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Emi's Hetalia Drabble Thread


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N'awwwk! Germany and Prussia are so adorable with their brotherly ways, and so in character. I absolutely loved it. Keep up the amazing writing! <3

I must say, that I'd completely roll over and die for anything French. I love France so much, but have never really seen any material of him on here, unfortunately :(

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Characters: Bad Touch Trio

Words: 1023

"Ah...Eaht'chuu! Hg'tschuu!"

"À tes souhaits."


The Spaniard smiled sheepish, wiping his runny nose on his sleeve with a congested sniffle. "Thank you..."

The Bartender, noticing this, slid a box of tissues down the counter and Antonio gratefully accepted, blowing his nose with a gurgling honk.

"Antonio..." Francis tsked, taking a sip of wine with a shake of the head. "That head cold is about to do you in, what on earth are you doing out?"

The Prussian on the Antonio's left gave him a playfully nudge. "Yeah, what gives? Lovi giving you trouble?"

Antonio laughed sheepishly, confirming his guess. "Yeah, actually. Fi....Fig...F'tschou! Hetchou! Ex'tshh!...Figured I'd rather be out with you two instead of on the couch with a blanket."

"Bless you," his friends replied in unison.


The Brunette shivered, and Francis instantly placed his jacket over his shoulders. "Stay warm. I know Lovino is angry, but he wants you alive, I'm sure."

Antonio nodded.

"What did you even do to upset him?"

"What didn't I do?" the Spaniard sighed with a guilty laugh. "I left the key inside when we were tending to the tomatoes. We were locked outside of the house for hours and we had to call a locksmith. Then of course, I caught this."

His friends groaned playfully and Gilbert offered him a pat on the back.

"It's...Ah...Aheh...At'kshuu! He'kshuu! okay. I'm just happy that Lovi didn't get sick..."

"Gesundheit," Gilbert sighed, plucking a few more tissues from the box on the counter, and handing them to Antonio to replaced the soggy, worn ones in his palms. "Look at you, you goof ball. Sick as a dog, and you're more concerned about your grumpy boyfriend."

"How could I not be? I just want him to be happy."

"You know how much of a challenge that can be, he's no Feliciano..." Francis scoffed, taking a final swig of the wine from his glass.

Antonio took a sip of his own wine, before slamming it roughly back on the counter. "But he's perfect in his own way! I know he's m-....T'shuu! Ngtshh! Hk'tshuu! Eh..EH...Ea'tchou! moody, to say the least, but when he smiles..." he looked off, as though in a day dream. "I just love to be on the other end of that smile."

Gilbert gagged and Francis rolled his eyes. "Really, now. You're just a love-sick puppy, Antonio. Emphasis on the sick."

Antonio blew his nose loudly, before balling up the tissue and cramming it into his pocket. "I really am..." he mused. He rubbed at his eyes that burned and he realized how tired he really was when a yawn overcame him.

"Someone's tired." Francis singsonged, and the brunette groaned.

"Just a little, I'll be fine. Hxchuu! Inxshh! Hehtshuu!"

"Bless you," the Frenchman sighed as Gilbert was busy chugging most of the beer from his mug. When there was only about a third left, he slammed it down in front of Antonio, startling him.

"Finish this off, it'll kill those germs."

"Beer doesn't work that way, Gil-" Francis started, but the Prussian instantly held his hand up.

"Hey, I was talking to Toni, wasn't I?" he snapped, leaning in a little closer. "Drink it."

"Maybe a sip..."

Gilbert laughed. "No the rest of it. Trust me, I don't want it back."

Antonio took a cautious sip, instantly contorting his face into a grimace that made Francis burst into laughter.

"Bitter. Gross."

Gilbert gasped playfully. "No taste! Both of you, how do you stand drinking that pansy juice all the time?"

"You're one to talk about no taste, Gilbert." Francis muttered under his breath and Gilbert pushed his chair back to challenge him.

"Ai'Shuu! Heh...Hetchuu! Inxtshu! G'tshuu!"

Francis, who was just about to humor Gilbert in his challenge, opted to giving Antonio a sympathetic pat on the back as he dropped back into his seat.

"À tes souhaits, Mon ami."

Antonio nodded a "thank you" with a yawn, burying his head in his arms.

"We should get you home. It's getting late."

