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Emi's Hetalia Drabble Thread


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If it would be okay i think you should do a sequal with the Finland, Sweden, Sealand one where Finland catches sealands cold so sweve has to take care of his sick son and wife.

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[arrives like a week late with boba, probably]

my KK

B^) B^) B^) B^) B^)

ok anyways wow i cant believe how much of a loser nerd u made him. i feel it

rly nice spellings though what heck??? i love,,,,

sniffled wetly against his lover's neck

nnnnn Nice................

hte other thing u wrote me is also rly pleasant u should post it sometime Whoa but i think you already saw me blog about that but............. god bl es. s. god bless emi . i love u , probab ly waaa////

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in posts! I bring a Rome/Germania drabble this time :) I was wondering if anyone had any preferences for the Spamano (Chibi Lovi, or regular) so please let me know what you guys would like, I'm excited to get to work on it!


Characters: Rome, Germania, Young!Italy and Romano

Words: 1709

Sandrino sniffled as he lit the last few tiny logs he had found near the fireplace to warm up bathwater. The night before could best be described as an evening from hell. Or maybe that would have been even better because lately, this winter was becoming far too much to handle. Sandrino himself had fallen victim to a terrible cold, but there's was absolutely no way he could venture out in this weather for herbs considering he'd barely been able to scrape enough together for dinner the night before. By now he was long over this never ending winter, and when Feliciano woke up beside him that morning with his teeth chattering, he knew he had to do something.

"Nonno, I-I-I'm cold..." Feliciano squeaked, clutching onto Lovino from his spot under the blanket only to be pushed away. Sandrino's heart sank when he realized that both of his grandson's lips were turning blue, and that their breath, as well as his own, was visibly coming out in little puffs. He quickly dumped the water into the wooden tub, stirring it with a hand to make sure it wasn't too hot before hurrying to pull the clothes off of both Feliciano and Lovino and depositing them in the warm water. "Suh..." he shook his head with another rough sniffle, careful not to look into the two pairs of eyes that watched with worried little expressions. "Sday here, ged warb, ogkay?"

He ducked into his arm with a shuddering breath before a loud "HEH'GXSSSHHOU!" tore through him, causing both of the twins to jump. "Bi dispiace..." he mumbled, rubbing his running nose against a thick arm.

"Nonno..." Feliciano whimpered and Lovino crossed his arms, biting his lip as if attempting to keep his concern completely disguised.

"I'm hungry, Nonno."

"Ah, yeah..." Sandrino sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'b godda fide sobe-sobethigg- HEH'KSHOO! ogkay?"

"Salute," Feliciano murmured with concern as he reached a tiny arm up towards his grandfather's forehead. Sandrino caught it in his own large hand before pressing a gentle kiss to the top. "Thagk you, Feli. Be good add call be if you deed adythigg, both of you."

When the boys nodded, he let out a congested sigh of relief as he made his way to the kitchen, instantly opening the pantry which was shockingly empty. Then again he couldn't exactly remember the last time he'd gone hunting...

He groaned to himself, searching through the cabinets for something, anything that he could possibly serve for dinner. There was nothing. Guilt twisted in his stomach as he continued to search hopelessly, slumping against the wall with a groan. His head was swimming and he finally gave in, letting his eyes slip closed for just a few moments and hoping that it would aid his pounding headache.

"Nonno? Nonno, wake up..." came a tiny voice a little while later.

Sandrino's eyes shot open almost instantly, his stomach sinking when he realized that he must've dozed off.

"Nonno, are you okay?" Feliciano asked. He and Lovino were bundled up in a large cloth, their hair dripping and leaving a trail of water from the bathroom to their current spot. "We were calling you..."

Noticing the worried looks on his grandson's faces, he frowned. "No, it's alrighd. I'b alrighd, see?" he attempted a weak smile before ducking away with another barrage of sneezes. "HA'AHPTSHHH! Eh-Eh....E'KTCHHH! HREH'KSHHH! I didn't mean to fall asleep, but now I'b bore rested! I'll be eved better dow, I probise. Dow..."

He tightened the cloth around them as he noticed the children shivering.

