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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy Dean Variety Pack (Supernatural, M)

Lady Blessington

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Heyyy, they're really cool! :innocent: I can imagine it so well from your pics ... Just out of interest, how did you do them? The facial expressions are dead on. :)

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Yay drawings!!

They're not that terrible... Besides it's awesome that you want to draw and put it out there for us to see! I think they're fun.

Besides... if you want to see terrible drawing? I'd show you mine, but I don't even go anywhere near drawing utensils.

27jj inspired me. And then scarlett_ohara2 was like, "Yo, let's draw pictures." And then ooo also drew pictures. And then. There were these. Which is to say. Thank you! I don't know if I would have been brave enough to share these around without 27jj's shiny example.

Your drawings are really good!! :heart:

Dude! Thank you. :heart: :heart:

Heyyy, they're really cool! :wub: I can imagine it so well from your pics ... Just out of interest, how did you do them? The facial expressions are dead on. :)

Thank you so much! I got frustrated with freehand drawing because I really can't make people look like themselves, so then I discovered that in Photoshop I could do the equivalent of putting a sheet of tracing paper over top of a picture. So then it's a matter of matching up sneezy-looking Dean pictures with pictures of people actually sneezing/wielding tissues, and then tracing the appropriate bits, and colouring it all in, and yes. That. Thanks for asking! And for indulging me. It's like, activity of the week over here, so I'm excited to talk about it. :heart:

I LOVE YOU. I hope you know that, but more on why later :heart:

You too man. :heart: :heart:

Why with terrible pictures??? They are NOT terrible they are great!!!! :specool:

Heeeee! I don't know, they're kinda funny looking. I guess the freehand ones are more terrible and they were the majority at first. Thank you so much for commenting! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

And now some actual fic, since this is the fic section, LOL.

Slash warning!

Cool fingers in his hair, a steady cricket chirp. Dean sighs awake in the dark room, breathes in the smell of toothpaste.


"Hey." Sam's fingertips trace across his forehead, rub his eyebrows backwards and smooth them out. "How you feeling?"

Dean nuzzles into Sam's palm, blinks sleepily out the window at the last dregs of color in the sky. "Musta fallen asleep."

"Musta needed it."

Plastic crinkles and Sam's shifting on the bed, closing his warm hand around Dean's. "C'mere. I want to show you something."

Dean mashes the heel of his hand over his eyes, grunts at the cramp in his back as he straightens. He pats the bedside table for his gun but Sam pulls him close, strokes splayed hands down his back.

"No no," Sam murmurs into his temple. "Don't need anything. You're covered."

Dean lets Sam's fingers close over his, stumbles out the door after him and down a dirt path, stares down to keep from tripping on the roots. He smells something else now, woodsmoke.


Sam turns and smiles at him, and his dimples show, and Dean frowns and blows his nose. Then Sam says, "Look."

It's a lake, and beside the lake is a fire pit, and beside the fire is a picnic table. Sam lifts his plastic bag and sets out marshmallows, tissues, a six-pack of PBR. He crumples the sack and stuffs it in his jacket pocket.

A mosquito whines around Dean's ear. He grabs at it, grinds his fingers together. "Smokey'd have your ass."

"Wasn't gone long. No wind tonight, either." Sam gestures at the pail of lakewater standing by the flames. "And I prepared."

"Well." Smoke drifts into Dean's eyes and he squints against the sting. "Guess that worked out."

Sam picks up a stick off the bench seat and pokes at the fire. Bright sparks drift up into the sky.

Dean scuffs a toe in the dirt until a wave of weariness washes over him. He sits down at the picnic table, folds his arms and drops his head.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," Dean croaks. He snuffles up a breath and pushes it out through his mouth. Out on the lake, a loon calls.

"Want me to make you a marshmallow?"

Smiling, Dean opens his eyes. Sam's got a slender twig in his hand, all pointy.

"Nobody does 'em like you, Sammy."

Sam rips open the bag, skewers two. "You always burnt yours."

Dean coughs out a laugh. "I just wanted you to do it for me."

"I know." Sam twists his stick back and forth over the fire. "I didn't mind."

Dean cracks a beer and chases another tickle back down his throat. "You mail those credit card applications?"

"Yeah. What names did you pick?"

A grin spreads over Dean's face. He watches the firelight play over the tips of Sam's hair. "Good ones."

Sam groans, warm eyes scanning him. "Not Butch Cassidy. Dean, people will notice Butch Cassidy."

"Not Butch Cassidy."

Sam pulls the marshmallows up close to examine them, lowers them to the pit. "Thank God. Who?"

"You're warm."