"It's only midnight!" Gilbert whined. "I've only had two beers!"

"And Poor Antonio can barely hold himself upright. It's time to leave," Francis hissed, glancing to the bartender who nodded towards the box off tissues, giving him the okay to take it. He tucked it under his right arm, helping Antonio to his feet with his left. "Help me."

Gilbert groaned, slamming his money on the counter and draping Antonio's left arm over his shoulder. "Let's get you home, Toni. To your dear Prince."

Francis stifled a chuckle and rolled his eyes, and the brunette even smiled a little.

"I can't wait to see him. Even if it's for a moment."

The Albino grinned as they walked out of the bar and chuckled, "Even if you're gonna sleep on the couch?"

Antonio nodded. "Even so."

The walk didn't take long, and with the few sneezing fits they'd had to endure with Antonio unable to use his hands, they thanked their lucky stars that Antonio and Lovino's house was down the street.

"Good luck," Gilbert and Francis whispered as Francis rang the doorbell.

The second the door opened to reveal Lovino, Antonio's face lit up instantly.

"Where the hell were you?" the Italian demanded, before glanced at the two supporting him. "Out drinking?"

Antonio, oblivious as ever, beamed. "You look great tonight, Lovi."

"You're drunk, aren't you?" he sighed, burying his face in his palm. "And you look like shit."

The Spaniard laughed. "Sorry, I guess I do. And sorry about today...hehtshoo!"

"Salute, Antonio," Lovino murmured, helping him out of his friend's arms, and allowing him to lean against him. "You need to get to bed, or you'll never get better."

Francis and Gilbert swapped surprised glances until Lovino added, "And I don't know how many more days I can last without breakfast, damn it."

He turned to give the two a look before muttering, "Thanks for bringing him home." and closing the door.

"Love-sick puppies, those two," Francis said with a smile as the two began their trek home.

Gilbert nodded. "At least he'll be in a bed tonight."

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@KawaiiKushami Okay, so I'm actually a huge fan of your art ;//7//; I love your latest picture, the "Admit it Kiku, you're sick" one. I was wondering if maybe I could write something for that? I know you write as well, so I don't want to write your ideas if you plan to in the future. Just let me know what you would like and I'll try my best!

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@KawaiiKushami Okay, so I'm actually a huge fan of your art ;//7//; I love your latest picture, the "Admit it Kiku, you're sick" one. I was wondering if maybe I could write something for that? I know you write as well, so I don't want to write your ideas if you plan to in the future. Just let me know what you would like and I'll try my best!

o-oh my gosh really ? x//w//x thank you aaa

that'd be really great !! i dont think im ever going to write anything on that so go ahead ~

i'm sure you can see all my other preferences from my art/fanfics ahaha so i'll leave it at that qvq

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@Kawaii-Kushami Okay, I'm staring at what I have so far and I'm really stuck. ;w; Is there anything you would like to happen specifically, that maybe I can work off of?

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@Kawaii-Kushami Okay, I'm staring at what I have so far and I'm really stuck. ;w; Is there anything you would like to happen specifically, that maybe I can work off of?

oh okay um in my head when i drew it i guess it was a scenario where italy and japan are married?? (gomen im super into itapan) and something like kiku kept showing signs of being sick but denying it (since he canonly tends to overwork and such) so feli wouldnt try to convince him to stay home and rest or something? then maybe kiku has a sneezing fit or something and italy's like "kiku just admit you're sick" or something

that's just an idea i had if you want to work off of that 6w6

bonus if kiku like sneezes on feli or something b/c i'm quite into that

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Golly, if I had to pick a weakness amongst weaknesses, Kiku would definitely take the cake... I'm sorry this one is short ;3; I hope it's okay. I'll try to do better in the future, this was actually my first time writing with Kiku...

Admit it Kiku, you're sick

Characters: Japan, Italy

Word Count: 859

There was no denying that something was off that particular morning when Feliciano awoke to stuffy breathing beside him. He turned, leaning closer to the Asian so that their foreheads were touching. Kiku seemed a little warmer than usual, but he decided not to turn it into an issue. The other would usually end up winning most of those sort of arguments, anyway.

"Good morning," Feliciano whispered, causing Kiku to jolt and roll back. He seemed rather out of it as he blinked himself into consciousness with a sniffle.

