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Sneezy Dean Variety Pack (Supernatural, M)

Lady Blessington

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The hottest thing you've ever read? Dude! :):P You crack me up with your bunk time. Now when you comment and you don't mention bunk time I'm like, "Aw, what'd I do wrong?" LOL, thanks for the amazing comments and I'm so happy you're HERE!

Aww, don't feel bad! I don't always mention bunk time in my reviews because I think it would get repetitive, but believe me bunk time is ALWAYS INVOLVED. Lol. As far as I'm concerned, you can do no wrong!

I'm happy to be here as well! *hugs*

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Happy birthday to me....happy birthday to meh.....:blushing:

Your drabbles are one of the reasons I was so upset when my computer AND phone died last week :wub:

Thank you so much!!!

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So, I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu. (Even more than usual.)

The first one and THAT LAST ONE HOMG are maybe my faves. :drool:



I don't always mention bunk time in my reviews because I think it would get repetitive, but believe me bunk time is ALWAYS INVOLVED. Lol.

That's totally what I told myself as consolation. :D

Thank you ma'am!

Happy birthday to me....happy birthday to meh.....:drool:

Your drabbles are one of the reasons I was so upset when my computer AND phone died last week :)

Thank you so much!!!

Wow! :P Thank you so much. I hope everything's fixed. That's lousy timing, with both at once.

Dean/Cas, warnings for smexiness.

"You will not heal if you exert yourself."

Dean looks down at himself, then back at Castiel. He spreads his arms uncertainly. "I'll be gedtle."

"You'll sweat. It's unwise to wet oneself when one is ill."

Dean grins a cocky grin and undoes the top button on his shirt, watching Cas' face. Hesitating, he coughs thickly into his shoulder, then sneezes into both hands. He snorts, rolls his shoulders and flicks a coy gaze back up to the angel. "Lucky you. If I'b wet, I'll deed subbuddy to help bee - hhh - help be dry - ih-HISZZHSHSH-uh!" Dean slumps toward the tissue box and raids it. "Dabbit."

"You are... beautiful, Dean."

Dean falters mid-blow and meets Castiel's eyes.

"But surely you'll enjoy the act more when you are well."

"Cas," Dean whines. He coughs into his elbow and throws his Kleenex on the floor. "I'b hordy DOW."

"I can see that." The angel admires the bulge in his lover's pants. Then he drags his gaze up to the pasty face and runny nose. "But it would be unwise."

"You beed you dod't wadt bee." Dean sags onto the bed and flops on his back. He snuffles fruitlessly and twists onto his side.

"That's inaccurate." Haltingly Castiel approaches the bed. "I want you... baby."

"So fuck bee." Dean rubs his red nose and blinks up with glassy eyes.

Cas shuffles from foot to foot. "No."

"It's 'cause I'b sick, right? Let bee tell you, Cas. You could do a lot worse. This body..." Dean trails two fingers up his thigh. He breaks off to cough up something that he spits into his shirt. "It gets aroudd."

Cas sits on the edge of the bed and brushes Dean's hair off his forehead. "Go to sleep."

"Hey." Dean shifts out of reach. "I'b gettigg off todight, wud way or adduther." Slowly, carefully, he undoes the button of his jeans.

Castiel swallows.

Dean sucks in a hard breath, whimpers and sneezes wetly into the wall. "D-TJZZHSHSH! ESSHHSHHSHOOO!" He drags a sleeve under his nose and gently tugs his zipper.

"You aren't well." Cas is transfixed on the human's pants and his hands and what the hands are doing to the pants.

"So bake bee feel better." Dean shimmies the jeans halfway down his hips and spreads the fly wide. He sniffles expectantly.

The angel sighs and takes off his trench coat. He dips down to Dean's face. "You're less attractive when you're ill, and yet I find you alluring."

"The feeligg is butual." Dean kisses him for as long as he can without breathing through his nose.

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The "I want you baby" comment from Cas... HILARIOUS!

I can so see Misha delivering that with an absolutely straight face.

Even though it's a fic, makes me wonder how many takes these kinds of scenes go through before nobody is giggling anymore, you know? Maybe I'm the only cracked one who wonders that...

Anyway, awesome job!