"We deed to get you two warb, it's too cold for you to walk aroudd ligke this," he chided softly, lifting them and carrying them to the bedroom where he pulled shirts over each of their heads before subconsciously checking them for goosebumps, or any sign of chills. "Are you warb?"

With slight hesitation, Feliciano and Lovino nodded.

"I wadt you to be hodest with be, I dod't wadt you two to get sicgk," he sniffled roughly, cringing at the horrid sound before rubbing his nose on his shoulder. "I...I thigk we may be out of food, but Doddo's going to fi'd sobethigg for sure, alright?"

His stomach twisted into a knot when he noticed his grandson's expressions. Feliciano tried his best to put on a smile even though Sandrino could almost hear both children's tiny stomachs growling.

"N-Nonno, maybe Lovi and I co...cou....could fide- I'ptshiiiewww!"

The tiny nation rubbed his nose on his arm and Sandrino's heart almost stopped as he quickly reached both children, pressing a hand to each of their foreheads. Immediately he realized that he couldn't tell the difference due to the heat radiating off of his own skin and he wasted no time bundling them up in furs and hurrying out into the snow.

"W-Where are we going?" Lovino asked, gripping on to Sandrino's shirt as if he were almost unable to keep hold. "It's cold, damn it."

"We'll be ogkay, we're goigg sobewhere safe, alrighd?" he replied, tripping over mounds of snow and feeling the cold, bitter air graze the bare skin on his legs. It should've hurt much more than it did, and that worried him immensely as he finally approached a wooden cabin, bursting through the door.

He was almost instantly facing the point of a well-sharpened spear as he panted, his entire body slick with a layer of sweat as he cradled his grandsons in his arms. "Lu...ther... I deed... I deed... you..." he continued on, now in unintelligible Italian as he set the boys gently on the ground before the world went black.

Luther reached for the other, catching him as Feliciano and Lovino looked on in absolute horror.

"Nonno! Nonno!" Feliciano sobbed, reaching up for any part of his grandfather that he could get ahold of as Lovino aimed pathetic little punches at his the blond's ankles.

"Don't hurt him, you damn bastard!" he shrieked.

Luther tried his best to fend them off as he lay Sandrino on the couch before grabbing each boy's arm and pulling them close. "Listen to my words," he instructed gently, having to repeat himself quite a few times over terrified sobs. "I will take care of him, you both need to settle down and let me do so."

He almost deadpanned when the tears began to well up once he'd finished. Oh, right. Of course they wouldn't speak English.

"Nonno," he replied gruffly, his accent thick. "Aiuto Nonno."

He pulled the children into his arms, making his way to the kitchen as he rubbed their backs, repeating the phrase until the sobs disappeared.


A little more than an hour later, Sandrino threw himself into a seated position with a shuddering gasp that startled the calmer nation before him.

"The boys..." he rasped, almost instantly cradling his spinning head in his hand. He was slicked with sweat despite his lack of almost all clothing. "Where are-? Did I-?"

"Sit," Luther ordered. He placed a hand in the very center of Sandrino's boiling, bare chest and shoved him back down. "The boys are fine. They're sleeping now, they've been taken care of."

Sandrino seemed unconvinced in his daze, pushing back against Luther's strength until the other gave in and let the fevered Italian struggle to his feet. He stumbled to the door of the bedroom closest before the dizziness began to overcome him. Luther caught him by his shoulder, pointing to the bed where both Feliciano and Lovino were fast asleep on an array of furs, bellies protruding.

"They're fine," he repeated. "Now get back to the couch before you give them more to worry about."

The Italian pushed him back, reaching for the door and closing it as fast as possible before snapping forward. "'Ih-IT'CHXTTT! A'TSHHOUU!" he shivered, sniffling wetly as his eyes began to stream miserable tears down his cheeks. "HAP'TSHUHH! HE'ITSCHHH! G'TXCHHOUU! HEH-HAP'TSHHH! KT'SHHHOUU!"

"Gesundheit," Luther said softly, steadying him and keeping a firm grip on his shoulders as the other practically melted into his touch, sniffling miserably and trying to keep himself upright. "Go to the couch, now."

