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Ooooh, I really don't read stuff from fandoms I don't know, sorry! You make me wanna write myself a lil Inception fic. :)

However, your writing is marvelous as jazz. said far better than I could, so I shall leave you with that. :]

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 Yummy drabbles! Arthur and Eames are  :lol: together, regardless of sneeziness, so, bonus! You inspire me to write Inception fic of my own. Keep going!

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I am adoring your Inception drabbles. Requests? erm...more Arthur/Eames? (please?? :D ?) no seriously, i love the way you've shipped those two. I'd take Fischer as well, though i really don't know who you'd ship him with...

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Lestat. Lestat?! *dies* I've been waiting for eons to read something regarding Anne Rice's vampires. I officially love you.

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All your drabbles right from the very beginning have been pure brilliance!!!!! :laugh: Your Inception drabbles are all gorgeous and you Death Note one was my absolute favorite! There all so adorable :D

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I thought I'd commented earlier. :laugh:

Gorgeous drabbles! The Inception and Kuroshitsuji ones were cute, the Lestat one was a pleasant surprise, but you really made me happy with the FMA drabbles :laugh:. Allergic!Roy Mustang :lmfao:

(the other drabbles were amazing too, but I'm not familiar with the fandoms :D)

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I seem to be starting an Inception trend, which I can only say makes me ridiculously happy. Everyone, please go write Inception fic. XD

And many thanks to everyone else! Lol, lazy comment is lazy. =^^=

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More! This is the last Inception one I have already written, but there will be many more. This may actually turn into an Inception drabble thread, lol.

Title: Shut up

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m

Spoiler: None. Eames/Arthur

“Heh-gissh!” Eames pinched his nose and tried not to sneeze again, though the hayfever-induced fits were hard to ignore. He peeked through the darkness to the other side of the bed where his husband lay, pillow over his head. Eames chuckled. “Arty, darling,” he drawled through the congestion, “You’re not sleeping.”

“I am,” was the curt reply, though Arthur flinched when Eames sneezed again. “Please stop that.”

“Would if I could.” Eames crawled over to lie beside Arthur and kissed his neck. “You know you like it.”

Arthur’s flush spoke volumes. He did like it. And that was the problem.

Title: Teacher

Fandom: Original. There's actually a story or two with these characters on the board. Updated so long ago, though. ^^;

Sneezer: Caleb, m

Spoiler: None.

Caleb sighed, annoyed. Trying to get his class of kindergartners to pay attention was particularly hard that day since summer was drawing near; even with the windows open the room was sweltering. Not only that, but the warm, pollen-laden air, irritated his already-touchy allergies.

He turned rapidly from the class, hitching desperately. Finally, his sinuses could bear the torment no longer. “Heh-itch! Heh-ishoo!” He sneezed into his hand, grimacing at the wetness.

When he looked back at the class, every one of his students was looking back, rapt and quiet. He blushed heavily. Well… What would Danny say about that?

Title: Money

Fandom: Prince of Tennis (Anyone actually read that here? Lol)

Sneezer: Atobe Keigo, m

Spoiler: None. Atobe/Jiro

Akutagawa Jiro does not understand what it is about money that makes his boyfriend so uptight, yet it seems that the more cash at stake in a meeting, the more tense and “proper” Atobe Keigo becomes. It is especially annoying when Atobe begins to deny himself his humanity. For instance, he is sick today.

“Eh-nggt!” Keigo’s stifles sound painful, yet for some reason it would be worse to admit his tiny cold. He looks around, upset, but none of his esteemed colleagues has witnessed his weakness.

Jiro leans his head on Keigo’s shoulder and sighs. He hands him a handkerchief.


I don't know why the thought of Eames up all night helpless with hayfever is so goddam sexy, but the theme will probably make a reappearance. XD Also, I like Arthur with a sneeze fetish. I'm going to actually write fic like this someday... Lol.

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:) I loved loved loved all of them, as per usual, though I must admit, I've never heard of Prince of Tennis.

I've been thinking about it, and I've realized, one of my favorite things about your drabbles is that you don't necessarily have the word of the prompt in the drabble itself. Rather, the drabble is more inspired by the prompt. I'm not sure why, but that stands out to me, and I really do like it.

As far as the promise of more Inception drabbles, I'm thrilled. :laugh: (I'm actually going to see the movie again today.) They're my absolute favorites. And I think it's ridiculously adorable that Eames called Arthur Arty. XD I'm not quite sure why, but I liked it. A lot.

