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Drabble Challenge - Oliver/Avery


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Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! This is so u and cal!!!!

Ahhhhhhhh oli's mother. I love her!!!!!


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Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! This is so u and cal!!!!

Ahhhhhhhh oli's mother. I love her!!!!!


omg i wish which one would i be then? i am interested hehe

i love her too ahhh i will have to write more of her!

Aww so cute...as always. I'll just wait here for more to appear. *sits comfortably* eek.gif

thank you<3 well you won't have to wait long c:

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I had a concert last night or I would have posted the first one earlier and I have another one tonight (I'm going to be dead on my feet tomorrow) so here are two drabbles. I hope they are okay!

78 - Secret

Their relationship remained something of a secret after that. Not from Oliver’s mother, who pretty much had them sussed from day one, but from anyone who might gossip. So, at school, they behaved as they always had done - as very close best friends. Sometimes, Avery thought about how quickly they had become friends like this so quickly. Something had just clicked between them and he was worried. Because he’d seen friendships like this one fall apart as suddenly as they had started and he wasn’t ready for that.

“So snff you’re not out to your parents yet?” Oliver asked, the occasional sniffle still punctuating his speech. Strangely enough, Avery was the one who had recovered the fastest. Unusual in itself.

Avery shook his head. “It never came up,” he admitted. Oliver nodded.

In all honesty, it was quite nice having a secret relationship. He liked that they could share secret smiles which meant a lot more to them than to onlookers and that kissing was a very private affair and that they had something to look forward to when Avery came over to Oliver’s house. It was the only place they ever really kissed and Oliver liked that. He liked having one place where they could be wholly affectionate. He didn’t even mind when his mother caught them cuddled up together because she’d always offer them a secret smile and let them be.

“Hh-ingtschu! Uh...hih….pnchu! Oh…”

“Bless,” Avery whispered, darting forward and pecking Oliver’s lips before he could stop him. It was very difficult to huff when he actually really enjoyed the kisses but he did his best.

“You really need to stop kissing me,” he said with what he hoped was a firm tone but he felt a giggle bubble up in his throat. He was behaving like a teenage girl.

Avery laughed too. “Or what?”

“You know what,” Oliver replied quietly, all humour in his tone lost.

“A cold won’t kill me,” Avery shook his head. Oliver didn’t look convinced. “Hey, look at me. I mean, I’ve been healthy for, what, three days now? That’s a new record,”

It was a joke and Oliver knew that but his laugh was still a little forced.

Avery tried again. “And it’ll be summer soon anyway. At least I won’t miss school,”

Without a word, Oliver gave another sniffle and sighed. He found illness always hit him hard because it wasn’t commonplace for him. Finally, he said, “Okay,” and Avery kissed him for five whole seconds.

54 – Needles

Oliver really didn't know how Avery could be so calm about this. Someone was about to jab a sharp thing into his freaking arm and he wasn't even batting an eyelid. How the holy hell was this not scaring the shit out of him? Oliver just didn't get it.

"Okay?" Avery asked quietly, squeezing his hand reassuringly. It seemed Avery was the one holding Oliver's hand through this when it should be the other way round. It wasn't like Oliver was getting a flu shot; you'd have to tie him down. He nodded all the same but, really, being in the same room as a nurse wielding a needle was making him feel a bit sick.

The nurse, seemingly oblivious to their conversation, turned back to Avery and smiled. "Alright. You will feel a slight pinch. Ready?"

Avery nodded brightly and soon it was over. The nurse turned to Oliver.

"Your turn, dear," she said brightly and Oliver could feel himself going white.

"Oh, no you don't," he said nervously, pulling away as she went to fasten a strap around his upper arm. She gave him a look of confusion. "I don't do needles,"


"I'd rather have the flu for the rest of my life," Oliver said firmly and, from behind the nurse's back, he could hear Avery snickering.


Not two days later, Avery was coming down with yet another cold.

"What the hhh-he-hh-ll heh...Ngt! is the point in flu shots if they doh-doh-itschu! don't do anything?" He managed eventually.

Oliver kissed him sweetly, softly, but couldn’t resist a roll of his eyes. "Bless you,sniffles,” he said. “I told you not to kiss me,”

And, somehow, Avery managed to make a sniffle sound insulted.

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Awwwwwwwwwqwwqwfgdrdfffvfv! U would so be Oliver!! And his mother!!! Ugh she's awesome sauce!!! And i agree with avery about the shots.