Sandrino nodded as he allowed himself to be led before falling against the couch with not so much as a groan. "They were...They were worried? What happe'd?" he asked raspily.

"The...the..." Luther moved his hand in thought, the names escaping him. "The emotional one-"

Sandrino sighed. "Feliciado..."

"Hn, yeah. Feliciano cried for at least an hour, but once he got some food in him, he stopped. The other one-"


"Lovino wouldn't stop trying to attack me."

The Italian stifled a congested chuckle against the back of his hand, his smile faltering slightly when he noticed the solemn look on the other's face. "You can't worry them like this. They're children, they don't understand."

"I...I'KTSCHH! IHK'XSHHHOU! I kdow..." he muttered, running his nose along his arm when Luther scoffed in disgust and threw a handkerchief over his face. Sandrino sniffled against the fabric pathetically, before stuggling to reach up, pull it off and blow his nose loudly. His smile faltered somewhat and a more sincere look took over his features. "I was really sduck. There's doh food, add I cad't just leave theb hobe. I've felt ligke this for a logg tibe dow add I guess I just padicked."

"You? Overreact?" Luther muttered, raising an eyebrow.

"I kdow, I kdow, tease be if you will bud...Thagk you."

"Blow your nose and drink this," the Germanic nation replied, shoving a ceramic mug in the other's direction. "I can't coddle you forever. My boys will be back home soon."

Sandrino nodded, taking a sip of the bitter, herbal liquid before settling back down with a yawn that shook his entire frame. Before he knew it, he could feel his eyelids growing heavy once again and this time Luther didn't say a word, sliding the mug out of his grasp and placing it back on the table. He felt a cool hand against his forehead once more, this time hearing a grunt of concern and he tried his best to suppress his smile as he drifted off to sleep, knowing that the German would stay with him until he was better.

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Goodness gracious alive, this gave me so many feelings. I felt so Much for poor Sandrino.. Loved the name by the way, it fits him perfectly. Really enjoyed reading this fic because of the feelings brought about by the display of trust Sandrino has for Luther and ohhhhh Italy bros poor babies. <3 awesome as always! And personally.. I love Lovi better than Chibi, but both are extremely cute and adorable- soooo... Either way, man. XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe I never got around to commenting on this amazing drabble! Poor Rome, trying to care for his babies when he's so miserable ;w; but b'awwwww, Germania was just the right amount of sweet and caring without being OOC. I know you probably have no shortage of prompts, but if you felt like writing something sometime where Germania was the one who needed some TLC from Rome, I'd love to read it <3

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Hey guys!;;w;; I apologize for the lack of updates but my laptop screen went out on me last night when I was working on the Spamano. I think I'm going to have to get it fixed, but once it is, the updates will continue, I promise. I'll keep you guys updated.

Update: I guess the problem wasn't as bad as I had assumed, because tech support was able to fix it over the phone! I'll be working on the drabble tonight and I apologize for the wait!

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Characters: Spain, Romano

Words: 1175

Lovino tried to keep himself from paying attention to the reporters on the TV as he carefully sliced the flattened dough and placed the strips of pasta in a boiling pot. As hard as he tried to keep his mind on cooking, he couldn't help notice every single time the reporter announced that the pollen count was extremely high that day. His stomach almost hurt with pity when he finally allowed himself to remember that Antonio's meeting that morning was going to be held outside. He jumped when he heard a familiar sneeze from the open window of the kitchen and he felt his blood run cold, instantly checking his hand to make sure that he still had all of his fingers. Patting his flour-covered hands on his already stained apron, he rinsed his hands in the sink and muted the TV. The very second Antonio opened the side door, Lovino turned his back, trying to seem as busy as possible.

“Hi Lovi,” he mused with a sniffle. If he'd been looking, Lovino probably would've melted at the somewhat miserable display as the Spaniard rubbed his puffy eyes and still tried to make himself look presentable. “I'b hobe.”

“I heard you outside,” Lovino replied dryly.

“The polled is so crazy outside, the whole- Heh-i'hpshyuuu!

In a split second, Lovino spread his arms trying desperately to “shield” the counters with a scowl.

