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Animania's attempt at drabbles


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thanks guys!

i'm actually sat here trying really hard to write some more now, i have half a free and half a sugar sugar rune fic done, but for some reason im stuck :'(

guhrrrrrr >:(

also, yesterday i was comming up with plotlines, and i started on this really weird plotline where link turns into a giant ((idk)) and then i thought to myself 'my god these people are going to think im so weird' gahahaha

but i'm still going to do it later xD

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i finally got around to writing another drabble xD

ive finished writing my sugar sugar rune fuc today, although i dont think its very good because i had a lapse in writing power xD but ill post that tomorrow, for today i have another free fic :D

Makoto was currently lying on the floor in his best friends living room, trying to sleep. Since the swim competition was coming up and everyone was so excited preparing for it, it took longer than it should have for them to notice that Haru was coming down with a cold. Specifically, it was when they found him lying face down in the pool after passing out during a dive. The others had asked Makoto to take him home, but he just didn’t feel right leaving the sick boy to fend for himself, after all, Haru was a little odd and Makoto wasn’t quite sure how he’d cope with being sick alone. So somehow he had ended up agreeing to stay over until he was feeling better.

“Mako…” He heard a soft, slightly congested voice and the creaking of floorboards as Haru came into the room, sniffling quietly, “I…He-tchu! Need water.”

“To drink? Or are you seriously asking to go swimming at this time?” Makoto laughed, sitting up and reaching out to turn on the lamp. Haru just frowned and rubbed at his pink nose with his wrist.


In the bright light, Makoto could now see his best friend clearly, he was standing in the doorway swaying slightly, his expression dazed from the fever and he was wearing oversized pyjamas with fish on them. Makoto started to laugh quietly at the sight of him.

“Wh-what? Hu-tchu!” Haru frowned accusingly at Makoto as he wriggled out of his futon and stood up slowly, then blushed and turned his face away.

“Haru, you really do love swimming, don’t you?”

cute Haru ^0^ <3

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I'd love to see something where Rin has bad allergies.

smileyface, i finally got this request sorted, its took ages because it was on my computer that broke but i finally got it off today! im super happy so now i'll be posting lots of fics again hopefully :D

“I’m home,” Rin called out as he entered the small dorm room with a sigh, throwing down his keys on the side table, he slammed the door shut and turned around slowly, the sight that met his eyes made him twitch irritably. Huge bouquets of flowers stood in glass vases on every clear surface in the room, there was some on Rin’s bedside table and on the desk, the floor too was covered with the brightly coloured blossoms, fallen petals were scattered all over the carpet, there was even a wreath of them hung on the inside of the front door. He could see the grains of yellow pollen floating in the air.

“Nitori, w-what are you…duhh…doing?” He asked, his eyelids shivering slightly and his voice trembling.

“Ahh, senpai, your home!” Rin’s slightly crazy room mate froze and looked over at him with a wide smile, “do you like it? I thought I’d make the dorm look a little brighter since summer is nearly here, nothing beats the smell of flowers when you first wake up, right senpai?”

Rin looked over at Nitori with a scowl, then his eyes fluttered closed and he brought his hands up to his face, cupping them over his nose and mouth.

“Heh…Hegtchu! Huktchu! Kgtchu!” He leaned back against the door for support as he snapped forward with a fit of forceful, irritated sneezes, “Nihh…HiGtchu! Nitori…Kgtchu!…I’b…Huhh…alle…allerhhGtchu!…allergic tuhhh HaaKshoo! Pollehhn.”

Rin spluttered almost incoherently through uncontrollable sneezes, his pink nose twitching like mad from behind his cupped hands.

“Ahh…senpai, I’m sorry! What should I do?” Nitori panicked, waving his arms wildly as though he for some reason thought that might help, but he just stirred up more of the pollen.

“J-juhhst get theb ought of herEkshuu! EhhKshuu!” He just about managed to hold back until he had finished speaking before he dissolved back into a seemingly never ending fit of allergic sneezes, his red eyes burned with hot itchy tears and he quickly took away one of his hands from his nose to wipe them away.

“Of course! Yes, I’ll take them away!” Nitori hurriedly swept up as many of the flowers as he could carry in his arms and raced outside as quickly as he could. Rin followed him out, pinching his nose shut tightly until he got out into the clear air so that he didn’t breath in any more of the pollen.

“Ugh…stubid Nitori…Hegtchu! Now ib godda habe to clehh…HeeHektchu! Clean the whole room out.”

:D hope you likey hunny bunny :3

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Aww, those last two Free ones were adorable! I gotta feel bad for Nitori, since he finally actually bothered to try to make the place seem liveable instead of the disaster area he usually keeps it, and that's the result. And of course I feel bad for Rin. Your description of his fit is so vivid too, "red eyes burned with hot itchy tears" Love it!

Hmm...I'd love to see another one where Rei has a cold. Maybe he's really sick but insists on going to school anyway even though it's a really bad idea?

