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On a mission to get sick: my logs


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stretcher.gif maybe this will be you soon thumbup1.gif

Haha you're so cute xD

I don't think he's sick, though. He woke up fine. I mentioned in another post once that he's kind of the guy that likes to "suffer with you" or something lol, any time I have any ailment, he'll be like "I woke up with a crick in my neck, I just be getting your cold" after I've had it for like a day hahaha. Even when I have period cramps and throw up from that like every time, he insists that every month it must be somethig we ate because he "sorta feels funny" haha. It's a little annoying but I don't think he means to be rude by it. And I told him about my throat problems, I've had that for a few years because of allergies. It makes one of my lymph nodes get all swollen xP so I wonder if this was his version of suffering with me once again lol. But he said he thinks he slept it off.

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Well when I got off work he was still kind of coughing. Like he's fine but when he tried to talk he has like random throat tickle. No other symptoms at all haha. So who knows.

Today at work I did my best to follow the infected, touch what they touch, etc. and at the movies. But I'm all frustrated and anxious about it xP I hate that feeling haha.

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I'm so tired haha. I can't wait until tomorrow night when I can sleep forever. I was joking with my boyfriend that Sunday is gonna my "I have no legs day" and I thought t was a hilarious idea. I was just saying that I'm ready for a ridiculously lazy day, the less movement the better. Crash and burn!

I haven't been doing any exposing myself to cold temperatures lately. It's ready hot right now and it seems pointless haha. So once it is colder, I'm going to be spending some time poetically sitting in the moonlight soaking wet and barely dressed lol.

Also, today I took to just washing one of my hands. I'm a friggin avid hand washer, and that's just one more thing that might be keeping me healthy (even though antibacterial soap kills bacteria, not viruses). I just wanted to keep half clean to keep from passing on germs to people that don't want them..

I'm so tiiiired. It makes me wahhh too thoughtful. I'm always kind of a rambler but when tired... Ahhh can't be stopped, all that mundane crap you don't want to hear pours out in whatever I write :P

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I have the opposite problem. I always get sick. I've had pnemonia/bronchitis three or four times in the past two years, various kinds of flu (stomach flu twice) three times in the past year, and I have colds constantly. Whenever I'm not sick, which is actually kinda uncommon, I feel like I am, because of my allergies. I don't have the germ part of the fetish, so please trade immune systems with me. (:

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I have the opposite problem. I always get sick. I've had pnemonia/bronchitis three or four times in the past two years, various kinds of flu (stomach flu twice) three times in the past year, and I have colds constantly. Whenever I'm not sick, which is actually kinda uncommon, I feel like I am, because of my allergies. I don't have the germ part of the fetish, so please trade immune systems with me. (:

Aw, yeah I'm sure I would hate it if it were like that :( but still, I wish I would actually get sick. I get like throw up sick plenty often (every period hurray), and that's not fun at alllll haha. But never colds :/ someone curse me with being sick constantly this season, teach me to be thankful by making me sick for so long that I learn to hate it haha. :P

Working today, not very busy and I haven't noticed any sickies. Boyfriend still isn't getting sick, I think it's because he gets like acid stuff from his stomach that irritates his throat. But idk. Seems like of he were sick he'd be sick by now, but when I talked to him this morning he was totally fine.

I'm so tired lol. Can't wait for lazy crash and burn test tonight :P

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Haha, this is so interesting. X3

It's really cold where I live... I didn't dry my hair after showering, and then I went outside. ...And now I have a cold. =.= Unfortunately, it was during finals, so I was like... *does problem* *sneezes* *does another problem* *has to blow nose* -.-" I wish I could give it to you, haha...

Good luck getting sick (again)! :P Lol, your immune system must be amazing... x.x

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Haha, this is so interesting. X3

It's really cold where I live... I didn't dry my hair after showering, and then I went outside. ...And now I have a cold. =.= Unfortunately, it was during finals, so I was like... *does problem* *sneezes* *does another problem* *has to blow nose* -.-" I wish I could give it to you, haha...