[sorry I've been scarce in commenting. Wincest is not my thing, but as you can see I definitely don't mind the slashy stuff.]

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The "I want you baby" comment from Cas... HILARIOUS!

I can so see Misha delivering that with an absolutely straight face.

Even though it's a fic, makes me wonder how many takes these kinds of scenes go through before nobody is giggling anymore, you know? Maybe I'm the only cracked one who wonders that...

Anyway, awesome job!

[sorry I've been scarce in commenting. Wincest is not my thing, but as you can see I definitely don't mind the slashy stuff.]

Thanks for commenting! You never have to apologize for not commenting. It's just an awesome, awesome bonus when you do. :)

At the convention in LA, Misha actually said that a lot of times, they'll be messing with him while they're filming, so like, Misha will be trying to say his lines but Jensen will be blowing compressed air (like for cleaning keyboards) up his pants leg, or Jared will be grinding a foot into his balls. He said a lot of the "acting" is him trying to keep a straight face through stuff like that. That made me giggle.

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Okay, that was hot. The Cas/Dean thing totally worked 'cos they were still really in character - awesome! :)

And Dean telling Cas that he "could do a lot worse" cos Dean gets around?! So funny.


Ohhh and mads3rv3r - I nearly got in so much trouble 'cos of the Pavlov-witch-cursing-Dean fic on livejournal. :) Turned out I had copied and pasted your comment about the idea for it by accident, so when I tried to send my friend a link to these shoes on a website ... yeah.

It was okay, I passed it off as a comment underneath a summary of an episode. Meh. She asked no questions.

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Okay, that was hot. The Cas/Dean thing totally worked 'cos they were still really in character - awesome! :)

And Dean telling Cas that he "could do a lot worse" cos Dean gets around?! So funny.


Ohhh and mads3rv3r - I nearly got in so much trouble 'cos of the Pavlov-witch-cursing-Dean fic on livejournal. :) Turned out I had copied and pasted your comment about the idea for it by accident, so when I tried to send my friend a link to these shoes on a website ... yeah.

It was okay, I passed it off as a comment underneath a summary of an episode. Meh. She asked no questions.

IF ONLY that were the summary of an episode! Rrrrrrr. :) Haha, oh no, that must have been so awkward, watching the text go off to her. Good cover, I gotta say.

Thanks for the delicious commenty action!

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I love you. :yes: That is all.

P.S. I changed me mind, that's not all...1) The third ficlet, the one with kinky Sam, is my most favorite, and 2) My friend wants to know why I suddenly maybe like Dean/Cas, and I have no good explaination for that...


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I love you. :hypoc: That is all.

P.S. I changed me mind, that's not all...1) The third ficlet, the one with kinky Sam, is my most favorite, and 2) My friend wants to know why I suddenly maybe like Dean/Cas, and I have no good explaination for that...


I love you too. :heart: :heart: I missed you at the meme when you were moving. How's your new place?

I listened to a few Dean/Cas audiofics (I need audiofic for anything that's not like pure sick Dean because otherwise I give up... is that sad for me?) and suddenly Dean/Cas seemed like not a bad option. I feel like Sam and Dean belong together whether it's with smexiness or not, and that prejudices me against Dean/Cas, and also the power imbalance at least at first (Cas has superpowers. Superpowers!) prejudiced me against it too, but in the end, I think it also has a lot of potential for yumminess.

Thank you!

can't breathe... can't speak... in awe of all the amazingness.


I'm in awe of your awesome comment.

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I love you too. :(:dead: I missed you at the meme when you were moving. How's your new place?

My new place is AWESOME, thank you for asking:) I love the city!

I missed the meme when I was moving, it couldn't have been more than a day or two I went without it but it felt like a week!! It makes me so happy that its still going though, even if a little slowly now, but still going all the same! It should definitely happen again sometime:)

I listened to a few Dean/Cas audiofics (I need audiofic for anything that's not like pure sick Dean because otherwise I give up... is that sad for me?) and suddenly Dean/Cas seemed like not a bad option. I feel like Sam and Dean belong together whether it's with smexiness or not, and that prejudices me against Dean/Cas, and also the power imbalance at least at first (Cas has superpowers. Superpowers!) prejudiced me against it too, but in the end, I think it also has a lot of potential for yumminess.

