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How would they sneeze?


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Anyone remember Codename: Kids Next Door? How would Father sneeze? Ohh, how I used to adore that hot-headed man...

He would have a very dramatic sneeze with a long buildup. As the fire rose with each breath, and then the blazing inferno that would result from his loud and poweful sneeze.

I know this is going back deep in the tv vault, but how would Blanche from "The Golden Girls" sneeze?

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Blanche would probably have something like eh-eshh sort of quiet but also dramatic.

How a bout Derek sheperd or Jackson Avery from greys anatomy

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How a bout Derek sheperd or Jackson Avery from greys anatomy

Derek Sheperd would sneeze once. It would be on the louder side and would have a little mist showing for it would most likely be uncovered.

How would Diana Tuarsi from the WNBA sneeze?

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Oh boy...don't know much about WNBA to be honest with you, but you certainly picked a beautiful lady. I'd think she would sneeze in a way where she'd freeze, have her nostrils flare for a few seconds, then she'd sneeze like "aah...haahK'Ssh!" If she was in public. Gotta keep her composure at all times since she's a star sports player. If she was all alone, she'd probably sneeze a powerful sneeze in the cock of her arm.

Sticking to the world of sports, how would either Sage Steele or Erin Andrews sneeze?

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Erin Andrews (I have no idea who the other one is), would sneeze something like "hep-tSCHew!", followed by a couple of false starts, and then a second, harsher: "heh-hep-tSCHuh!"

So... Meryl Streep? What do you think, do you think her real sneeze reminds of her (amazing) fake-sneeze in "Silkwood"? ;)

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So... Meryl Streep? What do you think, do you think her real sneeze reminds of her (amazing) fake-sneeze in "Silkwood"? wink.png

Sage Steele would just drop her notes and go right into a "HARSHOOO!!!" on set, with no warning whatsoever.

Meryl Streep would rub her nose two or three times before allowing a "het...choo" come out.

How would Melissa Rivers from "Joan and Melissa: Joan Knows Best" sneeze?

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She would probably blink once or twice in realization, and then sneeze quickly into her palm. Stifled, perhaps? Yes. Stifled.

How would Howard from The Big Bang Theory sneeze?

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He would sneeze twice and wouldn't think about covering. There would be no build-up as he would go straight into HAASHHOOO!!!, then another HASHOO!! just as long, but not as drawn out.

How would Carmen SanDiego from "Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?" sneeze. (the animated series, NOT the game show)

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GAH! Carmen SanDiego!!! :D :D One of the best villainesses of any game or TV show in my opinion. That was so fun for me to play when I was younger :). I think that her sneeze would be held in but when she lets it go, it'll be a strong sneeze. If it's an allergy she would have she'd sneeze in a fit, but any other time she'd sneeze a powerful single since she's always on the run and she wouldn't want to have her sneezing slow her down. "Haa...HaiSShOO!"

How would Firestar from either the comics or the old shows about her sneeze? http://comics-and-more.blogspot.com/2010/05/firestar-1.html is a pic of her if anyone doesn't know who this older heroine is.

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How would Firestar from either the comics or the old shows about her sneeze?

She would have a violent sneeze that only results from pollen flying in the air as she's trying to save someone.

How would SI supermodel Kate Upton sneeze?

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Kate Upton would have a sneeze that builds up. First she would pause with the tickle in her nose, making that pre-sneeze face with her eyes slightly squinted and her mouth just barely open. Then her breath would hitch with a false start, and she'd exhale. Finally, her breath would hitch more deeply as she covers loosely with one hand: "hih-ncheww!!!" If she had another, she would have another small build up.

How would Witchita (Emma Stone's character) from Zombieland sneeze?

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How would Witchita (Emma Stone's character) from Zombieland sneeze?

She would two quick hitching breaths before letting out one medium sized sneeze, hachooo! then a longer buildup to a little louder sneeze, hasHOOoo!

How would Patricia Velasquez from "Celebrity Apprentice" sneeze?

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That woman has been in so many movies :) She's beautiful in every role she plays ^^. Anyway, I'm thinking that for "Celebrity Apprentice" she would most likely have her hand fly up to her nose to stifle the sneeze before it bursts out or she'd sneeze like HiiTShooo! if she couldn't stifle it in time ;)

How would Robin Meade sneeze? (She's a CNN person on the morning news that they do)

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Went to YouTube for you... :)

Soo... I think she would have a half- stifled sneeze (sound like "He-nghh"), semi loud and not actually covered, maybe she would just put her hand under the nose.

She would sniff a bit afterwards and put her hair away from face.