Good luck getting sick (again)! :P Lol, your immune system must be amazing... x.x

Oh man. Sucks that it's during finals, but I have I admit, I'm a little jealous xD

So now boyfriends saying he feels sore and hot and stuff and still is thinking he might be sick so... Ahh the suspense! Driving me nuts. And I have to work tomorrow :( boooo

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Suspense... O_O

Haha, maybe he is sick! And maybe he'd be all sneezy and cute and... >.<

Oh well. Maybe someone will be sick at work. X3

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Suspense... O_O

Haha, maybe he is sick! And maybe he'd be all sneezy and cute and... >.<

Oh well. Maybe someone will be sick at work. X3

Yeah. I guess we'll see. You're such an optimist :)

I'm just like... Blahhh so anxious about it because I want to know if he's actually sick or just run down, I want my bed lol. Hate feeling anxious but there's nothing I can do about it xP

I just wish boyfriend wouldn't be sick because then I feel bad about having him around my family. He doesn't try to prevent others getting sick at all and I live with my grandma, I do not want to get her sick :/ but it's easy to keep my germs to myself if I'm sick, I can't make him keep his to himself haha. Even though I've asked him to be more considerate about that or ask if he can just pick me up from my house without coming inside to pick me up, but he always comes in and splatters germs everywhere xP we were visiting his grandparents and he got her sick and she's bedridden and is in really bad health, developed all kinda of infections, etc... I just feel like I'm his parent and I need to keep him away from others and teach him manners lol. But that's strange to tell a grown man to do.

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you could like take his temperature and see if he actually has a fever

(i hope you are sick?!! and not sad?)

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Really? 7.gif Physically or mentally?

Feel better soon... ;.; (Unless it's physically tonguesmiley.gif)

you could like take his temperature and see if he actually has a fever

(i hope you are sick?!! and not sad?)

Bad physically!

I was just feeling kind of worried about whether bf is sick and stuff, and then started to feel really bad like achy and dazed and shaky and hot and cold... It was really bad at the end of work, I was just trying to focus on what was going on and seem cheery. But I totally felt like I was dreaming and was so dizzy and almost started throwing up because of it. It was just strange because it came on SO suddenly. At first I thought it was just me being super anxious or something and was like...what's going on, calm down haha. But it was too physical to pass off as just anxiety. My boss asked me if I was feeling sick and I just nodded and tried not to act like I was feeling that bad xP But I'm such a wimp, I'm like trying to keep from crying because I just felt bad and vulnerable and like I was being a bad employee and she wasn't being angry at me for it haha... I'm the easiest crier lol, I hate it.

So went to boyfriend's after, and he still just has like coughs a little bit when he's talking for some reason, doesn't have any other symptoms but he said he was feeling sore and stuff too. So we went to walmart and bought a thermometer. He didn't have a temp and mine was 101. Then we both just laid around his house and watched movies and cuddled, I fell asleep for a while. It was so great. Now I don't feel as bad, fever has gone down to 100. Still feel kind of bad but at least not like horrible like earlier. Boyfriend doesn't work tomorrow, and my boss told me I didn't have to if I was still feeling bad.

I do NOT like feeling bad like this haha. It's terrible. It hurts and just isn't pleasant at all but... at the same time, I love getting to cuddle with my boyfriend, him caring about our mutual suffering lol, and just having him there to make me feel slightly better is great. I love that.

So far, though, no other symptoms besides fever and all of the shaky/dizzy/feeling bad stuff. No sneezes :/ how sad. But I'm hoping they're still to come. I really hope. One of the most recent times I got "sick," about a year and a half ago, it was the day before me and my bf left for this 700 mile long road trip, and I suddenly had a fever of almost 104, it was so horrible. The next morning, It was only at like 99 the whole time, not even really a fever, and then like 2 days later it went back up to 103 and then just went away all together. I never got anything except random fever, and I always wondered what caused it haha. I hope this time isn't like that, I don't want to just have the unpleasant fever and miss out on all the sneezing and stuff :P hah

I'll update tomorrow once I see if I'm feeling up to working.

