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Dear Nice Person


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Dear vote_for_pedro,

You are my best friend, and I miss you so much already! Love you! :wub:

Sneesee :blink:

Dear Dawnie,

Talking to you on the phone yesterday was so much fun! I'm glad we had a chance to catch up! Must do it more often! :D


Sneesee :rolleyes:

Dear George,

You made me smile when nothing and no one else did the other day. Totally awesome of you. I am going to let you know just how much I appreciated it. ;)

Sylvia :laugh:

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Dear People in My Volunteer Program,

You are all so, so nice! You talk to me and don't judge me, and I think I'm happier than I've been all year. I feel like I actually have a shot at a social life when I'm around you!

I don't want to jinx it by loving you all this much, but I can't help it. I never knew teenagers could be such awesome people ;).



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Dear Eric Kripke,

Thank you so much for inventing something for millions of people to swoon over. Including myself :angry: I appreciate your five years of hard work, and am glad that you're finally going to step back and let Sera and Robert work harder. I'm glad you were at Comic Con. :angry:))



Dear Jensen Ackles,

I appreciate you getting me out of my Angel obsession and I have seen the light. :laugh: You are now my current obsession :D



Dear obsessed fangirls of the world,

Don't be ashamed! Crazy people of the world unite!


Fellow Obsessed Fangirl of the World

Dear Mama,

Thanks for talking me through my funk the other day. I really needed it, and I miss you so much. Can't wait to get home and see my puppy. Thanks for being my wonderful mama.

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Dear people of Oatman, AZ:

You rock. That is all.

Dear California Highway Patrol people in West LA:

You also rock. Thank you for making our accident report as painless as humanly possible.

Dear Holiday Inn Express people in Century City:

Thank you for upgrading us to a suite at no extra charge. It was lovely (although I never did explore the 2nd floor).

Dear Best Western in Indio, CA:

Gorgeous hotel, and we want to take your night clerk home as a pet!

Dear Sonic and In & Out Burger employees:

Keep up the good work, I love you all!

Dear S,

It was SOOOOOOOO good to see you after such a long time! But you're coming to Canada next. Arizona's too stinking hot.

Dear B,

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for having us over. We had an absolute blast, I have experienced things I will never forget (first sight of Grand Canyon comes to mind), and it was awesome to spend time with you and the boys (and to meet all your Phoenix friends!)

Oh, and Dear Grand Canyon:

Never change. You are absolutely phenomenal and I want to come back again and again and again!

Dear R,

Thank you for a very memorable vacation :D

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Dearest Pillow,

thank you for loving and accepting me for who I am. I will never stop being grateful for that. :D



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Lynne - that sounds awesome. :D

Sigrith - awww. C:

Dear Self,

Thanks for not totally screwing up or flipping out today. :rolleyes:


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Dear hubby, kids, and close friends,

Thank you all for your support and your kind words today. It means a lot to me. It really does. I so needed that.


Me :P

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Dear Woman Who Dyed My Hair,

Thanks for being so sweet to me, and telling me that I'm beautiful. It made my day. Also, it was really nice of you to ask about my future and tell me that I looked like someone who could be a writer - that was extremely sweet, and you didn't have to say any of that.



p.s. I like my hair too!

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Dear Dawnie,

Talking to you on the phone yesterday was so much fun! I'm glad we had a chance to catch up! Must do it more often! :lol:


Sneesee :drool:

Dear Sneesee,

I couldn't agree more. That would mean a great deal to me. Love you and I hope you're doing ok. xoxoxoxoxo


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Dear friend who does triathlons,

Thanks for biking with me today! I'm so glad that we're well-matched in biking skill, and you impressed the heck out of me by being so fast and strong through the entire ride. I'm happy to have a new biking partner, and hope we can go out again when our schedules permit.


Your new biking buddy.

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Dear mother,

thanks for calling. You really cheered me up this time, just by being your blabbering, humorous self. You also make me realize that there is always someone more cynical than me! :wub: Half an hour ago Il couldn't have believed that I would still laugh today.



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Dear B,

I can't say why, and I hope I'm not wrong, but I think you're awesome. You brought a smile to my face today simply by being cool. So thanks.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear neighbour,

It was so incredibly sweet of you to tell me you worry that something has happened to me if it's too quiet in my apartment for too long. It made me feel cared about, to know that you keep an eye and ear out for me. Although I feel I'm very loud, but I guess I'm not then...

I do the same about you, really. I guess however that us lonely ladies don't live particularly loud lives. But it felt good to know there is someone who cares about whether or not I'm at home, and if I'm doing okay, without being nosy about it. I really do have the best neighbours ever. ;)


The Young Girl Next Door


Dear horsie,

I'm falling in love with you all over again. Thank you for being the wonderful and strong lady that you are. And thank you for trying even though I know you're not quite in shape yet. Everything is going to be so much better now, I promise. Trust me. There is no need to worry anymore. We'll work it out and we've made it through this far. Now comes the fun part. :D



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Dear girls (t, S, D, v),

You have no idea how fucking excited I am. Ya'll are the shit.




You rock Nicole. You really, really do. :drool::):heart:

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Dear H,

Thank you for listening to my stupid problems today. (I know that anyone else in your place wouldn't really care but your different)


W ;)

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Dear Book Release People,

You reminded me that not everyone sucks, and actually a lot of people DO like to dress up and be nerdy, wonderful teenagers.

Thank you! ;) I do really hope we stay in touch.

So Much Love,


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Dear universe,

Thank you for the awesome ride home from work today. Ipod hooked to car stereo and never below 80mph :drool:


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Dear Dad (Daddy),

I know I complain about you and your behavior a lot, and it's hard sometimes for me to deal with your many criticisms. But the fact that you not only accept my sexuality, but don't see it as any kind of a big deal, means so much more to me than I can express. Knowing that one of my parents doesn't care who I fal in love with as long as I'm happy makes such a big difference, even right now when I'm seemingly terminally single. For that, if nothing else, I love you.

Love, love, love,


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Dear boy,

I love you. I fell for you the moment our eyes met. This feeling is mutual, I feel that. :evil::D

Be my hero. I need one. :)

She Who Stays As Long As She Possibly Can

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Dear nice people I know,

thank you for being that awesome, even though I sometimes don't show you enough how much you mean to me. <3



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Dear some of my favorite ex-in laws,

I'm glad we met up this weekend. Thanks for making me laugh -- and for saying about the divorce, "What took you so long?" and "We wish YOU were the one who stayed in the family." I had a great time, even though it was hotter than blazes biking. The pie & ice cream made up for it, though.


Your ex-sister in law.

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  • 10 months later...

Dear Museum People,

Thank you very much for taking the time to show me around the collection and putting up with my incessant questions and photography. I am floored by your hospitality and will make the museum a regular stop in my travels.

~ Demon327 (he's too lazy to switch accounts and type this himself!)

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