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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy Dean Variety Pack (Supernatural, M)

Lady Blessington

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In the glow of the laptop screen, Dean's peeling belly balloons out with hitching breaths. Sam groans and curls his legs around Dean's thigh.

You have no idea what that did to me. That whole thing was gorgeous.

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Thissss this this is SO hot. :laugh: It's definitely one of my favorites...well, no, that's hard. Because all of them are my favorite. Also, I forgot to say this before but I love the title:)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello. Commenting time.

Teddybears in Space

Heeee, loopy!Dean! "He knows that tribble", and Dean trying not to breathe because he's on the moon, and the tissue chasing him, and the teddy bears in Dean's dream, and Dean all dizzy and waking up after fainting, and "he gets tangled up, and a head rush", which is just a really cool sentence.

Out of Bounds

Hehehe, you make me giggle. I love Dean thinking there isn't enough Sam and Sam being all, NO, YES THERE IS. Also all the hot hot sneeziness and breath-hitchiness.

The End

Pine needles in a vacuum cleaner! Also mmm at sicky Dean opening up to Sam and all the much-needed cuddling going on.


Hee at all the adding and proposing and agreeing the boys are doing. Toooo cute.


This is so sweet and hot. Sam's twinkly eyes, and Johnny Cash, and crimson-cheeked Sam, "Good. Yeah. Shut up.", and hug therapy, and poor dizzy Dean and Sam all "...yeah." Mmph.

Dean Leaves His Mark On Sam And Arizona

You made me giggle so hard with all the "fallen soldier" and "weakest link". (Although for once, I wasn't drinking tea.) Also AGHGHG sneezy sneezy Dean and poor Sam whose pants are too tight. Oh Sam.

Sick Weekend at Bobby's

I love Dean's stomach being rocky since the flight (ohh that flight), and Dean passed out on the hall carpet, and most of all Dean's teary feverish love confession, awwww.

Mr Sensitive

"Does not encounter Dean" made me giggle. I love shivery teeth-chattery Dean, and woah, Dean being so sore and Sam not being able to touch him was really vivid. My skin hurts in sympathy. Poor Dean!

A Nose Knows

That was such a cool prompt, and suuuuch a good fill. MMMM. I really liked your soulless Sam. I love the moment when Sam figures it out, and Dean is all 'wha?' to all his blatant lies, and espeeecially the twenty-seven jump ropes, heee!

Catch and Release

Whyyy is embarrassed sneezy Dean sooo ridiculously attractive? And I love the way you write him. LOVE.


AGHGHGHGH. That's all you're getting.

Sneeze and Make Up

Heee, oh Dean. Basil as pot! And the kiddie colouring competition! I love that he confesses because Sam's rubbing off on him, and how Sam is all STOP BEING SEXY, I'm trying to be mad.

Fancy Footwork

I love all the describing of the training, it sounded so authentic and cool. And them teasing each other (grasshopper, and Dean being old, hee), and Sam noticing so quickly that something's up, and then, then gahh.


Youuu filled my prompt! I love the clean scent of "cool, fresh weeds", and the snot exorcism, and Sam being all gentle with the tissue. And and the cool bookending, where Sam has to make it up to Dean for being sick, and then Dean has to make it up to Sam for getting better. LOVE.

In conclusion: :) :) :)

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Sam rests his palm at Dean's belly button, nuzzles his hot nose. "C'mere. I'll make it up to you."

Dean takes a demonstrative breath through his nostrils, spreads his hands proudly in the residual drift of shower steam. His toes scrunch happily on the carpet. He undoes his towel, steps lean and limber toward Sam. "C'mere. I'll make it up to you."

:heart: :heart: :heart:

"It's an exorcism." He watches Dean haul a tissue out of his pocket and cup his nose delicately in a pocket of air. "Nothing bad's gonna happen."


"Oh my god, did I just exorcise your snot?"


:heart::laugh: :laugh: :D:laugh::heart: This is hilarious! My neighbour must think I crazy because I'm laughing like mad at dead of night!

Oh, and the title is so brilliant! ROWR! HOT! HOT! HOT!

Out-loud laughing for the WIN! You made me smile so hard with this. Thank you so much! :heart:

Omg my night is MADE. This is so cute and hot and... Dean!

I always know I'm in for a good read when you update this post.

:heart: Thank you thank you!

In the glow of the laptop screen, Dean's peeling belly balloons out with hitching breaths. Sam groans and curls his legs around Dean's thigh.