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i'll post one more linky drabble from my archive ((i had 6 drabbles unposted so i can catch up now xD))

“Ahhh, so sleepy!” Link yawned as he stumbled out of his dorm room towards the communal kitchen, stretching his arms high above his head and smiling at how good it felt. He was still wearing his baggy fleecy sleep clothes since they were a lot more comfortable than his regular clothes and he rubbed his eyes childishly with the sleeves as though he was trying to chase the last remnants of tiredness out of his mind, “why we do have to have class so early in the morning, I feel like I could doze off again at any second.”

It wasn’t that he had stayed up particularly late the night before, his body was just naturally lazy and he enjoyed his sleep, it was a well known fact to everyone in Skyloft.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” Zelda called over from her table as Link padded slowly into the dining hall on bare feet, he looked over at her with half lidded eyes before wandering over to her table and sitting down beside her, it was a habit these days for Zelda to collect breakfast for the both of them, since she always arrived before he did, so there was already a luxurious amount of food spread out on the table.

“Morning, Zelda,” he said through a yawn and she grinned in reply, “do we have any coffee?”

“I’ll just go get some,” her eyes lingered lovingly on her best friend for a moment, then she quickly stood up and disappeared into the kitchen. Link sat at the table with his head resting in his palm absentmindedly, thickly coating his food with salt and pepper as he did every morning with a slightly bored expression on his face.

“Ahh!” He cried out quietly as the lid of the pepper canister came loose and started to slip off, he reached out instinctively to catch it, but in doing so he spilled a small amount of black powder into the air and in his palm. He took a sharp breath in as the spicy pepper filled air wafted up into his face assaulted his nose, he put down the container and scrubbed at it roughly with both hands as it started to itch, but that didn’t seem to help. His nose was starting to run and he sniffled wetly, drawing more of the pepper deeper inside his nose, it tickled and burned in the back of his sinuses, and he quickly realised that he was going to sneeze.

“HeKtchnt!” He turned to his side away from the food and let the tickle out into the palm of his hand, it felt incredibly relieving but then almost instantly it came back even stronger, Link didn’t even have time to sit back up before he was snapping forward with another strong sneeze, “HuKtchu! KuShoo! HaKtchuu!” His eyes clamped shut tightly and grew watery with the pressure, the edges of his nostrils started to turn pink with the irritation.

“Oh my god, Link, bless you!” Zelda cried from behind him, she was standing in the doorway watching him with worried eyes, then she stormed over to him and gently placed her warm hand on his cheek, “do you have a cold?”

“Zehh…Hegktchu! Zelda I…Ptchuu! I…ihh…Ihktchuu! HuKgtchuu!” Link tried desperately to tell her what had happened, but his nose was still itching so badly that he could barely get a word out without having to sneeze. He sniffled congestedly and rubbed at his nose with the back of his hand, looking tired and dishevelled, Zelda’s hand moved up to his forehead.

“Link, you’re such a fool, what are you thinking. You shouldn’t be out of bed when you have such a bad cold,” she scolded him sharply, her voice filled with motherly concern, and stood him up. Link’s sneezing had already tapered of by this point, but he was still feeling so dazed that he just went along with her for now, “get back to bed, I’ll bring your food to you in a minute after I tell the teacher that you’re too sick to come to class today.” She patted him tenderly on his back as she ushered him out of the room, then when he got to the door she left him to make his own way back to his bedroom and went off in search of the teacher.

Link stood in the hallway, rubbing at his sniffly nose with an index finger and smiling slightly.

“Lucky, back to sleep for me!” He grinned as he walked back towards his dorm to take a nap.

hope you like ^0^ i'm glad my computers back :D:D:D:D:D:D

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AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA THAT LINK ONE :D :D :D :D :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hmm...I'd love to see another one where Rei has a cold. Maybe he's really sick but insists on going to school anyway even though it's a really bad idea?

i'll definately try to do something like this for you :D ^0^ and i'm glad that you liked my Rin, it was really fun to write that one :D i wanted to post it sooner but i had that computer melt down xD

i'll post another couple of drabbles from by backlog today :D

It was winter in skyloft, a soft white blanket of snow covered the entire grounds, only on the footpaths had it been disturbed. The night air was bitterly cold, and all the residents stayed snuggled up in their warms homes out of the bitter air, not that they ever went out at night anyway. Zelda sat elegantly at her night table, brushing out her long yellow hair with a pink hairbrush and reading over the diary entry she had just written, her eyes were distant as though she was thinking about something really important, when a strange noise from overhead brought her back into the real world. Zelda looked up just in time to see the grate in her ceiling fall loose and a strange figure fall out into the room. She was about to scream out for help, but then she recognised the young, blonde haired boy sitting on the floor with a dazed expression on his face, wafting his hands about in front of his twitching nose.


“Link? What are you doing?” She asked as he clambered to his feet and gave her a cheerful grin, swiping his index finger underneath his nose.