I feel similarly about Dean/Cas...and also, for some reason, I'm not the biggest fan of Cas in the first place, and then I felt that Sam and Dean should be together (and like you said, with or without smexiness) and when I read Dean/Cas I just felt sad for Sam cause he was just the forgotten third wheel. But now, apparently, I'm digging it...who knew?

And now, I will tell you my life story...just kidding! But sorry for rambling:)

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I love you too. :(:dead: I missed you at the meme when you were moving. How's your new place?

My new place is AWESOME, thank you for asking:) I love the city!

I missed the meme when I was moving, it couldn't have been more than a day or two I went without it but it felt like a week!! It makes me so happy that its still going though, even if a little slowly now, but still going all the same! It should definitely happen again sometime:)

I listened to a few Dean/Cas audiofics (I need audiofic for anything that's not like pure sick Dean because otherwise I give up... is that sad for me?) and suddenly Dean/Cas seemed like not a bad option. I feel like Sam and Dean belong together whether it's with smexiness or not, and that prejudices me against Dean/Cas, and also the power imbalance at least at first (Cas has superpowers. Superpowers!) prejudiced me against it too, but in the end, I think it also has a lot of potential for yumminess.

I feel similarly about Dean/Cas...and also, for some reason, I'm not the biggest fan of Cas in the first place, and then I felt that Sam and Dean should be together (and like you said, with or without smexiness) and when I read Dean/Cas I just felt sad for Sam cause he was just the forgotten third wheel. But now, apparently, I'm digging it...who knew?

And now, I will tell you my life story...just kidding! But sorry for rambling:)

YAY good place! That makes me happy.

That was some delicious rambling. :lol: Speaking of your life story... why 27?

It took me awhile to get solidly behind Cas-in-general, but now I definitely am a fan. I think it's a combination of brave-Cas-pitting-himself-with-the-bros, comedy!Cas and Misha in interviews that did it.

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Look what you did to me!

I had to post here and tell you that I'm totally addicted to writing fic over at your LJ!


Also, Pavlov made me giggle. :blushing:

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Look what you did to me!

I had to post here and tell you that I'm totally addicted to writing fic over at your LJ!


Also, Pavlov made me giggle. :blushing:

I'm addicted to reading fic over at my journal, so that works out well. :lmfao: It's really cool seeing a combination of sneeze-kink people and non-sneeze-kink people writing over there, and the range of fic that comes out of that. I'm excited for more fic in general, and extra-excited for more fic from sneeze-kink people like you.

Thanks so much!

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More ficlets from the meme, which can I just say has made me so happy. :blushing: These are a combination of slash (Sam/Dean) and gen.

Messy (gen)

Prompt: Feverish!Dean is my fave, so how about something where Dean is sneezy AND feverish? If there was some semi-delirious crying and snotting all over Sam I would not say no!

Smoke curls off the skeleton.

"Whaddya thigk happeds to 'eb?"

A cold wind pushes cinders into Sam's face. He rubs his eyes and examines Dean as best he can in the dark. "I don't know. Why?"

Dean digs a tissue out of his pocket and blows his nose. He clears his throat, picks up the shovel and starts filling in the grave.


Dean drops onto the edge of his bed, gurgles into a wad of Kleenex and buries his face in his hands. His cheeks are bright from the chilly air.

"What do you want to eat?"

No answer.

"How you doing for meds, Captain Snot?"

Dean sniffles and dips his nose to the tissues. He blinks, and Sam sees a wet glimmer.

"You OK?"

There's a choking sound that explodes into a bout of harsh coughing. Dean reaches for more Kleenex and swipes at his face, flustered. "Yeah, I..." He shivers and draws a deep breath. "Friggid' fevers, dude. I'b fide."

Sam goes to him, presses a bottle of Advil into his hand. "Bundle up. I'll get you soup." He's close enough to smell fresh sweat and spicy deodorant and to feel the heat radiating off him.

Dean raises his face. His mouth trembles and his forehead crumples up.

"Hey. What's going on?"

"I, uh." Dean licks his chapped lips and blows his nose. Tears course down his cheeks. "It's stupid."


