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Emi's Hetalia Drabble Thread


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Awww I love it! Nice work! I always have loved your stories Emi! I just now got an account but I've read everyone of your stories and I loooooove your Prussia ones~ Ludwigs are so sweet and cute too! You always amaze me! <3

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FFFF HOW DID I MISS THIS LITTLE GEM OMG OTL This is so wonderful awaaaaa <333 There's something especially sweet about Italy surprising Germany with a blessing. And I really love the image of the two of them cuddling together with some soup and hot chocolate on a cold, rainy night ^///^

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It's a little late but I did write something in honor of Ludwig's birthday yesterday!


Characters: Germany, Italy

Words: 1866

Oktoberfest had been going wonderfully so far that year, Ludwig reminded himself every time he started off for the tents after work. Luckily, he'd had plenty of time to celebrate the festival this year, but he still found himself craving the food and drinks extremely early into every day, which only made work that much harder. He constantly found his attention being directed at his phone, making meet-up plans with his brother, or texting Feliciano, who'd taken a vacation (more or less) to spend the entire festival in Germany for the first time and promised his boss he would do his work online while Ludwig did his. However most days, especially after long nights, Ludwig came home to find Feliciano fast asleep on the couch or in bed with a battery-dead laptop resting on his chest or stomach. When he was finally told that he could be done with his work for the day, he couldn't have possibly hurried home any faster.

And that night had indeed been wonderful. As soon as Ludwig and Feliciano had arrived, Gilbert was there to greet him, along with quite a few soccer team members, new acquaintances from the first few days of the festival and the like. Feliciano had also insisted he order a beer as well, to fit in with this new crowd, and although Ludwig knew that it wouldn't really be very much in his lover's taste, he paid for it out of appreciation. When Feliciano grimaced almost immediately, he'd burst into a rather drunken laughter alongside his brother that not only triggered an uproarious laughter from the crowd, but from the slightly tipsy Italian, who continued to guzzle the liquid with a forced grin, as well. An extremely affectionate and clingy walk home was the last thing Ludwig remembered before falling fast asleep the very second his head rested on the couch cushion, having been warm, full and comfortable.

Waking up the next morning, however, was another story entirely. He'd opened his eyes feeling extremely heavy, achy and overcome with chills despite the wool blanket that Feliciano must have draped over him after he'd drifted off. The room was eerily quiet, especially for 10am and it wasn't until he noticed that Feliciano was still fast asleep on he recliner that he took in a sigh of relief, letting his eyes slip closed for a moment. He realized, much to his dismay, that tickle in his throat that he'd felt the night before and prayed was nothing more, had worsened into a sore throat and a migraine was definitely rearing its ugly head.

He was snapped from his thoughts when he felt something wet and cold run against his arm and he jolted at the uncomfortable feeling, finding a furry brown head staring back at him. Groaning softly, he ruffled the dog's head before standing up to open the door to the backyard and rubbed his nose, feeling an infuriating burning sensation in the very back of his sinuses.

'Don't sneeze', Ludwig told himself mentally. One almost always meant more and in turn allowed the acceptance of the pending cold. He couldn't possibly give in, or risk waking his poor, hung-over lover who still was still curled up on the recliner.

“Come on, Blackie,” he murmured, pulling the sliding door open and letting the German Shepherd bound off into the yard. He waited for his other two dogs, hoping that they'd heard the door open and follow their “brother” off. His plan worked and he shuddered as a cold breeze blew in, feeling extra cold against his sweat-soaked shirt. Almost instantly it caused a teasing burn in the very back of his sinuses and he jolted forward into a cupped hand.


He felt his blood run cold as he felt the warm spray sprinkle his palm and he quickly turned to find Feliciano stirring.

With a yawn, the Italian lifted his head from his cocoon of blankets, showing off his bedhead before giving Ludwig the most gentle, happy little smile he could muster.

“Buongiorno,” he whispered, his voice still a little rough from hours of laughing and talking the night before. “And God bless you.”

Ludwig reached for a tissue, wiping his nose with a sigh. “I did'dt bead to wagke you,” he muttered, noting the congestion that had already creeped into his voice before sliding the door shut. Feliciano shook his head, standing clumsily and pulling the blanket off of the recliner with him to bundle around himself.

“Don't worry,” he said as he stifled another yawn against his fist. “It's late anyway. We should make breakfast.” He slowly made his way to his lover, standing on his toes to press a kiss to Ludwig's chin before resting his head against Ludwig's chest. After a few seconds, he pulled away.

“Ew,” he said playfully. “You're all sweaty.”

Ludwig cheeks darkened and he gently maneuvered away from Feliciano. “I kdow. Sorry. I was goi'g to go shower before you woke up.”

“No, no, I don't mind,” Feliciano murmured, pulling him close once again. “We could shower together, and then we can make breakfast. I want those yummy pancakes you make in the oven.”

“I'd rather shower by byself,” Ludwig sniffled and Feliciano's heart instantly sank, the look extremely apparent.

“I'b dot tryi'g to push you away,” he added quickly. “I-I dod't...dod't really feel byself, and I dod't wadt you to catch adythig if I ab cobi'g dowd with sobethigg.”

Feliciano frowned, curling his fingers around Ludwig's hand and leading him back to the couch.