“Hehe, I didn’t think your dad would be too pleased if he saw me coming into your room at night,” he looked sort of unusual, it took a moment for Zelda to figure it out, then she noticed that he was wearing a thick fluffy jumper and had a scarf pulled up past his nose, she grimaced, hoping that he hadn’t come to ask her to go play in the snow with him. She looked at him with one eyebrow raised as he hopped childishly from one foot to the other.

“What are you doing?” Link looked over at her with warm sparkling eyes and pulled his scarf down to his chin, revealing a cheerful smile.

“This room is sooo warm!” He laughed, wrapping his arms around his chest and grinning as though he had just won the lottery, “the huh…HeAktshu! *sniff* the heating in my room broke earlier today, it won’t be fixed until tomorrow. I’m so cold, Zelda, you don’t mind if I…HeeGtchu!…warm up in here for a while, do you?”

He knew she couldn’t resist those puppy dog eyes, and besides, she couldn’t stand the thought of leaving him alone, sniffling and sneezing in a cold room all on his own.

“Ok, sit down,” Link threw his arms around her and hugged her tightly, then he threw himself down onto her bed and snuggled under the sheets and purring contentedly.

“Mmm, yeah. Your bed is really comfy, Zel. I could get such a good sleep in here,” he grinned, looking across at Zelda who was still sitting at her dressing table, pretending not to watch him as he squirmed around under the sheets trying to find the comfiest position, “must be great to be the headmasters daughter…HeHegktchu! GuKtchu!”

“Hey, I never said you could sleep in my bed, and don’t go getting it all germy.” She retorted with a smile, Link propped himself up on the soft pillows and smiled lazily, feeling the warmth seeping in to his cold bones.

“I’m not sick, my nose is just shivering,” he laughed, touching it lightly with his index finger, Zelda giggled, “this is my nose’s way of telling me it’s cold...HgKtchu!”

“Well bless you anyway,” she smiled good-naturedly, making Link feel warm and fuzzy inside his chest. He laid his head down on the soft pillows and pulled the blankets up to under his chin, his body started to relax as the warmth soaked into him and his eyelids fluttered as he started to drift off into a light sleep, when a small tickle assaulted his nose.

“HeHgktchu!” He smothered a wet sneeze into Zelda’s pillow, followed by a violent shiver, Zelda looked over at him with a frown.

“Hey, sick or not, don’t go snotting up my pillow.”

“I can’t help it, Zel, I’m still cold,” he giggled slightly and gave a slightly forced shiver for effect, then he glanced over at Zelda and gave her a knowing wink, a childish pout.

“Oh, come here then,” she got up from her chair and climbed into the bed beside him, wrapping her arms around his waist and puling him close. Link sighed happily and snuggled up against her, “better?”

“Mmm, better,” he closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of being warm for the first time in hours, there was a slight smile on his lips as he drifted off into a comfortable sleep, “thanks Zel.”

and not a link drabble xD

“Hey, Shizuku, can you meet me at midnight at the park tonight? There’s something I want to tell you.”

“No.” Was the blunt answer Haru received from his best friend, who didn’t even bother to look up from her study books.

“I’ll be waiting for you, make sure you’re not late!” He continued, unfazed by her sharp rejection, Shizuku only sighed in reply.

That night there was a bad snowstorm, she watched it through the window as she studied late into the night before she finally went to sleep, she didn’t go out to see Haru, but there was no way that he would have gone out in such bad weather conditions anyway, so she didn’t worry herself about it.

The next day, Shizuku headed out to the library in the early morning to continue her studying and on her way she passed by the park that Haru had asked her to meet him in the night before. She looked over to it, feeling slightly guilty that she hadn’t bothered to let him know, but even if he had been crazy enough to go, he wouldn’t have waited long for her in the cold, would he? As she stood there, staring into the distance, she saw a black haired boy stood leaning against a wooden fence, he was wearing a red jumper and had a thick blue scarf wrapped tightly around his neck.

“Haru?!” Uncharacteristically, Shizuku cried out when she saw him, and ran across the road towards him, when he saw her he lifted his head up and smiled cheerfully, waving his arms wildly in the air. As she got closer she noticed that his face was pale and he was shivering uncontrollably.

“Shizuku, you fidally…Hgtchuu!” fidally bade it!” He yelled, his voice thick with congestion, “you’re really late!”

“Haru, what are you doing?” She slowly put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it tightly, his hair and his jumper were soaking wet and dripping slightly, “you haven’t been waiting here all night, have you?”

He sniffled wetly and rubbed his nose roughly with the back of his hand through his sleeve, then wrapped his arms tightly around his chest for extra warmth.

“Of course, I told you I’d wait for…KuGHtchuu!” Haru’s eyelids fluttered closed and he snapped forward with a loud sneeze into his sleeve and Shizuku jumped back in surprise.

“Haru! Did you catch a cold?” She asked, almost shouting against her will, tears of concern had formed in the corners of her eyes. Almost immediately before he could answer his eyelashes started to shudder lightly, his expression grew blank and his pink nose started to twitch, his mouth opened wide as he let out a series of loud, rhythmic hitched breaths.