"I biss Dad." His voice is barely there. He breathes slowly and noisily, stares at the alarm clock.

"Me too." Sam sits on the other bed and rubs the comforter. He puts down the keys and peels off his coat. "You want some water?"

"That Sheffield guy," Dean husks. "He died because his kid screwed up."

"You could say that." Sam watches Dean's splotchy face for clues.

"That's what bade hib a ghost. He lost his life for his sud, add it drove hib idsade."

A pang hits Sam. "Dean." He shifts his hips onto his brother's bed. "Dad loved us. He wanted us to be happy."

Dean heaves a gasp and sneezes miserably. Sam hands him a clean tissue, which he rushes to his red nose. "Ih-XXSHSH! USHSHSHOO!"

"Bless you."

"Sorry." Dean burbles and blushes. "Ugh. I'b sorry."

"It's OK." Sam watches Dean rub his forearms disconsolately. "Do you, uh. You want a hug?"

A sniffle. "Doe." Dean glances up, then nudges his face into Sam's shoulder. Sam settles hesitant arms around him, squeezes feverish biceps.

"Hh - hhHH - IT-DZZHSHSH!" There's a burst of hot dampness. Dean draws back and wipes Sam's shirt with his tissue. "Whoa. That's just wrogg."

"Don't worry about it, snugglemuffin." Sam cups the back of his warm neck and rises up off the bed. "Your turn for laundry anyway. Tuck in, man. Be right back."

Foiled (gen)

Prompt: Dean is abusing his Afrin. Sam confiscates it so Dean doesn't become addicted. Dean would appreciate it a bit more if he could, you know, breathe.

"Where is it?"

Sam looks up from the paper. "What?"

Dean sighs wheezily and pinches his nostrils shut. "You did this."

"Dude, what are you looking for?"

"Like you dod't doe." He casts an exhausted glance around the room. "The friggid' doze spray."

"I dunno." Sam folds the newspaper and sits forward. "Why are you doing that?"


"You're plugging your nose."

Dean straightens fractionally. "It gives bee a sedse of cudtrol."

Sam looks at him. "I know you're not a fan, but I picked you up something I thought might help." He reaches into the bag hanging off his chair and pulls out a neti pot. "This'll clear you up naturally."

"Where 'daturally' beads 'slowly add disgustiggly.' Dude, just gibbee back the spray."

"That stuff eats through your nasal cavity, man. It's bad news." He waggles the box hopefully.

Dean drops onto the couch, flushed. "Gibbee the spray or I'll spit idd all your salads for the dext year."

Sam heats up a cup of water, dumps it into the neti pot and stirs in a packet of salt. "Just try it. What have you got to lose?"

Dean sneezes fruitlessly and palms his forehead. "Ow. I hate you. Gibbee the stupid pot."

Sleekness (Sam/Dean)

Prompt: Dean's sick and he takes some OTC cold medicine. It makes his heart beat uncomfortably fast leaving him short of breath, nauseated, and hot. Feeling crappier than he was before. Sam lies next to him and rubs his back to try to calm him down. It helps - not a lot because the cold meds are causing the problem, not anxiety - but it does help some.

Sam gives the shirt two quick squirts of steam and passes the iron over it. He glances at the half-shut bathroom door, where the water sounds and the razor sounds have both stopped. "Almost ready?" He flips the button-up over and smoothes the hot metal across its back, gets a whiff of warm cotton.

"Sab?" Dean's in the doorway. "I, uh..." He blinks bright eyes. He's flushed and damp, hair spiked up from the shower. A thin trickle of blood glistens on his jaw.

"You OK?"

One arm cradles his belly. "I feel uh, weird."

Sam dumps the iron and goes to him. Dean leans in hard, shaky and fever-warm. "Whoa, OK. You're OK. I gotcha."

With help, Dean lowers himself stiffly to the bed and then splays out on his back, panting. "WIT-TZZHHHSHSH!" He snuffles and swipes at his nose.

"Wow." Sam perches on the mattress and strokes his red cheek, pushes back sweaty hair. "God. You look terrible."

Dean sighs and leans into the touch. "Hghh."

