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Sneeze Fetish Forum

W.I.N.'s drabble thread


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The deadline's not until Feb 14th... it's not going to be for awhile. But here are the other prompts if you're curious to see what other goodies are coming. I also requested sneezy Dean-with-a-cold being loved up by Sam and Andy (ANDY!) and sneezy Dean-with-a-cold being loved up old-fashioned-style (with the steaming footbath and the ice bag on head and all that paraphernalia) by Bobby as observed by Sam and those both got taken too. EEE! :blink:

Okay, PLEASE to be providing a link! You will make me happy forever! (That, and if you post more stories. :boom: )

No promises, but I might always be inspired by the prompts —unofficially, you understand. :blink:


Prompt: #27 Disagreement

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Borrowing Mr. Kripke's toys for a while.

Word count: 100

“Why are we even fighting about this?” Sam wants to know.

“Id's dot a fighdt, id's a disagreebedt.” Dean is struggling to zip up his jacket, drops both ends of the zipper to sneeze into his cupped hands. “HAISHOO!”

“Fine. I disagree with your misbegotten notion that you're well enough to go out. Just let me do it, it's not hard.”

ISHOO!” Dean gives up on trying to zip up the jacket. “Bisbegodden. Good word. Dice do see you did't wasde your edugatiod. ESHOO!”

“You're crabby 'cause you know I'm right.”

“Shud up.”

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I love that the tissue's just wrecked and wet... and that his eyes are streaming... and the false start partway through his massive number of sneezes. Which somehow makes it seem like the sneezing's just never going to end.

And oops, I totally had copied this link for you and then forgot to paste it in. Enjoy! Be inspired!!!!


Oh man. :blink:

If there's one thing I love as much as sneezy Dean... and there isn't... but if there was... it would be dizzy/fainting/feverish Dean. Dizzy fainting feverish SNEEZING Dean? You SPOIL ME.

The stuffiness... the stubbornness... the "I can't even do up my jacket because I'm too busy sneezing" sneeziness... Sam being amazing and conscientious and trying to make him see reason... *melts*

You make a really good case for sneezy Sam here. Poor embarrassed muffin.

The boys in Hallowe'en costumes (and cranky about it) are uber cute. Especially since Dean's allergic to his. <3

Poor sneezy kleenex-occupied BOY! I love how he just can't get it under control! And how Sam feels sort of bad but just won't take the fall.

It's insane how much new sneezy Dean there is in the world right now. It's like Christmas. :blink:

Mod Note: Merged six posts

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Woo! Thank you!

I also note you're a LJ friend of Curtana, who is awesome. Small world, isn't it?




I love that the tissue's just wrecked and wet... and that his eyes are streaming... and the false start partway through his massive number of sneezes. Which somehow makes it seem like the sneezing's just never going to end.

And oops, I totally had copied this link for you and then forgot to paste it in. Enjoy! Be inspired!!!!


Easy enough to do. You and I appear to have entirely compatible tastes when it comes to torturing Dean. :blink:


Oh man. :boom:

If there's one thing I love as much as sneezy Dean... and there isn't... but if there was... it would be dizzy/fainting/feverish Dean. Dizzy fainting feverish SNEEZING Dean? You SPOIL ME.

The stuffiness... the stubbornness... the "I can't even do up my jacket because I'm too busy sneezing" sneeziness... Sam being amazing and conscientious and trying to make him see reason... *melts*

Yeah, trying to make Dean see reason is a little bit like trying to make the Earth shift its orbit, but he's giving it the good ol' college try! :blink:

You make a really good case for sneezy Sam here. Poor embarrassed muffin.

Aww, he really is a poor muffin, isn't he? :laugh:


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This thread is awesome. Like, like adorable furry St Bernard puppies with huge paws, only they have chocolate hanging from their collars instead of brandy.

And everybody else who posted Supernatural fic lately, you're awesome too.

I'd post more, but I got a pretty good fever going right now, and I'm having trouble finding the right keys.

But thanks for posting, and getting fic I adore when sick is just fantastic timing.

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I'm just loving this! As you can probably tell by now, you've made lots of people very happy, most especially me! *dances*

My pleasure! Everyone has been awesome and posting SPN fics, it's all very inspiring! Plus, happy comments FTW!


This thread is awesome. Like, like adorable furry St Bernard puppies with huge paws, only they have chocolate hanging from their collars instead of brandy.