You have no idea what that did to me. That whole thing was gorgeous.

*beams* Yes for doing things to you! Thank you so much!

Can't.... breathe.... so HOT!!!!!!!

Hee! *douses you with water* Thank you!!


That is all.

Thank you ma'am!

Thissss this this is SO hot. :heart: It's definitely one of my favorites...well, no, that's hard. Because all of them are my favorite. Also, I forgot to say this before but I love the title:)

Every time you comment on something I just want to run and like flying-tackle-hug you. You make me happy! Thank you ma'am!

Hello. Commenting time.

Holy crap. You... I... you. :heart::heart: If there was a way for me to bake you a cake and mail it to Aussieland without it going all stale, I WOULD.


Prompt, which I kind of filled and kind of didn't: The boys are low on money. Their last credit card has just run out, but it's not a good time for them to be hustling pool or filling out more apps (e.g., after "Nightshifter"). Sooooo... they sign up for a clinical trial. About the common cold. In these types of clinical trials, the participants are given a spray of rhinovirus and then they stay in a hotel for a week or so and their symptomology is recorded. Sam proves immune. Dean comes down with a humdinger of a cold. Snark ensues, since they aren't allowed to leave this hotel until the study's over.


"HHHIXXSH! EHHHHDTCH! Sud of a bitch."

"Whoa!" Sam frowns at Dean beside him on the hood of the car. "Bless you."

"Ugh." Dean sniffles and wipes his palm on his jeans. "Huh."

"That was quite the--"


"Are you..." Sam pats his pockets for napkins, sets down his beer.


"Is that a cold? Are you getting a cold? Because--"


"'Cause I saw this poster..."


"...for this trial..."

"Hh... hh..."

"You could get paid to have a cold, man."


"They feed you experimental drugs and you check in once a day."

Dean's got the flat of his hand jammed up under his red nose. "Paid to have a cold?"

"Yeah." Sam thumps his shoulder and holds out a bright white napkin. "You look like you'd be good at that right now."


"How long have you had the symptoms?"

"Sidce this bordigg."

"Please describe them for me."

Dean glances at Sam, back at the clerk. "Take a wild guess."

"You'll need to sign these consent forms."


"Open wide."


The doctor squints past the tongue depressor, makes a note on her pad.

"Now I'm going to check your temperature."

"You know I'm hot-blooded."

Another note.

"And now two drops of this on your tongue."

Dean swallows the test-medicine with a wink.


"I don't feel good."

"Let me feel your forehead."

"I think they're giving me poison."

"They're not giving you poison."

"Hh... HHH..."

"Yeah, that stuff's not working."


Sam kisses the tip of his pink nose. "How do you make that so cute?"


"How've you been feeling?"


"Any improvement?"

"What does it look like?"

"Let's check your temperature."

"Why dot."

"Ready for your next dose?"

"I guess."


"You should really try to rest."

"Screw rest."

"Dean, you're not gonna get better."

"I'm so boh... bo-heh... HIH-XXSHT! EHH-TISHSH!"

"So cute!" Sam kisses him, presses him down to the bed. "Do it again."


"How are your symptoms?"

"Dever thought I'd say this, but I'b kide of edjoyigg theb."

"Let's check that fever."

"Oh it's there. Believe bee, it's there."

"Ready for your drops?"

"Ready like Freddy."


"Hey Sab."

Sam looks up from his book to see Dean wafting a tissue over his face like a veil. Dean pulls it aside to reveal his flushed, swollen nose.

"Cubb get bee. Hh--"


"So that was the best cold ever."

Sam snorts, passes him a beer. "It had its perks, huh?"

"You tell me."

Sam settles beside him on the hood of the car. Frowning, he shifts closer and does up the top button on Dean's shirt.


"It's chilly out here." Sam pats Dean's cheek, leans back and takes a sip from his own bottle. "There are other ways to get paid."

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Ahhh, this is my new favourite thing! Something about the scenario is just the best thing in the world to me, and that ending makes me want to cuddle them both. :drool:

Is that prompt from hoodie_time, btw? I remember it from somewhere. In any case... best prompt everrrr.

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I think I'm hyperventilating from so much hotness in this drabble!!

And the ending, I can sooo just picture this happening in an episode, with them on the hood of the Impala. Very season 2. *sigh* The good ole days.

