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Not_Telling's Drabble Thread (LoZ, HP, Hetalia, Ouran, and more - 35/100)


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I have never watched this anime but I hope they get him back into bed and resting!!!

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@fang815: Thanks, fang! :hug:

@Akahana: Hopefully haha ^_^

Okay, FINALLY I have another drabble~ I am insanely tired and don't feel like making excuses right now, so I'll just give it to you real quick and hope you like it!

(Btw I used their people names for this one)

98 - Favor: A Hetalia fanfic

Character: Alfred (America)

Word Count: 951

Arthur watched in utter disgust, but with an air of amazement at how a hamburger that was there just fifteen seconds ago had now been completely diminished. The enormous pile of hamburgers in front of him got smaller and smaller as each one was taken and gobbled down to its entirety. He cringed at a loud burp from the gluttonous figure before him, and sipped his own tea with a bit of annoyance.

“Alfred,” he said quietly. “Would you mind keeping your sudden outbursts to a minimum? At the very least you could be polite about it. Or at least keep your mouth shut when you chew…”

Alfred laughed. “Whoops, excuse me!”

He swallowed his hamburger and reached for another. Arthur wrinkled his nose in disgust. He just didn’t see how Alfred could eat like that all the time. It would have to catch up with him eventually. Come to think of it, he had been looking paler than usual lately. The more Arthur thought about it, the more it bothered him.

“You know, Alfred…”

The American looked up, his cheeks filled with hamburger.

“You really should start eating healthier. I don’t think it’s very good for you, eating all of those hamburgers.”

Alfred stared at the Englishman intently. He looked down at the hamburger in his hand, then back up at Arthur. “Whffs phdf shpff th’ mnn?”

“Alfred...please swallow your food before you speak.”

The other man glared, but complied. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Arthur shrugged. “Well, I don’t know. I’m just saying, it wouldn’t kill you to eat vegetables every once in a while...”

Alfred put down his hamburger. “Onion rings are vegetables.”

“...maybe actually go to sleep at night, instead of staying up late playing video games…”

“Who are you, the sleep keeper?” Alfred asked angrily.

“...and instead of just lazing around all day, maybe you should start getting some exercise.”


Alfred stood up, infuriated. “I don’t see what’s so wrong with me the way I am!”

Arthur tried to calm him. “It’s not you, Alfred. It’s just your choices. I don’t think it’s good for your health. I’m trying to do you a favor-”

“How would you know?! You think you’re always right, Arthur, like you know everything about everything. ‘Alfred, don’t do this. Alfred, don’t do that. I’m only looking out for you.’”

Alfred crammed another hamburger into his mouth before continuing.

“I can look after myself! I don’t need your approval.”

Arthur’s face washed over with hurt. “Alfred…”

I’m not your colony anymore, Britain! So stop acting like I am.”

Alfred stormed out of the room, taking the plate of hamburgers with him.


Arthur sighed. All week, Alfred had been giving him the cold shoulder. He tried to reassure himself that he didn’t mean what he’d said. But those words kept playing over and over in his mind, and he didn’t deny that they hurt. Bad.

I’m not your colony anymore, Britain! So stop acting like I am.

He shuddered as he thought about it. Arthur looked around at the scenery to try and take his mind off things. it was a nice sunny day, and the park was filled with signs of early spring. He sat down in the grass and gazed up at the clouds. Before he knew it, he started to fall asleep.


Arthur bolted upright. He didn’t even realize he’d been sleeping until the sneezes woke him up. Or rather, the sound of someone else’s sneezes.


Apparently he wasn’t the only one sleeping, for the source of the sound was a man resting on the park bench behind him. He was unrecognizable because of his hood and many scarves, but it was clear that he was the one who had been sneezing. The man sniffled and groaned before shifting his position, trying to get comfortable. Arthur approached him, lightly tapping his shoulder.

“Excuse me, sir?”

The man mumbled something incomprehensible and started to sit up. Arthur dug into the pockets of his jacket and pulled out a handkerchief.

“Would you like a handkerchief?”