Maybe I'm so damn weird... But pleaaase, Dr Frank-N-Furter (from The Rocky Horror Picture Show)??

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I think he'd have one large sneeze with a really long build up. Like

Heh... huh... iih... huh... heh... uh... heh.... EHSSHHUU!

Dylan from Maximum Ride?

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Dylan from Maximum Ride?

He would have one softer sneeze because there would be no buildup. It would sound like ashooo! Pretty quick sneeze.

This is not a very popular character, but how would Marina from "Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas" (the animated one) sneeze?

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This is not a very popular character, but how would Marina from "Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas" (the animated one) sneeze?

Oooh, I love that movie! She would probably have a forceful, but stifled sneeze. She would try to be subtle about it, but it would end up being a little more girly and delicate than anyone would expect. (And of course, she'd get concerned looks and 'bless you's from all the pirates!)

Eliot Spencer from the tv show Leverage?

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Eliot Spencer from the tv show Leverage?

He would sneeze twice fairly loudly. Not much of a buildup, but more of a EEEEESHOOOOO!!!! type of sneeze.

How would Julia Roberts sneeze?

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Thank you for including that picture...it's not too weird ;). He's a good looking person...even though I don't know if he's a good guy or a bad guy there XD (never seen the movie Anonymous).

"Do you know what this flower is? I...hiit..." His long nose would flinch and that sneeze would grow too teasing to ignore for very long. He'd probably have two hitched breaths through his nose before a strong sneeze bursts out of him and forces his head to bend down in a random direction. He'd just let his nose twitch in a recovering way for a second before speaking to that guy again like nothing ever happened.

This is going to be odd for a guy who doesn't know a heck of a lot about music to say, but how would Shakira sneeze? (There was a few things I learned in my high school Spanish class XD)

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How would Shakira sneeze?

Shakira would let her nose flair several times as she tries to eliminate the tickle, but then she would break into two or three quick sneezes, sounding like, HEKISSH, HEKISSH....HE...he.. HEKISSH!! Her third sneeze would be louder and relief sounding.

How would Sofia Vergara sneeze?

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I'm stunned that I didn't know who this lady was off the bat. She's beautiful! I recognize her though...man I'm terrible with names sometimes ^^;. To be honest, I would rather have her sneeze for real in a movie or show she does ;), but since she probably won't any time soon that would be recorded...I think that her sneeze would at least be attempted to be stifled at every sneezy tease she gets. If the sneeze is persistent, after two failed stifles she'd wave her hands in front of her face, her eyes would flutter, and she'd let out a "Hah...hah...Hu'tSHoo!"

This is another odd one, but how would Lea Seydoux as Sabine Moreau sneeze? (She is the blonde haired assassin lady in the new Mission Impossible movie)

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This is another odd one, but how would Lea Seydoux as Sabine Moreau sneeze? (She is the blonde haired assassin lady in the new Mission Impossible movie)

Sabine Moreau would be one of those ladies where you wouldn't know if she sneezed or not. Her head would bob a small amount as she execute the perfect silent stifle. She would sneeze mostly one time but on occasion twice. If you want her to sneeze alone, she would let the tickle build until a big...RRRASSHOOOO!!! came from her petite body.

I'm not sure how much sci-fi you watch, but how would Riyo Chuchi from "Star Wars The Clone Wars" sneeze?

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YES! Riyo Chuchi! That blue girl from the series...man I've wanted her to sneeze in that episode where she gets out into the cold snow XD. I haven't seen many episodes of "Star Wars The Clone Wars", but I have seen the few episodes with her in it :).

*Looks back* You've also asked for another girl that I've wanted to see sneeze, Ashoka Tano ^^. (Why is it that the people producing the Star Wars shows never seem to have any character sneeze, male or female? XD)

With Riyo, I think she would have a build up with her rubbing her blue nose a few times before her sneeze sneaks out. I can see her eyes lose their focus as the sneeze gets too urgent for her to hold back and she'd sneeze two semi-loud sneezes that has just a little spray to it. "Heh'TSew! HiTshew!"

This one is in the gaming world...(looked back and you've already taken the girls I was thinking of ;)) how would Mona from the Wario series sneeze? (man it is hard when most of the ones you think of have already been said XD. Here is what she looks like: http://benmccloud.deviantart.com/art/Warioware-Mona-Desktop-191980633 ) speaking of Wario games, there are a few minigames that people would love here :D

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how would Mona from the Wario series sneeze?

she would have two quick sneezes that sneak up on her, and the second sneeze would be louder and more drawn out than the first since she's terrible at holding them in.

In celebration of the premiere, how would Korra from "Avatar: The Legend of Korra" sneeze?

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