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OHMYGOSH what a cool concept! I've been running my own experiments at school and this gives me ideas. They're psych experiments, but still, I'm sure I could come up with a study that requires sneezy male participants. :bounce:

I love the format. Mostly dialogue. Really emphasized Dean's sneezy interruptions. :clapping:

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It is INSANE how much I love this scenario:) Mix that with your amazingly beautiful writing, and… I HAVE NO WORDS. Later, I will have words.

:shy::dead::P:):pop::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Well, it is later, and I'm still not over how crazy good this is for me. Oh man. When I first saw this prompt, I thought of all the ways it could be brilliant and THIS. This exceeds what I imagined in my mind. You blow my mind with this hotness. I love how deliciously sneezy Dean is, and the doctor all asking him about his symptoms (now that would be an interesting job :) ) and Sam thinking Dean is cute and GAHHHHHHHH. And then the ending, with Sam buttoning Dean’s shirt and patting his cheek and it was so sweet. So, so sweet.

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  • 1 month later...

Sweet, sweet gibberish. :heart:

Yep. Still one of the hottest things EVER in the catergory of sneezy!Dean/Sam.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

I felt like I was at the Academy Awards for a second there. Thank you! :D


Ohhh, I so would like to work for these trial guys.... :balloon::(:cryhappy:

Hehehe. That can happen for you! Just um. Study psychology. Or like. Chemistry. Or something. *shifty eyes*

Thank you so much! :heart:

Ahhh, this is my new favourite thing! Something about the scenario is just the best thing in the world to me, and that ending makes me want to cuddle them both. :wub:

Is that prompt from hoodie_time, btw? I remember it from somewhere. In any case... best prompt everrrr.

Yeahhhh, yeah I had a moment of shy, but then I got over it, hehe. Also your review makes me want to cuddle YOU. Also. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

I think I'm hyperventilating from so much hotness in this drabble!!

And the ending, I can sooo just picture this happening in an episode, with them on the hood of the Impala. Very season 2. *sigh* The good ole days.

*sends Dean with a paper bag*

Thank you thank you!

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OHMYGOSH what a cool concept! I've been running my own experiments at school and this gives me ideas. They're psych experiments, but still, I'm sure I could come up with a study that requires sneezy male participants. :balloon:

I love the format. Mostly dialogue. Really emphasized Dean's sneezy interruptions. :cryhappy:

You thought about that! Thank you. :dead: Hahaha, if you pull off that experiment I want allllll the details.


It is INSANE how much I love this scenario:) Mix that with your amazingly beautiful writing, and… I HAVE NO WORDS. Later, I will have words.

:boom: :boom: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

:D I... :wub:

Well, it is later, and I'm still not over how crazy good this is for me. Oh man. When I first saw this prompt, I thought of all the ways it could be brilliant and THIS. This exceeds what I imagined in my mind. You blow my mind with this hotness. I love how deliciously sneezy Dean is, and the doctor all asking him about his symptoms (now that would be an interesting job :( ) and Sam thinking Dean is cute and GAHHHHHHHH. And then the ending, with Sam buttoning Dean’s shirt and patting his cheek and it was so sweet. So, so sweet.

You are just ridiculously great. You make me so happy. If it doesn't work out between you and Sam, look me up. :heart:

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Telltaaaaaale! You are so awesome in so many ways. I want to hug you and squeeze you and pet you and pat you and possibly have some sweet lady kisses. But instead I will give you this fic, and then this other fic. The first one was from a prompt, but then, it's not your prompt, and I want this to be for YOU, soooo, I'll just brush that prompt aside until later, and BTW it was an awesome prompt and THANK YOU to the genius who posted it, I forget who it was. And then the other one is just like. I don't know actually. It's like, ANGST PARTY and I don't know if there's enough of a C to make the H all juicy. But I tried. Alllll for you. Because you have made the interwebs a more glorious place to be and I love that you exist.

FIC ONE (in which there is slashy naugtiness)


Five seconds go by. Ten.

"Huhhhhhh." Dean lets out all his breath, sniffles.

Sam takes a consoling sip of coffee.


"HH-huhh. HH-HHH-huhhhh."

Sam watches Dean's nose flare and relax, turn rosy. He fingers his own mouth.


Sam squirms in his chair, shuts the laptop.

"Uhhhhn," Dean breathes.

Sam drops his head to his forearms.


"Apple or orange?"

"What?" Dean frowns up from his car magazine, absently rubbing his nose.

"Juice run." Sam holds up the car keys. "What kind do you want?"

"Why are... hh..."

Sam stares.

Dean's brows crunch in, fingertips squeezing and massaging his wide nostrils.


Sam licks his lips, holds his breath.