"Idiota! Non starnutire vic-" he snapped instantly, freezing for a moment to process English. "D-Don't sneeze near the food, you dumbass!"

The other smiled sheepishly, dabbing at his nose with a worn tissue before he felt himself being pushed into one of the kitchen chairs. He sniffled pathetically and gave his lover a weak smile. "Sorry...I'b dot sicgk, thought...”

Lovino rolled his eyes, untying his apron and slamming it on the table before pulling out a chair for himself. "Doesn't matter, that's not something you do around food! Nobody wants your damn germs. Sick or not, they're there."

He was answered with a glazed, exhausted look that not only frustrated the Italian, but furthered his assumption that what he'd explained had instantly gone in one ear and out the other.

"Mb'kay," Antonio responded as he rubbed his puffy eyes and dabbed at his running nose with a finger once again before reaching for a napkin.

"You're a idiot,” Lovino informed him, before swatting his hand away from the napkins and holding out the box of tissues that he'd left on the counter. "Don't waste those, they're expensive."

Antonio didn't argue, and reached for the box with a nod and stuffy little chuckle that made Lovino's heart swell in his chest with worry. "I kdow. By boss was so addoyed with be, couldd't...couldd't stop..."

His mouth hung open as his chest began to rack with shuddering, hitching breaths. He grumbled when the feeling went away almost instantly and he rubbed his nose again, as is hoping that maybe, just maybe, he could coax a few more out and rid himself of this horrible lingering feeling.

“J-Just sneeze already!”

Once the thought of relief passed his mind, the feeling vanished completely and sunk into the chair, sniffling with a frown.

“I dod't thigk I cad...”

Lovino raised an eyebrow before crossing his arms and muttering, “Didn't seem to have a problem when I was cooking.”

Antonio blinked.“Hb?”

“Nothing,” Lovino replied, reaching for Antonio's wrist to pull him to his feet. “Go shower.”

Before he could react, Antonio was being dragged out of the kitchen and up the stairs, trying desperately to keep from tripping over his own feet. “Why do I deed to shower? I did...huh...hhhheh...this bordigg.”

Lovino steadied him, biting his lip in worry as he inspected the tear stains on his lover's cheeks and the chapped skin underneath his nose. “It'll help wash the allergens off you, they're probably stuck to you clothes.”

He reached for the buttons of Antonio's shirt, undoing them quickly before turning on the faucet and shower head and pushing him towards the shower as the other hurried to slide his pants off, as well. Within moments he stuck his head underneath the stream of warm water before feeling a pair of hands around his waist and Lovino's head resting on his chest.

Antonio instantly melted into the other's touch, having craved it the entire meeting and wanting nothing more to be home. Affection from Lovino usually took a decent amount of work, but he certainly wasn't complaining. That is, until the burn started to return to the very back of his sinuses, a result of the steam that was working a little to well at breaking away his congestion.

“L-Lovi, yuh...you should bah-back...huhh-hhh'haptshhhpff! Ap'tishhhhhpfftt!” he ducked into his hand immediately, grimacing at the wetness. “S...Sorry.”

“Gross,” Lovino muttered, reaching for a washcloth and wetting it before moving Antonio's hand under the stream to rinse it off before placing it in his palm and adding an almost silent “Salute.”

“They're dot stucgk adybore, I'b dot...dot...” His eyelashes fluttered slightly as he quickly held the cloth over his nose and mouth before pitching into it again. “Ha'tchhhhh! A'tsshhhouu! H'rktchhh! Heh....K'tchktt! dot as stuffy, it's- Ih'ptchHHhh!

He wobbled slightly, but Lovino steadied him before frowning. “God bless you. Bless you.”

He said it so softly and genuine that in any other situation, Antonio was almost positive he would've spouted wings and flew. Instead he sniffled miserably again, trying to keep his nose from draining down his lips in front of his lover.

“Gracias,” he croaked and Lovino sighed.

“You need to pay more attention to the damn news. You can't always expect me to.”

“I kdow,” Antonio replied as he reached for the soap and loofah before snapping forward and nearly dropping them. “Ix'tshhouu! Hr'kshhhpfff! At'pchkkt! P'tshhhhouu!

