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The Book of Sneezy Winchesters (SPN)


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OMG...I'm not really "in" to rpf but this...I...oh, it's so cute. Oh goodness...

 I'm not caught up yet;I've stalled a bit in s11 but I saw the episode "Baby" (I think it was called) and the real "Jensen and Jared" moment. How can you not love these boys?

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On 10/28/2018 at 7:44 PM, ReidSeeker said:

OMG...I'm not really "in" to rpf but this...I...oh, it's so cute. Oh goodness...

 I'm not caught up yet;I've stalled a bit in s11 but I saw the episode "Baby" (I think it was called) and the real "Jensen and Jared" moment. How can you not love these boys?

Thank you! And you’re so right, it’s literally impossible not to love them. :)

On 10/30/2018 at 3:28 PM, helyzelle said:


Thanks for reading ;) 

On 11/13/2018 at 8:55 PM, castiel_angel said:


Anything for you!

Have some more sneeezzyy Dean, created out of my boredom :)

Warning for language in this one.

ps. requests are always welcome. 




“You alright, Dean-o? Your doin’ a lot of sneezin’ over there.” John’s glance continuously flickers between his son in the passenger seat, and the road.


“It’s just s-suhhh...hpTCHHhhh! It’s just sobethigg bakigg by dose itch. I’b okay, though, sir.” Dean rubs his nose on his sleeve. His eyes are watery and his nose is bright red, similar to a strawberry.


“There should be some tissues in the glove compartment,” John says, biting his lip. At first the sneezing was plain annoying, but every time Dean curls into himself with another outburst, John’s concern grows ten times larger.


huhhhhIPHTshhewwhhhhh! huhhhhCHHEWHHhhh! huhhhIPT-hhhh!”


“Woah, bless you,” Sam offers from the back seat. Both he and his father look surprised, probably because of the triple Dean just let loose into his ball if Kleenex. The kid’s sneezes always present themselves in singles. There is normally a significant pause between every one, so that was a little strange.


“Thagks, Sabby.”


“Christ, son you sound horrible.” John grimaces, and puts the back of his hand to Dean’s forehead. “Seems like allergies, but what could you be reacting to?” John sighs, rubbing a hand over his scruff. Things with the boys have always been difficult, but lately, Dean has been dealing with a bit of an...unlucky streak. And not just the, ‘oh no, I’m missing a sock’ kind of unlucky—more like the ‘oh no, my case of the sniffles turned into pneumonia,’ and ‘oh no, I dislocated my shoulder twice in one week’ kind of unlucky. Not to mention the concussion he got on his sixteenth birthday a few weeks ago.


Dean shrugs, sniffling miserably. “huhhh...hekCHHHU! hehhCHHHU! hehKSHHU!”


“Gesundheit,” John offers.


“Thagk you.”


“Maybe…” Sam hesitates, “could it be cats?”


“Well, yeah, son, Dean is allergic to cats, but I don’t think there are cats in here.” John chuckles, then sees his son’s face. “Are there cats in here, Sam?” John’s withering look is not any less scary through the rear view mirror. Apparently he would not put it past Sam to sneak a cat into the Impala.




“No, sir, just…”


huhpCHUU-uhh!” Dean blows his nose, then scrubs at it with a fresh clump of tissues. 


“Spit it out,” John orders.


“I...There was a family staying next door to us back at the motel and I was kind of...friends with the daughter. When I went to say goodbye this morning, they had found a stray cat and I played with a it a little. Guess I got fur on my clothes. I didn’t know Dean was allergic until just now...I’m really really sorry.” Sam chews on his bottom lip, which is already turning red. The boy is obviously feeling guilty, but John is overcome with annoyance.


“Fucking hell, Sam-” Scratch that—overcome with anger.


huhCHHU! huhCHSSHEWhhh!”


“What am I supposed to do? We’re in the middle of nowhere and your brother is sneezing his fucking head off.” John smacks the steering wheel.


“I’m sorry, sir.” 


“Sorry doesn’t pay the goddamn bills, Sam.” John huffs.


HuhhIPTTchhhewhhhh! Dad, it’s okay. He didd’t dow. huhCHUU! uhhCHU!”