And everybody else who posted Supernatural fic lately, you're awesome too.

I'd post more, but I got a pretty good fever going right now, and I'm having trouble finding the right keys.

But thanks for posting, and getting fic I adore when sick is just fantastic timing.

Thank you! I'm glad I could make your day a little better. Hope you feel better soon!

The boys in Hallowe'en costumes (and cranky about it) are uber cute. Especially since Dean's allergic to his. <3

Hee! I was kind of amused by that notion myself. :boom:

Poor sneezy kleenex-occupied BOY! I love how he just can't get it under control! And how Sam feels sort of bad but just won't take the fall.

It's insane how much new sneezy Dean there is in the world right now. It's like Christmas. :blink:

Isn't it great? It's like my birthday every day! Speaking of which, I am totally stalking your LJ from work right now. Wow. Your fic makes me all warm and fuzzzy. :blink:


Prompt: #28 Assignment

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: There would be a lot more squeeing on this end if I owned Supernatural.

Word count: 100

“Whatcha doin'?” Sammy comes to peer over Dean's shoulder.

Dean frowns at his paper, crosses out the last sentence with a vicious sweep of his pen. Swipes at his nose with the cuff of his sleeve. “I have an assignment due tomorrow.”

“About what?”

Dean stifles a sneeze. He's been feeling like crap all day, hates having homework, hates the whole world. “About annoying little brothers who read over people's shoulders, and what happens to them when they do.”

“Need help?” Sammy offers, eyes alight with hope.

Dean groans. Some days, you just can't win.

Prompt: #29 Purple

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Still waiting for pigs to fly...

Word count: 100

The circles under Sam's eyes are dark purple and look almost like bruises against his pale skin. He's slumped in the passenger seat of the Impala, head propped against the window, and Dean can't tell if he's falling asleep or losing consciousness. A sheen of sweat has formed on his face, lines of pain etched at the corners of his eyes, mouth drawn into a thin line.

“Sammy, you still with me, bro?”

A muffled cough. “Yeah. 'M good.”

Motel lights, in the distance. Dean has never been as happy to see a vacancy sign in his life.

Prompt: #30 June

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Hell hasn't frozen over yet, but I have my fingers crossed!

Word count: 100


“I think I've figured it out,” Sam says tapping his pen significantly against his pad of paper.

Dean tries to stifle the next sneeze, unsuccessfully. “HKSHOO!” Sniffles. “What?”

“It always happens at the same time, so it must be seasonal, except it's more specific than that.”

HETCHOO!” The sneeze folds Dean over. “Dude, either I'm farther gone than I thought, or you're not making any sense.”

Sam grins. “No, it makes perfect sense. You're allergic to the month of June.”

Dean sneezes again, blows his nose. “Sometimes I hate you.”

Prompt: #31 Calculating

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Maybe they could be mine in a parallel universe?

Word count: 100

Sam's knuckles have turned white from gripping the steering wheel. He checks the road signs, calculating the number of miles left before the next town. In the back seat, under a blanket, Dean doesn't quite manage to stifle a moan as they go over a bump in the road, one arm flung over his eyes to block out the weak light from the dashboard. What started out looking like a cold turned into the flu, and is now sounding suspiciously like pneumonia.

“Easy, Dean. Ten more miles. Hang in there.”

Dean coughs, manages a wheezing breath. “I'm hangin'.”

Prompt: #32 Fall

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: In this universe, they still belong to Eric Kripke.

Word count: 100

This isn't a good time to be dizzy. They're at the top of a ravine, a fifty-foot drop onto solid rock, and Dean's suddenly not too sure of his balance. Things keep swimming in and out of focus. He presses a hand to his head, trying to keep everything where it should be.

“S'mmy?” he's slurring his words, can't help it. Feels rather than sees Sam turn. “Catch me if I fall?”

His eyes roll back in his head, his knees buckling, and the last thing he feels is Sam's hands, firm under his arms, holding him up.

Prompt: #33 Cry

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Many thanks to Mr. Kripke & co. for not suing!

Word count: 100

Dean is sniffling into a tissue, doing his best to fuse with Bobby's couch, watching television with half-hearted interest. Surrounded by piles of used tissues, a half-finished glass of orange juice on the table next to him, along with a bowl of soup he's barely touched. Sam's been babying him, and Dean is letting him, feeling too crappy to resist much.