Lovino snatched the loofah out of his hands, turning him around towards the faucet. “Salute, salute. Let me do it, idiot.”

He carefully began to scrub Antonio's back and neck before turning him around once again and washing his chest. He felt his stomach sink when he noticed that Antonio was almost nodding off, the warm water and slight lack of congestion allowing him to breath rather comfortably.

“There,” Lovino sighed he finished, placing a hand gently on Antonio's chest. “Don't fall asleep in here.”

“I won't,” Antonio murmured with a grin. “But I would love to take a siesta...”

The Italian nodded, turning of the water and stepping out of the shower to get a towel for both of them. Antonio shivered as he pulled the towel around his shoulders. “Thagk you, Lovi.”

Lovino pulled a towel over himself. “Whatever.”

Antonio carefully made his way into the bedroom to put on a pair of boxers and slide into bed as quickly as possible. “Lovi- IT'pschhh! Hr'tchhhouu!” he sniffled thickly, before groaning. “Lovido-”

“You're stopped up again, aren't you?” Lovino asked, climbing into the other side of the bed.

The Spaniard laughed drowsily. “Y-Yeah.”

Lovino sighed, pulling Antonio close and stroking his hair before discreetly pressing a kiss to his hairline. “Get some sleep, Toni.”

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OMG this was so amazing. I loved how Romano's caring side came into play, and yes- Spain's sneezes. Mannnn, I melted. Pobrecito, I wanted to hug him. You write the two so well. This was amazing! :) thank you!

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A-awawawa BABUES QWQ That was soooooooo sweet <3 There aren't sufficient words to describe how much I love it when Romano goes dere >w< And you even added the nodding off on Romano's shoulder <3<3<3 I loved this!

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I'm not going to lie sneezy Spain and loving Romano is one of my favorite Hetalia scenarios it's beautiful :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Could I request some Sneezy Romania? Like Romania is having a crappy day and on top of it he catches a sneezy cold, so the other magic trio members take care of him. I feel like he doesn't get enough love.

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Hey guys! Work has been incredibly crazy lately, so I haven't had very much time or motivation to write. But I'm finally ready to start working on more drabbles again! This one will have a sequel (with more sneezes) coming up soon!

Little Brother

Characters: (Mainly) Seborga, Italy

Words: 1621

The morning had started off as almost every first Saturday of the month did, with preparation for a world meeting. However, things seemed to be moving at a much different pace for Italy this morning. He'd found himself downstairs, dressed in his suit and his tie done to the very best of his own ability at nearly 8 am, where an extremely groggy and disheveled Romano stood, giving him an incredibly confused glare before snatching his coffee off of the counter and sauntering back to his bedroom, muttering under his breath.

Italy suppressed a yawn, remembering immediately exactly why he'd woken up so early when he noticed the paper bag with a bottle of cold medicine on top. The day before, he'd noticed an extremely familiar face in the hallway and it didn't take him very long at all to realize that the miserable looking micro nation had been Seborga. His knowledge on micronations was very limited, and that in turn had resulted in question after question to Germany, Japan and his brother.

“There's a micro nation in your country, isn't there?” he'd whispered during England's speech. Japan hesitated, reaching for a notepad before him before quickly scribbling a reply.

“I had one once before. Nikoniko, but he's since relinquished his status as a micronation and lives as a citizen now.”

Italy reached for his own pen before quickly adding another note, barely noticing when Germany sent Japan (who quickly waved it off) a confused look.

“Okay. So...if a micronation doesn't count as a real nation, does that mean we're not related? But if he's part of Italy, doesn't that make me his big brother?”

For a moment, Japan froze, as if trying to insure that he wouldn't get caught passing notes.

'I suppose so...In a way. Perhaps more of a distant relative.'

Italy nodded, tucking the note into his pocket and returning his attention to the speaker. But, he couldn't keep his thoughts from running wild. How long had Seborga been feeling so miserable? The micronation's friends seemed to be watching over him more or less, and Italy could've sworn that he'd seen Sealand leading him to a chair in another room...