“Cap it, Dean. Sam, extra laps during training tomorrow. We’re pulling over at the next rest stop so you can change and burn your fucking clothes.”


“Yessir.” Sam bows his head, quietly blessing Dean’s latest fit.


Jesus, cats suck.

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Awe, poor Sammy!! 

I love Dean and cats, what a perfect combination 😏🥰

If your in need of ideas, don’t feel pressured at all to it, but I love anything with denial while working a case

Gotta love our Dean-o☺️

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Okay, so I hate to sound greedy here, but if you ever find yourself in need of an idea I really am craving not one, not two, but my three boys all sick at once, maybe at Bobby’s??! Ohmygosh I’m soooo needy, I know..... don’t feel forced to do it, I’m just over here raving...

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On 11/16/2018 at 8:16 PM, castiel_angel said:

Awe, poor Sammy!! 

I love Dean and cats, what a perfect combination 😏🥰

If your in need of ideas, don’t feel pressured at all to it, but I love anything with denial while working a case

Gotta love our Dean-o☺️


On 11/17/2018 at 12:50 PM, castiel_angel said:

Okay, so I hate to sound greedy here, but if you ever find yourself in need of an idea I really am craving not one, not two, but my three boys all sick at once, maybe at Bobby’s??! Ohmygosh I’m soooo needy, I know..... don’t feel forced to do it, I’m just over here raving...

omg not greedy at all!! I would love to do this! at the moment I’m not sure when i’ll post it by, but I promise i will do it asap.

ps. don’t worry about being greedy-I love the idea and I would love to hear any others you have. :) 

On 11/17/2018 at 11:37 PM, sneezelover3 said:


thanks! :) 

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Ah! Thank you so much! I’m sorry to come across as desperate, but I know I can count on you to turn my silly ideas into brilliance. Don’t feel rushed, whenever you find time.💗

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Wowzers! I'm usually not one for Weechester fic, but you pull it off with style. Poor allergic Dean, and Sam not knowing about the allergy. 😻😻😻 Having John be the POV character was a nice touch, too, and your spellings are just glorious. :drool: 

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On 11/19/2018 at 9:17 PM, castiel_angel said:

Ah! Thank you so much! I’m sorry to come across as desperate, but I know I can count on you to turn my silly ideas into brilliance. Don’t feel rushed, whenever you find time.💗

You’re totally welcome!! You do not sound desperate all-I totally get you. Don’t worry! 

16 hours ago, BookQ36 said:

Wowzers! I'm usually not one for Weechester fic, but you pull it off with style. Poor allergic Dean, and Sam not knowing about the allergy. 😻😻😻 Having John be the POV character was a nice touch, too, and your spellings are just glorious. :drool: 

Thank you so so much! You’re too sweet. :)


Okay, @castiel_angel, three sick boys coming up. It’s still on the short side-1000ish words and it’s pretty much just fluff, so I hope you like it! 

the italics when not in quotes are sort of Bobby’s thoughts-just so you know lol.

There’s a tiny bit of foul language—I hope that’s okay...:sweatdrop:


“You’re kidding,” Bobby grunts, phone up to his ear.


“I wish, Bobby. The guy’s blowing snot everywhere. I’ve had to change twice. Didn’t even think he could get sick in the first place.”


“Yeah, he’s not kidding Bobby,” Sam chimes in. “Hopefully it’s just a cold, but either way…could we maybe…”


“Yeah, boys, you can crash at my place. Door’s always open.”


“Thanks, Bobby,” Sam says, punctuated with a sigh of relief.


“Yeah, thanks.” Dean chimes in.


Bobby smiles a little, before putting the phone back on the hook when Sam and Dean end the call.






Bobby hears the sneeze through the door. That’s funny. Sounds like Dean’s sneeze... (don’t ask why he knows that).


Bobby prays that the boy is still healthy as he swings the door open, but his hope is flushed down the toilet when he watches Dean bend over into his elbow with a second sneeze.


“Gesundheit,” Bobby offers.


Dean sniffles and nods, then wipes his nose on his sleeve like a child.


“Idjit,” Bobby amends, sighing. 


Figures. Guess it can’t get worse.




“Bless ya, Sammy.”


Oh for crying out loud.