Dean sniffles a little more loudly, pulls another tissue from the box, and Sam turns to see that the afternoon special is coming to a close. Smiles, pretends that he totally hasn't seen Dean cry, just a little bit.

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Prompt: #34 Relief

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: I totally found this fandom lying abandoned in a gutter? Can I keep it? Please?

Word count: 100

“Huh... heeh...” Sam's head is tilted back, finger crooked under his nose, eyes fluttering shut, drawing short breath after short, shuddering breath.

“Dude, how is it that you manage to turn even sneezing into a huge giant thing?” Dean asks incredulously.

Sam can't answer, his breath hitching to hard for speech. “Huh... huuh!” Dean can't help but watch, fascinated by the long, drawn-out process. Wonders, not for the first time, if he might have been adopted, or if Sam's some kind of changeling. Finally Sam wrenches aside, finds relief in the crook of his elbow. “HHEIISSHH!”

You are made of awesome :P

Aww, thanks! I was bored at work, and now am spamming the forum with drabbles. :cry:


Prompt: #35 Breath

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: *wishes very hard she owned Supernatural*

Word count: 100

Dean hasn't had trouble with asthma since he was a little kid. It's almost completely disappeared as he's gotten older. Except for now. Perched on the edge of the bed, pressing a fist against his chest, wheezing painfully.

Sam rummages through Dean's pack, finds the inhaler they keep just in case, comes back to sit next to him. Holds the mouthpiece to his brother's bluish lips. “Easy, now. Deep breath.” He rubs circles on Dean's back with his free hand, presses the release on the pump as Dean inhales. Lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Prompt: #36 Miserable

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: I am pretending Supernatural is mine, just for 100 words.

Word count: 100

It's been a long, wet, miserable night waiting for a ghost that never bothered to show up. Dean's teeth are chattering so loudly that Sam can hear them even over the music in the Impala.

Dean wavers as he gets out of the car back at the motel, has to clutch at the hood to keep his balance. Tries to wave off Sam's anxious attempts to help, falters, finally lets him prop him up, long enough to get inside.

Doesn't resist when Sam pulls off his wet clothes, puts him to bed, wrapped in a blanket. Cuddles up for warmth.

Prompt: #37 Chocolate

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Let's hope Mr. Kripke is the sharing type.

Word count: 100

“I dod't wadt theb,” Dean is being petulant, hugging a hot water bottle to his chest, his nose bright red and running.

“Dude, it's just pills. They'll help you sleep, and you'll feel better. Just take them, already.” Sam is in full-bore coax-Dean-into-cooperating mode. Harder than it sounds.

“Dope. Dot dose odes.” Dean shakes his head, sniffles. Accepts a tissue, wipes carefully at his sore nose with it. “Dod't ligke 'eb. Dey're gross.”

“Which ones, then?” Sam exhales in a puff of air, exasperated. “What'll it take?”

“Do dey cobe id chogolate flavour?”

Prompt: #38 Violent

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: I am playing shamelessly in someone else's sandbox!

Word count: 100

“Okay, there's no need to get violent, here,” Sam interposes himself between Dean and the very large man built like a refrigerator, on whose shoes Dean has just had the very poor judgement to puke.

He tries to straighten up, is stopped by the pain in his stomach. “Sorry, couldn't help it,” he coughs, flinches with pain. He feels like crap, cold and shivery. Maybe it's not just a cold after all.

The man raises a fist, and with a resigned look Sam knocks him out cold with a straight left to the jaw. “I did warn him.”

Prompt: #39 Muffle

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Do I own this? Uh, why, sure... hey! LOOK OVER THERE! *runs away*

Word count: 100

Cops. Just outside the door. Dean draws his knees up to his chest, tries to melt into the floor of the closet where he's hiding. His nose is tickling. The timing is absolute ass. He pinches his nose, feels the sneeze lingering in spite of his best efforts. Dying to sneeze. If he does, he might actually die tonight. Sometimes police shoot first, ask questions later. Can't blame 'em.

Nothing to be done. He buries his nose in his arm, tries to muffle the sneeze. “HGFFFH!” Holds his breath, waits.

Exhales with a sigh of relief when they leave.

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You are hitting every button I have, I swear. I love Sam babying sickly Dean more than anything EVER, and I'm just... gonna go re-read these now.

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Oh wow... I agree with a previous poster - you ARE made of awesome!!