He gave a violent shiver that wracked his small frame. Shizuku reached out and touched his slightly blue lips with her index finger, feeling the coldness of his skin against her own. He grinned happily, embarrassed by all the attention, and scrubbed at his runny nose with his sleeve, his cheeks were flushed red from fever, “you must be freezing, are you an idiot?!”

“Yeah, I’m really cold…HgKtchu!” he sneezed messily into his sleeve, his eyes squeezed shut tightly with the pressure, “but I didn’t want to go home in case you came and I missed you. I’m really glad I stayed now!” He grinned happily, sniffling back the congestion in his nose, Shizuku grimaced and dug in her pocket, pulling out a packet of tissue and pressing them into his palm.

“Stop sniffling and use these,” she grumbled quietly, shrugging off her fluffy duffle coat and putting it around his shoulders, “you really should be in bed.”

“Shizuku, I have sobething to t-tehhh…tell yuhhh…huhhh…HuuGKtchuu!” He stuttered slightly through a series of hitching breaths as he tried to hold back until he’d finished talking, before finally giving in to a desperate sounding sneeze. He took out one of the tissues and pressed it lightly to his tickling nose, giving it a quiet blow. Then he dug into his pocket and brought out a small box which he pushed into her hand, Shizuku stood looking down at it for a moment in silence, then Haru nodded kindly, encouraging her to open it. Inside there was a long silver necklace chain with a heart shaped charm attached to it. Haru could barely contain his excitement, and she had barely just opened it before he snatched it out of her hands, pulled back her hair and clipped it around her neck.

“Happy birthday, Shizuku.”

“Oh, Haru!” She cried, a rare smile gracing her lips. Not knowing what else to do to express her happiness, she reached out slowly to pat his slightly wet head, “I can’t believe you would…”

“GaKtchuu!” Haru snapped forward with a sudden explosive sneeze freely into the air between himself and Shizuku, then he slumped forward into her chest and rested his head on her shoulder, sniffling quietly in her ear. She looked down at him stiffly as he snuggled up into her arms, then her warm hands slowly circled round and rested on his back.

“Shizukuuu… by dose idtches…I thigk ib dyig…GkTchuu!” Despite how weak and shivery he was feeling he still lifted his head up at the last second and sneezed over her shoulder so that he didn’t disgust her, then he wrapped his arms around her neck and cuddled against her.

“Bless you,” she murmured, trying to sound offhand though her cheeks were flushed pink and her entire body was stiff with nerves.

“S-so cold, bud Shizuku feels so warb and combfy…bakes be…suhh…huh…sleepy… hehh…ehh…” Gently, Shizuku slipped her hand under Haru’s chin and lifted his head up off of her shoulder, his face was still contorted with a sneezy expression, his eyes watering and his nose twitching and wriggling irritably.

“Hehh…HeGktnchuu!” He doubled over into the crumpled up tissue he was still holding on to and buried his stuffed up nose into it, Shizuku reached out and took his free hand in hers, which made his cheeks redden not just with the fever.

“Come on, Haru, lets go home and get you warmed up.”


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Ahh, so I meant to comment long before now after you posted the Free! ones, but time hasn't been kind lately. xD Anyway - they're so cute!! I love how adorable Haru is in the MakoHaru one...like...I dunno, picturing him standing there in his fish pajamas asking Makoto for water is just like...reallyreallycute. X3 I can picture everything, and hear how miserable he is, and I feel bad for him, but I also like it and just...what do I do with these boys.

Also, this line:

“Wh-what? Hu-tchu!” Haru frowned accusingly at Makoto as he wriggled out of his futon and stood up slowly, then blushed and turned his face away.

It's just like them. Like their walks to school and stuff and Haru pretending to sort of brush it off except it's just cute instead. ^_^

And the Rin one!! It's in line with my headcanon that Rin has seasonal allergies, and of course Nitori would be the one to set them off with his good intentions. xD;; And Rin trying to talk while sneezing, so much yes. I like when characters do that, and watching Rin kind of fail at it really hard makes me feel bad for him, but not completely? Like Natto said, I feel a little bad for Nitori, too, finding out that he caused Rin's fit because he wanted to make things pretty. xD;; But I love what you did with Rin's allergies, just...yes. It's so good. ^_^

Thanks so much for writing these! (I haven't had time to read the ones after these two, but I'm sure I'll be migrating back here soon, since I like your drabbles in general.)

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I'm sure I'll be migrating back here soon, since I like your drabbles in general.)

awwww elements chan <3 i'm really glad that you like it!! and my drabbles in general :3 i'll try to write some more free ones for you soon! and i know what you mean about time not being kind! when my laptop was broke i still kept trying to update but i found it hard to write for some reason and before i knew it like three days had gone by without me even updating ((or like the three week gap after college term started xD) i really enjoyed writing the rin one :3 i was doing it late on the night my laptop broke xD

(and the haru one i actually wrote at college, it was weirdly awkward and exciting xD)

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I didn't reply? Oh chocolat. . Well then. LinkyLinkLink<3 Awh but Zelda he's so cold.. He may as well be.. Frozen . *Deathy laughing at his own pun/joke in the distance*.