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I guess... your attempts to catch a cold worked.

Too well.

>.< Haha, that happened to me twice. I was at school (pretty recently, actually), and we were doing stuff on this thing called a TRX. I was actually doing it well... which is weird, cuz I suck at P.E. XP All of a sudden, I got really tired. I didn't want to sit out, so I just continued doing it. Bad idea. TRX is really tiring. We barely get any breaks. A few moments later, I felt this piercing pain. At first, it was just a bit uncomfortable. Like the feverish-ness you feel when you're worried. But then, the pain worsened. I started feeling dizzy. The world was spinning... I could barely see straight. I felt like I was going to faint. And all that happened within a minute.

Finally, I asked the teacher if I could sit down. It was so embarrassing... I stopped the entire class to do that. And I'm super embarrassed by things like this. But if I hadn't stopped, I'd have thrown up. I didn't have a choice. So... I ran outside, sat down, and cried. Fortunately, no one noticed...

Highfive for sensitive people. :(

Haha... I felt better after a while. I wasn't sick or anything. But it's kinda weird... maybe I'm just super out of shape, lol. But I walk my dog a lot... isn't that exercising?!! =.=

But yeah, I get you. :) I'd totally feel that way in your situation.

Too bad it's not a wonderfully sneezy cold. But at least you get to cuddle with your BF... ^^

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I guess... your attempts to catch a cold worked.

Too well.

>.< Haha, that happened to me twice. I was at school (pretty recently, actually), and we were doing stuff on this thing called a TRX. I was actually doing it well... which is weird, cuz I suck at P.E. XP All of a sudden, I got really tired. I didn't want to sit out, so I just continued doing it. Bad idea. TRX is really tiring. We barely get any breaks. A few moments later, I felt this piercing pain. At first, it was just a bit uncomfortable. Like the feverish-ness you feel when you're worried. But then, the pain worsened. I started feeling dizzy. The world was spinning... I could barely see straight. I felt like I was going to faint. And all that happened within a minute.

Finally, I asked the teacher if I could sit down. It was so embarrassing... I stopped the entire class to do that. And I'm super embarrassed by things like this. But if I hadn't stopped, I'd have thrown up. I didn't have a choice. So... I ran outside, sat down, and cried. Fortunately, no one noticed...

Highfive for sensitive people. sadsmiley.gif

Haha... I felt better after a while. I wasn't sick or anything. But it's kinda weird... maybe I'm just super out of shape, lol. But I walk my dog a lot... isn't that exercising?!! =.=

But yeah, I get you. smile.png I'd totally feel that way in your situation.

Too bad it's not a wonderfully sneezy cold. But at least you get to cuddle with your BF... ^^

Haha, aw you're so cute. That sounds terrible xP I hate like calling attention to myself like that. :( Reminded me of when I was in middle school and on the basketball team, during practice we were playing a practice game and I'm usually terrible at basketball, but I decided to just go all out and do the best I possibly could and was doing awesome lol. Then started being unable to breathe but kept trying to keep up with everyone until I was just like gasping for breath. I ran off the court to my coach and was just like O.O and fell haha. I don't think I really collapsed, if I did it was only for like a second, because I remember them helping me up. And she told me to keep walking around and sent someone else on the team to help me (ugh, so embarrassed). That was like right before I found out I have asthma haha xP But it's not very bad, it just flares up when my allergies get really bad or hardcore exercise. That was just embarrassing, because it kind of made everyone focus on me and I was crying and was pretty scared cus I didn't know why it had happened at the time. Such an embarrassing moment to remember hahaha