Sam thumbs blood from his jaw. He reaches for a tissue and presses it to the wound. "Got a little nick here." Dean's chest is rising and falling too quickly. "What happened, man?"

"Duddo. Jus' feel like shit all of a suddedd."

"Maybe it was the cold pills." Sam plays his fingers over Dean's forehead, lets him take the Kleenex and blow his nose. "You've never had that kind before."


"Maybe we should hit up a clinic."


Sam freezes. "Aw." He lunges for the iron, yanks its cord and checks the fabric.

"Is it fucked?"

Sam scratches the burn with his fingernail. "Yeah."

"Which wudd was it?"

He considers Dean, pink-faced on the mattress. "You look really sick."

"'Sdot that bad. Jus' c'bere. Wasd't the blue wud, was it?"

"It was the one with the white swirls, on white."

"I hate that shirt," Dean chuckles, waiting for Sam to settle and then mashing up into his chest.

Sam huffs. "So what, this is all a master plan to destroy it?"

"Works every tibe." Dean sniffles into Sam's ribs and sighs.

Sam draws a long stroke down Dean's back, then another.

"Wait." Dean clumsily peels off his T-shirt. New perspiration comes out on his face as he settles. "Ahh."

"Sweaty McSweat. You're gonna need another shower." Sam soothes his warm, bare skin steadily. The muscles start to give. "Maybe we should take your temperature."

"It was the pills. Dude, I'b fide. Just... keep rockigg that."

Sam gives Dean's hip a squeeze through his shorts and kisses the top of his head. He traces the soft spot behind his ear, nuzzles his eyebrow. Then it's big, slow circles with an open palm, smoothing out all the kinks and creases.

Dean murmurs something inquisitive, sneezes into Sam's armpit and starts to snore.

Snuggles (Sam/Dean)

(Misplaced comment fic)

Dean drags the comforter to the couch and listens to Sam breathing in the dark. He sniffles guiltily, then eases his weight down to his brother's long body and tugs the thick blanket over them both.

"Susuh?" Sam slurs, his head lifting.

"S'OK," Dean murmurs. Sam sighs deeply and lays back.

Dean shivers at the new warmth, buries a soft sneeze in Sam's chest and wriggles his head up under Sam's chin. Sam's arms drift around him in sleep.

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That was some delicious rambling. :) Speaking of your life story... why 27?

27 is just my favorite number and my lucky number, and it shows up EVERYWHERE. And I always look at the clock when it’s a 27 minutes, doesn’t matter the hour, like it could be 9:27 AM or 5:27 PM. And that happens ALL the time, at least once a day. But it’s a good number:)

And now I'm curious- why mad server??


Oooh, I haven’t gotten to all of these on LJ yet!

Messy: I love the cinders blowing into Sam’s face and him rubbing his eyes, and then the deliciousness of Dean all feverish and sneezy and nose blow-y and breaking down, and then being all apologetic, and Sam offering a hug, to which Dean is like no, but then yes, and the sneeze into Sam’s shirt, and SNUGGLEMUFFIN!!! And just the general miserable-sickness of Dean and the general awesomeness of Sam. You rock.

Foiled: I laughed so much when I read this one:) Ahhhhh Dean pinching his nose shut and the neti pot and just when I thought I couldn’t love you any more. This one was awesome.

And I know I already reviewed the last two on LJ but I still loved the tissue used for the shaving nick and then nose blowing thing in Sleekness, and Sam ironing, and the adorableness of Snuggles. ADORABLE.

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That was some delicious rambling. ;) Speaking of your life story... why 27?

27 is just my favorite number and my lucky number, and it shows up EVERYWHERE. And I always look at the clock when it’s a 27 minutes, doesn’t matter the hour, like it could be 9:27 AM or 5:27 PM. And that happens ALL the time, at least once a day. But it’s a good number:)

And now I'm curious- why mad server??


Oooh, I haven’t gotten to all of these on LJ yet!

Messy: I love the cinders blowing into Sam’s face and him rubbing his eyes, and then the deliciousness of Dean all feverish and sneezy and nose blow-y and breaking down, and then being all apologetic, and Sam offering a hug, to which Dean is like no, but then yes, and the sneeze into Sam’s shirt, and SNUGGLEMUFFIN!!! And just the general miserable-sickness of Dean and the general awesomeness of Sam. You rock.