“Ve, you do sound congested,” he sighed, shrugging the blanket off of his shoulders and pressing a hand to Ludwig's forehead. “And you feel really, really warm. Poor, poor Ludwig...”

He replaced his hand with a soft kiss, pressing his forehead against his lovers and wincing at the difference in temperature. “I knew it was too cold to stay out last night...but I was having too much fun.”

Ludwig allowed a small smile to pull at his lips before his brow furrowed uncomfortably and he ducked into his elbow. “I'XTGSHHOUU! HE'HSHOOOU!

Feliciano let out a little coo of worry before climbing into Ludwig's lap and pulling him into a tight embrace. “Bless you! Oh, we really shouldn't have stayed out so long...”

“I dod't bide,” the German replied quickly, holding Feliciano close before exploding into sneezes over his shoulder.


With a liquid sniffle, he grimaced before croaking, “Sorry, I'b really sorry” against Feliciano's cheek.

“God bless you, bless you, bless you!” Feliciano sighed, reaching to the side table for a tissue before slipping it into Ludwig's hand. “Dod't be sorry, it's not your choice to be sick.”

“I should'dt be so close to you, you're goi'g to catch this.” He shuffled underneath Feliciano to move him before standing up and cradling his head for a moment. “I'b godda shower.”

Feliciano frowned from his spot on the couch, as Ludwig blew his nose with a gurgling honk before crumpling it up in his fist and making his way up the stairs with a few rough coughs. Ludwig felt his chest tightening, knowing that there was a puppy-dog look staring at him from behind and he sighed quietly, turning with a gentle smile. “I'll cobe bacgk dowdstairs after, ogkay? Add I'll tell you how to make Eierkuched.”

Feliciano nodded, faking a smile in return until Ludwig had disappeared upstairs. He quickly stood, opening the door to let the dogs in and quietly making his way up the stairs when he heard the shower turn on. Humming softly, he reached in the hallway closet for a set of clean sheets before hurrying to the bedroom and stripping the bed as quickly as possible. Aster made his way upstairs and laid down in the doorway, resting his head on the floor and watching. Feliciano smiled, recognizing the look of waiting and he softly informed the Golden Retriever that there wouldn't be any dogs on the bed for today. He allowed his tongue to stick out in slight concentration as he pulled the pillow cases off of the pillows and switched them out, nearly jumping out of his skin when he heard another sneezing fit take over his lover in the shower.


“Poor Ludwig...” he muttered in Italian under his breath as he finished pulling the last pillow into a pillowcase, and Aster snorted in a form of agreement. Feliciano flattened out the sheets and pulled back the ones on Ludwig's side before rummaging through the drawers and leaving a pair of boxers in his spot. When the water turned off, his stomach twisted with worry, especially when he heard Ludwig blowing his nose once again. The door opened a few seconds later, and Ludwig couldn't have possibly been more flushed, his cheeks flaring red with both fever and embarrassment.

“God bless you so many, many, many times!” Feliciano cooed, rubbing the spot in bed beside him.

Ludwig groaned, running his hand through his hair in an attempt to tame the bangs that just fell back down immediately after. “You heard?” he asked dully.

Feliciano nodded and the other sighed before he took a good look at the bed. “You cha'ged the sheets. I've beed beadigg to do that, buh-buh'TSHOOUU! HRET'CHHHOUU! I haved't had tibe.”

He settled into the spot and his lover wasted absolutely no time pressing a kiss to each warm cheek before placing on more in the center of his chest and nuzzled against him. “I'm so sorry you're sick on your birthday.”

Ludwig's eyes widened, and Feliciano gasped. “Don't tell me you forgot!”

With a thick sniffle, the German nodded sheepishly. “Guess I did.”

“Oh, Ludwig,” Feliciano murmured sadly. “I didn't really want to remind you because of how you woke up...I thought you already knew.”

Ludwig snorted, ruffling the other's hair with a gentle grin. “You cha'ged the sheets, that's the best presedt I could've asked for.”

Immediately, the Italian burst into giggles before he swatted his lover playfully. “That's not a real present!”

“Hodestly, though...” Ludwig sighed. “Havigg this tibe with you...this vacation, it's beed...it's beed really dice. Stayigg out late, sleepigg together...I couldd't have asked for a better presedt.” By the time he was finished, he was so red that Feliciano had to bite his lip to keep from laughing, even though his own cheeks were warming up.

“Ludwig is so sweet...” Feliciano whispered.

“Hdd...You're better at expressigg thad I ab...”

“Nooo,” the Italian replied genuinely. “I'm so, so happy that I make you so happy. You deserve so much, but I'm really, really glad that just being with you makes you feel that way. You're my everything.”

Ludwig raised an eyebrow. “See?”

“Oh, shhh!” Feliciano laughed, leaning it and pressing his lips to Ludwig's, who instantly melted into the kiss for a few moments before Feliciano's nose rubbed against his and sent him pitching into the air opposite them.


“Bless you. Maybe we'll wait on the birthday kiss.”

Ludwig sniffled with a nod before pulling his lover close before muffled a stuffy. “Ich liebe dich” against Feliciano's hair.

The other beamed. “Happy Birthday, Ludwig.”

