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Warbler drabbles!


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Ok either I've missed Glee for ages or it hasn't started back in the UK because I didn't know who Hunter was (although Google told me he's been in episodes before season 4). Either way I LOVE THIS!!!!!! The whole situation is comical yet sexy!!! Thank you :D

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It took me forever to phrase this kinda right but I really really like the way each different character drabble you write has a different feel to it and I can sort of hear them in my head. :'D it's amazing how you got me so into the Warblers without my ever watching it. i mean I think the only thing I know knew about it was the infamous g(insert fingers here)ee symbol before this and I really like learning about the characters through your writing. 8'D And of course, the sneezing in this part heheh :D I have a second favorite now. For some reason, in my head Hunter is Haitian and he is very tall and has nice hair (I LOVE HAITIAN HAIR OHMAHGAWD) Also, my being American, I noticed nothing out of place with your military drill and I think it's safe to assume most of us reading this aren't military sergeants or anything LOL A wonderful addition to the Glee family 8D *applause*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you please make one with Kurt and Blaine cute caring, preferably one of them trying not to sneeze but the other one telling them its okay, tht it the cutest thing ever <3 I will love you for life if you do that :) love your writing you are the reason im into glee :3

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I've just got to say that I absolutely adore your drabbles! They are always so amazing... My particular favourites being Niff with Aussie!Jeff and your sick!Sebastian. Since the start of Season 3, I went off Glee completely, but it certainly didn't stop my love for our boys in red and navy. You're such a good writer, and I always get really excited when I see you've updated :D

If you ever feel like it, I think I'd keel over and die if you wrote Huntbastian. With Sebastian being allergic to Hunter's kitty. And this being used against him in arguments when Hunter just wants him to shut up xD If you don't dig the idea, don't worry about it! Just keep on being fantastic! :D

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Wow. Thank you guys!!!

I'm sorry I don't have an update for you today. I'm off to Queensland for a week... So prompts will be GREAT because I can try getting a couple written so that when I get back I can update for you :-) but thank you so much for the prompts and comments! And when I get back, I'll have stuff up shortly :-)

And apologies for not updating sooner. I've been busy over on FFnet... Falling in love with Hunter. I'm so mean...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just re-read like all of these and ughhhhhhhh I think I died and went to Heaven. So many sniffly/sneezy cute boys stretcher.gif WES!!!w00t.gifyay.gif I'm definitely looking forward to more...... Especially of Wes twisted.gif Hunter, Trent, or Jeff. I've been re-watching glee on netflix and Trent and Jeff are so adorable. So many cute Warblers!!! biggrin.pnghypocrite.gif Thanks for writing these! *waiting patiently*

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Oh, wow, you guys! Thanks for all the love!

So, Queensland was... epic. No whiplash, though it did include 15 seconds of not breathing (did I mention I hate waterslides?!) and going from 0-100km/s in 2 seconds. Makes a plane taking off seem tame :P

But I'm back!

g123: Hunter is new this season... I think he's finally made it to Aussie shores... not that I really care *le sigh* but, HOMG. I have plans for him. And, he's definitely going to get sick. A lot. And I may as well throw some allergies in for the hell of it :P I can't say I've seen him before season 4 though.

Emily: Thank you! The Haitian makes me laugh - I think I mentioned the actor is European (Gerard. Seriously :P ) but, he is tall and hair ZOMG :P So I'll leave you be with your images. But, thank you so much for the comment, it really means a lot to me... and hopefully they stay a little different each time? :-)

Sneezelover123: Duly noted. I'm working basically full-time at the moment, so it may be a little while - but I'll definitely try to get round to it! And thank you so much for the comment! Are you enjoying Glee?

blameitonthe...: Thank you! I'm such a sucker for the red and navy too - though, down here, we have a school with a virtually identical uniform, which never fails to get to me... I'll definitely give the Huntbastian a trial (I'm writing a story with them being roommates, so I won't need to alter it too much, I'd imagine :-) Hopefully, this drabble will do in the meantime though?

Zane: hehehehe thank you :-) They really are adorable... Especially Trent. Damn kid needs to sing more! And duet with Jeff. HOMG. But, yes. Also... I don't know if you have access or not, *but* this upcoming drabble was originally... bordering on smut. So it's posted over on the adult board, if you want to check it out.