"Wyatt Earp?"

"Oh yeah, that'd sound way more normal than Butch Cassidy."


Dean sneezes all over his arm, tears open the box of tissues. "John Wayne," he manages before spraying his knuckles.

"Okay. I can live with John Wayne. Bless you, twice."

By the time Dean finishes honking and snuffling, his marshmallow's ready. He coaxes it off the end of the stick, watches Sam follow suit. The outside is crispy between his fingers. Watching each other, they put the sugar into their mouths.

"Ngh," Dean moans around a mouth-breath. "Truly, you are the god of marshmallows."

Sam swallows happily, comes around the picnic table. He squeezes Dean's neck, massages his shoulders. Dean drops his forehead to his arms with a deep sigh.

Sam's fingers tickle through the short hairs at the back of his neck, trace in behind his ears, scratch lightly over his scalp. Crickets chirp, the fire pops and crackles. Dean feels himself start to drift off.

Soft lips touch the base of his skill. "Dean."


"What was the other name?"

Dean coughs until he has to get up from the picnic table to have more room. Tears stream down his face.

"Whoa, hey, hey. You okay?"

Dean's cheeks hurt from smiling. "Oh yeah. You'll see."

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Oh wow, it is really embarrassing to read my comments on this forum. I'm a bit overexcited sometimes, huh? And it's like, right on the top of the page, too. :wub: (ETA: OMG. This one is at the top too! :) )


1. The art: It makes me superly happy. I've been staring at the red Sam one for lonnnng periods of time. No joke. In multiple tabs even, one here and one on deviantART so I can be like, what's over here? OH, JUST HOTTNESS.

2. The fic: I WANT SAM TO MAKE ME A MARSHMALLOW. And the ending is so great. And the "Bless you, twice." :laugh:

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Oh wow, it is really embarrassing to read my comments on this forum. I'm a bit overexcited sometimes, huh? And it's like, right on the top of the page, too. :laugh: (ETA: OMG. This one is at the top too! :) )

Excited comments are the best kind of comments! :wub::laugh:

Haha, yes for multiple tabs!! That reminds me of a friend of mine who kept a cookie in her pocket all day so that she could keep forgetting it was there and reaching in and being like, "Wow, a cookie!" Was it like that? If so, I'm honoured to be cookie-worthy!

Thank you so much! I can't stop smiling now.

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Excited comments are the best kind of comments! :drool::unsure:

Haha, yes for multiple tabs!! That reminds me of a friend of mine who kept a cookie in her pocket all day so that she could keep forgetting it was there and reaching in and being like, "Wow, a cookie!" Was it like that? If so, I'm honoured to be cookie-worthy!

Thank you so much! I can't stop smiling now.

Yes, it was kind of like that B) Except, I can't help thinking about how a cookie would get squished...but that's beside the point:D

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Yes, it was kind of like that :blushing: Except, I can't help thinking about how a cookie would get squished...but that's beside the point:D

I think it was her jacket pocket, not a pants pocket. :D

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The one in your siggy is my favourite by far. It's. Just. Perfect.

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  • 1 month later...





The one in your siggy is my favourite by far. It's. Just. Perfect.

Yaayyy!!! Thank you so much! So much capslock action, woohoo! :P


'Nough said :)

Hehehe. Thank you! :lol:

I got all inspired by Rachiella's ficlet "Read My Body," from her drabble thread. Have some slashy Sam and Dean. I'mma call this one "Persuasion."



Sam's voice is smooth and steady in Dean's ear. It glides past him like a big, slow fish, a fish he can catch.

"Hey. Chill out."

Pressure registers. Something's on Dean's limbs. He opens his eyes to Sam, face close to his, long bangs dripping down to tangle in Dean's lashes.

"There you are. Hi."

Dean realizes he's wrestling against his brother. He stops. "What..." He drags in a tight chestful of air, pushes it out in a string of coughs. When the tears clear he sees Sam frowning above him.

"How you feeling?"

Dean gives Sam a hard buck, but Sam holds on easily, smiles a grim smile.

"Okay, seriously. What's with the early-morning grapple?"

Sam seems like he's been expecting the question. His voice is warm and frank. "You're not getting up today."

"What? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Dean. How do you feel?"

Hot and cold, and sore, and congested, now that he thinks about it. "Okay."

"Okay?" Sam's brows are up, skeptical.

"Okay enough. Dude, get off me."

"I know you. You've got a bug, man."

Dean sneezes helplessly. "So get up! Let a guy breathe."

"You're staying in bed."

"I am seriously going to smack you."

"I'm gonna bring you everything you need."

