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Drabble Challenge - Oliver/Avery


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22 hours ago, SpamKey said:


*grabs the torch and pitchfork from a box in the attic marked "Camp Libriel Mementos"*

I'm doing it, I'm starting a mob! It's a mob! You've incited a mob!


How VERY dare you?!?!?!?

*sobs and waves torch and pitchfork*

Oh gosh. I never meant to cause a mob!!

21 hours ago, Juto said:


You *beep* *beep* *beep* I can't even *beep* *beep* *beep* with all this angst, oh my *beep* God!! 


*joins the mob and summons Excalibur from the fiery depths of "what was buried must remain buried* at Camp Libriel, brushes off rainbow dust and smurf kicks a tiny unicorn away.* 



Oh dear. I see I'm probably about to be slaughtered :/

21 hours ago, Artygirl22 said:


*joins the mob and summons the Army of Anubis!*

*plays the song: let's start a riot*

Oh goodness. Hopefully the mob hasn't found out where I live just yet!!

20 hours ago, SpamKey said:

image.png.3f7ec4a0db0bac508deb291e24fb7eJust popping back in to add...



17 hours ago, Artemis said:

ooh ooh ish getting serious. Oh that was awesome. Loved it. I should have known that Oliver wasn't just ignoring Avery. Now, you better fix this. It's dangerous to go alone, here take this *hands helmet *

Thank you. I have a feeling I'll need all the protection I can get right now :P

13 hours ago, Coffee Chicken Barista said:

*joins angry mob! brings own pitchfork and torch*

NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! 


(But seriously though, this was adorable and sad and it made my heart hurt a little bit...)


Um :hug: Sorry?? <3

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Avery held his breath when Oliver answered the door to him, seeing his brown eyes harden. His stomach plummeted and he willed himself not to sneeze, not now. Aside from anything else, it would look like a ploy for sympathy and he wasn't about to get Oliver to forgive him based on pity. So he refused point blank to sneeze, to even let on that he needed to sneeze. He did, though. He really did.

"Oliver," he began carefully. He made sure to use his full name to avoid an outburst like the previous. He didn’t think he’d be able to handle it if Oliver shouted at him again. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to push you away like I do but it's hard with everything that's going on at school and at h-home," the word caught in his throat. "I'm sorry,"

Oliver studied him closely and seemed to relax a little. "Are you going to let me make you better?"

Avery sighed and bit his lip. He wanted to say yes but-

"I thought not," Oliver said and then Avery was staring at a closed door.

He risked the sniffle he'd been longing for and found it to be instantly regrettable when the cold air rushed up his nose and irritated his already tender sinuses. His breath came in short gasps and he doubled over at the waist with the force of the sneezes.

"Hh’NGHsch! An’NGHshh! Heh’KGHXT!"

When the sneezes subsided, Avery could hear Oliver's mother's voice shouting on the other side of the door, muffled by the wood but he could still make out most of her words.

"What are you thinking? That poor boy's sick as a dog. You go and let him in this instant!" She screamed.

Avery looked down, feeling the tips of his ears burning scarlet. He felt like an invalid. That's all they'd ever seen him as really, wasn't it? They'd only wanted to help because they were decent people. They didn't necessarily have to care. Though, he'd hoped.

She went on. "Don't you give me that. I care more about his health than I do about your hypersensitive feelings right now."

He could hear Oliver mumbling something but it wasn't clear enough to make out. Probably something about wanting rid of him, most likely. Avery took the hint and turned on his heel. He started down the path again but not quick enough to avoid hearing her say, "You'd better deflate that ego of yours because you're going to be hard pressed to find another boy like him,"

True enough. Probably a good thing too. Who would want to be like him? Constantly sick, allergies all through the spring and summer, without a friend or even a roof over his head; who would want this? He didn't want it.

"Avery, sweetheart," he heard Oliver's mother's voice behind him and stopped, turning to face her and feeling his stomach drop when she saw the pity in her expression. "Come on inside. I'll make you some hot chocolate."

Avery swallowed and did his best not to sound stuffy when he thanked her politely and said, "But I should really be getting home now."

"If you can wait ten minutes, I'll give you a lift," she went on earnestly. "You're not well."

"What else is new?" He shrugged sadly, setting off again before she could say another word. He ignored her calls of his name as he hurried away.

He let out another fit of itchy sneezes as he turned the corner, leaving Oliver's house behind.