The man held up a finger as an indication to wait as he buried his head into the crook of his elbow and released a bout of heavy coughing. When he was finished, he turned back to Arthur and nodded weakly.

Arthur handed the man his handkerchief and sat down next to him, politely looking away. After blowing his nose harshly, the man nodded his thanks and held up the handkerchief as if to return it. Arthur forced a smile and tried not to cringe. “It’s alright. You can keep it.”

The man coughed again, and sighed. “I’b sorry.” His voice was low and raspy, and difficult to comprehend.

Despite his slight phobia to germs, Arthur patted the man’s shoulder reassuringly. “Don’t worry about it. People just generally prefer to be offered clean handkerchiefs. Nothing personal, really.”

“That’s ndot whad I meadt. Heh...HAKSCHUU!

The man sneezed into the folds of his scarf. Arthur gave a small grin.

“You know, you can use your handkerchief for that.”

The man lifted his head, and for the first time, Arthur caught a glimpse of his face. There was something vaguely familiar about him. The Englishman pulled back the man’s hood and was actually genuinely surprised.

“You were right, Artie. Like always.” The man sniffled and muffled a few coughs into the handkerchief. “I should’ve listened.”

Ordinarily, Arthur would have to control himself to suppress his swelling pride and keep from saying ‘I told you so’. But there was no pride to swell and there were no words to say. Not when Alfred was apologizing, obviously sick, and had just woken up on a park bench.

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Oh my gosh whaa??? I just read though this thread, and I am in love with your writing, especially the Hetalia drabbles! You write sick America so well (I loved the one with America, England, and Prussia especially). This cliffhanger though!!! Poor Alfred baby, I just want England to cuddle him!

Oh my gosh I need more! These are so great, you are really a fantastic writer!

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Oh my gosh whaa??? I just read though this thread, and I am in love with your writing, especially the Hetalia drabbles! You write sick America so well (I loved the one with America, England, and Prussia especially). This cliffhanger though!!! Poor Alfred baby, I just want England to cuddle him!

Oh my gosh I need more! These are so great, you are really a fantastic writer!

7.gif Oh my gosh, meepsy!!!!! You likey my drabbles?!?!?


This is a really really huge compliment because you are a really amazing writer and to hear this from you??? Oh my gosh, you have totally made my night, you have no idea biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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Heeheehee poor Alfred. So stubborn to realize his own health is at risk. :D

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Ahhh, England offering his handkerchief :P. That kind of thing gets me every time. And nose-blowing too? Wow, what a treat for me!

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Oh my gosh whaa??? I just read though this thread, and I am in love with your writing, especially the Hetalia drabbles! You write sick America so well (I loved the one with America, England, and Prussia especially). This cliffhanger though!!! Poor Alfred baby, I just want England to cuddle him!

Oh my gosh I need more! These are so great, you are really a fantastic writer!

7.gif Oh my gosh, meepsy!!!!! You likey my drabbles?!?!?


This is a really really huge compliment because you are a really amazing writer and to hear this from you??? Oh my gosh, you have totally made my night, you have no idea biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Haha, you saying that is a huge compliment to me! I can't wait to read what you write next!

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@fang815: Ah, yes. Stubborn stupid Alfred. But we love him for it <3

@Chocolate Turnip: *evil grin* I know your deepest secrets...heeheehee (but then again, you know mine, so...)

@meepsy: Thanks again! hug.gif

@Maus_17: Dawww, and I love you too Mausy!

Haha sorry for my feeble responses...but NEVERTHELESS! Another OHSHC!!


59 - Mother: An Ouran Highschool Host Club fanfic

Character: Kyoya

Word Count: 1,260!

Hikaru and Kaoru skipped into the Music Room, bored out of their minds and looking for something to do. They entered the room to find it mostly empty. The only person in the room was Kyoya, who was sitting at one of the tables with his laptop in front of him, presumably work for the Host Club. Except, he wasn’t working at all. In fact, he was sleeping. His head rested on the top of the keyboard, hinting that he had probably fallen asleep without realizing it. Hikaru and Kaoru exchanged glances.

