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How would they sneeze?


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I think she would completely over-exaggerate and draw it out. So tilt her head back a little, take deep breaths 'Aah... aaahh... aaaaah!' And then sneeze uncovered and violently. Something like 'haaaaaartchoo!' (I'm rubbish at spellings :blushing: ) Afterwards, she probably wouldn't bother with the aftermath such as sniffling and pretend nothing has happened.

Uhm... Littlefinger from Game of Thrones?

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I think he would try to have a very dignified sneeze, probably in a stifle that shook his frame. Though I can see him start to lose control if a fit went on~

How about Jane Porter from Disney's Tarzan?

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I imagine that she'd probably have a very small sneeze that she'd extremely embarrassed about and it'd be very feminine and high pitched. However, she'd sneeze continually, probably fits around 5-8 most of the time.

How would Percy Jackson from The Lost Hero series sneeze? (The Lost Hero is a series after The Lightning Thief series where Percy is older and is kidnapped from Camp Half-Blood and put in another... um, place. Lol, no spoilers here!)

Edited by VividBubbles!
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How would Percy Jackson from The Lost Hero series sneeze?

He would sneeze once with pretty strong force, nearly enough to knock him over if standing still.

How would Rachel Weisz from "The Bourne Legacy" sneeze?

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  • 4 weeks later...
How would Rachel Weisz from "The Bourne Legacy" sneeze?

She has a quick sneeze with a large inhale after her first sneeze, and the second sneeze would never come.

How would Madam Rouge from "Teen Titans" sneeze?

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  • 3 weeks later...
How would Madam Rouge from "Teen Titans" sneeze?

A lengthy buildup with four hitches before her big waist-bending sneezes take her over.

How would Ariel from The Little Mermaid sneeze?

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Aw, Ariel! I love Ariel, she's so pretty~ I can see her as having a massive tickle before anything...She's scrunch up her nose and wriggle it before finally hitching for a long moment, then shooting forward with a loud sneeze. Probably with the general female sounding sneeze, high pitched and cute. "IyyshieWW!!"

After all these months...I'm stILL OBSESSED NOW how would Spy from Team Fortress 2 sneeze~~~? :D

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So THAT'S who that guy is! I've always seen so many pics, but never knew who he was. Anywhoosen, he seems like he'd have a bit of a gruff sneeze. (Gruff...yeah, gruff). Something like, he'd be patrolling around somewhere, then stop dead and get a hazy look on his face. His jaw would go slack (cigaratte barely hanging out) and he'd take in a couple of deep-transitioned-to-pitchy breaths, then sneeze a loud, rough "HUURASSSHH!" Maybe a groan afterwards?

Okay, I've been OBSESSED with this guy for the past three weeks. He's just adorable in every way.....So, how would comedian/improv actor Jeff Davis sneeze? :blush:

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Im going to try this out. That Jeff Davis guy would probably have a big sneeze, because hes a comedian and seems like he has agood, big personality. Like "AA-chewww" with a lot of boy movement. Probably wouldnt cover it. I dont know that what I think.

How would Tom Cruise sneeze?

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Tom Cruise: I don't think he'd stifle or hide it, but I don't think he'd make a big deal of it either. Not overly loud, but forceful, maybe a kind of "Harshuu!", covered by a hand or fist.

How about JC Denton, from the original Deus Ex? (On whom I absolutely don't have a crush at all. Not even a little. Really.)

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Oh, I like him! :D I think he'd just slowly cock an eyebrow at realizing a tickle, nostrils beginning to twitch, before clenching his fist tight and bending slightly at the waist, snapping quickly with a rough sounding "HiuhhSHHH!!"

Enough of my TF2 madness. xD Cracking open what I'm sure will be the nostalgic vault for a fair few of us; Clay Bailey from Xiaolin Showdown?

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God it's been Years since I watched that show, it was awesome!

Anyway clay would have a medium size build a little exaggerated and the sneeze would be strong enough to bend him forwards. I also imagine the ground around him would break. :)

How would Alex from a clockwork orange sneeze? :D

Edited by Da kitty ninja
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How would Alex from a clockwork orange sneeze? biggrin.png

That is one odd movie, but here we go. Alex's nose would flare once maybe twice before a quick hitch then letting out two medium size sneezes.

Staying on Xiaolin Showdown, how would Kimiko sneeze?

Edited by ThePokeFan599
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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, so this is just a guess from looking at several pictures of her, but I'd say she'd sneeze in threes and they'd be really cute but powerful and have only a small breath for a warning.

heh-TSH! TSH! TSHii!