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B-b-B'AAAAAW~ >///w///< SWEET BABIES, OMG! There were so many adorable parts in this fic, from Italy's bedhead, to Germany trying to express how happy Italy makes him and getting all embarrassed, to Germany's drunken laughter when Italy didn't like the beer- way to work in that tidbit from one of the recent strips, by the way! And Germany's fit in the shower and the way he got all embarrassed when he found out Italy had heard it was so hot *fans self* Your GerIta never fails to put a smile on my face ^w^

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Oh lawd! Sweet Jesus! stretcher.gif

That's got to be the best birthday ever. :heart: Sweet little darlings!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologize for the wait for this one, and sincerely hope it isn't that bad. I'm still trying to warm up to writing Norway and especially Romania, so I'm sorry that he didn't have any speaking roles in this. I will continue to practice!

A friend in need

Characters: Romania, England, Norway

Words: 1358

Glancing at the clock with a proud smirk, Arthur Kirkland quietly made his way into the doorway of the nearly empty classroom at promptly 3:15. By now the previous class had made their way out for the day, as well as the teacher, and it always made him feel just a little more cocky than usual when he made it into the classroom first for a Magic Club meeting. However, today seemed a little different than usual, because he noticed a tiny little hat behind a large stack of old, slightly torn textbooks. He raised an eyebrow, making his way over to inspect them and he stifled a chuckle, noticing that each one's title had something to do with levitation. Arthur had been the the very first one to master it, and Lukas hadn't been far behind, but poor Nicu had been struggling with the concept for almost 2 weeks now, with very little succession despite how hard he'd been studying and practicing.

When the door suddenly opened, Arthur nearly jumped out of his skin before he noticed that the “intruder” was only Lukas.

“Levitation?” he guessed, setting his bag down and glancing at the books himself. “Is he asleep?”

“He has been since I got here a moment ago. How was he in Algebra?”


Arthur sighed, figuring as much. Nicu had been fighting the beginnings of a terrible cold for quite a few days now and as hard as he tried to deny it, it seemed as though it had finally struck him today. It wasn't surprising that he'd spent most of the day dozing at his desk and trying to stay awake through his lessons, the thought of his new spells on his mind. The Brit sighed, slinging his backpack around his arm. “I suppose I'll just go see what the members of the Student Council are discussing. It was pointless of them to schedule a meeting on Thursday, but if he's asleep, I guess it's better than standing here. The new spell books don't come in until Monday night, anyway.”

“Alright.” Lukas said softly, taking his cellphone out of the bag and skimming through a list of text message notifications. Oh, right. He'd promised Mathias that he would meet him after last hour. Maybe today wasn't the best day a club meeting, he thought as Arthur left.

He'ithhheh! A'tchhhthh!” Nicu suddenly shuddered with a gurgling sniffle and Lukas sighed, noticing that his teeth were chattering in his sleep. The room didn't feel too much cooler than normal, but he figured his ailing friend couldn't take any more chances.

“Prosit,” he murmured, flicking his wrist to move a blanket from a nearby cabinet onto Nicu's shoulders before snapping his fingers. He placed a hand on it cautiously, feeling the warmth radiating off of the blanket and he smirked, rather proud of his skill before placing a small jar of a light purple-tinted decongestant potion that had done wonders on Mathias during his last cold. Nicu took in another thick sniffle before releasing a heavy sigh and he steadied, his trembling coming to a complete stop as the warmth finally started to take effect. A sudden chirp from his cellphone alerted Lukas that his better half was getting a little impatient and he let out an almost silent sigh as he slid out of the classroom.


A little while later, Arthur re-entered the room, noticing the fresh blanket draped over Nicu's shoulders.

“Did you wake up?” he asked cautiously, waiting for any sign that the Romanian was awake. When the other refused to budge, he placed a small Styrofoam bowl of soup on the table next to him. He hardly trusted most of the cafeteria food, but he'd seen the Vargas brothers eating it during lunch, so he knew it couldn't possibly be bad.

I'tchtfffff! F'tsthhhhh! I'tstehthhh! Huh...huhh h'tchpffff!

“God bless you. Honestly, Nicu...” he whispered, lifting the stacks of books from their places surrounding him and putting them back on the teacher's desk at the front of the classroom. “It's no wonder you're not feeling well, you're going to work yourself to death if you don't get a decent amount of sleep.”

He noticed the dark rings of exhaustion under Nicu's eyes, and the beads of sweat that were forming on the his hairline and carefully placed a hand on his forehead before muttering a soft spell under his breath.

“Take care of yourself,” he sighed, peeling the lid off of the soup container before shaking Nicu's shoulder softly and hurrying out of the door as quickly as possible.

The groggy Romanian awoke with a start, his sinuses aching miserably, but for the first time in quite a few days he found himself feeling rather warm and comfortable, noticing that his fever had diminished. It must have been Arthur, he told himself, remembering just how proud Arthur had been when he mastered the second level of his cooling spell. He turned and found the soft blue blanket, pulling it around himself tighter and shuddering at the warmth. Glancing at his palms for a moment, he'd somewhat hoped that he'd been able to cast a few of the complicated spells in his sleep, perhaps from muttering them after all that cramming. But when his eyes fell on the small jar of purple liquid, he recognized it as Lukas's decongestant potion that he'd perfected as of late. He felt the small swell of appreciation in his chest as he reached for the box of tissues and blew his nose with a gurgling little honk before he settled back down under the blanket and dunked the spoon next to the bowl into the soup with a content little sigh before taking sips. For a moment, he glanced over at the at stacks of books on the teachers desk and released a stuffy little chuckle before pitching forward into the open air with hardly any warning.