"Where's my knife?"

"Soup... movies... medicine."

"Screw you."

"I'm gonna take your temperature and kiss you all better."

"You're... wait, what?"

Sam plants a kiss to the tip of Dean's nose. His lips are soft and cool. "But you..." Sam kisses Dean's forehead, "are gonna stay," his lips find Dean's temple, "in bed." He plies Dean's mouth, straightens with a contented look. Then the smile disappears. "Or so help me God, I'm gonna kick your fluey ass until bed's the only place you want to be."

Dean blinks, relaxes all his limbs. Sam's hair sways between them like a field of wheat. "Geez, Sammy. All you had to do was say 'please.'"

Sam lowers himself slowly, flattens out on top of Dean, crushing the air out of him. Then he rolls and brings his brother with him, tucks the sick man snugly against his chest. Dean pants and snuffles against Sam's shirt. "Okay. Weirdo."

"Be nice to me or I won't rub your back." Sam's fingers trail up and down the shivery skin under his tee.

Dean sucks in a shaky breath and sneezes all over them both.

"Aw, my sickie," Sam murmurs. He shifts and a tissue flutters at the edges of Dean's nose.

"Gibbee that." He blows. "I wasn't even... how'd you know I was sick? What are you, some kind of super-spy?"

"Dude." Sam's fingers stroke through his hair, play over his forehead. "The blinky eyes from the lights seeming too bright." His thumb passes over Dean's eyelid, brushing through the lashes. "The sniffly pink nose." He presses a tender kiss to Dean's nostril. "The general dickishness because you don't feel well." He pats Dean's groin through his shorts.

Dean wriggles closer, sighs into Sam's chest. "I'm not a dick."

"I know." Sam works the balls of his fingers against a knot in Dean's neck.

"Say I'm awesome."

"You're awesome, man."

"I thought there was gonna be soup."

"There is."

"And movies."

"Sleep first. You look exhausted."

"I'm awake."

Gentle kisses shut his eyelids. "It's still early. Sleep."

"Control freak." Dean sucks up a halting breath, sneezes hard enough to shake the bed. "Whew."

It takes it out of him. The last things he feels before he goes under are Sam's warm weight around him and a Kleenex dabbing lightly at his nose. Like it's a painting.

Of a fish.

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AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like yours better than mine honestly. Haha. So cute. With protective Sammy and sick Dean and......awwwww..... Also, I just wanna say that you're art is fucking amazing. I am so impressed by all of it. Keep making more stories and art pieces because you are truly talented. :P

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... I'm a bit confused about the last line. A painting, about a fish??


*fans self*

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AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like yours better than mine honestly. Haha. So cute. With protective Sammy and sick Dean and......awwwww..... Also, I just wanna say that you're art is fucking amazing. I am so impressed by all of it. Keep making more stories and art pieces because you are truly talented. :rolleyes:

Aww, right on!! I love it so much that there are people other than me who would want to see those images, so yay. Thank you for making me all smiley and warm and happy! :lol:

... I'm a bit confused about the last line. A painting, about a fish??


*fans self*

Heeee, yay for amazing! Thank you, birthday girl. The fish was uh, I guess I was trying to capture the dreaminess of Dean's mental state, like I mentioned a fish when he was first transitioning from sleep to waking and then I thought I'd throw it back in at the end when he was slipping back to sleep. Something about the fluidity of consciousness and the way the rules are different in them, like in dreams versus in wakefulness/in water versus in air, blah blah blah. I just started art school and I have to learn to talk like this now, haha.

Thank you so much!! :lol:

Ohhhh yes. Smokin' as always. The helpless and shaky sneezes, bossy Sam who just KNOWS that Dean is sick... :blushing::laugh: Yes yes yes.


Hooraaaay! Thank you ma'am. :heart:

aww, Sam is so bossy and caring at the same time. I love how he tells Dean why he knew that Dean is sick - so lovely!

I'm a sucker for that too, for Person 1 knowing Person 2 better than anybody else and using it to take good care of them. :)

Thank you so much!

Do we all know about the fever meme happening at Hoodie Time? I'll put up a link to my sneezy fic over there and then eeeverybody will know and see the other sneezy prompts and fill them alllll, mwahaha.

"I'll Sneeze You"

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Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice! Definitely worth another look, and another and another and another....

No, I AM perfectly fine and sane! Why are there people in white clothes after me and what do they want with this strange jacket???

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No, I AM perfectly fine and sane! Why are there people in white clothes after me and what do they want with this strange jacket???

They're after you, too?!?

Guhhhh...I really loved sneezy Dean here. Epic. I hope for more. :D

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