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Guardian Angel (original fiction, M/M)


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I just wanted you to know that, although I don't comment much (or ever), this story is wonderful and I love it ;u; Also that I stalk this thread religiously lol

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I just wanted you to know that, although I don't comment much (or ever), this story is wonderful and I love it ;u; Also that I stalk this thread religiously lol

Awww gosh, thank you so much! I do love comments and yours just made my day :D I'm blushing! :blush:!

I really hope you'll like what's coming up.

I'm still making minor corrections to the next part, but it should be up in a few days (hopefully) :D

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I'm still making minor corrections to the next part, but it should be up in a few days (hopefully) :D

//pitches tent

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I'm still making minor corrections to the next part, but it should be up in a few days (hopefully) :D

//pitches tent

Hahaha :lol:

Wrong spot though, I hear they have free icecream and card games over at CAMP LIBRIEL :lol:

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*pops out of the grave and runs to you*

What ice cream!?!?

Chunky Monkey and Caramel Chew Chew, bring a spoon.

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*pulls out zombie spoon. * let's do this.

Looks up from her everlasting carton of B&J. "Uhm, Arty? Did you just freaking jam a bone into my icecream?"

The entire CAMP LIBRIEL (or maybe CAMP LIBRIENGEL? I'm feeling left out ;)) looks up, ice cream filled spoons hovering in mid-air.

"Girl, that is just.... AWESOME! Is that your rib?"

:lol: :lol:

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Oh my God, you guys :cry: I'm on 10.000 views :cry: I'd like to take this opportunity to expel some tearyeyed comments.

Cues music.

Clutches her tiny golden Tissuebox HalleBerry2002-style.

Sniffles and puts on her dramatic face for a good show!

“Uhm, I'd like to thank the SFF for giving me this wonderful opportunity to explore my fetish! Thank you owner and staff, you're all doing a wonderful job. Thank you yousee-wifi for enabling me to connect to the world; Steve Jobs for creating the iPad that allows me to jab down my thoughts and Dropbox for keeping them safe!

I'd also like to thank my amazing team here at GA HQ!

Arty, my #1 supporter from the start! Thanks girl, it means the world to me.

Icyflame (often referred to as Meh, cheerleader or angelical encyclopaedia), without your wisdom and guidance, Sick!Elias would never have happened! Thanks for changing my mind and being an amazing beta!

Yume, my most enthusiastic commenter! I'm lovin’ them! We seem to like the same best parts :D

Scw, my camp coordinator, friend and supporter. *eyes the overstuffed bins and the empty tables* , you wanna pop out for more icecream? Thanks :D I adore the virtual company.

Kaze who hiku, thanks for the music and chillaxed talks and for throwing spoilers back and forth. I'm having the time of my life… Well, virtual life.

Akahana, thanks for putting everything in capital! It always brings a smile to my face :D calling someone a cinnamon role is now part of daily routines!

To all you other commenters, thank you so much for letting me know! It really is the best thing in the entire world to get feedback in the stuff you work on! Thank you THANK YOU!

To all stalking visitors on this thread. Please consider making an account here, there must be a reason you're stalking this site, and I promise, it's a lot more fun when you can actually participate :D we are a lovely bunch of friendly neighbourhood fetishists :D

*looks around, annoyed as the ‘get your fucking ass off the stage’-music comes on*

Fine fine… I'm getting off.”

~ ~ ~

Sorry, I'm still waiting for the mature part of my adulthood to catch up.

Tune in some time this weekend for the next part… I believe I have a certain someone being caught out in the rain, shivering and sneezing… Hmm… I did warn him, but he is one stubborn angel. #countdowntosick!elias

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I believe I have a certain someone being caught out in the rain, shivering and sneezing… Hmm… I did warn him, but he is one stubborn angel. #countdowntosick!elias

//bounces up and down in her chair.

Also gratz on 10K views!!! :woot0:

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Scw, my camp coordinator, friend and supporter. *eyes the overstuffed bins and the empty tables* , you wanna pop out for more icecream? Thanks I adore the virtual company.

No, thank you! I dropped off more ice cream at Camp Libriel. Stay fluffy, my friend. :D

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How about a joined CAMP LIBRIZALIAS?? Hahahahahahahahaha that should include all! :lol:

Thanks for the additional frozen snack! To those without spoons, Arty has ribs to spare ;)

Lovely peeps, next part will be up tonight. Putting final touches on it now... Will upload before midnight! Here it's 8.47 pm, so within a few hours.