“Wanna have some fun, Hikaru?” asked Kaoru.

Hikaru grinned. “You read my mind.”

They crept up to the sleeping manager, Hikaru on the left, Kaoru on the right. Hikaru looked over Kyoya’s shoulder at the computer screen.

“That’s a lot of y’s…”

Hikaru turned Kyoya’s head to the side and suppressed a laugh at the drool trickling from the corner of Kyoya’s mouth. Kaoru pulled out a black marker and began his work, while Hikaru shook a new can of shaving cream and squirted it onto the palm of Kyoya’s hand.

Less than a minute later, Kyoya was sporting a new mustache and would soon be hosting a fancy beard as well. Hikaru pulled out a peacock feather leftover from their tropical forest theme and gently tickled the bottom of Kyoya’s chin. Kyoya groaned softly, and rubbed his chin with the hand covered in shaving cream.

Hikaru smiled. “Christmas has come early this year.”

Kaoru snickered. “I didn’t know Santa was such a heavy sleeper!”

They both had a good laugh for a minute or so, before deciding to wake him up.

“Kaoru, grab the video camera!”

“Got it!”

“Poke him with the stick!”

“Stick stick stick stick stick stick!” The twins chorused, prodding Kyoya with a stick while Kaoru held up the video camera. But aside from the occasional shudder, Kyoya didn’t budge.

“Jeez, he really is a heavy sleeper…” said Kaoru.

Hikaru picked up the peacock feather. “This’ll wake him up.”

He took the feather and brushed it carefully under Kyoya’s nose. Almost instantaneously, Kyoya’s nostrils quivered and flared. He tensed, his breath quickening rapidly. He took a desperate gasp of air and sneezed quietly.


Kyoya opened his eyes and sat up slowly, before his head snapped forward once again.

H’tch! H’tchi!

He cupped his hands over his nose and mouth, covering up the last (and most powerful) sneeze.


Kyoya took his hands away from his mouth, taken aback by the shaving cream on them. He paused, and turned to Hikaru and Kaoru.

“You. Woke. Me. Up.”

A murderous purple aura surrounded him and he glared daggers at the trembling Hitachiin twins, who quickly fled from the room.

“The Low-Blood Pressure Demon Lord has awakened!” Hikaru cried.

“Run for your lives!” Kaoru shouted.

“You got the video, right?”

“Yep, his expression was priceless!”

The twins hurried out of the Music Room, crashing right into Tamaki on their way out.

“Whoa! Where are you going? Why are you running?” Tamaki inquired.

“Kyoya fell asleep…”

“...and we woke him up.”


“Yeah, he was pretty grumpy.” said Kaoru.

Hikaru nodded. “You might wanna try calming him down-”


“Who’re you calling shady?”


“We were bored.” They said together, before scurrying off to do who-knows-what.

H’tch! H’tch! H’tchx! Wonderful…”

Tamaki cautiously entered the room, hoping not to catch Kyoya in the midst of a monstrous rage. Instead, he found him on his hands and knees, looking for his glasses which had for some reason fallen off. Kyoya struggled to withhold yet another sneeze as his hands searched the ground around him.


Kyoya squinted as he felt something wire-rimmed and metallic placed in his hands.

“Bless you. Looking for this?”

He put the glasses back on and blinked a few times. “H’tchi!

Kyoya looked up to see Tamaki crouching in front of him. “Hello, Tamaki. Is there something you needed?”

Tamaki gaped at him. “Whoa, Kyoya. Your voice…”

“What about it?”

“It’s different.”

“That doesn’t really answer my question, but I’ll take it.”

Kyoya stood back up and sat down in his chair, pondering strangely at the image on his screen. “That’s peculiar.”

Tamaki stood. “Huh?”

“I don’t remember typing this many y’s…”


Tamaki watched Kyoya type for a minute. Something was certainly peculiar here, but it wasn’t necessarily the quality of Kyoya’s work that was perplexing. It was true that Kyoya stayed up late most nights, and he was often pale and fatigued due to his hypotension, which explained why he was such a grouchy riser. Still, it wasn’t normal for Kyoya to be this tired. To fall asleep in the midst of his work was unlike him. Even now, he seemed to be falling back into a trance, leaning his head against his hand and staring half-heartedly at his computer screen.


