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W.I.N.'s drabble thread


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Prompt: #89 Tattoo

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: I am going to file an official petition to... oh, who am I kidding?

Word count: 100

“You know what you need?” Jo leans in, smiles mischievously at Dean.

He tries very hard not to stare down her shirt, finds unexpected salvation in a sneeze. “HGFFHH! Uh... whad's thad?”

“A tattoo.”

“Sniff... huh... whad?”

“On your forehead.”

HEKTSCHUH! Uh... are you od subthig?”

“I think 'idiot' would fit nicely. Maybe a fancy cursive script.” She raises her hands in a mock-framing gesture.

He folds over at the waist. “HEHKRSHH-uh! HEPTSHH! Hih-ISH-uh!”

“Seriously. Go back to bed.”

“Hih... sud of a bitch. You ad Sab. Id's a codsbiracy.”


Prompt: #90 Money

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: I swear, I'm just playing! Please don't sue!

Word count: 100

Dean reaches blearily for the pill bottle on the bedside table, squints at the label. “Sab?”

Sam is there in a heartbeat, hovering, checking for fever with cool fingers. “You okay?”

He nods weakly. “'I'b fide. This sduff is eggspedsive,” he rattles the bottle. “Why did't you ged the regular kide?”

“You were pretty sick, dude. Had to pull out the nuke-'em-from-orbit pills.”

“We haved't had dew cards id weegks. Where'd you ged the bodey?”

Sam shrugs, pats Dean's knee. “You're not the only one who can hustle a game of pool, Dean.”


Prompt: #91 Childhood

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Please don't send mean lawyers after me! Or even nice ones...

Word count: 100

Even though he'll never admit it except under torture, Dean is keenly aware that he and Sammy never had what would be considered a normal childhood. The only time things ever got close to normal was when one of the boys got sick. There was chicken soup and movies on the TV and everyone all piled together in the same bed.

So he grabs a blanket, ignores Sam's murmured protests, and joins him in the bed with a box of tissues and a thermos of soup, settles down happily.

“Just like old times, right Sammy?”

Sam sits up. “Yeah.”

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is most definitely in love

Aww, thank you!

Poor Winchesters. They beg for abuse.

Have to jump in and comment that I keep going back and rereading and rereading these. Love them.

Wow. :blushing: That's a wonderful compliment. Thank you!


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I keep going back and re-reading them toooo. :blushing:

You pack so much into each drabble! I find myself imagining the story behind each one, which I must say is a pleasant pastime.

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*Does happy dances all round the room*


These are just too good to miss!!

I love all of these, and I totally agree, Sammy is an awesome brother

More!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::lol::blushing::)

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I keep going back and re-reading them toooo. :love:

You pack so much into each drabble! I find myself imagining the story behind each one, which I must say is a pleasant pastime.

You people are going to make me die from blushing, here! :blushing:

(Not that I am opposed to comments. Comments are awesome!)

I try to think of a story behind each drabble, too. It makes them work out better in my head.

*Does happy dances all round the room*


These are just too good to miss!!

I love all of these, and I totally agree, Sammy is an awesome brother

More!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:rolleyes::):bleh:


Wow. I am a little humbled by all the love coming my way.

And, yes, Sammy is an awesome brother, when he remembers. He does forget himself, the dork, but it's part of being human. I write him awesome in my drabbles because that's how I like him best. :)

*joins Aprilcot in happy-dance*

*then wibbles and melts*

Hee! Thank you. Please don't melt *too* much, I'd feel guilty if you couldn't reconstitute afterward...


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Prompt: #92 Goodbye

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: It's Kripke's world, I'm just playing in it for a while

Word count: 100

They're still sitting on the ground next to the Impala. Sam's ass has gone numb, and Dean is shivering now as well as sneezing, his nose running. Impatiently he wipes it on his sleeve. Well, Sam's sleeve, to be precise, since Dean has swiped another of his hoodies.

“You okay?” Sam asks.

Dean shakes his head. “I did't ged do say goodbye broperly.”

“None of us did,” Sam sighs.

Dean doesn't say anything more, caught up in a coughing fit, and Sam reaches over and pulls him into a hug. He doesn't resist, leans against Sam's shoulder.


Prompt: #93 Victory

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: So not mine, more's the pity

Word count: 100

“Checkmate.” Sam moves a pawn, cornering Dean's king.

“Begidder's lugk,” Dean wipes his nose on the cuff of his sleeve, hunches over. “HGHHFF!”

“Please. I've been kicking your ass at chess since I was eight. Although I'm finding it hard to savour this particular victory. Try not to get snot all over the board, would you?”

Dean wrenches aside obligingly, sneezes into his elbow. “Hih... HEPTSCHUH!”

Sam puts the game away. “Think you can get some sleep now?”

A nod. “Yeah.”

He props Dean up, helps him to bed. Waits until he's asleep.


Prompt: #94 Weather

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: You know the drill, yeah?

Word count: 100

Dean hates the weather. Stupid, erratic weather. Stupid, erratic, demon-inspired crappy weather. And the Impala would hit a pothole, and he would have to change the freaking tire in the freaking freezing rain, and he's freaking soaked to the skin. He'd head back, except that he's damaged an axle and now the damned engine has made a funny noise and coughed itself into silence. And now it's hailing. Awesome.