It'cthhh! Hr'tchhthhh! Ep'thhehhh! I'thhshooo!

He sniffled against the tissue with a soft little moan before allowing his head to sink back into his arms for just a moment more.


It wasn't until around 4:30 that the remaining members of the Magic Trio had finally made their way back into the room to clean up for the day. Although not much had gotten done, they'd hoped that they had at least been able to provide some comfort for their third, ailing member. Arthur was the first to make it back in the room, finding not only his little presents gone, but so was Nicu. His heart sank slightly when he noticed that the books had also made their way back to the cabinet, albeit upside down. It was definitely Romania's handiwork.

“He's gone?”

Arthur turned to find Lukas in the doorway and he sighed. “Yes, it seems he's already gone home for the day. Perhaps that's a good thing.”

Lukas nodded, before the Englishman pointed to the bookshelf with a small smile. “Look.”

“They're upside down,” he replied bluntly, before the look of slight shock took over his features. “Levitation. He actually did it.”

Arthur chuckled. “Certainly not the best work I've seen, but definitely an improvement. They're too high up for him to reach, and he definitely wasn't stable enough to stand on a chair.”

He crossed his arms, inspecting the work before a sudden poof of smoke appeared on the table beside him and he jolted, alongside Lukas. When it cleared, a small, pink silk bag lay in it's spot and Lukas cautiously lifted it, dumping a few pieces of wrapped, homemade Turkish Delight on the table. A small note was stuck to it that read. “Thank you.”

“...Did you?”

The Brit paled instantly, his cheeks flaring red and he quickly crossed his arms in protest.

“W-Well, obviously I'm not the only one who helped! There are two bags, aren't there?” he snapped, reaching for his own before cramming it into his pocket. Lukas couldn't help but smirk ever-so-slightly, as he reached for his own bag and did the same.

“Yes...Well, see you tomorrow,” Arthur muttered, gathering his bags and paperwork and hurrying out of the room.

“3:15,” Lukas replied.

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Eeeeeeeee this was just as cute as I imagined it would be! England and Norway are such closet sweethearts <3 I loved the little subplot about Romania struggling with new spells and then finally getting it (basically XD)right in the end. And omg, Romania's itty bitty lisping sneezes were sooooo cute >\\w\\< Amazing job!

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Emi, this was amazing! I loved how you portrayed the magic trio, and I found it hilarious that England used the Vargas brothers eating the lunch food as a sign that it wasn't too bad. XD of course that would happen. Poor Ro! This was so adorable and sweet- nice job! (Like always) :3

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Thank you so much for sharing!!

You defiently have some serious talent Emi~ x3

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the (always lovely) Tea to thank for this idea!! <3


Characters: Italy, Germany

Words: 3995

Ludwig glanced at the clock, having checked his watch far too many times by now as he found himself pacing the entry of the house. Feliciano had called him not twenty minutes before, sounding absolutely horrid and the very moment he'd hung up he'd frantically begun to gather every single thing he could to make Feliciano feel better. It was partially his fault, after all. He had just been trying to do something different, to surprise the most creative, romantic person he'd ever met with something equally surprising and romantic: Ice skating. He couldn't have possibly been more excited, mentioning it nonchalantly in conversation to see if it sparked interest in his lover and when it, he found himself eagerly buying skates for both of them, making sure that Feliciano had brought more than one coat for his month in Germany and checking the front closet for extra hats, gloves and scarves. And of course, watching the news every day to check if it was cold enough for the water to freeze. When Ludwig was finally sure it had frozen over, he'd woken up exceptionally early, excitement pooling in his stomach as his lover slept peacefully beside him. Waiting until 8 was going to horrible, but facing a sleepy, grumpy Feliciano was definitely not the way to start this day off right, and he instead waited for him to wake up, wrapping his arms around him and trying to go back to sleep. He instantly sat up when Feliciano groaned softly, offering him a smile and asking gently just why Ludwig had woken up so early (a question he asked almost every day) and teasingly asked him if it was because of the date. The blond tried the best he could not to make it obvious, trying his best to conceal his smile until they'd made it to the pond. By the time they'd made it there and gotten their skates on, his cheeks flaring red due to a certain Italian filling his ear with compliments and excited little whispers as he tightened his hold on Ludwig's hand as they took foot on the ice together. It had been an amazing date, Ludwig almost slightly jealous when he realized that Feliciano seemed to be getting the hang of it much quicker than himself, but at least he was having fun. It wasn't until the chill began to get to them, and they decided to go home after one more go around the pond that Feliciano had glided over a thin patch of ice near the edge and plummeted into the freezing water below. In less than a minute's time, his shivering form had be pulled out of the water and found itself bundled in Ludwig's jacket as the other hoisted him into the passenger seat and drove home as quickly as possible, the heat turned up as high as it would go.