Thats y i dont get em. :P yes....i am stubborn.

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Awwwh Avery caught Oli's cold.. Again?! Aha poor thing. Uhm you should make a chapter were Avery does come out.. You choose if his parents accept it or not :) . Anyways great drabbles already :)

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Awwwwwwwwwqwwqwfgdrdfffvfv! U would so be Oliver!! And his mother!!! Ugh she's awesome sauce!!! And i agree with avery about the shots.

Thats y i dont get em. tonguesmiley.gif yes....i am stubborn.

aw i'd like that so i could take care of people. i'd be such a bad patient hehe.

ahh i actually really love her

me too i have to be dragged kicking and screaming!

Awwwh Avery caught Oli's cold.. Again?! Aha poor thing. Uhm you should make a chapter were Avery does come out.. You choose if his parents accept it or not smile.png . Anyways great drabbles already smile.png

i know. twice from one cold. that's an achievement.

i have that one written but it doesn't come for a while yet :D

thank you!!

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I think the second one might be a bit long. Sorry!

61 - Bike

"Come on, slow coach!" Oliver laughed, glancing over his shoulder momentarily to see Avery lagging behind. He got the fright of his life when he turned back only to be met with an oncoming bin which he had to swerve violently to avoid.

"Coming..." Avery called back breathlessly.

As the fence and designated finishing line approached, Oliver began to slow steadily, finally jerking the handlebars and pulling hard on the breaks so he came to a stop at long last. Avery joined him not long later, panting and rosy-cheeked. Oliver resisted the urge to tease him and instead grinned widely.

"That's the most exercise I've done since 2002!" He chuckled, earning a giggle from Avery. Not a second later, he added teasingly, "Race you back?"

Avery gave him a look which told him the very suggestion could get him killed and wheeled his bike just close enough to aim a playful punch at Oliver. He missed when Oliver grabbed his wrist to keep him from both hitting him and toppling over.

"Easy there, tiger," he laughed, bringing Avery's hand to his lips and planting a cheesy kiss on his knuckles. Avery blushed furiously. Good.

"Come on," Oliver began to reset his pedals to a better starting position. "I'm starving,"

"Me too," Avery agreed and they set off again. After barely a moment, Oliver veered to the right and they were cutting through open fields. It was a much faster route home than following the designated streets.

It didn't take long for Avery's already itchy eyes to start streaming. He removed one hand from the handlebars to brush his tears away, maintaining direction with the other. And then the tickle started on his nose, irritated by the dust and pollen kicked up by the tyres. It had been bad enough on the streets but now he could barely breathe and they were hardly one third of the way across.

Oliver raced on ahead, oblivious.

Avery's breath snagged dangerously, sending his nose into a series of uncontrollable quivers and twitches. If he let loose now, he'd never get himself under control again. But his breath was coming in harsh gasps and he couldn't see and-

Oliver turned back just for a moment by chance and skidded to a halt. Without the rush of wind in his ears, he could see that Avery had not stopped out of the blue but was actually muffling sneeze after sneeze after sneeze. He only caught the tail end of them but soon put an end to that when he cycled closer, using the slight slope and letting gravity to the work for him.

"Ca-heh-can't hh-hhh-ngch! s-st-hh-op. Igistchu!"

Olive bit his lip apologetically. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't think,"

He should have thought. He was Avery's boyfriend now. It was his job to think. And he hadn't even thought to bring extra tissues with him on a hot summer day when the pollen was atrocious as it was. They were just as well going forward as they were back. It'd get Avery home quicker and they could get him into a shower to rinse off the pollen sticking to his clothes.

"Hh-tsch! Ah-ngtschu! Istch!"

Oliver felt his heart clench. Poor thing could barely stifle his sneezes, they were so strong. With some difficulty, he settled Avery back on his bike and kissed his cheek, setting off again at a slower pace.

"Come on, sweetie," he said softly. "Let's get you home, yeah?"

Avery nodded miserably and Oliver cycled right next to him the whole way there, providing constant reassurance and blessings.

85 - City

Venturing to the city on their next outing seemed like a better option. Oliver stood by the logic that there were fewer trees and flowers and, therefore, Avery might manage to escape his hayfever for the most part if he actually took his antihistimines instead of pretending he had done because he didn't like how drowsy they made him feel. Oliver would make sure this one went well. He'd make sure of it.