Happy Saturday to all!! Evidently I have no social life!

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Happy Saturday to all!! Evidently I have no social life!

Of course you have no social life. You have small children.

I'd definitely buy a T shirt.

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Have a lovely Saturday! A huge thank you to each and every single one of you!

Enjoy my sapphire-eyed, black-haired, drowned kitten :D

Part 53 - The talk


Both boys fell silent immediately as Zach's fathers scrawny voice called from the hall.

The roaring laughter that had passed over their lips a moment ago, vanished in an instant.

Zach shot Elias a tense look. “Did you hear him get home?”

Elias shook his head. “Think he heard us?” He whispered back.

“Ziggy? Who's with you up there?”

Evidently, he did.

Zach muffled a small cough into his wrist before taking a deep enough breath to be able to call back. “Hi dad, it's just me and my friend from school.” Zach crossed his fingers and prayed that his dad had changed his mind about him having friends over since the last time it had happened… 5 years ago.

“Zach!” Zach closed his eyes in horror, hearing the silent hatred in his father’s voice. He'd called him “Zach”. This was bad, this was really bad. “Come down here this instant!”

His eyes shot up and locked on Elias’s. “What do we do?”

“What can we do? Other than obey?” Elias seemed calm, but Zach noticed a slight pitch in his angel’s voice. A pitch Zach had heard every single time he had done something foolish or exposed himself to something that might ultimately lead him to catching cold. Elias was anything but calm. “I'll go down with you.”

Zach gave a small nod before turning around to head down the stairs, feeling Elias’s almost silent footsteps behind him. Zach's father was waiting in the hall, his face hardened with anger.

“You know the rules, boy, what's he doing here?” He shot a glance at Elias, taking in his appearance before returning to glare at Zach. “You know your mother and I don't like strangers coming in to the house, snooping around.”

Zach tried to swallow the tight knot in his throat. “We went straight to my room, dad, I swear.” He was aware that his parents hid certain… Goods… Around the house for emergency customers, probably the main reason Zach wasn't allowed company. But his dad didn't know that he knew. Before he had time to say anything more, Elias stepped up with a smile on his face, his hand outstretched to greet Zach’s father.

“Hello sir, I'm Elias, very nice to meet you. I'm sorry if I have trespassed in any way, I merely came over to rehearse a few lines with… Zach, for the upcoming school play.”

No no no! Zach thought. His parents didn't know he was taking drama. He knew exactly what they would think. He was dead! He was so so dead!

“Elias?” His father spat, giving the guardian a look that could have silenced a screaming toddler. “What the hell kind of faggot name is that?”

“Uhm”, Elias tensed, obviously taken aback. He dropped his unshaken hand and took a small involuntary step back.

“You some kind of queer, drama boy? And you dare to come into my house and spread your filth?”

He moved closer to Elias, his eyes shooting bullets.

“N-no sir.” Elias managed, keeping his voice as steady as possible.

Zach had to do something, had to step in. He knew his father would never hurt him, but Gods, the man had a skill for creating panic in even the strongest of people.

“No dad.” He added a small comforting smile, hoping to be able to pass off the lie, playing on his fathers bad memory, no doubt worsened by his fondness for one too many beers. “Remember I told you about the transfer student? This is him. Elias and his girlfriend Amelia take drama together, but Amelia’s sick so Elias came over and asked me to help him out.” He kept a cheerful expression glued to his over anxious face. His father’s eyes had not moved from Elias at all.

“Very well.” He finally muttered through clenched teeth. “But you're leaving.” It wasn't a question.

Elias shot Zachariah a very anxious glance before he nodded a “Right. Good night, sir, Zach!” He dipped a small nod in Zach's direction, his eyes glowing with worry and fear before he slowly made it for the door.

~ ~ ~

Once outside, the graceless angel started to shiver almost instantly. The cold and damp pre-winter air seemed to cling to his skin like a cool cape. It didn't make things better that tiny droplets of rain had started to fall. He discarded it though, his only thought was worry for Zachariah. He had no idea what his father would do to him. He tiptoed around the house before he peeked through one of the windows. There, in the kitchen. They were sitting opposite each other. Zach's father looked agitated, his face red and the vein at his temple was pulsing angrily. Zach's head hung in humility, his cloudy eyes downcast as if he were being heavily reprimanded.

Elias wanted to barge in, to seize his ward and take him away from this place, away from these people. But Zach was in no imminent danger, so he restrained himself.