Much to Ludwig's relief, it hadn't seemed to have much of an affect on Feliciano, and he seemed to be back to his normal self after a hot bath, a warm dinner and some mulled wine. But he just couldn't help but constantly feel his lover's forehead every once in a while to check that he hadn't developed a fever from his mid-winter “swim”. Feliciano laughed every time, his cheery, warm little laugh that constantly reassured Ludwig that he was fine. And for yet another day, he seemed to be. It wasn't really until he'd received a call regarding a meeting that insisted on his both his presence, and Lovino's, near the end of the week. He hesitantly made the decision to leave Germany for just two days, promising that he would call every few hours throughout the day and that once he got home, they could go on a make-up date. Ludwig agreed.

The next morning, however, he'd found that Feliciano still hadn't come downstairs for breakfast by 9 o'clock and he'd had to go upstairs to wake him. The Italian was laying on top of the sheets, shivering as he took in labored breaths and Ludwig's heart nearly stopped him his chest as he sat on the bed beside him, insistent on taking his temperature. Feliciano allowed him to do so, offering him a weak, determined little smile that almost made Ludwig sick to his stomach as he announced that he didn't feel too sick and that it was only for a few days.

It wasn't until the second phone call that the German had begun to notice the thick congestion and croakiness in Feliciano's voice over the phone and when he'd finally begun to crumble and admit just how badly he felt, Ludwig felt even worse. All he wanted was to pull Feliciano into his arms and give him all of the relief he possibly could. Kiss his sore nose, massage his sore muscles and make sure that he finally got a good night's sleep in the king-sized bed he slept in so well, in comparison to a hotel one.

And here he was, pacing as he glanced at his phone for new messages, and peered out of the curtains every few moments to see if he could see anyone walking up the sidewalk. Every time he did so, Blackie, Berlitz and Aster lifted their heads, almost as impatient as their master before them. Eventually, he sighed, settling down into the recliner and dialing Feliciano's number. He had said he was on his way, and the airport wasn't that far. Where could he have possibly been?

Ciao! This is Feliciano Vargas, please leave a message after the beep, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

“Why aren't you answering?” Ludwig muttered under his breath as the message played and he waited for the beep.

“Feliciano, Where are you? You called half an hour ago, and you should be answering your-”

Suddenly he heard a weak knock on the door, and all three dogs jumped up, howling to alert that their “guest of honor” was finally home. Ludwig scrambled to his feet to throw the door open, instantly pulling a startled Feliciano into his arms and squeezing him tightly.

“Why didn't you answer your phone? You had me worried sick!” Ludwig grumbled. Feliciano opened his mouth as if to answer before his curl crumpled up and he snapped forward, muffling an array of sneezes into Ludwig's t-shirt.

Hi'ihppttspfff! Hr'tchpffff! Hahh...Ha'ishyuuu! Hep'tchipfffff!

He whimpered after, sniffling and clearing his throat to keep from coughing as Ludwig placing a hand behind his head and held onto him even tighter.

“Gesundheit, bless you,” he offered softly. “Welcome home, I missed you.”

Feliciano's miserable expression brightened slightly, letting the jacket slide off of his shoulders as he dropped his luggage on the ground.

“I bissed you, too...” he replied with another sniffle, lifting his sleeve to his nose. Ludwig felt his heart swell in his chest immediately when he recognized the sleeve as one of his sweaters. It was much too baggy on Feliciano, but he seemed warm and comfortable. He hadn't even noticed that one of them had gone missing from his bottom drawer over the past few days.

“You borrowed one of my sweaters?”

Feliciano's face twisted guiltily and he nodded. “I...It sbells ligke you, so I took it with be so I wouldd't be lodely whed I wedt to suhh...suh'ptshhhh! Sleep. Y-You're dot bad, are you?”

“Of course not. It kept you warm, didn't it?”

The Italian nodded, reaching up to wrap his arms around Ludwig's neck, who wasted no time lifting him into his arms.

“Good, then that's all that matters.”

He avoided the dogs twirling around his feet as he made his way into the living room and set Feliciano down on the couch. “How are you feeling?” he ventured, placing a fresh box of tissues in his lap with a concerned smile. Feliciano's mouth hung open in surprise as he glanced around the room, noticing the ire crackling in the fireplace and the humidifier on the coffee table in front of him.

“Y-Yucky,” he muttered honestly. “But now that I'b hobe with Ludwig, I already feel a little better.”

Ludwig looked extremely unconvinced, feeling the warmth radiating off of him as he tried to give Feliciano a smile.

“I'm glad,” he replied, pressing a kiss to the top of his head before sighing. “I could hardly understand you when you called a little while ago.”

“I'b sorry,” Feliciano whispered, muffling a thick cough into his arm.

“Don't be, Let's just get you feeling better, alright?”

Feliciano nodded, pointing to the humidifier as it let out another hiss of steam.

“You bust've really beed thigki'g hard about the best way to take care of be,” he mused softly and Ludwig's cheeks instantly flared red.

“I-I always am,” Ludwig whispered, reaching for a cup of tea next to the humidifier on the table before wrapping Feliciano's fingers around it and helping him lift it to his lips.

“V-Ve, Mr. I'dia says that whed you sdeeze, it beads sobeode's thigki'g of you,” he said before taking a hearty sip. “Doh wo'der I've beed so sdeezy these last few days.”