You are totally making me blush, here. Thank you. :cry:


You are hitting every button I have, I swear. I love Sam babying sickly Dean more than anything EVER, and I'm just... gonna go re-read these now.

Aww, shucks, people. You guys are so nice! :rolleyes:


Prompt: #40 Swift

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: *whines* Why can't I have 'em? Whyyyy?

Word count: 100

Dean doesn't know if he's moving in slow-motion today, or if Sam has mysteriously speeded up, but his brother is swift with a cup of tea, a handful of tissues, as Dean sits up, groggy, propping his elbows on his knees, coughing painfully. At least he's not dead. Pretty sure dead people don't feel this crappy.

“Drink up,” Sam presses the tea into one hand, pills into another.

The scalding liquid is soothing, in spite of the heat. “Everything's moving too fast,” he complains.

A cool hand brushes against his forehead. “We'll fix that,” Sam promises him.

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Aww, thank you! You just about made my day. :cry:


This is by far the BEST drabble thread EVER !!!!!! :P

Prompt: #41 Run

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: If I'm really, really nice, think I can have 'em?

Word count: 100

“Think you can get it to run?” Sam asks Bobby, his voice low, staring at the Impala, which has black smoke coming out from under the hood.

Bobby shakes his head. “Dunno what you idjits did to it, but I reckon we can get 'em both up and runnin' in no time.” He jerks his head back toward the house, where they've put Dean to bed with hot soup, wrapped shivering around a hot water bottle and cursing the day they invented rain storms.

“You know Dean. He's never entirely himself unless his baby is purring too.”

Prompt: #42 Poison

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Playing with other people's toys is fun!

Word count: 100

“Just drink it,” Sam props Dean up in the bed, avoids the flailing attempt to push the medicine away.

“Nuh-uh. Could be poison,” Dean mumbles.

“It's NyQuil. Take it.”

“Need a taste-tester. Like Tinkerbell.” He smiles at his own joke.


“Drinks the poison instead of Peter. Then if the pixie croaks, all you gotta do is clap your hands.” He shivers, skin clammy to the touch.

“Okay, that makes it officially delirium.”

“I do believe in fairies,” Dean laughs. “I do.”

“Dude, you are seriously begin to worry me.”

Prompt: #43 Contagion

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: I was totally going to give them back, I swear!

Word count: 100

Sam sprawls his full length on the sofa, one arm over his face, blanket tangled in his legs. The picture of misery. Dean is trying very, very hard to be inconspicuous, but it's not working very well.

HAPTSCHUH!” he cringes at the noise, but his nose hasn't let up for the past half hour, isn't about to start now. “HEPSCHUUH!”

Sam stirs restlessly, turns over, hugging his arms to his chest. “Dude, stop trying to be quiet. You're even louder than usual.”

“Sorry,” Dean is contrite.

“You should be. You gave me your damned cold.”

Prompt: #44 Tissue

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: May I play with them for five more minutes, please?

Word count: 100

HAISHOO! ISHOO! Huh... ESHOO!” Dean's been sneezing non-stop ever since they got to the Roadside.

Sam blushes as every pair of eyes in the place turns to stare. Dean is hunched over, hands cupped over his face, still convulsing.


He stops, panting, hands still over his face, and Sam looks at him. “You okay?”

“I really deed a dissue,” the admission is embarrassed.

Ellen is there, box of tissues in hand. “Bless, hon.” She reaches out, feels his forehead. “You need to be in bed.”

Dean blows his nose, acquiesces meekly.

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It's like magic! :D


The best part about this thread? It grows like bamboo. It actually grows while I am reading it.

Prompt: #45 Sore

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: May I play with them for five more minutes, please?

Word count: 100

“Ow! Quit that!” Dean jerks away irritably.

Sam pauses, antiseptic wipe in hand. “It'll get infected.”

“It's sore.” Dean swats at him weakly, then turns away sneeze. “ISHOO!”

“Don't be such a baby.” Dean is a pain when he's hurt, is worse when he's sick, and is absolutely impossible when he's both. He has a streaming cold, bad enough to make him dizzy, and now he's sporting an egg-sized lump on his head complete with a nasty gash from falling against the sink.

ISHOO!” Dean glares, submits to the treatment. “Not a baby.”

Prompt: #46 Enraptured

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Still don't own anything. Tragic, really.

Word count: 100

Sam is edgy, impatient, dying to go. That means prying Dean away from the stained glass window, which he's been staring at, enraptured, for the past ten minutes.