Idjits.” Bobby rolls his eyes and heads for the supply cabinet.




huh-ksshuhh!” Castiel sneezes miserably into another tissue. His eyes are bloodshot and his nose is bright red and Bobby is a little concerned.


Though it was generous of the boys to give up the guest bed for the sick angel, Bobby would have preferred all three of the boys to be on the first floor, in one place, so he would not have to hobble up and down the stairs on his bum knee over and over again.




“Gesundheit.” Bobby replaces the box of Kleenex on the nightstand and offers his assistance to Castiel, who politely declines. Afterwards, he stands there awkwardly without a damn clue about why this is so awkward. He takes care of the Winchesters all the time and never gives much thought to it, but here he is staring at this sickly angel like a teenage girl with a crush. “Alright…call me if you need anything else.”




The boys all come back together for dinner, which, of course, is tomato rice soup. The boys are quiet and sniffly and looking at the soup like it committed some sort of crime. Well, except for Dean, who is already half way done.




“Bless you, Cas,” Sam says, eyeing his friend.


“Thank you, Sam. That was...uncomfortable.” Castiel stares down at his soup, a blue, fleece blanket around his shoulders.


“Looked like it,” Bobby says. “Maybe you boys should turn in early.”


“Turn in, as in, sleep? I do not sleep.” Castiel looks concerned.


“Well, I’m pretty sure angels don’t get sick either…” Dean scoops a final spoon of soup into his mouth.




“Bless ya, Sam.” Bobby pushes the box of tissues (which was originally placed near Castiel) closer to Sam, who grabs one and turns away to blow his nose.


“You got any more soup, Bobby?” Dean holds out his bowl.




Sam and Dean fall asleep fairly quickly, Sam stationed on the floor and Dean piled under blankets on the couch. Dean, of course, had tried to force Sam into sleeping on the couch, though he knew it was too small for his sasquatch brother. Sam refused profusely  and both brothers fell asleep arguing about it. Then Bobby moved in with the blankets and quietly tucked his boys in.


Castiel on the other hand, was impossible to convince to go to sleep. After insisting for almost an hour that he does not sleep, Bobby got him to succumb to curling up in bed. The angel spent the night restlessly tossing and turning, sneezing and coughing, and at one point, falling off of the bed.


Bobby could hear the commotion from his room, but still hesitated to go help Castiel. For some reason, he felt...weird helping out the angel—like it was not his place.


When did he become such a damn girl?


Dean and Sam must have heard the noise as well, though, because Bobby could hear two pairs of feet clambering up the squeaky stairs.




“Bless you, dude. You soudd horrible.”


“Right back atcha, Sab. huhPTSSCHUU!”


“Bless again.”


Dean nods his thanks, and slowly pushes open the door to the guest room. “Cas, you okay?”


“Deand, Sab. How are you?”


“We’re okay, mband. Just worried about you,” Sam responds. He moves to the tissues and grabs one for his brother, noticing Dean scrubbing at his nose.


“Thagks...huhhpTSSHH! PTSHCHHU! Ugh, christ.”


“What about the Lord, Dean?”


“What? Dothigg.”


“I see.” Castiel takes a tissue for himself, sort of getting the hang of covering his sneezes. “huh-KSSHU!”


“Gesuddheit,” Dean offers, staring at Castiel. His eyes are red and have bags underneath, his nose is chapped and red, and he looks so pale, that even Dean is thinking about bringing his friend to a doctor. 


huhhUSSHHHU!” Sam hunches into cupped hands.


“Ared’t we sobethigg special,” Dean comments, chuckling.


“Everything okay in here?” Bobby asks from the doorway, shielding his eyes from the light on in the room.


“Yup, just sdeezigg.”


“At least you’re not dyin’.” Bobby shrugs.


There are a couple chuckles at that, then some silence at the truth of the statement. The boys head back down to sleep and Bobby says goodnight to Castiel, flicking off the lights.




“How you guys feeling?” Bobby asks Sam and Dean as the two make their way to the kitchen for some coffee.


Dean gives a thumbs up while Sam shrugs. They sit in silence after Bobby lectures them about drinking coffee and not tea while sick, until Castiel comes down, sneezing. A lot.