"Hah-isshoo! Ishhkhx! Isghoo! Ahishshoo! Ai'gkhoo!"

He was starting to wonder if this was even worth it, hiding everything just to prove a point to himself. Probably not.

When he arrived back, he heard the familiar whimper and let the puppy curl up on his lap as usual. The tears fell then as he cuddled her close, pretending she could comfort him better than Oliver could. Oliver. Before long, he was asleep with his nose dribbling down his face and his blanket loose around his shoulders, thoughts of Oliver stuck in his head.

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*hands shield and other protective gear* you are gonna need this. I loved it though. He sounds just like a teenage boy whose ego got bruised. He's licking his wounds. I can wait for a make up scene. I wish you the best of luck..........

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*stands back and watches the angry mob, giggling madly* I love angst.

Well played Adrian, very well played.

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*Cracks knuckles and holds back the army of Anubis* You're lucky I like ya.....I like Oli's mom. She is awesome. 

Now make due with them being good again and I might call off the Egyptian army.


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I didn't notice this drabble thread until the other day. Although I wasn't here in the beginning, I have to say that these are wonderful. I always knew you were a great writer from your other works, but these drabbles tug at the heart. I'm not angry about the current outcome of Oliver and Avery's relationship, though I am not pleased. Since this needs to change, fluff is always nice. Great job. I am looking forward to reading more. 

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Adrian, we may need to get you to a safe house. The mob has been angered! Horribly, terribly angered!

Also, I love Oliver's mom. She seems pretty awesome.

Your writing, as always, is stellar! But please let them make up soon!

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Oh my gosh!! 

I swear I was seconds from dialling Thor (lovely dude to have on speed dial) and demand him to initiate ragnarok!! 

... But then Oli's mum showed up! I LOVE THAT WOMAN SO MUCH!!!!! :heart: 

The mob is on stand-by... For now. ;) 

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...I missed this when it was just Attitude, and at first I thought "oh good, a reconciliatory update to wipe away the angst tears with." But as it turned out... *continues sobbing*

I'mma take Avery over here and snuggle him 'til the story needs him back, 'kay?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Artemis *dons protective gear* thanks!

@Kaze wo Hiku Thank you, dear. I love it too :)

@SpamKey I don't think this will do much to discourage it either :/ (I love her too omg)

@Artygirl22 I'm glad you like me so maybe you'll hang tight with me for just one more drabble and then hopefully fluff!

@Sophie83540 Aw :blush: thank you!! And thank you for commenting! <3

@Coffee Chicken Barista Soon! Very soon! (Oliver's mum is my favourite character in this whole thread tbh)

@Juto Thanks for calling them off, dear. Though I worry you shan't be pleased with me :/

@RiversD :hug: Snuggle away! He needs it, poor lamb.

This is really short and I'm sorry but lskdfgf.



Avery woke in the middle of the night unable to stop shivering. He hadn’t slept well - though he never did anymore - and it was getting to the point where he was starting to feel like he didn’t want to do this anymore. But now he had nobody to go to. His parents didn’t want him and now neither did Oliver.

Hesitantly, so as not to wake the puppy asleep in his lap, he rummaged through his backpack until he found a crumpled photograph at the bottom with worn edges and damp corners. It was folded once down the middle. He opened it.

As he stared sadly at the faces of his mother and father, he realised exactly how many people in the world would miss him. They wouldn’t. Oliver wouldn’t - he didn’t think Avery was worth his time. So perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if this fever was the end of him. Perhaps. After all, if Oliver didn't care about him, he had no idea what to do. Oliver was always the one who told him he was worth it and who reminded him that he was loved and cared for. Now, he just felt lost.

He folded the picture again and tucked it into his pocket, wanting to keep it close. The puppy stirred in his lap and he stroked her back rhythmically, glad, at least, that the wind didn't reach him.

He slept restlessly again.

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Aww Poor Avery, he's so alone and insecure :( short as it may be it still made me all teary and motherly. :heart: 

I just want him safe and sound in Oli's arms, poor dear :( 

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*joins the mob, brandishing her own pitchfork*

I'm so glad you revived this drabble thread, though, Adrian. These two are great. <3

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*picks up pitchfork and meets up with mob*

NO! Poor baby!!!!!

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@Juto My poor baby. He won't have to wait long <3

@SpamKey Sorry, my dear. I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me?