Kyoya snapped out of his daze. “Yes, Tamaki?”

“How much sleep did you get last night?” asked Tamaki.

“None at all,” replied Kyoya. “Why do you ask?”

Tamaki hesitated. “I...I heard from the twins that you’d fallen asleep.”

“Really? Well, I’d hate to put a damper on their fantasies, but I’ve been awake and alert since I woke up this morning.”

“But you said you didn’t sleep last night.”

“I didn’t.”

“Then how-”

“I told you, I am awake.” Kyoya insisted. “Would you mind dropping the subject?”

He resumed his work. Tamaki shook his head. “Kyoya…”

“What is it now?”

“You have a mustache...and it’s made out of marker.”

“I am aware.” Kyoya paused. “Heh...H’tch!

“Bless you.”

“Stop blessing me.”


“It’s irritating.”

A small, hoarse cough was muffled into his fist.

Pale, thought Tamaki. That’s what it is. He’s pale, even for him.

Kyoya fumbled with his pockets and sighed, looking around the room.

“What are you looking for?” asked Tamaki.

“My notebook.” Kyoya stood up, quickly grabbing onto the chair for support.

Tamaki frowned with concern. “Do you want me to get it for you?”

Kyoya grumbled. “I am perfectly competent, thank you…hn...Kts-uh!

“What was that?”

“None of your concern.”

Kyoya lifted his shaking hand off the handle of the chair and started to make his way over to the other side of the room. He’d only taken about three steps before his knees buckled and his legs gave way. Tamaki rushed forward just in time, supporting Kyoya from underneath his arms before he collapsed completely.

“I meant to do that.” slurred Kyoya.

Tamaki gasped. “Kyoya, you’re burning up!”

“No. If I was burning up, we would both be engulfed in flames by now.”

“I mean, you have a fever!”

“That I can’t argue with.”

Now I get it. He’s sick.

Haruhi opened the door to the Music Room. Kyoya was laying on the sofa, with a blanket covering him and a wet cloth on his head. Tamaki was sitting by his side. Haruhi was utterly confused. “What’s going on, senpai?”


Haruhi jumped back.

“Be quiet. Mommy’s sick.”

H’tchi! H’tchx!

“Bless you, Kyoya!”

“I told you to stop that…”

“What are you gonna do if I don’t?” Tamaki teased.

Kyoya paused. “I’ll get back to work.”


Kyoya merely closed his eyes and fell back asleep, smirking a bit at his little victory.

Haruhi looked from Kyoya to Tamaki and back again. “Alright…”

After Haruhi left, Tamaki smiled to himself.

“Sleep well, ‘Mommy’.”



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AHH!!! These have all been so lovely I can't even take it!!! w00t.gif You have written so many FANTASTIC one-shots and they are all tremendous!! Keep up the beatiful work, Not_Telling! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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@fang815: Aww, and you never stop flattering! biggrin.png Thanks~

@Ace of Hearts: Oh yes, I do love me some good fainting twisted.gif MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

@JQLovesSneezes: Aw, thank you so so so much! That's really sweet of you to say <3

Kk, guys, thanks again for the lovely comments! I have another Ouran drabble today, this time starring Mori! Sleeping hosts are just so...mngh! Delicious!

22 - Embarrassment: An Ouran Highschool Host Club fanfic

Character: Mori

Word Count: 1,259

“Tamaki?” “HERE!”

“Hikaru? Kaoru?” “Present!”

“Haruhi?” “...*sigh* I’m here…”

“Mitsukune?” “Strawberry~”



“Ahem, let’s try this again. Takashi?”


Kyoya pushed up his glasses. “Well, he is the strong and silent type, I’ll give him that. But that’s no excuse for not answering roll call.”

Hikaru and Kaoru looked around. “Hey, where is Mori?”

Honey raised his hand. “I think he’s still asleep, Kyoya-chan.”