It was technically their first proper date and Oliver was determined nothing would go wrong. It'd be perfect; straight out of a fairytale.

And it was. For a while. There's always a "but" lurking on the periphery.

It began with a faint tickle in Avery's nose, easily dismissed but still faintly annoying. They'd found a rather interesting fountain to perch themselves on the edge of during their adventuring and so Avery had lain down on his back with his feet flat and his head in Oliver's lap. There were other couples sat round the fountain too, some children splashing around in its clear water. They could just blend.

Oliver fiddled with Avery's hair fondly. It was nice just to exist like this but clearly something was bugging the boy or he wouldn't have been so distracted.

A sniffle eventually gave him away. Oliver flashed him a look of sympathy.

"Hayfever?" He asked quietly, searching Avery's eyes for signs of redness. When he found none, he thought little of it. Probably just the medicine working, he thought. Avery nodded, snuggling closer and turning into Oliver's body so his face was nuzzled against the front of his t-shirt.

Not long later, he sat up abruptly.

"Hngt! Ai-hmp! Ai-hng! Heh...hitsschuu!"

"Bless you," Said Oliver dutifully and Avery nodded.

The fit seemed to be over for the moment but Avery was left with that same tickly expression. He rubbed at the underside of his nostrils irritably and sniffled again. Sheepishly, he flashed Oliver an apologetic smile decided resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder would do for now to allow for a quicker escape should he be interrupted. He didn't have long to wait.

"You oka-" Oliver began but was silenced when Avery held up a finger to indicate what his flaring nostrils and watery eyes were probably already communicating pretty well.

"Hingtschu! Ai-hetsch!"

Oliver observed Avery with a puzzled frown. Unless it had risen since he'd checked that morning, the pollen count was considerably lower than it had been recently. And, in the city with antihistimines by the bucket load, you'd think Avery would be granted some sort of immunity just for today. It was strange. His next fit had Oliver wondering if maybe it wasn't just the pollen.

"Hi-knxt! Ehh...Tch! Hi-tschu! Hih-tsschuu! Knxt! N...no...hhh...I ca...hi-ngtehsch! can't...brea-hh-eathe...ehhh..."

The final sneeze teased him, the tickle intensifying and subsiding several times before dying away to a faint irritation at the top of his nose. Oliver kissed his cheek softly and Avery only then remembered his presence at all, really, and accepted the tissue he was offered gratefully. He couldn't blow his nose in front of all these people so settled for constant rubbing and dabbing when the need arose.

"You're sneezy today," Oliver remarked, realising he was stating the obvious but unable to help himself. He stroked Avery's fringe from his face. "Hm, no fever,"

Avery nodded. "I'm not sick. Genuinely. I feel fine except for-"

His sentence went unfinished. It didn't need an ending. Oliver bit his lip.

"It's worse when you're close to me," he muttered, examining his clothing for any hint of a clue as to what the hell might be irritating Avery's sensitive nose.

"It's not you," Avery said with a certain nod of his head.

"I think it is,"


Oliver frowned, completely disregarding Avery's argument. "I think it's my Lynx," he mumbled ashamedly.

"It's not you," Avery said again but more firmly this time. Oliver rolled his eyes in disbelief. Seeing this, Avery buried his nose in Oliver's neck and took a deep breath in. When he pulled back, he did seem alright, in fairness to him. "See. Not you,"

Oliver wasn't convinced. "Wait for it,"

Sure enough, the tickle returned with multiplied intensity and Avery barely had time to cup his hands over his nose and mouth before the explosive sneezes broke free.

"Hetschu! He-ingtsch! Hetschu! Hetchu!" Avery gave a liquid sniff which he realised too late was a mistake. "Hetsch! Hngtch! Aitschuh! Hngtsch! Hngtsch!"

"Okay," Avery managed breathlessly. "Maybe it ihh is y-yo tsch! you,"

Oliver was caught between concern and smugness. Embarrassed, he had to admit it. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I just wanted to smell nice for our first "official"" he made inverted commas in the air with his fingers. "Date,"

Avery shook his head and pressed a kiss to Oliver's lips. He tasted like toothpaste.

"You always smell nice," he said with a chuckle as he moved himself so there was one person’s width between them. "Just maybe lay off the body spray for a bit, yeah?"