How would Chuck from the TV show Chuck sneeze?

Edited by VividBubbles!
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How would Chuck from the TV show Chuck sneeze?

Oh man I love Chuck. I've had many the sneeze fantasy about him.

Chuck would vary between two sneezes. The first would have practically no buildup, giving him just enough time (maybe wink1.gif ) to cover. It would probably interrupt his speech if he were talking and sound like: "H'TSCHHeww!" He would have a clumsy cover, trying vainly to muffle, and may pinch his nose. The second type would be one of those trolling sneezes that drive you nuts but never seem to want to come out. They would be a little more powerful, sounding like "Heh-TSCHHew!!"

(By the way, did you know Chuck sneezes twice in the episode "Chuck Versus the Role Models" ? The sneezes are average, but hey! I'll take 'em! I like the ones in my head better though.)

How would the tenth Doctor (played by the amazing David Tennant) from Doctor Who sneeze?

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How would the tenth Doctor (played by the amazing David Tennant) from Doctor Who sneeze?

AHHHHHH I love Ten. I though I would never love again after Nine, but Ten is so excellent. (I'm still not on Eleven yet...I'm catching up on Netflix.)

Let's see...I have a feeling the tenth Doctor's sneeze would be quite a production. He'd probably sniffle a bit beforehand, maybe even comment about how he feels a sneeze coming on, and then he'd build up pretty quickly with a couple huge intakes of breath, and then he'd sneeze one really lovely "ehhh'schooo!" with his head turned. His eyes would go wide and he'd say something like "oh, bless me!" or "phew!" and maybe laugh a little, then ask politely for a tissue, hehe.

How about Captain Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation? drool.gif Let's get our silver fox on.

Edited by Murphy D.
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How about Captain Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation? drool.gif Let's get our silver fox on.

He would have two sniffs before a medium volumed sneeze. HEEEashoo! On occasion he would sneeze twice.

How would Pocahontas from the self-titled movies sneeze?

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I imagine that it would contort her upper lip and nostrils rather obviously as she tried to hold it back, and that she would blink rapidly and sniffle and snort quite a bit before finally pitching forward in a "Huahh-CHIOUU!" She would cup her hands over her mouth and nose, and her hair would fold over her head. It would be a dramatic production.

Sarutobi Asuma from Naruto?

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This has been going great since I last saw. :P

Hi again Jazz. :blushing: Potter's sneeze would likely be semi-loud, harsh, unexpected, and in twos or threes. Maybe some audible buildup. Like... "h'ESHOO! Heh-HESHoo!"

Awh! I love Harry!


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This has been going great since I last saw. tonguesmiley.gif

Hi again Jazz. blushing.gif Potter's sneeze would likely be semi-loud, harsh, unexpected, and in twos or threes. Maybe some audible buildup. Like... "h'ESHOO! Heh-HESHoo!"

Awh! I love Harry!


Hey, don't cut the line! The way this works is that you answer the last question asked, and then ask one...if you can't answer, wait until one comes up that you can.

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Sarutobi Asuma from Naruto?

Sarutobi's sneeze would be louder since he would release a great amount of energy with each sneeze. There would be two sneezes each time and would vary in strength on the time of day.

A minor character I'm sure, but how would Melody from "The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea" sneeze?

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I think melody would have a really girlish sneeze and she'd always sneeze in pairs.

"Nn'Tchii! Htchii!"

Afterwards, she'd sniff and rub at her nose.

Ethan Wate from Beautiful Creatures? And if no one knows that fandom, your own spin on Danny Phantom's sneeze (not the one in the episode; unless you haven't seen the episode in which this doesn't apply to you).

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I would think he'd sort of cock an eyebrow when he felt a tickle, looking to his nose and twitching it before turning away just barely and jerking with light (but not necessarily high pitched) sneezes. "IhshHH! ShiUU!" or something along those lines.

Because I'm silly, Sergeant Calhoun from 'Wreck-It Ralph'?

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Because I'm silly, Sergeant Calhoun from 'Wreck-It Ralph'?

Ah, I loved that movie!

Hm, Calhoun's sneeze would definitely be harsh, maybe something along lines of HUH'ETSCH or HU'TCHOO! Not stifled, just done into her elbow to get it out of the way. Maybe an annoyed sniffle or too if they were particularly strong.

Continuing the trend of sci-fi ladies, how about Miranda Lawson from the Mass Effect series?

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