He finally snapped out of his daze when Germany nudged him slightly and he realized that he was the next to speak.


That morning, Seborga noticed a small paper bag placed on his seat, right in front of his name tag. He lifted it, stifling a yawn before pulling out his chair and slumping down in his seat. He glanced up curiously at his friends, all of which seemed completely innocent.

“Wasn't me,” Molossia muttered.

“Me either,” Wy said.

Sealand, however, beamed. “It was your brother! I saw him drop it off this morning before he went to the main meeting room! Open it!”

Seborga hesitated for a moment, feeling his cheeks heat up as all eyes fell on him as he began to open the brown paper bag. As soon as he opened it, he found a small note written in beautiful cursive handwriting that almost made him somewhat jealous.

“Hope you feel better soon! I've seen you over the past few days, and you look like you need medicine and a nice long siesta!

Your older brother,

Italy Veneziano”

He felt his stomach fill with butterflies at just the thought of his distant family. He'd been introduced once to his brothers, inviting them both to his home and insisting that they bring along a beautiful girl when they chose to do so. Perhaps it was something he'd said, because he hadn't seen very much of them since. They seemed rather busy, but he figured that it must come with being a real country.

“Are they cool presents? Did you get a Transformer?”

“Seb wouldn't want that, he's not a child like you are,” Wy muttered, and Sealand crossed his arms in a pout. “There's no age limit for liking Transformers.”

“It's cold bedicide,” Seborga croaked before clearing his throat and burying his face into his sleeve. “Hpt'chHHhhuhhh! Ixg'tshhyuuu! add...tissues and a bottle of water.”

As much as he appreciated the gesture, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

“Why don't you just go home?” Wy sighed, her lip curling in disgust as she watched Seborga scramble to open the package of tissues and pluck a few to blow his sore, reddening nose.

“I-I feel fide, hodestly!” he croaked, dabbing his tearing eyes before giving her a wink. “A pretty girl like you shouldn't have to worry!”

Wy clicked her tongue, turning away in a slight huff before snatching her name tag and moving down a few seats next to Sealand.

“You're ridiculous. Coming to a meeting sick as a dog is going to draw attention, but not the attention you want. So there's no point.”

Seborga smiled slightly. “I guess you're right,” he murmured as he settled back down into his crossed arms. Sealand frowned when the taller man didn't lift his head back up after a few minutes.

“I-Is he asleep?” he whispered.

“Wouldn't be surprised,” Molossia answered, a slight look of concern taking over his features as he filled up a cup of water from the dispenser in the corner of the room and placed it near by. “He's out cold.”


A few hours later, Italy peered into the room, his curl straightening in surprise when he noticed three pairs of eyes falling on him immediately.

“I-Is Seborga here?”

Molossia instantly stood up, blocking the view of the Italian micronation. “Why the hell do you need to know? He's sick, and doesn't need to be bothered.”

Italy couldn't help but smile, no longer intimated by the micronations surrounding him and in fact feeling relieved that his brother had friends that must care about him.

“I know,” he replied sadly. “That's why I'm here!”

Placing a hand on Molossia's shoulder, he sighed. “Thank you so much for watching over my brother for me, but I can take care of him from here on out! I'm sure you're all ready to go home, the main meeting is over.”

They all exchanged glances until Wy eventually spoke up. “He's been asleep for two hours. Good luck.”

With that, she exited the room with her hands in her pockets and Sealand followed suite.

“You....You will take good care of him, right?” Molossia asked. “I'll find you if you don't, asshole.”

Italy nodded with a chuckle. “I promise I will! You have nothing to worry about!”

Once the other left, Italy settled into the chair besides his brother, his stomach twisted when he noticed that Seborga's nose was twitching in his sleep and that he could hardly get a full breath. Suddenly, the younger's breath hitched, and he drew back dazedly.

I'tchippfff! Hih....ihhh....Hi'ptchhyuu! Ix'gshiewww!” he sniffled thickly, rubbing at his watering eyes with a congested sigh.

“Ve, God bless you!”