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(I forgot to mention that the seconds part was for DeathNoteOwner but it was oops)

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Awwwwwwww... then oli called him baby...and then i turned into goo because its cute and...and :3 awwwwwwwwwwwww!

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Awwwwwwww... then oli called him baby...and then i turned into goo because its cute and...and :3 awwwwwwwwwwwww!

hehe i have a thing for that so it might happen a lot ahhh<3

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Oh right I wouldn't have noticed the second part was for me if it was not you that confirmed it, too amazed by it to realize that I kinda requested it. *insert awkward chuckle*. Really cute both drabbles :) not too long nope, the longer the better ! :)

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Oh right I wouldn't have noticed the second part was for me if it was not you that confirmed it, too amazed by it to realize that I kinda requested it. *insert awkward chuckle*. Really cute both drabbles smile.png not too long nope, the longer the better ! smile.png

Ah, I'm glad you liked it. This has become less of a drabble thread already, oh dear.

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I like build up, what can I say?

64 - Control

With every breath, Oliver decided again and again that he absolutely hated house parties, especially when there were animals involved. So maybe cats weren’t the worst for his allergies but they were pretty damn close. Each time the air whistled into his lungs, the tickle in his chest intensified. He wasn’t even sure he could class the itch in his nose as a tickle anymore because he was so damn congested he didn’t even think he could feel it.

But he couldn’t just let them go. Not with all these people. He’d never be able to stop if he let go.

So he took shallow sips of the available air and made his way out to the balcony where he would have stayed had he not found standing next to the couple intent on snogging each other’s faces off too awkward. He was almost grateful Avery wasn’t around to witness his hitching breaths and watery eyes.

Allergies were the worst. He’d rather just be sick so he’d have an excuse to lie in bed and drink orange juice and watch musicals and old cartoons. Above all, he’d have something to look forward to when it was over. But this was just torture because it tickled and itched and his eyes were crying of their own accord and he just couldn’t breathe.

The tickle went through peaks and troughs, leaving him drained.

“Heh...hhhh…” He lifted a hand to scrub at his nose, wincing at the liquid sound it made. He had to get out. “Hihhh….n-nohhoh...hehh…”

Desperately, he searched yet again for a tissue in his pockets and found none. Avery hadn’t returned so presumably he was still in the bathroom. Poor thing was so shy; he couldn’t handle the party. Oliver wasn’t sure why they were still here. Neither of them were having any fun.

He wiped again at his eyes, eyeing the cat from across the room. This was the first time he’d actually seen it. Perhaps it was silly, but the mere sight of the creature seemed to irritate his nose further.

“Ehh…” He breathed softly, deciding yet again that everything sucked. He could at least be thankful that everyone was too caught up in their own separate partying to notice Oliver struggling to contain himself on the sofa.

Avery’s sudden presence before him startled the tickle right out of him for a moment. But it returned shortly after with a vengeance. The music was forever changing. Oliver didn’t think he’d heard a song all the way through all night. So, in the second of silence before the next track kicked into action, he heard Avery ask to leave in a horribly shaky voice to match his limbs. And Oliver would have nodded had it not been for his catching sight of the cat stalking closer, waving its feline tail like it didn’t know it was torturing him.

He was so focused on it that he didn’t have time to prevent Avery from plonking himself down hard on the couch. He tried to hold his breath but he gasped too late and the cloud of dander and hair hit him before he could stop it. And he bolted for the door, leaving Avery staring after him in shock.

By the time Avery made it outside, Oliver was doubled over on the front garden, messy sneezes bursting from him relentlessly.

“Atsch! Hngt! Aitschoo! Aitschoo! Etsch! Ech! Itschyu!”

Avery slung an arm over Oliver’s back, guiding him towards the pavement as quickly as he could given the fit which seemed to just keep going and going.

“Etschu! Ingtch! Hi-istch-iscth! Nxt! Npcht!” He only had a moment to draw in a deep breath before they started again and Avery gave up on trying to guide him, instead settling him down on the edge of the kerb.

By the time Oliver’s fit had subsided to coughs and the occasional double, Avery had managed to find the humour in the situation and was smiling faintly.

“You’re allergic to the cat, huh?” He asked with a chuckle, earning a teary glare from Oliver. “You could have just mentioned it,”

Oliver sighed, feeling another tickle brewing. “Thought I could control it,” he muttered. Avery pecked the top of his head.