“Dude, last I checked, we're still wanted men. Can we please go?”

Dean isn't listening to him. “Have you seen how the light catches the colours?” He traces a finger along the patterned glass, a goofy grin on his face, eyes a little glassy.

“Dean... how much Sudafed did you take?”

“Just enough,” Dean wobbles, and Sam grabs his elbow firmly.

“Okay, tough guy, time to go.”

Prompt: #47 Wary

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Not mine. Not yet. Maybe someday.

Word count: 100

It's too good to be true, and Dean is wary. Pretty girls throwing themselves at him is one thing, but pretty girls throwing themselves at him while he's congested, sweaty, and has just puked into a convenient trash can? Totally suspicious. Unfortunately, right now his legs aren't really cooperating with his desire to get away. He flops down, leans against the trash can, waiting for the world to hold still.

“Are you okay?” Slender fingers brush up against his forehead. “You're sick.” It's no longer a question. “Can I call someone for you?”

Dean nods. “My brother.”

Prompt: #48 Pathetic

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Still no love from Kripke & Co. My day will come...

Word count: 100

“Never have I seen such a pathetic display. We could put you in a gothic romance and you'd fit right in,” Sam grins, leaning over the bed.

Dean blows his nose and tosses the tissue into an overflowing trash can. “I dod't kdow whad you're talkig aboud. Are you sure I'b the ode whose sigck? You soud delirious... huh... HAPSCHUH!” He sneezes so hard his ears pop, leans back with a dramatic groan. “I wadt to die.”

“The Bronte sisters have nothing on you.”

Dean gives him a flat look. “I'b goig bagck to sleeb.”

Prompt: #49 Sweat

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: I am going to invent a time machine, so I can go back and own SPN. Or something. Yeah.

Word count: 100

Dean is seated at Bobby's kitchen table, head under a towel, shoulders hunched. “Seriously, what fresh hell is this?”

“Sit still and let the steam do its job, idjit,” Bobby thumps him on the shoulder. “It'll clear your sinuses.”

HHISHOO!” Dean's nose rebels, and the boiling water sloshes in the bowl. “All it's doing is making me sweat,” he complains. “And sneeze,” he adds, for good measure.

“That's what it's supposed to do. Quit yer whining.”

Dean sniffles, tries to hold still as a bead of sweat rolls off his nose. “Perfect.”

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It's the gift that keeps on giving. They're a lot of fun to write, and 100 words is easy-peasy, especially compared to my other fic, which forces me to think.




Oooh, wow! These grew so fast. O.o :o :o

Prompt: #50 Gentle

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: I own nothing. NOTHING!

Word count: 100

Sam is seeing stars. The last bout of coughing left him dizzy, weak, and now concussed after he lost his balance and cracked his head against... what? He's not sure. The ground is rough under him, rocky and uneven, and his fingers dig into the dirt, instinctively scrabbling for purchase.

Dean's hands are gentle, probing the wet patch at the back of his skull. Sam blinks painfully as a pen light gets flashed in his eyes. “Don't tell me how many fingers I'm holding up, but how many you see.”

“Is that a trick question?”

“Absolutely. ”

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Dean wiping his nose and sniffling then immediately having to sneeze... sooo good. Love Sam's puppydog devotion/refusal to take the hint.

*dies of the hot*

Sam's devotion to the mystery... Dean's utter preoccupation/helpless sneeziness... the noseblow at the end to seal the deal... aghh.

Poor shivery sweetheart!

*cuddles in from the other side*

*fans self*

I keep thinking about this kind of sneeze too - I haven't tried drabbling it yet. The "we are in grave danger and if you sneeze right now something really bad could happen" sneeze.

Well played!

Sam and Bobby collectively putting Dean to bed? ADORABLE. And then trying to fix his baby for him. <3

DEEEANNN. All feverish and out of sorts and disoriented and not liking it. And gentle gentle gentle Sam. And FOREHEAD FEELS.

This one's completely gorgeous. :lmfao:

Sam! I love how knight-in-shining-armour he is here!!!

"Tough guy"!!! I want squeeze Sam. So CUTE!

The "wait two and a half minutes before you post" rule is getting in my way... otherwise there would be individual love on all of these. I've read all twenty-two new pieces of bite-sized deliciousness. Thank you for ALL OF THEM. :)

Mod Note: Merged from eight posts.