Almost instantly, the younger felt his blood run cold as a cool, reassuring hand wrapped around his wrist. He lifted his aching head to find an extremely worried Italy looking him straight in the eye and found himself at complete loss for words.

“V-Vedeziado?” he asked miserably, trying to straighten up in his chair and fix his hair with a clammy hand. “I-I was just-! I was-”

Italy gave his wrist a loving squeeze, stroking his thumb over the top of his younger brother's hand.

“Ciao, Fratello,” he replied softly. “I was so, so worried! Your friends said that you've been asleep on this table for almost two hours!”

Seborga leaned back in his seat, glancing at the clock to find that two hours had indeed passed, and that everyone that had been by his side up until this point had completely vanished. He avoided his older brother's gaze, sniffling wetly against the back of his hand as his cheeks grew even darker with embarrassment.

“Did you get my care package?” Italy asked softly. “Germany said that you would, but I just wanted to be sure...”

The other nodded, reaching under the table to grab the paper bag. He pulled the packet of tissues out of his pocket before showing them to Italy and plucking a few to blow his nose. “T-Thagk you. You really dih...did'dt have-”


“I'ghtrshhhhh! G-Grazie...” he mumbled.

Italy smiled gently, placing a hand on his back and beginning to rub in soothing circles. “Of course I did! I couldn't just let you be so miserable...I had to help somehow! How long have you been feeling like this?”

He curled his fingers around his younger brother's hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “You can tell me...”

Seborga could feel his cheeks darkening. He didn't remember exactly when he'd come down with this horrible cold. It must have been over a week, considering the pantry had begun to run empty, as well as the fridge. He'd spent most of his time bundled up on the couch of his apartment and turning the air conditioner on and off repeatedly as the chills and fever took turns torturing him.

“L-Last Tuesday, I thigk.”

Italy frowned. “And you didn't say anything?”

“I...I did'dt....I....H'rptschhhhh! E'tishoooo! He'itchhhuu! Did'dt wadt to bother you or Robado. It's just a cold, add we odly really talked that ode tibe...” he rubbed his sore nose absentmindedly, reaching for another tissue. “I'b use to beigg od by owd. I-ih...I'tchhh! Kt'chhh! dod'dt bide.” He gave a half-hearted smile that made Italy's heart sink.

“No no no! Don't say things like that!”

Italy stood, pulling the micronation to his feet and helping steady him. “Ve, you shouldn't have to feel that way, ever! Come on!”

Seborga blinked, trying to fight yet another sneeze that had begun to tease him. “W-Where are we goigg?”

Italy grinned. “Home.”

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Awwwww, the brotherly love here is giving me serious warm fuzzies >w< it's so sweet of Italy to check on Seb like that <3 Amd Seborga's shyness is totally adorable as well! I can't wait to read the continuation!

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Oh my goodness! That was so cute and them being all brotherly just melted my heart! Awesome work! I can't wait to read the next part x3

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Emi, this was fantastic! First of all, Sebby is one of my favorite characters, and I feel he needs more love! Secondly, the relationship you've kind of focused on with him and Vene is so adorable, how he's all somewhat shy and Vene encourages him to be more open, and his motivation to get to know him better is adorable! I love the ending, and how Vene says they're going home. <3 pulled at my heart strings. Amazing job, and I'm excited for the next installation!

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Could I request some Sneezy Romania? Like Romania is having a crappy day and on top of it he catches a sneezy cold, so the other magic trio members take care of him. I feel like he doesn't get enough love.

I have a few more drabbles to get to, but I will start working on this request asap. Keep in mind that I've never written Romania or Norway before, so please bear with me!

Wow, okay so this was just going to be a tiny little thing but...I guess I got a little carried away. World Stars is absolutely amazing, and I've been thinking about the latest strip a little too much lately! ^/// ^;


Characters: Germany, Italy

Words: 874

'Rain. Again. For the fifth day in a row,' Ludwig thought with a frustrated sigh as he reached for his umbrella. The poor thing was over 2 years old and basically falling apart at this point, but it wasn't really like he had much of a choice. Groceries still had to be bought. Blackie, Berlitz and Aster followed him to the doorway, tails wagging all the while, and he could only offer them a sympathetic smile. “It's raining again. Sorry.”