Anyway, I'm supposed to have work in a couple of hours. I kind of had a hard time sleeping, kept waking up and like having to move. I get super restless when I have fever stuff, idk if it's that way for everyone (probably is?). So it was just hard to get comfortable xP Today I felt okay when I woke up, just really weak. And kind of shaky, but not nearly as bad as yesterday. Throat was sore when I woke up, but now it's not really. Still no other symptoms xP Mannn I hope this continues into something haha... Even though Christmas isn't the best timing, but I'll take it when I can get it :P

So I think I'm going to try to go to work anyway haha. Even though I think that'll make it worse, but that's kind of the point. I just don't want to get other people sick, but I don't really have any contagious symptoms to spread... And no fever anymore, just so weak and not feeling good. And we have to clean out the house we're working in today, so that's a lot of moving furniture and being on my feet. It'll probably suck but it's only supposed to be for a few hours (of course it always seems to go longer, though).

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Not working. My grandma came to pick me up and take me to work (I work with her lol) and wouldn't let me haha. Time to spend the day cuddled up and watching movies with the bf :P

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A couple of years ago I had the flu and a fever but I took my karate classes anyway. I felt kind of like you did: hot and shaky and dizzy and awful. But I ended up pushing myself anyway. Finally, I felt so horrible I had to ask the instructor (who happens to be my mother) if I could go to the upstairs area and lay down. There was nobody in that area. She relented, probably because she could see how bad I felt. When I started walking, it felt so weird. It was like you; I felt like I was in a dream. Kind of like I was just walking in space or something. All the voices and sounds around me sounded all muffled. I couldn't really feel myself walking. It was weird. The more I walked, the worse it got. As soon as I reached the top step of the stairs, I took a couple more steps and collapsed. And I kinda sorta...passed out...

IT WAS SO WEIRD. For one thing, it didn't hurt at all when I fell. I didn't even feel it. I'm not sure if I fell completely unconscious or just into semi-consciousness. It was just WEIRD. because while I was out, I saw...trains. Four 32-bit style trains. One was red, one was blue, one was green, and one was yellow. They were going in a circle. They looked like they would be in Pac-Man or something. But it was very strange. And while they were spinning, I heard all these weird voices all talking at once. I couldn't decipher what they were saying, and they sounded all muffled, but it was weird.

Thank GOD I was the only one up there. That would've been so embarrassing. After a few minutes, I sort of came to. I began to sit up, then all of a sudden, I rushed to the stairs and promptly got sick on the top step. I have to say, that whole ordeal did make me feel a bit better.


Oh, and hey, you got sick! Congrats...?

Edited by Not_Telling
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A couple of years ago I had the flu and a fever but I took my karate classes anyway. I felt kind of like you did: hot and shaky and dizzy and awful. But I ended up pushing myself anyway. Finally, I felt so horrible I had to ask the instructor (who happens to be my mother) if I could go to the upstairs area and lay down. There was nobody in that area. She relented, probably because she could see how bad I felt. When I started walking, it felt so weird. It was like you; I felt like I was in a dream. Kind of like I was just walking in space or something. All the voices and sounds around me sounded all muffled. I couldn't really feel myself walking. It was weird. The more I walked, the worse it got. As soon as I reached the top step of the stairs, I took a couple more steps and collapsed. And I kinda sorta...passed out...

IT WAS SO WEIRD. For one thing, it didn't hurt at all when I fell. I didn't even feel it. I'm not sure if I fell completely unconscious or just into semi-consciousness. It was just WEIRD. because while I was out, I saw...trains. Four 32-bit style trains. One was red, one was blue, one was green, and one was yellow. They were going in a circle. They looked like they would be in Pac-Man or something. But it was very strange. And while they were spinning, I heard all these weird voices all talking at once. I couldn't decipher what they were saying, and they sounded all muffled, but it was weird.

Thank GOD I was the only one up there. That would've been so embarrassing. After a few minutes, I sort of came to. I began to sit up, then all of a sudden, I rushed to the stairs and promptly got sick on the top step. I have to say, that whole ordeal did make me feel a bit better.