I also think that Eames scenario is, as you put it, very goddamn sexy. And Arthur with a sneeze fetish? I hadn't considered that before, but now that you've said it...me likey. ;D

Anyway, what this all boils down to is that you're fantastic. :wacko:

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However, Arthur with a sneeze fetish? Mmmmm, I like this thought.

YES! :D :D My thoughts exactly. And an entire fic with sneezy Eames and Arthur with a sneeze fetish? *dies*

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However, Arthur with a sneeze fetish? Mmmmm, I like this thought.

YES! :drool::thumbsup: My thoughts exactly. And an entire fic with sneezy Eames and Arthur with a sneeze fetish? *dies*

This will be the premise of my full-length sneezefic if I ever get off my butt and write it. XD

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This will be the premise of my full-length sneezefic if I ever get off my butt and write it. XD

:thumbsup: If you decide to "get off your butt" and write it, I will most likely get off my butt and bow down at your feet. XD

However, your drabbles are keeping my Inception craving quite satiated.

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This will be the premise of my full-length sneezefic if I ever get off my butt and write it. XD

:thumbsup: If you decide to "get off your butt" and write it, I will most likely get off my butt and bow down at your feet. XD

However, your drabbles are keeping my Inception craving quite satiated.

You do know I love you, right? You're seriously the best reviewer I've ever had, on anything I've written. If you have any ideas you'd like a drabble for, BY ALL MEANS, darling. :drool:

*flatter flatter* My sister likes your icon. XD

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You do know I love you, right? You're seriously the best reviewer I've ever had, on anything I've written. If you have any ideas you'd like a drabble for, BY ALL MEANS, darling. :D

*flatter flatter* My sister likes your icon. XD

Well, I love you too, because you're like, the best drabble writer (and quite frankly, one of the best writers in general) I've seen. And an incredible work deserves an equally as fitting response, I think. (:

Quite frankly, I'm thrilled with just about everything you do. (: However, I'll be honest (and I'm not sure if I've said this before, but I might have), your drabbles featuring Arthur are my absolute favorites. ;D Well, that, and the one where he had the fetish :blushing: If you had another one of those in store for us in the future, I think I might go :boom: from excitement. :laugh:

Seriously, though, you're a wonderful writer. I love when I see that your thread's updated. (:

ETA: your sister's obviously awesome too. XD

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This may actually turn into an Inception drabble thread, lol. 

No complaints here!  ^_^ With this latest Eames/Arthur installment, my heart melted. I'm serious, LYK, you are winding me up so well with these!

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Yay, more! :D Especially for Jazz, you get Arthur sick and Arthur with fetish this time around.

Title: Never

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m

Spolier: None. Eames/Arthur-ish

Arthur puts his face in his hands and rubs his forehead, hoping that who- or whatever has put him in this special hell will, finding him suitably subdued, relent.

“Heh-gissh! Eh-heh-gissh! Shit, sorry,” mumbles Eames, who is miserable enough that he no longer tries to make a joke of his hayfever. Arthur has counted sixty-four sneezes this morning and it is only one o’clock. Eames mops at his face with a sodden handkerchief and starts hitching again. “Eh-chissh!" Cobb and the others murmur sympathetically. Arthur just tries to hide.

…There is no way Arthur will survive this summer. Absolutely none.

Title: Mistake

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Robert Fischer Jr., m. Mmm.... Cillian Murphy. XD

Spolier: None.

It is Fischer’s own fault that he is attending this meeting, and he openly admits that. It doesn’t stop him from feeling resentful as another wet sneeze comes on. He has to hurry, embarrassedly, for a tissue before he sprays the boardroom. “Ehh-tschuuu!”

“Bless you,” says the Marketing Supervisor, who Robert knows has had a crush on him for years. It is also her stupid lapdog causing this mess. Fischer glares murderously at the little terrier, hoping it only looks like he is going to sneeze again.

“Thank you,” he grinds out before reorganizing his papers again. “Let’s – ehh-tschuuh! – continue…”

Title: June

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m

Spolier: None. Bit messy.

You caught cold in summertime?” Eames’s cheerful phone-voice scratches through exotic background noise. “It sucks to be you, darling.

“Thanks for your concern,” growls Arthur, not too vehemently because it feels like his head will explode. He sniffs liquidly and stares at his desk, knocking away a few crumpled tissues until he sees blueprints again. “About the job…” But he has to hold the phone away as he sneezes. “Hngst!”