@this_is_not_me Aw, thank you! :blush:

@Coffee Chicken Barista *points behind you* Oh look, fluff! *runs away*



Gym was without a doubt one of Avery’s least favourite subjects. He wasn’t sporty. He wasn’t fit. He was skinny and weak and currently fighting one hell of a bad cold. Still. Also, he spent enough time outside these days. He didn’t particularly want to spend any more time there than absolutely necessary - especially not if he was going to be forced to run.

So Avery spent much of the lesson coughing and sneezing and shivering in the brisk morning air. Another good reason to hate this class came in the form of three people who found endless joy in making his life miserable. Avery huffed a humourless laugh to himself - like he wasn’t miserable enough already.

As he wheezed his way around the football pitch, he felt his cheeks burning with both exertion and embarrassment when he caught the three of them laughing at his pathetic attempts to run. He really, really hated this class. But it was on the way back to the changing rooms that he decided he hated this class more than he could possibly say.

He was too focused on keeping upright that he didn’t notice them in front of him until he found his way blocked and suddenly he was being dragged off to the side, his back slammed painfully against the school building. The action knocked what little breath he had right out of him and he doubled over, coughing.

“Oh, sweetiepie,” the girl - Taylor - crooned, nudging the blond boy beside her with a snicker. “Looks like Snivelly’s not feeling too well.”

Her voice was sickeningly sweet and the obvious mocking tone to it made Avery want to burst into tears. But he didn’t. He was sick of feeling like a weakling. Whatever was coming to him, he’d take it and he’d take it quietly. He wasn’t about to give them the satisfaction of seeing him cry like he so desperately wanted to.

Avery crinkled his nose to hold back a building sneeze but Taylor seemed to notice all the same and her face broke out into a simpering smile. “Oh, pumpkin,” she mocked, making Avery squirm. “You got a little tickle there? Well, maybe we can fix that…”

Still grinning wickedly, she nodded to the two boys either side of her who pinned Avery’s shoulders to the wall. He didn’t bother fighting. He didn’t have the energy. Frankly, he didn’t care anymore. Let them have their fun.

Taylor ran one manicured nail under his nose, brushing so lightly against the sensitive skin that Avery wasn’t even sure he could feel it until the itch flared up, making his tight lungs heave with the effort of the build up. But no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn’t come and he let out a long sigh as the feeling dissipated. He should have known that Taylor wasn’t done with him yet. She touched her nail to his nose again, pressing slightly harder than before until it tickled so badly that he wanted nothing more than to rub at it. But his hands were being held fast by the others.

Avery’s red-tipped nose twitched in response to Taylor’s nail ghosting across his septum. His breath hitched in his chest, upsetting the burning sensation which had settled there during class and igniting an awful need to cough. Taylor continued until Avery could barely see her through his teary eyes. Hell he just wanted relief but Taylor kept withdrawing her finger just before he could coax out a sneeze.

Eventually, his tortured nose could stand it no longer and he pitched forward violently, wrenching one hand free to press against his quivering nose.

“EHH’ISHoo! HhEHshhuh! EhhishHHuh! Hiishhuhh!”

Avery wiped his runny nose on the back of his hand but the tickle wasn’t quite finished with him yet and he ducked his head again, flushing red with embarrassment as he thought of three pairs of eyes upon him.

“NgXTT! Hehh’ISH! Ehh’nxgt!”

He sniffed wetly but he made little difference. He knew what kind of state he was in but it was all he could do to stay upright. He couldn’t bring himself to care. Instead, he rested his head back against the wall, his breathing laboured and painful.

“Oh, very brave. Three against one is it?”

The voice came from Avery’s right but he was too focused on breathing to notice that it was familiar and laced with anger. Taylor smirked at him.

“Seems you’re getting off easy today, Snivelly,” she jeered, tapping the tip of his nose wickedly. “Your prissy little boyfriend’s here to save the day.”

Avery rubbed his nose furiously as he watched them amble off, unsure as to what had just happened until Oliver’s face came into focus in front of him and the tears came flooding freely as he threw his arms around him. He felt Oliver’s arms wind around him in response and sobbed.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

Oliver squeezed him tight. “No, honey, I’m sorry,” he said, pulling back and tilting Avery’s chin up so their eyes were forced to meet. “Apologies will never be enough. I should never have snapped at you and I promise I didn’t mean a single word of it.”

Before Avery could say anything, Oliver pulled out a tissue and started mopping up his boyfriend’s nose, making Avery flush again. Oliver merely smiled and let Avery take over before pulling out a fresh one and drying the tears from his cheeks.