Dean tosses the box of Kleenex to Castiel, who gets nowhere near catching it.


“Jeez, bless you, dude,” Sam offers. His voice is quiet and rough, and he sips his coffee afterwards, wincing as it goes down.


“By apologies. I begad to sdeeze add it would dot stop.”


“S’alright, Cas it happeds.” Dean pats Castiel’s shoulder and rubs his own nose, sniffling. “This is sobe could you picked up. Feel fuckigg awful.”


“I ab sorry, Deand. It was dot by idtedtion.”


“Cas, you dod’t have to apologize. I’b just coblaiddigg that’s all.”




By the next day, the three are feeling better. Well, they feel less congested and well rested, at least.


“Listen, Bobby...hh-huhhUSSHH! huhUSSHHU!”


“What Sam’s trying to say is thanks. For everything.”


“Yes, Bobby, thank you.” Castiel bows his head.


“You boys don’t need to-”


Castiel snaps forward with a tissue squashed up under his nose. “huh-ksssh!”


“Bless you. -To thank me-”




“Goddammit, Sam. -To thank me for havin’ ya here. You know yer always welcome.” Bobby smiles.


Next, Dean takes his turn to sneeze, hunching over with the force and startling his brother with the loud sound. “huhhPTSSCHH! huhPTSSHHCHHH!”


“Jesus, Dean.”


“At least I waited until he was done.” Dean blows his nose.


“Alright, get outta my house now, ya idjits.” Bobby smiles. He watches the boys—his boys walk to the car. He knows he will see them again in no time, but he sure will miss ‘em anyway.

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Ooooh wow I loved that! Such sneezy boys and the congested spelling was AMAZING! 

I have a new phone and it's trying to quote the whole story instead of bits (not that I blame it because omg) but I really liked this 

And...😊 can I have more sneezy sam? Please ☺

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On 11/24/2018 at 7:47 AM, jensdw said:

You’re kidding,” Bobby grunts, phone up to his ear.

God, I’m already grinning like a maniac 😍😆

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On 11/24/2018 at 7:47 AM, jensdw said:

Bobby hears the sneeze through the door. That’s funny. Sounds like Dean’s sneeze... (don’t ask why he knows that).

😂😁😆☺️ agghhh

On 11/24/2018 at 7:47 AM, jensdw said:

Gesundheit,” Bobby offers.


Dean sniffles and nods, then wipes his nose on his sleeve like a child.


“Idjit,” Bobby amends, sighing. 


Figures. Guess it can’t get worse.




“Bless ya, Sammy.”


Oh for crying out loud.


Idjits.” Bobby rolls his eyes and heads for the supply cabinet.




huh-ksshuhh!” Castiel sneezes miserably into another tissue. His eyes are bloodshot and his nose is bright red and Bobby is a little concerned.


Though it was generous of the boys to give up the guest bed for the sick angel, Bobby would have preferred all three of the boys to be on the first floor, in one place, so he would not have to hobble up and down the stairs on his bum knee over and over again.




“Gesundheit.” Bobby replaces the box of Kleenex on the nightstand and offers his assistance to Castiel, who politely declines. Afterwards, he stands there awkwardly without a damn clue about why this is so awkward. He takes care of the Winchesters all the time and never gives much thought to it, but here he is staring at this sickly angel like a teenage girl with a crush. “Alright…call me if you need anything else.”




The boys all come back together for dinner, which, of course, is tomato rice soup. The boys are quiet and sniffly and looking at the soup like it committed some sort of crime. Well, except for Dean, who is already half way done.




“Bless you, Cas,” Sam says, eyeing his friend.


“Thank you, Sam. That was...uncomfortable.” Castiel stares down at his soup, a blue, fleece blanket around his shoulders.


“Looked like it,” Bobby says. “Maybe you boys should turn in early.”


“Turn in, as in, sleep? I do not sleep.” Castiel looks concerned.


“Well, I’m pretty sure angels don’t get sick either…” Dean scoops a final spoon of soup into his mouth.




“Bless ya, Sam.” Bobby pushes the box of tissues (which was originally placed near Castiel) closer to Sam, who grabs one and turns away to blow his nose.


 “You got any more soup, Bobby?” Dean holds out his bowl.