"Ohayou." It didn't take long for him to wake up, already seated and checking the time whilst the Italian next to him had re-wrapped himself in the sheets. He continued to look around, and Feliciano pointed at the alarm clock.

"It's 9 o'clock," he offered and Kiku nodded. He rubbed his eyes that had begun to grow itchy and the Italian next to him sighed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

Feliciano's stomach sank, half expecting that answer but he tried to ignore it.

"You don't have any meetings today, right? You can stay in bed."

Kiku smiled at the other's attempt to be cheery. "I still have a lot to do. Pochi needs a bath, the dishes need to be done, laundry, I need to get groceries..." his eyelids fluttered mid sentence and his breath hitched for a moment and Feliciano released a concerned "Ve."

Noticing the hazel eyes glued to him, Kiku sniffled once again, rubbing his nose especially hard. "I'm fine."

The Italian didn't say anything, chewing his lip and watching with puppy-dog eyes that Kiku had learned to ignore.

"Feli- Heh'kshh!"

"Bless you," Feliciano said quietly as he noticed that the Japanese man before him was trembling miserably from the force, but also from relief.

"I have things to do. It's just a little dust, or pollen. Please don't worry yourself over me."

He headed for the bedroom door, only to be stopped by Feliciano who had hurried out of bed.

"Can I at least make breakfast? Then you can go run errands."

Kiku hesitated, looking at the clock, then back to Feliciano. "I...I suppose."

Instantly, the Italian's face lit up and he led the other into the living room. "You sit, I'll cook."

However, Kiku ignored that, following him into the kitchen regardless and helping him get out pans.

"Is it cold in here? It feels cooler than usual."

It was then that Feliciano noticed that the other was shivering and his heart sank to his stomach.

"It's not cold, it's the same as usual."

Kiku rubbed at his eyes yet again, hiding two stifled sneezes behind a weak fist. Feliciano pretended not to notice, but when he noticed that he was wobbling, he took the Asian by the hand and pulled him into the living room.

"Ve, I can handle breakfast," he said softly, reaching for the purple blanket that hung over the back of the couch and wrapping it around the other's shoulders.

"I'mb ndot sicgk." He was trying his damnedest to disguise the congestion that had begun to take over, and the brunette had to give him credit for that, at least. He couldn't deny that Kiku was as stubborn as a bull.

Feliciano nodded with a smile. "I know, you're just cold. That's why the blanket will help."


"I know how to work the rice cooker. I'll do better this time, promise."

He turned on the television, placing the remote in Kiku's lap before returning to the kitchen.

"K'shhu! Ngshuu! Inx'tshuu!"

Feliciano peered out from the kitchen, noticing the other doubling over in sneezes, reaching for a tissue on the coffee table to wipe his nose discreetly. He decided against making a scene, seeing as how his husband was already miserable enough.

"I think I did it right this time!" he announced a few minutes later, carrying a plate of onigiri to the living room.

Kiku looked up, his eyes watery and pink, and his nose started to acquire a reddish tint.

Feliciano sighed, placing the food on the table and pulling the blanket over both of their heads.


The Asian's breath hitched for a moment and he groaned softly when the pending sneeze seemed to fade, only for his face to scrunch up seconds later.

"Eat'shuu! Hp'tshuu! Et'chou! Ng...nn..N'tshuu! Ix'tshh!" Each one ripped through him and he failed to cover up, his hands helping to hold the blanket around him.

The Italian didn't seem to mind that much, giving him a sympathetic smile.

"Bless you. Just admit it Kiku, you're sick."

The other nodded with congested sniffle and Feliciano couldn't help but place a kiss on his sore nose.

"Ve, I'll take good care of you. Grandpa Rome had all of these remedies, I'm sure one will work!" he pulled the blanket off of them, and made sure Kiku was securely wrapped before heading off to he kitchen again.

"And don't worry, I'll take care of the errands!"

The Asian inwardly groaned, noting the last time his other half had offered to do so, but decided that he would have to give him a second chance.