Foiled: I laughed so much when I read this one:) Ahhhhh Dean pinching his nose shut and the neti pot and just when I thought I couldn’t love you any more. This one was awesome.

And I know I already reviewed the last two on LJ but I still loved the tissue used for the shaving nick and then nose blowing thing in Sleekness, and Sam ironing, and the adorableness of Snuggles. ADORABLE.


You're very very awesome, and you totally spoil me with your multiple reviews, and I love it. :D:laugh:

Lucky number. Check. I'd been curious for awhile, hehe.

I was working as a cashier when I came up with my username, so serving customers, at a coffee shop actually, and a lot of things made me mad that had to do with serving people and working there and with other things too, and I felt a bit crazy so that kind of mad, and server doubles as a computer word, so, yeah. That.

Ooooh I haven't been keeping up very well.

You spoil us. <3

Thank you so much!

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These are both Sam/Dean, from the meme.


Prompt: Gen or Sam/Dean. Sick! And maybe hurt! Dean. Anything where Sam has to blow Dean’s nose for him for some reason.

He finds Dean right where he left him: propped up on the bed, thick bandages snug around one knee and both hands. There's a clean white tissue dangling from where it's trapped between the edges of his thumbs. His face is flushed and snotty.

"Hey." Sam settles on the mattress by Dean's hip. The tissue flutters. The air's stale and warm and smells like old carpet.

Dean snuffles helplessly. "Hey."

"I'm... gonna..." Sam slides the Kleenex free and gently blots the pink skin under his brother's nose. "You totally have a cold."

Dean sighs. "Yeah."

Sam moves a few strands of Dean's hair aside and presses a careful kiss to his forehead. He frowns. "You're warmer."

"Awesome." Sniffling, Dean eyes the Kleenex in his hand. "I gotta..." He clears his throat. "Little help?"

"Oh." Sam bunches it up to Dean's nostrils. "Yeah. Go."

Blushing, Dean shuts his eyes and blows. Sam takes in the sweat on his face, the two little lines between his brows. While Dean catches his breath, he pulls new tissues from the box and folds them together, replaces the soggy clump. "'Kay. Round two."

Dean leans in and then immediately draws back, his forehead creasing, eyebrows jumping. "HHH-hhh." He casts a panicked look at Sam, then buries his flaring nostrils in the waiting hand. "Hh-hhHHHH-TZZHHSHSH! Ih-XXHXH-shoo!"

Sam feels the warm explosions through the layers of Kleenex. When watery eyes search his, he nods. "You're good."

Dean flicks a quick glance at the ceiling like it's a pie he's never going to eat, then scrunches up his face and pushes out more snot with a weak crackle.

"Sucks being sick, huh?" Sam dabs his red nose dry. "Car's all gassed up. Got some food, too. I told Bobby we'd be there by six." A tremor passes through Dean and Sam hesitates, studying him. "You up to it?"

Dean sniffles and sighs. He shifts forward, winces and kisses Sam's eyebrow. "Yeah." He takes the tissue box awkwardly between his wrists and hugs it to his chest. "I'd friggin' kill for a bowl of Bobby's chili. Let's go."


Prompt: Sam & Dean are trapped in a very small space, Dean's having sneezing fit after sneezing fit and Sam has a sneeze kink.


Sam's hands go lax around the lock and the belt buckle he's using as a pick. His mouth slackens, cheeks flushing. "Cara mia."

"Shit." Dean sniffles into his sleeve. "Dot a good tibe, badd. Ih-HIDZGHSH! KHKHFOO! KETCHCHH!"

Sam twists around in the tiny cage, his front pressing into Dean's by default. He kisses the back of Dean's hand, the inside of his wrist.

"Sab. The lock. Ih-HHHH... DZZHSHSH!"

"Bless you." Sam nips at Dean's neck, noses up behind his ear. His cock presses into Dean's thigh.

"Dude. You are dot gettigg laid right dow. Ahh-HADGEHH! Eh-KHKHTCH-TCHCH! The ghost..."