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LinkyLinkLink<3 Awh but Zelda he's so cold.. He may as well be.. Frozen . *Deathy laughing at his own pun/joke in the distance*.

LMAO! Oh deathy chan.

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LinkyLinkLink<3 Awh but Zelda he's so cold.. He may as well be.. Frozen . *Deathy laughing at his own pun/joke in the distance*.

LMAO! Oh deathy chan.

. Still laughing, I'm far from funny.
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He may as well be.. Frozen . *Deathy laughing at his own pun/joke in the distance*.

*whispers* can someone please explain the pun to me, i dont get it :'(*

moving on xDxDxD

“Hey, Zelda, would you still love me even if I turned into a giant?” Link asked through a half laugh and she looked up at him from the floor, she was spending the night at his room in the castle and was quite happy to have gone from princess Zelda to just plain Zelda for the night. She quickly finished chewing the last bite of her dinner before answering.

“Of course I would.

The next morning, Zelda woke up from a deep sleep and looked around, unable to find the edge of the bed, assuming that she has fallen on the floor, she stood up and looked around for the bed, hoping she could just climb back in and go back to sleep. But instead what she saw was her boyfriend Link, but there was something different about him. She walked over to him and reached up, climbing onto his hand that was lying limply at his side.

“No way…” she exclaimed loudly, looking up at him with a look of wonder on her face. He looked exactly the same as normal, sprawled out on his back, fast asleep in the bed, for a moment she thought that what he had said the night before had come true and he really had become a giant, but a moment later she realised that it was her that had shrunk, “this can’t really be happening!”

Without really knowing what was happening, she climbed slowly up his arm until she was standing on his cheek, his eyelashes fluttered lightly in his sleep, but otherwise he didn’t move. His almond shaped nostrils looked like huge caves to her and she could feel his warm breath on her entire body as she stood in front of them, they looked strangely inviting, and she found herself walking hesitantly into them. It was dark and warm inside, and she Zelda could hear his breathing loudly in her ear, she could feel the fleshy walls twitching slightly beneath her feet as she walked and she was idly wondering what it must feel like to Link when she heard his breath start to become uneven.

“Huh…Zelda…w-where are you?” Link sat up, rubbing at his blurry eyes with the bad of his hand. He had been right in the middle of a peaceful sleep when a slightly ticklish sensation in his nose had woken him up. He scrunched up his nose irritably and rubbed at it gently with his index finger as he started to feel a sneeze coming on, and he pawed around the bed tiredly as he started to build up.

“Link, Link stop!” Zelda immediately recognised the way Link’s breathing changed when he was about to sneeze and called up to him as loudly as she could. “Don’t sneeze!”

“Z-zehhla? W-where are yuhhh?” He asked through a wave of hitching breaths, but did his best to do what she said, pressing his index finger against the underside of his nostrils lightly, his nose felt tickly, but he knew he wasn’t in any immediate danger of sneezing. Zelda laughed.

“Funny story, Link…” she said hesitantly, almost falling over as the twitching walls of Link’s nose shivered beneath her feet. As she explained to him what she had done, he felt his face heating up with an embarrassed blush. Link sat back on the bed with a sigh and felt his eyes growing sleepy again.

“Silly Zelda,” he said through a small laugh, touching his slightly pink nose with his index finger, “well, just hurry up and get out, you’re tickling me really bad up there, if you don’t stop soon then there’s gonna be trouble.” Zelda looked back over her shoulder and considered doing what Link had told her to, but curiosity was getting the better of her, and she told herself ‘I’ll just go a little bit further’ and got down on her hands and knees, crawling the rest of the way up, since it was getting too narrow for her to walk.

“I’ll be out in a sec Link,” she called back to him, squirming her way further inside the narrow passage, she could feel tiny tremors of irritation ripple through the fleshy walls around her with each movement she made, but she was fairly confident that Link could handle any tickles she caused, “I just want to see a little further.”

“I’m serious Zel, I can feel a sneeze coming on.” he grinned playfully and wiggled his nose, but he wasn’t entirely joking with her. The sensation of Zelda’s hair brushing against the sensitive walls of his nostrils felt incredibly itchy and Link felt the beginnings of a sneeze fluttering in the back of his sinuses. He started to feel a little bit worried as his eyes started to flutter shut, it would be bad to sneeze now in this situation, even he knew that, he didn’t dare to think about what might happen to Zelda if he didn’t hold it in, his heart started to beat loudly, but he didn’t want to make her worry. “Hehe, it’s going to take more than that to m-make me s-snehh-sneeze.”

Link placed an index finger on the bridge of his nose and sniffled softly, doing his best not to let the sneezy sensation overwhelm him, but quickly the tickle started to gnaw away at his self control. Zelda felt the tickly tremors shake the walls around her and stopped moving for a moment.