The rain was getting heavier as Elias waited by the window, refusing to leave his ward unguarded. After what seemed like an eternity, Zach's father had one last thing to yell at his only son. This was loud enough for Elias to hear, even through the closed window with the drizzling rain obstructing his hearing.


Elias saw Zach give a small nod, his face arranged in a way Elias was sadly too familiar with; it would be mere seconds before his ward broke down in tears.

~ ~ ~

Once back in his room, Zachariah allowed himself a few seconds to take deep breaths and compose himself. For the past couple of years he had been afraid of how his parents, especially his father, would react if or when they found out he was gay. Tonight, he had a taste of it, and it was vile! Zach raised his eyes and silently prayed that his parents would never ever find out, or if they did, that he would be somewhere far away. He took a final deep breath, dabbing his tearstained cheeks with the edge of his sleeve before he went to the window to look for Elias. The guardian was standing in the middle of the lawn looking like a drowned kitten. His thick, black hair clung wetly to his head and he was shivering hard. What struck Zach most though was the worried expression on his angel's face. Only Elias could be standing dressed his jeans and a shirt, soaked to the bone, shivering so hard his teeth were audibly chattering and still manage to fill his eyes to the brim with worry… For someone else.


“Shit! I'm so sorry, Elias, give me a minute, I'll toss you some clothes and some blankets.”

“… Zachariah ….”

Zach quickly went to his closet and retrieved some dry clothes he hoped would fit Elias, a sweater and some pants. He really wanted to head down to the hall to get an umbrella, but that would probably seem suspicious, so he resolved to grabbing Elias’s own jacket that the angel had given him after the unfortunate sun flower incident, and his bed quilt and stuffed all the clothes into a bag before going back to the window.

Elias was in the exact same spot as before, still with the same worried expression on his wet face.

“… Zachariah …”

“Here, catch this!” He aimed the toss at Elias, estimating the distance perfectly. “Try to keep warm and dry, I'll let you back in as soon as my parent’s leave. It’s Saturday after all.” He added with an eye roll. “It can't be long before ‘happy hour’ starts somewhere.”

“… Zachariah…”


Zach stared down into a pair of deep, sparkling gemstones, glowing with affection and set under a worried frown of thick, wet brows.

“Are YOU okay?”

Trust Elias to put Zach before himself… As always! Even all wet and shivery. Zach attempted a half smile and a small nod knowing it probably took a lot more to convince his guardian. “I'm okay”.

Elias showed no reaction. Clearly, even in his depleted and trembling state, the angel wasn't fooled. “Please don't lie to me, Zachariah.” As he spoke, he brought his fist up to press against the bridge of his nose. Zach watched in sad recognition how his guardian succumbed to one of the most annoying and not easily ignored human urges, no doubt brought on by the rain and the chilly weather.

“Hn’gxt’ch! Hmpt’ch! Hheh...Heh-shuh! Snf! Hh... Hi'eshew!

“Bless you.” He mumbled from his window. “Elias can we please discuss this when you're NOT in the making of catching your death?”


Zach groaned. Damn his father, damn this blasted weather, damn Elias for being so over caring that he just HAD to de-grace himself… Again! And DAMN himself for needing him to. He turned away from the window as a sudden gush of ice cold win made his own nose wiggle with ticklish anticipation.

“Hhah… Ah’tisch!”

“Get away from the window, please, Zachariah. You're not helping me by catching your own death. I'll come round to the front door when your parents are gone.”

“I'm not leaving you alone down there.” Another whirl of chilly wind blew over his face and his sensitive nose prepared to express its dislike. He turned his head into the crook of his arm, his eyes catching the worried look on his guardian's face before they closed shut as the sneeze prepared to erupt.

“Ahh… Atschju! Snf!”

“Zachariah, PLEASE, step back and close the window. I'll be fine. I'll see you in a couple of hours when your parents have left.”

Zach nodded, and with a heavily guilty and worried heart, he stepped back and closed the window, leaving his angel to fight the cold alone.

~ ~ ~

Elias looked around the empty garden while he slithered out if the drenched clothes that clung to him, turning his body to ice and squirmed into the dry clothes Zach had thrown him. Hopefully it would only be a couple of hours before he could go back inside and warm up. Wanting to keep his clothes as dry as possible he positioned himself against the side of the house, in the hope of finding at least some shelter. He wasn't so lucky, the rain still attacked him from above, the cold wind blowing around him from all sides, making his chilled skin tingle.

“Heh-shuh! Hup'tshh!” He groaned and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand. Only a few hours, he reminded himself. Little comfort it gave him though.