I appreciate that W.I.N has posted several drabbles in a row and you have not had time to comment in between, however I have had to merge a large number of posts by you throughout this thread, many of them posted one after another. Please refrain from posting more than once between chapters or drabbles in future.

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Dean with a cold strikes me as a total whiner. Unabashedly so. Injure him severely and he'll be all stoic, but a simple case of the sniffles? Whine city. :)

I'm glad you're still enjoying the drabbles. :D


Ahahaha @ drabble #49. And aw @ delirious!Dean.

I'm continuing the love the heck out of these!

Holy cow! Look at all the comment love! :D



Dean wiping his nose and sniffling then immediately having to sneeze... sooo good. Love Sam's puppydog devotion/refusal to take the hint.

Yeah, I got bored at work. Lots of time for drabbles! :lmfao:

I can never quite figure out if Dean lets Sam take care of him because he needs the care, or because he thinks it'll make Sam feel better. Probably a combination of the two.

*dies of the hot*

Sam's devotion to the mystery... Dean's utter preoccupation/helpless sneeziness... the noseblow at the end to seal the deal... aghh.

Between the drabble and the short story, it is a HAPPY place inside my head these days. Makes it very hard to focus on anything else. *sigh*

Poor shivery sweetheart!

*cuddles in from the other side*

I know. So pathetic! I write these and I want to cuddle him. :heart:

*fans self*

I keep thinking about this kind of sneeze too - I haven't tried drabbling it yet. The "we are in grave danger and if you sneeze right now something really bad could happen" sneeze.

Well played!

Oh, this is one of my favourite kinds of sneeze: the sneeze-while-hiding trope. I've only ever written it successfully twice, and it is HARD. I love it, though, when other people get it right.

Sam and Bobby collectively putting Dean to bed? ADORABLE. And then trying to fix his baby for him. <3

Sometimes I figure it would take at least two people to convince Dean to take it easy.

DEEEANNN. All feverish and out of sorts and disoriented and not liking it. And gentle gentle gentle Sam. And FOREHEAD FEELS.

This one's completely gorgeous. B)

Sam being all care-y about Dean just makes me freakin' melt. I don't know why, but it does. :wub:

Sam! I love how knight-in-shining-armour he is here!!!

Nothing like an Injured!Dean to bring out the Momma Bear in Sam. :)

"Tough guy"!!! I want squeeze Sam. So CUTE!

The "wait two and a half minutes before you post" rule is getting in my way... otherwise there would be individual love on all of these. I've read all twenty-two new pieces of bite-sized deliciousness. Thank you for ALL OF THEM. :D

Thank you SO much for all your comments! The feedback is super helpful. If I were writing these just for me, I wouldn't post them, so getting a good notion of what people like is really great. :)


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Poor, poor sneezy boy.... :) Muah ha ha ha ha!!!! I can't stop re-reading these, they make me so unbelievably happy. *has stupid grin on face* Dean's such a little boy sometimes....Why can't they make him sick and sneezy on the show? Why? :rolleyes:

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Clearly the writers don't know any better. :whistle:

Season 1 or 2 would have been the perfect timing for an episode like that. I haven't seen Season 4 or the current season yet, but from what I've heard they are WAY too angst-ridden for a fluffy episode about Dean with a cold. *sigh*


Poor, poor sneezy boy.... :shifty: Muah ha ha ha ha!!!! I can't stop re-reading these, they make me so unbelievably happy. *has stupid grin on face* Dean's such a little boy sometimes....Why can't they make him sick and sneezy on the show? Why? :wub:
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The "wait two and a half minutes before you post" rule is getting in my way... otherwise there would be individual love on all of these. I've read all twenty-two new pieces of bite-sized deliciousness. Thank you for ALL OF THEM. :drunk:

Mod Note: Merged from eight posts.

I appreciate that W.I.N has posted several drabbles in a row and you have not had time to comment in between, however I have had to merge a large number of posts by you throughout this thread, many of them posted one after another. Please refrain from posting more than once between chapters or drabbles in future.

Ack! I feel kind of responsible. :D

Vetinari was kind enough to tell me how to respond to multiple posts if you want to quote from them: just hit the little "quote" button at the bottom of a comment, and it'll turn red. You can click as many of them from a single page as you want, and then click "Add Reply" to write your own post.