“Let me walk you home?”

This was it. This was the moment. Just tell him, Avery. Tell him now. Seeing Avery’s hesitation, Oliver frowned.

“Avery?” He whispered. “Is everything...okay at home?”

Tell him!

His thoughts were interrupted by the school bell and he was brought back to reality with a harsh thud. What had he been thinking? He couldn’t tell Oliver. The last thing he needed was his boyfriend - and thank heavens he could still call him that - knowing just how pathetic he really was.

Avery smiled. “Everything’s fine,” he said. “M’just stressed about school, y’know?”

Oliver sighed and nodded. He did know.

“Well, at least come home with me for a bit? My mum wants to see you. She, uh, she talked some sense into me last night,” Oliver said, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed. “I was being selfish and awful to you and I’m so sorry.”

Avery reached out to take Oliver’s hand and gave it a squeeze. Apology accepted. Oliver grinned and pulled Avery towards the school gates.

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FLUFF ON THE HORIZON :woot2: :clapping:


awww my heart! 

FINALLY!!!!! ;) 

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I may maay have let out an inhuman squeal when he asked to walk him home...

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Yay for Oliver's mom!!! And Yay for fluff!! Hey, is it possible for me to be transported into your story and beat those three up? No one deserves to be treated that way. Good thing Oliver was there to save to day.

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*calls off the undead army and nuzzles Adrian*  the fluff...  *nuzzles*

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I'm gonna go cry in a corner for a bit because of how sweet this is.

So, if you need me, I'll be just over here.


Cause it's so damn cute!

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@Juto You can sense fluff on the horizon? Must come with being the Duchess :P

@Kaze wo Hiku Ahh, I'm glad you liked it omg omg.

@SpamKey Excellent!! I was starting to worry! :sweat: 

@Artemis "Oi, you three!" The three bullies turned to find Artemis standing there, hands balled into fists and advancing angrily. They barely had time to think before they were lying in a heap on the floor, groaning in pain. Artemis smiled, satisfied. "That one's for Avery!" (Better? :P )

@Artygirl22 *nuzzles back*

@Coffee Chicken Barista :hug: More fluffy stuff heading your way <3

@this_is_not_me:blush: Thank you!!



The moment Oliver pulled his sniffling boyfriend through the front door, his mother descended swiftly upon the pair of them.

“Oh, sweetheart,” she fussed, taking in Avery’s red bulb of a nose and his pained breaths. She guided the pair of them into the living room and sat Avery down on the sofa, pulling the afghan down from the back and tucking it around his shoulders. She placed her hands on his cheeks and smiled. “At least there’s no fever this time,” she said fondly.

Avery smiled back, knowing that was probably due to the medicine he’d been taking religiously but not about to contradict her. If Helen thought he had a fever, she’d insist on driving him home. Instead, he was happy to keep up the pretence of just recovering from his cold and return to school after lunch with Oliver. At least now he wouldn't have to be alone.

“I’m just heading out to work, Oli,” Helen said, ruffling her son’s hair. “The rest of the chilli is in the freezer. Should be enough for both of you.”

“Thanks, mum,” Oliver said, smiling over at Avery who was looking better than he had in weeks.

Helen kissed them both on the forehead by way of goodbye and left.



“Hungry?” Oliver asked, pulling Avery to his feet and dragging him into the kitchen without waiting for an answer. The sudden rush of air irritated Avery’s itchy nose and he had to yank his hands back to cover his face as he pitched forwards.

“Heh’iSHHoo!” He sniffed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand sheepishly. “S’cuse me.”


Oliver took Avery’s free hand which wasn’t tending to his nose and pressed a tissue into it. Since Avery had taken to coming round, Oliver had noticed that every room had a box of tissues somewhere. He had to hand it to his mother - she was the best.

The tissues boxes turned out to be extremely helpful because, once Avery had started sneezing again, he couldn’t seem to stop. They teased him and left him feeling very little relief and every couple of minutes he would turn away from his food - which was a welcome change after how little he’d been eating recently, surviving mainly on school lunches - to sneeze into fresh tissues.

“ihhh...hhIH-Ishoo! Nxgt!”

Oliver sighed. “Don’t stifle, love,” he said, pushing his own food around his plate absently while he worried over his boyfriend. To his relief, Avery shot him a smile.

“Sorry,” he said with a liquid sniffle. “I’ll try to remember.”

That was the best Oliver could hope for.

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