And repeating, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who sometimes skips over the replying to messages bits - the upcoming drabble... when I first wrote it... was bordering on smut. Or is, depending on your definition, but I don't think I have quite the talent to deem it smut. That being said, it is up over on the adult board, if any of you want to check it out. And I rewrote this one to be more... suitable... So I hope this is okay too :-)

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Actually, I'm honestly not sure which version I prefer more... So you're not really missing out on much, precious under-18's :P

Oh! And and and and massive update (because I'm still super-excited) - I got my licence! Well, technically, I got my green P's, so there are some restrictions, but it means I get to solo drive and do everything apart from drink-and-drive (which I'd never do anyway) and carry trailers or drive a turbo-charged vehicle. It's amazing! And, Telly (my baby) is finally getting some work. :D

Okay. Now onwards. :D

Prompt: Tactile

Characters: Wes, Santana

He supposed it all started one morning, when Wes rolled away from Santana, sheets whispering against his skin, and sneezed gently, quietly, into his cupped hands.

“Bless you,” she mumbled, an arm reaching blindly to cup his jaw. “You okay?”

She was still half-asleep. He was barely awake… It was six in the morning. But he smiled as he sniffed once, rubbing his forehead. “I sneezed. It happens.”

“Yeah, but you don’t just sn-sn-sneeze,” she yawned. “It’s always allergies or cold or somethin’. And you never sneeze just once.”

Wes wanted to protest… but an uncontrollable urge had lit itself in his nose, fuelling itself on the words he was no longer able to utter.

“Bless you in advance,” she said, rolling onto an arm to look at him.

Heh’kishh! Heh’kishh! Heht’shh’oo!

“Told you so.”

Wes sniffed again, rubbing his nose with the palm of his hand as he rolled back over to her, to her warm dark eyes, to the soft waves of hair cascading over her tanned arms… “Sorry for waking you.”

“Oh, trust me, sneezy, I can think of much worse things to wake up to in the morning.” She grabbed her hair, pulled it out of her way, and leant down, kissing his lips. God, she tasted good. Even first thing in the morning. It was just… her and her alone.

“What do you mean by that?”

He had to bite a laugh as her cheeks tinted ever so slightly, and rather uncharacteristically, more pink. “Well, you know, snot’s easier to clean than vomit.”

He pulled away. “Whoa, turn off.”

“And your sneezes are actually pretty cute.”

She leant in again, but he tilted his head back to look at her quizzically. “You like when I sneeze?”

She smiled, shaking her head. “Well, yeah, maybe I do. So what of it?”

“That’s adorable,” he told her, leaning in to kiss her forehead… but he only got halfway. “Heh’kishh-kishh’oo!

“Bless you.”

She rolled over, rustled in the drawers… then came back with a handful of tissues.

“So what is it today?”

Wes shrugged as he blew his nose. “Probably just the morning. It doesn’t take much to set me off – you know that.”

She blushed again under her dark eyes. “Can we… Can I…”

“You want to see?”

She nodded.

“Ugh. It still itches.” He rubbed his nose against her bare arm, the skin silky smooth. “Sure, why not?”

“You sure?”

“I’m gonna… heh’kishh!... gonna sneeze anyway. You may as well have some fun at the same time.”

“Okay.” Santana glanced around the bed, before pulling out a loose feather from her pillow. “Can I use this?”

Wes eyed the feather, cringing… but nodded.

Santana shuffled closer… She brought the feather up to his nose, just brushing gently over the very tip… and his nostrils began to flare. Then, she began tracing, like an artist, down around the rim of his vestibule, inserting it ever so cautiously into his nose.

Wes moaned.

Then, she hit mucosa, and he was done for, even without twisting and twirling.

Heh’kishh! Heh… heh’kishh’oo! Heh’kishh’oo! Heh’IESHH’UH!

“Bless you,” she whispered, pulling the feather out and handing him another tissue instead. “What else?”

“I’m allergic to ragweed… dust… pine…” He said, a little warily.

Santana grinned. She swiped a finger along the globe of her lamp, collecting up tiny bits of dust. Then, gently, she blew them towards his face.

“Crap, Santana!” His breath began hitching desperately as he felt the tiny molecules hit his face, and the histamines fly straight to his sinuses. “I… need… Damn, I’m all… aler… heh… allergic! Heh’ishh’oo! Heh’kishh’oo! Heh… heh… heh’knxt! Heh’knxt! Heh… ha… ha… IIESHH’oo!

“Bless you!”

But he wasn’t quite finished, as the flame relit itself. “Heht-chOO! Heh’kishh! Heh’kishh’oo-k’ishh’oo!


YISH’umpf!” He sniffed cautiously, then nodded.

“You really are sneezy…” She said, still with the hint of a blush.

Wes couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure am. Only when something sets me off though,” he said, half-teasingly, praying she wouldn’t take him up on that invitation.

She didn’t. Instead, she brought him more tissues, before leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure?”

She giggled… then sighed happily. “You’re awesome, you know that?”

“Well, I’d have to be, to score someone as amazing and beautiful as yourself in my arms.”