If only it hadn't been raining!

“Heh... Hep'chk! Ugh!”

If only he hadn't been so damn cold!

“Hh… Ek'tchuh! Heh'tchew! Snf!”

If only he hadn't been so damn HUMAN!”

“Hh... Hi'eshew!”



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Oh my god that physically hurt my heart to read... Zach needs to get away from them...


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“You some kind of queer, drama boy? And you dare to come into my house and spread your filth?”
He moved closer to Elias, his eyes shooting bullets.

Well, he is just repulsive, isn't he? I've no sympathy for bigotry.

The guardian was standing in the middle of the lawn looking like a drowned kitten. His thick, black hair clung wetly to his head and he was shivering hard.

Aww, poor baby! I've got all kinds of sympathy for angels looking like drowned kittens. :wub:

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*eating all the cookies and cream ice cream near her grave*

Awwww snapples! !! This gettin' good!

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Oh my god that physically hurt my heart to read... Zach needs to get away from them...


Aww, Im sorry :cry: all will be well though, I promise!

What do you mean? Getting caught out in the rain, freezing, shivering and soaked to the bone can't make you sick! Absolutely not... At least not if you ask a certain guardian ;) boy, is he in for a life lesson, poor angel!

“You some kind of queer, drama boy? And you dare to come into my house and spread your filth?”

He moved closer to Elias, his eyes shooting bullets.

Well, he is just repulsive, isn't he? I've no sympathy for bigotry.

The guardian was standing in the middle of the lawn looking like a drowned kitten. His thick, black hair clung wetly to his head and he was shivering hard.

Aww, poor baby! I've got all kinds of sympathy for angels looking like drowned kittens. :wub:

Zach's farther is not a pleasant man! Not evil (yet) just not very nice! Full of prejudice and immoral codes. Poor Zachariah, let's hope they never find out!

Drowned kittens with the pleading eyes of Puss in Boots are by far the cutest (not a cat person at ALL, but angel's looking like drowned kittens *d'awwww*) let's hope Zachariah doesn't leave him out in the pouring rain too long, he might catch a cold ;)

*eating all the cookies and cream ice cream near her grave*

Awwww snapples! !! This gettin' good!

Ugh, trust a zombie to finish off the ice cream ;) I hope you like what's coming up. The inevitable sick!whiny!guardian :D

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What do you mean? Getting caught out in the rain, freezing, shivering and soaked to the bone can't make you sick! Absolutely not...

What's funny is Liam and Gabriel are about to have nearly this exact same conversation (about it being cold not rain) and lets just say our sweet professor straight up owns Liam XD

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What do you mean? Getting caught out in the rain, freezing, shivering and soaked to the bone can't make you sick! Absolutely not...

What's funny is Liam and Gabriel are about to have nearly this exact same conversation (about it being cold not rain) and lets just say our sweet professor straight up owns Liam XD

Hahaha of course he does! That's a C- Liam, better luck next time ;)

I think Zachariah is the wisest of these two. Elias often let's his over-protectiveness and constant worry for Zach get the better of him. Foolish angel! :D

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Please...I have more in my grave...just not sharing. *munches on ice cream while waiting patiently for an update*

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//fades into existence again

OKAY, THIS WILL BE A LONG COMMENT (so sorry about that)~


Elias! Was! Kissing! Him!

Mmmmm Elias was kissing him. Sweet lord above!

HOLY ASDFGHJKL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU SEEM TO HAVE AN APTITUDE TO MAKING ME SCREAM AT MY SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN YOU ---- I -------------- JUST ------------------


*casually smashes head against keyboard*


The world seemed to stop abruptly before picking up its pace to spin madly out of control and Zach allowed his body to be moulded into his angel’s embrace as a pair of the most deliciously soft lips continued to caress his own. Fireworks could have exploded all around them, Zach would’t have noticed. He felt intoxicated, floating, completely high while at the same time sane enough to question his angel's motive. Surely, this had to be some act… Right? Elias didn't really… Feel this way?! Or did he? Of course not, he had been in love with Amelia before he died. For some reason he couldn't quite explain, that realisation tied a heavy knot in his gut. Elias was unreachable… In more ways than one. As if being an angelical undead wasn't obstacle enough.

More like...

The world seemed to stop abruptly before picking up its pace to spin madly out of control and Yume read through the glorious chapter!!!!!!