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how many times have i read this now omfg

probably like 10 ??

holy pikachu this is really great and cute and i think it made my day yep

thank you for writing this really wow its so perfect and aaaaAAA x//w//x

quq i kinda want to draw stuff from this now

//whispers// lets be friends

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@Daisoku Ah, thank you so much! ;//w//;

@Kawaii-Kushami I'm so happy you liked it! I'm sorry that it wasn't my best... And I would absolutely die if you drew something xD

and I would love to be friends

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This one kinda came to me after I wrote the England/Colonial America drabble, and I couldn't help myself. The next one will most likely be Gerita, just because it's been a while since I wrote with them <3


Characters: France, Colonial Canada

Words: 1,083

Francis smiled as he carefully flipped another pancake. He wasn't exactly sure why Matthew loved those, seeing as he always had a wonderful array of French cuisine ready to serve him instead, but he figured there was no point in questioning it. To each their own. Besides, the poor little Canadian didn't seem very active that morning. Matthew wasn't usually very talkative, and he was shy as they come, but this particular morning, he'd seemed to be in sort of a daze.

"Papa, do I h-have to go to school today?"

Francis stopped helping the child with his backpack to sigh. "Oui, Mathieu. Why, is there something wrong with going to school?"

He had a gut feeling it was due to the lack of attention Matthew received. And it wasn't that the tiny blonde wanted to be the center of attention, he rarely received attention of any kind at school, even when he tried to come out of his shell.

"I want to stay home in bed, with Kuma." He bit his lip softly, holding onto his other arm as if it were a substitute for the stuffed white bear he was no longer allowed to bring to school.

"Mathieu, Kuma will be right here when you get home."

"B-But Papa! I don't feel good..."

Francis sighed. "Now Mathieu, I need you to be a big boy for Papa, and go to school with no complaints, alright?"

Tears had begun to prick at the younger's eyes, but he nodded silently.

Francis placed 4 pancakes on a tiny blue plate, covering them completely in the maple syrup that his little colony loved more than anything. He was due home any moment, and since the bus stop happened to be right in front of their house, he didn't have to wait there.

Once the older blonde placed the plate in front of Matthew's seat, the door opened.

"P...P-Papa?" came a hoarse whisper.

Francis turned to find little Matthew, pale as a sheet, his nose, cheeks and eyes a scarlet hue.

"Papa...I..I don't...heh'tchew! I..don't feel..." he shook with the force of a second sneeze that although silent, seemed to wipe him clean of any remaining energy. His tiny voice was incredible croaky and he sounded very congested. He glanced up at Francis with pleading, watery lavender eyes, and the Frenchman couldn't help but practically melt into his shoes.

"Oh, no. What's wrong?" he asked, kneeling down to the boy's level and running his hand lovingly through his locks.

"I feel sick..." Matthew whispered. "Hn'tscheww! H'ptcheww! A..hn...hnk'chuu!"

" À tes souhaits...Bless you..." Francis murmured, placing a gentle hand on the Canadian's cheek, neck and forehead to check for fever.

"Mon dieu, Mathieu...You're so warm...Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"T-eacher wouldn't li-sten..." he hiccuped, tears starting to roll down his cheeks as his voice cracked with sobs.

"What?" The was a sudden urge in Francis to storm to the school and give the teacher, hell, the entire staff a piece of his mind. How could anyone ignore a child? Especially one in this condition.

"I'm so sorry...Is this why you didn't want to go to school?"

Matthew nodded tearfully.

"Oh, Mathieu...Mathieu, Mathieu, Mathieu..." he hummed, lifting the child into his arms. "I'm so very sorry...I really had no idea."

"It's...Ep'tshuu! okay, Papa..."

"It's not okay Mathieu, I'm so sorry." He hugged the tiny colony as hard as he possibly could. "Let's get you to bed..."

He carefully made his way up the stairs, continuing to stroke the Canadian's hair.

"I'm going to get you some medicine, okay? Papa has to make a phone call, but I'll be right back," he said softly, tucking him into bed. Instantly, Matthew latched on to his stuffed bear and buried his face into it. "Nn'tschuu! Ex'tshuu! Okay..."

"Bless you." Francis murmured, placing a kiss on the younger's forehead. "I'll be right back."

He waited until he was in the hallway to dial the number he had told himself a hundred times he would never need. Arthur's.



Almost instantly there was a scoff coming through the receiver. "What do you want, Frog?"

Francis cringed. He couldn't quite remember their last phone call, but he knew he must've done something if this was the reaction he received. "It's Mathieu."