"Fuck the ghost." Sam mouths over Dean's chin, his lips, his nose.

"Uhgrr." Dean's eyes roll back. He cups Sam's warm crotch. "Thedd do it fast."

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I think I like Sleekness and Humble best on account of the CUDDLING and also the hotness that is Sam helping Dean blow his nose, but idk. All of these are just little gems of awesome. Thanks SO much for sharing them with us.

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I think I may have just gone a leetle bit darkside.

Helpless!Dean in your first drabble was just amazingly sexable. Even if it was Sam taking such tender care of him, I do have to admit I kinda liked it.

... It's all downhill from here isn't it? =P

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I was working as a cashier when I came up with my username, so serving customers, at a coffee shop actually, and a lot of things made me mad that had to do with serving people and working there and with other things too, and I felt a bit crazy so that kind of mad, and server doubles as a computer word, so, yeah. That.

Haha, I’ve always kind of wondered about that. And I can sympathize with you there about serving people at a coffee shop:)

Humble: Gahhh, SO MUCH HOTNESS of Dean not being able to use his hands and Sam having to hold the tissues while he blows his nose and sneezes. EEEEP and I LOVE that Dean kisses Sam’s eyebrow. Heee:)

Avid: Every single time I read something new from you I’m like THIS, this is my favorite! But then they’re all my favorites because they’re all so well written and insanely hot and adorably cute and creative and fun and funny and awesome and how do you choose between so much awesomeness anyway? (That, plus the fact that my real favorites are your Sam drabbles…) So, I was going to say that this is my most favorite, but it’s more like my favorite of the moment:) And that is because it is ridiculously sexy and delicious. It gave me goosebumps.


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Okay, I still can't get used to the whole Sam/Dean thing. BUT ... I really like the way you write it.

And I love your horny Sam in 'Avid'!! That sounded a bit strange. And the Dean-spellings are :).

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I think I like Sleekness and Humble best on account of the CUDDLING and also the hotness that is Sam helping Dean blow his nose, but idk. All of these are just little gems of awesome. Thanks SO much for sharing them with us.


I like that anybody liked this because it's so obscure, and I like extra that you liked it because you write beautiful things and also just rock. Thanks muchly!



I think I may have just gone a leetle bit darkside.

Helpless!Dean in your first drabble was just amazingly sexable. Even if it was Sam taking such tender care of him, I do have to admit I kinda liked it.

... It's all downhill from here isn't it? =P

It helps if you pretend they aren't brothers. Then the smexing can be unconfined. :heart:

Thanks so much for checking this out. If your eyes turn black though I'm cutting you off.

I was working as a cashier when I came up with my username, so serving customers, at a coffee shop actually, and a lot of things made me mad that had to do with serving people and working there and with other things too, and I felt a bit crazy so that kind of mad, and server doubles as a computer word, so, yeah. That.

Haha, I’ve always kind of wondered about that. And I can sympathize with you there about serving people at a coffee shop:)

Humble: Gahhh, SO MUCH HOTNESS of Dean not being able to use his hands and Sam having to hold the tissues while he blows his nose and sneezes. EEEEP and I LOVE that Dean kisses Sam’s eyebrow. Heee:)

Avid: Every single time I read something new from you I’m like THIS, this is my favorite! But then they’re all my favorites because they’re all so well written and insanely hot and adorably cute and creative and fun and funny and awesome and how do you choose between so much awesomeness anyway? (That, plus the fact that my real favorites are your Sam drabbles…) So, I was going to say that this is my most favorite, but it’s more like my favorite of the moment:) And that is because it is ridiculously sexy and delicious. It gave me goosebumps.

:heart: :heart: :heart:


Annnnd you made my day.

Okay, I still can't get used to the whole Sam/Dean thing. BUT ... I really like the way you write it.

And I love your horny Sam in 'Avid'!! That sounded a bit strange. And the Dean-spellings are :).

Horny Sam is a good Sam. He's usually so well-behaved, at least in the earlier seasons. I think it's partly just fun seeing him step outside his bounds, the same way seeing Dean all sick and sneezy and helpless is seeing Dean outside his alpha-male tough-guy bounds.