Sam and Dean fall asleep fairly quickly, Sam stationed on the floor and Dean piled under blankets on the couch. Dean, of course, had tried to force Sam into sleeping on the couch, though he knew it was too small for his sasquatch brother. Sam refused profusely  and both brothers fell asleep arguing about it. Then Bobby moved in with the blankets and quietly tucked his boys in.


Castiel on the other hand, was impossible to convince to go to sleep. After insisting for almost an hour that he does not sleep, Bobby got him to succumb to curling up in bed. The angel spent the night restlessly tossing and turning, sneezing and coughing, and at one point, falling off of the bed.


Awwwww my poor babiessss

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On 11/24/2018 at 7:47 AM, jensdw said:



“Bless you, dude. You soudd horrible.”


“Right back atcha, Sab. huhPTSSCHUU!”


“Bless again.”

I love this!😍

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On 11/24/2018 at 7:47 AM, jensdw said:

Thagks...huhhpTSSHH! PTSHCHHU! Ugh, christ.”


“What about the Lord, Dean?”


“What? Dothigg.”


“I see.” Castiel takes a tissue for himself, sort of getting the hang of covering his sneezes. “huh-KSSHU!”



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This was the best—scratch that— the BEST thing ever😍😍😍you fired on all levels and I couldn’t have asked for anything more!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!😆😆😆

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Oh this one was just delightful to read! I think that I’ve gone over it a few dozen times and each time I do I love it even more! I can’t wait for more than you write!

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On 11/26/2018 at 10:17 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

Oh this one was just delightful to read! I think that I’ve gone over it a few dozen times and each time I do I love it even more! I can’t wait for more than you write!

thank you so much! :) i’m glad ya liked it

On 11/25/2018 at 8:30 PM, castiel_angel said:

This was the best—scratch that— the BEST thing ever😍😍😍you fired on all levels and I couldn’t have asked for anything more!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!😆😆😆

:)) Im so happy that you liked it, lol I felt like I didn’t come out that well, but if you enjoyed it then my job is done ;) thank you so much for all the lovely comments! :heart:

On 11/25/2018 at 8:22 PM, castiel_angel said:

😂😁😆☺️ agghhh

Awwwww my poor babiessss

ikrrr ;) I would hug them if I could lol. (as always my quote butting is being annoying and only quoted these two comments but thank you so much for all of them!!) 

On 11/25/2018 at 3:59 PM, helyzelle said:

I always love your stories! Thanks for another one 💕

Thank you!! :heart:

On 11/24/2018 at 8:19 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Ooooh wow I loved that! Such sneezy boys and the congested spelling was AMAZING! 

I have a new phone and it's trying to quote the whole story instead of bits (not that I blame it because omg) but I really liked this 

And...😊 can I have more sneezy sam? Please ☺

Thank you! And yes, of course you can have more sneezy Sam! :) I know I write a lot of sneezy dean, but I also love sneezy sam, so when i get carried away, feel free to remind me that it’s sammys turn ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Sooo... @ReidSeeker, I’m really sorry that this took so long, I got busy and never got around to writing sneezy sam for you until...well, now... So, without further ado, 2 months late, sneezy Sammy! 


(pre-stanford era)

Sam sniffled, holding a tissue to his twitchy nose. Flipping to the next page in the book of lore, he scanned the words on the page. John had known he was sick. A month old baby could figure it out. He’d spent the whole night muffling coughs and sneezes into his pillow to avoid waking Dean and John, but he was pretty certain they had both woken up to the ruckus at some point. Still, despite his low-grade fever and Dean’s attempt to get John to let him rest, Sam had to research. None of them had any idea what they were after, only that it was killing people, which meant Sam had to figure out what the thing was.


This case, though, it would be his last. His first semester at Stanford was starting in only three weeks. He could squat in a house until the campus opened, or maybe get a job and a cheap apartment and live there for a while. Either way, it did not matter much, because Sam was getting out.


