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How would they sneeze?


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Korra would rear her head back and ball her fists and yell, "HRUAHHH-CHOO!" as loud as possible. I don't imagine her being remotely subtle at all. She typically sneezes only once, and has a very runny nose afterward.

How would Sasuke from Naruto sneeze?

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How would Sasuke from Naruto sneeze?

He would have one quick sneeze, like a heh-chooo! He would sniff once, maybe twice after the sneeze as he successfully prevents a second from coming out.

How would Jennifer Grey from "Dirty Dancing" sneeze?

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I had to look up this lady. I knew who she was, just didn't know her name X_X. If she sneezed on that show, that would be great ^^. The sneeze would be quick I'm thinking, only two or one hitched breaths. She wouldn't want her sneeze to cause any 'unwanted' attention. "Hia...HIhsshu!" Would be what I think of when I see her.

This is going to be another odd one. A comic character that goes by the name of Infectious Lass. http://xjkenny.deviantart.com/art/LOSH-Infectious-Lass-139702304 is her teenage self and http://www.comicvine.com/infectious-lass/29-47108/ is her adult self :)

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Viper. She looks like one kick-butt sexy agent :). I can imagine her having the classic finger-to-the-nose pose, but she would have hitched breaths anyway while she's doing this. She'd then bend forward quickly in a "Huushew!" before quickly recovering her pose and continuing to do what she does like it never happened, even if her nose is a bit pink afterwards ;).

I know this show hasn't been on for awhile, but how would Terra from Teen Titans sneeze? Both Starfire and Raven have both sneezed in the show multiple times, and someone did do a Terra sneeze comic on DA actually, but I have to admit I've wondered what she would do in the show ^^. It's hard to think of CW characters that haven't already been used XD.

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How would Terra from Teen Titans sneeze?

Terra in her normal form would sniff twice before going into a fast breath that hitches three times before a fast hashooo sneeze. There would only be one unless she has a cold.

We're starting to run out of good characters, but how would Abby from "Cubix" sneeze?

Edited by ThePokeFan599
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We're starting to run out of good characters, but how would Abby from "Cubix" sneeze?

Had to look this one up. I imagine it would come on quite suddenly, before she could properly cover. A sort of quick "Ah-SHEW!", with a quick sniffle and nose-rub afterwards.

Dale Cooper, from Twin Peaks?

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I had to look him up, mainly because I'm terrible at recognizing names, but great choice there! I can see why you would want him XD. For me, it would depend on the situation. If he is drinking coffee or something, he would hate to sneeze and try to stop it, but he wouldn't be able to stop it. He'd probably go "hh...hah...H'Xcho!" in a failed stifle, spilling his desired beverage on his suit ;). If he was out in the open with no one around, his nose would most likely flinch once and the sneeze would burst out of him. "HaahKSHO!" I can imagine he would say something about being glad no one was around to hear him.

I don't know if this girl has already been said, but I know for a fact I don't think she has a picture drawn of her or a story. I'm not sure any of the characters in this show have, which is pretty unusual...but I could be wrong ^^;. Anyone seen the show W.I.T.C.H.? Cornelia is the girl I'm thinking of :)

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I watched it as younger... Let's see...

Cornelia would have typical girly, high pitched sneeze. She would sneeze multiple times, all in cupped hands. And after all , it's a cartoon, so I guess there would be lots of overacted false starts and stuff... :)

And... oh my God, there are so many fic. characters I would like to see sneezing....

Hmmm... OK, how would Marla Singer from Fight Club sneeze??

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Hmmm... OK, how would Marla Singer from Fight Club sneeze??

She would have a nasty sounding sneeze from all the smoke she inhales. It would sound a lot wetter than it really is. HAshhhOO, *cough, cough*

Going pretty far back in the actress vault, how would Joyce Bulifant from "Match Game" sneeze?

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Oh wow, she has such a squeaky, congested little voice!

I think she'd probably have a very squished, wet, congested sneeze--"mmph-hhtchhmph!" She would typically sneeze four times in a row, in sets of two, and the sneezing would leave her very congested for a while afterward, regardless of why she had sneezed. Therefore, she'd blow her nose a lot to try to relieve the pressure, but wouldn't meet with much success.

Nara Shikamaru from Naruto.

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Nara Shikamaru from Naruto.

He's my favorite!happy.png I think he would have a perfectly controlled stifle, letting almost no sound out, especially if he were in public or in the middle of a fight. If the urge to sneeze was really strong, he might pinch his nose between his thumb and forefinger, bending forward slightly and letting out an almost inaudible, "Nkt!" If he were alone, I imagine he would still stifle, but he wouldn't be as careful about it. Once in a while, a soft dry sneeze might escape him, sounding something like, "Kesh'ih!"

Since the Legend of Korra was brought up not too long ago, how about Mako?

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Since the Legend of Korra was brought up not too long ago, how about Mako?

Mako would have two heh's....heh....uh.heh....ach...CHOoooo! sneezes. They could get a little more out of control if he has a cold considering his firebending.

How would Kate Bosworth from "Superman Returns" sneeze?