“No more cats for you,” he said firmly. Oliver simply nodded. No more cats for him.

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(its like it was written just for me or.. Cat allergies are A+ ehem.. enough over-excitment)

really well written.. :)

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"Allergies were the worst. He’d rather just

be sick so he’d have an excuse to lie in

bed and drink orange juice and watch

musicals and old cartoons."

See?! This is u!!!!!! XD

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(its like it was written just for me or.. Cat allergies are A+ ehem.. enough over-excitment)

really well written.. smile.png


i love cat allergies. especially when kittens are involved!

thank you :)

"Allergies were the worst. He’d rather just

be sick so he’d have an excuse to lie in

bed and drink orange juice and watch

musicals and old cartoons."

See?! This is u!!!!!! XD

hehe okay i can see the resemblance now!

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So, I was feeling pretty rubbish and lonely and now I have three drabbles for you~

87 - Sky

Oliver smoothed out the creases of the picnic blanket carefully, plonking himself down when he was finished and ultimately messing up all his hard work. Still, it didn't matter. It was for practicality rather than show. Having been coming down with a cold for a few days now, it was Oliver's number one priority to keep Avery warm. So, an insulater between him and the cold ground was important.


Avery sniffled with a soft groan and rubbed at his nose before flopping down on the blanket next to him. Oliver flashed him a look of sympathy.

"Come on, baby. Let's get you wrapped up," he murmured, pulling Avery's blankets around his shoulders more tightly. While Oliver mightn't have had the heart to refuse entirely, he had insisted Avery wrap himself up. So he was clad in long pyjamas and fluffy bed socks with three blankets wrapped around his shoulders and a big fuzzy jumper keeping him warm. He was never done telling Oliver that he was worrying too much but Oliver was insistent. Warm clothes or they were staying indoors.

"Hmm...comfy," Avery sighed and curled closer while Oliver reclined them both. This was nice. Avery's constant sniffling was forgotten after a while.

Oliver lifted his gaze to the sky at last, playing absently with the corner of one of the blankets. It really was beautiful. It amazed Oliver to no end that tiny balls of gas burning millions of miles away could make him feel so many things. They were breathtaking. He imagined Orion hunting Sirius through space, other hunters looking on in fear as he charged through their dwellings, pursued by the Great Bear. When he gazed up and followed the final stars of the Big Dipper along to where the Pole star gleamed and glistened up above, he cast his mind back to Peter Pan and remembered one night when he wished so hard to go to Neverland.

"Mpch! Hmp!"

Oliver brought himself back with a worried look.

"Hh-tsch! Atsk! Knxt!"

"Oliver pressed a kiss to Avery's temple. "Bless you,"


"Woah, bless you, again," Oliver's brow furrowed in concern as Avery tried to contain what threatened to be a nasty coughing fit. He sounded pained. "You sure you're alright?"

Avery nodded, the last of his coughs fading. "Fine," he choked out eventually. Oliver frowned.

"I think you've had enough," he said gently and Avery didn't protest, allowing Oliver to tuck the blankets across his front again before helping him to stand. "We'll go to the planetarium some time, yeah?"

Avery smiled. "I'd like that,"

39 – Muffle



"Hmp! Nxt!"



Oliver winced at the sound. How Avery could stifle such violent sneezes like that without giving himself a nosebleed was a mystery to him. He shook his head, watching Avery massage his temples before going back to his lunch. With a soft sigh, he gently lowered the arm which was currently guiding a sandwich to his mouth, much to Avery's dismay.

"Oliver, what-"

"Shh," Oliver smiled, shuffling as close as their respective chairs would allow and kissing his cheek. "You need to stop stifling those like that. You'll hurt yourself,"

Avery rolled his eyes, reaching for his food again. "I'm fine," he said with a pointed roll of his eyes. Oliver sighed.

"Your head hurts, huh?" He said but Avery waved the suggetion away. Oliver wrinkled his nose in thought. Getting Avery to admit to these things was no easy feat. He didn't like to be pitied. Oliver understood that. It was okay. But there was a distinct difference between pity and care and the care he felt made his heart twinge when Avery muffled another sneeze against his wrist.


The pained expression which followed was all the confimation Oliver needed and he wasn't going to shut up about it. Besides, just listening to him was giving him a headache.