HuhhhESSHHHEWhhh!” As Sam sneezed, his shaggy hair fell in his face. He had not gotten it cut in a while, the three had been so busy that it completely slipped his mind. That was another thing he could plan to do after leaving. “HuhhhTSSHHHEWhhhh!...Ugh, God.” Sam went to his brother’s duffle in search for something better than the tissue he had, but he remembered that Dean had lost his bandana a few motels back. John had sliced open his hand on an empty soup can, believe it or not, and Dean had given him the cloth as a substitute for the bandages they had run out of. Maybe it was packed away in John’s duffle.


After rummaging through both bags, Sam had nothing. The bandana was gone, his tissue in the trash and the empty Kleenex box along with it. He wiped his nose on his sleeve, slamming the lore book closed on the wobbling table. He was sick of this life. “HehhTSSHHHEWhh! God dabb it!”


At the same time Sam hunched over coughing, Dean and John returned, both eyeing him from the doorway before Dean rushed over to help. “You okay, Sammy?”


Sam nodded as the fit slowed, finally able to take a breath.


“Did you find anything, Sam?” John seemed angry. Sam peaked back at Dean, who was clearly on edge about something as well.




John looked at the closed book, the untouched-looking book and turned back to Sam. “Did you even read the damn thing?”


“Yeah, I did. There’s dothig useful id there.”


“I think you mean, ‘yessir’.” John stepped closer to Sam.






“Sammy, maybe you should go take a cool shower, you feel pretty warm.” Dean grabbed his brother’s arm, but Sam shook off his grip.  


“I’b sick of your bullshit, Dad,” Sam spat. He moved closer to John.


“Watch it, Sam.”


“Watch it? What’re you godda do, hit be? Dothig that hasd’t beed done before.” Sam’s voice got louder.


“We have the same fight every night, Sam. I don’t care if you don’t agree with me. We have people to save. So suck it up.”


“I’b leaving.”


“Like hell you are! You can storm off after we finish this job.”


“Ndo, Dad. I’b goig to college, dot gettig fresh air. Dot cooling dowd. I’b leavig.”


John said nothing, both of his boys watching, waiting for him to explode. Dean bit the inside of his cheek. He had figured out that Sam was planning on going to college, but suddenly everything became so real.


“Fine. But don’t think that you can just come back. You walk out that door, you stay gone.”


Dean had tears in his eyes, and Sam thought that maybe he should have too, but in that moment, leaving his dad, leaving hunting, leaving everything behind, it felt damn good. So he walked right out the door, slamming it behind him.

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Oh my freaking goodness this was SO WORTH THE WAIT! PRE-SERIES?? Were you reading my mind?? I adore pre-stanford! And Stanford! Thank you soooooo much, I'm going to read this hundred more times. I shall be quoting soon. I LOVE IT

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11 hours ago, jensdw said:

(pre-stanford era)

So right away my eyes are [T___H___I___S] BIG cause I...um know this person...<.< >.>...that might scour google for pre-series especially  with a sickness spin and a rough-on-Sam John. So I'm already DELIGHTED 


11 hours ago, jensdw said:

John had known he was sick. A month old baby could figure it out. He’d spent the whole night muffling coughs and sneezes into his pillow to avoid waking Dean and John, but he was pretty certain they had both woken up to the ruckus at some point.

Poor little angel. So sick and just gets 'suck it up'

11 hours ago, jensdw said:

Still, despite his low-grade fever and Dean’s attempt to get John to let him rest, Sam had to research. 

Oh fever...one of my favorite things. I would like to sing you a ballad I so happy but that would be more like torture so...

11 hours ago, jensdw said:

None of them had any idea what they were after, only that it was killing people, which meant Sam had to figure out what the thing was.

I like that this is Sam's job.

11 hours ago, jensdw said:

This case, though, it would be his last. His first semester at Stanford was starting in only three weeks. He could squat in a house until the campus opened, or maybe get a job and a cheap apartment and live there for a while. Either way, it did not matter much, because Sam was getting out.

So my little heart is leaping around when I read this. This is RIGHT before Stanford and I am overjoyed. And YES little sick Sammy, try to get a job all sniffly or squat in a house with no blankets good luck angel baby

11 hours ago, jensdw said:

Did you find anything, Sam?” John seemed angry. Sam peaked back at Dean, who was clearly on edge about something as well.