"Hoooo." Dean pulls a crumpled tissue out of his pocket, buries his nose in it and blows.


"How you feeling?"

Dean scratches the bandage on his head, shrugs. "Good."

"What about the cold?"


Sam pulls over.


This part of the two-lane's deserted. There's nothing but pine trees to keep them company.


Sam drops a hand to Dean's thigh, slides it up to his crotch. Dean peers at him through watery eyes, the flat of his hand jammed up under his nose.

Sam kneads. Dean blows out his breath and sucks it back in, hovering on the edge.

"Why, Sam-mmh-hhhh..."

Sam groans, presses his chest into Dean's shoulder, kneels around his thigh. Dean's hands slip down to Sam's groin, rubbing him through his jeans. His nose twitches redly.

Sam uses his own fingers to tickle Dean's nostrils, tease it from all over, presses delicate kisses to its sensitive underside. Dean's face contorts, breath catching and holding over and over.

Then he sighs out a shaky exhale, and sniffles helplessly.

"I couldn't..."

He reaches inside Sam's pants, snuffling and wiping his nose on his sleeve. "Well hello there."


"Maybe it's the head injury."

"What," Dean asks through a wad of tissues, then honks and rubs and sniffs himself clean.

"You can't... you're not..."

Dean looks around the empty motel room. "Sneezing?"

Sam swallows.

"Is it that big a... hhh-KHTCHG-feshsh!"

Sam's lips are pressed to Dean's before either of them can blink.

Dean cups Sam's face and pulls away. "TDDCHSH! Eh-XXSH-oo!"

Sam grinds his crotch into Dean's, hands playing over his ass. The relief he feels is epic.

"Thank you," he whispers against Dean's mouth, his nose snuggled up next to Dean's hot one. He pushes his fingers over the rough bandage and through Dean's hair, wraps his arms around his waist and kisses him like he's made of candy.

FIC TWO (in which there is so much angst OMG and no sneezing at all)

The bad nights are when Dean's alone. Sometimes he's strapped down but nobody comes to torture him. Other times he's standing before an empty rack. The sleep comes in deceptively short snatches and leaves him more tired than before.


On the good nights Dean dreams about sticky heat that makes him dizzy, trays of shining tools and Alastair's voice.

"You're so good," Alastair will croon. "A natural. My good, good boy." He'll say, "I'm so proud of you."

Those are the nights when Dean sleeps like a baby, wakes up fresh and clear-eyed, doesn't touch a bottle until after breakfast.


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You are awesome in MORE ways, I swear. :innocent:

These were so lovely, and a fantastic surprise, thank-youuuu. I lovelovelove the hitching breaths and omg Alastairrrrrrrrrrr. You're a girl after my own heart! I'd be okay with sweet lady kisses, haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks telltale! :)

Talk Ragged

Prompt: Okay, so we’ve already had the Sam/Dean sneeze!kink prompt, but what if the sneezer (can be Sam or Dean) is unaware of this kink and gets a cold, and won’t stop talking about sneezing, like, “Oh man, I have to sneeze so bad right now”, “I’ve sneezed so much today”, “I’m going to sneeze”, etc. and it drives the other one crazy.

"I'm gonna sneeze."

Sam freezes, a forkful halfway to his mouth. "What?"

Dean's forehead is bunched, eyebrows snarled together. His mouth is open as he pants.

"Ugh." Dean's breath rushes out in a sigh and he sniffles, rubs his nose until it's red. "Where's my freakin' sneeze?"

Sam ducks closer to his plate.


"Here it is." Dean's eyes are halfway shut, nostrils flaring around noisy puffs of air. "Come on, baby." On a hard gasp, his lids squeeze shut and a finger comes up under his nose.

Sam shifts from foot to foot in the street, folds his hands in front of his groin.


Dean's suit pants flap in the cold breeze, jacket flaring out behind him. Sam smiles tightly at a woman squeezing past them on the sidewalk.

"Aww." Dean fishes out his handkerchief and blows his nose. He brushes his pink nostrils with his fingertips. "I gotta sneeze so bad."

"Okay," Sam says, starting for the house.


"Help me out, man."


Dean's eyes are watery across the diner table, nose burning red above his napkin. "I have to sneeze. You have to do something."

"You want me to..."

"Put me out of my misery." Dean coughs into his wrist, dabs at his quivering nostrils.

Sam fingers the edge of the menu. "How?"

"I don't know! Do something. Make me sneeze."