Santana batted her long eyelashes… then brought herself down again, giving Wes a butterfly kiss… right under his still-twitching nose.


“Good god, you’re sensitive!”

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YAY Westana!! You have no idea how much I needed that. Your story totally cheered me up a little after a really sad day. Thank you so much for another amazing Wes story. On another note yes I do have access to the adult form and I agree, Trent is a total cutie and he totally does need to sing more. :) Need more Wes and Trent fics!!! :drool:

On a completely random note: I watched a couple episodes yesterday and I didn't even notice (till yesterday) that the actor who plays Trent is an extra in a couple episodes at McKinley High School........ Maybe Trent has a twin? or was spying on ND? :laugh: jk.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, hi, guys!

So... it's taken me long enough to write this. I better update before I, yet again, run away to work.

For blameitonthe..., who wanted some Huntbastian... Hope it's okay! Little bit of a language-warning... both boys like to swear a little...

greetingsfromboston: Oh, I'm pretty sure I can manage some more of that! He's pretty... uh... yeah. Oh, Wessy.

Zane: Hahahahaaha yes. OMG. My friend has written that his twin, Scotty, goes to McKinley... and his interaction with Kurt is just amazing. I do quite like that headcanon... But Trent is just such a darling. I love him so much. He needs more stories... And Wes can always do with more!!!

queenie: Um... okay? Okay.

Emily: Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy (belated) New Year to you too! And, I think we'd all like to be Santana... Just a little... :P

Okay. Onwards!

Prompt: Journey

Characters: Hunter, Sebastian

“I hate you. You realise this, right?”

Hunter grinned, grabbing Seb’s hands and pinning them to the bed. “No, you don’t. You love me. Don’t lie.”

“My nose is killing me,” he whined, trying so hard… and failing miserably… to wipe his runny nose on Hunter’s sleeve… or any part of him, really, just to get him to let go. “Can I at least have a tissue?”

Hunter had pulled a face at the bodily fluids, but refused to lessen his grip… Whether that be the inbuilt Clarington stubbornness or just the military-induced inability to relinquish a captive, he had no idea. “No.”

“I have to sneeze…”

“I bet you do,” the corporal teased, hovering just over his boyfriend’s mouth.

“That fucking cat.”

“Don’t talk about Mr Pussy that way!”

“Hunt – “

“He’s beautiful!”

“Please – “

“And so intelligent.”


“What?” He stopped speaking at the pitiful cry… Seb’s eyes were struggling to focus on him, his forehead creased into this adorable little frown (the one usually reserved for mornings before he’d put on his contacts or glasses), his mouth gaping open, but definitely not to invite a tongue or… other… at this point in time.

Heh… please… ti… tihhhh… tissue? Hehhhh…”

“Oh, God.” Hunter rolled his eyes as he finally let go, plucking out a few tissues and placing them in Sebastian’s fingers. Seb had sat up a little, hands cupped together to form a right angle and hovering in front of his mouth… His eyes watered and his breath hitched into a final gasp…

Heh-ish! Ish, ish! Ish-ish-ISH! Heh… Heh… Heh-ITCH’oo!

“Bless you.”

Heh’ish’oo! Heh’ish’oo!

“Bless you.”


“Okay, I think you’ve proven your point now.”

Sebastian sniffed before falling back onto the bed with a groan. “Fucking cat.”

“I’d rather not be, if it’s all the same to you.”

“You and your fucking participles. We aren’t in Latin, Hunter!”

Hunter managed to assemble a semi-annoyed look on his face. “Not being in Latin is no reason to not speak in proper English.”

“Says he, the master of double negatives,” Sebastian grumbled with a sniff.

“Do I need to fetch the cat again?” His tone was light, a grin catching on his lips, but his eyes were dark, hungry. He bent back down, pinning his boyfriend yet again. “Or do I have enough fur left on my blazer?”

Sebastian whined.

“Oh, I’m not that bad, am I?” The smirk still played across his face, while Sebastian struggled pathetically under him. He hadn’t said it yet… their word…

“Please… Let me go…”

“No.” He leant down, all the way this time, stopping a mere inch away from Sebastian’s face, his mouth brushing against his ear. “You were insubordinate. You talked back. And you know how I feel about this.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I bet you are.” He turned his head, lips whispering against his neck, his jaw, before connecting with Sebastian’s own. “But, you were wrong.”

“I must be punished.”

“That’s right.” Their lips met one final time before he pulled away, pushed his arm back up to rest on Sebastian’s chest…. His very cat-tainted arm…


But that was all Sebastian could get out, as his face promptly turned red and he struggled not to give in to his crazy cat allergies. Through his shirt, Hunter could feel his chest swelling and all the muscles tightening as he sucked in air… and then begin jolting, spasming, under the force required to expel the allergen.