“Of course,” Kyoya sighed, turning to Haruhi. “Haruhi, would you be a dear and wake Mori up for us, please?”

“I’ll do it, Kyoya-chan!” Honey beamed as he skipped over to the sofa where Mori slept.

The loli-shota peered over the edge of the cushion. “Takashi?”

Mori was fast asleep, breathing deeply inward and out. He had crashed as soon as he’d entered the music room that afternoon, exhausted from a long, busy day. Honey pondered whether or not to wake him. After all, the Host Club would be opening soon, and the two cousins always did their bits together. But he looked so peaceful in his slumber...and so tired, too! Honey, like Kyoya, was a grouchy riser (though a slightly earlier one) and he hated being woken up when in the middle of a particularly fantasy-like dream, especially one with unicorns…

Maybe he’s dreaming about unicorns, Honey thought. I better let him sleep.

**The Host Club is now open for business**

“Welcome, ladies!”

The girls looked in confusion at the welcoming hosts. Tamaki was there, and so was Kyoya...and Haruhi...and Honey...but where were the others? One of the girls decided to ask Tamaki, approaching him cautiously as she was a bit shy.

“Um, T-Tamaki…” She stammered. “Where - where are the twins? Are they okay?”

Tamaki smiled. “Just fine, my dear.” He caressed her hair gently. “Mori’s taking a little nap. He and the twins are just over there-”

The prince halted in the middle of his sentence and went red in the face.


The girl yelped and jumped back, startled by this sudden outburst. Tamaki marched over to the sofa, giving the twins a clear look of distaste. Taped onto Mori’s forehead was a sign that read “Kick Me”.

Chattering excitedly about how adorable Mori was when he was asleep, the girls crowded around the sofa, also taken aback by this immaturity.

“Aww, look at him, he’s like a little angel!”

“You mean a tall, handsome angel!”

“Why would Hikaru and Kaoru do something like this?”

“Yeah, that’s just not cool!”

Mori turned over onto his side.

Hikaru and Kaoru crossed their arms.

“Come on,” Hikaru rolled his eyes.

“Don’t pretend like it’s not hilarious!” Kaoru chuckled.

“It’s not hilarious, you shady twins!” Tamaki exclaimed.

“Again with the shady…” Kaoru sighed.

Hikaru shook his head. “I’m not sure you even know what the word ‘shady’ is supposed to mean, boss.”

Mori gave a soft, barely audible whimper.


Hikaru shrugged. “I wouldn’t care.”

“Neither would I.” Kaoru agreed.

As Tamaki continued to lecture them, Haruhi tried to calm the overexcited fangirls down.


“Oh gosh, I hope he doesn’t wake up! This is too precious!”

“Well, he’s going to wake up if you don’t quiet down…” Haruhi mumbled under her breath.

Honey, who for once had nothing to say, just stared at Mori.

Wow, how can Takashi sleep through all this?

“Apparently sleeping hosts is popular with the ladies…” Kyoya took out his notebook and began writing this all down. “Tamaki’s a creeper! Tamaki’s a creeper!” “ALL I SAID WAS THAT NEXT TIME I’D COME TO YOUR HOUSE WHEN YOU WERE SLEEPING AND DO THE SAME THING TO YOU!” “Tamaki’s a creeper! Tamaki’s a creeper!” “Ohhh, look at Mori! He’s drooling~” “AWW, HOW CUTE IS THAT?!” “Girls, please, if we could all make an orderly line - or something - I’d really appreciate it…”


The room had gone quiet. Mori sat up, rubbing at his nose, when another came.


He opened his eyes. Every single person in the room was facing him, staring at him, and probably had been for the last...oh dear…they’d seen him sleeping, hadn’t they? How very embarrassing…


Mori’s face went beet red. Now they’d seen him sneezing...that was even worse! He looked to Honey for guidance, but received nothing more than a sympathetic ‘Bless you’. Actually, if you counted the number of people in the room, he’d received about...forty...sympathetic ‘Bless You’s…

Oh goodness...everyone was staring at him...everyone was whispering to each other...probably about him… He didn’t even notice when Honey tapped on his shoulder.