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How would Kate Bosworth from "Superman Returns" sneeze?

Her's would come on fairly quickly, with little warning. She'd give a sharp intake of breath and try to stifle (not very successfully), turning her head and pressing the back of her hand to her nose: "Heht-NNNGTchew!" The second one would hitch her breath more with a couple little gasps. "HEH-NNGTschoo!"

How would Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) AKA Iron Man sneeze?

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How would Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) AKA Iron Man sneeze?

He would feel a tickle first, and wiggle his nose to try to get it to go away. When that didn't work, he'd stifle a double, but only be mostly successful: k'tch...heh-KSHH!

How about Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic?

Edited by myownprivatesfc
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  • 2 weeks later...

Mr. Fantastic would probably have a medium sized stifle with a little build up. Like: -snf-...ehh...eh-ekg'chhhhk!! and such.

How would Minho from the Kpop group SHINee sneeze? (LOVE him~<333)

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New people have done this :D One of the reasons why I didn't reply to this sooner was because I didn't want to feel like I was replying too much ^^;. I think that Minho would have a sneeze that is fairly sneaky actually. Like he would be in the middle of talking or singing and then all of a sudden, his face would freeze up for a second and then his breath would hitch once, maybe twice, before a "H'tXSsho!" would cause him to stop talking or singing, at least for a few startled seconds ;).

This one is going to be surprising. Yes, I too have seen the Avengers (on my birthday :D), but the person I have in mind I don't think has been mentioned yet anywhere. How would...blast it I don't know her name. She's the girl that was with Fury throughout the movie, from the beginning to the end. I think she did her role really well...ok, EVERYONE in the movie did their role really well, but still, how would she sneeze?

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I believe the character you're referring to is Maria Hill, and yeah, I liked her a lot too. xD

I think she'd have a soft, proper sneeze. I'm picturing her putting the side of her hand under her nose and tipping her head forward slightly with the release, but otherwise not moving very much, or making very much noise. She struck me as the type who's always in control, so she'd probably be in pretty good control of her sneezes too. Case and point, she was blown over a railing by a grenade and was back on her feet in mere seconds.

How about the model/actress Eva Green? Probably best known for Casino Royale and more recently, Dark Shadows. I loved her in both movies, and I've always wondered what she sneezes like.

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Eva would have cough like, but also a bit wet sounding sneeze. She would first probably stay with her mouth opened, ready to sneeze, then she would put her hand in front of her mouth, than one sharp inhale and sneeze. I see her sneezing in triples and maybe some sniffles afterwards.

And whaaaat abooouttt..........

Norma Desmond? (Have Gloria Swanson on my mind, but Broadway Normas are also wellcome :) )

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Norma Desmond's sneeze would start as a very strong tickle, I think, filled with many false starts before she finally bends at the waist, a hand to her face, with a harsh "Ihhschoo!" before sniffing once and straightening again.

Because I'm addicted now. The Medic from TF2~? :D

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Ooh, yay, I love the Medic too! I imagine he'd fight it, maybe giving his nose a firm pinch or rub, and have a long build up as a result, a sort of "Eh... ehh...hheh...". He'd probably grimace or scowl, annoyed, before pitching forward with a loud, violent "HATSCHUU!". I imagine he'd usually sneeze in singles, although a double may sneak up on him now and then. Probably followed by a "What are you looking at, dummkopf?" sort of death glare to anyone watching.

Sorry, mine's a bit of an obscure one. Any Aussies here who've been watching the Miss Fisher Mysteries (and you totally should, it's so pretty!)? If so, how would Detective Inspector Jack Robinson sneeze?

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How would Detective Inspector Jack Robinson sneeze?

He would keep his eyes half-closed as he builds up to a medium-volumed sneeze with two sniffs after sneezing.

How would Asami from "The Legend of Korra" sneeze?

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Asami would try to stifle her sneezes, but would probably lose control after a fit of three or four, and would start letting them out. Probably sounding like something along the lines of "EEiihhsch'ieEW!"

Since I'm STILL obsessed~ xD How would The Scout from TF2 sneeze~?

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Since I'm STILL obsessed~ xD How would The Scout from TF2 sneeze~?

I love when I'm not the only one obsessed. I imagine Scout would sneeze in doubles, probably pausing for a split second, then letting it out loud and fast, not bothering to stifle or even cover. To bad if anyone's in the way.

Hell, let's stick with TF2 for a bit. Sniper, anyone?

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Hell, let's stick with TF2 for a bit. Sniper, anyone?

Sniper I think would have a mid-range sneeze that sounds like "eeeachooooooooooo" with a long release at the end. I would guess only one

How would Paula Patton from MIGP sneeze?

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How would Asami from "The Legend of Korra" sneeze?

She would probably have a sneeze that's more powerful than the average female sneeze, like "huh'IIISHshooo!". The sneeze would be caught in a handkerchief, as that sorta seems fitting for someone of her status.

Oooh, how 'bout a fandom that I'm not sure if anyone knows...Kvothe from the Kingkiller Chronicles?

If no one knows it I'll come up with another one.

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