Otherwise, thank you for commenting! I love the feedback. I guess we just both need to work on not spamming the boards. :lmfao:


Prompt: #51 Milk

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Hell still hasn't frozen over, so I guess they're still not mine.

Word count: 100

“Okay, I know it's gross, but you still have to take it,” Sam sits on the edge of Dean's bed.

Dean fidgets, makes a face. “Dude, come on. I'm practically all better.”

“Uh-huh. So, coughing so hard that you puked this morning was all part of getting better?” Sam isn't letting himself be deflected, not this time. He's not going to stand by helplessly while Dean's sick, not this time.

Saaam,” Dean whines, and Sam knows he's won.

“Come on. I put it in milk. That'll make it palatable.”

Dean grimaces, takes the glass anyway.

Prompt: #52 Ravenous

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Alas, I own neither Sam nor Dean, nor anything connected to the show.

Word count: 100

Dean feels as though his eyelids have been replaced by sandpaper. He blinks painfully, looks around, sees Sam, relaxes. Gingerly he props himself up on his elbows, and immediately, miraculously, a glass of water is at his lips, and it's the sweetest-tasting stuff in the world.

“Welcome back,” Sam gives him that smile that can light up the darkest of nights. “You had me worried for a while, there.”

“Just a cold, Sam.” Dean grumbles, but he can't put his heart into it.

Sam just smiles. “You hungry? I can arrange for a cheeseburger.”


:::Oops, double-post. Good thing I had another drabble ready!:::

Prompt: #53 Blanket

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: I had a lovely dream in which I owned Supernatural. Then I woke up.

Word count: 100

Sharing a bed with Dean might have been great when he was five, but now it's a hassle and a half. Unfortunately, the motel they're staying at only had one room left with a king-sized bed, and Dean has been fading fast for the past few hours. Now he's coughed himself into exhaustion, passed out on the bed, and Sam is feeling cramped and stiff, trying not to disturb him. Dean stirs, sneezes, pulls the bedclothes toward him, mumbles tiredly.

“Dude, quit hogging the blanket. Freezing, here.”

Sam heaves a sigh, tucks the blanket more securely around Dean's shoulders.

Prompt: #54 Needles

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: I own NADA. It is teh sad.

Word count: 100

“Don't worry, hon, I do this a hundred times a day,” the nurse assures Dean, all cool professionalism.

Dean is white as a sheet, sweating buckets. “I, uh, don't really like needles.”

Sam snorts at the understatement, and Dean glares, completely ineffectually. “Hey,” Sam says, “I'm not the one who sneezed so hard he fell backward into a wall filled with rusty nails.”

“Shut up.”

Dean's voice is anguished, and Sam takes pity on him. Leans forward, squeezes his hand. “Focus on me.”

“Okay, all done.”

Dean exhales shakily, sags in his chair.

Prompt: #55 Sports

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Not mine. *sobs quietly in a corner*

Word count: 100

“For the last time, no!” Sam snaps, concentrating on his laptop.

“Come on, it's the Superbowl! Humour me,” Dean says from the other bed, before blowing his nose into a tissue for what seems like the millionth time.

“I hate organized sports.”

Dean's first retort is lost in a volley of sneezes. “HEPTSCHUH! HESHOO! HAPTCHOO!” He sniffles. “Killjoy. ESHOO!”

“You want me to finish this research or what?”


Sam glances over at Dean, sees the expression on his face, shuts the laptop. “All right, shove over and give me some room.”

Prompt: #56 Ruin

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: *gnashes teeth, rends garments* O, that they could be mine!

Word count: 100

A/N: Uh, there are TWO prompts with #55, which means, I think, that that makes 101 prompts. I haven't checked to see if any are missing. No complaints, but it does mean that the prompts will no longer be numbered correctly from now on.

“What will it take for you not to sneeze all over my baby?”

Sam pinches his nose shut, shoots Dean a withering glare. “I swear, you love that car bore thad adythig id the udiverse.”

“Damn straight.”

“I sdill hab to sdeeze.”

“Well, can you hold it?”

“Whad do you thigk?” Sam is annoyed that he's even contemplating trying to do as Dean asks. It's ridiculous.

“Original leather interior, dude. I don't want you getting spray all over it.”

Sam rolls his eyes, rummages, finds a tissue. “HEKTSCHH!”

Dean grins. “Attaboy.”

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Yes, you SHOULD update! There are people here waiting with baited breath for your updates! ;)


yay for updates... if only I could be so diligent
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