“Are you okay, Takashi?” Honey asked quietly.

What’s the matter with me? Mori grappled his head with his hands. All this anxiety was making him dizzy. He couldn’t take this.

Haruhi frowned. “What’s up with Mori?” She asked Kyoya. “Is there something wrong?”

Kyoya pushed up his glasses indifferently. “That depends on which way you want to look at it, but I suppose either way the answer is yes.”


“Mori might be a tough guy…” Hikaru began.

“...but he’s really shy.” Kaoru finished.

“I suppose all this attention isn’t helping him, either.” Tamaki chimed in.

The spectacled Vice-President wrote something down in his notebook. “While true, that isn’t everything that seems to be bothering him.”

“What do you mean, Kyoya?”

“Heh’IKGSHH! *sniff*...HIKGSHH! H’KGSHU!

“Bless you!” The room chorused.

Mori covered his face up with his hands. Stop looking at me…

“Takashi...Takashi, are you okay?”

“I wonder what’s wrong with him…”

“He keeps sneezing, the poor dear!”

“Aw, he must have a cold!”

“Is he going to die?”

“What if he never stops?”

“He’s going to hurt himself…”

Mori shot out of the room faster than a speeding bullet, still exhausted but too embarrassed to even care. “Takashi, wait!” Honey cried, and ran after him.

Tamaki turned to Kyoya, worried. “Do you think we should go after him, Kyoya?”

Kyoya shrugged. “I don’t see why we should.”

“It is raining outside…”

“Well, if you want to go, go right on ahead. I’m not going to stop you.”

With that, the remaining host club members (not including Kyoya) burst out after their strong and silent friend, the twins chanting all the way. “Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!”

“Hey, what about the Host Club?” One of the fangirls inquired.

“It’s canceled for today!” Tamaki shouted back.

Mori fled out of the school. He stopped to catch his breath, coughing and panting heavily. The rain poured down on top of him, and he shivered, unable to stop thinking about what happened back in the Host Club. All those people watching him and talking about him...and they’d seen him sneeze! Just thinking about it made him feel dizzy all over again.


Honey ran up to his taller cousin. “What happened back there? Why did you run away?”

Heh’IKGSHH! H’KGSHU! Heh...GKSHH! *sniff*...”

“Bless you.” Mori wouldn’t meet Honey’s eyes. He refused to. “Takashi...what’s wrong?”

Mori merely sniffled, swaying a bit and putting a hand up against the wall.

“No host left behind! No host left behind!” The twins chanted.

Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi covered their heads as they ran out into the rain. “Mori!”

Mori looked over his shoulder, coughing.

Haruhi approached him. “Mori, you don’t look so good. Are you alright?”

He nodded weakly.


Without warning, Mori fell backwards and hit the ground with a thud.

“Mori!” The hosts shouted.


Okay, yeah. I love fainting. I love sleeping hosts. Sue me tonguesmiley.gif

ETA: A special thanks to randomgirl7 for helping me out with this!

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You're killing me with your writing! sweat.gif

Takashi, the poor dear. :P

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Ohmigosh it's adorable!! Poor, poor Mori. I love the ending, by the way, it's so sweet!

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I really love the double feature of Ouran sneeziness,but I basically enjoy this whole thread! Simply fabulous.

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Kyaaaaa! I love all the ouran! You write so in character that I can practically hear the character's voice actors in my head, which makes everything sooooo much better!!!!!

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OH MY GOODNESS. :3 'maybe he's dreaming of unicorns'. That line KILLED ME. XD I loved it so much. I'm telling you, woman! These drabbles! :3 <3

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7.gif Wow! Look at all these comments!

@fang815: Aw, thanks! You just continue to be so super sweet hug.gif

@randomgirl7: Aw~ Thanks again for helping me out with this!