Sam swallows, rubs his hot cheek. "Uh. Yeah." He picks up the pepper shaker, contemplates it.

"Hurry up! HHHH-ihhh... damn it."

Sam sprinkles some black flakes in a napkin, lifts it to his brother's face. Dean squints at him hopefully, then his face contorts and he noses further into the thin paper. "Khtch! EH-khish! TDTCH! Heh-HXSHSHSH!" He drops the peppery napkin to the table, face red, eyes streaming. "Hihhh... hh-hh-HHDTSHSHSHOO!"

Sam goes to find the bathroom.


"That was a good sneeze."


"Felt so nice."

"That's great, Dean."

"Did it feel nice to you?"

Sam settles his book in his lap, twists against the headboard. "Huh?"

"When I sneezed?"

Sam opens his mouth, closes it.

"Thought so." Dean nuzzles Sam's neck, drops a thigh between Sam's legs. "'Cause I could sneeze some more."


"If you think it would be hh-TXSCHGH!" His muscles clench against Sam's side, relax back to softness.

"So now you can sneeze."

Dean grinds his groin into Sam's hip, lays warm fingers on his belly. "Apparent-TCHSH!"

Sam rests his hands on Dean's ass and presses a soft, tasting kiss to the side of his warm nose. "That works."



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"I'm gonna sneeze."

Sam freezes, a forkful halfway to his mouth. "What?"

Dean's forehead is bunched, eyebrows snarled together. His mouth is open as he pants.

"Ugh." Dean's breath rushes out in a sigh and he sniffles, rubs his nose until it's red. "Where's my freakin' sneeze?"

Sam ducks closer to his plate.


"Here it is." Dean's eyes are halfway shut, nostrils flaring around noisy puffs of air. "Come on, baby." On a hard gasp, his lids squeeze shut and a finger comes up under his nose.

Sam shifts from foot to foot in the street, folds his hands in front of his groin.


This is so crazy ridiculously hot. I looooove Dean being all talky about it and it driving Sam crazy and the "where's my sneeze" and the pepper and the everything, mmmmm.


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Ohhhh I love how the way you write this fits in so well with Sam's uptight-ness! Reminds me of early season Sam ... B)

"That was a good sneeze."


"Felt so nice."

"That's great, Dean."

Lurve that. :) You make Dean scrummy ...

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GRRR. The internet ate my reply. Ok, trying again:

1. I still really love the one where Dean can't sneeze. SO HOT. Also, the angsty drabble with Alastair that I definitely missed before. Deannn, muffin.

2. Talk Ragged- OH MY FRACK. That was HOT. I loved the whole idea, and the pepper, and the delicious sneezes, and the delicious buildup to the sneezes, and Sam, and Dean figuring out Sam in the end. :drool:

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Time wasn't on my side... but here I am!

Hmmm, a sneezless Dean is so FJAJPGFSPYDVHHIJYDB


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
This is so crazy ridiculously hot. I looooove Dean being all talky about it and it driving Sam crazy and the "where's my sneeze" and the pepper and the everything, mmmmm.


Thank you ma'am! I know I took another prompt earlier where the talkiness was part of the prompt and I completely missed the mark in that respect, so it was good to get to uh redeem myself with this one, hehe.

Ohhhh I love how the way you write this fits in so well with Sam's uptight-ness! Reminds me of early season Sam ... :winkkiss:

It's true! Our Sammeh, he's come a long way. I hadn't really thought about that.

Thank you so much! :drool:

GRRR. The internet ate my reply. Ok, trying again:

1. I still really love the one where Dean can't sneeze. SO HOT. Also, the angsty drabble with Alastair that I definitely missed before. Deannn, muffin.

2. Talk Ragged- OH MY FRACK. That was HOT. I loved the whole idea, and the pepper, and the delicious sneezes, and the delicious buildup to the sneezes, and Sam, and Dean figuring out Sam in the end. :heart:


Oh how you rock.

Time wasn't on my side... but here I am!

Hmmm, a sneezless Dean is so FJAJPGFSPYDVHHIJYDB


Heeeeee! :heart: :heart: That's an awesome, awesome thing to hear. Thank you so much!


No words. Just gibberish. Hotness. GUH...<3

Mmm, love me some gibberish. :drool: Thank you!

Um... want to see some terrible drawings? :bann:


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Yay drawings!!

They're not that terrible... Besides it's awesome that you want to draw and put it out there for us to see! I think they're fun.

Besides... if you want to see terrible drawing? I'd show you mine, but I don't even go anywhere near drawing utensils.

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