Ludwig cleared his throat awkwardly. “That's completely unscientific. If you sneezed every time I thought of you, you wouldn't be able to catch your breath.”

It hardly took more than a moment for him to register what, exactly, he'd just said and when Feliciano's cheeks began to turn and even darker shade of red, he spluttered nervously. “D-Drink your tea.”

Feliciano obeyed, drinking the rest of the mugs contents and hurrying to find a place to put his mug. Noticing the situation immediately, Ludwig lifted the teacup out of his hands and used a free hand to place a tissue over Feliciano's nose and mouth.

Hiih'ptshhhyuu! Ix'tshieeeww!

“Bless you,” Ludwig murmured, crumpling up the tissue and dropping it into the trashcan. Feliciano muttered a soft, croaky “Thagk you,” before settling back down against the cushions with a moan.

“Are you still sore?”


The blond cleared his throat before gesturing towards a few bottles of massage oils on the coffee table, keeping his gaze away from Feliciano so he wouldn't notice his darkening cheeks. “You said your back was sore when you called, so...would a massage help?”

Feliciano's eyes widened instantly, suddenly looking just a tiny bit more awake and excited.

“Ludwig's goigg to give be a bassage?” he asked hopefully.

“I-If you want...”

Immediately, the other nodded and he pulled the sweater over his head, trying his best to look appealing despite his running nose and shivering form.

“Put your hands on me, they're warm...” Feliciano whispered hoarsely.

“D-Don't say things like that! Jeez...” Ludwig grumbled, helping his lover lay down before squeezing in between the Italian's shoulder blades tentatively. Feliciano moaned.

“Hurts...” he rasped.

After a little more careful experimentation he found a thick knot that must have been the main cause of his lover's pain. “Right here?”

“Mbb...I'hiptshyuuuu! G'tshhhiewww! Huh'shiiiewww! ah...hahhhh...” his mouth hung open before he quickly covered his mouth with a shaky hand in a last second decision to cover up. “P'tshhhhhhyuuu!

Ludwig leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the nape of Feliciano's neck. “You're very tense, right here...” he pressed down with his thumb, prompting another stuffy moan. “Right in between your shoulder blades. And your neck is pretty stiff, too.” He bit his lip, pondering the cause before it dawned on him. “Have you been stifling?”

Feliciano gestured for another tissue, blowing his nose the second it was placed in his palm, but failing to fend off a powerful sneeze that had been creeping up on him. “Huh'tSHHhhyuuu!

With a sniffle, he nodded. “Did'dt wadt by boss to kdow. Or Lovi.”

“It's no wonder you're so tense. Having to do that so much...” he trailed off when Feliciano continued the sentence for him.

“I hate doigg it...” he said weakly. “It bakes by...buh-bt'tshieeeww! Hr'itchyuuu! By dose rud... add by back sore... add by throat hurt...” He looked up with a miserable glace, reaching to grab on of Ludwig's hands. “Bake id better...”

“I will,” Ludwig promised. “It might hurt, but it'll feel better once all of the tension is gone.” He kissed the spot before rubbing the oil between his palms and gently beginning to work through the tight tissue with his thumb, finding it incredibly hard to ignore Feliciano's pained little noises.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked after a minute.


“Does it feel any better?”


Ludwig peered out from his spot above Feliciano to find that the younger man's eyes had begun drooping sleepily at the relief. He still sniffled ever few seconds, trying his very best to keep his nose from running to a point where it had to be wiped. Working the muscle for a few more moments, he traced his fingers down Feliciano's spine with just a tiny hint of pressure, extremely pleased when he heard just a tiny squeak of exhausted pleasure. He ran his hands over the warm, worked skin and wiped his greasy hands on a towel before placing a hand on Feliciano's forehead. It was still incredibly warm and he bit his lip in concern, unsure of whether or not he should wake him before heading off to bed. He carefully reached under Feliciano's armpits, pulling him to a seated position before hoisting him into his arms. The other stirred for a moment, his eyes slipping open to find Ludwig kissing his cheek worriedly before he quickly cleared his throat and moved his head away after being caught. “Do you want some medicine before you sleep? Your fever's high...”

Feliciano shook his head, much to Ludwig's dismay. “I dod't wa-Ip'shhhhhhh! wah... 'tshyuu! Hr'pchhyuu! K'shhooo! B-bedicide...it's gross...”

“It will help, though.”

The other whined. “Doh.”

The German sighed, with a hesitant “Alright, no medicine.” He knew better than to argue with a sleepy, uncomfortable Feliciano who seemed slightly relieved, his eyes slipping closed once again, only to open them once again a few seconds later.

“Y-You're going to sleep with me, right?” he asked as he was lowered onto the mattress.

Ludwig raised an eyebrow. “Of course I am, why?”

“Just wondering,” Feliciano muttered, scooting even closer until his face was pressed against Ludwig's chest, trying to distract himself with the German's heart beat as shifted, trying his damnedest to get comfortable. Quite a few times Ludwig refrained from asking if his lover was still awake and when he finally grew still, he gave him a tight squeeze, stroking his hair softly until he'd begun to doze off himself.

Hours later, Ludwig felt Feliciano shift in his arms, turning over with a slight whimper before almost instantly rolling back into his chest. He carefully reached down, placing a hand on his forehead before biting his lip and pulling the sheets back to try and cool down the smaller man before him.