"If you stop stifling, I'll buy you crispy M&Ms," he offered with a smirk, seeing Avery consider this option. For a moment, it looked like he'd go for it but then he shook his head.

"I can't," he sighed. "Not in front of people,"


Avery sighed resignedly and took another bite of his sandwich, swallowing it harshly without another word. Oliver wasn't sure if that was a yes or a no until Avery plucked a tissue from his pocket.


Oliver smiled while Avery returned sheepishly to his food, muttering, "It had better be a big bag,"

46 – Enraptured

This was it. This was the position in which he wanted to remain for the rest of his life. With Avery's head on his stomach and his knees bent so his feet were flat, hand threading absently through Avery's soft hair. Yes. This was the perfect position. They made a sort of T-shape on his bedroom floor, pillows tucked under the smalls of their backs for comfort and Oliver propped up against Avery's blue beanbag.

He definitely loved Avery's room. It was so spacious but cosy all at once. His bed was a small, fold-out sofa which was actually very comfortable and practical in terms of space. He had one set of drawers though Oliver couldn't fathom why since most of his clothes were either piled on top or strewn across the floor. There was a desk for his homework, littered with textbooks and sheet music, and a sleek black guitar hanging from the wall next to his door.

And his books. His books were by the dozen, stacked in every possble corner and lined up haphazardly along shelves and surfaces. His biggest book (The Entire Chronicles of Narnia)lay open on the arm of the sofa, the freying golden thread of the attached bookmark cascading down over the edge. There was something Oliver had noticed about book lovers like Avery; they managed to make their books look cared for and well-read all at once. Many were dog-eared and bent, their spines cracked and their pristine white pages slowly dirtying with constant turning. Even stacked disjointedly, they were adored and somehow that was obvious.

Oliver was so wrapped up in his line of thought that he didn't register Avery having sat up until a soft - but unstifled, at last - sneeze brought him back.


Oliver didn't even think before he said it. It just kind of burst out. "You have such an adorable sneeze,"

Avery gave him a look of confusion, his signature blush dusting his cheeks. "What?"

"You're just so cute, y'know?" He rambled on, ruffling Avery's hair with a giggle. "You get all blushy and embarrassed about it and your cheeks get all red and you're just adorable,"

At the mention of his blushing, it only worsened. "I do not,"

"You so do," Oliver laughed, stopping abruptly to bite his lip. "Was that creepy?"

Avery shook his head. "Not creepy," he said, smiling reassuringly. "Just unexpected,"

"Good. Because you do,"

"Shut up,"


( I have another one written. If this carries on, you'll get all of them today D: )

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh :D

Cute :D

I love it<3



Very yes <3

More drabbles please :D

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh biggrin.png

Cute biggrin.png

I love it<3



Very yes <3

More drabbles please biggrin.png

ahhh i am glad you like them thank you!! <3 :hug:

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The first one has such a vague hint at v-ing that I don't think it even deserves a warning but I'm throwing it in there just in case. I have no idea how to write wet sneezes but I tried in the second one. I'll have to work on that.

48 – Pathetic

Oliver kissed Avery's clammy forehead sweetly, ghosting his cool fingers across the skin to incoherent murmurs of approval. It seemed nothing would bring this fever down. Gently, he placed his palms flat on either side of Avery's neck, feeling him stir a little under his touch. He sighed, smiling softly when Avery's glassy eyes opened to focus on his own. He turned his heavy head to the side and:

"Tschoo! Itschoo!"

Even his sneezes sounded exhausted, half-hearted, like they required more energy than he had to give. His congested sniffles were pathetic too, his nose bright red with rubbing and itching. Oliver swallowed the lump in his throat and reached over to the bedside table, opening the tub of Vicks and scooping some up with his first two fingers. He pulled the covers down just enough to expose Avery's bare chest and massaged the stuff in gently, thoroughly. It seemed to ease the congestion a little in favour of a runny nose.

Avery had taken a turn for the worse during their sleepover. It had seemed sensible to keep him here, especially since his parents were apparently down with it too. He needed looking after and Oliver was under the impression they'd barely be managing to look after themselves if they were as bad as he was. So, he was tucked up in Oliver's bed with everything he could possibly need at his fingertips. Oliver had to admit, he might have gone a bit overboard but he wanted him to be comfortable.

He was thankful to have his mother backing him because he probably wouldn't have had the first clue what to do otherwise.