~Smooth Elias. Really smooth. Be careful! You are walking a fine line, guardian. One step out of bounds and you're doomed, and not even I can save you. Do what you must for the sake of your ward's wellbeing, but no more. Understood? I'll explain the circumstances to Father.~

Elias smiled as he let out a relaxed sigh. His “boyfriend act” had been accepted.

~Smooth, Juto. Really smooth. Be careful! You are walking a fine line. One step out of bounds and you're doomed, Yume might actually die from fangirling!~

In more seriousness (but not too much), his "boyfriend act" was more than just accepted by Yume... maybe more like... obsessed over? ;) Hehe.

Elias smiled teasingly as he scooped up another spoonful of ice cream. “He's working on the iHeaven, did you know? A few minutes after his arrival he was questioning the heavenly “connection” and now, he's leading a team of scientists into a new technological age.”


And a graceless angel?? I think we all know where this is going ;)

Zach’s lips parted in a huge smile. “Oh my world! Wait, that's actually a thing? You did that? Wha-? You sing? Why have I never heard you sing before?”

“You have.” Came the slightly embarrassed response. “But, ehh, you weren't exactly awake.” Elias slowly raised his eyes to Zachariah who noticed a vague sense of… What? Insecurity? Embarrassment?

Elias is perfect hehe ;) He can draw and sing... ohmygosh <3
AND his embarrassment is so endearing!!

But Zachariah was right, this WAS fun! Both of them human. Both of them healthy. Elias smiled, genuinely looking forward to 9 more days of playing “boyfriends” in school and having fun with his best friend in the evenings… Until he felt a familiar and disturbing sensation in his nose.

“Hn’NGT!...chh! hhh… Hm'PXT!...chh! Uhh!”

He'd managed to pinch his nose in the last second, effectively stifling his sneezes to keep them too low for Zachariah to hear them. But the sneezes were too strong to withhold the huff or air through clenched teeth after each sneeze. He stayed completely silent for a minute, still pinching his nose, listening for any signs that his ward had heard his outburst. After a few more seconds, he released his nose and sniffled as silently as he could. A slightly wet sound escaped his nostrils and the graceless angel winced. It was normal for people to sneeze every once in while without actually being sick, right? He took a moment to assess himself, he didn't feel sick in any way. He let out the breath he had been holding, just in case other sneezes were about to follow.

This time he would be more careful and not succumb to that pathetic state of mere mortal illness! Or if he did at least he would succeed in keeping it from Zachariah! He had to. With one last determined nod, accompanied by a tiny sniffle he exited the bathroom.






I'm with kaze here, whiny!Elias is going to be the death of me :D :D :D

Part 53 - The talk

This part made me feel really sad...

Then left me to fangirl over the sweetness of their actions...

What are emotions? D:

“… Zachariah…”


Zach stared down into a pair of deep, sparkling gemstones, glowing with affection and set under a worried frown of thick, wet brows.

“Are YOU okay?”

Trust Elias to put Zach before himself… As always! Even all wet and shivery. Zach attempted a half smile and a small nod knowing it probably took a lot more to convince his guardian. “I'm okay”.


Elias showed no reaction. Clearly, even in his depleted and trembling state, the angel wasn't fooled. “Please don't lie to me, Zachariah.” As he spoke, he brought his fist up to press against the bridge of his nose. Zach watched in sad recognition how his guardian succumbed to one of the most annoying and not easily ignored human urges, no doubt brought on by the rain and the chilly weather.

“Hn’gxt’ch! Hmpt’ch! Hheh...Heh-shuh! Snf! Hh... Hi'eshew!

Wonderfully human... hehe :wubsmiley::wubsmiley::wubsmiley:

Elias looked around the empty garden while he slithered out if the drenched clothes that clung to him, turning his body to ice and squirmed into the dry clothes Zach had thrown him. Hopefully it would only be a couple of hours before he could go back inside and warm up. Wanting to keep his clothes as dry as possible he positioned himself against the side of the house, in the hope of finding at least some shelter. He wasn't so lucky, the rain still attacked him from above, the cold wind blowing around him from all sides, making his chilled skin tingle.

“Heh-shuh! Hup'tshh!” He groaned and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand. Only a few hours, he reminded himself. Little comfort it gave him though.

If only it hadn't been raining!

“Heh... Hep'chk! Ugh!”

If only he hadn't been so damn cold!

“Hh… Ek'tchuh! Heh'tchew! Snf!”

If only he hadn't been so damn HUMAN!”

“Hh... Hi'eshew!”







What ... are... words? I can't...

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