“Feliciano,” he tried softly, as the whimpers slowly began to escalate in miserable whines. “Feli, wake up. Are you dreaming?”

It wasn't very odd for the Italian to make some noises in his sleep, and even on occasion, murmur in Italian. Ludwig couldn't help but find it heart-wrenchingly adorable, even though his own dreams were rarely in English.

Once again, he leaned in, brushing aside Feliciano's bangs that stuck to his forehead, slicked with sweat. He didn't dare try to wake the other, watching his lover toss and turn while trying to provide the best source of comfort possible. Suddenly, Feliciano let out a terrified scream, his eyes shooting open as he tried desperately to fight off the large, muscular arms that held him close.

“Stop! Stop!” he shouted in Italian and almost instantly Ludwig recoiled, but grasped his clammy hand with his own.

“Feli, I'm right here. You're okay,” he hushed, reaching over to turn on the bedside lamp to illuminate the bedroom. “See? There's nothing here. It's just me.”

Feliciano grew stiff, beginning to shake uncontrollably as he quickly lifted his arm to cover his eyes that were pooling with tears. Ludwig's stomach twisted as he regained his hold on him and pulled him back into his arms as he took in a shuddering gasp.

“You're fine, shh,” Ludwig whispered against his hair. “Don't cry, it's alright.”

He sat up, keeping his hold on his lover who was clinging to him so hard he could feel his fingernails digging slightly into his chest, almost like a frightened little kitten. He gently stroked his hair as Feliciano continued to sob loudly against his chest, trembling and sniffling as the tears refused to stop.

“It was just a nightmare, you're safe now,” Ludwig murmured, pulling Feliciano's arm away from his eyes and pressing a kiss to his boiling forehead.

“D-Dod't...Dod't...” Feliciano croaked through tears, his accent incredibly thick at such an early hour. “Dod't leave...”

He practically wailed the last part and Ludwig sighed, giving him another tight squeeze.

“Why would I leave?” he asked calmly. He resisted the urge to remind Feliciano that it was almost going on two years that they had been living together but knew it was just some crazy, fever-induced nightmare that had struck his poor lover. “I'm not going anywhere. You're everything I need, and you're right here, aren't you?”

Feliciano sniffled, tears streaking down his face as his reddening nose began to dribble.

“Ludwig...cad't. You...cad't,” he hiccuped, his face scrunching up again miserably.

“I won't, I promise,” the German replied genuinely, rubbing soothing circles into Feliciano's back.

Feliciano sniffled, muffling a wet sneeze against the back of his hand and Ludwig handed him the box of tissues with yet another loving “Gesundheit.”

“You...promise?” he whimpered, tears threatening to fall again as he dabbed at his streaming nose.

“I would never leave you, ever.” He hesitated for a moment, before quietly asking. “Did I leave you in your dream?”

The Italian froze, the memories of his fright starting to return and Ludwig quickly added, “Never mind,” before placing a hand on Feliciano's forehead. “I know you said that you didn't want to take any medicine, but it's that fever that's causing your nightmares. Why don't you take a little? We could even take a bath together and I'll change the sheets to the thinner ones so you won't be too warm. How does that sound?”

The Italian took in an exceptionally large yawn, glancing at the clock to find that it was nearly 2:30 in the morning. “It's so late...” he muttered. “Ared't you sleepy?”

Ludwig chuckled softly. “I'm not, I want to make sure that you're comfortable. You've been working so hard lately, and you deserve to get a good night's sleep. Are you up for a bath?”

Feliciano sniffled, wiping the remainder of his tears away with a balled-up fists. “I dod't wadt to be hot adybore,” he whispered. “Ludwig will bathe with be?”

“I'll get the bath started and then change the sheets, and I'll be right in. Can you wait for me?”

He hesitated, glancing into the dark bathroom and then back at his lover with a look of worry before murmuring a quiet “S-Si...”

Ludwig cupped his cheek, pressing a kiss to his forehead and then nose with a soft, calm breath.

“Alright then,” he said, lifting Feliciano into his arms and swinging his legs off of the side of the bed before carrying his lover to the bathroom. He sat him down on the closed toilet seat, opening the medicine cabinet to retrieve a bottle of cold medicine before pouring it into the cup and handing it to Feliciano who took it with a grimace.

“Ick...” he whined, resisting the urge to lick the remainder of medicine that glazed his lips and the corners of his mouth. “I hade bedicide...”

Ludwig turned the faucet on, plugging the bathtub and testing the water to make sure that it was perfectly lukewarm before drying his hand on a towel. “I know,” he said, standing to place a kiss on Feliciano's forehead. “But you'll feel so much better, I promise.”

“Ogkay...” the other whispered under his breath as he slid his boxers off before taking Ludwig's hand and allowing himself to be led into the bathtub. The very moment he stuck his toes into the water, he recoiled, latching back onto Ludwig.“It's c-co...Hip'tshhhuu! Hu'tshyuuuu! Ih...Ihp'shieww! He'itchhyuu! C-c-cold...”

“Bless you, bless you. It can't be too warm, or it won't help,” Ludwig replied, the top of his hand gently with his thumb. “I'll be right back, okay?”