He shivers, sneezes miserably into his cupped hands. “Huh.. HKSCHUH!”

He huddles in the driver's seat, pulls out his cell phone. “Sab? I deed you to cobe get be.”

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Prompt: #95 Photo

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Kripke's and the CW's only, alas

Word count: 100

“Sab, poidt that dabbed cabera phode elsewhere!”

“I'm documenting the scene, Dean.”

“Dod't documedt be, bitch.”

“Then move out of the frame, jerk.”

Dean obliges, mostly because a sneezing fit nearly knocks him off his feet. “Hih... HEPTSCHUH! HEISHH! HEPTSCHH! Uh... HEPKTSCH-uh!”

Sam puts down the phone, grabs him by an elbow before he falls. “You okay, dude?”


But Dean's pale, sweating, swaying on his feet. “Liar.”


“Don't 'Sam' me. I can finish this later.” Gently, insistently, Sam steers him to the Impala, drives back to the motel.


Prompt: #96 Rage

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: *checks mailbox* No love yet...

Word count: 100

Sammy is inconsolable. His cold has taken a turn for the worse, and now he's sobbing, squirming in John's arms, fever burning unchecked.

“W-want De'!”

“Dean's sleeping, buddy. Shh.”

“I got it, Dad.”

Dean slips into the room, gives his father a look that's too knowing for a ten-year-old. Pulls his brother into his arms. “Shh, Sammy, I got you.”

Sammy burrows his head into Dean's armpit, sobs dying down almost immediately. For a moment John feels a surge of impotent rage that he's still a stranger to his son. Guilt-ridden, he pushes the thought away.


Prompt: #97 Internet

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: So... anyone know anyone who'd be willing to give 'em to me?

Word count: 100

It's been three days of feeling like crap, of listening to Dean cough and sneeze and struggle for breath. Three days of hot and cold, three days of listening to Dean moan in his sleep and talk to people who aren't there. Three days of worrying, too sick to do much about it except huddle up close, stagger to the bathroom and back for water.

Three days, and Sam's up and around, but Dean's barely able to sit up, and the TV's on the fritz. So Sam finds a movie on his laptop.

“God bless the Internet,” Dean approves.

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Prompt: #98 Fashion

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Still waiting on the transfer of ownership

Word count: 100

“You should change out of that hoodie,” Jo wrinkles her nose.

Dean shakes his head, pulls the blanket around himself in self-defense. “It's by favourite.”

“It's ratty and gross and you've been in it for days.”

He buries his face in his arms, sneezes miserably. “Dot meadt do be a fashiod plade.”

She sits on the sofa beside him, brushes his forehead with her hand. “You really miss him, don't you?”

He coughs, doesn't look up. “He should'dt be alode.”

Jo nods, squeezes his shoulder. “He'll come if you call.”

“I kdow.”


Prompt: #99 Favour

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Kripke's toys, I'm just playing with them.

Word count: 100

The motel is possibly the grossest flea-bag joint Sam has ever seen, but Dean's not going anywhere. It's taken all of Sam's powers of persuasion to get him to stop at all, and now he's fighting Sam every inch of the way to the bed, half out of his mind with fever.

“Come on, Dean. Just... lie still, okay? Come on.”

Dean's not listening, but he's too weak to struggle. “Sam?”

“Right here. Lie down, please.” Sam cheats shamelessly. “Please? Do me a favour. Do it for me, Dean.”

“Uh... okay.”

“Okay. Thank you.”


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Prompt: #100 Lazy

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Alas, they belong to someone else. Someone who's not me.

Word count: 100

“Where's yer brother?” Bobby wants to know.

“Still in bed, I think.” Sam answers.

“Figures.” Bobby tromps up the stairs. “Dean Winchester, git yer lazy ass up! We got work...” he hesitates, moves more quietly to the bed. “Dean?” Reaches for the boy's forehead. Burning. “Jesus, boy.”

Dean stirs, sneezes into his pillow. “Sam?”

“Yer burnin' up. Why didn't you tell me you were feelin' poorly, idjit?”

“Wh'r Sam?” Dean slurs. The green eyes aren't seeing him. Bobby sighs, knows he's defeated.

“I'll git 'im for ya.”

“Th'nks, Bobby.”


Prompt: #101 Airplane

Fandom/Orginal: Supernatural

Disclaimer: WOE! I wrote 101 drabbles and they didn't magically become mine! (Maybe it's 1,000 drabbles?)

Word count: 100

“I feel like an idiot.”

“It's fine, just concentrate on taking deep breaths.”

Sam rubs circles with one hand between Dean's shoulder blades. Dean is bent over, elbows on his knees, holding paper cups with steaming washcloths in them over his ears. Sam almost lost it when Dean doubled over in pain, but a hostess spotted the problem right away —blocked sinuses and a change in altitude— and came to the rescue with an old trick.

“Never getting on an airplane again.”

“Okay, sure.” Sam keeps rubbing his back, breathes with him through the pain.

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And that's all, folks!