The Brit's tone instantly changed and his voice grew closer. "What's wrong with Matthew?"

"I sent him to school today, and he's so sick..."

"You what?"

"I-I didn't know! He always complains a little about school, and he didn't tell me until right before he was leaving. I assumed it was just an excuse to avoid school....I'm a horrible Papa..."

Arthur sighed. "Oh hush now, you know you're a fine father, Francis. And shy little thing or not, Matthew is still a little boy, and you know how little boys are. He'll be fine."

Francis nodded, peeking into the room only to find that Matthew had begun to drift off, arms wrapped tightly around his bear.

"Just make sure you get him some medicine, he'll be fine. I have to make dinner for Alfred, but call me if there's anything else."


"Alright, Goodbye."

"Wait!" Francis said quickly, clutching the receiver to his cheek and listening to see if the other had hung up yet.


Francis smiled slightly. "Thank you."

"Alright, Francis." The line clicked, and the Frenchman couldn't help but chuckle. There was no denying that Arthur really cared, even if he had a funny way of showing it. He continued to think of it as he went into the bathroom to fetch a bottle of children's cold medicine before heading back into the bedroom and taking a seat on the bed.

"Mathieu...Wake up, Mon cher," he murmured, stroking the younger's cheek, and brushing his hair out of his face. "Papa has some medicine for you, and then I promise you can go back to sleep."

The Canadian sniffled, rubbing his nose and eyes as a sneezing fit overcame him.

"Ht'pshuu! N'chou! Ks'huu!"

He groaned sleepily, his nose dripping, and Francis swiped a few tissues from the bedside table and wiped his nose.

"Bless you. Here, drink this for me, and I promise I'll let you sleep."

Matthew obeyed, not even cringing at the taste of medicine, and re-wrapped his arms around his bear.

"Je t'aime, Mathieu. Get some sleep, I want you to get well."

"Je t'aime, Papa..." the tiny blonde whispered before drifting off into sleep.

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(Wow, two in one night :3) Okay, Feliciano's definitely my favorite, but Ludwig is such a close second. And I'm sorry this one is full of headcanons. I can just see Ludwig having really loud, powerful sneezes ;///w///; Golly...


Characters: Germany, Italy

Words: 719


Feliciano jolted, barely having time to rub his eyes as he pulled himself into a seated position to investigate the sound. Once the sleep had finally left his eyes, he noticed Ludwig messing with the window, trying desperately to shut it. He had a torn, withered tissue crumpled in his palm as he tried yet another time to pull it down.

"Ve, Bless you, Ludwig," Feliciano said, hoisting himself out of bed and to the German's side to help him. For a moment, Ludwig held back another sneeze, blowing his nose with a gurgling honk and heading over to the bedside table to pluck a few more tissues.

"How did the window get opened?" he grumbled. "Hx’Shuu!"

He barely seemed awake himself, but his eyes were the slightest bit puffy, the area around his nose was sore and raw as he wiped it for the millionth time in what must've only been at ten minute span. Feliciano slumped sheepishly, before giving the window a sharp tug.

"It was really warm last night, I thought this would cool the room down since I know you like waiting until Summer to use the air conditioner."

Ludwig sighed and the Italian gave the window another jerk, finally slamming it shut.

"I'm so sorry, Ludwig. I forgot about your hay fever."

The German groaned, taking a seat on the bed and catching another fit of sneezing in the large clump of tissues he'd taken.

"Hx’Tshpff! HNG’TSHUU! E...Ehn...Nn'TCHOU! An'TSHH!" He sniffled pathetically afterward and leaned back, resting his head against the headboard.

"Bless you," Feliciano cooed, crawling into bed beside him. "I'm really sorry, I meant to close the windows early. I didn't know we were sleeping in." He pouted slightly, placing a kiss on Ludwig's nose before adding another to his lips. "Ve, Since when do you ever sleep in?"

"Apparendly when I feel doo miserable do wand do ged ub." He was trying desperately to hide his congestion, but to almost no avail. And from the way his eyes were still watering and his nose was running, Feliciano knew that if any work was going to be done that day, it would be from home. Ludwig sniffled, tossing the soggy tissues and snatching a fresh handful before blowing his nose again.