Feliciano nodded. “Keep the door oped,” he said as he sunk into the bathwater with another shiver.

“I will.”

He couldn't have hurried off any faster, stripping the bed of the flannel sheets before tossing them into the corner near the hamper as he opened the closet door in the the hallway for a new set of thinner bedsheets. The lump of sheets bothered him slightly and but when he heard yet another miserable sneeze echo off the tile walls in the bathroom, he quickly ignored it and continued to change the sheets, offering another blessing to which he received a barely audible “Grazie” from the bathroom. He carefully placed an extra pillow from the closet on Feliciano's spot before laying out a pair of boxers and making his way back to the bathroom.

Appearing in the doorway, his stomach sunk to his feet when he noticed that Feliciano had slid down into the bathwater, sniffling miserable as he hugged himself for warmth.

“Id's cold by byself...” he said softly, his eyes hopeful for some contact. “Cobe sit wi..wih...with be add keep be w-hwa'tshuuuu! Eip'tshhiew! H'itchhyuu! W-warb...”

“Bless you,” Ludwig said as he pulled his shirt over his head and slid off his pants before climbing into the tub behind Feliciano and holding him close.

U'tshiewww! Hr'ptchhyuuu!

Ludwig lathered the loofah in his hands before carefully running it over Feliciano's soft, tan skin.

“Do you feel cooler?” he asked as he reached for a cup nearby to rinse it off.

“Y-Yes.” Feliciano said with a yawn, leaning against Ludwig's torso. His skin felt just a tad cooler, and the German couldn't help feeling somewhat accomplished. However, he was quickly torn from his thoughts when he heard Feliciano's teeth begin to chatter.

“Too cold?” he guessed warmly.

“Uh huh...”

“We can get out now, then,” Ludwig said gently, standing up and wrapping himself in a towel before grabbing Feliciano's hand and helping him out. He grabbed the thickest towel from the hanger and draped it around his lover, rubbing quickly to generate some more warmth.

“L-Ludwig just got id...” Feliciano whimpered and the blond chuckled.

“The cool bath wasn't for me, and I wouldn't want you to get worse if you stayed in too long. The sheets are so much lighter, so you'll fall asleep in no time.”

“Mb'tired...” As if on cue, he let out a congested yawn that shook his form and Ludwig steadied him, just to be safe.

“I know,” Ludwig murmured, taking his hand and leading him back to the bedroom where he found a pair of boxers lying on his spot. He shuddered, sliding them up his legs quickly before sliding into the sheets with a shiver.


“C-Cold,” Feliciano squeaked, his teeth chattering and Ludwig smiled.

“I'll come hold you, but these sheets will work wonders on that fever of yours.”

He pulled the sheets back, crawling into bed and pulling Feliciano into his arms, playing with his hair and tracing his warm fingers along the Italian's cool skin. Instantly, the Italian shook with a force of a large yawn and Ludwig smiled, pressing a shy kiss to his hairline and beginning to hum old lullabies that he remembered Gilbert singing to him when he had been little. It didn't take very long for poor Feliciano to doze right off, snoring ever-so-slightly, and Ludwig murmured a softly “Sweet dreams” next to his ear, knowing that this time, he would have them.

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Nuuuuuu, what am I supposed to do in the face of such cuteness?! Ahhhhh \QwQ/ There were so many adorable parts, from Germany being all excited about their date, to Italy swiping Germany's sweater so that he could take a piece of him along when they had to be apart, to Germany's frequent blessings and there was soooo much cuddling! I loved it! Poor baby Italy, though! Good thing he had Germany to take care of him <3

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Oh... my... cuteness !! I love how he's so caring and thoughtful to Feliciano melts my heart EVERYTIME I read a story about these two <3 Thank you Emi good work as always~ you make me smile! Well and make me squeal here and there too!

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surprise.gifAHHHH!!!! FELI, MY BABY!!!!!wubsmiley.gif I love Germany's concern, so adorable and true to his character!! Perfecto, Emi! biggrinsmiley.gif
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  • 2 weeks later...


i've been stalking this for a while, Emi, and now that i've finally found the guts to join the forum i'm so glad i did~ i've been having a stressful past few weeks and THIS, this right here, just completely made my day. i love all of these drabbles; they're like a little safe haven for me

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i've been stalking this for a while, Emi, and now that i've finally found the guts to join the forum i'm so glad i did~ i've been having a stressful past few weeks and THIS, this right here, just completely made my day. i love all of these drabbles; they're like a little safe haven for me

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i've been stalking this for a while, Emi, and now that i've finally found the guts to join the forum i'm so glad i did~ i've been having a stressful past few weeks and THIS, this right here, just completely made my day. i love all of these drabbles; they're like a little safe haven for me. keep on writing, Emi!! (sorry about the spam, i'm pretty new at this eheheh...)

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I loved how Feli took Ludwig's sweater! That was so sweet of him! And the way you described him as a frightened kitten- pulled at my heart strings. Poor Feli, having nightmares. I liked how Lud comforted him. Very in character and sweet. <3

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since my last update ;7; there will actually be 3 updates posted on Christmas at midnight next week! I've been working on them and saving them for that date because of...special reasons |D Thanks for sticking around and I'll make it worth the wait!

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