Eames makes a kind-yet-mocking noise of sympathy but Arthur isn’t listening. He’s busy looking disgustedly at his hand and wondering why he never has paper towels when he needs them.



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you wrote...Cillian?? ahhhh!!!!! :fans self: whoo my goodness! I am loving these more and more! sick!Arthur = just dreamy...

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Let's do things in order here, shall we?

First of all, I'm like, so incredibly, unimaginably, incomprehensibly thankful and excited and thrilled that both of my favorite things in the world ended up in this past update. You're incredible. :lol: Have I told you I love you? Because I definitely do. You're fantastic.

Now, drabbles. In order. :D

Aw, poor Eames. ): So sniffly and miserable he's given up cracking jokes? He's in need of some serious cuddle time. And you would think Arthur might be willing to oblige. :lol: But nah, the poor guy want to crawl into a corner and hide. I love the way you've written them; everything seems in character, from the way the rest of the team was nonchalantly sympathetic to the way Arthur's introvertedly dealing with his...er, dilemma. Fantastic. :D I still thing the Arthur-with-a-fetish plot bunny's like...whoahot.

Moving on. Cillian Murphy's a very, very pretty man. ;D And I think you've done his character quite a good bit of justice. Especially since this is your first Fischer drabble. (: You did it absolutely fabulously. It's so simple but so...yummy. XD I adore it.

Kind-yet-mocking. That seems to be Eames in a nutshell, doesn't it? But I really do think that's why we all love him so. (: I completely agree with Meepsy above me. Sick!Arthur is absolutely glorious. It's like cocaine; I can't get enough. I think it's because he's usually so in-control that to see him out of control is just...:D I find that last little bit adorable, though, for some reason; messiness isn't typically my thing, but in small doses, I tend to like it quite a bit. :laugh: And summer colds suck. ): Poor Arthur.

I love all of your drabbles. This whole post was absolutely positively mind-blowingly fantastic. :D Just like you!

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Evidently missed some- I'm going to have to look for your Caleb fic-as teacher/prof are a particular fav. for me. And elementary male teachers are SO rare and just Awwww!! Anyway- :drool:

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Thank you all so much!

Title: Care

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: None.

Spoiler: ...For the fic I have yet to write. This'll probably end up being part of that in some way or another.

“It’s not that I don’t care,” says Arthur to Ariadne as they sit in the back corner of a very nice restaurant, just the two of them, talking. “I do.” Too much.

“Then I just don’t get you,” says the girl – young woman – with a frown. She has grown comfortable enough with Arthur to be catty with him and she lets him know it. “You’re acting like he has some sort of plague. Weird as it may seem, Eames does have feelings beneath the flirting. You’re hurting them.”

Arthur cringes. “I’m germophobic,” he lies, because the truth is too personal.

Title: Childhood

Fandom: Original

Sneezer: Um, stuffed animals. Lol.

Spoiler: None. Based on what I (and many others on this board I imagine) used to play as kids.

“’I-I’m going to sneeze! Achoo!’” Emily bobbed Snuggles’ head in time and rubbed a finger across the plush dog’s nose. “I think you need a tissue.” She grabbed one from the box.

“You need a doctor, Snuggles,” Emily said, once his nose had been thoroughly dabbed. She put him down and scrambled over to grab Barnaby Bear, the resident physician. She gave him her stethoscope and sat him by Snuggles.

“'You have a cold,'” said Barnaby. “’Achoo!”’

Emily sat back. “Oh no. Now the doctor is sick. Everyone will get colds.” She smiled and went back to her toy box.

Title: Internet

Fandom: Deathnote

Sneezer: Matt, m.

Spoiler: None.

Matt’s incessant sniffing was making Mello want to put a bullet through the boy’s head, but he quelled the urge by viciously snapping a chocolate bar in two. “You need to stop. Go outside!”

Matt barely glanced up from his computer screen, though he did turn his face when he sneezed, to protect the glass. “Heh-nngh! Eh, outside would just make it worse,” he explained, as if Mello should know that. “I’m not sick. It’s allergies. Heh-nngh! Right now the internet is the safest place for me.”

Doesn’t seem to be helping, thought Mello. Grimly, he snapped another chocolate bar.


I need to stop writing fetish Arthur or I won't have anything new for the fic. XD I think I'll start that once I'm done with my current WIP...

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