Oh, and hey, you got sick! Congrats...?

That sounds so crazy and freaky! Really interesting though.. Trains hehe.

Thanks for the congrats! I still really hope I'll get some other symptoms xP it's been pretty much the same today. My head hurts like crazy and muscles get all achy and stuff. But head hurts the worst in the front, like sinus pressure, so I'm hoping that means it might give me some sneezing in a day or two. Mostly I've just been tired and uncomfortable though haha. I threw up a little bit and felt like throwing up a few times throughout the day, but it wasn't too bad. And starting to feel a little less dazed. Idk if that's good or bad, because being uncomfortable like this isn't totally desirable but I don't want it to end without me getting a cold or something :/

This is stupid, but I just can't resist... It's 30 degrees outside right now. That's soooo rare for my area. So I can't miss it, I'm going to take a nice, warm bath and dunk my head, then go outside while I'm soaking wet. My goal is only at 20 minutes, I think that's doable. But it's cold lol.

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But head hurts the worst in the front, like sinus pressure, so I'm hoping that means it might give me some sneezing in a day or two.

haha me too. Barometric pressure and humidity completely changed really suddenly here, today felt kind of like summer. So naturally my allergies were HORRIBLE. Either that or I'm getting a nasty head cold, but it's probably just the allergies 'cuz my parents were having sinus problems as well. Gosh, my sinuses were horrible today! Today and yesterday I woke up all congested, and all day today the sinus pressure has just been ughhhhh. Let's see, pros and cons:

PRO - More sneezing (duh). I probably sneezed eight times or more today. Actually, I have a pretty funny and mortifying obs for one of those sneezes I should probably post...

CON - Pressure headache. Head feels like it's stuffed with cotton. It's not too bad, mostly just bloody annoying

PRO - Um, hold on, lemme think of another one...

CON - I am totally threadjacking you. Sorry 'bout that

PRO - Still thinking...

CON - Feel like I have to sneeze. Which usually isn't so bad except for when it's all day and your nose is burning with that tickle. Kinda hurts, actually. My nose is throbbing.

PRO - I feel totally adorable when I'm pinching the bridge of my throbbing nose. upset.gif that is such a strange sentence I will never say anything like that out loud *hides in corner* is it weird that I like feeling it throb when I pinch it? yes. yes it is, N_T. that is odd in so many ways. My - My nose feels warm, too. And sometimes I can feel the flaring of my nostrils. It could just be the tiniest bit arousing... blushsmiley.gif

CON - Codgestiod. I cad usually keep by voice uder codtrol but it's dot always the bost pleasadt feelig.

Yeah, sorry again for threadjacking your thread. Hope you get sneezes soon, and don't kill yourself PLEASEEEEEE


Aw, man. I feel like I have to sneeze again. *wrinkles nose* Oh allergies...

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Hey congrats on getting sick! :D

I've been on that road before and done some pretty gross things to get my, ahem.... fill of viruses *blush* What I've found worked best : Getting my hand on fresh used tissues from someone you know is sick and stick them directly up your nose (like I said, gross) Works best if it's at the beginning of the cold, when the nose is wetter. Used to do that with my ex boyfriend. I'd clean up the bathroom's trashcan very often and I'd keep my hear peeled for nose blow sound. Then I went to the bathroom after him and collected the goods :)

The other way I've found out quite by mistake. A sick colleague had a sneezing fit on his keyboard and I've pretexted that I had a problem with the software on my computer and wanted to check my emails on his. Then proceeded to rub insistently my eyes after.

I definitely prefer knowing the person from who I'm getting the illness because i'm too much of a germaphobe when it concern other viruses than the common cold. I would dread getting a stomach bug or something worse.