Writing these drabbles has been awesome, and your wonderful, wonderful comments even more awesome.

I'm kind of sad that I've reached the end. Anyone know where I could get more prompts? I am all for keeping going, at least for the time being. :)


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101 lovely drabbles.

I've got another list somewhere around here if I can find it from another drabble project I started a very long time ago (before I started schoorl I think) I'll see if I can find it and send it to you.

Is off to start plotting evil things to floppy haired boys.

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Such beautiful drabbles, it's a shame to see them come to an end. I'll miss them dearly :cry:. Thank you for writing all of these and getting them up so quickly! It was blissfully fun while it lasted. *makes a grab for you're sneezy Dean and attempts to sprint away with him*

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Dean in a hoodie! Not once, but twice! And bro hugs!!!!!!! Be still my heart.

I'm incredibly sad that these are all done, but feel so privileged that you shared them with us. Thank-you for being awesome!

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The awesome news is, they're finished, the bad news is, they're finished.

You've inspired me to continue mine, so we can keep the love--or whatever--flowing.

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101 lovely drabbles.

I've got another list somewhere around here if I can find it from another drabble project I started a very long time ago (before I started schoorl I think) I'll see if I can find it and send it to you.

Is off to start plotting evil things to floppy haired boys.

That would be great! I'm so pleased you're going to be writing, too!


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Such beautiful drabbles, it's a shame to see them come to an end. I'll miss them dearly :cry:. Thank you for writing all of these and getting them up so quickly! It was blissfully fun while it lasted. *makes a grab for you're sneezy Dean and attempts to sprint away with him*

Hey! Give him back! I'm not done with him! :D

I'm so glad you enjoyed them. Turns out there are lists and LISTS of prompts out there, so I'm going to keep writing until I run out of inspiration or until I get told to stop because people are sick to death of me. :)

Dean in a hoodie! Not once, but twice! And bro hugs!!!!!!! Be still my heart.

I'm incredibly sad that these are all done, but feel so privileged that you shared them with us. Thank-you for being awesome!

I *love* the fact that he wears Sam's hoodies when he doesn't feel well. It's the cutest thing ever. :laugh:


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I loved them all. I also really like the connection between the two when they're younger in some of these.

I don't write that much Wee!chester stuff, but I have started to do so recently. I like the idea of exploring just where their current bond came from.

I'm very glad you liked them!

The awesome news is, they're finished, the bad news is, they're finished.

You've inspired me to continue mine, so we can keep the love--or whatever--flowing.

Woohoo! More SPN!

Also, I lied. Apparently there are more prompts to be had!


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So thanks to lovely and talented Brigid, I now have TWO extra lists of 100 prompts. So I'm going to keep writing until I run out of inspiration or until I'm told to stop. :cry:

Here are the prompts for the next 100 drabbles, for the record, re-numbered, with a couple of changes since the list actually repeated a few of the prompts from the first list.

102- Rain - 103- Snow - 104- Storm - 105 - Fog - 106 - Wind - 107 - Frost - 108 - Ice Cream - 109 - Sad - 110 - Compassion- 111 -Broody - 112 - Lonely - 113 - Massage - 114 - Moonlight - 115 - Candles - 116 - Kisses - 117 - Sunrise - 118 - Orange - 119 - Purple - 120 - Touch - 121 - Nuzzle - 122 - Office - 123 - Bathroom - 124 - Park - 125 - Kitchen - 126 - Hiking - 127 - Silk - 128 - Wool - 129 - Eyes - 130 - Dust Bunnies - 131 - Waiting - 132 - Sigh - 133 - Video - 134 - Tease - 135 - Bullet - 136 - Working - 137 - Purr - 138 - Care - 139 - Grass - 140 - Breeze - 141 - Snuggle - 142 - Cuddle - 143 - Kitten - 144 - Phone Call - 145 - Weird - 146 - Apologize - 147 - Cereal - 148 - Blanket - 149 - Hold On - 150 - Battle - 151 - Blurred - 152 - Bright Lights - 153 - Garden - 154 - Under the Weather - 155 - Home - 156 - Tender Loving Care - 157 - Superstition - 158 - Clean - 159 - Bucket - 160 - Rest -161 - Quarrel - 162- Fit - 163 - Neglect - 164 - Turn away - 165 - Soft - 166 - Chalk Dust - 167 - Desire - 168 - Naked - 169 - Contagious - 170 - Revenge - 171 - Tissues - 172 - Haze - 173 - Health - 174 - Kneel - 175 - Snore - 176 - Accent - 177 - Allergy - 178 - Attack - 179 - Suffer - 180- Miserable - 181 - Blush - 182 - Humiliated - 183 - Mischief - 184 - Outdoors - 185 - Finally Alone - 186 - Caught in the Act - 187 - Honey - 188 - Oatmeal - 189 - Crackers - 190 - Frustrated - 191 - Grumpy - 192- Listless - 193 - Drained - 194 - Worried - 195 - Annoy - 196 -Sneezed - 197 - Loud- 198 - Muffled - 199 - Stifle - 200 - Sun - 201 - Experiment

So, there will be more drabbles as soon as I can get to writing them.


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