“Link, you’re not, are you?” she asked, sounding slightly concerned.

“N-no…I’m fine…” he lied, sitting up slightly and fisting the blankets around him as a way of dealing with the urge, his eyes started to grow watery, “it’s a little tickly…b-but I thihhh…think I…can hold it…hehh…”

Feeling reassured by his words, Zelda crawled a little further inside.


“Link…erm…I‘m kind of stuck…” Zelda cried out, thrashing around with her entire body trying to shake loose, “I…I can’t move!” Link had been holding back relatively well until this point, but Zelda’s squirming made the sneezy sensation spike in the back of his nose, he gasped quickly, not sure whether he was going to be able to hold it or not.

“Hah…ahh…ahhhh…hahhh…d-dohh…don’t…m-muhh…move…” he cried out between frantic hitching breaths and Zelda fell still, knowing that her boyfriend really was close to losing it. Link desperately held back with sheer will power, not wanting to rub or pinch at his nose in case it hurt the incredibly small Zelda inside him, and eventually he started to feel the tickle backing off. Slowly he let out a deep breath through his mouth and tried to relax.

“Ok Zel, just try to get out as slowly as possible, don’t move around to much.” He talked slowly, as even just talking made his nose feel tickly and he was terrified that it would bring back the need to sneeze again, “try not to tickle me too much, or I wont…be able…to…huhh…ahh! Z-zehhl…whaaat are y-yuhhh d-doooing?”

Zelda started to squirm around slowly inside Link’s poor sensitive nose and was glad that her movements didn’t seem to be irritating him too much, but the more she looked at the red, inflamed itchy walls of his nose around her the most unbearable curiosity welled up in her and she reached out against her will to touch it. It felt soft and squishy beneath her finger tips and Zelda started to rub her long nails around lightly, teasing the poor boy’s weakest spots until his breath started to shiver again. Sneezy tears filled Link’s eyes as he battled with the unbearable itch, his pink nose twitched and squirmed uncontrollably as though there was no other way for him to cope with the overwhelming urge. Every slightly touch of Zelda’s hand felt as though there were feathers dancing around inside his nose, coaxing him towards an inevitable sneeze. He was barely holding back and under normal circumstances he couldn’t have fought it this long, but the desire to protect his girlfriend had kept him going, his whole body shuddered violently with the stress of holding back and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold it back much longer.

“Z-zeh…heh…ehhh…ldahhh…stohhh…hahhhhp….” he choked out in barely audiable bursts between hitching breaths, “c-cahhhnt…can’t fight it….hah… guhh…gonna sne-sneeze…hehh…ehhhh…” Zelda listened to him quietly, but her fingers didn’t stop their teasing and in fact starting scrabbling even more frantically around the inside of his nostril, feeling ripples of sneezy irritation shaking the entire ticklish chamber around her.

“Does it tickle when I touch this spot? Do you feel like you’re going to sneeze?” Link responded frantically to her teasing, rubbing lightly at his nostrils with his index finger despite himself and screwing up his nose, by this point he could no longer speak, he felt his jaw starting to go slack and his head tilt back and he couldn’t do anything about it, “itchy itchy Linky, you can’t hold it back much longer can you?”

Link’s tortured nose was at its breaking point and he knew he couldn’t stop himself anymore. He tried to at least warn her, but even just opening his mouth to speak made the violent urge come exploding out of him.


Zelda bolted up in bed, gasping for breath and sweating slightly, she looked around nervously, finding her thankfully ordinary sized boyfriend curled up beside her in a deep sleep. Zelda collapsed back down onto the bed and cuddled up into Link’s back, pulling him into a tight hug.

“Wow, that was a weird dream.”


Chocolat’s birthday was fast approaching. It would be the first one they had spent together as a couple, and it was the chance for Pierre to make up for the hell he had put her through during the Le Royaume/Ogre war. But Pierre had only been rid of his black heart for a few weeks and he still wasn’t used to having his emotions back yet, so buying a present for her was considerably more difficult for him that it would have been for a normal person. He brooded over it for days, then he heard from Vanilla that Chocolat was going shopping with some of her friends from school the coming weekend and saw his chance. That Saturday used a simple invisibility spell on himself and set off after his young girlfriend.

“Chocolat, this ice cream is delicious!” The group of girls stood in the shopping centre chattering excitedly, “thanks for bringing us here.”

“It’s great, isn’t it? Pierre brought me here for our first date.” Chocolat licked at her ice cream quickly as it started to melt, catching the drips that came off with her hand so they didn’t drip onto her skirt.

Pierre blushed awkwardly and gave an embarrassed smile, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. His pink heart wasn’t used to having free reign over his emotions and squirmed happily inside his chest every time she said something nice about him. He took a quick step back as Chocolat moved so that he didn’t bump into her, despite also being a witch, she didn’t seem to have noticed him there, and he was in no rush to give himself away.

Then Pierre’s thin nose started to twitch ever so slightly.