Yup, just the John I knew would come (or hoped would. Cause I love Sam and I can love a caring John, but I NEED ANGST 😈)

11 hours ago, jensdw said:


Because congestion.  I. Freaking. Love. This.

11 hours ago, jensdw said:

Sammy, maybe you should go take a cool shower, you feel pretty warm.” Dean grabbed his brother’s arm, but Sam shook off his grip.  

Oh, sweetie, your fever makes you bold and it's scaring Dean

11 hours ago, jensdw said:

What’re you godda do, hit be? Dothig that hasd’t beed done before.” Sam’s voice got louder


11 hours ago, jensdw said:

Ndo, Dad. I’b goig to college, dot gettig fresh air. Dot cooling dowd. I’b leavig.”


John said nothing, both of his boys watching, waiting for him to explode. Dean bit the inside of his cheek. He had figured out that Sam was planning on going to college, but suddenly everything became so real.


“Fine. But don’t think that you can just come back. You walk out that door, you stay gone.”

Boom, there it is, bomb dropped, shocked Dean, cold John. Kills me. I love it.

11 hours ago, jensdw said:

This case, though, it would be his last. His first semester at Stanford was starting in only three weeks. He could squat in a house until the campus opened, or maybe get a job and a cheap apartment and live there for a while. Either way, it did not matter much, because Sam was getting out

But, Ms. Seeker, you may be thinking, you already quoted this paragraph.  Yes, yes, I did. But now *dramatic music* I throw my self at your feet and try my best at puppy eyes to beg of you, please, if you have it in you, pick one for Sammy and let me read it. Perhaps he gets a job cause they feel sorry for him? He doesn't cause they don't want the sick guy? He gets better before school starts or starts school at the Stanford health center? I don't know if you HAVE an idea or maybe had NO plan to add...

Anyway, thank you SO much, I absolutely adored and appreciated this. 


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22 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Oh my freaking goodness this was SO WORTH THE WAIT! PRE-SERIES?? Were you reading my mind?? I adore pre-stanford! And Stanford! Thank you soooooo much, I'm going to read this hundred more times. I shall be quoting soon. I LOVE IT

You have no idea how glad I am that this is what you wanted!!!

16 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

So right away my eyes are [T___H___I___S] BIG cause I...um know this person...<.< >.>...that might scour google for pre-series especially  with a sickness spin and a rough-on-Sam John. So I'm already DELIGHTED 

YAY! We have that in common. I adore pre-series angry john :p

16 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Poor little angel. So sick and just gets 'suck it up'

Oh fever...one of my favorite things. I would like to sing you a ballad I so happy but that would be more like torture so...

I like that this is Sam's job.

So my little heart is leaping around when I read this. This is RIGHT before Stanford and I am overjoyed. And YES little sick Sammy, try to get a job all sniffly or squat in a house with no blankets good luck angel baby

Yup, just the John I knew would come (or hoped would. Cause I love Sam and I can love a caring John, but I NEED ANGST 😈)

Because congestion.  I. Freaking. Love. This.

Oh, sweetie, your fever makes you bold and it's scaring Dean


Boom, there it is, bomb dropped, shocked Dean, cold John. Kills me. I love it.

Thank you so, so, so, so much for every single comment. I appreciate a ton. And I am over the moon to know that you like this. I didn’t think I did a good job with this(although I never think I did a good job lol) but seriously, you’re comments mean so much to me. I can’t thank you enough.

16 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

But, Ms. Seeker, you may be thinking, you already quoted this paragraph.  Yes, yes, I did. But now *dramatic music* I throw my self at your feet and try my best at puppy eyes to beg of you, please, if you have it in you, pick one for Sammy and let me read it. Perhaps he gets a job cause they feel sorry for him? He doesn't cause they don't want the sick guy? He gets better before school starts or starts school at the Stanford health center? I don't know if you HAVE an idea or maybe had NO plan to add...

Anyway, thank you SO much, I absolutely adored and appreciated this. 


I was actually thinking about continuing and I would love to add more!! Let me know if you have an idea you want me to write. Your wish is my command! Thanks again for being so sweet.  :heart:

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This one really tugged at my heartstrings. I love when Dean, Sam, and John are together and Dean is trying to stand up for Sam. Anyway, awesome story! So sweet!

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