I should love Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, Vampire Diaries, ect. Any teenage girl show. Those are right up my alley, especially PLL, I love (certain kinds of) horror and drama, I'm not "above all that", those seem like the perfect shows for me. I just cannot make myself watch them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me, it's Discworld and The Dresden Files. Both were recommended to me several times over by friends, so I read the first two books or so of each, but I could never really get into them.

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