“Xnt” He pitched forward with a sneeze that came on so suddenly he didn’t even have time to think about holding it back, he managed to stifle into almost perfect silence and thankfully Chocolat’s brash voice drowned it out. When no one seemed to notice he silently let out the deep breath he had been holding in.

“Htsssh!” Another sharp tickle assaulted his nose too quickly for him to try and stop it and coaxed another sneeze out of him, he just barely threw up his hand in time to cover as his head bobbed forward.

“Hey, did you hear something just now?” One of the girls asked, looking around, Chocolat didn’t immediately respond but her eyes grew wide for a moment. Pierre flinched slightly and tried to hold his breath, but tiny little hitching breaths kept escaping him as more sneezes tried to force their way out of his twitching nose. He crushed his hands over his nose and mouth to try and dampen the sound.

“No, I didn’t hear anything,” Chocolat laughed, popping the last of her ice cream cone into her mouth, “you guy’s must be hearing things.”

Pierre relaxed slightly, thankful that his sneezes were naturally quiet. He dabbed gently at his nose with his index finger, trying to rub away the badly timed tickle that was teasing his sinuses. He didn’t know what was causing it, but his nose was feeling incredibly itchy now and he was feeling in perpetual danger of sneezing, so much so that he didn’t dare take his hand away as the pressure was the only thing helping him to hold back. It felt as though there were feathers poking at the inside of his nose and he had to wonder if this was some sort of karmic retribution for spying on his girlfriend. He wanted to laugh, but held it back.

“Chocolat, we’re just going to get some drinks, want anything?” The girls smiled as they started to walk away, leaving the ginger haired girl alone.

“No, I’m fine,” she waved, watching them walk away with a slightly devious looking smile on her face, then when they had gotten out of earshot she turned slightly to her right towards where Pierre was standing, “Pierre, I know you’re there.”

He gulped, so she had noticed he was there after all.

“So you knew?” He asked shyly, his voice sounding a little congested.

“Of course I knew, did you really think I wouldn’t recognise my b-boyfriends sneezes?” She said, trying to sound cool, but the tsundere part of her personality couldn’t help but stutter when she called him her boyfriend, “bless you, by the way.”

“T-thahh…thanks,” he sniffled breathlessly as he suppressed another sneeze, his chest shivered slightly from the stress of holding it back.

“What are you even doing here?” Pierre couldn’t tell if she sounded angry or not, but he decided to play it safe and assume that she was.

“I’m sorry,” Chocolat still couldn’t see him, but it sounded to her as though he was blushing and that made her soften towards him somewhat, since he didn’t act this wat in front of her all that often, “can we talk about this l-lahh…later…Htshhh! Tshhh!” He rubbed slowly at his think nose with the knuckle of his index finger in a vain attempt to stave off the growing itch, but only a second or two later he gave in and succumbed to a small fit of quiet breathy sneezes, making Chocolat giggle softly and reach out to touch his cheek tenderly. (though she did aim a little high and poke him in the eye instead, it wasn’t often that she made the first move romance wise so he wasn’t going to say anything.)

“Wow, Pierre, something really is bothering you, isn’t it?” she frowned, looking vaguely concerned as she felt his breath start to hitch against her palm, “fine, you can tell me later, but I’m still going to whup your butt!”

She gently slid her hand across his cheek until she found his twitching nose and lightly pressed her index finger against his nostrils, rubbing backwards and forwards. Pierre shivered slightly at her touch, as it both increased and decreased the itching sensation at the same time.

“Besides, ending up like this kind of serves you right.” She laughed as she felt his breath becoming more uneven and felt his nose squirming beneath her nails.

“Ch-chocolahhhhht. G-go…gonna sn…sne…snehhh…Htshhh! Tshhhh!” He tried to bring up his hands to cover, but since Chocolat didn’t take away her hand he had no choice but to sneeze quietly against her fingers, misting her palm with a fine spray. His pink heart fluttered and tickled warmly in his chest from his girlfriends teasing and he had almost forgotten what he had been doing there, when a pair of girlish voices cut through their romantic moment and made them both jump.

“Chocolat! We’re back!” the girls looked over at their friend, who was standing with her right hand poised awkwardly in the air and laughed nervously, “what are you doing?”

The ginger haired girl blushed with embarrassment and lowered her hand, Pierre rubbed at his ticklish nose as the helpful pressure of her fingers disappeared and the sneezy sensation spiked again in the back of his sinuses. His chest shuddered heavily and he patted Chocolat’s shoulder frantically to try and alert her, since it would be bad if he was discovered by humans.

“Nothing, nothing!” she laughed, grabbing the invisible Pierre’s hand from behind her back, then she took off running down the street, “be right back.”

Pierre started wide eyed at the back of Chocolat’s head as she dragged him away, the surprise made him lose control of his nose and he started to sneeze uncontrollably through heavy breaths.