Blackie groaned, lowering his head to the floor and Ludwig crouched down to give him a pat on the back. No walks made for extremely energetic, stir crazy dogs. Even persuading them to go outside had been a challenge.

“Maybe tomorrow, okay? I'll be back soon,” he said, scratching the Golden Retriever behind the ears before turning to the Doberman and German Shepherd. “Be good.”

He shuddered at the cold air as he slammed the door behind him and started off into the rain. It worked his every nerve and it hadn't taken more than a few days for his frustration to lead to slight laziness and the raincoats and heavier jackets had given way to just a sweater and umbrella. He couldn't help but feel extremely jealous, and found himself wishing constantly that he was in Italy at the moment. The warm sun kissing his skin, the feeling of being comfortable and dry. He'd give anything for that, he reminded himself as he made his way into the grocery store.

A little while later, his stomach sank to his shoes when he noticed that the drizzle from earlier was absolutely nothing in comparison to the downpour now. People stood in the shade, waiting for their loved ones who had hurried into the parking lot to fetch the car and help them quickly shove groceries into the trunk or back seat. Ludwig almost regretted not driving, but the store was only a ten minute walk away and it would waste gas that was already expensive enough at the moment. He tried to pull his umbrella open, growling under his breath as the top snapped and it hung in crooked fashion, unable to spread out.

“Great,” he muttered, shoving it into the nearest trashcan before adjusting the plastic bags in his arms and beginning his trek home. With each step, he hated the climate in his country just a bit more. Feliciano never had this problem, even the rainy days seemed so much brighter, so much more comforting. Why the hell was it so gloomy here? He sighed, remembering how his brother often told him that perhaps it was Feliciano's presence that made those depressing days that much more bearable. Ludwig, of course, reminded the other that he was completely full of it. He shivered, snapping out of his daze to find that he was almost completely drenched now, droplets of icy rain sliding down the back of his neck and rinsing the gel out of his hair, causing his bangs to hang down above his eyes. Some day this was. He readjusted his grip on the thin, plastic handles of his bags, keeping his thoughts on the can of soup he'd bought for dinner that night. Some warmth would definitely do him some good.

Once again he shuddered, feeling an uncomfortable tickle tease the very back of his throat and sinuses. He tried to stifle a cough against his shoulder, instantly regretting his decision when it triggered two sneezes that sent him snapping forward.


“Bless you!”

Ludwig couldn't have whirled around any faster, one of the bags slipping out of his grasp and spilling onto the sidewalk. “W-What are you doing here?!” he demanded, his anger at the cans rolling away covering his actual joy and shock.

“I came to visit you,” Feliciano replied, handing Ludwig his umbrella (which Ludwig ruefully noticed looked almost brand new) scrambling to pick up the fallen groceries and placing them back in the soaked bag. “Why did you buy this? Canned food is so...yucky.”

The German's cheeks flared red. “Canned soup is simple and affordable. I don't have the motivation to stand at the stove la-lah....I'GTXCHHUUUU! H'RKTCHH! HP'CHTT! l-lately.”

“Bless you again!”

Ludwig nodded, reaching to hold the umbrella over Feliciano's head. “You shouldn't be out here in the rain, you'll catch a cold,” he reprimanded gently. Feliciano frowned, crossing his own arms.

I'm wearing a jacket and I brought an umbrella with me. You're the one who keeps sneezing,” he scolded, pushing the umbrella until it was covering Ludwig's head once again.

“I'b dot- G'TCHKK! H'SHHHNK! I'TSCHH-T'SHHOU!” he paled, as Feliciano wrapped an arm around his, slipping one of the bags into his own hand.

“God bless you, Ludwig,” Feliciano murmured. “You didn't even have to go the store, I'm going to make real soup for dinner. I used the key under the mat and already left my bag on your bed. Now we can spend the whole night cuddling under blankets; you can light a fire and I'll make homemade hot chocolate!”

Ludwig sniffled with a soft “Thank you” before allowing his lover to hang onto his arm as he approached the porch. Maybe Feliciano was his source of happiness during these miserable days.

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