@JQLovesSneezes: Haha, thanks! I try to make it as fluffy as possible wink.png

@PyroKitsune: Oh, well thank you Pyro! That means so much, you have no idea! I really love Ouran, in case you couldn't tell happy.png

@InuCiel: Omigosh, thank you so much! Characterization is really important to me, so to hear that I carried that out well makes me feel like I did my job smile.png

@Maus_17: Hehee, thank Maus! Nothing wrong with a little comic relief, am I right? wink.png

@Ace of Hearts: Good to hear biggrin.png

Thanks again guys, for all the wonderful wonderful comments!

I decided to write a little something for America's birthday, the Fourth of July. Granted, it's a little late, but better late than never! God bless America! biggrin.png

8 - Joy: A Hetalia fanfic

Character: America

Word Count: 1,082

America sighed.

Even after searching relentlessly around the room for what must have been the twentieth time, there was no sign of him. Everyone else was there; France and Prussia getting drunk and singing strange folk songs, Austria playing lively music on the grand piano, Italy trying (with no avail) to get Germany to dance...they were all having a wonderful time. Meanwhile America was sitting there, perhaps having the least amount of fun. Not only was he struggling to ignore the dry, scratchy feeling in his throat and the dull pounding in his head, but he was absolutely heartbroken that England hadn’t bothered to show up at his party.

His birthday party.

He sat glumly as the party went on, resting his cheek against his hand and hoping that maybe, possibly, England was just running late. He jumped when he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder.


America spun around in anticipation, but deflated when he saw that it was only Japan. Nevertheless, he plastered on a smile. “Hey Japan, what’s up bro? Enjoying the party?”

Japan held out a small present. “Here.”

“For me?” The younger nation took it hesitantly. “Thanks, man.”

He set the present down along with the others, and let out another audible sigh. Japan sat down next to him. “Hey…”

America looked up. “Hm?”

“It’s your birthday. Why aren’t you enjoying the party?”

“Oh, um...I...eh…” America’s face twisted slightly. “Heh...H’GNSHXXT!

“Odaiji ni.”

“Um, thanks?”

America pitched into the crook of his elbow, succumbing to a coughing fit that seemed to come out of nowhere. Japan furrowed his brow. “You’re not coming down with anything, are you?”

The other country quickly shook his head.

“That would really stink...especially on your birthday.”

“Yeah, it would.” America forced a laugh. “But I’m fine.”

Japan peered at him closely, as if pondering something. After some deliberation, he raised his hand up to America’s forehead, though it didn’t make it all the way there when America grabbed hold of his wrist. “I told you, I’m good.”

France half-skipped, half-wobbled over to the table where America and Japan were sitting. He gave a drunken hiccup and slung his arm around America.

“Hon hon hon...Amerique…*hic* Amerique...you gots to…*hic*...CHECK ZIIIIIIIS OOOOUT! *hic* Honhonhonhonhon- *hic* Check zis out…”

“O-Okay. Whatever, dude.”

France leapt to his feet, with America in tow. “HONHONHON! *hic* Zis way, mon chèri!”

They hurried over to the main dance floor, where everyone was dancing, talking, or playing games. Italy waved to America whilst swinging Germany’s idle arms to and fro. America waved back, chuckling a bit. “Uh, what did you wanna show me, bro?”

France wildly pointed to a dirty old pencil on the ground, and cried out with such emphasis that it should have been an idol. “ZIS PENCIL!”

“Okay…” America squinted closer at it. “What about it?”

France had stopped paying attention and was now dancing and singing loudly.


America shrugged, muffling an impending cough. Huh, maybe he was coming down with something after all. He considered sitting back down, but that idea was shattered when Italy came bounding up to him. “Hey America~ when are we going to do the fireworks?”

America looked around. “Uh...in a little bit. I just...I don’t want anyone to miss them, so...I’ll wait. We’re definitely gonna do them, though.” He added quickly.

Italy giggled. “Okay, then! You wanna dance with Germany and me?”

Huh...H’KSHXXN! *sniff*...H’KSHNN! Um...sure, I guess.” America sniffled.

“Yay!” Italy skipped back to Germany, pulling America along with him. “Oh, and salute!”

“Thanks, I think?”

Italy joined hands with America and Germany.