“Ch-choco…Tsssh! Chocolat…where a-are we guhh…Htsssh! Going?…Ktshhhh!” He choked out, a crimson blush decorated his cheeks as she dragged him into the girls bathroom, he knew he was invisible, but it still felt kind of wrong, and he was thankful that it was empty. She pushed him into an empty stall and sat him down, locking the door behind her.

“There!” She almost shouted through an exhale, then she reached out and patter Pierre on the top of his head, “we’re alone now.”

Pierre looked up at her through his watery eyes and tried to smile, but it came out looking slightly lopsided because his nose was still tickling, not that Chocolat could see it anyway.

“Hah…Htssssh! Tsssh! Huh…Huh…Hkssssh! *sniff* Thanks Chocolat.” He sniffled quietly, the itchy sensation started to disappear and his voice returned to its usual apathetic tone. Chocolat smiled, then she reached out and put her arms around the invisible boy and pulled him close to her chest, from the outside it looked as though she was hugging the air, but she could feel the warmth of his cheek against his shoulder and his fast heartbeat against her chest.

“Pierre, I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered quietly in his ear and made him blush again, his pink heart came out of his chest, beating violently, and slowly as she held him the rose coloured crystal started to turn a passionate red.


and with this ends my backlog spam of fics xD now ive actually got to write some more again hahaha xD <3

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That one with shrunken Zelda... o/////o

hehehe thanks <3 i was a bit worried about that one cos i thought it might be a bit too weird xD

i think if i'd felt less awkward i'd have been more graphic in detail xD

would you guys be ok with it if i did something else along these lines in the future then? i really like this senario xD

this is actually the only fic i have left in my archive xD i havent written any in a couple of days so ive ended up exhausting my supply xD

i'll try to write more tomorrow! more link and free!

also, i keep forgetting to put what fandom i'm doing xD


this is chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai xD

The black magic society club members sat gathered around the kotatsu at lunch time, Dekomori and Nibutani were struggling fiercely over strawberry milk and Rikka was cheering on Deko passionately as usual. Kumin was lying fast asleep on the floor, and Yuuta sat eating his dinner with a slightly bored expression on his face. That was when it happened.

“Oi, you two, will you just cut it… out…hehh…” Yuuta’s eyelids shuddered delicately and he gave a light shivering breath, he brought up his index finger and rubbed gently at the underside of his nose, then he gave a deep sigh and went back to eating his bento.

“Togashi? Are you ok?” Nibutani took a breath away from strangling Dekomori and looked over at him with a look that faintly resembled concern, Yuuta looked up from his food and gave a slightly embarrassed laugh.

“Yeah, I thought I was gonna sneeze,” Rikka’s strand of hair bounced excitably and her ears pricked up. She had been watching him out of the corner of her eye for quite some time already and she had seen the adorable presneeze face he had just made, but hearing him confirm that it had been a sneeze made the inside of her stomach flip in a weirdly happy way. She looked at him shyly from across the room and wondered when she would be able to see him sneeze properly.

Since that day, over the next couple of weeks, Rikka started acting really weird. Sometimes Yuuta would wake up with her leaning over him, tickling his nose with a strand of her hair, a couple of times she had surprised him by jumping out from behind a wall or door and throw some sort of strange powder at him, and he was starting to get frustrated by her odd behaviour. One day after school he decided to confront her about it.

“Spit it out, what’s going on?” He grabbed hold of her by the strand of hair on the top of her head and held it tightly, “why have you been acting so weird.

“Yuutaaaa! It hurts! Let me go!”

“Not until you tell me why you’ve been acting so weird.” He felt slightly bad at the sight of his girlfriend tearing up in front of him, but he didn’t like the idea of her keeping secrets from him, besides, he was pretty sure they were fake tears anyway.

“Ok, Ok!…I…I wanted to see Yuuta sneeze,” she cried, turning her face away and blushing brightly.

“Really…? Why?” Yuuta asked, his eyes wide with surprise, which only made Rikka blush more.

“I don’t know…but I think it would make me happy…” she squeaked shyly, forcing herself out of Yuuta’s grasp and turning her back to him. He silently watched her shaking back for a moment, then he reached out towards her.

“Ok,” Rikka turned back and looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes wide and sparkling, ‘I’ll see what I can do.”

About a week later, Rikka was sitting at the breakfast table, fighting with Yuuta’s sister over tomato’s when they heard a loud crashing coming from the bathroom. Only a second later Yuuta came bursting into the room, still dressed in his pyjamas , clutching a blue toothbrush in his hand. He hovered in the doorway for a second, his eyes half lidded and his mouth hung open, then-

“HahhHaaKtchu!” He snapped forward, fighting back the urge to cover his mouth he sneezes freely into the air, making sure that Rikka could see him clearly, then he stood up, sniffling slightly, he gently rubbed at his nose with his index finger, then looked up at Rikka with a slightly embarrassed grin on his face. She looked up at him with wide eyes, then she jumped to her feet, slammed her hands down on the table and grinned over at her boyfriend.


bai bai *floats back up to her happiness cloud* biggrin.png

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