Thank you so much for investigating the slashiness even though it's not so much your drug of choice. I feel privileged. :heart:

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Prompt: The script calls for Dean to sneeze in an episode, and Jensen decides he needs some practice. Up to you whether it's slash or not, and whether either of the boys has a secret or not-so-secret sneeze!kink...

A/N: I kinda filled that and I kinda didn't. Also, I think this is me busting my RPF cherry! Also also, there's definitely some saying of the F-word in this.

Jared gets to page sixteen of the new script and stops. He sits up on his leather couch and touches his mouth, smiling. He texts Jensen:

Come over when ur done.


It's dark out Jared's window when the knock sounds. He pulls the door open to a pale and washed-out Jensen, squinting in the cruel fluorescent hall lighting.

"It's alive," Jared says.

"Beer," says Jensen. "Give me beer."

He drops into a kitchen chair and folds his arms on the table, then lays his head on his arms. "I dunno if I'm gonna be such good company, man."

"Rough day, huh?"

"Ugh. Camera fuckin' breaks, and then it starts raining. I keep messing up this one line. Thirty-two takes. Fuckin' embarrassing."

"Ouch." Jared sets a chilly brown bottle in front of him and a glass of water. He squeezes Jensen's shoulders, digs his thumbs in and is rewarded with a groan.

"Fuck. Don't stop."

Jared works the warm muscles with practiced fingers. He makes his way inward, toward the sides of Jensen's neck. Jensen huffs into the table. "Christ. I swear you could cure cancer with that shit."

"Got something else that might cheer you up."

"Yeah? What?" Jensen's eyelashes flutter against dark-ringed eyes as Jared massages his scalp with the pads of his fingers.

"You read the new script yet?"


"Found something you might like. Thought maybe we could do a read-through."

There's actual drool on Jensen's fingers.

"Hey. No sleeping." Jared brushes a light kiss to his temple. "Come check this out. You're gonna pee."

"I'm gonna pee. Who could say no?" Jensen raises his head and spots the beer. "Fifteen minutes. You get fifteen minutes and then I sleep."

"You look like roadkill, babe," Jared says, watching him pad with concentration toward the sofa.

"That fuckin' line."

"Maybe we should skip to the good part." Jared pulls Jensen down against his chest and rubs his back up and down. "Page sixteen. ENTER DEAN, sniffling, a big ball of tissues in his hand. SAM: What's with you? DEAN sneezes."

Jensen shifts. "That's gonna be interesting."

"Kinda hot, right?" Jared angles his head to get a better look at the other man's face.


Jared flushes. "Is it? I just... I remember when I ran out of allergy meds and you... and we had a good time."

"Yeah. When you sneeze, it's hot. When I sneeze, it's just a guy sneezing."

Jared feels Jensen shiver. "You OK?"

"I'm fine." He wraps his arms around Jared's waist and sighs. "Just don't make me move."

"I thought you might wanna..." Jared skims the contours of Jensen's arm with his palm. "I thought maybe you'd wanna practice. So it's realistic, for the scene."

"You want me to pretend to sneeze?" Jensen tips his head up and rests his chin on Jared's chest. He searches his eyes. "What do I not know about you?"

"I thought it'd be kinda kinky. You could sneeze for me."

Jensen presses a kiss to Jared's torso and drops back down. "I can hear your heartbeat." He yawns. "S'good."

"God, I'm a dick. You're exhausted." Jensen shivers again. "Poor Jenny."

"Hhmm. Uh-HXCHGHT!" Jensen jerks against him. "Oh by God." He sniffles and sighs.

"Was that real?"

Jensen chuckles. "Speak of the devil."

"You faked that."

"I am that good, but no."

Jared scrutinizes Jensen's closed eyes, his pink nose. He sees the nostrils pull in as Jensen sniffs again. "Are you coming down with something?"

"One sneeze, mama bear."

Jared tugs the blanket down off the side of the couch and spreads it over them both. Jensen wriggles closer.

"That was a little bit hot," Jared reflects.

"I'm not helping you with that right now."

"You are getting sick."

Jensen pats his thigh. "First break tomorrow. My trailer. I'll practice real good for you, darlin'. That or you can feed me soup."

Jared kisses the top of his head and squeezes him tight. "I'm in."

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