"Atschu! Tsch!" Avery sniffled without bothering to open his eyes again. "Atshoo!"

"Oh, bless you, sweetheart," Oliver mumbled, keeping his voice low so as not to aggravate Avery's headache. He did hope the painkillers would have had an impact but he couldn't be sure. Not sure if he could manage a thank you, Avery nodded and gave a half-smile. It was enough. "Sleepy?"

Avery yawned as if on cue and Oliver couldn't suppress a smile. "Sleep, baby," he said quietly and Avery nodded, settling down to sleep again. He hated this. He hated lying here useless while he preyed on Oliver's good nature, taking his love and his food and his bed with no energy to give anything back. He'd make it up to him somehow. He absolutely despised putting him out like this. It wasn't fair on him, nor his mother.


"How is he?"

Oliver shook his head, heading to the kitchen with Avery's empty glass to fill it again with orange juice. His mother followed him in, watching him from the doorway for a moment before fetching a basin from beneath the sink.

"You're worrying again," she said knowingly, taking the full glass from his hand and placing it down. She pulled him into a hug and he complied, letting his head fall to rest against her chest. He was exhausted. Maybe he just needed a hug. When he pulled back at last, she said, "It's late. I'll see to him. You should get some sleep,"

Oliver agreed reluctantly, settling himself down on the sofa. As much as he wanted to stay nearby, his mother wouldn't allow it, insisting she didn't need both of them suffering. He'd never hated her more for being right.

"Night, mum," he muttered, smiling as she tucked the blanket in around his shoulders.

44 – Tissue

Oliver thought that the words, “Bless you,” had probably passed his lips more often than any other these past few days. Since Avery had come down with the flu, he’d been with him almost constantly despite his mother’s attempts to drag him away, insisting he’d come down with it too if he didn’t eat and sleep properly. She had a point. But he was a worrying. He couldn’t help it. He didn’t like letting Avery out of his sight.


Oliver smiled at the gurgling sound which came along with Avery’s more recent sneezes. At least he wasn’t congested anymore. Oliver tugged a tissue from the box by the bedside, carefully encasing Avery’s nose within the soft folds.

“Blow, honey,” he said softly. Avery did as asked and Oliver wiped away the dampness beneath his nose when he was finished and tossed the used tissue into the basket which was steadily filling up. “Good job,”

There was a long silence after that, during which Oliver fiddled with Avery’s hair, watching his green eyes struggle to stay open. He said nothing. If he wanted to sleep, he would. There was nothing to be gained by forcing him. Avery’s body tensed again before long and he tried to sit up, mumbling something incoherent while his eyes and hands fumbled around. Oliver pushed him back gently. This kind of force was alright.

“O-Oli…” he whispered desperately.

“I’ve got you,” Oliver told him, holding another tissue at the ready while Avery’s breath hitched mercilessly. It teased him, his nose crinkling in irritation, before vanishing and leaving him with a faint tickle and an expression which mirrored exactly just how fed up he was of being sick. Oliver kept silent. What was there to say?

Not three seconds later, the tickle flared up again and Avery’s eyes blurred. There was a faint murmur of something from Avery’s lips and then he got his release. Oliver clamped the tissue over his nose and mouth, ensuring he would still be able to breathe.

“Hh-ranght! Hkkxt! Heh-axshoo! Hehknxgh! Anxght! Hh-raanght!”

The tissue was practically useless by the time the fit ceased. Oliver discarded it in favour of a fresh one which Avery took charge of to blow his nose again. At least he seemed to have conquered that fear of blowing his nose in front of people, or Oliver, at the very least. When he was finished, he flopped back against his pillows again, his eyes fluttering shut. One cough and a soft little snuffle later, Oliver was weaving his fingers through Avery’s hair again. He tucked a fresh tissue into Avery’s hand and picked up the bin, ready to throw it out. Before leaving, he kissed Avery’s forehead again.

“Feel better,” he said and the corners of Avery’s mouth twitched up into a smile.

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U are



Muffle...thats me...just without the caretaking...i so muffle. Or attempt too...

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U are



Muffle...thats me...just without the caretaking...i so muffle. Or attempt too...



yeah i muffle too i get embarrassed *snuggles* we can be muffle buddies



little sick Human



i feel pretty bad for him whoops but it probably won't stop me (it definitely won't stop me) <3

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