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But head hurts the worst in the front, like sinus pressure, so I'm hoping that means it might give me some sneezing in a day or two.

haha me too. Barometric pressure and humidity completely changed really suddenly here, today felt kind of like summer. So naturally my allergies were HORRIBLE. Either that or I'm getting a nasty head cold, but it's probably just the allergies 'cuz my parents were having sinus problems as well. Gosh, my sinuses were horrible today! Today and yesterday I woke up all congested, and all day today the sinus pressure has just been ughhhhh. Let's see, pros and cons:

PRO - More sneezing (duh). I probably sneezed eight times or more today. Actually, I have a pretty funny and mortifying obs for one of those sneezes I should probably post...

CON - Pressure headache. Head feels like it's stuffed with cotton. It's not too bad, mostly just bloody annoying

PRO - Um, hold on, lemme think of another one...

CON - I am totally threadjacking you. Sorry 'bout that

PRO - Still thinking...

CON - Feel like I have to sneeze. Which usually isn't so bad except for when it's all day and your nose is burning with that tickle. Kinda hurts, actually. My nose is throbbing.

PRO - I feel totally adorable when I'm pinching the bridge of my throbbing nose. upset.gif that is such a strange sentence I will never say anything like that out loud *hides in corner* is it weird that I like feeling it throb when I pinch it? yes. yes it is, N_T. that is odd in so many ways. My - My nose feels warm, too. And sometimes I can feel the flaring of my nostrils. It could just be the tiniest bit arousing... blushsmiley.gif

CON - Codgestiod. I cad usually keep by voice uder codtrol but it's dot always the bost pleasadt feelig.

Yeah, sorry again for threadjacking your thread. Hope you get sneezes soon, and don't kill yourself PLEASEEEEEE


Aw, man. I feel like I have to sneeze again. *wrinkles nose* Oh allergies...

Haha this post is adorable, I don't care if its threadjacking xD

And northern lady, before I joined I read about your experience with the coworker and using their keyboard when I was doing research to try to make this work lol!

So my family just got here for Christmas. My mom, brother, and dad are all sick :o and my brother is from anothe state so I'm sure he has a different one than them :) I've been paying attention to what they touch so when everyone's asleep I can go all out. Also I even licked my brothers iPad while no one was looking made sure I touched everything they touched that didn't make it too obvious. Oh this gets my hopes high, if nothing happens I'll be so disappointed.

The whole feverish illness wasnt as bad when I woke up, but after my boyfriend and I walked around a while in the mall, it came back and I felt pretty bad again. Now it's not as bad, still just kind of out of it and sore. My throats feeling sore and scratchy and one side of my nose was a little plugged, and had a bunch of the thick yellow green snot that usually shows up when you're sick, so I think I have something even if my symptoms aren't as obvious yet. I just hope it gets much worse :P and I hope I can get even more viruses in me from my family hehe...

There have been a few times where I tried and succeeded and getting sick in the past... Once when I was pretty young, probably around 10, my best friend came to youth group and had a cold. I took the lyric sheet she had used to cover her coughing and sneezing and rubbed my face in it. Got sick 5 days later. Then one of my best friends in high school, when she would get sick, I would always try to get it from her. She sat next to me in almost all of my classes, so whenever she would pick up one of my books or whatever, I'd touch it and lick it and managed to get sick from her a few times. She was always so sweet... We're both really sarcastic and never like acted like we cared about each other, but whenever I was sick after her, she seemed to know that she was the one that gave it to me and would take care of me in subtle sweet ways, like giving me cough drops if I was coughing or tissues from her bag without me ever asking for anything. She would just notice and give them to me without saying anything. I just thought it was really sweet of her because neither of us act like very caring people haha.

Any extra advice to lower my immune system since there are so many sick people around me now? This is definitely my chance. I've read about how people can have multiple cold viruses at one time. My aunt who works at a pediatrics center said that the worst cases seem to have multiple viruses, so this could be my chance to give myself one hell of a cold. I really hope it happens.

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Uhm, don't have much more advice than to stay up late and stay indoors alot. :/

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