"Ihn…IhxX’CHU! HX'TCSHUU! Verdammt..." he muttered, rubbing his eyes furiously and clearing his throat.

"Poor Ludwig..." the Brunette murmured, combing the other's bangs back and out of his eyes and Ludwig quickly attempted to shake him off.

"Dod't baby me."

There wasn't any venom in the way he said it, his lips even curling up slightly in an small smile.

The Italian ceased to listen, however, placing another kiss on his nose which only sent the German into another sneezing fit.

"Xn'SHOU! Heh...Nk'SHUU! Gh'CHOU!" He sent Feliciano a watery, slightly irritated glare as he breath continued to hitch. He groaned miserably, his brow furrowing as he wiped at his nose that was beginning to run once again.

Tutting softly, the brunette gave him a sympathetic smile before tapping his nose with his index finger, and sending the blonde into a final, exhausting sneeze.


He sniffled wetly, taking a congested breath before sighing. Feliciano reached over him, plucking a few more tissues and using them to wipe the tears away from his lover's swollen eyes. "Bless you," he offered and Ludwig remained in his seated position, however slumped and seemingly drained of all energy.

Though tired, Ludwig refused to let the other wipe his nose for him, taking the tissues out of Feliciano's hand before he had a chance to go near his nose. He blew stuffily and crumpled it up, tossing it into the trashcan.

"Thangs," he mumbled and the other couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry. You're allergies have never been this bad before."

"We'be dever left the window oben all dight."

Feliciano nodded, pulling the sheets up over both of them. "Let's take a siesta until you feel better."

Ludwig froze. "Id the roomb, filled with bolllen?"

Feliciano shrugged, nuzzling up against the other's chest.

"I don't mind, if you don't."

The German didn't hesitate to join his lover in the sheets, wrapping his arms around him and allowing himself to drift off. Work could wait for now.

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Oh sweet lord, your drabbles are beyond the realms of amazing and adorable. I especially loved 'Apologies', 'Hayfever' and 'Lovesick'. So good! ;o; Keep writing! :D

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These are the cutest things. With all the pairings and the cuteness and the writing and the cuteness. Did I mention that these are cute?

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@Nebula Thank you so much! I definitely plan to continue writing!<3

@Daisoku *glomps you back* Thank you so much ;w; I'm so happy you like them.

@Vongola Undicesimo Thank you! I actually didn't start this thread with the intention to write with so many different pairings, but I realized quickly that I love expanding my horizons!

With that, I'm fresh out of ideas. So, feel free to request :3 Please keep in mind that the more info you give me about what you want, the faster I will be able to write it! <3

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Romano? Umm...let's see....at a World Meeting. With Spain hovering and freaking out about him being sick, but other people that he didn't know cared about him (i.e Prussia, Germany, France, Austria) being worried for him too.

Also, I have always imagined Germany with hay fever too. All the Germans, actually. :)

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Well, umm, I haven't really commented on here before but I have been lurking your drabbles and I haven't seen any America ones (which is fine because all your others are adorable) so I'm assuming you don't like/don't like writing him very much but I'm really craving some sick-but-trying-to-hide-it America. If you don't mind. :)

Wow. Look at that run on sentence. :laugh: My English teacher would kill me if she saw this.

Anyway, continue soon!

BYE! :bleh:

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@Lillian Coming right up! I'll try to have it up tonight, since I have a feeling I'll be up rather late. (Especially since new episodes of Beautiful World come out every Thursday at around 2 am.)

@VividBubbles! I actually do have an America one on here, but it's Colonial America (on page 1). I could definitely attempt another America one though, if you would like! <3

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@VividBubbles! I actually do have an America one on here, but it's Colonial America (on page 1). I could definitely attempt another America one though, if you would like! <3

I literally went through all your drabbles looking for an America one. I have no idea how I missed it. Wow. Well, I definitely wouldn't object to another America drabble, since you offered. :lol:

P.S. Colonial America. He's so... awwwww!!!! :wub:

BYE! :bleh:

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I'm so sorry that Spamano one is taking so long. I thought I would be able to write it the other night, and I couldn't for the life of me get it to turn out even close to the way I wanted. It's honestly been through 2 re-writes already, but I like how it's turning out this time around, and I will have it published tonight. I'm so sorry again for the wait.

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