“Italy!” Germany shouted. “I told you, I don’t want to dance!”

Italy whimpered. “But...but it’s America’s birthday…”

Germany sighed. “Fine, fine.” He turned to America. “Why are you so quiet, America? Sheesh, I would’ve thought you’d be the one pulling me into these things…”

America shrugged again. He was doing a lot of shrugging today, it seemed.

Germany cocked his head sideways, coming to an internal conclusion. “Hm.”

The three nations danced in a strange circle, with Italy really doing most of the dancing. As the dance went on and they spun faster and faster, America felt himself grow more hopeless and sluggish. Why did he ever think England would bother to show up, anyhow? Why would England want to celebrate America’s rebellion against him?

Ah...can we slow down a bit? I’m getting kinda dizzy. Maybe I shouldn’t think and spin at the same time. But...I can’t stop thinking about it.

America suddenly let go of their hands when he felt another sneeze coming on. Germany and Italy stumbled backwards in surprise as America brought his hands up to his face and pitched forward.




“GOD BLESS AMERICAAA!” France and Prussia chorused.

America nodded wearily. “Thanks. Hey, does it feel hot in here to you guys?”

Germany shook his head. “Nein, not really.” He peered closer at the younger country. “Is there something wrong, America?”

All the other countries had stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the party-thrower. America scanned the crowd hopelessly for any sign of England, any at all, but knew deep down it was useless.


The spinning countries (or so it seemed they were spinning) blessed him in their respective languages. America lost his balance, dropping down to his hands and knees.

“America! Snap out of it!” Germany yelled.

Italy clung to Germany, worried. “America? You ‘kay?”

America looked around frantically.

“UK? Where?!”

Before they could answer him, his arms gave way and he fully collapsed onto the ground.



America opened his eyes. Everything around him was fuzzy; he couldn’t tell what was going on.

Where am I?

“Oh, thank goodness you’re alright. I was so worried.”

Wait...that kind of sounds like…

Things started to come into focus. He was laying in his bed, a cool cloth perched atop his burning forehead. Towering above him was a familiar face.

Is that who I think it is?

“I’m sorry I didn’t make it. It was my fault. I’ll admit that I haven’t quite let go of...past events...but when I heard you were ill, I came over straight away. I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am.”

Up until now, America had been having the worst birthday ever. But now, at this moment, he felt nothing but sheer joy. For the first time that night, America smiled without having to force it.


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Yes yes YES!

This was so perfect I can't even find words!

It feels like forever since I've read an Hetalia fic!

:D :D :hug::D :D

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“GOD BLESS AMERICAAA!” France and Prussia chorused.

*hysterical laughing* Oh my gods, I love this so much. :laugh:

Ummm, so would you be okay with me making a request? You don't have to fill it if you don't want to. Anyway, I just finished watching Ouran High School Host Club and I loveloveloved it so much so I was wondering if you would either do a sick Kyoya who's trying to hide being sick or a sick Mori who no one notices is sick. Of course, both of them would be noticed eventually. But again, you don't have to do them if you don't want to. I've just been on an Ouran kick. :D

Anyway, this was awesome! :heart: Can't wait for your next drabble! :)

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Omg I'm fangirling!!!!! Aw Iggy is so stubborn but when things are serious he can be such a softie! ^^

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"GOD BLESS AMERICAAA!" France and Prussia chorused.

*hysterical laughing* Oh my gods, I love this so much. laughing.gif

Ummm, so would you be okay with me making a request? You don't have to fill it if you don't want to. Anyway, I just finished watching Ouran High School Host Club and I loveloveloved it so much so I was wondering if you would either do a sick Kyouya who's trying to hide being sick or a sick Mori who no one notices is sick. Of course, both of them would be noticed eventually. But again, you don't have to do them if you don't want to. I've just been on an Ouran kick. biggrin.png

Anyway, this was awesome! heart.gif Can't wait for your next drabble! smile.png

Oh, definitely! It's funny, I literally just did a Kyoya sicky drabble and a Mori sicky drabble, but I could most definitely do them again because I love them so so much!! :hug: And thanks, VB!

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