Heh’ish’ish’ish’ish-ISH! Heh-ish’oo! Heh’hishoo!

Hunter sat up, wiping a hand across Seb’s forehead. But his boyfriend was still stuck, his upper body raised slightly off the bed and snapping further upward with each sneeze.

Heh’ish! Heh’sih-heh’ish! Heh… heh… hhhhYESHHH’umpf!

“You done?”

Sebastian sniffed cautiously. “Yeah, think so.”

Hunter passed him another set of tissues. “Ready to stop arguing?”


“Then, come on. Up you get.” And back to his gentler side. Hunter threw off his blazer before sliding an arm underneath Sebastian, supporting his head as he helped him sit back up and collapse into his arms. “Now, what were we saying?”

“Regionals,” Seb whispered, nuzzling into the warm pillow of a chest. “Heh’k’iesh’oo!

“Bless.” Hunter wrapped his legs up and over Sebastian’s lap, drawing him in tightly. Possessively.

“We could still do Journey…”

Hunter groaned. “Against New Directions.”

“They haven’t performed Separate Ways in competitive capacity.”

“They invented the abuse of epic rock.”

“But – “

Hunter squeezed him, playing with his ear. “What did I say?”

The words this time were very low, dangerous… He usually only saved them for cadets mucking around on parade. Sebastian shivered. “No Journey.”

“Thank you.”

“And no Cats. Please.”

Hunter couldn’t help but grin as he rubbed Sebastian’s head. “Alright. No Cats.”

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Yay, you're back!! I love cat allergies. Ooh , Blaine or Wes with cat allergies?! That would be nice! Maybe far-fetched, but nice! Anyway! I adored this! Thank you for writing! I'm never disappointed!

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Dear Huntbastian Lord Almighty.. Also Westana Lord but, im on this huge Huntbastian kick right now. :laugh: Like, Hunters nose.. That nose is just begging to be tortured. Anyway! These were so amazingly cute, and so in character. Poor Sebastian.. ;) Can't wait for more!

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Haha that was so amazing! I love your stories! And do i even have to say that i'm looking forward to more? anyway.....I went back a couple days ago and re-read like all of them, and I totally went into total fan-girl mode. Lol. Sebastian and Hunter..... Together? ..:drool: so hope there's more Wes ones and I agree with Grey On a Sunday, hunter definitely needs to be tortured. :twisted: and i just looked and we sooooooo need some more sneezy Trent fics. Pretty please? :innocent: Your friend wrote a fic about Trent's twin? :jawdrop: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! :boom::dead: "Sorry Zane is no longer available at the moment please leave a message after the beep......... BEEEEEEEEPP!"

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Wow! ANd he didn't even bust out the safeword. But you know you'll have to write it for us... eventually...

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Okay so I had to take a minute and half break to experiment with my hands to figure out how to make a right angle with it until I realized it was a clever way to say "tent" and I'll just stand in my dunce corner now. After fangirling over Hunter and cat-hating Sebs. >:D

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NO. OMG. JUST, FLIP ME. SEBASTIAN AND HUNTER?? That was perfect!! Thank you so much! Off to re-read now!! w00t.gif I also agree, Hunter needs a taste of his own medicine twisted1.gif

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Steph *W#($Y@%Y&P%Y I AM GOING TO HUG YOU IF I EVER SEE YOU!!! BUT I CAN STILL LOVE ON YOUR VIRTUALLY!!! *Glomps you* O dear god woman you have immense talent and I love you for it. @_@_@ It is now immensely hard to separate my headcanon from yours. Justine and I were actually talking about that the other day. GAH! @_@_@ Haha. But dear lord woman. And I'm off to go give you love on ff with reviews. But..please more of these lovelies. @_@_@ MORE HUNTER! And Seb. But not Huntbastian unless it's non-romantic. =P I'm not entirely sure they'd be healthy in a relationship together if Hunter even did swing that way =P Though again, I believe the Warblers will make him SURE of how he feels, as sure as any hser can be. XD ;)

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I must say, I've read every single one of these drabbles and they are absolutely to die for. I love them!

Keep up the good work, love! You're such a good writer :)

Oh, and Huntbastian is legit one of my OTPs at the moment, and I was on a major kick basically all of this week. That drabble in particular was my favourite. Darling, it was basically red hot. Love it! x

(By the way, sorry if that sounded a bit strange in any way. I'm a tad new at this whole 'reviewing' malarky xD)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh, I just saw that you put Hunter on the Warbler Wagon. This is exciting!

Can't wait for him to get sick and maybe some TLC from Seb :-) Yum!

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